Sunday, December 19, 2010

Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Great movie.  For those of you able to attend, I truly hope you enjoyed the last day of school for the fall term.  It was an immensely interesting week, full of symbolism and intrigue.  Whether you recall the lecture from Fr. Len or reflect on the movie, the events of the week should have opened your eyes to mysteries of the church and Christianity.

The movie is based on the book by C.S. Lewis.  It is one of seven books he wrote about the land of Narnia.  While in no particular order, the three stories made into movies have focused on the Pevensie children and their adventures in Narnia.  The stories and the movies are full of symbolism depicting Lewis’ translation of his Christian faith.  Once you are aware he is writing about Christianity, it is easier to pick out the analogies, but if you are unaware, the stories are simply good.  They are full of mystery, adventure, and spirit. 

It is believed by many, C.S. Lewis’ intention was to write good stories which would capture the imagination and hearts of readers of all faiths.  He did not want to limit his audience or the impact his stories may have.  He wanted the stories to be read and loved by all people.  The readers would come to love the character of Aslan and look for that kind of character in the real world.  As a result, they would come to find Jesus Christ. 

After knowing the movie is an analogy of Christianity, what symbolism or similarities strike you the most?  (You can use examples from all three movies or the books if you have read them)  Are there any commonalities between the topics Fr. Len shared and the movie?  Now knowing C.S. Lewis was writing about Christianity, does it make the story more or less interesting? 


  1. ~Emily T.~
    In the first movie when Aslan dies and he is walking up the hill to be killed, is symbolizing Jesus being crucified and walking up the hill to his death, and also, the seven swords that they had to find and put on the table could represent the seven deadly sins or the seven sacraments, or a whole bunch of different things. Yes, Father Len was talking about symbolism and how water is a sign of change, and in the movie, Aslan's country, which I think is supposed to be Heaven, is behind a wave, which symbolizes change. No, I don't think that knowing that the movie is based on faith makes it less interesting, if anything, I think it makes it more interesting and fun to try to find the symbols.
    ~Emily T.~

  2. Bella-
    Some of the symbols that I think about first in the Chronicles of Narnia are the seven swords, I think these would represent the seven sacraments, or the seven deadly sins. Also their star, that shows them where the last sword is. This lady maybe is the Holy Spirit guiding them. The Mist I think is Satan because, it is trying to lead them in to temptation of doing bad things. Also Aslan's country is Heaven. Yes, Father Len was talking about the symolism of water, which is change. This wave around Aslan's country is meaning that once you walk through it, you are getting ready for change. No, I don't think the fact that the movies are based on Christianity make it less interesting it just makes it more interesting. I think it makes it more interesting because you have to read more into the movies and books. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie.

  3. Gonzo- As expected in a movie that has hints of Christianity, there are many symbols. I think that the one of the biggest symbols is the wall of water around Aslan's country is to represent the gates of heaven and that really anyone can enter if they are willing to give up everything that they hold dear. The trip that the children make on the Dawn Treader resembles how some of Jesus' apostles left Jerusalem and sailed elsewhere to spread the new faith. I would say that over the course of the movies, there are two 'things' that represent Satan. In the first two movies, Satan is The Witch and she has ruined the land of Narnia and has made every good being go into hidding. In the last movie, Satan is the mist and the mist is terrorizing people and creatures outside of the Narnia. There are quite a few simmilarites between what Father Len said and the movie. Like what father Len said, water represents change. In the latest movie, when the children go through the picture, they go through water which represents a change in the way they think and literally where they are. I think that knowing that C.S.Lewis was writing about Christianity, it makes the books and movies more interesting because you are able to look for similarities in my faith and also look for differences in my faith.

  4. Kristen- There are many symbols in the movies. The 7 swords represent the deadly sins and the 7 sacraments. Aslan is Jesus and his country is heaven. When he walks up the hill to his death it represents Jesus' crucifixion. And the water is the gates of heaven. Father Len talked about water and in the movie water is what separates Aslan's country from the rest of the world. This shows that when you pass through there is change. Knowing that the movie is based on Christianity makes it more interesting because you can look for all the symbolism and you know that there is a hidden meaning.

  5. Taylor-There are many differnt symbols in the movie. Some of them were Aslans country was surrounded by water and when you passed through it you go through a change and that his country is supposed to be heaven and the 7 swords layed on the table were represented as the 7 deadly sins or the 7 sacraments and in the first movie when Aslan was sacraficed on the table he came back to life just like Jesus did.Knowing that the movie was made for christianity just makes it more interesting and trying to figure out the symbols is fun.

  6. Noah R.- Yes, there are similarities between the movie and Christianity. One is Aslan, him being Jesus and his kingdom being heaven. Aslan's kingdom is wonderful, but once you go there you can never come back.

    One thing from the lecture and the movie that is the same, as everyone else says, is the water. It symbolized change, purification, and cleansing.

    Knowing Lewis was a Christian makes the movie much more interesting. Now, instead of one fun story, you get to notice all the small references to Christianity.

  7. Jilly- There are many symbols in the Chronicles of Narnia that relate to Christianity. Like many people have already said the water around Aslan's country represents change, This is one of the symbols that Fr. Len spoke to us about. When Reepecheep the rat goes through he knows there will be no war so he leaves his sword behind. I agree that Aslan's country is heaven because you cannot come back once you are there and also because there is no anger or saddnes you will always be happy. Another symbol that I noticed is when Aslan is killed he rises from the dead like Jesus did also before Jesus died he was stripped of his clothes and that relates because Aslan's mane was cut off before he died. Aslan was tied up with rope and Jesus was nailed to the cross before they died wich is similar. Another thing is that Jesus and aslan were both stabedand they both died to save some one else. Aslan represents Jesus and the witch and the mist represents the devil becaus they are both evil and they lead people away from Aslan. I think another symbol is that the four children are like the apostles of Jeseus because when he calls or one of his followers calls them they follow even if they must leave something behind. I definatly think the simbolism of these movies makes them more interesting because instead of just watching you can be looking for similarities to Jesus and his life.

  8. Madeline- In the new movie, when Aslan tells Lucy that he is in her world, and he goes by many names there, that was what struck me the most. However, the bit with the water and Aslan's country was also prominent. And in the first movie, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, when Aslan is killed and then comes back to life, that really was very close to Jesus being crucified and being resurrected. Fr. Len talked about water representing change, which is what happened to those who went into Aslan's country, which represented heaven. Once you know about the symbolisim in these movies, I think it makes it even more interesting to watch and pick out what represents what.

  9. jared- yes there are similarities with this movie and christianity. aslan is like god and his kingdom is heaven. and once you go to his kingdom you may never go back.the water is the same in the movie and in the lecture, its a symbol of perifectation and clensing. i think this makes the movie more interesting because as catholics we can figure out all the symbols that are in the movie

  10. Patrick O'N: I did know that the movie was an analog of christianity, but there was some symbols i did not know. The one that stuck me the most was that Aslans country is basically heaven. Some similarities with what Fr. Len was that he talked about movies that also have some faith tied in with them. Now knowing the truth about the movies, it does make them more interesting because you are more focused on finding the symbolds, and when you do find one you feel proud of yourself.

  11. Tim: I think the symbols that strike me the most are; Aslan symbolizing God and his city representing heaven, but i think there are a few more that i don't know. Yes there are because Aslan's country is surrounded by waves of water and Fr. Len talked about water symbolizing change.I think that making it about Christianity is more interesting because you can think about the symbols of Christianity and why the director made it that way.

  12. The Basque Bronco aka Rich- The symbolism is that in the first book The Magician's Nephew Aslan makes the whole world including the trees, the creatures and the mountains. Also in the book and movie The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Aslan is killed so he could save everybody and then comes back to life to save the rest of the people. Sorry I was not at school when Father Len talked. It makes it more interesting because I never thought those stories had just been made up from scratch, but he had actually got some of his ideas from Christianity.

  13. Jenna
    i think that the symbols that i saw were the 7 swords which could represent the 7 sacraments or the 7 deadly sins. also another one is that i think aslans country is supposed to be heaven. Also in one of the movies when aslan is walking up the hill to be killed represents when Jesus was walking up to be crucified. yes, Father Len talked about water becoming change and that is the same in the movie at the part where crossing through the wave to aslan's country was also considered a change. i think now knowing about the symbolisms in the book could make it a little bit more interesting for some people to try and point out the religious similarities.

  14. Grant- Some of the symbols are Aslan being like God, the 7 swords could represent the 7 sacraments or the 7 deadly sins and Aslan's home represented heaven. Father Len said that water meant change and in the movie water surrounds Aslan's home and when you entered his country you would change. I don't think that it makes the story less interesting, but I don't think it makes it more interesting

  15. Aaron(woodhead39) I was struck by the raising of water and the mouse asking if he may enter the kingdom. I was also struck by the temptation of evil on that island. The talk with Father Len was similar to the movie in a way. Knowing what Father Len taught us and recognized the movies symbols and how it revered back to the talk. It makes it more because you are trying to find the symbols and the meanings behind them.

  16. Ben R.
    The similarities that strike me the most are that Aslan acts a lot like God and Jesus. The evil lady in the first movie is a lot like Satan and her followers are like demons. There are also quite a bit of moments when people are tempted by the evil lady just how we are tempted by the Devil. One common thing about Father Len's talk and the movie was that there was a wall of water around Aslan's kingdom just how there is a wall around Heaven. Knowing that C.S. Lewis was writing about Christianity it has made the books more enjoyable.

  17. ~Emily B.~ In the books and movies of Narnia there are many similarities between the catholic religion and the charactars, events, places. A couple of the similarities are; the white queen is like the devil and in the latest movie the island of evil is like hell. And when Aslan was killed he, just like Jesus was stripped of his clothes, Aslans' mane was cut. In Fathers speech he explained that water ment change and water surrounded Aslans land, or heaven and you have to change for the better befor entering heaven. I think these similarities make the movie more interesting because the movie so closely resembles Jesus' life.

  18. Italian Stalian........ When aslan walks up the hill and dies. its like when jesus walks the hill and gets crusafied. also aslan made narnia.yes water represents change. neither the movies r all kinda chezzzzy.

  19. -david Some of the symbols in the movies are the wall that the mouse crosses over could be like the wall of Heaven that is inpenatrable and miles thick. Aslan could be God or Jesus who ends up being crucified and resurects. Also the serpent could be Satan. There are some common things such as the wall which I am pretty sure he talked about and also the water and its symbol. I think it makes the story more interesting because its interesting to see how people can bring these sort of things together.

  20. Some symbols in the movie are the 7 swords that could represent the 7 sacraments or 7 deadly sins, and Aslan is like god. Father Len said that water meant change, in the movie thats what happened to those who went into Aslan's country which was like heaven. I think it makes the story more interesting for some people.

  21. Freelance Pianist - Hidden deep within the pages that make up the Chronicles of Narnia, there is a plethora of symbols to be found. Aslan symbolizes God, the wall of water that the rat dude went through can symbolize the Red Sea or the gates of Heaven. Also, just as Fr. Len said that water symbolizes change, every time the children entered Narnia, there was water. In the first movie they entered a land covered in snow, in the second movie they were by a beach, and in the third movie they were in an ocean. For those of you who read some of the books, the first ones to go to Narnia (Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer) entered Narnia by jumping in certain ponds. The White Witch or the mist can symbolize the devil and the Hundred Years Winter made by the White Witch can symbolize the Israelites' imprisonment in Egypt until being freed by Moses (Aslan freeing the Narnians). The Last Battle can represent the rapture that will happen at the Second Coming. The seven swords can represent the seven sacraments. Prince Caspian, Edmund, Eustace, and Lucy going into the Dark Island to get the final sword can represent Jesus descending into Hell to bring people out of it, similar to how the Narnians that were taken by the mist reappeared after its defeat. Aslan's healing of Eustace can symbolize Jesus's healing powers. And to finish it all off, just like how classical music becomes more interesting as you discover the different beats and dynamics that form the song, the different symbols and elements that make up a book make it much more interesting.

  22. braedy- it made it a little mor interesting that fact that i believe in God but to sme people who do not believe in Him it probably made it less interesting. some of the symbols are Aslan is God in that movie and the ocean walls can represent the Gates Of Heaven. Also in that movie Narnia could represent our lives with in the last one the Green Mist was the Devil and Aslan was God. Also in the 3rd book the witch is the Devil and Aslan is God and Peter and the other three could be like us fighting the Devil but when Edman give into the witch it could be like when we do something Evil but when he asks for foregivness fro Aslan it is like us asking for foregivness from God

  23. JAKE: unfortunately I was unable to attend our movie on Friday but I have seen the first two tha movies aslan represents GOD and his kingdom is heaven and we are the people who enter it. I think it makes It more interesting that the movie is based on the catholic church for us catholiCs. But i can see others think that It does not mean much.¥¥¥

  24. Bailey aka Stud- I have never seen or read the series. I was gone last week for the movie to.

  25. Noah__ the symbols that struck me the most are- Aslan symbolizing God!!! and his city representing heaven. But I thought it was "neat" how aslan went to the top of the hill and then died. I think that this most symbolized jesus dying on the cross at golgatha. Pretty interesting stuff. Knowing this makes the stories more interesting. Because know you can see how the two relate.

  26. Megan~
    There are many symbols now that i think about it that represent christianity. One big one i think is Azlan and his kingdom. Azlan being God and Azlan's land being heaven. Some of the things that Father Len linked to the movie Narnia. Passing through water is one that came to mind. It makes more interested finding this out because I feel like it puts more depth into the stories

  27. Scott B-In the first movie Aslan is an innocent who sacrifices himself just like Jesus did. He also says in the third movie, in your world I am known by a different name. Fr. Len's talk and Narnia mix because he said that water represented change, and when they went to Aslan's country and they passed through the water and changed from their Narnian selves to their British selves. The faith makes it more interesting because you have to search out the symbolism.

  28. this is gorGONZO bean A.K.A. chipmunk A.K.A. chocolate thunda A.K.A. Conner - now that i realize that the Narnia series is based on the faith of Christianity, it makes sense that there are a lot of parallels between the two. the most noticable one is obviously the connection between Aslan and the death/rebirth of his body to Jesus Christ's crucifiction/ascension of his body. Also, another connection between Aslan and Jesus Christ is that their followers or believers needed their help, support, guidence, and presence to feel complete and at peace. Also, just as importantly there are similarities to Narnia and Satin. the parallel to the devil is the witch and also the green midst. both the witch and the green midst tempt and try to persuade people into doing the wrong thing in life just like the devil. in the first movie/book of the series i believe it was when the witch persuaded the younger brother and one of the most important people on the land to do the wrong thing and trust her. there he realized that she was evil and should no longet be affilliated with her. this could maybe be related to adam and eve when the devil persuaded the two to not eat the one thing that you weren't suppose to eat. it was there when man kind grew knowledge and curiousity therefore realizing the devil should not be trusted anymore. i think that one of the biggeset similarities between Narnia and Fr. Len is that water meaning a big symbol for change. in every single book/movie of the series the main characters appear in Narnia through some form of water, from snow to the vast oceans. in addition, every time the main characteres enter Narnia there is something different that needs to be changed for the better in Narnia with their help. now that i found out that the series translates through events in christianity it makes the series more interesting to look out for coded messages and teachings in the movies. overall i think this knowledge of similarities between my religion and an enjoyable series has increased my want to not only watch the other movies that come out... but pay more attention. this is gorGONZO bean (chocolate thunda) signing out for the week. over and out

  29. One of the things that I noticed was the table. At Aslan's table, anyone was welcome to eat, but violence was not permitted. I think that this symbolizes the Eucharist. There was more to the table that points to its symbolizing the Eucharist, but I can't really remember it. As everyone has already said, Fr. Len talked about water meaning change, as did the movie. I think that the fact that C.S. Lewis's books were based off religion makes them more interesting.

  30. Alice: Now just thinking about it you start seeing parrellels to the Narnia stories and to Christianity. None of them were really shocking to me really because well jusdt by knowing my faith made this movie easier to think about and get it too. Anyways the similarities in between the movie are quite alot. I think the most famous one is where in the first one where Aslan is sent to death for the mistake and save the life of Edmund. Which I say it resemble how Jesus was sent to be crucified for own mistakes and to save us from sin. Also as he is walking up the hill, just like Jesus walk with the cross. And the last part of this one is how Aslan died and came from the dead AND also how the stone table broke. While Jesus was like how he died and resureccted from the dead, also how he said that the temple will fall and he will rebuild it. Another main important one was about Aslan country and how it guarded by the waves of the ocean. How that represented Heaven and how its guarded by gates. I think the others one was the green mist is how people were warning not to fall in to temptation. It think that rersembled how Jesus and his diciples warn us not into temptatiom of the devil but choose the right past. Also another one is the seven swords how represent the seven scarament all coming together and helping us to follow the way of Jesus. The thing about Fr. Len and water was kinda cool, I think its cool because well um how Fr. said that water recleasn us and how we are clean new. And that made me think about in the movie how Aslan country "Heaven" is guarded by water and we go past that we are being cleasned in to a new world. In the end I think the movie are great not the best but there are good to watch. Oh one more resemblences is how Aslan said he is in our world to not just in Narnia, Saying how God is all ways with in no matter what world were in. I guess thats all I have to say soooo ya.

  31. Anna K.~ Well therre are many symbols in the series. In the first movie Azlan sacraficed himself to save Edmund. Then he came back to life because good beats evil. The white witch sybolizes the devil. The seven swords probably represent the seven deadly sins or the seven sacraments. Seven is a commonly used number in the bible. Azlan's country is also heaven and the water surrounging it represents purity, at least I think it does. Water cleanses us so the water was to wash away impurites when the person or animal like thing enters. I think the books and movies are still interesting and makes you think more about the purpose of the book and what the author is trying to say to you. In fact I think the movies ( since I never read the books) is more interesting knowing that it is based on Christianity.

  32. Anna K~ O I forgot to say that Azlan was God... well in the movie he was.

  33. SQUIRREL- So im not a huge Narnia guy but i think i have seen the first one or last one. One of the two, but anyways i think the biggest relation is the Lion being Jesus and giving himself up to the bad girl and letting them torture him and kill him. Just like Jesus did when he let the Jewish people crusifie[not spelled right] him and mock him. Anyways I do like the story line in Narnia tieing in the Christianity and stuff. I think him it didnt have that and some cool battle seens in it i probably would have thought it would have been bad.
    aaron bad BAD signature u got!!!! New England sucks and are lucky they have a first round bye so they dont hav to play Ed and the Raven D again in the playoffs! remember last year????? 35-3 maybe............. ya thats right. hahahahahahahaha anyway just given u a bad tim kid.

  34. Karina- The movie Narnia relates to christianity in so many ways. In the third movie, it showed the seven swords, those swords can be the seven sacraments or the seven deadly sins . Azlan was God in Narnia and his kingdom was heaven. The passing through water is what Father Len relatated to Narnia and it meant change. Knowing that their are symbols that represent different things relating to Christianity, may make the story more interesting for some people.

  35. Anna- the movie relates to christianity in lots of way. one of the main parts of the movie is when the mouse goes into Alzlan's heaven and that relates to christianity by representing humans crossing over to heaven and making a change. the other thing that strikes me is the seven sacraments and how they relate to the seven swords. Heaven and the seven sacraments are also something that father Lin talked about too. i think knowing that CS Lewis was writing about christianity to makes it more meaning full because you can make more relations to christianity from the movie.

  36. Ben S.- This movie series relates to christianity in lots of ways. But the most important one is when the mouse crosses through the big wall of water into Azlan's "kingdom" or in other words, heaven. The big wall of water that the mouse crosses through represents the holy water in the church. That water clenses you and prepares you to see the light of christ. The other thing that was weird was that the seven swords that they had to collect to get rid of the evil spirits represents the seven sacraments and that is you participate in them you will be able to veer away from evil. Fr. Len talked about all those things with us. The holy water, the seven sacraments, and heaven. When I heard that these movies and books relate to christianity it made me feel like they were more meaning full and way more interesting.

  37. Francesca- When the first movie came out, Aslan dies and he is walking up the hill to be killed, is symbolizing Jesus being crucified and walking up the hill to his death. Even how aslan is supposed to be God. Father Len was talking about symbolism and how water is a sign of change. No i dont think that it makes it less interesting...i think that it would make you think more because you have to try to find out what everything means.

  38. LAUREN (sorry this is really late)-There are a lot of symbols that show that Narnia is Christianity. Narnia is like heaven and Aslan, who is supposed to be God, lives there. The white which is probably meant to be the devil since she and Aslan are enemies in the series. I think that it makes it more interesting, because knowing that it represents Christianity makes you want to find out what similarities there are between the series and Christianity. C.S. Lewis was really clever to think of that.

  39. Peyton- The thing that strikes me the most about the symbloism is that the lion in the movie was symbolizing jesus and how he gave his life for us. Father len tlks about how water is a symbol for heaven and in the movie the rat crosses through water to get to the country on the other side symbolizing heaven. it makes it more interesting for me because i now have something that i can relate to in the movie.

  40. Garren- The symbols that stick out the most were the waves that lead to aslans country. He said That once you enter his country you can never come back just like if you enter the kingdom of heaven you will never come back. And he said its your choice to enter. I did not recgnize any commonalities because i did not know the movie had a spiriutal meaning so i was not looking for commonalities. I dont think it made the book more or less interesting.

  41. EMMA!- Think when Aslan is walking up the hill it simbolizes Jesus and when he was walking up the hill to get cruified. Aslan kingdom is Heaven.Also the seven swords could of meant the seven saraments. When the rat crossed the water it meant he was going to heaven. I think it makes it more intersting because I think we get to be able to try and point all the symbols out.

  42. Abby- i think that the symbols that stick out the most were when aslan died then came back to life like jesus did and the wave that led in to aslans len talks alot about water changing you and when ratent across he enters heaven.and i believe that knowing this makes it more intresting because i now want to find all the simularies.

  43. Joseph- I thought that the symbols that stuck out the most were: Aslans death-Jesus's death.. Aslan being revived- Jesus resurrected.. 7 swords- 7 deadly sins or 7 sacraments.. the Waves to Aslans country- heaven, you cant really leave.
    I actually miss the mass talks and stuff due to my math so i dont really know what he said.
    I think this makes the story mpore intresting


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