Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Super Bowl Commercials

Chances are if you did not watch the Super Bowl you have heard about the commercials.  Super Bowl commercials have taken on a life of their own.  They have become bigger than the game itself for many people.  I must admit, even I, who turns the channel every time a commercial airs, was anxious to watch the new batch of advertisements to Super Bowl XLVII.

Advertising during the Super Bowl is a gamble.  You have to hope that the cost of the ad will pay off with the increase in business.  History has shown the commercials work, but even then there are only a few companies that can afford to spend $3.8 million on one 30 second advertisement.  But companies like Budweiser, Doritos, and  Go Daddy.com seem to ante up each year.

While the commercials and the budgets have gotten bigger, many are beginning to question whether the advertisements still meet the family entertainment the Super Bowl tries to promote.   As the years have progressed the ads have become closer to PG-13 to R rated than PG. 

I have attached a link to the commercials below.  Go down about half way down the page and you can view all of them.

The commercial at the top was my favorite, followed by the Budweiser commercial with the Clydesdale. 

Which commercial was your favorite and why?  What is your reaction to the cost of a 30 second commercial?  Do you think it is worth it?  What do you think about the content of some of the commercials?  Have the commercials become to risqué?  


  1. Natalia- My favorite commercial was probably the dorritos one with the dads dresiing up like princesses. I think it is carzy how much money they spend on commercials even though i love watching those commercials. It isnt really worth it even though i like them its a waste of money for something thats 30 seconds long. Some of the content is a little weird and innapropriate because everyone watches it and some of them are innapropiate for little kids to see.

  2. abby: i really liked all of the commercials but i do think it is rediculas on how much money they spend on commercials. i do think it is kinda worth it because mostly everyone watches the games so they all see the ecommercials and i dont no one person who doesnt like the commercials for the super bowl. some of the commercials were a bit innapropiate and not for kids i really think the people should think that mostly everyone watches the super bowl so they should be more conciderate about the kids.

  3. Sena- A lot of the commercials were really funny. My two favorite were the doritos one and the M and M one. I like the princess one best and just because its entertaining to see what people would do for doritos!!! I think it is insane how much money goes into these commercials. I also think it probably pays off. Some of the commercials were stupid. Like the godaddy commercial where the lady and the geek made out. That definitely would NOT make me interested in their product. I think the commercials are still fun and people enjoy them. I think it will take another couple of years before they become too risqué....

  4. Catie-I liked the Oreo's commercial because I thought it was funny. I think that the amount of money we spend on commercials is ridiculous. We should spend all that money on better things. And sometimes it's not even worth it because you end up making a really bad commercial. I think that some of the content is inappropriate and just downright stupid.

  5. Aaron-I think my favorite commercial was the doritos one with the goat because it included humor. I think we spend WAY too much on commercials, and it is not worth it. i think some of the commercials have become way to innappropriate such as the go daddy one... i think that most commercials are just dumb and innapropriate

  6. Katie H.- I thought the Dorito's commercial because it was really funny. I think the amount of money people spend on a 30 second commercial is ridiculous. I think the people who sre in charge of the commercials are being a little greedy and scamming people in to spending a ton of money on their companies commercial. Some of the the things in the commercials were really inappropriate especially if people are watching with their families r watching the game at a party with lots of little kids.

  7. Peter-Let me say first of all the Go Daddy commercial was gross and ridiculous. My favorite commercial was the goat that wanted more and more Doritos. I am astounded that it cost 3.8 million dollars on a short commercial. The content on on was horrible. It was the go daddy commercial when smart kid and hot chick made out. I was eating pizza than, and almost threw up; and that guys neck hair. Yes i would say they have become a lot more risqué.

  8. Caleigh- I always like the Doritos commercial where the dads dressed up as princesses. I think its ridiculous but if you want your product out there so badly pay all you want. I think they have become more gross than funny and thats really sad.

  9. Stephanie- I didn't really have a favorite commercial. One of the commercials was absolutly inappropriate and gross. I think it is a waste of money to spend millons of dollers on commercials. I definatly think todays commercials are based on what make people happy or what catches their eyes and it is sad to say that inappropriate commercials do that.

  10. Niko

    My favorite commercial this year had to be the go-daddy commercial where the really pretty model makes out with the nerd because it shows people that it is ok to be different, and be outside of the box. even though it was inappropriate and disgusting, it caught the attention of all super bowl viewers. i think the price for a commercial is the right amount of money because there are hundreds of millions of people who watch the super bowl, and thus raising their products business. i think some of the commercials are very risky but in order to catch the eye of the viewer that must think outside of the box.

  11. ~Alli~ My favorite commercial was the Doritos one where all the guys dress up like princesses because it was really funny to see a bunch of grown men dressed up in tutus and makeup. I think that the cost was super high but if you think about it that it's kind of reasonable. You are guaranteed millions of viewers and everyone will be talking about the commercials for a while. Most of the commercials were funny but others were close to the heart, touching, creepy, and just unique. I do think that some of the commercials were really risky like the Go Daddy one, but it did get everyone talking.

  12. Conor - My favorite commercial was the Leon Sandcastle one. I liked it because I thought it was funny the way he dressed and how he was so good. It is a ridiculous amount that companies pay for the commercials but it pays off because hundreds of millions of people are going to buy their product now. The Go Daddy commercial was really gross. I think it has become to risque. I don't think they should put it on TV for five year olds to see. In the end though most of the commercials were good.

  13. Matea- My favorite commercial was when the guy stained his shirt and it was a sign or something. At the end his wife cleaned it because she was a ravens. Or my other favorite one would be when the kid was told to get a team and came back with the strongest kids. If you want your company to be on the Superbowl, you are going to pay a LOT of money. So for some commercials, if they are good and funny then yeah, they should be worth a lot of money. It could be worth it to some owners to companies if they think their commercial is good enough. THe Go Daddy commercial was innapropriote and gross, that should not have been a commercial. I think only a few commercials have become risque, it might take some time until they do.

  14. Jackie- My favorite was the guy with the dorritos and he dresses up like princess with his daughter. It is crazy, the amount of money people spend on a commercial. I guess if you really want your name out there then you might need to do that, but otherwise I think that it is such a waste of money. I think some of the commercials content is disgusting, like the go daddy commercial with the supermodel and the nerd kissing. I really was so grossed out! It's sad that no one can make a comical commercial without having something inappropriate in it. I know there are some commercials that don't do that, but things have really gotten more PG-13 than just PG or G. It makes me sad that America has come to that. I think spending that much money on a commercial is rediculous and if you do spend that much on a commercial, try to make it so everyone can enjoy it.

  15. Ozzy Worrell- My favorite would be the dad and daughter dressing up like princess'. I think the amount of money spent on comercials is outrageous becouse comercials are only thirty seconds and they should really should be thirty cents to thirty dollars not 3.8 million dollars. I also think the commercials should be appropriate for kids who like to watch football with their dads and or the whole family and friends. I just don't see the point in the super bowl if it's about commercials. They are fun to watch but it's getting to the point of insanity.

  16. Gabi-One of my favorite super bowl commercials was the oreo one because i thought that it was really funny. I think that 3.8 million dollars is way to much to spend on a thirty second commercial. I think that it is a waste of money. I think that some of th commercials are really funny and great ideas. but known of them are worth that much money.

  17. Taylor- My favorite super bowl commercial was the Tide one where the guy got a stain on his forty-niners jersey that looked exactly like Joe Montana and he framed it and every forty-niners fan came to his house to see it. Then he came home and it was gone so he asked his wife where it went and she said "I washed it. Go Ravens." I think it's kind of stupid how much money companies spend on super bowl commercials. I think it's worth it at all. I really liked the Doritos commercials but that doesn't make me want Doritos any more than I already do. Okay the Go Daddy commercial was just disgusting and that's all I'm going to say about that.

  18. Vincent~ My favorite commercial was the Audi one. I think that it is crazy how much they have to spend just to do a little 30 second commercial. And also most of the commercials are stupid and a wast of money if they have to spend that much. I think that it is worth it because they are spending a lot but just think that the commercials are going around the whole wold advertising their product which will create income on their product. But I also think that it is a little bit of a wash. I think that some of the commercials have very weird and gross things in them like the commercial with the nerd and the hot girl kissing, that was gross. I also think that some of the other commercials had very funny content. I think that some of the commercials are inappropriate and risque.

  19. Ryan- My favorite commercial was the Doritos one, they always have a funny commercial and make it family appropriate. The reason why I liked this one the most was because it was funny. It incredible that these big time companies will pay so much for just a short commercial. It crazy what people will do to get there name out there. For the coast i don't think its worth it. Some of the commercial should of not been in there. For some people they just watch it for the commercials and when something like that comes up its just not right. Plus little kids watch the Super Bowel and I'm pretty sure that there parents don't want there children seeing that.

  20. belle- i really looovvveeed the farmer one because even in all the commotion of the game my family took a second and really appreciated that commercial. i also liked the budwiser commercial because it was just really touching. i think that the money spent on the commercials are ok because almost everyone watches the Super Bowl and all the commercials. then they go out and buy the product advertised. i think its a very smart way to get money. it takes a lot of smarty people to create a good commercial. some of the commercials were a bit gross or inappropriate. but the businesses are trying to catch your attintion so they draw you in in weird ways but commercials are a really fun thing about the Super Bowl !

  21. belle- i really looovvveeed the farmer one because even in all the commotion of the game my family took a second and really appreciated that commercial. i also liked the budwiser commercial because it was just really touching. i think that the money spent on the commercials are ok because almost everyone watches the Super Bowl and all the commercials. then they go out and buy the product advertised. i think its a very smart way to get money. it takes a lot of smarty people to create a good commercial. some of the commercials were a bit gross or inappropriate. but the businesses are trying to catch your attintion so they draw you in in weird ways but commercials are a really fun thing about the Super Bowl !

  22. Raphie- My two favorite commercials that aired during the Super Bowl were the Taco Bell commercial because I thought it was funny and can somewhat imagine myself ending up like them (and also Doritos loco tacos are the bomb). My other favorite commercial was the Leon Sandcastle commercial because it was hilarious and because the way Dieon dressed was classic (a true American hero if I say so myself). I think that the cost of the 30 second commercials is reasonable, after all it is one of the most watched events of the year. I also believe that for most businesses the air time is worth it because it brings many more customers and gets their product out there. I think that the content that is on the commercials is all about what the majority wants. Even though many people do not enjoy the commercials due to their content the commercials seem to work year after year so the content stays in the same general direction. I think that the commercials have overstepped their bounds but have yet to cross the line of sketchyness.

  23. Jacob_ I think that the Prom commercial was one of the best because it was funny. I think that the price of the commercials seems a lot more than it is. If a company can get a big profit off of them than it will really help the company. It is worth it. I think that the contents of some of the commercials is gross and weird. I personally would be more prone to if the commercials are funny not inappropriate.

  24. Emma G- My favorite was the Doritos one with the goat. I think it was the best because it was really funny and entertaining. My reaction to the price was shocking! They shouldnt spend that much money on a commercial even if it does bring them more sales. I think that money could go to something more important. I think that most of the commercials were trying to be humorous when really it was uncomfortable for the viewers. I like the funny ones not the weird ones that make me and others uncomfortable.

  25. Amaia- My favorite commerical was the "So God made a farmer." commerial and I know that sounds lame since you just showed us that, but the reason I like it so much is because when I was watching the Super Bowl, of all the funny, witty, and cute commerials that were shown, this was the only won that when it was finished my whole family was quite and we just all said "Wow." I already knew that it cost about that much money to put on a commerial but I don't think it's that rediculous because millions of people watch the Super Bowl and unlike most times, people are generally exited and anicipating the commerials that come on the T.V. Some of the commerials I looked at and all I could think was "Really?!" Some were just really dumb and others were really sexual and almost uncomfortable to watch. I think some commerials have become way to over the top risque because I think honestly, the companies that put them out don't want you to remember the commerial because it was so cute or funny, they want you to remember it because you remember watching it and thinking,"How is this even okay to show on T.V.

  26. Dan- my favorite super bowl commercial was the doritos locos tacos one and the prom one that i think was an audi. I also liked the ram one about the farmers because it was really for something important. I think it is amazing of how much money it is to have a commercial in the super bowl. I have no clue how much some of the companies make but i bet it works because of how the same companies do there commercials for the super bowl. I think the super bowl commercials are great and they try to do whatever they can to catch the eyes of the audience. They maybe inappropriate at times but still are talked about a ton. I think the super bowl commercials are really funny and are always different every year which makes it exciting to watch.

  27. robert= My favorite commercial was the Budweiser Clydesdale commercial. I guess from the standpoint of a marketing executive that a 30 second comercial that costs that much is "worth it". But I find that today's commercials are overrated and TV will soon be outrun by streaming websites such as netflix and hulu+. And the content in commercials is repetitive and it bothers me that I'm stuck watching something for a product i will never use or be associated with in the future or presently. And yes with a strong believe commercials have become to "risqué".

  28. Dillon - My favorite commercial is the ram commercial. This commercial is so special to me because all of my friends were famers in Mountain Home. I think that it is ridicules that a 30 sec. commercial is 3.8 million dollars. I think that the content was fine. The only one that i did not like was the go daddy commercial. nah.

  29. Kordell Seidler
    My favorite commercial was the one with the kid making his football team then he threw it at the kid. But I also like the farmer commercial because some of my family are farmers. It is crazy how much u get for a commercial. I think its ridiculous how much u get for a 30 sec. commercial.I the content to me was fine. But they most mest up commercial was the go daddy.com commercial, that was nasty.

  30. Emma Sabala- I enjoy watching all of the super bowl commercials but my favorite would have to be the Dorito ones because they always are really funny and make me laugh. It is crazy to think of how much a 30 second commercial is worth. In my opinion the commericals are getting more and more risque every year. Yes, there are funny ones and sweet ones but you don't have to disgust the viewers by making a commerical disturbing or unpleasant to watch. If I had the opprotnity of making a commerical I would definitely make sure that everyone would react to it in a positive way and there would be no doubts of that.


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