Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election 2012

The National Election was held yesterday.  After 18 months of primaries, nomination conventions, debates, print and television ads, it is finally over.  It is time for people to throw away their lawn signs, have billboards removed, and get back to regular commercials trying to sell us products instead of telling us about candidates or issues.

In many ways the 2012 election was very much like every other election.  On a national level, it was two candidates trying to convince the voters why their ideas are better or maybe why the other candidate’s ideas won’t work.  While every election has had its fair share of negative campaigning, 2012 did prove to be one of the more vicious elections.  Some believe it was this viciousness and lack of enthusiasm with either candidate which caused voter turnout to dip lower than 2008 and 2004.  Voter turnout nationally was around 57.5%.

What made 2012 somewhat different was the amount of money spent.  It is estimated between presidential and congressional campaigns close to $5.8 billion was spent.  This number astounds me.  The primary parties responsible for the increase in spending were the numerous Super-PACs (Political Action Committee).   The PACs won a U.S. Supreme Court case (Citizens United vs. Federal Election Committee) which in essence states the spending of money on political campaigns is the equivalent of free speech and should not be regulated or suppressed.  As a result, while direct spending by candidates and political parties was down in 2012, the Super-PAC spending made this the most expensive election in the country’s history.

What do you think of our political process and American politics?  Do you like the ways elections are conducted?  Is there anything you think should be changed about the process?  What is your reaction to the amount of money spent?  Do you think it is money well spent or was it excessive?   


  1. Sena- I think our political process make sense and it works. However, I don't think it's perfect and it never will. I do like the way our elections are conducted. I think that the way they do the electoral votes doesn't make much sense. If we the people are suppost to vote for our President then why are the people of the elctoral college making the biggest decision. I think the amount of $ that is spent is ridiculous. It is way over the top and I, personally, think that it is a waste.

  2. Matea- I think our politic process works. I do like the ways the election. It makes sense and it is fair for our country and people. There could be some changes in the way they do it. Not a big differnece, just it should be a little difference. We spend to much money that is wasted and then we have to make up for it. Our money is not well spent, we should put more money toward education. If we don't have a good educaton our country will just get worse.

  3. Jacob_I think that our political process is very interesting. I think that the electoral college is cool and want to learn more about it. I also think that it is cool that when the election is going on that a lot of the U.S. can be one color but the other candidate wins because the states that they got had more electoral college votes so they had more in the long run. It doesn't matter if you get a lot of states if those states don't have lots of electoral votes. If you can get the dense population states than you are doing good. I think that when elections are announced on T.V. it is kind of confusing. The people in the news break the voting down into the counties and which are the most important for each state. I don't really like how early the news people start picking states and winners. When the furthest west states finish voting the candidates are already getting states. The furthest west states polls weren't even closed last night by the time President Obama was picked as the next president. Although it is fun to watch the flow of the elections play out on T.V., I don't think that we should not announce any results until all of the states have turned in their votes. I think that the amount of money spent on campaigning and everything else is outrageous. It is so much money that even if you won the lottery in Idaho, you still wouldn't get that much money. I think that the money is excessive but also well spent. The way that someone will be elected president is to have their ideas known. One of the only ways to do that is to pay lots of money for ads and stuff like that. They can also afford to spend this kind of money. I should honestly say that I really don't know if it is excessive or not because I have never seen that much money in one place at one time. Nor could I ever imagine having that much money.

  4. Aaron- i think our way of electing our president is very good. i think it could also make some improvements though. i think we should have more than 2 people in the final elections. this would make more of a choice. i do however like the way elections are conducted. i am very alarmed about how much money is spent and how much money we are in debt. i hope this will go down this year. i think part of the money spent was needed and part was just wasted

  5. Jackie- I don't like the way election is set up. I think it should be on entirely popularity vote. I think that our politics have completely tanked. I have no idea what economy we will have when I'm grown up. Hey, it could go either way. I think the amount of money spent on campaigning is ridiculous! So much of it could be donated to help charities and could win trust with the people. I think you could get popularity from doing community service and voicing your ideas in a positive way. NOT down putting your opponent. I hate the signs around town. I think they aren't a good way to get your voice expressed. I think online/ Facebook/ twitter would be such better route to go. I do not think any of those political signs are money put to good use.

  6. Ryan- I think that the way politics set up in America is a bit confessing. You can understand how they work if you pay enough attention to them. They way the president elections are held are good. If they were i wouldn't know what to say to improve them.The money spent on the for the election were huge. I think that they spent a little to much. Them spending this much on the campaigns may contribute to why the national debt is so high.

  7. Conor - I think that way we use the electoral college instead of the popular vote is confusing. We are a democratic republic government but we don't necesarily let the people choose our president. I think we should have the president be elected by the popular vote not the electoral vote. I do think the money is excessive. It would ne interesting to see it go to people who really need it,but it does give back to the economy. They pay for advertising on a national and a local stage. This means people get jobs on a national level and the companies make money. The election does give back to the economy in a weird way.

  8. Taylor- I don't really like the way the electoral college works. I wish the entire election was based on the popularity vote. That way every single person's vote counts. Since most people in Idaho knew we were voting for Romney, they might not have felt the need to vote when it was already decided. I don't know everything about the electoral college and it is probably like this for a reason, but I think it is too complicated and maybe I'll understand in the future when I know more about it. I think the amount of money spent was stupid. People are probably going to forget about all of those campaigns and they will just seem like a waste. We could have spent that money on more important things.

  9. (*(CODY)*)
    I think that the electoral colledge works very well and is kind of the best way.I personally love the way the presedent is elected just because it is the fairest way.There is not to much i would change except the fact that the news keeps on telling the public that some places are for romney or obama because then some people in that certain place would feel like the should not vote because there vote would not matter,So i think that the news should just wait until the end to show it or just not show the charts at all.I think that it is all about money,some people might say that it is the way that the person gives there speech but i think that this is far from the truth.A person needs money to advertise themselves and to give to the needy or help out an organisation to make a good impression.There speech helps out dont get me wrong but if you do not have a decent amount of money then you are kind of stuck.The money spent was not enough,if one man spent more money on advertisments then he could get the upper hand when he needs it most.

  10. Gabi-I think that it is confusing how even if you win the popular vote you can still lose if you don't win the electoral vote. i don't like the way it is set up because we say that the citizens get to choose our leaders but that isn't entirely true. it doesn't matter who wins the popularity vote it is the electoral vote the matters. i don't think that the money was put to good use. the states that are undecided is where the canidants spend all their time and so much money is spent trying to get thats states votes. i understand using some money but i think it was a waste.

  11. Catie-I think that it's all confusing and hard to keep track of. But in the end it all works out. I think the way elections are conducted is fine, but I don't like how everything comes down to the electoral vote. I think that we can't really do anything to change the election process because that will make everything even more confusing than it needs to be. I think that the money spent could be put to much better use because we spend far too much of it on the elections.

  12. Emma G- I think it is very weird. If you get more votes but not as many electoral votes you lose. I think that is very confusing. Its just all confusing, because we get to pick our president, but not really. We cant change anything anymore. We have been doing this method for such a long time that if we try and change it, it would cast a lot of money and the presidents that lost by electoral votes would be angry. I think we should stay with the method that we have so we dont have any confusions. :)

  13. Natalia- I think our political process is good and it works well. I dont like the way votes are conducted at all. I dont think who becomes president should be based on electoral votes because the people arent really deciding. i think when the people's votes should be how we chose our president. i think it is insane how much money is spent for elections. I dont think they should be spending so much money at all. They are spending money on something important but its still crazy and they are wasting alot of money.

  14. Amaia- I think the way our political process is set-up, is very smart. They really thought of everything in terms of fairness and equality in votes. I do not like the way elections are conducted because I think it's ridiculous the way they campaign. They spend more time talking about what's wrong with the other candidate's ideas or even him/her as a person than their own ideas and oppinions. I wouldn't change anything about the process. I think it's rediculous how much money is spend on campaigning. I think the money was terribly spent. Not only did they spend billions of dollars on something as stupid as put out commercials on how the other candidate is wrong but this country is billions of dollars in debut, while shouldn't that much money be spent helping our county?

  15. Abby_ i find the political process and American politics very confusing. i also think its very weird how you can win the popularity votes but still lose.i think America should change some of the process. one if you win almost all the popularity votes you win. my reaction to the amount of money spent is amazed i would rather spend it on whats important like the poor and give them food or clothes also animal shelters by giving them a home or even animal food not on commercials or billboards, or even posters. if i had that much money i would give it to someone who needs it.

  16. Peter- The way that we do politics is very hard to understand but also very interesting.Yes I think that the way elections are held is very smart. I wouldn't change anything but that you have to vote for the next president. Well i tend to be a little more conservitive so i do think that the 16 trillon dollars we are in dept is very excessiive.

  17. Kordell Seidler
    Both politics are confussing and weird to understand. But if you know how they work and know what they are is understanding for you. I like the way election are but i think that we should have more than 2 peple running so people have more than a choice to vote for. I am very shocked about the money situation because America is already in dept so im very surprised that we can aford this much money. I think it was excessive.

  18. Ozzy Worrell
    I don't really understand the word politics and it really dosen't go through my mind really so I don't know. I think the elections are well orginized and I don't know how to think of a way to change it. The only reall thing I have an issue with is the stinkin' money they spend on the thing. Like really do they think about the cost or do they just try to make the elections as pretty and fabuluos as possible. I think Election go alittle over board.

  19. robert- bshh politics what does it even mean to us now. Money, votes, cheating, polls. The time on the other hand is a big waste. SOOOOOO much could be getting done with this country but we neglect it with the facts that pick me pick me status we all hold so intent to keep as a human being, it's just repetive in a way that wants to knock my socks off everytime i think about how greedy we as a human race have become. Money, excessive spending? those two things should never be put together but everytime they are. Don't you think we would get it by now? Its beligerent. And awfully tiresome. (kind of a rush job on this one Mr. G got finish some other homework) xD

  20. Stephanie- I don't realIy like the way the votes are counted. I think whoever wins should be based on what the people vote not the college. It should be a contest just based on what people like and dislike about the canadits. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that not everyone in America voted. This is our country and I think it's a shame if you don't vote on your favorite candidate. I think the process is very organized and straight forward. I think that based on the population of the state is how many electoral votes it gets is fair. I think the amount of money spent was insane. They both wanted to win badly but that money could have been used to improve the country or to go to charity. I think it's selfish how much money was spent.

  21. VIN-VIN~
    I found that politics and the process of American politics are very interesting and confusing. I think that it is interesting how each sides of politics view things differently based on what they believe or think is right. The process of American politics is the confusing part I don't really get the process. Well to tell you the truth I like the ways elections are abducted but at the same time I don't. I think that they aren't abducted particularly fair because to become the president all you need to do is to win the electoral votes and I think that they regular votes and the electoral votes should average out. Since I don't really get the whole process I don't really know what should be changed in the process. My reaction to the amount of money spent is :() awe. I didn't even realize that the planet thad that much money and to think that they were going to spend it was jaw dropping. But on the other hand I was thinking that in order to make the economy better and to get more money you need to spend money so there is a constant flow throughout he system. I think that spending this money would be a waste because that is a lot of money and you don't need to spend it on something that isn't going to help us and our future.

  22. Belle - i think the way our elections are set up is very good. we get almost all say in who we want to win.we get to vote and everything is for the most part fair. i think its really stupid if people decline their duty to vote. its a right that people suffered for and those people are basically refusing to do the one thing the country really asks of them. the one thing i would change would be that in the debates they focused more on what they are going to do for our country other than fighting on who is worse at something,.

  23. Caleigh- Honestly I find politics to be dumb and the process only costs money and is even more dumb we do get a say but sometimes people don't listen or care which just gets people angry and make them feel unappreciated . I do in some ways like with the debates they can say what they feel about issues but I do think that's the other thing we need to change because mostly they just bash the other guy instead of saying what they would do. I think its dumb how much they spend because if the don't win that was a billion dollars down the drain for something that got their name out there but didn't make it stick.

  24. Raphie- I think that our political process and American politics are very confusing and not very well organized. I think that for a very long time the electoral college was a good way to elect our president and vice-president but now it has become too outdated and doesn't work as well as it used to. If anything should be changed about the process it should be the way the president is elected. I think that the popular vote is an easier way and better way to elect a president. The amount of money spent in this years election is outrageous! I understand that getting the word out and getting people to vote for you costs a ton of money but $5.8 billion dollars! That is enough money for each presidential candidate to fund his own NASA Curiosity project and land it on Mars. So yes I think the spending was a little excessive

  25. Dan-- I think our pilitics are confusing and different. I do nt like the way the election is held. It makes some people feel like there vote doesn't even matter. It is making some people not be encouraged to vote. The money spent is dumb and weird. I know they need some money but really 5.8 billion dollars

  26. Katie H.- This year I have learned a lot from school and my parents how politics work in this country. I think our system has been well thought out and carefully set up. No matter how good our political system is, there will always be good and bad things about it. I think the elections are getting better, but I don't like how canidates are ying and saying negative things about the other canidate. I think if people were more educated about the canidates and knew how big of a deal the elections are, they would be more likely to vote. People need to care about their duty as American citizens to participate in the government and do their own research on the canidates and vote. I think they need to spend more money on advertisments stressing the importance of voting. I don't think people realize that other people would give their arm and leg to have the rights that we have and we need to be more aware and greatful that any responsible American citizen can vote.

  27. Emma- I think our Countries political progress is really great and intellegent. Everyone really thought into the way that it was going to work and did a very nice job. In my opion the way the elections are conducted is ridiculous. The way the canidates campain is by pointing out what is wrong with the others ideas instaed of the way him/her are going to make a difference in this country and how they are going to do so. That is the ideas that draws people into voting but since there is a lack of each canidate doing so less and less people are voting which is horrible because it is an amazing privelege we get to have. So many people sacrificed for this right but it is going to waste. I don't think anything should be changed about the process, I just think that the canidates need to do a better job with their speeches and drawing people in. I think the amount of money spent in this entire process is insane. It is definetly excessive. The nation is already in deubt and to be spendnig a couple billions of dollars on this is stupid. I think that that is definetly something our country needs to work on because it is only going to get worse and worse unless something is done.

  28. Dillon - I think that the political progress is great. I like that a lot of the country can be one color and the other canidate can still win. I would also like to learn more adout how it all works. I think that the election is run very well. It works well because it does not take days to run an election. I think that the money spent is a little over kill because on every show you watch and radio station you listen to there are ads a about the Debates.


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