Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Michael Jordan Turns 50

On Sunday, February 17, Michael Jordan turned 50.  By many if not all he is considered the Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.).  He was incredible to watch play.  His physical, mental and emotional abilities were unrivaled.  He forever changed the game of basketball, not to mention to world of sports through his relationship with Nike.  

He was a six time NBA champion, 10 time NBA scoring leader, 6 time NBA finals MVP, 5 time NBA MVP, 11 time All-Star, 2 time Olympic Gold Medalist, and NCAA National champion in addition to many other honors. 

To become the Greatest of All Time did not just happen by accident.  It required constant practice and dedication to refine his craft.  Whenever he reached one pinnacle, he would look for the next challenge.  He was always trying to elevate his game.  He similarly worked to elevate the game of his teammates. 

His willingness to overcome obstacles has allowed him to become awesome.  If I may reference the Kid President, where would we be in Michael Jordan had quit?  No Space Jam.  He didn't quit ever improving himself or his game. 
Whether it is sports, school, career, family, we all get the chance to be awesome and become the Greatest of All Time at something.  What do you want to be the Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.) at?  How will you share your gifts to make the world awesome and inspire others?  


  1. niko

    I want to be GOAT at many things including basketball, golf,lacrosse, school, and virtually everything. I have told many times by people around me that i should always try to be the best i can be at everything. I dont know how im going to spread my gifts but I know Kid President has found out how he shares his gifts by giving people all over the world pep talks.

  2. Taylor- I want to be the GOAT of everything. Who does't? Okay, since that isn't exactly possible, I guess I want to be the GOAT of I don't really know what right now. There is basketball but I need to work on that one. Yeah we'll just say basketball. I'll share my gifts by showing others that I can help them with anything and I will always be supportive. And I'll share Kid President's Pep Talk because you can't go wrong doing that.

  3. Jacob_I want to be a biochemical engineer or an aerospace engineer when I grow up. These careers sound interesting and if I do go into those careers when I get older then that would be what I would want to be GOAT at. If later in my high school and college careers I get a chance to play sports then I would want to be GOAT at that. I would want to inspire others by being not only great in my area of choice but also in life. Then people could see that you can be a good person as well as very succesfull.

  4. Aaron- I want to be GOAT at everything! This is so I can be well rounded. I am hoping to be something great when i grow up. I don't know what quite yet but i want to help people!

  5. Amaia- I don't know what I want to be GOAT at, but it guess it would be in whatver I want to do when I grow up. I have no idea what that is yet though. To make the world more awesome and inspire others I guess I want to suceed in whatever I do and encourage others to suceed in whatever they do.

  6. Catie- I would want to be the GOAT at soccer and being a doctor. I would want to use my talents to inspire people all around the world to make a difference in someone's life. I would love for people to use me as an example of perseverance and inspiration.

  7. Caleigh- I want to be GOAT at script writing for movies and those entertainment things because i always love watching movies and they make you feel so many different emotions, they provide different outlooks on life and everything. It will be inspiring because people might need see a movie and be like wow i wanna do something like that or whatever. I will provide movies to make people think and spark creativity!

  8. Abby: i would want to be the G.O.A.T at soccer and basketball. i would want to inspire people around me and i would want to be one of the greatest coaches of all time for girls soccer. i would also want to inspire people by making them work to the best of there abilities and to never give up.

  9. Conor - I want to be the GOAT at baseball. I have wanted to play professional baseball since I was 3 years old. I loved going to Mariner games and watching all my favorite players play the game they loved as kids. I always wanted to be one of them and I still do today. If I became the GOAT at baseball I would want to make my teamates better players and people. I would also want to inspire people to play baseball. The last thing I want to do is start a baseball camp for kids who live in poverty. These kids cant afford to go to camps but at this camp they could play the game they love.

  10. Sena- I wan't to be the greatest defensive soccer player in the world. I have played since I was 4 and I love it. A lot of people say that the main contributors to a soccer team are the forwards. Yes, they do most all of the scoring but I want to show them how important defense is. I hope that one day, people will see me as an inspiration. I also, will share my gifts by (possibly) coaching others.

  11. Matea- I want to be the G.O.A.T at basketball, lacrosse, and maybe soccer. I am not as interested in it anymore. I will share my gifts to help people and inspire them to do what they always wanted but never thought they could. I want to be a postive role model in the world to help people.

  12. Jackie- I want to be GOAT actress. I more than anything to be an actress and star in movies, not to be confused with broadway. I don't want to be on broadway. I want to star in movies and really be apart of making a story come to life and to connect with the audience. I want to be a somebody when I grow up. I want to bring myself to movies and be able to make someone feel like they are standing right there with me. For me, I want to be the greatest actress of all time! I want to be known for my fashion and acting skills. Someday I want to be able to go to the Golden Globe awards, or even better yet, the Oscars. I want to be able to go to a movie premier and inspire little girls to do there best and even though life is hard, don't let anyone or yourself get in the way. I want to inspire people that no one can tell them no or tell them that they aren't good enough, pretty enough, or talented enough. I mean look at Opera. She was told that she wasn't right for TV. I want to be one of the greats.

  13. Emma- I can't say yet what I want to be the G.O.A.T at because I still don't know what I want to spend my life doing when I'm older. However, I do know that whatever I go forth in doing I will put my full effort in and inspire others to go forth in whatever they want to do. In order to make the world more awesome and inspire others since I don't know what I am doing yet I would send out a message for people to never give up and to achieve as many goals as they can in their life. Also, in whatever you do when you get older to put your full effort in and to make a small/big change in the world in whatever you decide to go forth in doing.

  14. Dillon - I would like to be the greatest at a lot of things. Some of the things that I would want to be great at are skiing, golf, and what ever my profession is. Well i would use the money that I make and donate it to organizations that help impaired people.

  15. Ryan- I would like to be the greatest of all time in manny different things from sports to education or even smaller things like helping people. For some things its easy to share your gifts but for others its hard like sports. If there would be one way that i would share my gifts it would be to helping someone get better at the thing that they need help with

  16. Kordell Seidler
    I want to be the GOAT at basketball,football,and golf. But mainly basketball. Well i can show my gifts by taking my money and start a charity or donate it to people that need it in life.

  17. Peter- I want to be the greatest of all time at structural engineering and hockey. My dream life is to go to college and get a degree in structural engineering. I would also play for the Michigan State hockey team. Right out of college, I would get drafted to the Philadelphia Flyers. I would have a 10-year contract that pays $200,000 a year, or $2,000,000 over the 10-year contract. Right after that, I would get traded on a 2-year contract to the Detroit Red Wings and make $300,000 over the course of my contract. Soon after that, I would get a job as a structural engineer and make $40,000 starting off. Then I would start working on bigger and higher paid projects. I would become the greatest of all time structural engineer earning $130,000 a year. I would put 10% of my earnings into a retirement fund for myself and wife if I have one. I could share these gifts by buying hockey gear for under-privileged children who can't afford it. I would also teach kids about hockey and structural engineering. THis is what I would do if I was the greatest of all time.

  18. Natalia- I want to be the greatest of all time at just being a person and whatever i choose to do in the future. I also want to be the best at basketball next year when i play at BK. I will share my athletic talents with others to be my best at basketball. I will share my gifts and inspire others by being caring and using my best ability for everything i do. I might want to be a doctor when im older so i would have to inspire people with that and use kindness with others.

  19. Raphie- I want to be the greatest Freestyle wrestler of all time. I know that being the greatest of all time is very difficult especially for international sports like wrestling, soccer, and basketball to name a few. To be the greatest of all time you have to sacrifice things and work harder than everyone else. I would want my motivation and determination to rub off on others and show that talent only gets you so far and then the hardest workers are those who become the greatest.

  20. Belle - I want to be goat at many things I'd like to do something in dance when I grow up like a dance teacher or something I'm not really sure what I want to be when I grow up but I would like to be really good at whatever I do. I would like to this because I know that Dance is a huge part of my life, it's something I dedicate time to and work hard on Almost everyday if I could share that love with others that would be really great! I am really passionate about dance but Other than dance I would like to do other things with my life I haven't figured that out yet but when I do I know I will dedicate my whole life to it. I am excited to find something that I am passionate about and work everyday doing something I love

  21. Emma G- I think that is awesome to be a goat. But if i only had to pick one thing, i would like to a the greatest of all time friend. I know that there isnt really a prize for that, but i think that if i am nice to other people and i am there friend it will get me far in life. I think that if i am a good friend it would inspire other people to be a good friend as well. Then everyone would be nice. That is my goal in life.

  22. Ozzy Worrell- Well I don't know really know exactly what I could be a G.O.A.T at but if I could choose out of a few they would be actress, teacher, historian, or a perfessonal track triple jumper, long jumper, and I would be a G.O.A.T at loooooong distiants runner. I love being who I am and I'm very kind so I would love to show that in what I love best. I love athletics and acting and learning things. I really love it. I want to give my talent to the people and back to my Lord and to God.

  23. Robert - Future plans for me include being me... Doing what I do from day to day affects the world whether it be a big effect or miniscule effect its all the same. I don't want to get tied up with the strings of what i can be. I will be. I wish for all aspects of me to either A: inspire people to do something neat. or B: Don't do what I did because it was utterly stupid and should be learned upon not to do in that situation like speaking before thinking.

  24. Gabi- I want to be G.O.A.T at many things, like a great friend, sister, athlete, and daughter. But one of the main things I want to be great at is dance. I love dancing and I have been doing it forever. I don't necessarily want to be the greatest dancer in the world, but I want to be a dancer that inspires others to dance. I want to be their inspiration. Dancing is what I love to do and I want to share my passion with the world. I think that if you put your mind to anything then you can accomplish it. And I believe that if you are passionate about something wether it is basketball, soccer, art, music, or dance then you should work as hard as you can to accomplish your dream.

  25. Vincent~ I want to be the G.O.A.T at many things including: basketball, school, and also being the best person I can be. I want to be the best at basketball because it is a great sport and i seems that it would be fun to be the best at. I also want to be the best at school because that will lead to many different oppurtunities and will open up the world to me. I would really like to be the best person I can be because if I am not then i wont be living my life to the fullest and I want to live my life to the fullest. I will share my gifts the best to my ability and share them as best as I can to make the world a better place.

  26. Something that i have always wanted to be the best at is drawing and animation so i will try mr hardest to become the best i can be and hopefully animate at pixar studios when i am older.Whit the animations that i will hopefully make i would like them to meen something not just pictures across the screen,i would like to inspire people and make them want to go out and animate or whatever their passion is and be good at it.((CODY))

  27. Dan- Something i want to be the best at is basketball or golf... i would also love to be a engineer or a lawyer. To be the best at basketball i will have to practice each day and set new goals and challenges like michael Jordan did even if I'm doing good in whatever I'm doing. also want to be heard and remembered all around the world in a positive way if it has to do with athletics, jobs, or just being a great person. I will share my gifts by working my hardest in what i do and living each day with a purpose

  28. Stephanie- I am not exactly sure what I want to be the best at. I am not completly sure what ant to do with my life, but I think I want to go into sports medicine or physical therapy. I like these jobs because they help people and I want to be the best I can be at helping others.

  29. Katie H.- I want to be the GOAT at dancing. I don't want to be GOAT at dancing because of how many turns I can do or how high my leg is. I want to be the GOAT at dancing because of my dedication and the heart of my dancing. I think I can achieve this by getting the best training possible and give 100% effort. I want to inspire other people to dance and maybe start an orginization when I retire.

  30. ~Alli~ I want to be GOAT at some thing to do with art like painting or photography. I've always loved pictures because you can find them everywhere and most of the time you find or look at the perfect one for that moment that you need that memory most. I would love to give those memories to people all around the world.


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