Thursday, January 5, 2012

Year in Review 2011

At the end of each year, many people and publications take time to reflect on the significant events which shaped the year.  We like to remind ourselves of the inspirational events and people that may have touched our lives.  We remember the tragic situations which made us stop and pray.  We hold in memory those we have lost and smile at the thoughts of those that made us laugh. 

Reflection is important in life.  Not to dwell, but to learn.  We use past events to find solutions to the problems of today.  The following events, both the good and the bad, inspired, baffled, and made me smile.

Global Events

Tsunami in Japan
The Royal Wedding
The political unrest in northern Africa
The deaths of Osama Bin Laden and Sudam Hussien


The release of the last Harry Potter movie
Kim Kardashian’s brief marriage and quick divorce

U.S. Events

Death of Steven Jobs
The Occupy Wall Street protests
The continuing economic troubles
10th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks
150th Anniversary of the start of the Civil War

Events in Idaho

Education Reform
Execution of Ezra Rhodes by lethal injection

St. Joe’s Events

8th Grade Boys win Hallissey
The completion of the school expansion
The retirement of Mrs. Violette and Mrs. Anchustegui

Personal Events

My daughter starting high school
Getting my own classroom
Bell’s Palsy

What events were the most significant to you in 2011?  Why?  What are you looking forward to in 2012?


  1. Luke-Mr. Grant your best student always post first! I think that the tsunami was a very significant event in 2011 along with the death of Osama Bin Laden. We have been after Bin Laden for along time. He was the cause of 9/11. Also the Tsunami was a very tragic event. I am very much looking forward to December 2012 because of the Aztecs interesting theory about the world ending. I am also very exited to go to BK and im exited for the summer of 2012. I also cant wait to get out of St. Joe's im ready for graduation.

  2. Peter- The most significant events of the year for me were the death of Steve Jobs (because he was a major figure in the world and in my family), the finished school (because that's where I learn), the release of Harry Potter (because I just can't get enough!), Skyrim (no explanation necessary [except this: FUS RO DAH!!!]), Mr. Grant getting his own room (because I hope that comment will get me an A), and the tsunami in Japan (because it was a major event). In 2012, I'm looking forward to HTML 5 and better games.

  3. Madison- The most major event for me was obviously moving! It was hard to leave all my friends and my house behind! And then there was the Royal Wedding, the death of Bin Laden, the tenth anniversary of 9/11, and the execution of Paul Ezra Rhoades. I am looking forward to going to BK mainly because i don't know of any major things that I am doing in 2012.

  4. Sophia-I really enjoyed the Royal Wedding and had fun waking up at 4 AM to watch it. Also, I REALLY loved the last Harry Potter movie, but it was kind of melancholy because it was the last one. Bye, Voldemort. Kim Kardashian's wedding amused me, and I was seriously shocked when they announced they were getting divorced after 72 days of marriage.
    When Paul Ezra Rhodes was executed, I was pretty upset, and so were a lot of the teachers. That was a major event.
    Finally, 2011 for me was good and bad. My brother went to college, so both my brothers were gone, which was fun but also really quiet with just my sister and me. Ending on a brighter note, I started 8th grade year, my last year at St. Joe's, and like Luke said, I am sooooo ready to be out of there!

  5. Halle- I think a lot of things were significant in 2011. Finally making it to eighth grade and getting ready to go to bk is something i looked forward to all last year. I also think the last Harry Potter movie was important to me it was so good! The Kardashian Wedding was fun to follow because it only lasted 75 days! Also sending my sister to college was a big event because now our house is so quiet without her! I think i'm looking forward to going to bk and for the first hunger games movie to come out in march! I'm also looking forward to our last year of hallissey and hope we all do good!

  6. Kendall-first of all halle the kardashian wedding lasted 72 days haha. I think that in 2011 some things that really stuck out to me could be the death of steve jobs because he invented all apple products which i use on a daily basis. Also being in 8th grade was really the main thing that suck out to me in 2011. The harry potter movie was just the best. And the remodel being done at our school was great because we dont have to have classes in the cafeteria anymore. I am looking forward to graduating and going to bk mostly. Also my dad is moving home soon so thats pretty exciting.

  7. A few things that stood out to me was the royal wedding, the unrest in Africa, and the remodeling of st. joes. The Royal Wedding because it was just like a fairy tale wedding come true. The unrest in Africa because it was cool to see the people taking charge of their government and taking out the dictators, and finally the remodeling of st. joes, because it was hard, like Kendall said, having class in the cafeteria. In 2012 i look forward to graduation in may, and also summer vacation.

  8. Angie- It actually feels like a lot of things have happened over 2011. A few that stood out to me was the death of Osama Bin Laden, the death penalty in Idaho, Kim Kardashian's marriage then fast divorce, and St. Joe's remodeling! I think they stand out to me because they were so big and important. I guess I'm looking forward to December where I can laugh at everyone who thought the world was ending. I'm also excited for graduating 8th grade and going to BK!

  9. Nerea- It feels like 2011 went by soo fast and it didnt even happen. Like it doesnt feel like we were in seventh grade last year and we are now already in eighth grade. In 2011 the things that stuck out to me the most was the Kardashins two month marriage,Tsunama and the remoldeling of the school. For the year 2012 twelve im excited to accomplish a tri-atholon with my dad and going to High school!!!!!!!!

  10. Abby- 2011 went by so fast but a lot happened! Some events that stuck out to me where the Royal Wedding, the last Harry Potter movie, and the death of Steve Jobs. The Royal Wedding was so amazing because it is not so often that you get to see a prince get married. The death of Steve Jobs and the last Harry Potter movie was sad. I am exited for 2012 because I get to graduate St. Joes, go to Bk, and get my learners permit!

  11. Ally- 2011 went by really fast. The most significant events in 2011 would be the Harry Potter movie because Harry Potter rocks, and definitely the remodeling of our school.
    For the year 2012 I am extremely excited to graduate from St. Joes!

  12. Cooper- I think it was the tsunami of Japan because it was a big disaster people lost there homes but they also lost their lives, I think another big event was the death of Osama Bin Laden because we have been waiting for him to be killed for all these years and we finally got him. Going to BK and getting out of ST Joes.

  13. josu-i think that 2011 was an ok year. it seems like every odd year is not as good as an even year. I think starting 8th grade, and all the things that go with it, is a pretty significant event in 2011. i am looking forward to the halissey tournament and high school. Since 2012 is even i am predicting it to be a good year.

  14. Isabelle- I think 2011 was a good year with the Royal Wedding, the expansion in the school, and the death of some very important people. The Royal Wedding because I have family in England and we were all very excited. The expansion of the school because it sort of separates the middle school from the little kids.This year, I was excited to start eighth grade, but now i am excited for highschool!2012 should be a good year!

  15. Phillip - Seeing the new school was very nice. I am sure that everyone likes being in the new building. The school needed some change. I am looking forward to going to BK in 2012. It is going to be nice to see new surroundings over there.

  16. Ariana-Some important things of 2011 were the harry potter movie, getting my puppy, the school remodel,the royal wedding, and the death of Osama Bin Ladden. Some things Im excited about in 2012 is eight grade graduation, moving to a new house, and starting high school! I really hope the world doesnt end this year though, but 2011 was good and im excited for 2012

  17. Marya- 2011 feels like it didn't even happen. it went by so fast!! i cant believe that we are in eight grade, its crazy. some awesome things that happened for me in 2011 was the release of Justin bieber's movie, Justin bieber's Christmas CD, the school remodel, and a lot more. I am really excited for Justin bieber's tour coming up in late 2012. i am excited for high school but i really hope i can go to BK!!

  18. Danielle- I thought 2011 was an amazing year. S0me things in 2011 that stuck out were the new harry potter and the royal wedding. The new harry potter was awesome and im sad it was the last one. Also the royal wedding was a huge thing! But i did get sick on that day so that was sad but overall 2011 was an awesome year!

  19. Nolen- 2011 was a pretty good year I thought, caught osama, started the eigth grade, (hope to finish) got Mr. Grant for one of my teachers, and a lot of cool new things came out this year. As for 2012 I dont really care because were all going to die but going to try to make the best out of the last couple months we have.


  21. Ryan- 2011 was a pretty awsome year i have to admit. The most signifigant memory from 2011 was the Lakers not going to the Finals and also i think it might have been me almost getting hit by a car yesterday. Im looking fowrad to graduating and going to BK.

  22. gabby- i think 2011 was pretty awesome, too. the last harry potter movie was so great. i loved it! osama bin laden being caught was also pretty huge because he caused so much grief from our country. the royal wedding was fun to stay up and watch. starting eighth grade was good. but I'm more excited for graduation, so we are finally out of here. i don't think the world is going to end because that kinda ridiculous so ya.

  23. Marcos- The event that were more significant to me has to be the Death of Osama Bin Laden. Because, if we wouldn't have killed him, he would still be alive still thinking of a plan to attack and kill him. The events i'm looking forward to is hallissey tournament. The boys has to defend our title.

  24. Zach-I think that the death of terrorists like Bin laden and Hussen take the cake for most important, if he was still alive who knows what would have happened. I'm looking forward to saying "I'll told you so" to the people who think the world will end.

  25. Atticus- some of the importand things that happened in the 2011 year was that I started my 8th grade year(bacaues its my last year at St.Joes),and that Bin Laden was killed(so people can be less paranoid about when the next terrorist atack will be). This year in 2012 I am looking foward to graduating and going to BK and ,like zack said,not dieing.

  26. kaed- some of the important things that i thought were that bin laden died and i am most awed by that because of the Navy Seal were responsible and it amazes me that none of the soldiers got hurt or even got a scratch. in 2012 i am looking forward for the hallisey tournament.. other than i can only play some of it.. and graduation

  27. Brooke- The Bin Laden thing stood out to me a lot since we finally acomplished that. Also, The Kardashian wedding was a big thing and i know i thought that it would last a lot longer than that! One thing inn 2012 im looking forward to is high school! As a lot of people have been saying: Cant wait to be out of St. Joes yay! I think it will be a great year. 8th grade graduation!


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