Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pearl Harbor

In the 1930’s and 1940’s the United States chose to operate under the idea of isolationism.  After the fallout of World War I and the immense debt not yet to be fully repaid, the United States was under tremendous pressure from citizens and politicians to take a neutral stance with respect to the break out of war in Europe and Asia.

This proved to be more difficult than thought.  Although the United States could pretend to ignore the issues occurring between Germany, Italy, Japan and the rest of the world, it was a matter of time before we would be forced to choose sides and join the fight.  One primary issue was trade.  International trade was critically important to the financial stability of the country.  Our preferred alliance with Britain and our defense of China showed the Axis powers are true loyalty would one day side with the British.  That being said, it was in the best interest of Germany, Italy, and Japan to keep the United States out of the battle for as long as possible.

This became a greater challenge for Japan than for the other countries.  Japan was highly dependent on the United States for iron and oil.  Both resources were critically important to a country engaged in warfare.  As the Japanese aggression grew in the Pacific, the United States implemented a number of embargoes disallowing the trade of oil with the Japanese.  Our refusal to trade without concessions from Japan was the beginning of the United States entry into the war in the Pacific. 

In November, Japan began plans to attack the United States at Pearl Harbor.  Unbeknownst to the United States Navy, the decision was made to move most of the US fleet to Hawaii in preparation of the coming war.  The United States never suspected or anticipated and attack at Pearl Harbor.  Japan had given no indications of their intentions.   

Early in the morning on December 7th, the Japanese Navy attacked the American fleet.  By the end of the attack more than 2,000 soldiers and civilians were dead.  Nearly all of our battleships were either sunk or badly damaged.  The next day President Franklin Roosevelt spoke to the American people and to Congress urging the declaration of war.  Three days later Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.  We were now engaged in World War II.

What do you think of the United States decision to stay neutral?  When is it a good time to stay neutral in your life?  What is your reaction to the thoughts of a foreign country attacking the United States?  How should we respond?  Is it different today than in 1941?  If so, why?


  1. Madeline- Well, I think it was both good and bad. Good, because we weren't in the war, yet bad, because we turned a blind eye to horrible things happening. If a couple of buddies are fighting, and both are on their knees begging you to be on someone's side, it is probably a better idea to just stay out of it, or, if you must, listen to both sides of the story and then give your impartial judgement. However, it is still usually the best idea to let them work it out themselves. That's my opinion, anyway. If a foreign country were to attack today, first off, it would be horrible. Most likely beyond horrible. Thouands would probably be dead. After the initial shock wore off, I would most likely wonder what we ought to do. Should we attack back? Or should we impersonate the Vulcans, and keep out of any battle? I personally think the conditions would depend on how we should respond. Such as, were we in war with that country, or did we give reason to attack? Or was this a completly spontaneous thing? If we were already at war, then we probably continue fighting. If not, perhaps a meeting with the leaders on neutral soil would work. However, we would most likely end up in a war either way. To be quite honest, it isn't too different than 1941. Sure, new technology, faster planes, ect., but it all boils down to the same thing. A want for damage to be done, to strike fear into the hearts of that country.
    It is a good thing I'm not running the country...

  2. Taylor-I didn't think that staying neutral was to great of an idea. It seemed that staying neutral just wasn't the thing to do at the time.When your parents are fighting it is good to stay neutral.It doesn't seem like it would acually happen but the truth is it could happenat any minute to any country.I don't know how i would respoud. I would probably be scared that it is acually happening.I think it would be different because we have a strounger navy and army and that would help with future attachs.

  3. Francesca- I think it was a good idea because we werent in the war. If your friends were fighting and you didnt know what to is probably best to stay neutral so you wouldnt be in the middle of it. If someone was attacking us I wouldnt know what to do I would just be really freaked out. It think that it is way different now than back then because we have stronger people and a better navy with more weapons.

  4. Gonzo- I think that the United States decision to stay neutral was a good idea because we as a country were still getting over world war 1 and the debt that it caused. There are a couple of times in life to stay neutral. One of those times is when there is an argument between friends, siblings, or people close to you. The reason that it is good to stay neutral in an argument like this is that whatever you say can and probably will be use against you later on in life and you might hurt someone's feelings. Also, if two countries are on the brink of war, it is probably better to, as a country, stay neutral. Just the thought of having anyone attack the United States on our own soil chills me to my very bones. I would also be quite outraged that someone would be stupid enough to attack the United states and the United Nations. I think that we should react by first sending in intellegent officers to see what is really going on in that country. Then, depending on what is found, we should either send in the whole army, navy, airforce, etc. if it is a big threat that will take a while to subdue or we should send in the marine force recon or other covert military groups to strike a quick, painful blow right at the heart of the enemy. We should probably also increase the country's defences so that we don't get invaded and attacked a second time. Yes and no, their are some aspects of how we should respond that are different and some that are still the same. For example, some things that are the same are the procedures that we have to go through before we are able to do anything like moving troops, and asking congress to declare war. Some things, however are different like the technology that we have, the weaponry that we have, and the tactics that we have. Also, now we have more military troops that are well trained and have seen action whereas in 1941, most of the people who were going off to war had very little training experience with their weapons and very little action. All in all, a lot of things have changed since the Japanese invasion in the 1940's and many thing have stayed the same, but regardless, the attack on the United States from Japan will never be forgotten by our country.

  5. ~Jenna~
    i think that staying neutral was a good idea because we weren't in the war. it is good to stay neutral when people close to you are fighting or something along those terms because if you choose a side then the other side will be mad so it would pretty much be a win lose situation rather than a win win situation. i think that if a foreign country attacked us i think i would be freaking out big time. i dont really know how we should respond because i would just be extremely shocked that something like that was actually happening to us!yes because the technology that we have today rather than the technology from 1941 is way more advanced. Also the weapons are way more high tech i think. i also think that nowadays our troops have a bit more endurance and experience with weapons and fighting in general. our troops are also stronger and i think that having more advanced weapons in general helps out alot.

  6. Rich a.k.a The Delicious Studmuffin- I thought it was a good decision because we were still in debt from World War I and it would have probably been a huge problem if we were to get into more debt and would probably cause more problems and deaths for our country. It is a good time to stay neutral in life when your two best friends are fighting and you can't pick one side because if you do one of your friends could get mad at you. I think it would be really suprising and sad to wake up one morning and figuring out that over 2,000 people have died and some of our navy ships have been sunken from a country that we weren't even in war with. I think we responded the right way in declaring war against the country that attacked us and the countries allies. I do not think it would be diffrent from today because I think if someone bombs us we can't just ignore them and act like nothing happened. We need to fight back and stand up for ourselves.

  7. Conner or Chocolate thunda... or this week i'm Conner and the chipmunks (thats right will i'm talkin to you) - i think that our descision to stay out of war as best we could was a good idea by our government. if we were of to engage in war at the soonest possible moment, it would be hard to get the resources and other needed materials that we needed due to our debt in the involvment in WW I. i think that a good time to stay nuetral in an everyday situation is when two family members or friends are in an argument or disagreement. it is not a good idea to choose sides especially when you just pick your favorite right away without hearing both sides of the story. in situations like that it is best to mainly stay out of it and if you can't then you should repectfully pick a side when you hear both sides of the story. whenever i think of events like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor i take it disrespectfully, i just do not like the idea of it. i do not like how our innocent citizens and people get murded on our own soil. i think that it was a great descision to declare war when we were attacked by foriegn countries. if we just took the attack on Pearl Harbor without doing anything about it then it would show volnrability towards us and other countries would be encouraged to do the same thing on us and more of our people would be killed. i do not think that it is that much different than in 1941 because if we were to get attacked today then we would declare war on that country just like we did on Japan.

  8. sorry this is chocolate thunda again and i just wanted to say that i am over and out for the week and... ALVINNN!!! (you know because this week i'm Conner and the chipmunks in case you didn't get it at all)

  9. Patrick O'N: I think it was a good idea to stay neutral. That way since we knew we would eventually join in the war, we would still have idea to stay neurtral in my life is when there are two sides arguing, and you are freinds with a lot of resources left. I think it is a good both of the sides. My reaction to the thought of a foreign country attacking us is that both economies of each country would be affected, the allies of the country might also be allies with us and then trade might stop. We should respond by stopping all trade with that country and see if they continue the attacks, if they do we should attack back. If the attack is a one time thing, keep an eye on the country but dont attack back right away. Today is different than 1941 because we have different leaders. Different leaders will react differently thanthe leaders in 1941.

  10. Kristen- I thinkn it was a good idea to stay neutral becuse we were not part of the war. As a country we were still recoverying from the effects of WWI. It was best for are government and economy too stay out of it.I think you should stay neutral when your parents are fighting becuse you don't want to make the problem worse by picking sides. You should also stay neutral when your siblings or friends are fighting. I think the idea of a forign country fighting the United States is scary and dangerous. We should respond by going to war to protect ourselves from being killed. It is different today because we have more weapens and tecnology.

  11. Jilly- I think that the United States decision to stay neutral is both good and bad. The bad concequences are that Japan attached us and alot of people died as a result of it so now we celebrate Pearl Harbor to remember all the people who died. The positive things of staying neutal was that they were trying to avoid going to war again because they had already had gone to war and they did not want any more peole to die as a result of going to WWII. A good time for me to stay neutral is when two of my classmates are arguing and I dont want to chose one side because I dont want the other person to get mad at me. I could also do this if my friend were in an arguement and I dont want anyone to get mad at me. If I had been there I would have been really scared and I propobly would not know what to do. Now that it has happened it makes me sad to think that one country would want to attach us just because we stoped sending them stuff because we did not like what they were doing. We should respond by fighting aginst them to protect our country which is what they did so I think it was the right thing to do. The differences between now and 1941 are that we have more advance technology, safer equipment, and more weapons today. In 1941 they did not have as well prepared fighter because they were not trained as much of as well as today. Now that this has happened no one will forget which is good so if it ever happens again we will know what to expect.

  12. I think that staying neutral was bad. I think this because all that it did was prolong the inevitable of the US joining the war and set us up to be attacked at Pearl Harbor. Also, while we were being lazy and sitting around, our friends for a long time were getting killed in Britain and France. If we had joined sooner then i don't think that Japan would have had the guts to attack a well prepared USA. So we would just have to fight on one front instead of spreading ourselves thin on two fronts. THe war would've been over so much quicker. I think it is best to stay out of fights between friends, but when it is a good friend fighting an old enemy like in WWII, you definitely need to help the friend. THe idea of anybody attacking us is horrendous. I would like to think of myself as a Patriot so I would say grab a gun and kick some butt. If we were attacked we should respond with something that said never attack us again. I think that if we were attacked now we would be overwhelmed because being a super power means nothing if you have hardly any Patriots who would stand up for their country and not give it away without a fight. Our response now wouldn't be as monumental because their are too many people who I think don't care about the greatest country on Earth, the United States of America.

  13. Ben R.
    I think the decision to stay neutral was a good decision. In my life it is good to stay neutral when two people who are angry at each other need to resolve their issues by themselves rather then having someone else do it for them. the idea of a foreign country declaring war on the U.S. is very scary and frightens me because war is a terrible thing. If this does happen it would be good to try to resolve the issue without violence but that rarely works so you should attack back.It is not much different today then back then.

  14. Noah R-I think that the US staying neutral was a way to possibly give Japan a chance to stop what they are doing. I know that we weren't exactly the most belligerent country, either. In my life, I usually stay neutral unless I have a strong belief in one side. Also, I stay neutral because of the fear of disappointment. I feel horrible for the side that I don't pick. If our country was attacked, the effects would be devastating. There is a lot more of a population density today than in 1941, so a lot more lives would be lost. If that happened, we would have to go to war. We can't just sit and watch thousands of our citizens die! The reaction to the attack would both be the same and different. For example, our military today is much more disciplined than the one in the 40's. However, the patriot mentality remains. If our country is attacked, that feeling of defensiveness, pride, unity, and utter rage at the loss of our countrymen will rise above the barriers that seperate one member from another. One thought flows through everyone's head. 'It's payback time.'

  15. John- I thought being neutral in that time would be bad because even though we weren't in this fight in the beginning, we would eventually anyway. I think however, if the other countries could get out themselves it would have been better to stay out of it, which was why we did until the attack at Pearl Harbor. I think a good time to stay neutral in life is when you don't know what's going to happen next. I would be very angry at that country obviously for doing such a thing as attack us, but also wonder why they would do something like that. I think the only way to respond if another country purposely attacks us is to fight back. We can't just simply tell another country to instantly change their beliefs, or a terrorist's belief. Yes, there is a tremendous difference in the U.S. today then there was in 1941. For one thing, we are on completely different wars now against other people then we were then. Also, the technology has gotten better and we have more experience in war then we did back then.

  16. Nora- I think that our decision was a kind of stupid move. Turning a blind eye towards such a serious war was kind of saying, "we don't care if thousands of people are dying! It has nothing to do with our country!" I agree with John; we should have known that our country would become involved eventually. It's better to stay neutral sometimes, though. Like when you are just walking by two fighting people, and know that their argument has nothing to do with you, and they turn to you saying, "I'm right and he's wrong, right!?" You should tell them that you will take no part in this. Also, when two people that you like equally are having some sort of disagreement, it's best to step off, and not take sides. (Remember Harry and the constant spats between Ron and Hermione.) I haven't the slightest idea of what we should do if another country attacks. Sure, we should retaliate, but I am not really sure how. I mean, if we start a war, then there will be a whole lot of bloodshed, but if we don't act back, won't that lead to some sort of destruction of America? I don't know; I think, though, that I'll never run for president because I don't know how to run a group of 5 people, never mind a whole country! I don't think that much would be different from the 40's, the only thing I can think of is that the 60's have happened.

  17. Tim: I think that staying neutral was a good idea for the United States because we were still in debt from World War I. There are many times in your life when you should stay neutral. A good example is when two of your best friends(or brothers) are in a fight. You would want to stay neutral here because you don't want to lose one of your friends.I don't think that attacking the United States was a good thought or action because that would anger a lot of Americans and involve the U.S. in the war. This would be making the foreign country's chances of winning the war not as good as they were since another country would be joining on the other side. To respond to this we have no choice but to go to war with Japan because they attacked the U.S. and killed Americans. NO i don't think it is different than in 1941. Because like Conner said we would just declare war on them as we did with Japan and have a lot more people join the army, navy, and etc.

  18. Grant- I think it was both good and bad to stay neutral. If we had never been neutral the war probably would have been a lot shorter, but we were still recovering from World War I so it probably was good to stay neutral. It is good to stay neutral if two of your friends are in an argument. Staying neutral will usually keep you from getting either one of your friends angry. If someone attacked us like the did in Pearl Harbor is scary to think about. If someone did attack us we would probably join with whoever was fighting the country that attacked us. I don't think its that different because either way we just got attacked and people's reactions would also be very similar. I think our response would be the same if Pearl Harbor happened today.

  19. Aaron: aka shrimp I think there are pros and cons to both. On the pros side we aren't spending money on war and military suppies. Cons side is that we are volnerable and not expecting to be attacked.It is a good time when your friends are arguing over stupid things like when this or that happened.I don't like when foreign attacks happen in the United States. I feel we should protect our people and needs.It is not like compare pearl harbor to 9/11 it is the same a sneak attack and a open openner too.

  20. Italian stalian------- i think it was good to stay nutral because we were not in war. When your friend and his parents are fighting. i think its suprising that a forign country attacked us because we have such a strong amry and navy that can fight back with strong force.we should Bomb the crap out of them or nuke them. yes because we r now alies

  21. Bella- I think it was a good idea to stay neutral, it wasn't our job to get involved in the war. A good time to stay neutral in your life is when two of your very best friends are fighting, it is none of your buisness to get involved in the fight. I don't like when foreign countries attack us, especially when it is an unexpected attack. I don't think it is different today then it was in 1941. Take for example the tourist attack on 9/11, when the twin towers were knocked down, also in Pearl Harbor. In both situations many people were killed. I think this because in both situations we reacted the same because these events provoked the United States in going into war both times. Also in both these situations it brought our nation closer together.

  22. ~Emily T~
    I think that stay neutral was a good idea, and a bad one, it was good considering the cost and resources it would take, but it was also bad because of the thousands of people that were dying. When two people are fighting is a good time to stay neutral, that way you don't take sides and no one is angry with you, plus if you don't know all of the facts about the argument, you could have made a big mistake. I don't like the idea of being attacked bt other countries, including the debt we would be in because of the expense and the deaths.I think if we were to be attacked, we should declare war because it would just give the other country more confidence, and they might possibly attack again.I think that today is alot different that 1914, we have more technology that is useful in war, and we also have different people that use different stratigies, so yes I think we are alot differentfrom the way we were in 1914.
    ~Emily T.~

  23. -Garren-I think staying neutral was a good thing because it was not our war to fight. It is good to stay neural when you dont want to get involved or when you dont have an opinion. We did stop selling them goods but they could have done something a little less extreme. We should not retaliate too much because they will do something else out of anger. I dont know if it is different because i was not allive back then.

  24. Patrick (again). No, the U.S. should not have stayed neutral because we sat by and we were attacked. The U.S. should have become more aggressive and entered the war sooner A good time to stay neutral in my life is when good friends or family members close to me are arguing and I want to support both of them without offending them. It's scary to think anyone attacking the U.S. especially with the nuclear weapons available today. I think we should gather intelligence, reinforce our strongholds in the world, and neutralize those reponsible. It is much more different than 1941 with the nuclear warheads and other weaponary of today. And, the economic and social impact would be much greater today.

  25. Ben S- I think it was a good idea to stay neutal at the time because we werent at war with anyone and we didnt want to be at war with anyone. That is the best time to be neutral. Their decision to attack the big bad USA wasnt a good idea because we will come after you with rage and firepower, a lot of firepower. I also think that what we did to come back from what they did to us was a very good idea because we need to teach other countries like japan that their little air planes cant defeat a country like the USA because when and if you do it will feel like the whole world is comming down on you. The art of war has changed a lot since then. For instance, now we have a lot of new and improved guns and machines that make defeating an enimy easier and more effective. If you dont know about all the weapons we have today play 5 minutes of Call of Duty and you will understand what i mean...

  26. jared- i think it was a good idea to stay neutal because we werent at war with anyone. its good to stay neutal when you dont want to get involed. even though we stopped selling the goods they didnt have to attck us in such a bad way. if i got attacked by a different country we wernt even at war with i would be scared and a little starstruck. i would respond like any american TO FIGHT!i dont know how it is different because i wasent alive back then.

  27. Bailey A.K.A. Stud - I think it was an alright idea because we didn't want to lose lives for different countries. Or money. A good way to stay nuetral is fight between two different things. Right now i don't think any small countries would attack us because we are to strong. On the other hand for big countries it would be bad to have a war for our country. I think we should get them back and punish them for there faults. It is way different now adays we have way more dangorous weapons and navy. It would be terrible.

  28. Alice- First off it was kinda of good of us to stay neutral. So we wouldn't have to get in the middle of things. Yet it would have been if we got in the middle of it if we helped, but o well. For me its a good time to stay neutral when both of my silblings are in a fight, while both of them did something wrong. Then they try to bring me in their problems, which I don't like at all.Well anyways if we were attack I would react by well hopefully not living close to the attack area and if i was then I would move. And well really hopefully kinda of not really join the forces to help support my country. I think we should we react by well being prepared for anything (hopefully we should have been). It probably was more different in 1941 than today by how planes and other stuff been advance. And kinda on how we attack, I'm not really for sure on this cause well i wasn't there. Well thats my response sooooo ya.

  29. Karina- I think it was a good idea to stay neutral because we were still getting over World War I. Good situations to say neutral are when you are in a fight, or when some people are fighting, it would be best just to stay out of it so that you don't cause problems or so that you don't take sides. It's not much different today then how it was back then, besides the weapons and all that. I think that if a foreign country attacked us, that would be super scary and we should respond by fighting back and showing them what they have gotten into!

  30. SQUIRREL.......I think it was a bad decision to stay neutral for that long because once we got into the war after Pear Harbor there had already been alot of damage done. I think we should have stayed neutral but not for that long cause if we would have gotten into the war sooner you never know there might have been alot of lifes saved. Its a good time to stay neutral in your life if you cant help someone by staying neutral[if that made any sense at all.] What i think about a foreign country attacking us is one thing, they got balls. If that should happen we should respond by going to there country and kicking the crap out of them. also, Ithink it is differnet on an attack on the U.S today then it was in 1941 because now a days there are bombs and other exposives that can do much greater damage then that was done on Pearl Harbor. there are also bigger more populated places now a days. by the way, i will have my poster to u tomorrow sorry couldnt make it to school today.

  31. Abhi-
    I think it was a good idea to stay neutral was a good idea because we weren't in war. A good time to stay neutral is in a fight. Its good because you don't want to get into the fight much and cause problems.If a foreign country attacked the U.S. we would react quickly and attack back. It is different than 1941 because of the better weapons and better technology and it would be easier to attack.

  32. jake- I think that it was a good idea to stay neutral because then they wouldn't be on any side and would not be on any side. Sometimes if friends stat to argue and you can't choose a side. I'm surprised that a foreign attacked us because we were not doing any thing wrong.if I were to control the us I would have try to make piece offering. It is very different today than in1941 because of the increase of weapons and artillery.

  33. Peyton- I think it was a bad idea because of all the atrocities that were happening because of the germans and we weren't fighting against them. a good time to stay neutral is if your parents are in a fight its best not to pick sides because if you do you can make things worrse. I think that if a country attacks the U.S. we should fight back to protect our country. its not different because you should always fight to defend your country no matter what the scenario is.

  34. The Freelance Pianist - Personally I believe that the U.S. made the right decision to stay neutral until Pearl Harbor. From a military standpoint, it is very unwise for us to have entered a war while still recovering from WW1. In addition, it is equally unwise to execute an unprovoked attack on an enemy that has prepared for years and years and has the resources to fight back. Something to remember is that we as a country are not global superheroes, and it is not our duty to go save every country that gets in trouble for no reason other than a victim's plight. In life, one should remain neutral through any situation where you have been unprovoked, such as an argument or disagreement between two or more people, friendly or otherwise. Being neutral opens up opportunities to learn more about the situation from all angles and allows you to make a fair and logical stand if the need to pick a side arises. If the U.S. were to be attacked today, being the religious person I am I would not fear the aspect of death as much as other people might. I would also have faith in the people that are put in place to protect us and trust that our nation has put its money in the right place in terms of defensive emplacements and such. Response in our country should be immediate and extremely aggressive seeing as the enemy attacking us on our own front. However since it IS our land they are fighting on we have the military advantages of quicker reinforcement, supply, etc. As technology has changed our lifestyle over the years so has the art of war. With increased stealth and weaponry, as well as advanced tactics and military tactics warfare has moved from out in the open to stealthier and more precise and deliberate strikes at the enemy to eventually break them down and go in for the kill.

  35. Kobe- I think that staying out of the war was both a good and a bad thing. It was partially good because we didn't want to risk the people of our countries lives. But it's also saying we're afraid. We are the United States. We should be standing up and helping those people in other countries that need our help. I think it's a good time to stay neutral in our lives if two people who are close to you are fighting. I mean you don't want to choose one side over the other because you care about both of those people. If a foreign country attacked our country I think I would have a reaction because in this day and age weapons are a lot bigger and more dangerous, aAnd can wipe out countries at a time.

  36. I I think that staying out of the war was a good thing because we didn't want it to kill our americans. On the other hand though we should have gone in sooner to help... its important for me to stay neutral in this comment! And while speaking about sensitive stuff. Its way differnt respondingg to an attack in the 1940s than in 2010. Today we have nukes that could destroy the whole world.

  37. ~Megan~
    I think at the moment it is a good idea to stay neutral, since we weren't really involved at all. I think if two of my friends were in a fight i would stay neutral. I think the idea of a foreign country attacking the USA is kinda a scary thought.I think the way we reacted was just right. I think we would react differently if it were to happen today. I think we would be quicker to react if it does happen

  38. Anna K~ Well I would say that it was a good idea for the country to stay neutral at the time. Mostly because of the delicate trading issues. We also had just come off World War I and we were in debt so it probably wasn't in the country's best interest to get involved with the war at that time. Of course when we were attacked we should join the war. I believe a good time to stay neutral is when two of your good friends are arguing. They are both your friends and you want to keep it that way so you shouldn't take sides or you could lose one friend or both. As for my thoughts to a foreign counrty attacking us, I wouldn't like it. I would be scared and also really mad that that country would attack us for possibly no reason. Responding to the attack depends. We should acknowledge that we obviously didn't like it. But responding by attacking them could start a war and that costs money and lives and a lot of other stuff. I think we need to protect our country and if a war is what it takes then I guess it will just have to happen. War in our world is inevitable. I think that if we were attacked today just like what happened in 1941 our reaction would be different. I don't know how it would be different because it hasn't happened but we already are in a war now so I'm sure our reaction would be different. Plus we are in a huge debt. the end

  39. ~Emily b~ Being neutral has its pros and cons. It wasn't our job to get involved in a war that we were not did not take part in getting started. That being said had we become involved earlier maybe we could have prevented the attack on Pearl Harbor. It is a good time to stay neutral in your life if two of your equally good friends get in a fight. That way you don't choose a side and lose a friend. Obviously I don't think the attack is good for the US. However it certainly bring the Country together.If we were attacked today we should be careful not to go straight to revenge although probably it is not that much different today because the first overall reaction of the US is to get revenge.

  40. Anna M. - being neutral was probably the best thing for the US at that point. it is a good time to stay neutral when you don't want to take sides in a fight especially with friends. My reaction to a foreign country attacking us is very confused, mainly because we were trying to stay neutral. i don't really know what we should do but i think we should respond by attacking back. i don't know that would be a good idea considering i am not the type of person to know what to do in this situation. things are a lot different in my opinion just in the sense of having more knowledge and technology for our advantage in war.

  41. braey- well in my opinion stay nutral was the best thing that the united states could of done in 1941. in today it would of changed because instead of moving men over seas with a click of a button we would be sendig a missle over there.if a foregin country would attacks us my opinion would to just send a few f-32's and blow the place to pieces. but that is just me.

  42. Emma- I think the United States opinion to stay neutral was good and because they didnt want our resoucres into war because the economy was unstable and we couldnt afford to go into a costly war. I think when you should stay neutral when to friends of yours get in a fight and you dont want to take sides so you just stay neutral. I think my thoughts about the foregin attack was overhelming. We should repsond by come to a truce. We have way more soilders and stonger weapons.

  43. LAUREN!-I think it was a good idea for the US to stay neutral. There are situations in my life when I have to stay neutral. When my friends are fighting I don't want to take sides or that would cause more drama and it would hurt the other friend's feelings that you didn't pick their side. The bebst thing to do in that situation is to not get into their fight, but let them solve it themselves. I would be really worried if a foreign country was invading ours. We would probably fight back if it happened to the US right now. Yes, it is different now than in 1941, because we have improved items that we could use in the war. We also have better technology. Back then, they probably didn't expect the attack, but now we have technology that can detect a ship out in the ocean. We would be able to see what direction it was heading and we would be prepared for the attack a little bit more.

  44. Abby- i think that the USA choice to stay neutral was a good because we didnt have enough money to support a war and our resources were low. i think that you should stay neutral in fight that have nothing to do with you. like if yourparents are fighting about money or work then staay out of thoughts of the the attack scares me because of how real it was. people have dreams about that type of stuff but it shouldnt happen. i believe that we should have made a truce with them. i think is way different then that time because we have more resources and better under standing of things and more soldiers and weaponsd

  45. Parker Toney- The United States should have got involed right away. I think other country should have learned not to attack us because we always win.

  46. Joseph- I think that the choice to stay neutral was an ok idea. It was good to protect our country, but we didnt have everything and only had enough to make it though with our supplies. i would think that staying neutral would be good in an aruguement that you weren't in, so it would be fair. i would not really like a foreign country attacking us and i would be pretty mad, maybe try to make a pact to stay in a truce, but not full out attack them unless they attack us like big time then i would attack them. Yes, it is a lot different from 1941. we haave better supplies, firepower, different generals, new tactics and a lot more.


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