Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tenth Anniversary - September 11th

This Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of one of the most tragic days in modern American history.  While the day began as any other day, it would end with images and stories of unfathomable death and destruction.  It was a day no one saw coming and no one will ever forget.

While truly tragic, it was also a day which demonstrated the incredible will and strength of the human spirit.  There were as many stories of heroism as there was destruction.  We witnessed countless acts of bravery and selflessness.  And these are only the stories we know.  Many of the incredible stories forever died with the victims.

The following is a brief timeline of the day’s events.

At 8:45 am, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  The crash instantly killed hundreds of innocent people and trapped hundreds more above the 110th floor.  While emergency crews sprang into action, a mere 18 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower.  It was evident to all, this was not a coincidence, the United States was under attack. 

At 9:45 am, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon.  The jet fuel caused a devastating fire causing a small structural collapse. 

15 minutes after the Pentagon crash, the South Tower collapsed.  It was less than one hour from the time the plane crashed into the building to when it fell to the ground.

 At 10:10, the country became aware of a fourth plane wreck.  United Flight 93 had left the Newark airport late.  40 minutes after departure, terrorists took control of the plane.  The passengers on the plane, aware of the events of New York and Washington, decided to take action.  They overtook the terrorist and in the process crashed the plane into a Pennsylvanian field.  All aboard were killed instantly.

At 10:30, the inevitable occurred.  The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.  While the nation watched in awe, the brave firefighters, police officers and other city officials continued to respond to their call to duty.  Due to the devastation created when the Twin Towers collapsed, four other building would fall to the ground during the day. 

As the day concluded we began to hear the devastating carnage from the day.  In New York City approximately 3,000 people were killed, including 343 firefighter and paramedics, 23 police officers and 37 Port Authority officers.  In Washington, DC, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed at the Pentagon in addition to the 64 people on board the flight.  An additional 45 people were killed in the Pennsylvanian field from Flight 93.

What do you know about the events of September 11th?   Do you think this is a day of tragedy or triumph for the United States?  How do you think the day should be remembered and commemorated?


  1. Luke- P.S. the first person to post this year! What i know about the events of 9/11 is that over 3000 people lost there life, which was a tragic thing. Bin Laden had his men get on a several flights with box cutters and had them slit the pilots throat. I think this was definitely a day of both triumph and tragedy. The reason i believe this was not just only a day of tragedy is cause we gain lots of experience from this day. Now our security in airports is much higher preventing less tragic events like this. The way i think this day should be remembered is a day that proved that we were not scared of Bin Laden and this also should be remembered as a day of great tragic and trouble.

  2. Danielle- 9/11 was a very sad day in history.I know that over 3,000 people were killed. I also know that the North tower was hit first but the south tower collapsed first. I think it was more of a tradgedy then i triumph because many people were killed and people were so sad because they lost close people to there hearts. But i guess the triumph is, like Luke said, a lesson learned. We are more safer now that we have security in airports, but still the terrorist attack rate is still high. I think that people should remember 9/11 as a day that will go down in history and the worst and tragic day of our lives, but we pray that God will bless America and nothing like that will ever happen again.

  3. Sophia- All i know about September 11 is the obvious--that planes crashed into the twin towers and the pentagon. I didn't know there was a 4th plane. I think that 9/11 is a tragedy. That day, so many lives were taken. It's not fair that innocent people died because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or because they died trying to save people. I also think it's kind of a triumph. I mean, America showed Bin Laden that we weren't going to back down and be cowardly. Like the speech Mr. Grant gave, that George Bush didn't go down into the bunkers,but he walked out with his head held high.
    Overall, i think it would have been better if 9/11 had never happened, though.

  4. Ryan- I know a lot about nine eleven. I know that 4 planes flied into building which are the 2 world trade centers the pentagon and the field by the white house. i know that they wrote a book about the crash into the pentagon and it was called refined by fire. It was a great book with lots of details and was actually quite interesting. I think that 9/11 was both a day of triumph and tragedy because we stood up for our selves and we bounced right back helping as many people as we could and our president was not afraid to ride his helicopter through that danger zone and give a speech right then and there and it was a pretty darn good one to. It also was a tragedy because we lost 3000 lives and we lost really important buildings too. I think the day should be remmembered and a symbol of just how strong america is without our army because they thought that they could weaken us but they were dead wrong and seeing that video makes me want to go and join the marines and go shoe them whose boss. The terrorist should have thought twice about trying to scare us because they lost some suicide bomber men in the act for no good reason to try to scare us because were americans and we have freedom.

  5. Peter- 9/11 was definitely a tragedy. The fact that 3,047 people died proves that. It is terrible what Al Qaeda did, and I am glad that we triumphed this year by killing the leader, Osama bin Laden. I cannot believe how brave many men and women were to overthrow the fourth plane and risk their own lives to save countless others. This day shall forever be remembered, and I think that has been reinforced by the memorial on the sight and the ceremony there every year. After that day, though, the terrorists knew that we would not be shaken by them and we would just stand together in a tighter line. *Red Bandana*

  6. Angie- I know the same thing everyone else does basically. 2 planes crashed into the North and South tower, 1 plane crashed into the Pentagon, and the last plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field. I want to say it was a tragedy automatically, but when I think about it there were some ups to what happened after 9/11. First of all, security's a lot more tighter now. Secondly, we really took a stand. President Bush basically stood up and said that we weren't afraid, and he gave hope to everyone in the U.S. A lot of people didn't like Bush, but I thought he handled this situation well. If I was president and I just found out that thousands of people are dying from a terrorist attack, I wouldn't know what to think. 9/11 was completely devastating. No one saw it coming! It was a super huge tragedy. I'm glad they're having a memorial for the 10th anniversary of 9/11. That means a lot to the U.S. I think everyone should put an American flag in front of their house this weekend too. My family's going to put two flags in our front yard, along with a red bandana.

  7. Ann- what i know about 9/11 is that A few men/ terrorists came over and hijacked planes. 2 of which went into the world trade towers, the North one and the South one. Many lives were lost in this attack on the U.S. Many people had to be brave during this time and they were. There were heroes who saved many lives and lost their own. I think this day is both a tragedy and a triumph. A tragedy because we lost thousands of lives, but i triumph because this shows how strong we are as a nation. This shows that we can come back from things like this and still fight back. This day should definitely be honored by having a day off from school and work when it is on week days.

  8. Cooper-I know that it was one of the worst days in our country, that four planes were hijacked and crashed two into the twin towers, one into the pentagon, and one into a field in Pennsylvania, it was terrible 3000 people lost their lives, it was the worst attack on American soil, it wasn't a war against country it was a war against Islamic terriosts. Both because the triumph was of American spirit shine through many individual heroes and the country came together as one the tragedy we lost thousands of people and it was insult on our freedom and our way of life. Today should honor those who lost and to r ember freedom but don't take it for granted. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  9. Halle- The things i know about 9/11 were what we talked about in class. The planes hit both of the towers and the pentagon, and one crashed in the field. I think that this day was a day of triumph and tragedy. Many many people lost loved ones. And some people were angry and wanted revenge. but we have to forgive them for what they did. it was a day of triumph for us. it showed that when someone attacks us, we don't back down and we stand for our country. So many people gave their lives just so they could save other peoples' lives. And that to me, would be a day of triumph. It also made us be more aware of our airport security. I think this day should be remembered by everyone saying at least one special prayer. It would mean a lot to families and even to God for us to do that. We should also, like Mr. Grant said, hang a flag outside our houses. So that we can show how much America means to us, and to be proud to have the right to freedom, and be an American.

  10. josu-9/11 was one of the worst, if not the worst days in u.s history. i know that 2 planes crashed into the twin towers, another plane crashed into the pentagon, and a fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers on board stood up against the terrorists. 9/11 was a tragedy and a partial triumph. Three thousand people were killed in these attacks. These attacks helped unite us as Americans. We cared for the people that were lost in the attacks even if you didn't know who they were. That is what unity is. Every year people should have a moment of silence and prayer for all those people who died and for all those people who lost love ones.

  11. Marya- I know that on 9/11 four planes were hijacked. Tow of them flew into the Twin Towers. Another one hit the Prntagon. and Flight 93 crasged in a field in Pennsylvania. This was a HUGE tragedy. 3,047 innocent people were killed. Imagine if you sent your family member off to work, just like any other ordinary day, but you never saw them again. Imagine if your family was taking a vacation or had a business trip. You said goodbye to them at the gates of the airport, expecting to see them again in a few days, but you never did. This is a very sad tragedy, but it is also a triumph. Knowing that normal people saved and helped one another even if it ended up with them dying is a great thing to hear. It proves that not everybody is so selfish. My friend's cousin died in 9/11 saving a 16 year old boy. She went back up to get his mom, but the building collapsed and she was killed.We need to remember 9/11 every 9/11. we need to honor the heroes that lost their lives, and the heroes who are still living. Somebody over the weekend said we don't have time to mourn 9/11, it's over, forget about it. WE WILL NEVER FORGET

  12. Maddy- I know that several planes go hijacked and few into the twin towers and on one planes the people kinda knew what was going on so theytook over but they crashed the plane. This was a tragedy because we lost soooo many people that day. But it was also a triumph because we that plane that was hijacked but the passengers took over they never backed down and they tryed to save the other people on the plane.

  13. Abby- What I know about 9/11 is that there where four planes hijacked by terrorists. One of the planes flew into the Pentagon, two of the planes flew into the twin towers, and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. I also know that more than 3,000 innocent people died because of these events. I think 9/11 was a day filled with tragedy and triumph. 9/11 was a day of sorrow but it was also a day that we learned from. 9/11 was a tragedy because so many people died. It was a triumph because 9/11 didn't bring us down it it just made us stronger and more aware. On 9/11 some even risked there lives to save people stuck in the building. Because of 9/11 we now have better airport security that helps prevent anything like 9/11 from happening again. I think we need to remember 9/11 by praying for and remembering everyone who we lost and never forget that day.

  14. Ally- On 9/11/01 four planes were hijacked. Two flew into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon. The last one flew into a field in Pennsylvania. 9/11 was definetely a day filled with tragety. Over 3,000 innocent people died. Some just couldn't make their way out, and some trying to save others. This day was not only filled with tragety, but also triumph. Even though many people were mad at the time and wanted revenge, most of us came to our senses and learned how to forgive. This tragic day was also filled with triumph because it only made us stronger. We never backed down. We will never forget this day, and those amazing people who risked their life to save others.


  16. Phillip- I know that on the date of 9/11/2001 some terrorists hijacked 4 planes. The first two planes crashed into the twin towers. The third one was crashed into the pentagon. The 4th flight crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. I think September 11th is both a day of triumph and of tragedy. It is a day of triumph because we showed the terrorists that we don’t go down no matter what. It was a tragedy because a bunch of people cry, and we still cry today about it. I think the way we celebrate 9/11 today is good. We have Documentaries on almost every channel, we learn about it in school, and we even talk about it at mass.

  17. Kendall- I know pretty much what everybody else knows about 9/11. I know that there was four planes that were taken over. 2 crashed into the twin towers, 1 crashed into the pentagon, and 1 was taken over by passengers and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. I learned in class that over 3,000 people died. In my opinion this day was a tragedy and a triumph. Our country learned a lot out of what happened that day, but it was also one of the most horrifying days that Americans can say they have witnessed. It showed that people gave up their lives to save other people. That really represents what we as Americans are and what we should be like.

  18. kaed- i know everything what pretty much everyone knows about 9-11. this country, because of that event, i think, this nation has gotten closer together and that we know no terriest can scare us. i believe this is a day of triumph because we've have a more advanced security today. I know the United States will never forget this day of 9-11. Also i think this day should be remembered because this day changed our nation.

  19. Ariana-I know that around 3,000 people died, and that four planes were hijacked by terrorists. I also know that two of the planes crashed into the twin towers, and both of them fell. One of the other planes crashed into the pentagon and the fourth one was taken over by brave passengers but it crashed in a field.I think it is a day of tragedy because so many people died, but a triumph because we showed terrorists that they cant hurt what America is and who we are as a country. The day should be remebered with respect to all the people who gave their lives, and that we should all say a prayer and keep a flag up in rememberance.

  20. Nerea-All i knew about 9-11 was tha two planes crashed into the twin toweres and i didnt know a plane crashed into the Pentegon. AS a nation i think AMerica had greatly impoved so security adn our military. My heart goes out to the ones who lost their friends and family. I thnk 9-11 is a day were we need to remember why we live in the USA and allwasy be thankful forwhat we have.

  21. gabby- before last year all i knew about 9/11 was that the twin towers fell because of planes crashing in to them. then last year when i had mr grant, learned just about we learned again this year. which is a lot. i think it was both a tragedy and a triumph. it was tragedy because so many lives were lost. but it was also a triumph because of all the people so many who risked their lives for other people. i think it shows great american spirit. i think that the u.s. make such a bad day, great in a way. the courage that the people showed was incredible. i think we should be proud to americans. i think that we should remember the death of all the people but also remember all the good things too. there is a lot to be proud of what happened that day so we should remember it with pride.

  22. Cristina- 9/11 is a sad day in history! two planes crashed into the twin towers, one plane crahsed in the pentagon and another crashed in a feild in pennsyvania. more than 3,000 people died. i think it tragedy and triumph. the triumph is there are so many heros that risk there lives to tsave many people and we are now stronger and more secured than before. it is also a tragedy because lost of familys lost a love one innocently. i think it should be remebered by a memorial ( they already have one) and to celebrated every year which they do also. we should also remeber it in pride becuse we are a strong and brave country!

  23. 9-11 was a bad day for everyone in the United States. Over 3,000 of incent life’s where taken that day by a group of terrorist lead by Osama Bin Laden. A lot of bad happened from 9-11 but also quite a bit of good. After the attack on the twin towers, the pentagon and a failed attempt at the white house happened a lot of people got scared but not George Bush. He took control and helped as many people as he could and that is what kept America going. Since that attacks we have upgraded are airport security and are way more cautious then we have ever been before. So all I can say about 9-11 is that I learned a lot and so did America

  24. Madison- On 9/11 Bin Laden's some of Bin Laden's followers got on 4 planes and hijacked them. The first one crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. 10 minutes later the second plane crashed into the South Tower. 3000 people died that were in or near the trade center. Just an hour after the first tower was hit the third plane hit the Pentagon. Hundreds of people were killed in that plane wreck as well. The fourth and final hijacked plane was headed back to Washington D.C. to hit the White House or the Capitol building. The brave passengers onboard rushed to the cockpit and crashed the plane into the ground at 540 mph. This is a day of tragedy for all the people who lost their loved ones, parents, children, or any family friends. It is a day of triumph to show how it didn't hurt America's ability to overcome things and fight back. The day should be remembered with the firefighters, survivors, and family and friends of the people that they lost should all come together at the 9/11 sight.

  25. Brooke~ I don't know a lot about September 11th, but i do know that 4 planes were hijacked by terrorists: Two were crashed into the twin towers, one into the pentagon, and a fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. I also know that more than 3,000 people were killed. You could obviously call September 11th a tragedy because of all of the people who lost their lives, but I believe that it was also a triumph. This is because our country definitely became more united,plus, airport security is a lot safer now, and we're prepared for anything. We should remember this day by putting American flags outside of our houses, and praying for everyone that's life was lost, along with their families.

  26. atticus- I know that on 9/11 4 flights were taken by binladins men and 2 crashed into the world trade center (the twin towers) and one into the pintigon and one crashed in to a field. I think that this day was a great tragity for the US because 3000 people died. I also think that 9/11 was also a day of great trimph. reason being is because insted of completly freeking out people actualy went out into danger to help others. I think that this day for the US is extreemly importand and it should be comemerated by haveing at least 10 min. in scilance around the world for the people who died.


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