Tuesday, October 16, 2012

National Bully Prevention Month

Bullying has gained a tremendous amount of attention.  We have heard, seen, or read of horrific acts of bullying, whether through face to face contact, email and Facebook, or spreading rumors.  These despicable acts have at times resulted in senseless acts of violence committed against oneself or one’s neighbor.

October has been given the honor of being National Bullying Prevention Month.  This is the seventh year in a row PACER has promoted bullying prevention education and awareness.  This year, prominent organizations, including Facebook and Yahoo!, as well as distinguished celebrities, such as Annie Thurman from the Hunger Games and Mikey Reid from Victorious, have joined the cause to raise awareness and encourage prevention.

Each day more than 160,000 students stay home from school due to the fear of being bullied.  No one should have to go to school scared.  While we may seem to live in sheltered environment, we would be remiss to assume acts of bullying could not exist at our school or within the city.

Below are links to websites to provide you with additional bullying prevention information and what you can do in our school and community to put an end to bullying.  The sites define what is bullying, explains why kids bully, and provide resources to help if you are bullied or witness bullying.

In addition to the Children of Peace, what else can we do in our school to address and prevent bullying?  How would you handle a situation where you saw someone being bullied?  What are some steps we can take to encourage acceptance and tolerance at school and in our community?


  1. Jackie- I think that we can give kids the tools to understand what is socially appropriate and what is not. i think we need to be talked to as equals, not lectured. I think we could also give greater punishments for when bulling is seen and we should set up cameras, because a lot of the time the person getting bullied won't say anything. If I saw someone bing bullied (which I have) I would stand up for the person being bullied. I would put t right back in the bullies face, because no one needs to feel small, unwanted, stupid, and alone. We should make people more aware of how serious bullying really is. We should start a program where everyone has a bag or a box that we can put complements to one another anonymously. I think it would boost everyones self esteem and make people feel like someone really cares. We should also not make bullying such a statement. The children of peace or great, but I think that students don't take it seriously and don't feel like it will do anything. Some of the children of peace that there are, some kids might not feel comfortable with talking to them about. Not saying that, that is the case always, but sometimes it might be the popular kids elected and they just might be the source of bullying. Again, not saying that, that is always the case and that, that is aimed towards certain people. It's just an idea and statement. So that's what I think could help bullying become better, because so much of it happens with no one knowing that it is even happening.

  2. Aaron- i think we could just try and stop it. it should be just something unsaid that we do. we shouldnt have to make humongous programs to stop bullying. yes i have. we can just understand that everyone is different and we need to accept that. before we bully someone we should think to ourselves what would the world be like if everyone was the same? boring right

  3. Ryan- I think that we have now is a good way to start, There are more things that we could do like, Give kids things to think about if there being bullied. ALso don't be afraid to speak up. Like every one is trying to say. If i saw someone being bullied i would go over there an say like " Hey that not cool stop." If that doesn't do anything ill try to resole it if al else fail go to someone with a higher authority. Step that we can to reduce bulling are like the children of peace and have special months decanted to it.

  4. Jacob_Although we do have the children of peace, we can still make a difference in stopping bullying. I personally can look for bullying in the halls and on the playground and address it. I can seek out the bullies and make them stop what they are doing. I can also single out the people who are being bullied and be friends with them and make them feel better. I would stop the person who is being a bully and try to talk it out with them and the person who is being bullied. If the bully is physically abusing someone and won't stop i might take physical action and literally "fight" them. If it were a sibling of mine being bullied i would definitely take physical action and might actually hurt the bully. There are many ways for us to promote acceptance and tolerance in our schools. We can set an example of these things by accepting everyone. As the eighth grade class many people look up to us and this would probably be very effective. We can also teach acceptance and tolerance in the classroom so that students know that it is the right thing to do. We can also try to have a better relationship with God and have other people get a better relationship with God so that they know God wants us to accepts everyone, no matter who they are, what they look like, or how they act.

  5. Conor-Even though we have the Children of Peace we need to still be cautious about bullying. To help the little kids understand how serious bullying is we could set up fake situations that look like bullying and teach them how to handle them. We could also have the kids act like COPs. Ok they see bullying they could help put a stop to it. If I saw some one being bullied I would stand up for them. I would tell the bully that he or she is needs to stop. What they are doing is wrong. Then I would try and comfort the victim. I would hang our with them at recess and sit with them at lunch. I hope that wulould make them feel better. At school we can accept all kinds of people like hanging out with people we don't usually do anything with at recess. We as 8 graders can also set good examples like playing with the little kids at recess. If we could all do stuff like this we could eliminate bullying from our school.

  6. Taylor-Even though we have the Children of Peace, there are still many things we can do to stop bullying. Anyone in our school can help a victiom of bullying, not just the COPs. If there was a group of people standing up to the bully instead of just one person doing it by themselves, it would have a much greater effect on the bully. If I saw someone being bullied, I would gather a group of my friends so that we could go stop the bully together and we would seem like a much greater force than if only I went to go stand up to the bully. I get a question like this everytime we have something about bullying. There's always something about acceptance or something like that. I wish everyone would realize that nobody is the same and everybody is different. I'm going to love the day when there isn't a question about acceptance. I'm actually going to make it a nationally holiday called Acceptance Day. That would be awesome.

  7. Sena- I do not think that very much bullying goes around at our school, but I know that it does occur quite often. I think that a good idea would be to show videos of kids who are being bullied to everyone. Let the bulliers know what they are doing to their peers. The movie "Bully" is an educational film. I believe we should all watch it. If I saw someone being bullied I know that it would be hard, but I would stand up for the person being bullied. So many people think they are bad people and many kill themselves because others make them feel worthless. I want to stop everyone from ever feeling this. I think that we could have mix it up at lunch day all over the country. We need to make it known and stop bullying. In order for us to prevent it everyone must know what is happening at schools and in our communities.

  8. Emma Grant- Even withe the C.O.P. there is still bullying around St.Joes and other schools. I think teachers should teach about bullying, like showing students videos. I think that people who are being bullied should stand up more. Not always do teachers think that there are kids being bullied. The bully box is effective but not enough. It works well on the little kids but when you start to be in higher grades, they stop using it. If more people knew what was going on at our schools then more bullying would stop.

    If I saw bullying in our school, obviously i would try to stop it. But not always do people know they are bullying. People that hang around a group of people that are "POPULAR" they tend to say things that they don't mean or they are trying to be cool. In our schools we need to be more aware about what we are saying to other people because every word we say to people effects them in either a positive or negative way.

  9. Stephanie-bulling is really inappropriate and sad. I honestly dont think the children of peace help much because i dont think kids would want to talk to other kids in there class about their problems. I think the teachers should be more involved and point it out whne they see bullying going on. Some teachers tell us that they can see the bullying going on but the dont address it. I think, like everyone else, if i saw bullying i would want to stop it, but not a lot of people do. I think that all people see bullying going on but they dont take action because they are scared themselves. I think ot would be great if everyone just got along and were comfortable being themselves and not scared of being themselves.

  10. robert- there will never be a way to prevent bullying. Ya there are ways to cover it up and make it look like our society is bully free but there will always be an instance in where someone thinks differently then someone else. Just the roll of the eyes and the back turned. shows us that everyone has been bullied and bullied someone else at least once. In actions alone at least half the world is bullied and the other half the bully in a day. The best we can do is educate ourselves to deal with and respond to a bully we can ever prevent it. That's what cops does well cause it responds to bullying. Acceptance and tolerance are two different words. to tolerate someone is to put up with them, Which is no where as good as the word acceptance which in one accepts the other no matter who they are. SO to encourage acceptance don't encourage tolerance cause people break under pressure and anomalies that go on in our day to day lives and will snap at the people they were once tolerating not the people they were accepting. that's why we have bullying. because of events beyond our control cause us to snap. Because everyone is everyone else's scapegoat

    1. ("respond to a bully, we can [ever--> never*] prevent it")

  11. Kordell Seidler- We can maybe be aware at all times and be helping others that are being bullied. But I think it will never work because there are always people being a bully at all times. I would say something to a teacher that someone is being bullied or I would walk over to the bullied and stop the solution. some steps we can take are like the COP that we have already.

  12. Amaia- Some other things we could do besides Childeren of Peace is individually be more aware of those that are excluded or get talked about or anything that is a more passive way of bullying since we don't have a lot of physical bullying at our school and try to include them or tell others to stop gossiping. If you saw someone being bullied I would tell a trusted adult if it was physical abuse. If it were verbal I would tell the bully to stop and stick up for the victim. Steps we can take to encourage tolerance and acceptance in our school in community is relize individually that God made everyone of us and he made us all different make our world not so bland. We should accept the differences in people because that's what makes them who they are and different from me and from you, and that's a good thing.

  13. Emma- Some other things that our school could do besides Chlidren of Peace is to include everyone in activites we do in school. It is so easy to just ask someone not in "your group" to come sit by you at lunch or talk to someone new at recess or ask someone if they would want to sit by you in class. Those smallest things are things that could actually make someones day yet many people choose not to do that. If I were to be in a situation when someone was being bullied I would stand up most definetly stand up for the victim and just have she/he come hang out by me or something like that to make the bully know that he/she did something wrong. The Children of Peace is a great step in preventing bullying but only a few students are able to have a part in it. Having that said, I think that it would be fun to have an assembly or something like that every month that would have different people in different groups be able to get to know eachother and just talk about what they do in their regular day-to-day life. This would make everyone feel good and make our school better and closer in so many ways.

  14. Peter-The children of peace is a great way to prevent bullying. So the main thing that I think that we need to do is stop bullying before it ever happens. If it was physical bullying I would probally go and try to stop it. In our school we can teach the 1st-4th graders with monthly bullying speeches. We can also try to get some Children of Peace in the lower grades. That's what I feel we can do to stop bullying.

  15. In all honesty there will always be bullying and the fact that keenan has wrote a song about bullies will do close to nothing,how will buying the song on itunes help out the community in the slightest.Now i know that 50 cents will be donated to bully prevention but there has been so many things just like this where they ask you to donate and i see no difference once so ever.The last time i saw a kid being bullied was a little bit ago where the bully pushed a kid over and when i tried to help him up this did not do much but at least it made his day a little better.I would say for a little advice to not let is start, and to not allow the person to bully you because if you prevent it from starting it proble will not continue ((((((((((((CODY))))))))))))))

  16. Caleigh- In our school we could set up like after school programs where after school we could have people there fro kids to talk to after a hard day or something like that. I would probably confront the person (because that's just how I am) and if they didn't stop i would get a teacher. We could have like days where we sit down at a table with another person and spend 10 minutes each just talking to each other because maybe seeing where somebody is coming from changes our mind.

  17. Natalia-I think at our school the teachers could watch out for bullying more because there hasnt been alot of people coming to the COPS. We could have a meeting every now and then for people who get bullied and help them and prevent bullying in the future. If is saw someone being bullied i would go to the bully and tell them to stop and then probabaly get a teacher to help out so nothing like that happens to anyone else in the future with that same bully. Some steps we can take to learn acceptance could be trying to get to know ither people you dont know well or think of as different and give them a chance to show who they really are and you might become best friends with someone that you used to think of as different. We just need to get to know people better than we do and we might start accepting people for who they are.

  18. belle- i think that bullieing is something that everyone can help to change everyday people are afraid of the people who laugh, tease, and torture them every day. i think a lot of the time people don't know that the people who are being bullied are being bullied. i think kids hide it from teaches and parents because they are afraid of how they will react. i think the child of peace is good and especially for the little kids but the boxes in my opinion are ineffective because the kids if they aren't going to tell you in person they aren't going to report the bully.

  19. Katie H.- I think bullying is really sad especially when you here about it leading to kids commiting suicide or doing something that will permantly damage their life. I don't think there is a lot of bulling at St. Joes. I think the bulliing that does go on at St. Joes in the older grades is less obvious and sometimes people don;t even realize they're doing it. I think the school is doing a good job of teaching us what to do in a stiuation where the bulling is really noticable. I think we need to be educated more about the quiet bulling that goes on. I think the cops are a great thing for our school especially in the lower grades because they are all good examples and they are looked up to. If I se someone being bullied I would stand up for the victim and I wold try to be friends with them. I think we need to put our selves in other peoples shoes more and ask our selves what we would do in that situation.

  20. Raphael- St. Joe's does a great job at preventing bullying at our school, but I believe that if our school continues to stay sharp on teaching, and prevention against bullying we will be almost free of it. If I saw someone being bullied I would stand up for them and help them out maybe talk with them or help them pick up their books anything to help them back up. The number one step we can take to encourage acceptance at our school is to only tolerate acceptance tolerance is being indifferent to their presence while acceptance is including them into your group.

  21. Danny- Other things we can do to stop bullying is having people taking it more seriously. We need to take it more seriously and no if it is bullying or not. After watching that video i knew that myself and everyone need to be more cautious when talking about others or doing something that could possibly be taken the wrong way. If i could see someone hurt from bullying i would tell that person to stop and try to talk to them. We should start helping the older kids more because the children of peace mainly deals with younger kids because older ones are scared of that person telling others about it and feel uncomfortable.

  22. Ozzy- One way I can address and prevent bullying at school and in the community is have time were we get together and talk and have fun as a group. I would probly ,actually I would,stand up for people who are getting bullied. I would tell the bully to stop and if that dosen't work I would prbly get an adult or others to help me with the situation. We should exept others for who they ar not for their looks.

  23. Gabi- Anither thing that can be done to prevetn bullying in our school would be other kids that arent COPS helping out too, even if you arent a COP it doesnt mean that we cant help out too. If i saw someone being bullied I would stand up for that person, beacuse if that was you, you would want someone to stand up for you too. Steps we could take to accepting everyone could be hanging out people you dont usually hang out, like sitting with them at lunch or being their partner on a project. Bullying is awful and it is really sad, and it needs to stop

  24. Abby- one thing we can do to prevent bullying is `a bully box for other schools because if you see someone doing a bully thing you can report them and they will get talked to by an adult or a school cop. which is a person who looks over the younger kids and also the kids in there class. because if i was getting bullied i would want people to help me right away. and also we can have weekly lunches or talk sessions where kids come together ( people that we don't no as well) talk and get to know each other better. bullying is rude and should be prevented as soon as possible.

  25. Matea- Besides Children of Peace I think to prevent bullying we should point out when someone else bullys. You can also tell the bully to stop before they really hurt the other person's feelings. If i saw someone being bullied, i would tell the bully to stop then comfort the victim. Schools should encourage not to bully. If people accepted the fac that we are all different and some poeple will just hate a lot. It still isn't a reason to bully them and be mean to them just because they are different. There will always be bullies in the world, no matter what there will always who will be a bully no matter what. That is something that we will have to live with. It still doesn't mean that i was the right decison for that person, bullying is still very wrong and no one should do it.

  26. Vince- I thin that we can do a lot to prevent bullying in our school. First of all I think that we can have monitors in the hallways that would intervene if they saw any bullying. I also think that we could have the teachers stress bullying a little more any teach kids of ALL ages what bull yin his how how they can prevent it if they see it. I also think that teachers could use the "scare factor" and tell the kids what is going to happen if they get caught bullying. If I saw someone getting bullied I would step in and tell them to stop. Then I would tell them that if they have an issues to work it out in polite words or to go see a teacher. The steps that I think we need to take are simple but effective. I think that we need to teach kids that God is in each one of us and that means that when you are bullying someone you are bullying God also. I also think that we need to teach kids to be honest are polite because that will lead to the prevention of bullying.

  27. *:) Alice- Hey everybody! Along with the Children of Peace we could keep our eyes open and watch to make sure people aren't bullying and we also need to be more observant of our own actions to make sure we are not bullying either. If I saw someone being bullied verbally I would go over and try to prevent it, if they were being physically bullied I would run and go get assistance from a teacher. To encourage the prevention of bullying and exclusion we must accept that everyone is different in their own way, and that being different is not a bad thing. In fact being different is a good thing it brings variety and spice in life. If people begin accepting others the way they are people will stop bullying.

  28. Alli~ I think that the middle school shouldn't even need the COPs but we do. We should be able to not bully and if someone is then help the victim and stand up for them! I would probably get like 1 or 2 of my friends together and go stand you to the bully or if its gossip tel them to stop it because they don't know the whole story. If people just stopped judging so much it would help a lot! Everyone judges people before they even know their names!Judge less. Accept more.

  29. Dillon - I think that we can mot do anything more in our school to help prevent bullying. If I saw someone beeing bullied i would go over and tell him or her to nock it off and get out of here. I think that we should educate the public on bullying.


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