Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Harry Potter Release

This week Part I of the seventh and last Harry Potter film is set to release on Friday.  This is the beginning of the end of the tale which has captured the hearts and minds of readers across the world.  The Harry Potter series was written by J.K. Rowling.  The first book was released June 30, 1997.  Since then more than 400 million books in the series have been sold.  The last four books set records for the fastest selling book in history.

Since the first release and their immense popularity, the books, movies and characters have become a part of our culture.  Whether or not you enjoy the story of Harry Potter, it is difficult to deny the impact it has had on our lives.  Many attribute the series with bringing young readers back to books.  It would not be a stretch to state the success of Harry Potter has inspired further young reader book series such as Stephanie Meyers’ Twilight series, Rich Riordan’s Percy Jackson series and the resurgence of C.S. Lewis’ books of Narnia. 

Have you read the Harry Potter books, seen the movies or both?  Do you plan on seeing the Deadly Hallows Part I? What type of books do you enjoy reading and why?  What impact has Harry Potter had on our culture?


  1. Peyton aka Whitey-i think they are neat.

  2. Noah R-I have read at least one of the Harry Potter books before when I was five. I thought it was rather dark and decided to set it down for the while. However, my friends Madeline ands Nora enjoy the books, so I'm going to try again. I've also seen a few of the movies, and I liked them. Anyway, a survey was done a few years back on children to see who was the most important person in their lives. Harry Potter was 17th, a place in front of God.
    The genre of books I read range from the Civil War to the Percy Jackson series. I'm not what you would call a picky reader.

  3. Megan- I have read both the books and seen the movie multiple times. Of course I am going to see the Deathly Hallows part 1! I am super excited to see the movie. I enjoy reading fiction and fantasy, I really don't know why.

  4. Peyton aka Whitey- Yes. Yes. Sports books because they spark my interest and entertain me. They inspired other writers to write books and got the young people to be interested in reading again.

  5. Francesca- The furthest I have gone to reading the Harry Potter series is a page and a half. I don't really prefer reading them but everybody sais there amazing. I have seen the movies but not all of them and I don't really plan on seeing the new Harry Potter movie. I enjoy reading fiction and fantasy. Everybody I know loves the reading Harry Potter and thats pretty much what all these little kids are talking about.

  6. Gonzo- I, have been fortunate enough to both see all of the movies so far and have been able to read all of the books. I am going to go to see Deathly Hallows part 1 because I really want to finish the rest of the astounding saga. I would have to say that my favorite type of book is fantasy and fiction. I love reading these types of books because they really make you image about the impossible. Also, they inspire you to come up with absolutely awesome stories. Finally, they are just so creative and most of the time it is hard to know where the story ends which makes reading it all the better.

  7. Gonzo- To add to my last comment, I think that Harry Potter has drastically effected our culture. I feel that quite a few more younger kids are starting to read because of the movies. These young kids and their imaginations will one day fuel the next generation of amazing books. Also, these kids and their imaginations will one day fuel all of the new movies, tv shows, and video games. Also, they will learn life long lessons from reading books, whether they are fiction or non-fiction.

  8. Noah R- And to answer if I want to see the movie, I most certainly do. I have to agree with your preferences, Sam. ^_^

  9. Madeline- I think the Harry Potter books/movies are awesome! I'm currently re-reading the series for the 10th time, and I've seen the moives too many times to count. Naturally, I'm going to see the new movie. I just hope they don't veer too far from the book!

  10. Noah R- Yeah, it seems a lot of movies recently have been absolutely BUTCHERED. Examples- The Last Airbender, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, etc.

  11. Madeline- In addition to my last comment, I prefer fiction books to non-fiction. I love the way authors can just create a whole other world! However, that being said, I will happily read just about any book. Harry Potter has most certinaly affected our culture. People are willing to line up outside of theaters hours before the big premire. That takes some dedication. Harry is a person most everyone can recognize.

  12. True, and that's the great thing about books and movies. If the author is skilled, you will be able to relate to and sympathize with the characters.

  13. Kristen- I've read the first 6 books and seen the first 6 movies. I'm going to see the movie this weekend. I love to read all fantasy and adventure books. I love Twilight, Percy Jackson, an lots of others. I think Harry Potter has impacted are culture by bringing kids back to reading. And they make you imagine stuff.

  14. Noah R- Kids actually read Harry Potter. And that could be, besides the entertainment Kristen, the greatest thing about these books.

  15. Richard- I have only read the first book, but I have seen all the movies so far. I do plan on seeing Deathly Hallows Part 1. I like sports books and action/adventure books. I like sports book because I am a huge sports fan and I like action/adventure books because most of them keep me interested in the book. Harry Potter has impacted our culture because it got kids back into reading and started other books sort of like it such as the Twilight series.

  16. Jilly - I have read all of the Harry Potter books and I am re-reading them because I liked them so much. My whole family likes Harry Potter and we have seen the movies many times. I plan on seeing Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 sometime, I'm not sure when though. I enjoy reading all kinds of books. I really like fantasy because the author can create a new world and say pretty much anything and it can happen. Harry Potter has had a very large impact on the world because children and adults everywhere read them and it has really gotten a lot more kids reading. I agree with you Mr. Grant in the fact that it has inspired other writers like Rick Riordan and Stephanie Meyers.

  17. Abhi aka The Indian- I have not read any Harry Potter books yet, but I have seen some movies. I plan on seeing Deathly Hallows Part 1. The way Harry Potter has impacted our culture is that more kids read. The books that I like to read are action/adventure and some mysteries because in these books I stay interested about what will happen next.

  18. Jilly -I also think that has inspired kids to be more creative and imaginative in the things they do.

  19. Bailey- I have not seen the movies or read the books. I do not plan on seeing that movie. I like reading sports books and books like the Hunger Games. I like the sports books cause i can learn from them when i play sports. I like adventure books like Hunger Games because they have lots of action. I think that JK Rowling inspired alot of kids to start reading.

  20. Kobe- The only Harry Potter book i read was the first one. And i have to admit i wasn't really impressed. I found my self bored and forcing my self to get through the rest of the book. However i have seen the movies. And i have to admit I did like the newer movies to the series because they seemed more grown up. I do plan on seeing the Deadly Hallows, but I don't think you'll see me dressing up going to a midnight premiere! I love fantasy books such as Percy Jackson. And who knows maybe I should give Harry Potter another go I was 7 when i tried reading it for the first time. And Last I do think Harry Potter has influenced our society. It has inspired authors to right more books in that genre and many of those books are my favorites.

  21. Aaron aka(Miget) I have read 2 of the Harry Potter books and seen some movie. I think it has impacted the reading population and has encourged more people and kids to read. It has impacted the culture with more creative books. I don't plan attending the movie because I'm not really in to the movies or books anymore. I think all the books are the same and Harry will defeat he who most not be named. I like history books and boigraphys better. Peyton love the nickname.

  22. jared aka cool kid- ive only read one of the hary potter books and it was ok but im not into all that mystical magic stuff. ive seen all of them except one(movie). i dont plan on seeing the new one. i read mysterys. harry potter inspires many writers

  23. Patrick O'N. When I was little, my dad read me some of the books, though i rarly paid attention. The first time i saw one of the movies was with my aunt. It was the one with the giant snake. Then i watched themm all expet some of the newer ones. I think they may have overdone some of them but this is newest one is a little to long for 2 parts.

  24. Conner A.K.A. Chocolate Thunda! -yes... i have read all of the Harry Potter books as a child and also have seen all of the movies. i admit i think the books and the movies are pretty entertaining and i enjoy them. i do plan on seeing the seventh harry potter some time in the future. i personally enjoy the books a little better than the movies but that could be just me. the books that i enjoy reading can be basically anything that has action or makes you think. since harry potter has both of those things, that is why i read the books and watch the movies. anything from sport books to war books will do just fine for me. this is chocolate thunda over and out for the week!!

  25. Forgot to answer the rest of the questions. Harry potter has had an effect on our culture by bringing more kids into reading books. I personaly enjoy fantasy books and i do not plan to see the new movie. Patrick O'N

  26. Sam Mallane aka Italian Stalian- I personaly have never read od watched a harry potter movie. I strongly dislike harry potter, but hermonie is very good looking. i do not plan to go and see the harry potter movie..........the books that intrest me r war books

  27. =)I have not read any of the harry potter books. I dont plan on doing it anytime soon tho... Im went to the midnight realease last night!!!! I enjoy reading mystery books. Harry potter has no direct influence on todays culture noahg

  28. SQUIRREL[will]- I have not read the Harry Potter books before and don't plan on doing it. I have seen one of the movies and don't know which one it is. I might go see the new one it doesn't look bad. Harry Potter I think has a big effect on are culture because a lot of kids are now reading.
    Love, WILL

  29. hello this is chocolate thunda! again and i forgot to answer one of the questions so here it goes... i think that harry potter has had a pretty big impact on other writers around the U.S.it has inspired people like the girl who wrote the twilight saga and other books that have mythical things in them. overall i think it has had a powerful positive impact. to all of the harry potter haters out there i want to say something to you... but i can't so good day chocolate thunda signing out for the week

  30. Denzel Washington(Scott) I have read all the Harry Potter books and love them. AND yes I am definitely going to see the Seventh Harry Potter As Soon As Possible.I like reading war and action books.Harry Potter has had a great impact on our society. You can see it everywhere. In books and in movies. One great impact is around whenever Halloween comes around you can bet that there will be dozens of kids in your neighborhood with little Harry Potter costumes on.

  31. Noah R- Wow guys, nice nicknames. 30 comments? Whoo! Of course, half of them are mine...

  32. Anna K- I have read all of the Harry potter books and I loooovvved them. I have seen all of the movies but sometimes preferred the book to the movie. I plan on seeing the new movie as soon as I can. I love reading mystery and fantasy. And yes I think the books have impacted our culture. Lots of kids love reading Harry Potter and probably read more becuase of them.

  33. Taylor- I have not read any of the books and is not planning to, but I have see all the movies and is planning to see the next one.I enjoy reading mysteries and other thriller books. The Harry Potter series, I think,has made an impact on this culure because kids around the world have read this book and have contiued reading sice. It also probably inspired many authors to write series instead of just one book.

  34. ~Jenna~ I have read about half of the first book and I am working on reading the second because i kinda just stopped reading the first......... I have seen ALL of the movies and I am going to see the next one this weekend!! BOOYAHH!! I like to read books that keep me guessing because I don't like to know what is going to happen right off of the bat. I think the harry Potter series has impacted our culture because most of the people i know are crazay about the books and the premiere was sold out!!!! It inspires other readers to make an interesting series with all different turns and twists throughout the book.

  35. Madeline- I recently saw the new movie, and it was excellent! I was very happy with how closely they stuck with the book. Very detailed. In a word: awesome.

  36. Kristen : in addition to my last comment I just wanted to say that Harry potter has inspired people to make a Harry potter theme park in Orlando.

  37. Abby Neef- i have read all of the books other then the last one, and have seen all of the movies. i dont care for them so i am not to excited for this one. i think that it has effected our culture but opening up the doors of magic and making a path way for other books like it.

  38. Karina- I have also read the books...i got bored on the third book so i didn't read the whole thing. I think the movies are pretty good and yes, I am planning on seing the Deathly Hallows. It looks good. I do think Harry Potter has influenced our society because many kids have read these books and this series has inspired other authors to write more books of this genre.

  39. Tim : Yes I have seen the movies and read all the books like a couple of years ago. They were pretty good and as the series moved along the books and movies got a a lot better. Yes I do plan on seeing the Deathly Hallows Part 1 sometime in the next couple months, or just wait to rent it. I enjoy reading action packed books with torture, violence, and all that great stuff! I think that the Harry Potter books affected our culture by breaking the ice with mysterious creatures and things that would never really happen in real life. Which in my opinion inspired the books like twilight and those other books that sound horrible and not even worth seeing their movies.

  40. Patrick- Yes i have seen both the movies and read all the books. Yes i do intend on seeing the first part of the seventh movie. I love to read many types of books. Mainly fantasy, mystery, and science fiction because I like made up stories. Harry Potter has had an effect on our culture because J.K Rowling has inspired many writers such as Rick Riordan and most of his books, Cornelia Funke and her Inkheart Series and even one of our writers in Idaho. Her name is Laura Bingham and her book Alvor.

  41. Je'an aka Freelance Pianist - Well, since everybody made up some random cool nickname I guess I should too. Anyways, I have had the wonderful experience of reading all of the Harry Potter books as well as watching all of the movies (having watched Deathly Hallows last Friday) and I find all of them to be awesome. I love reading fantasy books and rarely do I read anything else. The reason is that I find fantasy books to be very liberating when it comes to the sometimes stressful realism of life and it's nice to find periodic solace in a good book filled with wizards, dragons, mystical creatures, etc. In regards to the impact Harry Potter has on our culture, there is much that can be said. Many fanatical religions find Harry Potter to be an 'enemy of god' because they find the usage of magic, fantasy or otherwise, to be insulting and as a result forbid their families, including their children, from any contact of literature or media of the sort. On the positive side, Harry Potter as a series showed us a unique situation of magic existing in a modern environment giving inspiration to books such as Percy Jackson, Twilight, the Heir Series, and so on as well as having a more physical impact such as fan clubs and attractions in several amusement parks.

  42. David- I have never read the books but i have seen the movies. I do plan on seeing the Deathly Hallows but i dont think i will ever read the books. I read fictional books because non- fictional books are pretty slow even though they help fill our knowledge. One impact it has had on our culture is that it has given something for people in our culture to look forward to.

  43. Anna M. I have sceen all of the movies and liked them alot,but have never read any of the books. I plan on seeing the "Deathly Hallows".I enjoy reading non-fiction books.I think Harry Potter, impacts our community because many kids and audults read the books and see the movies.

  44. John- I've only seen some of the movies, and I don't know if I'm going to see this one. I usually enjoy mysteries, preferably thrillers. I think Harry Potter has been a culture shock to the wizard world for sure. I remember having a Harry Potter obsessive fan when I lived in Billings, Montana. He took me to a "Harry Potter Party.", at the Book store. I'm sure if Harry Potter never existed, there wouldn't be nearly as many Fantasy/Wizardry fans out there.

  45. Garren- I have read all of the books and seen all of the movies that came out. I saw the movie this saturday and it was great. I enjoy reading mystery novels along with suspence. I think that the Harry Potter series has inspired others to write a series of books throughout the ages.

  46. Parker- I read the the books, they were good. I have seen the movies, I mite see the new movie I don't know yet. I don't care for a pacific type of book. I think that it has inspired many author's to turn there book into movie's, such as The Lightning Thief, The Twilite series, and The Narnia series.

  47. braedy- well as you know or now will know that i am not the biggest fan about reading. i have read about o say 50 pages of Harry potter but i have seen all of them but the last one about 30 times. it has no impact on me because nothing today can relate to people using spells on other people. but harry potter rocks peace out boobawafficast is going to be my new nickname thing ok... ok...
    thank you

  48. Jake-I think all of the Harry Potter movies are very good and I just saw the deathly hallows part 1.( lots of info in it :/) .although I have only made it through about one page total of all of the books. Tha movies and books have had a huge impact on our civilization in many ways. I usually read sports books and many action/adventure books.$):()$-

  49. boobawafficist- i will see the new movie soon but right now i am waiting for the movie theaters to die down

  50. Emily T.- Yes I have read the book and seen the movies, accept the 7th(Which I hope to see soon!)Ienjoy reading any kind of books as long as they are entertaining,so yes I do like the Harry Potter series,and they have inspired other writers and also have pushed kids to read way more.
    -Emily T-

  51. Halfpipe here (Ben Shalz)- No I have not read the books or even touched one. I don't really plan to. And I have only seen the first movie and part of the second or third, I don't remember which. No I don't plan on seeing the Deathly Hallows. I think that Harry Potter has had a very big impact on our civilization (especially costume parties and movie marathons) I bet half of the population of the earth has read Harry Potter or watched the movies. I like to read sports books and action and adventure books because they usualy start out interesting and I dont have to read 100 pages before it gets good. But i would have to say my favorite book is , "My Antonia" great book!

  52. Emma- I have only read the first book and I didnt really like it that much. I think I've only seen one movie. I will probally eventually see the movie. I like mystery books because I like predicting whats going to happen in the end of the book. I think Harry Potter has had a huge inpact on our culture. It had influenced so many writters to publish a series.

  53. Alice- Okay i only seen the movies and read the first book. I thought the movies are pretty neat and hope soon to be able to see Harry Potter7. The books I like reading are anything that would fascinate me which is everything but politics. The influences has cause little kids to believe in magic and take it for real. Also to make other people to write and publish.

  54. Joseph-aka Jethro- i have read all the books and seen almost all the movies, but some were not all that good i dont remember. i haven't really thought about the movie at all so i don't know, maybe. i read almost any book, as long as its good or gets better later. the series have impacted a lot of people to also write books and to write other storys even though some aren't all that good, or the movies from the other books.

  55. Mary-I bought the deathly hallows book about 4 years ago and i read maybe the first 2 pages and they didnt make any sense to me because i haven't read the other 6 books. And i dont think I intend to either. I've seen all the movies and I want to see the new movie but I'm just not a book person.

  56. Emily B. - I have not read any of the Harry Potter books but I have seen a few of the movies. I don't plan on seeing the next movie but I'll probably end of seeing it anyway. I'll read any type of book that looks interesting to me. Most kids have seen the Harry Potter movies and they end up reading the books. The writing series has influenced many writers to write a series of their own hoping to be sucessful as J.K. Rowling.

  57. Ben R.-
    I have read almost all of the Harry Potter books. Yes I have seen the movies and i saw the 7th book when it came out. I enjoy reading fiction books like Harry Potter because they make me think a lot and I enjoy reading about things that are fake. I think that it has made a large impact on people and has caused some people to read more.

  58. One thing that the Freelance Pianist (tee hee) points out is that magic and spells and such greatly conflicts our Catholic views. Our power comes from God; contrary to Harry Potter, as it is widely nonreligious (and may criticize religion in some ways too) and very centered around "the power within." I understand they withhold the idea of faith to make it socially proper, I, as a devout Catholic, find it somewhat foreign to me to read a book without (sorry) any moral lessons. I find it strange that no matter how many times Harry breaks the rules, his advisors and teachers never discipline him; they reward his behavior.

  59. The Freelance Pianist - Another thing to add, Noah R., is some over-religious criticizers' ignorance of his status as a 'hero', totally overshadowing his good deeds and judging him based on one part of his being alone: his status as a wizard. It is quite amazing how a book meant to be read and simply learned from could start such hype and conflict. On a lighter note, many people on this planet LIKE to go out and find reason to start conflict just for kicks and giggles. So I suppose we shouldn't be surprised at all.

  60. I have read the books many a time, and watched all the movies that are out so far. I think that the 7th movie part one was really good. Sad, but good. The books, I believe, influenced our society greatly. No one had really looked at wizardry and magic the way J.K. Rowling did. She changed the way we look at witches, wizards, etc. Good point, Je'an. I think that readers, watchers, and even people who have just heard about Harry Potter know about the whole religion vs. Harry Potter ridiculousness. It is a made-up book, hence the note on the front cover. I always found it funny that it's considered necessary to tell readers that the book that was so helpfully categorized under fantasy at their local library/bookstore is just a story. P.S. Anyway.

  61. Grant- Sorry this post is coming in really late, I was in London for Thanksgiving and wasn't able to post. I have read all the books and seen the movies and I'm going to see the new movie. I like books that have a lot of action and you don't know what is going to happen until the end. Harry Potter has inspired people to write more kids books, has gotten a lot of younger people into reading and has gotten more writers to write books with lots of books in the series

  62. LAUREN- Yes I have seen the movies and read some books. Yes, i plan on seeing the movie. I enjoy reading fantasy books, because they aren't real and they are something new so I get more interested in them than i do other books. Harry Potter has had a big impact on our culture. It has made people everywhere obsessed with the books and the movies. :D

  63. Bella-
    I started reading the first book, I got really bored and stopped reading it. I have only seen a couple of Harry Potter Movies, and I really didn't enjoy them. I think that Harry Potter is a joke, that is just my opinion. I don't plan to see the new Harry Potter movie anytime soon. Obviously this book has impacted our culture because there are many people running around in Harry Potter character's costumes on Halloween. Also they have fan clubs and poeple obsese over Harry Potter. I like to read mystery, and action/adventure books because they are actually interesting.


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