Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Since September 17, 2011, hundreds and thousands of protestors have been demonstrating in the financial district of New York City.  They have demonstrated for the most part, within the law, but at times have become unruly.  When the protest first began, many thought the momentum would fade and the protestors would clear in a few days.  That has not been the case.  The movement has grown with more people from all over the country.  The ideas have spread to cities across the United States and across the world.  On October 15, the protests went global with groups demonstrating in Cairo, Egypt, London, England, Rome Italy, and a plethora of other cities throughout the world.

It has become apparent; the ideas of the group of people which began in New York are shared amongst people all over the world.  They are outraged over the current economic conditions of their communities, states, nations, and world.  They believe the fate of the world should not be driven by the elite few which steer economic and social policies that we are all paying for.  They want answers to why the banks and other multi-national companies are being bailed out, especially at the expense of the thousands of people who have lost their homes and jobs.  They want to be heard. 

The consensus among bystanders is split.  While many Americans may agree with the idea of limiting government bail outs and the influence of the elite 1% of the wealthiest people over public policy, not all agree with the ongoing protest or with the individuals participating.  It seemed ironic when one protestor shared with reporters he had quit his job in Texas to come to New York and protest about unemployment?!? 

Equally concerning is their lack of demands.  You have to ask yourself “how does this end?”  While the protestors can agree about the problem, they are not united on the solution.   It seems many of the demonstrators are great with the idea of protesting, but seem to lack clarity when asked what they want. 

Watch a video, talk to your parents, read and article and answer the following.  What do you think about the protests?  Who do think is responsible for the current financial crisis?  How do you think it should end?


  1. Luke- Guess what!! Im first again!! I think that the people that the people on Wall Street should not be complaining to the government and go and try to solve there own problems. Because hanging out on Wall Street will most definitely not get these people jobs. I think that it is a shared responsibility but mostly its the banks, who lent money to people that could not pay back the amount that was given. Our president and government need to do their best to create jobs for businesses.

  2. Ariana- I think that the protests show that people are really concerned about what is going on and they won't let people get away with it. I think that the only way they can get what they want and what some people need is by taking a stand. I think that banks are the main source of the problem because they are lending money that they know can not be paid back. I think it should end by not giving unnecessary bonuses to people in the banking industry because it takes other peoples jobs and homes because of it.

  3. Kendall- I think that the protesters shouldn't be wasting their time complaining. Nobody wants to hear their stories of their lost jobs or the debt they are in. They could be using the time they are using protesting and they could go try and change that they are out of work or try and fix their problems rather then protesting. I think it is the banks that are responsible for this crisis. I think it should end by not giving out more money to people when they don't absolutely have to have it. Monitoring amounts of money given to people would really help this problem.

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  5. Ann- I think that the people are stating what they think is right, as they entitled to do so. I agree with them somewhat, but instead of complaining they should come up with ways to fix their problems. I think that everyone is responsible for the financial crisis. They should start to spend money instead of saving. That way the economy gets more money, companies get more money, then less people are jobless. Although, people should only be using money that they have, and the banks should be monoriting that. They shouldn't loan somebody 600,000 dollars, if the person has zero or low income.

  6. Danielle- I think that the people protest because they want what is right and they want things to change. I think maybe they should solve there problems woithout complaining, like ann said. I personally think the bank is responisble for this crisis. I think it should end by not giving out money to people when its not even neccesary.

  7. Zach- the protesters to me seem rather stupid, they can't agree on what to protest about. I know that the debt is a result of to much goverment spending, but still, decide on somthing. I think that if we don't fix this then we are going to end up in some serious trouble.

  8. Isabelle- I think the protestors have a right to their opinion, but they shouldn't be flooding New York to say so. It's not going to fix anything and it just causes bigger problems. They need to be responsible adults and get their act together. They should be looking for jobs elswhere because they aren't going to get anywhere with this. The responsibility is divided up among alot of people. The government and bankers are at fault to a certain extent. They have made mistakes but so have the people. They could have prepared for this and made a savings account for themselves in case something like this did ever happen, so that they wouldn't be on the streets. This ends by the people quitting their complaining because they aren't getting anywhere and the government making wiser decisions on where they spend the money. If we meet halfway, maybe we can make something work.

  9. kaed- since my dad has lost his job we have talked a lot about whats happening around the world and what is going on with the economy and all of the people who are losing their jobs. I personally that is Obama's fault because of his decisions that he is making. I think this is bigger than the depression. I think this should end by electing another president and hope that he or she will make the right decisions.

  10. Angie- No offense to anyone who's protesting but maybe they should go work instead of wasting their time complaining about it. This is ridiculous in my opinion. People work hard to get in the position they are in today. Do you think people becoming doctors lazying around and complaining? No! They work hard for their own money. It's everyone's fault for this financial crisis. As much as I dislike Obama, we can't just blame the president for the position we are in today. These protests are a waste of time and people are complaining for their own laziness. You have to work hard in life. Life isn't easy. You can't expect the government giving money out freely to the people who dropped out of school or didn't even try. Yes, there are some sad stories though with not being able to afford to get a good education therefore not getting a good job. But whining to the government isn't gonna help.

  11. Halle- I think it's good these people are expressing what they feel in a non violent way. They are upset and they are stating what they feel. when you're upset you want to do something and take action and that's exactly what these people are doing. In any other country they could get shot for what they're doing. I think it's the politicians and the banks and finance companies faults. When the economy was good, they were lending people money that they shouldn't have and were making bad loans that hurt the economy. We need to get people back to work and spending money to get the economy back up.


  13. Madison- I think it is a good way to show their concern, but I don't think it will help change the problem. People need jobs but they are wasting time protesting on Wall Street. I think the current financial crisis is going on because of both the government and citizens. People don't save their money for the necessities, and they lose their savings. The government also is way far into debt because of going over budget. To stop this, people need to stop wasting their money on things that you don't need. The government needs to stay in budget, or at least not as far over budget to try to come closer to end this crisis.

  14. Marcos- The protesters are concerened because, the government always help out companies in crisis. When they should be helping out themselves. The protesters are mad because, the government in the first place shouldn't be doing that.The people that are responsible for this is the government. They shouldn't be helping out those companies. There paying attention to the upper class than the lower class. It is either gonna end from the protesters way or the governments. Probably the governments.

  15. gabby- i think the protesters are doing and saying and think, isnt that the whole freedom of speech thing? i think they have a right to voice there opinions AND be heard. people arguing that they cant even agree on what they are protesting about is kind of dumb. they cant agree because everyone has different problems. i mean really if that many are protesting have a problem, there has to be others then there must be something wrong. i think its partially the government, they seem to always go out of budget and dont really make changes now. i know its hard to make them now but we need them now,things a e just going to get worst if someone doesnt take charge soon. the person in charge needs to make things fair. this should first end soon, because what you guys are doing now is leaving a big mess for the future generation. people, including and especially the government, need to start saving more money and spending less.

  16. josu- The protesters are trying to make a point. They have made a point but the protests aren't going to change anything. There is only so much a protest can do. The people responsible are the bankers. They are trying to make money out of nothing and are just being selfish and taking things for themselves. Their should be some changes and rules applied to Wall street so that this may never happen again

  17. Cooper- I think allot of people are upset with wall street and how they have lost their homes and cant find any jobs that are available and they feel like their divided from the higher class to the middle class. The housing crisis because some people don't have anywhere to live. It would end if people got jobs.

  18. Phillip- I think that it is good that people are standing up for what they believe in. I think that they are right. It is not responsible of our government to be giving the tax dollars of hard-working Americans to the people that are already well off. I think that this problem is not a single person/group’s fault. It is impossible for that to happen. I would like this to end with everyone with jobs, everyone healthy, and everyone happy.

  19. Marya- I think people have the right to protest, they are just speaking what is right. i think the banks are at fault for this. if they take control and monitor how much money they give people, this wouldnt be happening.i think it should end with the protestors leaving wall street and finding jobs. they arent going to magically get a job if they are standing around protesting in the streets.

  20. Sophia- think that the people can protest if they want to but it's not helping anything. Many people can get jobs but for some of them, unemployment pays more. I think that the bans shoudn't be bailing people and out and we should start relying on ourselves to mae our buisnesses thrive. I think the protestors should stop and go and try to get jobs. They're not changing anything and they can use this time to fill out applications.

  21. Atticus- The people can protest all they want but they arnt going to solve anything. I think that this is the bankers fault they are taking money and being selfish and crule. To end this I think that the protesters need to all go out and get a job not wait for money to be handed tho them on a silver platter. They all need to not just be walking up and down the streets holding signs but using that time to fill out job aplications.

  22. I think the protests are stupid and that if you've made money, you have the right to keep it. I don't think socialism is the answer. It is insurance companies and banks who are responsible for this. To end this, we should stop spending borrowed money and work on improving other forms of energy.

  23. Ally- I think the people who are protesting are wasting their time. Complaining isn't getting them anywhere. They need to realize that if they really want it to change, they need to go out and find a job themselves. Protesting isn't going to get a job handed to them. I think it's the banks fault. They're giving loans to people who can't pay it back. The banks should't give any money to someone unless the bank knows they can for sure pay it back.

  24. Nerea- I think the protesters should just stop cause it dumb and they arent gonna get their way. Instead of comlpaining they should do the work themselves and get them a job at even mccdonalds.

  25. Brooke~ In my opinion the protests probably aren't going to help much... a more effective way to handle their problems would be to just try to get a job at McDonald's like Nerea said and put some effort and work into that instead of protesting.


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