Monday, May 11, 2015


Graduation is a week from Friday.  The school will miss you all.  Individually and collectively you bring a unique culture to the school.  Whenever there is a change in the classes, the school mourns.  Don’t get too choked up, when the new school year begins we move on, just as you will, and the school will adjust to the new classes and the new 8th graders.

But before we move on, we should reflect on the impact you have had on the school and the impact the school has had on you.  Our school is not static.  It changes with each new class and with each new student.  Each class develops its own identity and personality.  That personality may change over the years as students come and go.  The collection of classes makes up the identity and personality of the school.  Even though this school has been around for over a hundred years, it is the students, classes and teachers along with the families and church that determines the cultural personality of the school.

Each of you alone and all of you together have helped shape this school and
your influence will be felt for years to come.  I believe in the idea that whenever you enter into something, you should have a goal to leave it better than it was when you started.  I believe you are leaving the school better today than when you started.  For that, we all owe you a thank you.

But just as you have had the opportunity to shape the school, I believe the school has helped to shape who you are.  While it may take years
before you are able to fully appreciate the impact the school has had on
your lives, I would expect you can look back over the years and find one or two lessons you will carry forward with you.  You may be able to identify one or two teachers which may have helped you to understand yourself as a student.  You may look at the friendships you have developed over the years and realize what a blessing it was to have them in your life.  You may look at the impact of having your Catholic
faith as a corner stone of your education and how that has shaped your understanding of all subjects, not just religion.

What impact do you believe you and your class had on the school?  How would you like your class to be remembered?  What are your fondest memories or greatest life lessons are you taking with you from St. Joe’s? What advice do you have for future 8th grade classes?