Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Graduation is next Friday.  The school will miss you all.  Individually and collectively you bring a unique culture to the school.  Whenever there is a change in the classes, the school mourns.  Don’t get too choked up, when the new school year begins we move on, just as you will, and the school will adjust to the new classes and the new 8th graders.

But before we move on, we should reflect on the impact you have had on the school and the impact the school has had on you.  Our school is not static.  It changes with each new class and with each new student.  Each class develops its own identity and personality.  That personality may change over the years as students come and go.  The collection of classes makes up the identity and personality of the school.  Even though this school has been around for over a hundred years, it is the students, classes and teachers along with the families and church that determines the cultural personality of the school.

Each of you alone and all of you together have helped shape this school and your influence will be felt for years to come.  I believe in the idea that whenever you enter into something, you should have a goal to leave it better than it was when you started.  I believe you are leaving the school better today than when you started.  For that, we all owe you a thank you.

But just as you have had the opportunity to shape the school, I believe the school has helped to shape who you are.  While it may take years before you are able to fully appreciate the impact the school has had on your lives, I would expect you can look back over the years and find one or two lessons you will carry forward with you.  You may be able to identify one or two teachers which may have helped you to understand yourself as a student.  You may look at the friendships you have developed over the years and realize what a blessing it was to have them in your life.  You may look at the impact of having your Catholic faith as a corner stone of your education and how that has shaped your understanding of all subjects, not just religion.

What impact do you believe you and your class had on the school?  How would you like your class to be remembered?  What are your fondest memories or greatest life lessons are you taking with you from St. Joe’s?


  1. Luke- First poster! On the last blog! (HAHA YEAH) Well people told me that i really could make them laugh at anytime of the day. I added a lot of personality to our class. I would like to be remembered as a kind, respectful, fun, loving, competitive classmate. I think that a huge life lesson that has been taught to me by Mr. Grant is dont caught that one disease that makes it so that you cant control your face. Because it will make you angry and cranky. One of my fondest memories is when Mrs. Rollison brought veronica the harmonica to class! that was awesome! I love St. Joes!

  2. Danielle- Second! We are a really fun and awesome class! We are all pretty close and have known each other for the longest time. People have always called me "the quiet one" although I would have to disagree with that now! I'm definitely talking a whole lot more. You all are probably realizing that. I think sometimes I make people laugh at times and i think you guys would be so bored without me here! haha no probably not, haha. I want people to remember me as a nice, friendly, respectful person in the class. You all always tell me that I'm one of the nicest people you know and that always makes me feel super special. There are to many memories here at St. Joes, but all of them I will cherish forever! Although some funny ones were "Veronica the Harmonica" and in 4th grade we would all take test in Mr. Thompsons room and he would like stand and dance on the tables! I will never forget the amazing time I had at St. Joes!

  3. Nolen- Yeah i just want to be remembered as Nolen. Um some lessons that i have learned over the years at St. Joes were to be like Madison to get jelly beans cause she has like gotten 20, and that red jelly beans suck. Some good memories i have had at St. Joes is just all the people i have gotten to know.

  4. Madison-I think that I will always be remembered for my laugh apparently. Also the fact that I am a "horse whisperer" according to my class... Before I got here, our class apparently had a really bad reputation for things done in the past. I would like our class to be remembered for how close we are. Not what people have done because who wants to be remembered for bad things? My fondest memory at St. Joes is going on the retreat and reading all of the letters. They all meant a lot to me. Even though I have only been here for a year, I feel really close to everyone and the girls especially.

  5. Zach- I am pretty sure our graduating class is the best class ever to come through St. Joes. I would like us to be remembered as the class that was really cool, or the class that Zach the great was in. I have some good adn some not so good memories but i the lesson i learned from St. Joes is: that i am really, really, awesome

  6. Nerea- I'm pretty sure ill be rememberd on how i talk. I want our class to be remember as a fun class but also one that could always get their work done. Which i think we have acomplished both of those. Some of the best memories would have to be pocetello hallisy and field day! I always had so much fun!

  7. Sophia-I think our class was really nice to the younger grades. Last year, the eighth graders were mean to the seventh graders. But I think we've done a pretty good job on making them feel welcome. Our class will probably be remembered with the religion books incident, but I bet Mrs. Bicandi will remember us as her 1st class to go all the way through St. Joe's with her. I would like to be remembered on how close we are. I will always remember Mr. Yanci putting hand sanitizer on his head, and eating a dog biscuit. I will always remember Mrs. Rollison's "phase" and of course Veronica the Harmonica. I will also remember the sleepovers the girls have had this year that have been really fun. Oh, and I will always remember the Cinnamon Bear, and sex-ed with Mrs. G!

  8. kaed- All of the years that I have been here, or at least all of the elementary years of St. Joes, I felt like that we were all separate and we werent really as close as friends. During the middle school years, I am very thankful that we bonded more as a class, and that we got to know eachother inside and out. I honestly thought that this was not going to happen between us, but i am very glad that it worked out the way it did! It has been a very fun experience being will all of the 8th graders and getting to know them as much as I did!! One of my favorite memories were being with Mr. Grant and all of those excited classes of history!! We or I didnt get along with you at start in the 7th grade, but i very glad that changed!!!!!! haha i need a hug.. ;) I hope that you will be my assistant coach 1 day at BK! Mr Grant i hope that you will always keep a smile on your face, unless bill palsy's come back.. but lets not hope for that at all! Thank you Mr. Grant!!! and all of my classmates for all of the fun times at St. Joes!

  9. Marya- well, i think everyone will remember me whenever they think of Justin Bieber, One Direction, or the Hunger Games. our class has always been really crazy and funny but i am happy to be a part of it. my favorite memory was marcos falling off the chair or nolen keeping tissues in his pockets and pulling them out in the middle of social studies haha. our class is really close and the retreat proved it. thanks to my awesome classmates and all the teachers that made st.joe's awesome!

  10. Angie- This is so sad it's the last blog post we'll ever do! Anyways, our class has gone through the best moments at St. Joe's... and the worst. For a while we were known as the "bad class". We weren't really a close class until this year I think. The girls are so close and we get along so well. We don't care what other people think of us and we can just be ourselves. After we proved that we weren't bullies and we weren't that bad, I think everyone really liked us. I feel like we made a big impact on the school. It was special because we were the first class to graduate out of the new building. I want our class to be remembered as the fun, loud, crazy, funny, but really good class! We're really close and we have a really good bond that I don't think other 8th grade classes had. I'll always remember our class being weird at the randomest times and just being crazy. And of course I'll always remember Mr. Grant's great smile that he always wears everyday!

  11. Ann-Our class brought a lot of excitement to the school. I think that sometimes our class gets a bad reputation because of things that have happened in the past, but i want us to be remembered for what we were this year. After some people left, the people in our class opened up to each other. and i think that was great. I have alot of memories at saint Joes, too many to chose a favorite. And i will miss all of you! (especially Mr. Grant)

  12. Brooke~ I hope that our class will be remembered as the best class to ever be at St. Joe's! (: I think that the school will definitely remember us. I agree with Sophia that we were definitely a lot nicer to the 6th and 7th graders than last years 8th graders were to us! I hope they don't remember us by the bad things we've done but try to focus on the good. Veronica The Harmonica is something i definitely will never forget. All our hilarious experiences with Mr. Thompson were really memorable too.

  13. Cristina- ahh! im sad! this is the last blog EVER for Mr. Grant!!! this was such a great idea!! well anyway, i hop eour class will be remebered in a good way. at the beginning, everyone thought we where trouble makers but we not! we just out going. thats all. we are also very close!! i hope that doesnt change! our class left the impact of being close i guess? hahaha i also think we impacted the school just in general. like the eighth grade should be close! my favorite memorie is when Mr. Thompson used to come into mrs. baccays class and sing or looking for pinkie ( his stapler) or i liked it when luke was singing shake shake your peanuts!! in mrs. rollison class. that was so funny!

  14. We have started the C.O.P’s which has helped the younger grades greatly. I would like our class to be remembered as the best class ever. I liked going on all the field trips. They were educational and fun!

  15. Ariana- LAST BLOG!I think that if we stayed the same as we were last year, then we would have had a bad impact on the school. But I think our class changed alot so now i think that we have had a good impact on the school.I want our class to be remembered as the bad class that turned good, and the best class that has ever come through. I'll never forget Veronica the Harmonica and the retreat. Oh and being on student council and the new building! I think that i am going to miss saint joes really bad but I am glad to go! i am going to miss it though...!!!!!!!!11

  16. Ally- I think our class has had a big impact on the school. We are by far the best class that has come through St. Joe's, and I'm sad we have to leave! We should be remembered as the class that was all really close and really good friends. I'll never forget the retreat last week. That had to have been one of my favorite memories at St. Joe's!

  17. Peter- Ahmigosh this is really it. I'm gonna miss you Mr. Grant! Over the years, our class had made many impacts, mostly negative, unfortunately. But over the past year, we have really redeemed ourselves and that's cool. But alas, this Friday we are leaving St. Joe's forever. How sad. :( I'm going to miss Josu and Nerea. I hope I am remembered as the person whose recycled racer went 5m while empty in science and that Muses will make songs about my galliance during that moment. My fondest memories here are Mr. Grant dressing up as Tigger and Cammy saying, "No, I see!". Those were great....
    Bye Mr. Grant!!!!

  18. gabby-this is the last blog ever, wow this is sad. i think that our class has been interesting, but i think we made an impact on st joes. our class i think is just a really fun class, and very energetic even though we kinda had the reputation of being the bad class. i think that we have matured this year. hopefully we will be remembered by the good things that we did not the bad ones. I'm not really sure how i personally am going to remembered. probably the whole president thing but I'm not really sure what else. i can't even start on the memories that i have at st joes. i mean i have spent the majority of my life at st joes and all of my education here. my first favorite memory was in kindergarden and the teddy bear hunt! that was so fun. and the eighth grade retreat was also super awesome. there is so much in the middle i could probably write a book haha. well i also did learn a lot of lessens and important things that i will take with me for the rest of my life

  19. kendall- I think our class had a big impact on the school. OUr class was the first 8th grade to have the new wing, as well as many other veryexciting things!Without our class being here then we wouldnt be the school we are today. I think our class made the dress code stricter haha because the teachers would always point out the 8th graders for dress code violations. I think our class is missunderstood because of things that happened in the past. I want us to be remembered as the "class that was a family" because our class was really like a family. Some of my favorite memories are probably the religion books out the window, veronica the harmonica, scaring mr. yanci, mr grants fat guy that holds the jelly bean, and all of mrs mcclures weird words. I have learned so many things from being here! i am so sad to leave. all the people here really made an impact in my life whether it was good or bad

  20. Halle- Our class did have a reputation a while back but i think that we have grown out of it! I think we have done many great things for this school. We have helped with lots of things like helping with younger students, being good leaders, an trying to make st. Joe's better! I hope we are rememberd as the class that matured. We have grown a lot over the years and when i think about some of the ignorant things we did, its embarressing. I have so many memories at st. joes that i cant even remember them all. I love scaring Mr. Yanci and the faces Mr. Grant gives to luke or kaed when they do something weird. I will miss all the fun things we did! I will also remember that a drink is a drink is a drink, Mrs. G has really helped me remember that. But i also will remember all the other important things my teachers have taught me. There are too many i can't even remember!

  21. Abby- I think our class made a big impact on St. Joes. I agree with Sophia. I think we will be remembered as the class that was super nice. Unlike some of the other grades before us we where actually pretty nice to the 6th and 7th graders. I have so many great memories from St. Joes but one of my favorites was the first day of kindergarten. It is crazy how fast time has gone!

  22. Marcos- It will have a huge impact. All of us was one big happy family. And we all are not going to be together because some are going to different schools. And ya it would have a huge impact of the school. And we had a bad reputation once. Well not anymore. I would like our class to be remembered as a fun lovable class that everyone could remember. Never cheat. Cheaters never win. That is the only life lesson i remember.

  23. Cooper- I think our class had a huge impact on St. Joes, like Halle said we had a reputation for a will then we started growing up and we started helping out with things. I would like our class to be remembered as good and caring people that don't cheat. The best memories when I scared Mr. Yanci all those times and the retreat. Going to miss St. Joes.

  24. Atticus- I think that my class and I improved the school by showing it what it meant to be like a family. I think that in the course of this year our class has become the closest that we have ever been. We really have gotten to know each other a lot better. The way that I would like to be remembered is that we all were very close. I really like my class and I will miss them all. The times that I remember the most are hiding in Mr. Yanci's room and the retreat. I will also always remember you Mr. Grant and all the awesome times that I had in your class.

  25. josu-our class has a huge impact to the school. we are the first eighth graders in the new building, that means alot. I think we will be remembered as the class who liked to have fun whether that is good or bad. i learned alot from st joes that i will need in life. St joes has given me the tools i just have to use them. My favorite memory is all nine of our years here. those were some fun times. i will know this class for the rest of my life.



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