Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer 2013

Welcome back to school.  Even though you have not been in class, I hope you have been paying attention to some sort of news.  This summer has had its fair share of intriguing stories.  Below are a few from various aspects of society.

Celebrity news

The big celebrity news had to be the birth of Prince George Alexander Louis.  Prince George was born on July 24th to Prince William and Kate Middleton.  The news was filled with every detail of the baby’s coming arrival and all the events that have happened since his birth.

International unrest

Egypt is a mess.  It has been a mess for more than 2 years.  In 2011 the people protested to force the leader out of office.  After a successful overthrow, Egypt conducted its first democratic elections in decades.  While not everyone was pleased with Mohamed Morsi’s election to lead Egypt, it did seem as though Egypt was moving in a democratic direction.  Just over a year later, the people have taken to the streets again to force Morsi out of office.  The political unrest has resulted in approximately 900 deaths in the past four days as the government of Egypt tries to establish some stability.

Uneven playing field

The biggest sports story has to be the ongoing steroids suspension in major league baseball.  Around a dozen players were suspended a couple of weeks ago for using illegal performance enhancing drugs.  Every player has accepted the suspension without appeal, except one.  Alex Rodriguez is continuing to fight the charges against him.  To me the entire story is ridiculous.  Throw them all out of the game for cheating and lying.  We need better role models in society and in sports.  I could also mention the ongoing saga of Johnny Manziel, but I get nauseous every time I see another story about him…

Close to home

Idaho is on fire.  After a dry winter and a hot summer, the conditions are perfect to have an incredible fire season.  Over the past few days the Sun Valley area has gained the nation’s attention as over 700 firefighters are going to battle with the fire which has destroyed 100,916 acres to date.  The fire started by lightning on August 7th and has been spreading even since.  More than 2,300 residences of Sun Valley and Hailey have been evacuated.

Do you pay attention to the news?  Why or why not?  Which types of stories interest you?  What do you think was the biggest story of the summer?


  1. Thomas B- I do not really pay attention to the news mostly because I don't really have T.V. or cable. Almost all of the stories that make it to national news interest me. From the ones in the blog, I think the one about the fire in Idaho is the biggest story because it is happening where we live.

  2. I'm sorry to say that I don't really pay attention to the news. Our family does not have cable so we only get some of the basic channels. Unfortunately the news is not one of them. The kinds of stories that interest me are the ones that have to do with politics and the environment. I like these stories because we only get one planet so we should know and take responsibility for what happens to it. I like politics because I want to be informed about what our government is doing. It's important to know what I agree and disagree with so I don't get influenced later on in life. I think that the biggest story this summer was over the fire. It's so huge that Idaho is FINALLY making national news. My Papa is a wild land fire fighter so I never allow myself not to know about the fires. Just so I might have an idea of where he is going.

    1. does not have cable sorry guys my bad.

  3. I don't really watch the news that often, just with my dad in the evening. A story did interest me though and that was the Trayvon Martin case. I thought it was interesting that there were so many sides to the story. On one side we had the story that said Trayvon was a innocent teen that was shot going home from the store. Than we have the side that says that Trayvon was walking along side a apartment building when George Zimmerman came up to ask him what he was doing, George was attacked and he pulled a gun. I am not really sure what is true, but I found it interesting none the less. I also found the kidnapping story very intriguing as well. I'm still somewhat confused if she went with him or if she was taken against her will. I guess she will speak out when she's ready. I don't really have a certain type of story I like I just kind of like whatever grabs my attention.

  4. I actually have been paying attention to some of the news, like the fires and the royal baby. Also in Idaho I heard how a few Idahoans found that man who abducted the girl in the middle of the wilderness (typical Idaho). Really, I only hear the news from my parents when they talk about it, and I usually get updated then. So, I guess the only news that really interests me is the news my parents talk about. But, I think by far the biggest news of the summer is the royal baby, because that news was heard round the world.

  5. I don't pay attention to the news as often as I should. I'm just not drawn to them, mostly because a lot of the stories are depressing and make me mad at the world. The week before school began I did watch some stories on Good Morning America, and I found them to be very interesting. I am mostly drawn to head lines and international news. For example I always saw the trouble in Middle East in the news. Because of this, I think Egypt was the top story of the summer. Just when they had started to had a better government, the people break out in riots again, and the fact that they are blaming Americans for it! It's so shameful. Overall I think this was a very interesting summer in the news.

  6. Honestly I did not watch, or read, much news this summer. Or I might have. Yes, I did watch a little news. It was about the fires in Idaho on the Today's show. I also watched Sunday Morning. A story that would interest me would probably be a crazy story about a freak accident or occurrence. Like a baby born with an extra finger or someone died while smashing two yoga balls together. The biggest story of the summer was probably the new baby prince being born. People were VERY PLEASED ABOUT THAT. It was all over the news, facebook, and magazines. I guess it's alright to be excited over that, but it didn't really catch my attention. I just was like 'Awwww, they had a baby, That's nice." and that was that. However, if that baby was born with an extra extremity I would be as excited as my grandma was over the baby.

  7. Hardly at all, mostly cause the fires. And actually I was quite close to the fires this summer, and so I heard a lot about them, and a great amount of my friends were affected by them so whenever my friend Colton and I went hiking we would have to wear respirators so we wouldn't choke on the smoke. Nothing else, this is all new news to me.

  8. I sometimes pay attention to the news. After I sign out of my email I always go through the news slides on MSN since that's where it takes you when you sign out of hotmail. If I'm bored I look through the news slides on my phone. I never watch the news though. My mom prefers I don't since often times it has inappropriate content that I don't need to see. I enjoy stories about weird things like animals singing along with toddlers or something embarrassing a celebrity did. On the other hand, I also read stories about murders and things along those lines. I think the biggest story this summer was the kidnapping of the California girl. I think something else is going on...The whole story of her and this guy is rather conspicuous and doesn't make sense in many ways.

  9. I watch the news every morning while eating breakfast, so yeah, I'm pretty well informed. I think it's important to know what's going on in your world.The stories that interest me are the stories about heroes (like Antoinette Tuff in recent news)and basically stuff that doesn't have to do with politics and stocks. I think some of the biggest stories this summer would probably be Hannah Anderson's kidnapping, the royal baby, and the chaos in the Middle East.

  10. Nate- Yes, I watch the news every day, because it is important to know what is going in the world. The stories that aren't about wildfires are what I'm currently interested in. I think the biggest headline of the summer was all of the stuff about Egypt. There was always something new that happened over there, and it was going on a majority of the summer.

  11. I don't watch a lot of news. I get most of my news from sports center because sports news is what really interests me. I think that the two biggest news stories this summer were the whole thing with drugs in the MLB and that girl that got kidnapped from Florida and was brought into Idaho.

  12. I don't really watch the news, mainly because I don't enjoy watching TV. But occasionally this summer I would listen to NPR or Democracy Now, and when I listened to those I found that the most interesting story that I heard was probably the unrest in Egypt. It fascinates me that in just a short time Egypt managed to oust the new leader and thus created chaos because there was no leader. All I can hope is that the different groups of people in Egypt mange to reach an armistice and decide on a new leader that will bring Egypt out of the state it is in. But in general this is the only story I could think of, because I do not watch the news on a daily basis.

  13. I do not watch the news all that often because i think watching the news is quite frankly, boring. I will only watch the news if something really big has happened like the man hunt that happened a while ago or the presidential election. The Idaho fire interested me the most because i have a cabin in Sun Valley and I was worried about the town because i love to go there. Mostly in the winter. For me the biggest story of the summer was the girl who was kidnapped and brought to idaho, and the Idaho fire because they were both close to home.

  14. I don't really pay attention to the news because its mostly boring stuff ,but sometimes when my parents watch the news I will walk past and see what's happening .Also our computers home page is and if I see some news that looks interesting ill click on the article .The types of stories that interest me are the ones that everyone makes a big deal about, ones with celebrities that I recognize , and stories that have things that relate to me . I think the biggest story of the summer was the one about the fires because it happened here in Idaho.

  15. I do pay attention to the news because it is almost always on in our house. I also check Google News once in a while as well. This is because it’s always important to know what is happening around the world. I like Science articles as well as things on elections (obviously not this year). The fires that are occurring in Idaho have become big news because it was the first time that insurance companies hired their own team of firefighters and helicopters. That was a pretty big story. Another story I personally thought might get big was when a group of Pakistani army men attacked and killed several Indians (who were in India). Then Pakistan claimed to not have done it. This infuriated some Indians and I was honestly worried that a fight might start out between India and Pakistan once again.

  16. I do pay attention to the news because i think that it is importatant to know whats going on in our world.I like listning to the stories about someone helping or saving the lives of other people when they are in trouble.i thought the biggest story of the summer was the story about the 16 year old girl who was abducted by that guy in California. i was also pleased to know that she was alright in the end.

  17. Reed- I do not pay attention to the news a lot. I do no what is happing with A-Rod but i do not no much about anything else. I do not pay attention to the news because it is always depressing and nothing happy is ever on on channel 7. The biggest story i thought this summer was the royal baby. I think that England had a big story and got Prince William and Kate's attention. I hope they there marriage and parents hood will thrive on.

  18. I really hardly ever pay attention to the news, mostly because I feel that there is nothing that is worth tuning in to. The types of stories I would watch or read are stories of things that might change something in my everyday life. From reading the stories listed above, I think the biggest story of this summer is the one about Egypt.

  19. I payed attention to the news in July because my grandparents had it on in the begging part of dinner. After July I did not watch the news. I didn't watch the news because I never really thought to. I think action stories or feel good happy stories are what I like to hear. I don't like sad stories. I think the biggest new story was the royal baby. I t was all over magazines and television. You could not walk through the store without seeing a magazine that was talking about the royal baby.

  20. In this case there was a difference what i payed more attention to, and what was most important. I payed most attention to A-rods suspension, because i love baseball and i hate the Yankees. I especially hate A-rod. I am intrigued by this story because it's about sports. I think the biggest story is about the fires in idaho. It is endangering us and people have died trying to protect us..

  21. Yeah I follow new because I want to know what is going on in are daily life that good be good or bad. I really like the news because it's usually really interesting and there are also really cool topic they report on the news. The stories that interest me are sports because I am a sport type of guy that watches espn in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night with my dad, so I know a lot going in sports wise. I really thought the whole Arod situation was complicated and pretty interesting. I think Arod made a really bad decision by taking ped or steroids because it made him in a bad place and it also kind of made himself worse in the whole situation. I am also excited for more news to come.

  22. yes because sometimes is can be very informational and really something I need to know. I Like stuff like crimes or anything that happens in Idaho or somewhere close to here. Probably the Amber deal I mean it was super close to Boise cascade my cousins live there and my sisters boyfriend I practically lived there all summer it was kind of scary yet weird to thing something like that would happen in such a small town.

  23. I pay attention to the news sometimes, like when I am bored or find something interesting. I like stories that are happy because I am sick of the news being filled with terrible things all the time. I thought the royal baby was the biggest story, even though I don’t really like the royal family. The reason I think this is because it was all I heard people talking about for like weeks. They even had an article about it in some magazine; it seemed to me that everyone was milking the story dry so to speak.

  24. I occasionally watch the news. I usually tend to watch it when I am home sick. I really don't know why, but I guess it keeps me up to date. The other times I end up watching the news is with my dad. I tend to like more of the celebrity news than worldwide news this is only because my sister Alice always knows everything such as weddings, relationships, and "tragic" events, etc. Assuming that I prefer celebrity news I think the royal baby came out to be the biggest news.

  25. Peter- I do listen to the news, mainly because my mom watches it while I am eating breakfast. I think that the most interesting stories to me are the ones about the scandals and also about the military, as my brother wants to go into the military. I think that the biggest news to the critics is the royal baby, but I think the Snowden scandal is the biggest story.

  26. I like watching the news unless it is celebrities or politics. I don't like politics and celebrities is all drama. what I am interested in is the stuff like how is the war in Syria and Egypt kind of stuff. To tell you the truth I cant answer which story was the biggest so don't really know. I mean I don't watch the news THAT much.

  27. I enjoy watching the news but I don't usually watch the because I typically don't have time, I am playing with my siblings or I have things to do. But when I am able to watch the news I always like to watch the weather report for the rest of the week and I also like to watch the national news. I think that the biggest news for this summer was the fires even thought they usually happen every summer. This is because I don't like the wild life getting caught on fire and it makes it hard to breath for some people.

  28. I usually don't watch the news, that is either because I am doing homework or hanging out with my sisters. The only time I may watch the news, is sometimes when I get home and my mom puts on the evening news. The stories that interest me are usually the ones about celebrities. I think the biggest story in this article was the Royal Family, because I saw that everywhere. The baby was all over the internet.

  29. I normally don't pay attention to the news because a lot of it is sad and depressing. The only time when I do watch some news is when my dad puts it on at night. I think the biggest news story of the summer would have been the arrival of the royal baby. The story was everywhere I went.

  30. i, like many others, usually dont pay attention to the news during summer because were all to worried about "fun things"(pool, sports, friends, etc). The only type of news I pay attention to is the ones about sports (A-Rod) and sometimes I over hear some news that my mom and dad are interested in.

  31. I do pay attention to the news when my parents are watching it and I'm in the room. This is because I think it's interesting to know what's going on around the world. I pay attention mostly to the missing people news stories and murder. It is vey interesting. The biggest story of the summer in my opinion was the one about the girl in California taken. Then she was brought to Idaho

  32. I used to pay attention to the news a lot last year but now I only watch some news shows like sports center or just the local news. I don't watch much of the other news cause a lot of it is really depressing. But the story I've been following is the A-Rod story because it interests me how someone who many people looked up to is now hated by many people.

  33. I used to pay attention to the news a lot last year but now I only watch some news shows like sports center or just the local news. I don't watch much of the other news cause a lot of it is really depressing. But the story I've been following is the A-Rod story because it interests me how someone who many people looked up to is now hated by many people.


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