Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veteran's Day

November 11 is Veteran’s Day in the United States.  It is a day to remember the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting the American way of life.  Through the years these individuals have put their safety and well-being in jeopardy in the name of freedom, liberty, and justice.  We owe all former and current members of our armed services a great deal of gratitude.

Whether or not you agree with the involvement of our military around the world, the support of our troops is necessary.  It is not the soldier who decides where to go, they take orders.  They go where they are needed and where they are asked to go.  It is a difficult life.  In addition to risking their life, they are often separated from their families for months on end.  They give up the comforts of Saturday afternoon football games, microwave popcorn, and a nice fireplace in exchange for tents in the middle of the desert.

It is fitting we dedicate a day during the year to remember those brave men and women who truly understand what it means to be called to duty.

What are your thoughts on Veteran’s Day?  What ways can you personally honor our veterans and current military members?  Find a Veteran sometime this week and tell them “Thank You”. 


  1. I think that students should get a day off because of Veteran's day. I believe that we should honor the people who have fought for our country. We can do that by having a day off in respect. I liked how Dr. Quillicy had the whole school have a moment of silence due to respect for our veterans. Every Veteran's Day I pray at the dinner table and thank God for everything ESPECIALLY for our veterans who have fought to make this country the way it is today. God bless America.

  2. Veteran's Day is something that a nation that has had war should not go without. Veteran's Day is called other things in other countries, but they are about honoring soldiers in battle. I think that Veteran's Day is the least we could do for brave people who keep us safe. I can honor veterans by praying for them and being grateful for peace and a great country to live in.

  3. Veteran's Day is a great way to honor our veterans. They do so much for us as soldiers and give up comforts as well, which is why we should remember them. Getting a day off of school or even work could be a good way to show thanks to veterans. Even though I don't normally do many things for veterans, I do think it is enough to thank one personally and also pray for all veterans.

  4. My thoughts on Veterans Day is that it is an awesome way of showing or gratitude towards the veterans and to show them that we appreciate them. Some ways we can personally give our thanks is by donating, praying, and every time we see one of them telling that person thank you.

  5. Veteran's Day is a wonderful way to remember and be grateful for those who have, and still are, serving our country. Some ways to personally honor our veterans and current military members are sending them letters of appreciation, visiting their graves at the cemetery, and praying for them.

  6. I think Veteran's Day is one of the few holidays that is not about receiving, and it also can be celebrated wherever. Like president Kennedy said, the veterans that died lost two lives, and the least we could do is give them one day. I don't think that I could just go up to someone that brave without feeling dwarfed but I think that a good thing to do is acknowledge them by a salute or a hand to the heart. i also think a good thing to do is put an extra flowers you bring to a cemetery on old veteran's graves, I know it always makes me happy to receive flowers; I doubt they would think differently.

  7. I think that students should get a day off because of Veteran's day. I believe that we should honor the people who have fought for our country. I mean I think its more important than some of the useless days we get off. Im not saying I don't like those other days but I think this is more important.I can honor veterans by praying for them and being grateful for peace and a great country to live in. I also think a good thing to do is put an extra flowers you bring to a cemetery. These people did so much that we cant comprehend the work and the effort they put into this. Many of their friends died, torched, or went missing and the hardship of that happening would be crazy. I want to thank everyone because it is an honor to be protected by such amazing people. I don't think the Veterans would think different about school.

  8. Coming from a military family, I especially think that Veteran's Day is a beautiful way to honor our veterans: both dead and living. I am really glad to know that most of the veterans in my life have had the blessing of coming out from war completely safe and unharmed, but my heart goes out to the poor men and women and their families who may not have been so lucky. It is a shame to think that most of the homeless people in America are US veterans. I can only hope that on Veteran's Day they are able to recognize the great service they have done for our freedom. Personally, I can honor our veterans in my nightly prayers and donating food items and care packages every year.

  9. I think it is great that we have a holiday devoted to the brave men and women that served our country. We need to respect them constantly in any surrounding and never make fun of them.

  10. Veterans day is SO important. Without that yearly reminder, the lives of so many people are sort of 'taken for granted' because we stop remembering. I like what Ronald Reagan said about the soldiers giving up two lives instead of one. It makes you think just how much we've been given in America with the help of our veterans: security, peace, not having to live in a war zone, and living without fear. I like to honor veterans by spending time with my cousin Ross (a veteran) and by keeping them in my prayers each night.

  11. I think Veterans Day is really important. It's a day where we get to honor and say thank you to all who have served our country. Without our veterans, our country wouldn't be the way we are today. Some ways I can personally honor our veterans is by praying for them, thanking them, and remembering all that they do for us.

  12. Veterans Day is very important. It is great because once a year, we are reminded how wonderful our soldiers are. Ronald Reagan was saying that they gave up their chance to have a normal life. It is such an honor to have someone give up their life for us just so ours can be better. Personally, I can honor our veterans by thanking them and keeping them in my prayers.

  13. I think Veterans Day is a very important day because it is a day about honoring our soldiers who served for our country and risked their lives. Ways I can honor them is by praying for them, remembering all they have done for our country, and thanking them for serving our country.

  14. I think that Veteran's Day is a wonderful way to honor the people that came before us and died for us to secure our freedom and rights in the United States. I think that all the commemorations to all the veterans on Veteran's Day is a way to give our thanks; each person expresses their praise and thanks in a different way. Some ways to honor our veterans and current military members are praying for the safety of all those fighting for our country, donating to the organizations that help our veterans, and showing through our actions how much our veterans mean to us.

  15. I love Veterans Day. It is a wonderful day to honor all those who have fought and/or given their lives for us, our country, our way of life, and our freedom.
    To honor veterans, I can pray for them and keep them and their sacrifices in my mind. I can pray for their families and for anyone else who knew them. With my family members that are veterans, I can call them (they live far away) and thank them for serving our country.

  16. I think that Veterans Day is awesome especially for my family. I think that it is a great way to honor the people that have fought to make what this country what it is. You can honor the veterans by visiting their graves or like i did volunteer one day to play some music by the grave yard and hand out flowers for condolences.

  17. Veteran's day is not enough to honor those who have fallen or have been injured. This is one of the many ways we can honor those who have served in our army. I don't do much personally to help veteran's but i support the help and I also donate my own money and pray for veteran's every day.

  18. I think that Veterans Day is super important. I think that it honors all of our veterans. My family donate to some of the wounded veterans corporations. I also pray for our veterans. Also whenever I see a veteran I always thank them for their service to our country.

  19. I think that Ronald was right. All we can do on veterans day is remember these people who lost their lives. We can thank them for all they did for us and we can think of all they lost in trying to protect us and all of our rights. We can think of the lives they had and the lives they were going to lead. For me it is a time of just thinking and remembering. I do not have to go out and do something special for the people who lost their lives, all I have to do is go to a quiet place and remember all that they did for us and how what they did has kept this country alive. If we all take a moment to really thank these people they will understand that they did not die for nothing and that what they did here on this earth is greatly appreciated and always will be.

  20. My thoughts about Veterans Day is that is a very important day to have remembrance of the veterans who served before us and the people who saved our country. I also think that Veterans Day isn't the only day that we should remember our veterans, everyday is the day to have remembrance. One way that I can personally remember the veterans is by just simply thinking about them. I don't have to do anything AMAZING, I can just simply remember them and that's all it takes.

  21. Veteran's Day has a special place in my heart. My mom being a veteran who had seen the Twin Towers fall and had lost friends in them it always breaks my heart to see her cry for them. Take a minute to bow your head. Think about the struggles of knowing you could die today. You are away from your family. The only comfort you have are your comrades and God. This is the life our soldiers take upon them and they do it willingly. It speaks volume about their character. This is what I repent on.

  22. People who sever in war times, and who put their lives on the line to protect what we beileve in. They need to be memorialized, and seen as heros in every day life. I think that their sacrifice is often taken for grant by people who have no respece for what this country beileves in. I beileve that a simple "thank you" will make any vetern happy to hear that. I called my uncle John Murdock, who served in operation Desert Storm, and was in the marines for eight years. I said "thank you," and I asked him to tell me a couple stories about what happened in the war. Over all I think that veterns need to be treated with honor, respect, integrity, and gratitude.

  23. I think Veterans Day is one of the most important days of the year. It is in honor of those who have fought and survived or died for us. One way to honor those veterans are to say "thank you", pray for them, or even just treat them with respect. We wouldn't be here without them, so we need to thank them for allowing us to live a safe life.

  24. Veterans day is the day we honor our past and current soldiers. Those that have given their life for our country and those fighting still today. It is a day we say thank you for your sacrifices. I called my Great Uncle Bill Graham. He served in Vietnam as a gunman for rescue helicopters who would fly into a war zone and scoop up wounded soldiers. I told Uncle Bill how much I appreciated his service to America and how proud I was of him. I believe being an American soldier is one of the toughest jobs, I'm proud of them all and happy we have them to protect us.

  25. I think that it shouldn't be just a day to remember veterans, it should be a whole month. Because we solely depend on them to make us/keep us free and they do it day in and day out. A way I say thank you to these veterans is whenever I see a veteran at a restaurant, sporting event, or even at Fred Meyer, I go and shake their hands, and say thank you for the service you have given to our country.

  26. veterans day is a great way to celebrate them. I don't think its enough though. I think it should be a week even a month. I cant imagine the life of a solider. We need to think about were we really get our freedom and not take it for granted. Without soldiers we would be as far as Canada. I call all of the veterans in my family and thank them for there service.

  27. I think that vetarians day is very very important. It is an amzing way to honor those who have served our country. They risked there life for us. I think ways that I can honor them is praying for them and always rembering all they did for us. Also whenever I see a veteran I stop and thank them

  28. I think that veterans day is a really important thing. It honors all of the people that risked their lives for our country and for us to live the way that we do. Without our veterans and current military fighters, we would not be safe at all. All of them protect us from harm, and for that they deserve our thanks. We can honor them in a lot of ways, like donating money, praying for them, and even just saying thank you to them. There are a ton of ways we can help contribute to them

  29. I love Veteran's Day. It helps me remember and pray for the families of soldiers that have fought for our country. Veterans are people that laid down their lives for people that they know and do not even know. How I remember the veterans and soldiers is to pray for them and talk to my uncle, a veteran himself, and I already have.

  30. Veterans Day, to me is very meaningful. When the clock strikes the eleventh hour on November 11, it doesn't escape me that all of these brave men and women that have died in battle, died for me. I feel like I wouldn't be who I am today without knowing how thankful we should be for their service. We owe everything to them and we can never forget. Personally I am going to call my Uncle, who is a Colonel in the Army. He is stationed in Washington D.C. and I just want to let him know that I love him and thank you.

  31. Veterans Day is very important and meaningful to me because it is a time to think about all the people who fought to save my life and some of them died for us. We can honor the Veterans by just simply telling them why they are so important to us and saying thank you to them for all that they have done for us.

  32. I think veterans ay is a very important because it is the day you remember the people who served the country and died for it. You can pray for them, thank them and respect them. I just did my grandpas here

  33. I like Veteran's Day a lot because its a day to remember all you have served for us. And I think we should get the day off because its in honor of those who served and/or died for us. To personally honor veterans, I think we can thank them personally, visit them and spend time with them, and pray for them.

  34. I really think veterans day is a great celebration. If we didn't honor the men and women who risked their lives for us on the battlefield we would be heartless people. I respect every veteran I see and I cant believe how courageous they are. I couldn't do what they do. I respect them with all my heart.


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