Friday, September 30, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Since 1985, October has been designated Breast Cancer Awareness Month.   It is an entire month dedicated to increasing awareness and educating the public of the causes and treatments of breast cancer.  While the organization continues the mission to educate year round, they take one month of the year to pour extra effort into the campaign.

If you pay close attention, you can find pink ribbons throughout the community.  My daughters’ soccer team not only has a pink ribbon on their regular uniform, they have also invested in a completely pink uniform to signify the club’s support of education and awareness on breast cancer.  If you watch football on Sundays, the NFL has joined the campaigned.  You will see different teams with some sort of pink accent, whether it be gloves, shoes, or towels. 

Cancer is when cells in the body become abnormal and begin to divide without control or order.  Breast cancer is when this process occurs in the breast tissue of both women and men.  Cells dividing without order can cause excess tissue which forms a mass called a tumor.  While most tumors are not cancerous, many are.  The invasion of these malignant tumors can cause additional damage to other tissue and organs.

In 2009, there was an approximate 192,370 cases of breast cancer diagnosed.  That number includes 1,910 men.  In the same year there were 40,610 deaths including 440 men.  There are approximately 2.5 million survivors.  It is the second most common type of cancer in women (skin cancer is first) and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths to women (lung cancer is first).  With such a wide spread disease, it is difficult to find anyone who has not been effected or experienced breast cancer in some way, either with a relative, spouse or friend.

It would be difficult to measure the total impact of the various campaigns supporting breast cancer awareness, it is true that we have seen a significant decrease is the number of incidents (2% decline) and death (2% decline) in the last ten to fifteen years.

What do you think about having a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness?  Are there other diseases which could benefit from starting similar campaigns?  If so, what disease and why?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Global Recession?

This week experienced some substantial ups and downs in the financial world leaving many people questioning if we are headed back into a global recession.  While it may seem as though we never recovered, according to economists, the last recession which began in 2006 ended approximately two years ago.  The steady but slow recovery process has been met with constant questions and setbacks.

This week the stock market plunged.  Although it was up on Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 6% for the week.  This represents close to a trillion dollars.  In addition, the value of gold took a huge drop today, finishing the week below $1,700 per ounce. 

As the week concluded, all eyes have turned to Europe.  It is extremely likely Greece is going to default on its debt.  While other European nations have done what they can to prop up Greece, the effects of their situation will have shock waves across the globe.  In addition Italy and Spain are showing signs of potential problems in the near future.

What do you know about the economy?  How do you think a global recession will impact our community and you personally?  What should be done to fix the economy?  (I need creative and imaginative ideas. Remember there are no bad ideas)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Lion King

On September 16, 2011 Disney is re-releasing one of its most beloved films of all time.  The Lion King is due out in theatres across the country, this time in 3D.  Originally released in 1994, The Lion King is a story depicting the coming of age of a young lion cub destined to be king of the jungle.  After losing his father at a young age as a result of his uncle’s murderous plot to take over the kingdom, Simba chooses to run away for a life with no worries.  He is called back by a dear friend after his Uncle Scar has all but destroyed the kingdom.  Simba battles and defeats his uncle restoring the kingdom and the society to its natural order.

The story is a classic rendition of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, using a background and artistry never seen before.  The movie grossed over $783 million worldwide not to mention the incredible profits from merchandise including coloring books, costumes, water bottles, lunch boxes, and stuffed animals. It is the sixth highest grossing animated film of all time and the highest grossing hand-drawn animated film ever.

The Lion King is a movie everyone should see.  It will make you laugh, cry, and rejoice as you journey with Simba from his childhood to adulthood.

What was your favorite childhood movie?  Why?  What do you think of the animated movies produced today?  What kind of influence can movies have on children and our society?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tenth Anniversary - September 11th

This Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of one of the most tragic days in modern American history.  While the day began as any other day, it would end with images and stories of unfathomable death and destruction.  It was a day no one saw coming and no one will ever forget.

While truly tragic, it was also a day which demonstrated the incredible will and strength of the human spirit.  There were as many stories of heroism as there was destruction.  We witnessed countless acts of bravery and selflessness.  And these are only the stories we know.  Many of the incredible stories forever died with the victims.

The following is a brief timeline of the day’s events.

At 8:45 am, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  The crash instantly killed hundreds of innocent people and trapped hundreds more above the 110th floor.  While emergency crews sprang into action, a mere 18 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower.  It was evident to all, this was not a coincidence, the United States was under attack. 

At 9:45 am, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon.  The jet fuel caused a devastating fire causing a small structural collapse. 

15 minutes after the Pentagon crash, the South Tower collapsed.  It was less than one hour from the time the plane crashed into the building to when it fell to the ground.

 At 10:10, the country became aware of a fourth plane wreck.  United Flight 93 had left the Newark airport late.  40 minutes after departure, terrorists took control of the plane.  The passengers on the plane, aware of the events of New York and Washington, decided to take action.  They overtook the terrorist and in the process crashed the plane into a Pennsylvanian field.  All aboard were killed instantly.

At 10:30, the inevitable occurred.  The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.  While the nation watched in awe, the brave firefighters, police officers and other city officials continued to respond to their call to duty.  Due to the devastation created when the Twin Towers collapsed, four other building would fall to the ground during the day. 

As the day concluded we began to hear the devastating carnage from the day.  In New York City approximately 3,000 people were killed, including 343 firefighter and paramedics, 23 police officers and 37 Port Authority officers.  In Washington, DC, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed at the Pentagon in addition to the 64 people on board the flight.  An additional 45 people were killed in the Pennsylvanian field from Flight 93.

What do you know about the events of September 11th?   Do you think this is a day of tragedy or triumph for the United States?  How do you think the day should be remembered and commemorated?