Saturday, October 8, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Sadly reported this week was the death of Steve Jobs.  Maybe you have or have not heard his name, but his impact on the world will long be remembered and his presence will be missed, particularly in the technology industry. 

As the co-founder of Apple computers in the 1970s, he has demonstrated a commitment to the same ideas for close to 40 years, create something for people that is simple and helpful.  From the first Apple computer and its quirky operating system to the iPad and its 140,000 apps, he has been the catalyst to product innovation and development. 

His ideas have changed the way we listen to and purchase music, raised our expectations concerning our mobile phones, and have given us an easy-to-use home computer that is the size of a notepad.  He has provided the vision and taken the risks many would not.  He has questioned the status quo and made many decisions based on his gut not on market research.  He has been the leader in making technology not only useful by stylish.

Innovation is difficult.  It requires vision, creativity, and guts.  To most, it is easier to improve on something as oppose to creating something no one has ever seen before.  His ability to innovate was one of the many unique qualities of Steve Jobs that will be missed.

Besides the computer itself, what do you think is the coolest technology product ever released?  Why?  What do you think is required to be an innovator?  What more can be done in school to inspire innovation?


  1. Ryan- I think probably the ipad because it does everything and i think it has all the tools of the daily use. I think its important to be an innovator because you need to be intelligent while being very creative and i think that all of the people that made the computers had a very creative mind. we could make more things and maybe we could do some more arty stuff in the class room like making clay sculptures even though we do that in art

  2. Sophia-I think the iPhone is a really cool technological invention because it is a computer and a phone is something so small that you can fit it into your pocket. I think you have to have a lot of patience and you also have to be really smart in order to invent something. You have to be smart to think of the idea and how to put it together, but you have to be patient while you figure out how it's going to work and how long it takes for it to be a trend. I think we could write essays on inventions that we made and we should do more projects requiring us to think outside the box.

  3. gabby-i think the coolest technology product is smart phones. first the whole mobile phone, is cool and also pretty new. you can take your phone anywhere. my dad has told me stories of how he used to have to sit in a chair and talk not being able to go more then a certain length. now he has an iphone. the second cool thing about smart phones is that you can do all this stuff that is normally on a computer on your phone plus calling, texting, and other things that phones can do. i think to bean innovator is be be very creative. another thing would be really wanting to carry out what their plan, and actually doing it and making it great. to improve the school would probably be have the students be more exposed to technology, like having more computers. and maybe more technology classes.

  4. josu- I think the i-phone is the most impressive technology product because it is like combining an ipod a computer an a phone all on one device. To be an innovator you have to have an imagination so you can think of something before anyone else has come up with it. You have to come up with something new. I think you would have to give examples of past innovators and what was their inspiration was and that would help get the students going.

  5. Angie- Everything Apple is extremely awesome for some reason. The coolest thing from Apple is probably the iPhone. They are touch, light, can hold a lot of memory, can hold a lot of songs, and you can use the internet anywhere! How is it not cool? The most important skill to have to be an innovator is creativity. You need to think of new ideas that get people interested and things that are helpful and useful. Who would have thought of a device that is portable, holds a lot of memory, plays music, takes pictures, has innumerable games (apps), and plays videos on it! All of those things on one, small device. I think that arts (music, art, drama) influence creativity. At school we have art but I think some days we should just be able to draw or paint whatever we want instead of being told what to draw. Some drawings that people think of are really creative that way.

  6. kaed- is it apple or can it be ever? haha, if it is ever i think the best technology ever created is console technology. I think its an innovation because it takes creativity so that people will buy the product. and it also takes tons of time and thought of what to make. i think that schools should have like a creativity class or something and for like 20 minutes we create something out of the ordainary like have tools to create something cool. like art but more technology art. like LEGOS u can create stuff with your imagination but with real tools. and by that we innovate by creating something new. in creativity.

  7. Isabelle- There are alot of cool, useful, and technological products that have been released. I think the iphone is the best because you have everything you need in the perfect size that can fit anywhere. You can surf the internet, call, text, listen to music, play games, and much more. There are so many cool things that you can do with this phone that not many other phones and electronics can do. To be an innovator, you have to be intelligent. You have to have a creative mind that takes you to another place and lets you dream big. In schools, there needs to be more discussion about innovation and then we need to be able to think and maybe design something of our own. If teachers let us think and write, draw, or sculpt whatever we want, then it will inspire kids. We need to be able to do hands on things like: paint, draw, sculpt, write, or even do presentation boards describing the product.

  8. Madison- I think the iPhone 4 is the coolest of their products so far. It has internet everywhere, has tons of apps, and can fit into your pocket easily. To be an innovator you must have an imagination as well as a mind of your own. You can't just change someones product and call it your own. In schools they can have a technology class where it is hands on with technology stuff.

  9. Luke- There as been many exceptional inventions over the course of the years such as the i-phone, macbook, macbook pro, Macintosh television, computers and much much more. But, the most impressive invention of all is the i pad or i phone. They are both very cool inventions and no one will deny that. The i phone is what inspired the i pad though, it is extremely clever to think of a touch screen based phone and computer. The i pad is aso easily transported which is another plus. I think in order to be an innovator you have to be extremely creative and not be afraid to share your ideas even if they are crazy. Things that can be done at school to inspire kids to be an innovator is maybe a project were you get paired with a partner and think of a crazy invention then share it in front of your class.


  11. Danielle- I think the best invention from apple is the Iphone because it can do so many cool things and it just has so much to it. To be an innovator u have to have a lot of imagination and ideas. In art, we could draw whatever we want and not be told what to draw. We could create our own things and use our imagination.

  12. Halle-I thinks the cell phone is one if the coolest. Cell phones have come a long way since they even were invented. We can co more things on them too. I think that creativity is required to be an innovator. If you want new things to happen you have to think outside of the box. You also must be willing to try new things and make mistakes. Determination is also a skill needed. You gave to be persistent nd what to keep trying. I think thinking for ourselves should be used to inspire innovation. We must be able to think Ahead and be independant and sometimes do our own thing. Basically some of the stuff mrs. A taught us

  13. Abby- I think the iphone is the coolest invention. It is a computer, an ipod, and a cell phone all in one! To be an innovator you have to have a very good imagination and patience! Another key characteristic to have is a never give up attitude. Without these characteristics inventions like the electric light bulb which took thousands of tries to find the perfect carbon filament would never be invented. I think in school to inspire innovation we should have a contest where all the students create an invention themselves and people vote on the best invention. This would make a lot of kids interested in becoming inventors!

  14. Ann- i would have to say that smart phones because they can do anything a computer can do but with a touch screen and they are smaller then computers. To be an innovator you have to have a lot of courage to try your product, you also have to have a great imagination to come up with your product. for kids to have better innovation we need to meditate for a few minutes each week, to step back from all the stress that we have in our lives and to just think about stuff.

  15. Peter- I was so sad when I heard the news of Steve Jobs' death. he will be remembered forever.
    I think the coolest invention ever (besides the computing power of the MacBook Pro) is the iPad. Apple took its other super-innovative product, the iPod, and started the Tablet war. (Guess what: Apple won.) It has powerful dual-core processing chips, a decent camera for a tablet, and a sleek, just-big-enough design.
    To be an innovator, you have to think big and think about the future. Steve Jobs was the perfect example: After Napster, he brought into production the iPod, which placed mp3s in one device to be listened to anywhere. He also found a way to monetize it even farther with iTunes. To be an innovator, you have to be able to see into the future and guess what's "the new big thing" (kudos to Sean Parker).
    To instill the mindset of innovation into children at school, I think there shouldn't be "one size fits all" lectures, and that kids should study at their own pace. We should also teach kids about technology and programming, because thats where the future lies. If all kids were taught in this way, they would have a more open mind for innovation.

  16. Cooper- I think the coolest idea they have ever had is probably the iPad because it can do allot of stuff that is useful and helpful. You have to be smart, imaginative, and creative. We should have more technology in schools and more class of technology and we need to care more about technology.

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  19. Phillip- I would have to say that the IPod is the coolest inventions ever. It has a full scientific calculator inside of it (and half the size of one too!). It can also hold a lot more stuff in a tiny little device. To be an innovator, you must have curiosity, courage, and imagination. I think a way that St. Joe's could inspire innovation is by not doing the same thing over and over and over again. It gets boring just taking notes, and listening to lectures for every single class. It gets boring when we are just taking notes. We may be doing it, but we aren't taking it in. They need to do something fun to grab are attention. You don't need to ride on a unicycle and sing a song about the colonies, maybe just group work or something like that. It's good to take a break from the usual.

  20. Ariana- I personally think that the iPhone is one of the coolest technologies ever released because it is so many things in one and you can do so much with it. I think that to be an innovator you have to be super creative, be not afraid to fail, and really smart. I think something that we should do in school to inspire innovtion is to allow kids to be more creative in every class and let them know that it's okay to fail but you have to keep trying.

  21. Ally- I think the iPhone or the iPad is the coolest technology product. They Both do a lot of really cool stuff. To invent something like this you have to be extremely smart. You have to think big and think about what will make peoples lives easier. I think that something that could be done in school to inspire innovation is doing more activities that forces kids to use their imagination.

  22. Atticus- I think that the phone was and is the coolest type of technology product. The reason I think that this is the best invention to this day is that it is the most common way of communicaton. Such as now you can just pick up the phone and call someone instead of having to send a mesage by hourse and maby hear back in a month. To invent somthing like this you need to be really smart and be able to think big and have a big imaginaton and be able to think about others and how to make their lives easier. Somthing that can be done to inspire these types of things is have an activity that we do at school of somthing like that to inspire ues of imagination.

  23. Nerea-i think the coolest invention is either the new ipod touch or the ipad because now you can pretty much do everything on it with wi-fi. To be an inevator you have to be really smart and allways be comin up with new ideas for your customers. In schools we can use all this technology to learn.

  24. Marcos- There are no products that I like from Apple. Because some of the products say they are better than the last one. Even though they added one or two changes to it. They all are the same to me. Things required or provided for an inovater are skills and knowledge. They require these things to be sucessful in life. And even inventions you yourself want to create. What more can be done for school innervation is to work and study hard. It will all work out in the end when you use that skill for a dream you want to do.

  25. Marya- My favorite product from apple has got to be the iPhone. it has music, internet, camera, games, and a phone all in one. i don't get why they keep making new ones though. we have to use our imagination if we want more innovation. to be an inovator, you have to be smart and have a big imagination. in school, we research more about certain things and maybe get more ideas that way

  26. Brooke~ I would have to say the iPhone. It has calling, texting, games, music, camera, internet, everything on a computer, phone, and more! to be an innovator, you have to be creative and open to new ideas. when you think of an idea, you really have to set your mind to it and be willing to do all of the work that it requires. At school i think that we should have more technology classses and learn more about this kind of stuff.


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