Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Boston Marathon - One Year Later

April 15th marks the one year anniversary of the bombings at the Boston Marathon.  It has been a long year of recovery for the city of Boston and the victims of the bombing. 

The Boston Marathon is the oldest large city marathon in the world.  It is held on the third Monday in April each year, which is Patriot’s Day, a Massachusetts state holiday. The day commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the first battle of the American Revolution.  Since its inception 118 years ago, the marathon has grown in stature and reputation. 

Last year 2 Chechen brothers turned the marathon and the city into a disaster by planting two homemade explosives near the finish line.  At 2:49 pm as runners were approaching the finish line two explosions 12 seconds and 210 yards apart were detonated causing 3 deaths and 264 injuries.  Of the 264 injuries, 14 resulted in amputation.  It was a sad day for Boston and for the United States as we fell victim to another terrorist attack. 

In the days following, the stories of the incredible selflessness of first responders and ordinary citizens running into the chaos to help the injured demonstrated the resiliency of Bostonians.  The city branded itself “Boston Strong” refusing to give in to the terror and fear.  Not only was Boston Strong, but help came from all sorts
of places in the form of money and medical assistance. 

The mayor help create the One Fund Boston to provide financial assistance to the victims and their families.  After the first week, crowd funding websites raised over $2 million.  On May 30th various artists including Aerosmith, Jimmy Buffett, and Jason Aldean played at the Boston Strong Concert with all proceeds going directly to One Fund Boston.  One Fund Boston received $69.8 million to directly aid the victims and their families. 

It is a bitter sweet week in Boston as they prepare for the 2014 Boston Marathon on April 21st.  While it will be a great sense of pride for the city to push forward with the event, it is also impossible to plan and participate without recalling the horror of the prior year’s event.  The stories have been remember and honored in various special programs.  Below is a clip from an ESPN E60 Program called “Dream On”.

This year the marathon will have 36,000 participants (which is 10,000 more than any previous year).   

What are your ideas about ways to reduce and eliminate terrorism in the world?  If you could, would you run in this year’s marathon? Why or why not?  Is there anything you would like to say to the participants of this year’s marathon?  


  1. I'm the first one to comment! THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE... My idea to reduce terrorism is to improve security in the mainland U.S. Beyond our borders, I don't think we should be concerned about terrorism unless there is a very serious thereat, like war. That's only one thing.... but honestly, terrorism is such a huge topic, with so many solutions, I can't even start to mention them all in this post. So there's one. If I could run this year's marathon, I would, if I could get friends to do it with me. Activities like running a marathon are always more easy when people you know are there to support you. I would also run it just because it would be great to participate in the remembrance of the lives lost in the bombing last year. To this years participants: "Drink water."

  2. I am really not really sure what would really eliminate terrorism. But you could reduce it by keeping security very tight, especially in airports, seaports, and other transportation areas. We could also make there be more security in larger events. I would run because it is a big thing and because it now symbolizes a lot of things. I would say that the participants of the Boston Marathon are doing a good thing and should continue to participate in it.

  3. I'm not sure there really is much to do to eliminate and reduce terrorism. I think terrorism will always be threat, no matter how much security and other protections are used. Even if security increases, at some point we won't be able to do anything without being checked, and security of everything will take over. I think that we can't live in fear. There's a fine line between prevention and being paranoid. I wouldn't run in the marathon just because I hate running. If I did like to run, however, I would run in the marathon. I don't think there's really anything to worry about since police are probably very vigilant of suspicious behaviors of people. I guess I would tell them how important it is that they are still running in the marathon again this year. I think that it shows the terrorists that they can't break us, just like they couldn't in 9/11.

  4. Like everybody else, I don't know if there is any sure way to completely eradicate terrorism. Even with the best security in the world, there is bound to be some way around it. I would have run in the marathon if I could, because it is not just a marathon anymore, it's more of a memorial. It was inspiring to see people running for the people killed in the bombing. I would say to people who participated that I admired their resolve and courage, and that I think what they did was a really great thing.

  5. I'm not really sure how I would get rid of terrorism. Trying to fight back would induce more violence, while letting terrorists run free wouldn't help anyone at all. Someday I'm sure we'll come up with a solution, but I honestly don't know what I would do myself. I would run the marathon, because it's a symbol to everyone that America is strong enough to continue on. I would like to congratulate the participants on their bravery and courage to run again the race that almost crippled them last year, or some one in their family. What they did was truly great.

  6. I feel the best way to suppress terrorism is to educate the world the way that we have been educated so that they may not only realize that terrorism is unethical, but also amend their past and possibly have a future. I would most defiantly run in this years marathon to prove that terrorism does not change people, people can move on; also to prove that the act that the terrorist went through so much to achieve now means nothing, he Is insignificant. To this year's runners I say this, "Remember the past, remember the deceased, but prove that terrorism is not tolerated by treating this marathon as any other."

  7. I think the best way to limit terrorism is to not give people a reason to want to do that type of stuff. We should not tick off other countries or groups. We could also work on the idea of peace and not bombing/attacking. I would run in this years marathon if I could because I actually do enjoy running and think it would be a fun challenge. I would also do it to honor those who were injured or killed last year to show we are a unified country that you can't break with one attack. I would congratulate the runners because it is a very challenging race. I would also thank them for being a part of the people to help the idea of a strong America. They also are honoring those who were lost in last years attack.

  8. I am not really sure what our country could do to reduce terrorism in the US. I just know that we should try and be as friendly as we can to the other countries around the world. I think that I would run in the marathon if i liked long distance running. But I do not. I would if i did though because I do not think that terrorists would set a bomb off in the same place 2 years in a row. I would like to say that they are making the US stronger by supporting this marathon and they are paying respects by honoring the people's lives that where lost in last years attack. I would also like to tell them that it does not mater if they do not win they should be proud that they achieved there goal of finishing or running in the marathon. I think that it is really impressive of the people that can finish the race. Because i could never do that even if I wanted to because I do not like long distance running at all!! :)

  9. I think there is no way to completely eradicate terrorism. Terrorism is disease. It will not leave the earth, but will evolve over time. As more of these acts of terror are committed, we will be able to stop them for a while, but they will eventually take place again. If I was good at running/was allowed to go, I would participate. By participating in the race, you can show the country that, no matter what takes place, terror won’t win. In the end, only truth, justice, and peace will win. I think this is the same reason why the Boston Marathon has so many participants this year. I would like to tell the runners “Good luck, and don’t let anyone or anything deter you from your goals.”

    1. Sorry, I meant to say, "Terrorism is *like a* disease.

  10. I don't think that there is any way to completely get rid of terrorism but we can try to reduce it as much as possible. If i lived in Boston or around that area I would probably go because I think it would be fun and it would represent the strength of Boston to not back down from terrorists. I would tell the runners to not give up and to have strength along their journey.

  11. I dont think there is a way o completely eliminate terrorism in the U.S. but there are many was to "slow it down" One wiuld be to tighten security. if that happened than we would be so much more secure. I would run in the marathon this year because of all the support and hype about this race plus I am BOSTON STRONG!!! if America gets hurt then we will come back 10 times stronger!!! I would like to say thank you to the participants because of their courage and ability to strike back. they are wonderful

  12. Honestly no matter what we do to strengthen security checks or whatever we need to do terrorism I believe will never be eradicated. There will always be people who might disagree strongly with this country. If I could run the marathon this year then yeah I would actually do my best and run it. I feel like I would really just work hard and devote all my work in trying to show that we shouldn't just give up because of a tragic occurrence. Instead we should just keep living thinking that nothing could limit us. All I want to say is that they are really awesome people for getting out there again because it's important to show that these little attempts to break us won't even make a dent. Plus I would like to say thank you and good luck!

  13. I think terrorism is a sick thing in the world, and I wish it was eradicated, because I think their should world peace, as all people do. I don't think we can eliminate terrorism, because of all the crazy people out there that are willing to do the scariest things we can imagine. I do believe that we can bring terrorism down, so there is only a little bit going on, by doing what we're doing now and making our country safer by enforcing laws and making are securities systems better. I think our country as been, so brave over these past years with the awful things that have happened, I just don't understand why people would do these kinds of things. I would definitely run the marathon if I could, because it would be a great experience to run in a marathon, I probably wouldn't last though, and I would want to go because of all the other people that are going to show that Boston is still strong and so is our country. I think that our country can be put down, but never defeated and that's one way to show what the marathon represents. I would tell the runners to give it their all, be strong, be fortunate for what you have, and run for the people that died and were injured in the previous marathon.

  14. To put this bluntly, terrorists are basically haters(people that have prejudice feelings about an order, religion, group of people, or anything else in which their feelings for doing so are unjust and unreasonable.)
    This is a difficult question. There are not many ways we can do this without violating our citizen's rights under the 12 amendments and the constitution. To be honest, the only way we can help prevent this is better education, which Is much harder for more impoverished countries. If I had the opportunity to run in the marathon I think I would because I think I would be supporting the cause as well as getting in shape. Whoever attends it would be considered in my eyes a person who wants to support the cause of anti-terrorism and also kind of brave.

  15. Terrorism is one of the things that I am most disappointed in people today. It is one of the things that people fear of the most in our lives. For us, living in North America, it is a not as frequent thing. But for people in different countries it is a every day thing. There is not very much people can do about terrorism. It will always be there. But what people can do is prompt more education to the more terrorist countries. If we educate freedom, and the rights of people than maybe it will help the decrease of terrorism. I would totally run the marathon if i got the choice. I would do this because I would enjoy running with pride as we honored the people who where effected by the Boston Marathon. If i could say anything to them it would be, " Run with pride, because Boston lives through you."

  16. I can't think of a peaceful way to eliminate terrorism in the world. I think that we may be able to reduce it, but we will never be able to eliminate it. I mean it can be a big deal if it can lead to war or a humongous wave of death among citizens, but other than that, we shouldn't worry too much about it. I'm not saying that we should not try to reduce or be aware of it, but just at least keep it out of the United States. If I was able to run in the marathon this year, I would love to do it. I don't care what time I would get, but I would be happy to accomplish a big thing in my life. But I would like to do it with someone else, because they would give me great support. For the heroes running in the marathon, "1. You are a lot healthier than me, 2. Congrats on accomplishing a goal 3. Way to go for remembering those in the bombing."

  17. I don't really think there is a way at all to get rid of terrorism, but there are a few ways that we can try to make so nobody would want to terrorize our country. One way I think is to be friendly to all the other countries and try not to pick a fight. They may not want to terrorize our country if they did't have much of a reason to. I wouldn't run this years marathon 1, because I can't run for that long of a period, and 2 because I would not want to remember the tragedy. That would just bring tear to my eyes. But to those who would, good for them for not holding a grudge. I would say to this year runners that they should be proud of themselves for being able to run a marathon and good luck. They are very courageous for running in even though there was a bombing last year.

  18. I don’t think there is a way to completely eliminate terrorism but I think it can be reduced by starting at a young age and teaching children to respect everyone and every country. It would be hard because the world is filled with prejudice and you see it every day. Kids aren’t born being that way but instead they learn it, so if they can learn to not judge and be disrespectful to anything then terrorism might be reduced. If I could I would run in this year’s marathon because it would show that the US didn’t give in to terrorism and that it can’t take us down. If I could say one thing to the participants of this year’s marathon I would say thank you for being brave enough to enter and for being a true American.

  19. My ideas about ways to reduce and eliminate terrorism in the world would be to have more and better security and to think of all the possible ways someone could do something harmful and prevent it before instead of after. If I could and were in the physical shape to run the marathon, then I would because it would prove that these acts of terrorism can't destroy our country. I would like to tell the participants of this year good luck!

  20. Well, like Bailie said, I don't think there is a way to eliminate terrorism but there are ways to protect us from it such as getting tighter security. I know that people get angry and frustrated when they have to remove their shoes or throw away there food but it is definitely worth saving your life. I would really like to run in the marathon but I would really need to get into shape to be able to run it I would like to because, it is really a symbol of America and I would love to express my pride for our country and just running in it or even just being there would be the best thing. For this years participants I say thank you. Thank you for coming back from the horrors of last year and telling those people, WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN. I am also super happy that this years winner was American. America hasn't won the marathon in over 30 years!

  21. There isn't a way to eliminate terrorism. People will always have a will and a way to create terror in some sort of society. We could try global education, to teach people that America and other places really aren't bad but that would be close to impossible. I would diffidently run this years marathon. It would be a once in Al life time opportunity and it would give me a chance to become a part of something bigger. I would be able to be a part of the healing and tradition of the Boston marathon. The participants of this years Boston marathon were really brave. They went in to this fearing the unknown of , will it happen again. They also acknowledged the fact that they were helping a great cause in the healing of the society. That a was really cool of them.

  22. I don't really think there is a way to truly eliminate terrorism as there will always be a crazy person who will try to convey their thoughts and ideas in extreme ways. There are ways we could help I'm sure there are ways to help with it (education) but you can't always keep everything safe all the time. If I lived in Boston I would run in it. I like to run anyway and it shows the power of the American spirit. I know my uncles ran in it this year as they live in Boston. They said it was a really cool thing to be apart of. I would say to all the people who ran that they took an opportunity to show their spirit and love for the people who ran last year.

  23. I know that this says Rylie, but it’s not. It’s Keelie, and I’m too lazy to sign Rylie out. Just being honest. You know, I don’t think that we’ll ever get rid of terrorism. As long as there are humans, there will be hate, regardless of the laws passed to protect us from each other. If there was anything that could eliminate terrorism, it would be tolerance and acceptance, and that can’t be taught, because we have to find it ourselves. Yes, I would run in this year’s marathon because I’m not afraid of my country, or people in it. I would like to say to the participants that what they did took courage, even after the horrible thing that happened, but life goes on, and we can’t be scared forever.

  24. I believe that the way to reduce terrorism is, of course, to advocate peace. I think that by starting with the younger generation, meaning that we teach them the value of other cultures and points of view, then there will be less tension between the future world leaders. Yes, there will always be crazy people out for power, but if there is a way that we can communicate with these tyrants then maybe a solution can be made without violence. If I could run this year's marathon, I totally would. First, I love long distance running, and second this year is about standing up to terrorism. This year is about showing American strength in times of fear. It's the same as the 9/11 memorial. We all united to show just how great we are as a nation with overcoming tragedies like this. If I could tell the runners one thing, I would be that I am very impressed by their courage. It takes guts to run in a race of terror and horror last year. I am very proud of our nation's support.

  25. I don't think you can really reduce or get rid of it. I think it will always be there, Yes one hundred percent I would, Because it would show just how strong we are as a nation. And how no matter what terrorists do they will never break the strength that America has. It is truly amazing how strong of a nation we are! Yes, I would like to say how amazing and brave you are to do it again it shows dignity and shows how no matter what happened last year you still are showing up and running for a good cause and showing those who were injured last year some hope!

  26. There is no way to completely get rid of terrorism! Not everybody agrees with others have to say and believe in. This is what causes people to stand out and do unethical actions. There are so many ways to reduce terrorism and one them is to make it know that is does happen and it shouldn't be repeated. Education would definitely help out with reducing acts of terrorism and making it known to promote peace and equality. YES, if I got the chance to run in this years marathon I would be honored too. The athletes who participated in last years marathon will be honored for there bravery and courage through such a tragic experience. The one that is amazing about our country is that we make it known that YES something bad did happen, but it won't bring us down at all. We all make it through thick and thin!

  27. In my opinion we are never going to be able to eliminate terrorism completley. No matter how hard you try there are still going to be other people who believe and go about things differently. One of the ways to maybe HELP terrorism is like Megan said promote peace. To be honest running the Boston Marathon would be great.....but I wouldnt want to do it. Once you take on the Marathon you have to handle all those responsibilities that come with it. You have to make sure the runners have proper hydration. By that I mean setting up things like water tables throughout the race. You must also have proper security maintaining peace and order, and most of all keeping you safe. So if anything were to go wrong during the race then it would be all on you. You never know what could happen such as the incident that occured last year. The person who hosted the race last year had no idea that the race was the key to a terrorist attack. And if they did I doubt they would have taken on the job. If I were to say anything to this years marathon contestants I would wish them the best of luck, and don't think about what happened in the past or last year. But instead think about the finish line.

  28. I think terrorism is a huge tragedy. But regardless, we will always come back. I don't think that terrorism will ever be completely eradicated, but what we can do is choose how we respond and rebuild. The past attempts at terrorism have never succeeded, or at least not for long. I think that the best way to fight terrorism, is to show people around the world that we cannot be defeated and their attempts to weaken us, only makes us stronger. If I could run in the marathon today, I would. I would for all the people who can't do it themselves

  29. If I could speak to somebody running this year I would tell them thank you. Thank you for being strong and representing what America stands for, and what we believe in.

  30. You're never gonna be able to eradicate terrorism, they're will always be someone around the corner wanting to rustle jimmies (which means wanting to make someone upset or angered) since there is no one demographic that only wants to terrorize others. But we can protect ourselves against these acts, but not unless someone doesn't like change and wants everything to stay the same bad way. Frankly we all need to be educated that in life some people are just going to be mean or annoying, and that we need to show more kindness to them than we do to others, and hopefully in time, the world will be a more ethical and wonderful place.
    And would I run in the marathon this year? Heck yeah! it would be an honor to even just watch it in person since it has been escalated into such a monumental event. And to those who are running this year; good luck and stay strong.

  31. Honestly, I feel like the people making the big decisions need to start acting like adults. Seriously, they need to stop acting like little children and thinking that their country is the only one. I get that they love their ideas but there is such a thing as other people and their beliefs. I feel like they need to accept other's culture and their ideas as well as their own. They don't need to be dead set on their own ideas and thinking that they have the best idea. This is like, kindergarten principles. I wouldn't run for two reasons. 1. I am the slowest person in the world and running is hard for me. 2. If I did run, I'd only get about a quarter of a mile before passing out. I would like to say, good luck to those participating. You guys really run your hardest and you try so hard, thank you for that.

  32. I wish there was really a way or idea that could just stop terrorism altogether, but that is not the case. The matter is that the only thing we can really do to stop this kind of terrible thinking is really just with educating the masses. The goal is to teach kids at an early age the evils of terrorism and how it can affect our lives today, and that with that goal in mind they will not follow down the same path. What Mr. Grant told me in those early years in middle school is that history is taught so that we will not repeat our past mistakes. Someone will sadly start commit such a crime again but in that disaster we will grow stronger and learn from THAT mistake. Maybe, just maybe, all we need is a little bit more reinforcement in education (specifically in history) to put us all in the right path. With that security I would say indefinitely I would be privileged to run the Boston Marathon since it is such a big deal and the experience must feel so amazing. If there was anything I could of said to the runners I would say that do not try to fear on another attack, but instead put the finish line in sight and let yourself just see the experience.


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