Tuesday, November 12, 2013

High School Football Tragedy

Last Friday night the Bishop Kelly Knights played the Kuna Kavemen in the first round of the Idaho High School Football Playoffs.  Based on the previous meeting between these two teams, the game had the potential of being a great game.  The two teams have been rivals for many years.  Ask any former player from either school  and more than likely they can tell you about the time they played each other.

The game and the rivalry seemed far less important after the tragic event which occurred in the first quarter.  Boone Bartlome, a junior wide receiver for Kuna, suffered a broken neck when attempting a block.  After the play Boone laid motionless on the field for more than 30 minutes while the crowd watched with anxiety and hope.  During the time Boone was being attended to by medical personnel, the teams, the crowd, the cheerleaders prayed. 

It took some time for the paramedics to secure Boone and load him into the ambulance.  At that point I was reminded of the strength of humanity and why I love high school sports.  Moments after the ambulance pulled away, both teams gather in the center of the field, taking a knee and bowing their heads as the Kuna coach led both teams in a prayer for Boone, his family, and his recovery.  Describing the image as inspiring does not do it justice.

Boone was rushed to the hospital and underwent spinal cord surgery to repair the broken vertebrae.  The reports after the surgery have been optimistic, but it will be possibly weeks before the swelling goes down and they can assess the extent of the injury.  Regardless, Boone and his family are facing an incredible and long journey to recovery.

Since the tragic event on Friday, both schools have held rallies and prayer services in honor of Boone and his family.  The community is trying in every way to show Boone and Bartlome family they are loved and supported. 

This week instead of answering a question or sharing your opinion, I would like for you to leave Boone a message.  Thank you.  


  1. Dear Boone,

    This certain thing goes beyond the rivalry and the playing on the field. We are all praying that you have a speedy and successful recovery. This is a big bummer but we are all hoping that (if you want to) can come back and play next year. This is a traumatic injury and you need to stay tough and fight through this injury.

  2. Boone,
    I hope that you will recover fast and will begin playing football again. I also pray that the optimistic reports of the injury continue to come. Staying mentally and physically strong is also important in recovering from an injury.

  3. Boone,
    I don't know if you'll read these or look at all of them but if you do I want you to know how much we all care. I know that when you suffer, all the tings in the world seem pointless and you seem to draw out. I want you to know that we're all here for you, you'll never, ever be alone. When I was in the 4th grade, I was bullied. I remember being so sad and thinking I was all alone. You may not see how that relates to you, what I'm trying to say is "You're never alone." I guess I didn't need to draw it out that much but God'll always be there for you, we'll be there for you, your teachers, friends, everyone. Even when your world seems to crumble and shatter right in front of you, you'll still be okay. Because there will always be us, standing behind you to help you rebuild your world or even help you into one of ours. I really, truly hope that you get better and that you can play soon. You'll constantly be in my prayers.

  4. Dear Boone,
    You should consider this quote:
    "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." -Helen Keller
    I hope that through your difficult journey you ARE strengthened, your ambition IS inspired, and you DO achieve success.

  5. Boone,
    A great quote came from the first Bat Man movie. "Why do we fall? So we can get back up." Life is a test, God has unfortunately given you the hardest test I can think of. However keep this in mind, God gives his hardest tests to his bravest solders. A line from the serenity prayer says, "May we accept the things we can not change, have the courage to change the things that we can, and have the wisdom to know the difference ". I hope if you read this that you will understand that its how you get back up, not how you fall.

  6. Dear Boone,
    A quote I really like goes something like this, "God promises safe landings, not smooth passages." I think that everything happens for a reason, and while we wonder why some things happen to us, there is always a purpose for it. While breaking your neck won't be a very smooth passage at all, there will be something you get out of it, I promise. God has a plan for everyone, and even with bumps along the way, we will find that plan out eventually.
    You will be in all our prayers and I wish you a great (and hopefully relatively quick) recovery!

  7. Boone,

    It saddens me to see such a young man, who is just barley starting his career, to experience such a horrible event. I have seen miracles happen, and you are one of them. God will help you, it may not be in the way of healing, but you will be touched by God in some way; I promise you this. You are in my prayers, and I wish you a strong recovery.

  8. Dear Boone,
    I cannot even comprehend the anxiety you and your family must have right now. I know I would be very scared if that were to happen to me. I am very grateful that you have begun to recover. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. And I hope you have a fast recovery.

  9. Boone,
    I know things are hard right now and you think that your whole life is over, it's not. You have so much to life for. I know you may not believe it yet, but things will get better. You are doing great and I wish you a speedy recovery

  10. Boone,

    I don't really know you. All I can say is God help you. Life will be hard, but remember that God loves you, and will guide you, no matter how hard life gets. I'll pray for you.

  11. Dear Boone,
    I hope the very best for your recovery. Hopefully you feel as if everyone in the community is holding you up during your journey of recovery. Like many others have told you that it's all going to be alright, it will because God doesn't just let down the people he cares for in their most time in need. I will always have you and your family in my prayers so that you may be given an abundance of strength and faith.

  12. Dear Boone,
    Even through your tragic injury, this can be considered a way to make to make you stronger than before. With this you can know how to come back with twice the strength you had before. You have sooo many people supporting you that you can know that we are ALL here praying for you.

  13. Dear Boone,
    What has happened to you is tragic. But I want you to know that everyone is praying for you; in our prayers in the morning and personal prayers as well. Don't let this injury stop you from enjoying life. Don't give up. We are all praying for you, so don't ever think that you are alone.

  14. Dear Boone,
    I hope you have a speedy recovery. I have seen people who are paralyzed and know it is a terrible state to be in. I will pray for you to feel better soon. Always know that no matter how bad your state is, God will always help you. Even at the lowest of times, God will take care of you. This is because God loves all his little children, no matter what they do.

  15. Dear Boone,
    I was there when you broke your neck, and it was a tragedy. At first I thought that you were just knocked out, but when you didn't get up after a while it became clear what happened. I hope it all turns out well for you and that you stay strong. If you can overcome this, you can overcome anything. Just know that you are in all of our prayers.

  16. Dear Boone,

    I hope that you are okay and you will have a quick recovery. My family and friends are praying for you. I play football and I have been in a game that also severed in a big injury, I remember the whole thing, it was my first year playing football and one my friends tackled someone and his arm broke badly. He was in a lot of pain on the side line and the ambulance had to come on the field. Both teams prayed for him on the field and it was close to happened at last Friday's game. I hope that you have a quick recovery and maybe be able to come back next year, I know this is a bad situation, but you got to remember that we're are praying for you and God is watching over you.

  17. Dear Boone,

    I really hope that you get well and recover soon. It is so sad to be injured at such a young age and to have the thought of never being able to pursue your dreams. Everyone around the state of Idaho are sending prayers your way including my family and I. God has a plan for you and He will take care of you. Don't worry, it will all turn out fine.

  18. Boone, determining a great player is not how they get knocked down, it how they rise up. Many people have given you the support and care to do so. Have faith that the almighty Father with get you back on your legs, and although it is true that it will be a hard recovery both physically and mentally, you need to stay strong. Even if things don't turn out the way you want them, you can still go far in life and nothing can stop you from doing so. Never lose hope Boone, for that will be your greatest loss. Hope is your greatest tool in hard times, for optimism is your best way to stay mentally strong. Do not let this injury ruin your life. I may not know you, but I believe that deep down you are a strong person, I have faith that that won't happen. I hope that you will have a good recovery and that you will come out of this stronger than you were before.
    -Mr. Banker

  19. Dear Boone,

    I have witnessed on several occasion, your injury bringing people together. At the Boise high football banquet.At the most recent Boise State Football game, the entire stadium was thinking about you. You have made an impact on people you have never even met. For this reason you are making a huge difference. Your injury is not what defines you. I hope you have a full recovery and can return to your life. If that is not the case, just know that you thought about by thousands. You will be forever in our prayers.

  20. Dear Boone,
    This may be the toughest part of your life right now, but you have a huge community that believes that you will recover both physically and mentally. God has a plan for you and he will always be watching over you. God gives his strongest battles to his strongest soldiers. Everyone in the state of Idaho has the faith in you that you will come out of this tragedy stronger than you were before. Miracles do happen and I believe you will be one of them. Through this tough time I will keep you and your family in my prayers always.

  21. My mom and I discussed this, and decided that these types of injuries are a risk you take when you participate in a beautiful sport like football. What led up to that conclusion was different opinions at first. I was all like: Why even play sports if injuries are common? And I just decided it's a risk you take. Every time I step outside my house, I am at a risk for something or other. That's just life. Everyone takes risks, and football is no different. Is it a healthy risk? I don't know. However, I do know that without people taking risks we would not have a world like it is today. Boone, I pray that you can walk everyday. I hope you get better.

  22. Boone, Stay strong. I pray ever night for you to get better. My family is praying for you and supports you 100%. It is terrible that this had to happen to a young man, who just wanted to play some football. I saw the play that happened to you and it still gives me shivers. Being a wide receiver my self it scares me a little to keep playing. I hope you stay strong through your struggles and hardship. We are all in your heart. It may be tough, but by the grace of God you will be healed. Keep fighting. We love you!

  23. Boone, I rember that play that injured you, and i've been thinking about you ever since. I have heard that you are getting better and I hope the rest of the recovery is alot better and faster. During class we have prayed for you and hoped for you to recover soon. The whole state is praying for you and keeping you in their minds as my family and I are doing. Stay strong Boone, you are in our prayers

  24. Boone, I watched the game and I saw the play where you went down. I was very worried when I saw the ambulance came. I hope you make a full recovery. I hope you will be able to walk again. Everyone is praying and hoping for you and your family. Stay Strong! Know that everyone is praying for you not just in Boise. Hope you get better soon.

  25. Boone, not only is your name awesome, but you are one the bravest people in Idaho. I really hope that you have a good recovery. This is a tough sport, and you are a brave one to take that risk to do what you love. Everyone is going to pray for you, and your family. We hope that you will continue to live your life the way you want it. God is watching you.

  26. Boone, you are a brave soul. I respect what you and your family are going through and wish you a safe recovery. Always remember, God works in mysterious ways. What happened to you was all part of His higher plan. Get well soon! We are all praying for you!

  27. Boone,
    It is so unfortunate that you were injured so badly at such a young age. Yet so fortunate to have survived this horrible accident and that the lord was with you and helped you to be okay. Even thought we may not understand the reasoning for this accident, the lord does every thing for a purpose. I hope that you will be able to fully recover. My family's prayers are with you.

  28. Dear Boone,
    I am very sorry for your unfortunate tradegy. You are in my prayers from now until you are better. This is even more devastating that this kind of accident happend to such a young man. This is a very rare occasion that this ever happens to a highschool football player. Your are avery brave young man and you and your family are in mine and all my friends prayers.

  29. Boone-
    You are in our prayers and we are all rooting for you.when you are recovering just remember God only gives you what he thinks that your can take on. I hope and pray for you to have a speedy recovery!

  30. Dear Boone,
    I am very sorry for your tragedy. It is awful that such a devastating injury occurred to you. I play football and I had an injury last year that made me sit out 3/4 of the season. I know it is not easy being injured. We will keep you in our prayers and I hope that you get well very soon.

  31. dear Boone,
    I hope you have a good recovery and will be able to play football again. I am very sorry for your injury and I hope you will get well soon.

  32. dear boone,
    I know you were best friends with one of my dads really good friends son migel. I know u two were close and still are. I hope your recovery is going well I can see that u are improving every day as I can see of the updates you do on facebook. Its such a tragedy because u were so athletic I have heard some pretty funny stories of some times when u won the track meet and I have to say you are very talented well get well soon buddy.


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