Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, January 16 we are remembering the life and teaching of Martin Luther King, Jr. throughout the United States.  While we each may enjoy a day off of school, we do not want to lose the purpose of commemorating his life and his impact on the United States and the world by taking the day for granted.

Martin Luther was born in Atlanta, Georgia.  He was the son, grandson, and great grandson of Baptist ministers.  While he initially was reluctant to accept his inherited occupation, during his time at Morehouse College, Dr. King began to learn how to use his devout Christian beliefs and his natural ability to gather people to promote the ideas of social change.

As his life continued, he actively engaged in the promoting the civil rights of African Americans and the social changes so long overdue.  While the civil war ended nearly 100 years prior to Dr. King, it was not until the 1960’s that America began to recognize the equality of African Americans. 

The teachings of Martin Luther King are as relevant today as they were 40 years ago.  Even though we have taken great strides as a country, we still hear and see acts of prejudice and bigotry in our society.  While we strive for equality and tolerance, we know there is still hate in the world.  Dr. King would encourage us to seek out acts of hate and intolerance in the world and find peaceful solutions to promote the human spirit.

In addition to Monday being a day for remembrance, it should also be a day of action.  A day dedicated to doing something to promote humanity and discourage intolerance.

The following is a link to the King Center.  The website includes many interesting and thought provoking ideas, including a biography of Dr. King and the history of the holiday.

What do you think Dr. King would think of our world today and the changes the country has undergone?  Can you think of situations in our world today where intolerance and prejudice exist?  What actions are you willing to take to promote the human spirit and the ideas of tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness?


  1. Ryan-I think Dr. King would like our world today because every body is far against people of different races and we now dont segregation on our public places. Yes i can think of some things like my grandparents that live in Georgia they are still very prejudice against black people and other races. Also many people think that you have to be black to play proffesinol sports but there are plenty of white people playing pro sports.I dont have a problem with people of different races because they are just like us a human being and i hope no one else takes them any different

  2. Abby- I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be very proud of the changes we have made in America. He was assassinated for a dream of his and I think he would be very happy that his dream came true! For the most part racism in America against African Americans is gone, but there are some cases where people are still prejudice. People always say that all good rapers are black. What about Eminem, Mac Miller, and all the others who are really talented? We are all human and it does not matter what race we are.

  3. Luke- 3rd place im ashamed im sorry i let you down Mr. Grant. But speaking of bees i better get busy! I think that Martin Luther King Jr. would be very pleased that what he did paid off and he got what he really wanted. I think that he would be very happy with the changes we have made. I can still see people of the KKK that hate and discriminate black men and women. We could promote by not bullying kids or stand up for kids that are being bullied. And i agree with Abby about Eminem and people like that who are super talented. And it does matter what race we are we shouldn't exclude people no matter what!

  4. Angie- Today, I think Dr. King would be so happy with the world! He would know what big of a difference he made. I think that good changes have been made! Prejudice definitely still exists today. People are prejudice against all different types of people: different races, different sex. Some people are still prejudice against me today because I'm Vietnamese. In some places women can't get an education! My friend is African American and even in a Catholic Church when everyone gave each other peace, someone refused to shake her hand. I would be willing to do anything to promote those ideas. It makes me sad how prejudice some people can be. I'm not sure how I could promote things. The C.O.P. group at St. Joe's helps promote that though. It's inspiring what Martin Luther King Jr. did. I only hope that we can be as courageous as her was.

  5. Sophia- I think that Dr. King would be really proud of our world today. We don't segregate near as much as we used to. I mean there's still a few people who think they're better than others, but mostly people (or at least people I'm around) are accepting. I think he would be happy that we have a black president. That was a really big deal in the difference between blacks and whites. I think that some people are racist against immigrants and always think of them as cleaning ladies or yard cleaners. I also agree with Abby, because my favorite rapper (Mac Miller) is white. I don't really care what color or what ethnicity someone is. I was raised to believe that looks aren't what matter and that it's what's on the inside that counts.

  6. Ann- i think he would be proud of how far we have come with desegregation. in some third world countries, many people and authorities do not except people from other countries very well. just this past week in Iran i think, they made a law that if you were an illegal immigrant then you can be put in jail for an unlimited amount of time with out a trial and if you were caught helping them then you could be put in prison for fifteen years. Also, there is not much freedom of religion.I wish i was as brave as Dr. King. My cousin told my aunt that she doesn't color people's skin in because it doesn't really matter anyways, i think that even though she is only five she is already got the right idea.

  7. Ally- I think Dr. King would be extremely proud of our world today and all of the changes. There are still a hand full of people in the world who are still not willing to except people who are different from them. We shouldn't treat anyone differently because of the color of their skin or their religion. It's not fair. I'm not too sure what actions I could take. But we should all try to be like Martin Luther King Jr.

  8. Madison- I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be very proud of how far the US has come since the civil rights movement. There is no more separation between races. Maybe some people consider all good rappers and athletes to be African American, but that's not true. I think that most people accept everyone equally. I feel bad for the people that don't because there might be someone that is a lot like them, but they won't talk to them because they look different. People just need to accept people for who they are on the inside.

  9. Nerea-I think Dr.Martin Luther King Jr would be proud of what he accomplished and how he changed the world. For the majority of the country there isnt separation between races but one thing that stands out to me is my dads good friend is black and he told my dad if you came into my town you would get beat up because you are white. Maybe thats just in some town but i do belive there are still some ravisom in the country. But when it comes down to it we are all accepted egually and we dont just on racism.

  10. Isabelle- I think that Dr king would be proud of our country because we have made many improvements and laws. We have changed the way we look at people and how we feel about them. We have taken down the signs that have separated us for many years. There are always going to be those people who still think that rappers, athletes, and gang members are all black. Anybody can be of any race and do anything they want. I am part of the peace program at school and we try to create equality. All we have to do is talk to people about that being different is good and that everyone is the same, no matter what color.

  11. I think Dr. King would be happy with our country today. There is hardly any large-scale racism today which is good because racism is bad. I'm sure racism still exists today but I can't think of any instances. I think Dr. King would find that to be very well too because it means there is hardly any racism in our day-to-day lives. To promote the well-being of society, we can avoid racism and always be kind and loving to each other.

  12. Kendall- I think that Dr. King would be very proud of our world today and the changes we have made. I think that its more in the talent area where people are prejudice. With basketball players some people still think that to be good you have to be black. Also with musicians like rapers you have to be black in order to be good to some people,. like abby said mac miller and eminem. But thats not true. I think we should all follow in Dr. Kings footsteps regarding his speech.

  13. Cooper- I think Dr. King would think its a better place but there is a long way to go. Yes it is still in the south, South Africa, New York, and many more places. It doesn't matter what race we are but we should be judged by our character to others.


  15. Halle- I think that doctor king would think our country has gone through a lot of changes. Some might be for a better but some might be for worse. I think there are still problems with the country that were problems in his time. I think prejudice existed during the holocaust when hitler killed a lot of the jews. I think it happpens everyday when some people make a racist remark or discriminate against someone because of their background or what religion they practice. I'm wiling to stand for what i believe in like Doctor King did and try not to discriminate people by where they come from or what they believe

  16. josu- I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be happy with the changes that have happened, but he would still not be fully happy until racism is gone. Today many people are racists towards Mexicans and middle eastern people. If you were middle eastern some people would think that you are a terrorist just by looking at you. If we are brave enough to stand up for what we believe in the world will be a better place.

  17. Phillip - I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be proud of how greatly accepted black people are in our country today. Although, he would be disappointed that people are racist against Muslims. Many people do not tolerate people that are Muslim because the people that attacked America happened to be Muslim extremists. I don’t think I would be brave enough to keep going after the police started spraying me with hoses and stuff.

  18. Danielle- i think dr king would be happy with the changes we have made! Nobody is treated differently by the color of their skin but there still is some racism. There was alot of prejudice during the halocaust because hitler didnt like jews but i dont here much about a lot of racism to much anymore. I think we should al just be treated just the same and accept people for who they are because u cant change urself just be yourself and accept others for who they are no mmatter if its the color of their skin or their personality. We are who we are and we cant change that.

  19. Zach- Dr. King would be both happy and sad. Yes African Americans and white people get along much better, but there are bad sterotypes associated with them (example:African Americans being thugs, not true). Racsim still exists but it is received with disgust and dissapointment.

  20. gabby-i think that doc king would be pretty pleased with the changes. african american people have so many more rights then they did back in his time. we have a african american president, i think that for doc king would almost be viewed as a fantasy but now its a reality. i think there are still a lot of stereo types that still exist. like zach said some people may think that all black people are thugs or in gangs, but thats not true. there is also people that are prejudice of mexican people. i think that we should all treat each other that same no matter what ethic background they come from. everyone just needs to do that and then we wont have problems or people being prejudice.

  21. Marya- i think that Dr.King would be very proud of what he has done. he pretty much changed the world. he was a great leader and visionary for so many people. if you look at how African american people are treated today, it is A LOT better than it was before. some people think black people are thugs, but not all of them are. like Abby said, Mac Miller and Eminem are really really good rappers. racist jokes aren't very funny unless the person laughs about them too. there is some injustice with sports though. not all black people are amazing athletes. i know there are some prejudice people still out there today, and maybe we need another man like MLK to step up and stop it! i think that a person is a person. we need to treat everybody with respect, no matter what they look like.

  22. Atticus- I think that MLK would be very happy to hear that our countery has abolished slavery and that they dont have segregation any more. It really dependes who you ask. I for instance you ask an illegal imagrent if he or she feels intolerance or prejudicee that person would probaly say yes. But on the other hand if you asked a working amarican man the same qusetion he probaly say no. I think that it dosnt matter what race or collor you are. All that matters is what is inside you.

  23. kaed- i believe that MLK changed the U.S. forever and if he were here today he would be very proud of a somewhat level because we have improve a huge amount. But i also think that he would still feel that people are still racist and hate blacks or white or whatever ethnicity you are. i hear the racism almost everyday by the people around me, like at the store i hear some racism things. and at school i try to prevent it and tell them to stop. i hope 1 day there will be no racism and hope that everyone will love eachother even though they are a different ethnicity

  24. Nolen- Martin Luther King was a great man and he always will be. He had a huge impact on changing racism against African Americans. Even though there still is some racism it is way better then what it use to be. If he was alive today i'm sure he would be very pleased on what he accomplished in life.

  25. Cristina- Martin Luther KIng is a wonderful person and a great speaker. he had a grewat impact on segregation and being equal. he changed alot of poeples points of views that blacks and white are the same! if he wasnt here, i think we will probuly be still segregated! even though there are still a little bit a kkk works, it died down alot.if mlk was alive right now, he would be very pround and please what this country is like today

  26. Brooke~ I bet that Martin Luther King would be proud that people --no matter what race-- are treated equally. He would be happy about how great of an impact he made on our world. Although races aren't separated on buses and such, there still are racist peopleout there making jokes and saying mean things everyday. But for the most part, He has made a huge impact on our world.


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