Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Lion King

On September 16, 2011 Disney is re-releasing one of its most beloved films of all time.  The Lion King is due out in theatres across the country, this time in 3D.  Originally released in 1994, The Lion King is a story depicting the coming of age of a young lion cub destined to be king of the jungle.  After losing his father at a young age as a result of his uncle’s murderous plot to take over the kingdom, Simba chooses to run away for a life with no worries.  He is called back by a dear friend after his Uncle Scar has all but destroyed the kingdom.  Simba battles and defeats his uncle restoring the kingdom and the society to its natural order.

The story is a classic rendition of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, using a background and artistry never seen before.  The movie grossed over $783 million worldwide not to mention the incredible profits from merchandise including coloring books, costumes, water bottles, lunch boxes, and stuffed animals. It is the sixth highest grossing animated film of all time and the highest grossing hand-drawn animated film ever.

The Lion King is a movie everyone should see.  It will make you laugh, cry, and rejoice as you journey with Simba from his childhood to adulthood.

What was your favorite childhood movie?  Why?  What do you think of the animated movies produced today?  What kind of influence can movies have on children and our society?


  1. Luke- once again the first post!!! My favorite childhood movie was without any thought at all was terminator salvation. Just kidding it was probably Cinderella. That would be because it would help me fall asleep cause i would never want to sleep at night and i probably would watch it 3 times a day. I think animated shows today are okay but im kinda getting too old for that stuff now. I think that they can have great lessons and influences. Like how it teaches us to be nice.

  2. ann- i would have to say that my favorite childhood movie would have to be beauty and the beast. i liked this one because of all the dancing and singing furniture and lamps and stuff. The animated movies these days have much more humor and less romance and magic. The movies can have a huge influence because many kids grow up with them. I know that i watched my barbie movies over and over till they broke.

  3. Angie- I LOVE this movie! It has such a great lesson and moral! It was one of my favorites! Along with Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Mulan, and Swan Princess. Those were all my favorite movies when I was little. I'm not sure why, I just loved them a lot when I was little. I think kid's shows and movies are getting worse and worse. These movies are just great classics but nowadays, some of the kids movies out there are stupid. Movies and shows can influence kids all the time. They influenced me a lot when I was little! Every time I watched The Little Mermaid, I would brush my hair with a fork! And every time I saw something that looked like a lamp, I would rub it like in Aladdin! That's why kids movies now sort of scare me. Sometimes they have bad role models and lessons and kids will try to do that too. But these movies are the best! You can't beat these.

  4. Peter- My favorite movie as a kid was Toy Story. When I was a kid, i thought I was Buzz Lightyear, and thats why it was my favorite movie. animated movies today are way more awesome. We have better technology (i.e., the ruffle generator used in Rio makes each individual feather unique) can make higher-quality animation. In Toy Story 3, the fur on Lotso Bear were each made separately (there were over 4,000 hairs). And look at Avatar, whose animation was so complex that it took 19 year to make. It kinda makes me nerd out. The great thing about children's movies are that they teach valuable lessons while being entertaining. And they're still good enough to be enjoyed by all ages.

  5. Halle-Any of the princess movies like cinderella and snow white were my favorites. I also liked Toy Story and the parent trap. I always wanted to be a princess so thats why i liked those movies! I think some animated movies today have lost creativity and imagination. Sometimes they're just kind of stupid to be honest. But not all movies are like that.Quite a lot are cute and very good too. Like Rio! and winnie the pooh and lots of others! Alot of animations today look more real than they did. Like if you look at some older ones the quality isn't as good. A lot of Animated movies teach kids on how they act. A lot of kids would say their role models might be a fictional character by how they act in a movie.

  6. Phillip-My favorite childhood movie was Finding Nemo. I liked this movie because of all the action in it, like meeting Dory, a shark attack, an angler fish (the one with the little light hanging from his head), swimming through a cloud of jellyfish, being eaten by a whale, swimming in the East Australian Current, and almost being caught by fishermen!!! Whoa! That is a lot of action and adventure. Animated movies today have gotten a lot better visually. It’s as if you can actually touch the characters on screen! These movies can have a bad and good influence on children. For Example, if the movie shows someone running through a city, robbing people, kids would think it’s OK. If it shows the characters all, caring for each other when they did something wrong and not telling them, HA! Loser! I did it right! :P, they might be nice to people.

  7. Cristina- i love mary poppins.i love it becuse the music, dancing and going into the sidewalk art! itsa such a wonderful movie! hahaha i think the animated movies today are amazing! i mean technlogy has become more and more advanced. if u look at older movies, its nothing compared to today! like example, horror movies. today they are so real but like in the 60s its so funny becuse u can tell its so fake! but it was probuly advanced then. children movies always has a moral which is good! there is usally a bad guy and the good guy defeats the bad guy because _____________( whatever the reason is.)

  8. o and thats a good reason
    o and this is cristina

  9. Ryan- My favorite kid movie was probably Winnie the Pooh because it was good adn i watched it every single day. The animated movies today are pretty good except for those lame pokemon shows and movies. Some movies in our society can have a great influence on kids for sharing and not being mean to people and they also show us to live life to the fullest and respect everyone.

  10. Marya- my favorite childhood movie was Beauty and the Beast. i used to wacth it everday!!! i just loved all the color and imagination. animated movies today are way different. they have better ways of producing them and make them look cool. animated movies these days don't have good messages like they used to. also, they are starting to swear in kids movies ive noticed.

  11. Isabelle- I loved all of the disney movies, but my favorite was probably Sleeping Beauty. I loved how there were those three ladies in pink, blue, and green, that each made a dress for her to wear to the ball. I also loved the animals in the movie too. The animated movies today are alot more technological without a doubt, but there is something about those old movies that makes them special. Today there is alot more animation and special effects that they didn't have then, but i think the old movies are great too! These movies can teach people valuable lessons and they can make us laugh. They teach us what is really important and they are funny.

  12. Madison- The Lion King was one of my favorite movies growing up. I liked it because of all of the animals together, not fighting. I think the animated movies now are still good, but it is almost like they are running out of good story lines. Kids grow up with lots of animated movies and we learn a lot from them. They teach us life lessons that are valuable to know.

  13. gabby- i loved the disney princess movies, i am not going to lie but cinderella was one my personal favorites. i am not why i liked it so much. i mean everyone knows the story line but there was something i just loved about the movie. i think i liked the whole princess thing and wanted to be one. but my all-time favorite childhood movie would have to babe. i just loved that movie. the movie babe is about a pig, but always just loved that movie. i think animated movies now are really cool. they had such better quality and the 3d is so awesome. it interesting see how much movies had had changed. i think that kids are influenced and learn lessons from the movies they watch. i think when we were kids though we didn't after every movie we watched think what was the moral there. i think we kind of subconsciously get the messages and then when we come up to a situation like kind of just do the right thing.

  14. Sophia-My favorite childhood movie was Cinderella. I liked the singing, the mice, and of course the idea of being a princess. Most animated movies today have a moral to the story, but I don't think kids are going to remember them. They definitely are better made. Movies can make a huge influence on our society because if a child really likes a character in a movie, they will start to act like that character. It can influence our society for the good and for the bad.

  15. josu- one of my favorite childhood movies was toy story because the toys could talk. Animated movie today are made very well. Most of them have good morals and tech good lessons to the children of today. I think young kids especially appreciate animated movies because it is not like real life. It helps you be more imaginative and kids have great imaginations. If animated movies were made with violence and sadness then the kids watching that movie are probably more likely to be sad or violent than if those kids saw a different movie with a good moral.

  16. Cooper- One of my favorite childish movies would probably be toy story because of what the movie is about. They almost look real then the old movies because of the computer animation. They can make kids better people or worse they can encourage you to do better.

  17. Zach-My favorite childhood movie was probaly Toy Story beacuse it was so funny. When i was little i would run around in a Buzz Lightyear costume pretending to fly adn zap bad guys. Also the movie taught kids how important our friends were and othergood morals like that. And popular movies like toy story have a lot of influence when it comes to little kids, both good and bad.

  18. Danielle- My favorite childhood movie was probably Beauty and the Beast because Belle was my favorite princess. I was just in love with the princesses and i always loved Belle's pretty yellow dress. I always thought out of all the princesses, I looked like Belle the most. I think animated movies are stil produced today because everyone in there childhood love animation like Disney and stuff, it also influences kids to have an open mind and use there imagination. Everyone loves an animated movie every once in awhile. Like i said movies influence kids to use there imagination it really makes kids feel good about themselves.

  19. Abby- My favorite movie as a child was Ariel The Little Mermaid! I loved how Ariel could swim all around the sea and talk to fish. I think todays animated movies are better because of new technology we have today. Animated kids movies are great because there is almost always at least one good moral hidden in the story. Movies teach kids to share, be nice to others, and many other things. These movies are great because they teach kids lessons and are really fun to watch!

  20. Nerea- This was oneof my favorite movies when i was a kid. I just cant believe all the technology these days.I absouluty love old disney cartoons but now a days they dont make the original cartoons which is kinda sad.All these Disney movies teach kids a great lesson in love situations!

  21. Marcos- My favorite animated movie has to be Toy Story because, when I Was little I always wanted a Buzz Lightyear toy. Which I did at christmas, but later on it broke. Anyway the animated movies now are good because, they put the characters in real life situations like a human. Also they always have a valuable lesson at the end of every animated movie

  22. Nolen-My favorite childhood movie would have to be Toy Story because I loved how the toys could talk. I use to always try to get my toys to talk but they never did. :( New animated movies today are very well put together and they were back then to. The movie industry is doing a great job. They also put great lessons into the story which helps little ones to make good decisions. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  23. Brooke~ My favorite childhood movies would probably have to be All Dogs Go To Heaven, The Scooby Doo Movie, and Hoodwinked. I liked the scooby doo movie and hoodwinked mostly because of the comedy. I liked all dogs go to heaven when i was littler because of the music and the typical 'bad guy turned good' happy ending(: Even thought it is a Christmas movie, I would watch it all year round. I think animated movies produced today are a lot different than movies from back when i was little. This is because of the 3-D effects and the more realistic storylines. Cartoon animated movies can teach kids to be nice to eachother and do the right thing, but other types of movies can teach kids innapropriate words and actions.

  24. Ally- I had many favorite Disney movies as a kid. Aladdin was probably one of the best. I like the older Disney movies so much better then the newer ones. They are just way more fun to watch. Disney movies are so great because they teach kids in a way that's creative and super fun to watch!

  25. Maddy- I had a lot of favorit Disney movies when i was younger. I like the Disney movies when i was younger. I personaly think they are better. Disney movies teach kids how to read and everything. I know that because i watch the shows with my little nephew and they teach kids how to do different things...


  27. kaed- when i was a kid i didnt really watch disney movies. If bob the builder counts then that would be it. but mostly when i was a kid i played with basketballs and soccer balls etc. i wasnt really the kid who watched much shows. I know that disney movies are great for children to watch because the are educational at the same time, funny and interesting to watch. The cool thing about disney movies is that everyone of all ages watches these movies because they are just that good

  28. Ariana- my favorite childhood movies would probably be alladin, snow white, the lion king, or toy story. I liked these becase they are fun, entertaining shows, and they are classic Disney movies. I think the animated movies produced today like rio and tangled are really good and fun movies, but they're not classic Disney movies like Cinderella or the lion king. I think movies can have a huge impact on children an our Socitey because kids watch these movies constantly and try to mimic the behaviors shown in the shows. This can either be a really good or a really bad thing, depending on the behaviors they pick up.

  29. Atticus- I think that my favorite childhood movie was Toy Story. I think this was my favorite because when I was little I thought that my stuffed anmails could talk and then I saw this movie and instantly I was hooked. I think that the new kid movies are not as good as the older ones because they dont tell a story they are aimed at edeucation but then again that is the good part of them. I think that the movies we watch as little kids have a masave inflewence on how we will act when we get older. For instance I watched a movie that my dad was watching and somebody got eaten by a gigantic spider and now I am really scared by spiders.


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