Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Smart Phones in the Classrooms

The Idaho Statesman published an article last week about the change in policy in the Meridian School District concerning the use of cell phones and smart phones during school hours.  While it is still left to the discretion of the teacher during class, students are allowed to use their phones in the hallways and common areas.  After years of trying to stop their use, the school district realized the ongoing disciplinary problems they were having with no clear solution.  Instead of trying to limit their use, they are choosing to embrace it.

Teachers are given the final say as to what and when the devices are used during class.  While no teachers are allowing texting or calls during class, many have decided to leverage the technology and incorporate the use in the curriculum.  For example students take pictures of chemistry experiments to use in Power Point presentations, they are able to use the calculator function for algebra or calculus, and translate foreign languages using the Google translator. 

What do you think of the new policy in Meridian?  How do you think it would be possible to incorporate smart phone technology in the classroom?  What problems would teachers and students need to overcome?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Black History Month - 2012

Since 1976, the United States and Canada have recognized February as Black History Month.  The idea to dedicate time to the contributions of African Americans was originated in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson.   His vision was to increase the awareness of people and communities to the significant additions African Americans have made to the overall history of the United States. 

His vision has grown since 1926 to include an entire month where elementary, junior high and high school students take time to learn about notable figures and accomplishments of African Americans.

Black History Month’s annual celebration has come with its fair share of criticism.  From questioning the need to dedicate an entire month to a single race to complaints about the month chosen being the shortest month of the year, the opinions are as varied as they can be outlandish.

Regardless, the idea to educate ourselves about the historical influence countless African Americans have had on our country and communities is with merit.  It is a time to dig past the dates and names to attempt to put you in the shoes of race of people who have struggled to gain an equal footing in the United States. 

Without Black History Month we may be familiar but not as cognizant of the incredible feats of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, or Maya Angelou.  The contributions African Americans have made to the fabric of the United States are without question. 

Throughout the history of the United States which African Americans have inspired you and why?  The person you choose can be as recent as Tiger Woods or as old as Frederick Douglas.  They person can be real or fictional.  Which stories resonate with you?  For example, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, or Ruby Bridges.