Monday, May 11, 2015


Graduation is a week from Friday.  The school will miss you all.  Individually and collectively you bring a unique culture to the school.  Whenever there is a change in the classes, the school mourns.  Don’t get too choked up, when the new school year begins we move on, just as you will, and the school will adjust to the new classes and the new 8th graders.

But before we move on, we should reflect on the impact you have had on the school and the impact the school has had on you.  Our school is not static.  It changes with each new class and with each new student.  Each class develops its own identity and personality.  That personality may change over the years as students come and go.  The collection of classes makes up the identity and personality of the school.  Even though this school has been around for over a hundred years, it is the students, classes and teachers along with the families and church that determines the cultural personality of the school.

Each of you alone and all of you together have helped shape this school and
your influence will be felt for years to come.  I believe in the idea that whenever you enter into something, you should have a goal to leave it better than it was when you started.  I believe you are leaving the school better today than when you started.  For that, we all owe you a thank you.

But just as you have had the opportunity to shape the school, I believe the school has helped to shape who you are.  While it may take years
before you are able to fully appreciate the impact the school has had on
your lives, I would expect you can look back over the years and find one or two lessons you will carry forward with you.  You may be able to identify one or two teachers which may have helped you to understand yourself as a student.  You may look at the friendships you have developed over the years and realize what a blessing it was to have them in your life.  You may look at the impact of having your Catholic
faith as a corner stone of your education and how that has shaped your understanding of all subjects, not just religion.

What impact do you believe you and your class had on the school?  How would you like your class to be remembered?  What are your fondest memories or greatest life lessons are you taking with you from St. Joe’s? What advice do you have for future 8th grade classes? 


  1. I believe that the eighth grade class made a positive impact on St. Joes. All of us always make others laugh and are very loud, so I think others see us as always happy. I would like the school to tremendous as the kind and happy ones. I don't want to be a class that isn't close to one another and I don't think that we aren't close. One thing that I have gotten out of St. Joes, is to be true to yourself. Many teens and kids these day try to be someone else or try to fit it, but that is not what life is about. The advice that I have for future eighth graders is to be organized and turn everything in in time.

  2. The impact we had on the school was acceptance and how close of community we all are and how it grown on everyone. Our class is so close with one another and that relationship will never change. We have shown what a true St. Joe's class should look like and be like and I love that about everyone. If I had to pick something for our class to be remembered by would be how close we all are and how nice everyone is to each other. Everyone here is so important to me and I will be sad to leave and go to high school and go our separate ways. The best things I will be holding onto from St Joe's is how good of teachers there are and all the students who are there are amazing to be with. I ask for little from this school and instead get so much from it. This school is like my family and I am so nervous to leave my safe home at St. Joe's. Some advice for the next 8th graders are to just have fun and study hard next year and you will have a blast your 8th grade year. Also to really connect with your class and start to learn more and more about everybody and by high school it wont be that bad of a change because you will have most of your class there to back you up. This year for me has been great with my teachers and my class mates and I will miss everybody here so much.

  3. My class and I have left a swell impact on this school. Our attitudes, morals, respect, work ethic, dedication, personalities, and much more have impacted the school in many ways. It would be hard to only pick one way for our class to be remembered; I would want it to be remembered for many things. One would be our commitment to the school and our academics, another would be going through our daily activities with these morals and ethics that we have learned and carried on throughout the years, and lastly for our close community and loyal, loving relationships with one another. I find these qualities to be unique and great about our class. I have learned many things over the years. I've learned to always have a positive attitude towards life, for there's no reason to complain about little things when we have so much more to be grateful for. I've also learned the value of respect and acceptance towards one another, for that is crucial for our community to come together. I've learned that true satisfaction and success can only come from hard work and commitment. Gosh,I've learned much more of course, but these are probably a few of the main lessons I have learned. I have too many fond memories to go and list them all, but I have so many and I know how blessed I am for that. My advice for the future eighth grade classes: carry on in life with respect, morals, hard work, and love, for these qualities will get you far in life. Always set out to be a good role model, especially as eighth graders, because so many will look up to you as the quintessence of what a St. Joe's student should be like. Guide the younger generations well. Show them early on in life what a good, respectable person should look like. But most importantly, pay the respect your authoritative figures and peers deserve, and commit yourselves to your education and becoming the best that you can be; set yourselves up for success.

  4. I love this eighth grade class. I can list many parents, teachers, and younger students that would agree with me. I feel like our entire class gives off this vibe of good feelings and just happiness in general. The impact we will leave on this school will extremely positive. People will remember our class as the good kids who had a great time and included everyone and made sure others did the same. I'd like people to remember how close we all were. Sure, we each had our group of friends that we primarily hung out with, but there was lots of intermingling. Everyone knew everyone and had a history with each of their classmates. I've only been here for a year, but it feels like I've been here for ages! This class especially pulls in the new kids and makes them a part of the family. It's almost unreal how accepting this class is. I could go on forever about the fantastic memories I've had this year. St. Joe's taught me that there still are good communities and good people in the world. I feel so blessed to have found this place. And for the upcoming eighth graders, buckle up. You're in for a great ride this year. Listen to your teachers and challenge yourself to form personal connection with every person in your class. Work hard and get involved. You're ready for this. In conclusion, I just want to say thank you. I mean I was able to say a fraction of what I thought at the retreat but you guys will never understand how much every single one of you has forever changed my life. I'm excited for high school and I hope we always stay this close :)

  5. This eighth grade class was amazing. We had a sense of unity that many other classes didn't have, and I find that amazing. Our ability to have a peaceful yet fun eighth grade year is not something many people can come across - especially in a school where a lot of people have been together for nine years. The impact we left also includes our work ethic, behavior, and acceptance for others' opinions and ideas. Having an open-minded class allowed me to be able to share my opinions and be myself, which is something I really cherish. Our class will be remembered as the tightly-knit class. I feel like I have been repeating the same thing about how close our class is, but it is true. Without hesitation, the old students in this class welcome the new and provide great experiences for them. St. Joe's has taught me about how important work ethic is and the difference it can make in your education. If you try hard, then you are almost sure to succeed. That would also be the advice I give to future eighth graders. I should also add to be involved in the school; this just makes school a better experience and will give you memories you will remember.

  6. Well I think we have made an impact be winning Hallesy and not only that but we have put our names in the trophy case. Maby not me and maby not others but some have made life long friendships and that is how you leave some place, with friends you trust and cherish. With a quote on the wall no more no less. Never ever let any one down unless its your last option. I suggest that any one new that comes don't let them fall pick them up and support them so they can make it to the top with you.

  7. Wow This eighth grade class was amazing. We had a sense of unity that many other classes didn't have, and I find that amazing. Our ability to have a peaceful yet fun eighth grade year is not something many people can come across - especially in a school where a lot of people have been together for nine years. The impact we left also includes our work ethic, behavior, and acceptance for others' opinions and ideas, This year for me has been great with my teachers and my class mates and I will miss everybody here so much. I give advise to stay organised!

  8. Well, this 8th grade has had a surprisingly strong unity. A lot of the previous 8th grade classes haven't had this. I would like our class to be remembered for this unity, as it is a great thing to be remembered by. :)
    My first few days at St. Joe's in the 5th grade had some pretty great memories. Everyone was so welcoming, and I made some pretty awesome friends pretty fast. :)
    Some advice to the current 7th graders and future 8th graders would be to be as accepting as you can. Don't ever exclude anyone if you can help it, and you can. Also, try to stay organized, please, and don't leave anything in Mr. Yanci's room. :3

  9. This eight grade class is not only my friends but they are my family. They all have made an amazing impact on my life and we as a whole have made an impact on St. Joes. I believe we have made this school not so serious. We always know how to make students and teachers laugh and I think that is an amazing quality of our class. Also I think we are always looking out for others. Not only in our class but in the whole school community. I would like our class to be remembered as the class that is helping. We I believe always are try to help our school and the people in it. My fondest memory is the last retreat and we all were crying and just hugging each other and it felt like we were all family. One life lesson I will take away from St.Joes is forgiveness. We all need to forgive each other so we can move on and be happy. The advice I would give to future 8th graders is-be yourself, do what you want, be brave, and have fun.

  10. I believe that our class by far is the most united class that has ever come through the hallways of St. Joseph's.I believe that our class has had a positive impact on the school, in that we are role models for the next class coming into the eight grade, in that we has spirit, charisma, and love for one another. All of the people at St. Joe's are my family, leaving them is leaving a part of me. One of my fondest memories at St. Joseph's Catholic school was the time when I first talked to a girl in the fourth grade, it was Emily Augestine, I talk to her because I thought that she was really cute. That decision changed my whole life. For the next eight grade class, I would suggest having fidelity, I have found that having faith in some one, or something (God in my case), helped me through so many hardships in the year, I have really grown a profound relationship this year with God through the hardships of eight grade.

  11. i think our class has become great friend over time an we have all gotten to know each other really well and if i had to give any advice to future eighth graders it would be to be very originized and be prepared for a bunch of study guides i am gonna miss st. joes i am glad i am graduing to bishop kelly i am gonna miss leaving a lot of the people who are not going to bishop kelly for that is really sad but i hope i will see them some where other than school.

  12. I think the eight grade has shown the school that even when the students are super stressed or panicked they can depend on the teachers and other student to help them laugh and get their work done. I want our class to be remembered as the class who were all friends with no drama. Some of the greatest lessons I have come from the teachers that help me through rough times whether it had to do with school or not. And all my friends go to St. Joe's and all of my favorite memories are with my friends. Our class has given me the chance to make the best memories with every single person. I just hope the future eight graders have the same luck we did with having such strong friendships with everyone.

  13. I believe that our class has a big impact oi our school. Our class showed that it's okay to have fun at school and also do well and get stuff done. Our class is always happy and laughing with each other which makes school more enjoyable. I feel like we have all bonded in a way that the people at St. Joe's are like our second family. Our class should be remembered as those who made the school happy and a fun place to be but also those who worked hard in school. One of my fondest memories at St. Joe's was Hallissey because even though i'm not very good at basketball it is fun to hangout with your classmates. Some advice that I would give to the incoming 8th graders is to surround yourself with people who do well in school and to enjoy every second at St. Joe's because 8th grade goes by really fast and before you know it you will be in High School so make the most out of every minute.

  14. This 8th Grade class has been amazing and I believe we have made a positive impact on this school. Our class has been very united this past year, something that other grades do not have. Our class always seems to have a great sense of humor, making the teachers laugh as well as ourselves. I have really felt at home in my 9 years at St. Joe's and my classmates feel more like family. I want my class to be remembered as the class that always was friendly and included new students. We have an incredible bond and are always looking out for each other. I have many great memories at St. Joe's- it is hard to pick just one. Some life lessons I have learned from here is to always treat people with the upmost respect, accept failure, and be yourself. Advice for the further 8th grade would be to connect with everyone, work hard, and be organized- this makes for a great year.

  15. I think that our class has been serious when needed but we also have fun. I want our class to be remembered as the class that are all friends. I will always remember to be a friend to all, it does not matter what they look like, it does not matter what they talk like, it does not matter how they act. My advice to the future class is to be on the teacher's good side always.

  16. I think that the eighth grade made a huge impact on St. Joes. Now I know that i have only been here for one year, but it has been so much fun. I think that our class will be remember as a fun hardworking class. Now there have been a lot of fun memories that I cant just choose one. All of the people in the 8th grade are so much fun to be around. And some advice for the upcoming 8th graders, would be to create friendships, and surround yourself with hard working people and enjoy while it last.

  17. This was by far the best class I have ever been in. I think we have made a pretty positive impact on the school. Unlike other classes, we don't have a lot of drama, we all get a long pretty well with each other. Even though I have only been here a year, I feel like I've been here for a lot longer. I want to be remembered as the class that got along and just had fun with everything that went on. From being here only a year, I have learned some pretty good life lessons, such as be honest, work hard, treat yourself and others with respect, and be prepared. Advice for future 8th grade classes is to work hard and get prepared for the transition of high school.

  18. Some of my best friends come from school and I have no idea what I would be like if it wasn't for these people in my life. This has been, by far, the best school year of my life. I believe that we have made a very positive impact on our school. We are friends with a lot of people in the other grades and that is very important. I want our class to be remembered as one of the funniest and closest. We are a very tight-knit group and we are all friends and that is very important. We are also making somebody laugh and it is a good time. I remember doing Camp Learn A-Lot. That was probably my best memory of my life here at St. Joe's. The advice I have for future 8 graders is live in the moment and enjoy your whole eighth grade year.

  19. Individually, I don't think I made a big impact on a group but I do think I made an impact on individual people. I feel like I was there for friends on low moment and there for them when they were at high-points. I think that the mark we left on this school is hard to see. I think we made people feel laid back. You don't always have to be on your guard. All of the new kids this year blended in quickly and sometimes it surprises me they were only here for a year. I want our class to be remembered as a laid back class. We were a really weird/goofy class and that's what we should be remembered as. Some values I will take from here are kindness, charity, and being humble. One of my most favorite memories is hanging out at Robert Fritz house with Emile and his friend. I had a lot of fun there and was cool to see them outside of school. One piece of advice I'd give is to remember to include everyone, it just makes someones day.

  20. I think that our school has had a positive impact on the school. Sometimes there are classes that are just there they don't have very many good relationships and they are there not as a family but just to learn. This is one reason why I love this catholic school so much. Because there are not a ton of people in each class, like in public schools, there are a small amount of people which forces the classes to become close and start to learn and live as a family. Our class has always been close but I think that we got especially close this year. This is one reason that we are leaving a positive impact on the school. We are making an example for the future classes to come. I would like to have our class be remembered as a family who never excluded, but included every one. for many people moving from one school to another is very hard. That is why I was so happy to here all of the stories about kids in our classes today who said that they were not treated well at there old school and they were really scared that they had to come to our school, but once they got here they immediately came into the family and were included. They said that they thought that they were going to be bullied just like at their old school but instead they were treated really well. I just remember Hallissey as probably the best memory of the whole time I have had at st Joe's. It was a time for us to become closer on a team, as well as root on all of the other hallissey teams From our school. Plus we one which was a major up. For classes to come I would like to say. Include everyone and never say or do something that you are going to regret at the end of the year. You will feel terrible and it is definitely not worth it. I have seen what it did to different classes and it is terrible. Thanks.

  21. I believe that me and my class have made an impact of winning hallissey this year and that we have had so many middle school nights where we would hang out with the lower class mates. I would like our class to remembered as that super athletic and enthusiastic class that would be nice to everyone. The greatest life lesson I am going to bring with me from ST JOES is that we should have respect for everyone and that we should value our education. For the advice I would say just study hard, learn lots, and enjoy yourselves.

  22. Our class has been a super fun, awesome, smart class that had a positive impact. We were successful at Hallisey, Science Olympiad, and have been fairly good role models this year. I would like this class to remembered as the fun, happy class that had a positive impact on this school. My best memories are with the awesome, friendly people that I go to school with each day. Laughing and having fun each day is the best part. This place has helped me grow and gain some more values during the journey. For coming 8th graders, work hard, then have a blast.

  23. I think that our 8th grade class has made a definitive mark on stjoes. I think that our class has set a good standard and a good reputation for this school. I would like to be remember as that one class who always outdid themselves and tried to make this school a better place each and every day. There are so many memories that i cant say which one is the best, i would say that one of my more fonder memories is living stations of the cross. Incoming 8th graders i would say to you that it only get harder and you need to set yourself a good example that will help you in the years to come.

  24. This 8th grade year has been extremely memorable for me. New friendships were created, old ones returned, our hole class united together. I have always felt close to my class but this year more than ever we have connected. We have been through it all together. Hallessey was extremely stressful but at the same time it was a time for our class to unite... and demolish Prairie! This year has been so fun and i will always remember this year and the memories with my classmates. If i were to say one thing to the next class it would be just when you think you cant get any more homework... you can, you always can. And also if you ever call Mr. Grant Kevin, tie your shoes and run boy because you are now being hunted.

  25. This year has been unforgettable. We all had this sense of togetherness, understanding, and friendship that wasn't there before. We just sort of collectively decided that we were done with the drama. Once that was out of the way, life became this big classroom full of family! Sure, we had our groups that we hung out with more, but we all knew each other and hugged each other and laughed with each other. This is what I want our class to be remember for. I want the younger kids to look up and think "Wow, all of them are just so close. I want my class to be that way!" I know the younger classes - sixlets and sevies I'm looking at you - are still struggling to get close! I just don't see how they don't GET IT yet. I mean, come on, be friends already! Saint Joe's has left me with this feeling of family. This school has been my second home. These people have ingrained in me core values that I will use for the rest of my life. I want to thank everyone for this. AND the AMAZING education that I have received at this school.
    This is my message to the next generation: get rid of the drama already!!! Stop acting 'all that' and get along! You guys will be so so so much happier! I wish you all the best of luck. Also, getting your homework done in time helps. I will miss you all. Hugs and Kisses!
    ♡ Cecilia

  26. I think that our eighth grade has definitely made a lasting, positive impact on St. Joe's. We are one of the loudest, funniest classes that spreads the fun with the rest of the school. Each day I see a chain of laughs be passed down from friend to friend, starting with just one eighth grader. Our eighth grade class has grown together and got to know each other better throughout the whole year. I would like our class to be remembered as the class that was fun and serious, playful and learning. I want to be the class that was the most fun, but also knew when to stop joking around and be serious. I want to be known as the class that didn't exclude anyone, that treated everyone with equal respect. I want to be the class that will be looked at and someone will say, "Wow! That is one true class that is like family." I want to be remembered as the class that stuck together and was like family until the very end. One of my fondest memories from St Joe's is all the people that I met and the fun times I have had with them. Over the years I have gotten to know each person in their own special way. One of my greatest life lessons I took from St. Joe's is to be your own self and to always strive for the best you can be. Don't try to be someone that is fake and phony; let people accept you for the way you are; one's true friends are the ones that see you be your true self and don't care, accepting you as who you really are. Some advice for future eighth grade classes is to have fun and treasure the year, knowing you will never be with all of them again. Another piece of advice is to hang out with each person in the grade and get to know them better- it will help when you are writing your letters to them and you will learn unique things about each person. I have truly loved every experience I have had at St. Joe's!!


  27. I believe that our class brought about an aura of and acceptance in the school this year. As far as I know, we, as a class have been able to maintain our integrity with one another. That is a beautiful thing. In such a small environment, it is very easy to get mad with someone or to get frustrated with one another when you spend around eight hours with the same group of twenty people. We have the most are also one of the most enthusiastic and passionate grades at St. Joes. We never back down from a challenge, and we always like to have a laugh. I would like our class to be remembered for our trend setting standards in the future of education. If I am correct, we could be the first class to go through the middle school and have chromebooks the entire time. We were the pioneers in the pursuit of education. We shall obviously be remembered in the trophy case in the hallway, as our names will be on the trophy for as long as it remains there. St. Joes has taught me to be productive, not only in my studies but also in the amount of work that I put in at school, and at other places too. I commonly find myself achieving the standard set for me at St.Joes, even when the standard set is much lower. I will always remember pi day, and of all of the delicious pie we got to ear. I hope that future 8th graders realize that they should begin to write their letters to their classmates now, and have them finished by the end of the school year. This way,you will be able to write long letters to your classmates, and they should be about a page long. Some people procrastinate(like me) and could not write super long letters because of time constraints. Make your letter heartfelt and positive. Future 8th graders should also begin to work on their Khan academy Algebra I mission over the summer, when Mrs. Russell sets a Khan Goal for you all, then you will be done, and it will be great. I also advise for all future 8tyh graders to have a willingness to work hard at everything they do. It is extremely difficult to maintain your grades in your last year at St. Joe's, but it is necessary if you want to do advanced classes in High School. Good luck to all future graduates in HIgh School.

  28. I think our class has been a mixture of things. We are goofy, but when it gets serious, we know when to act like mature kids and get what needs to be done. I feel like our class didn't really break down and turn on each other as much as last year. Which I think is a big deal because almost every kid that we are with is going to BK so we still have four more years left.
    I think our class taught everyone a lesson about how to do well in school,sports, etc. and have fun doing it. my fondest memory is winning Hallissey and the couple of times our class got to hang out after school.
    To those of you incoming 8th graders..... DO NOT get behind. This grade is not a game, if you slack at all it will eat you alive. But also be a good student and have fun. This grade will test you but it is a great prep for BK....

  29. I feel like our class had a good impact on St. Joe's by being enthusiastic about St. Joe's and how much fun it is when you get involved. I want our class to be remembered by how close of friends we were and how we were such a tight class. We always enjoyed doing things as a whole class. I want to be remembered by our enthusiasm on school events(Hallissey, fun run, May crowning, Stations of the cross.) I would definitely say the retreat was the best so far. I think that made the classes closer than they already are. It gave us a chance to say how much we care about everyone and think back on the good memories we had with each other. 8th grade has really taught me how to manage school work and it has got me ready for high school. do NOT procrastinate!!!!!!!

  30. Our eighth grade class had an amazing impact on St. Joe's. I believe we were always making people laugh and we were all very friendly to everyone. Our class especially, cared about everyone and wanted to make sure that our classmates were okay. I want our class to be remembered as the class who were such close friends. Our eighth grade year was really calm and there wasn't too much drama that went on. My fondest memory was probably all of the retreats and extra things we were able to do because we were eighth graders. I am really glad that our entire eighth grade class are such great friends and I hope that other classes will strive to be the same. My advice to the future eighth graders is to keep up with school work and to become better friends with everyone. This past experience has been so much fun and I wouldn't take back any second of it.

  31. I think that our class had an impact in St. Joe's in how friendly we are. Are class is always laughing. So that spreads and makes school fun. Also I think that our class really cared about our fellow classmates. We wanted to make sure to help somebody out if they feel sad or down. I would like our class to be remembered as always being enthusiastic and of being caring. Also how much we laugh and how much fun we have as a class. I will always hold onto the great life lessons that fellow classmates and teachers have taught me. I will also remember our retreats together. And all of the things we have done together as a class. These years at St. Joe's have been great. Thank you!

  32. I think our eighth grade class has had a big impact on this school. I don't know what the rest of the school thinks of us, but I know we try our hardest to put smiles on everyone's faces and make people laugh. Our Eighth grade is so tightly knit and we are more of a family than a class. Some of my fondest memories have happened at this school, and I will never forget any of them. We have grown up so much over the years (mentally, physically, and metaphorically speaking) and I know that we have left this school better than when we came here. I'm going to miss each and every one of the people here, and I can't wait so see how it is going to a different school. ANd some advice for the upcoming eighth graders; dont burn the school down while we're gone.

  33. I believe, in the short time I've had the pleasure of going here, I beleive that the class is truly one thing; nice. Little kids look to us and see unity, they see people who are willing to work with all because they truly respect everyone. I'd love our class to be remembered as the class that was a family, the class where anyone could go to anyone and they would help.
    I'm not sure what to put for a fondest memory, having had so many amazing ones, but I may be able to say that at the first dance, I didn't think I'd even go, but then came an invitation from some girls I thought were way too pretty. Now they're some of my best friends. I went with those girls to the dance and got asked by a man that was way out of any league I could have dreamed of, and now he's a best friend too. The reason I couldn't really choose is that I'm making new ones every day and can't wait for four more years. My advice to the newbies is to reach out to someone, even if they seem like they don't care, it may make their year and you may make a friend.

  34. I think that our impact on the school was spreading kindness. I feel that every single one of us knows how to bring others up and put happiness into others' lives. I would like our class to be remembered for this. I think we stood out in others' eyes as good kids who knew how to make things right. We weren't perfect but I think we were a good contribution to the list of eighth grade classes who made a difference. What I took most out of saint joe's was that it really built me as a person. I would be so different if it weren't for the great message I received everyday from those who were around me at this school and how it taught me to be a good person. I am proud of who I am and who saint joe's has shaped me out out. For a future recommendation.....Well, have fun, appreciate what you're getting at saint joes, love your enemies, and don't give up!!!


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