Wednesday, May 8, 2013

End of the Year

The 2012-2013 is rapidly coming to an end.  With the end of the school year comes the end of your time at St. Joe’s.  You have been a tremendous class.  You have greatly contributed to the culture and legacy of the school.  You should be proud of your time at St. Joe’s as individuals and as a group.  Whether you have been here one year or nine, you have influenced the school.  Thank you.

I hope that at some point you can look back at your time at the school with the same admiration as we have for you.  I hope you can look back on your years at St. Joe’s as fun and challenging.  I hope we have prepared you for high school and beyond.  The teachers have been committed to providing you with a good education and with the morals and values that are based in the Catholic faith.

Whether or not you are great friends with all of the people in your class, you will forever be linked to them.  You have shared a unique and special experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life.  You will grow apart as you continue through life, but whether it is two years from now or twenty, you will reminisce about your days from kindergarten through Hallissey and everything in between. 

Thank you for coming to St. Joe’s.  Thank you for being great role models to the school.  Thank you for showing the people of our community what it means to be a student at St. Joe’s.  Thank you for everything you have done to make our school what it is today.

What are your fondest memories of your time at St. Joe’s?  What will you miss the most?  What advice or words of wisdom would you like to leave behind for the classes that follow?


  1. Catie- I have so many of them that it's hard to choose! I loved Camp Learn-a-Lot and just being able to hang out with my friends. I will miss the teachers here the most because they are amazing and very funny and good at their job. I would tell the classes behind that if you work hard and study, you will do just fine.

  2. Sena- There were so many good times at Saint Joes. But my best memories would have to be from Hallissey weekend. We all bonded a lot and did pretty well in the tournament. I will mostly miss the close connection our class had, and the teachers! I would tell the other classes to study hard and me respectful to both the students and teachers.

  3. Emma G- I have only been at St. Joes for a year but I have alot of great memories. I really liked Hallissey week. I liked how we played a co-ed game the day before Hallissey. That is something I will never forget. I will miss our class the most. When we get to BK I know we will go our separate ways but I know I will always be close to them. I would tell the other classes to study hard, respect the teachers, and dont touch the stool in history then you will have a good year.

  4. Abby: i have had a lor of great memories here at Saint Joes but i think my favorite is probably hallissey. i will miss having such a small class. at biship kelly we will have over a hundred students in the freshmann class and i probably wont even know half of there names. i would tell the students coming into eigth grade to pay attention in class and work hard and you will get good grades.

  5. Katie H.- My fondest memories of St. Joe's were probably the in 5th grade when I came to shadow and the beginning of sixth grade because everybody was so welcoming and friendly and close like a family. Eighth grade in general is a great memory I will miss being together in a small class. My word of advice for the incoming 8th grade class would be to study hard, but have fun.

  6. Jackie- My fondest memory of St. Joe's is when we go on class picnic. I just feel that we bond more as a class and as cheesy as it sounds, we bond more as friends and like a family. I am going to miss just being in a class with the same people and just having a place where you know everyone. I am going to miss St. Joe's as a building too. I've been there for half of my life and it holds so many memories, but most of all I will miss the teachers and seeing my brother everyday at school. For all of the 8th grade classes to come. Make the best of 8th grade year and create memories. Leave all the drama at the door and try to learn things about others that you might not have known. My last piece of advice is to be true to yourself and never be afraid to do that.

  7. Matea- My favorite memories of St. Joes is when our class is staying together and just having a great time. Hallisey and the Stations of the Cross was a great time to just hang out with my classmates outside of school. It is also fun when we scare Mr. Yanci. I will miss that our class is so close together and we won't see each other every day like we do know once we are at Bishop Kelly. A word of wisdom for the following classes is to never give up especially at the very end of the year no matter how tiring it is. enjoy your last year at St. Joes.

  8. Jacob_ I have loved going to St. Joes!!! I have gone there since Kindergarten and have had a great time throughout my entire time going to St. Joes. My best memories have been the extracurricular activities that our class has done. The middle school nights have been really fun. Also the Hallisey tournament was really great. I will miss the great friends that I made at St. Joes. Over the past nine years they have become like a family to me and it will be hard to start over with a whole new group of people. I would tell classes to have fun. School can be hell on earth if you make it that but you can also make it something that you enjoy going to. A great example of this is Raphie J. Sengelmann. Every day he tells a joke and thoroughly enjoys himself. He always seems to be having fun and enjoying the time he has at school. Not only is it fun for him but it also makes everyone else's day better.

  9. Jacob_ I have loved going to St. Joes!!! I have gone there since Kindergarten and have had a great time throughout my entire time going to St. Joes. My best memories have been the extracurricular activities that our class has done. The middle school nights have been really fun. Also the Hallisey tournament was really great. I will miss the great friends that I made at St. Joes. Over the past nine years they have become like a family to me and it will be hard to start over with a whole new group of people. I would tell classes to have fun. School can be hell on earth if you make it that but you can also make it something that you enjoy going to. A great example of this is Raphie J. Sengelmann. Every day he tells a joke and thoroughly enjoys himself. He always seems to be having fun and enjoying the time he has at school. Not only is it fun for him but it also makes everyone else's day better.

  10. Conor- I have been going to St. Joe's for only two years but it has been a great expirience for me. Some of my favortie memories have been Halissey, Science Olympiad, Mrs. Mcclure's off topic rants, and just hanging out as a class. I feel like we are really close and I hope that we can all still be friends at BK. I will miss all the taechers and all of my classmates. Even though it would be nice to all Stat together it os kind of unrealistic. There is going to he over 100 kids in our freshman class. It is going to he hard to do that. My advice is work hard and it will pay off for you in the end.

  11. Vincent~ I have been going to St. Joes for nine years, and over those nine years I have had a lot of great never forgetable memories. Some of my favorite memories were probably Camp Learn A-Lot, Hallisey, Science Olympiad, the field trips we go on and probably most of all meeting and hanging out with firends. I will miss all of the teachers and all of my class mates that might grow apart from me over my high school years. I will also miss just the surroundings at St. Joes. I hope that all of my friends that I have now will continue to be my friends in high school and will also make new friends. My advice to the oncoming classes is that now matter how hard you think that the end of the year may be just remember that there is always a finish to a start.

  12. the best memories for me would have to be just hanging out with my freinds or having funny moments with teachers. something that I will really miss would have to be the teachers and how they helped me through all of these years.One bit of advice would have to be just study a little and you could do that much better in a class you are stuggling in or just rock the house in a subject you are good at.((CODY))

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Stephanie-I have been going to St. Joes for nine years now and ever since kindergarten I have made some great memories with my class. My favorites are Field Day, Sport events, Stations of the Cross, and class picnics. I love St. Joes. I will miss being a part of such a small school. I will also miss all of the staff and the people at St. Joes. I would like to let the classes that follow us know that they should try and remember their memories at St. Joes as best as they can and to try and bond more as a class for the last year.

  15. Dillon - The fondest memory that i have had at St. Joes is was in tech. class and Mr. Grant threw a marker at dan and he marked up his wall. I will miss all of my great friend that i have every class with because we will not see each other as much in High school. i think that the words of wisdom are finish strong all the way through the last day.

  16. Kordell Seidler

    I have so many memories of this school. My favorite memories was probably when I ran into the fence at recess. But actually my real memory of this school is Science Olympiad. I will miss all my friends and my teachers. The words of wisdom are finish strong and never give up, don't get down on yourself.

  17. Audrey "Ozzy" Worrell- So many memories that I can't even count them. But some would Have to be scaring Mr.Yanci on a regular basis, Mrs.Baccay's fun songs and ways of getting us going each morning and the awkward health class with Mrs.G. I also remember the countless kick balls to the fence and almost passing out in music class once. I'm really going to miss the small and safe environment and the really nice and giving teachers that always seem to listen to you no matter what. Words of Wisdom: Well for future 8th graders just remember don't be Afraid to cry when you leave for high school- don't argue with your teachers to much- be quiet in class- Take notes- and don't forget to get a little off topic in Mrs. McClure's class(just not all the time). For the rest of the school just stay in there just a little longer. Summer will come some time or another right? See you all soon. Mostly after school to visit. Sign up for the amazing youth groups next year.

  18. Natalia- One of my favorite memories is Camp-Learn-a-lot in first grade and another would be the fun picnic day we had last year. I am going to miss having a small class thats really close. I will also miss some of the teachers here that have made a huge impact on me. I would tell the classes following us to never give up on school no matter how boring or annoying it can get after nine years. Also try your hardest and it may seem like the year will never end but it will go by fast and you just have to try your hardest and before you know it, it will be done and you will be done with St. Joes.

  19. Emma Sabala- Every memory I've had at St. Joes I will always treasure but some great ones are when Amaia April Fooled Mr. Grant by putting Coke in a Pepsi bottle and he spit it out everwhere, scarring Mr. Yanci by hiding under his desk, when Niko attempted hiding Mr. Grants stool but that resulted bad for you Niko haha, all of the feild trips and fun events our class has taken part in, when I first came and everyone was so nice and welcoming, there are sooo many things about St. Joes that I will always remeber. The things I will miss the most is how close our class is now since it's so small, my relationships with all of the teachers, the great enviornment that St. Joes includes, and much more. The advice that I would give the classes following up behind our class is just to apprecitate every moment you have at the school wether you enjoy it or not because I know that anyone who leaves will miss it. Also to finish strong and always try your hardest because there are many awards you can recieve that will make you feel like a great student and you will always terasure recieving one of the awards in eighth grade. Oh and to take part in as many events that St. Joes includes... especially Hallissey!! I am NOT good at basketball what so ever but it was so fun to be apart of it and I know that anyone who doesn't participate in it will regret it big time!

  20. Taylor- I have so many memories from St. Joe's, it's really hard to choose! I really like Camp Learn-A-Lot in 1st Grade. We were split into different groups and each group had a color (mine was yellow.) We made huge tents out of blankets and each group got their own tent. We also tie-dyed shirts the color of what group we were in, and I can't believe I still have mine. We had "campfire" everyday (orange and yellow paper over paper wood) and someone even brought us a s'more maker. That is definitely a favorite memory of mine. I also really liked all of the class picnics we had outside in the rain. Rain sounds like it would ruin the whole thing, but it actually made them more fun. I'll miss being close to everyone. We also always say hi to younger kids, but they won't be there anymore. I'll also miss all of the amazing teachers. I would say to the classes following that no matter how hard it gets, no matter how many teachers yell at you, no matter what your grades are, everything will get better in the future. I promise.

  21. Dannnnnnnnn !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*())(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*()
    - It is amazing that the year and my time at St joes is ending. I have had an incredible time.Ive been at St joes for 9 years now and my favorite memory of all is probably halissey. I will also always remember all the great times we have had with all of the teachers and my friends. Everyday is a great day atSt joes. St Joes has given me friendships that I will have for the rest of my life and lessons or opportunities that a ton of kids do not get to have. i will miss St Joes a lot. I will miss the smell of the broccoli on thursdays usually, Ill miss the teachers, people, lockers, classrooms, playgrounds,uniforms (not really), drinking fountains, computers, Mr grants ruler, blogs, gym, and of course the breakfast sandwiches. Some advice would be don't run in the bark and take everyday day like its your last at ST joes because the year goes by fast. Also don't ever fall or slip out in the parking lot because if you do it is like knifes on the ground and scrapes you even if you touch it, wear a belt, eat mini pancakes with cream cheese and always do the best you can do. it is sad it is our last blog and i will miss st joes a lot and hope all of the teachers remember us in a positive way. I will miss this class too

  22. Ryan- probably my fondest memories of St.joes would this year and the 4th grade because of all the fun things we did in each of those grades. I can still remember the Idaho Counties because of the song she taught u. In the 8th grade i learned to work hard but also have fun while im doing it. Thing that I will miss the most about St. Joe's would be the teacher of middle school and or s=class close relationship. The advice i would give to the up coming 8th grader is the work hard and you will succeed

  23. NIKO

    My best memories have been in fourth grade becasue of all of the fun things we did, I remember the songs, and all od the games we played! Some word of advice to students is to never steal mr grants chair, unless youre fast like me #usainbolt

  24. Amaia- My fondest memories at St.Joe's includes 4th and 8th grade overall, watching kids scare Mr.Yanci, niko hiding Mr. Grants stool and getting him in trouble in class, Mrs. McClure and her long off topic rants, and lastly Hallisey. I will miss our classes close relationshipmand the teachers. My advice for kids at St. Joe's is pay attention in class, if your in Mr. Grants class and he's holding a ruler avoid sitting in the front, and if you ever feel like not doing science one day ask Mrs. McClure a very detailed question that you can add on to and next thing you know you'll have talked all though science ;)

  25. Belle-i loved so much about st joes but i overall love the people in our class and the teachers i hope the family relationship we have in our class lasts through out our whole lives. i love all you guys so much and consider you guys like my second family. i appreciate all you do everyday. my favorite memories are mr grant and his ruler, scareing mr yanci, and long talks with mrs mcclure. thanks for all the memories !!!!!! love you all !!!!!!!!!

  26. Gabi- I have had so many great memories while I have been at St. Joe's. from the cinnamon bear in 3rd grade to the songs we sang in 4th grade, Barbie bungee in math, scaring Mr. Yanci in English, Mr. Grant and his ruler in social studies, our long off topic fun discussions in science, all the games we play in PE and how competitive we are, and the fun things like Hallisey. There are so many great memories that our class has. And there are so many more that we make every day. I am going to miss our class so much. We are like a family, we have been together since kindergarten and it is going to be so different when we leave. And I think that is what I am going to miss the most, how close we are as a class. We are like brothers and sisters. I love you guys so much and I am going to miss you! :)

  27. Peter-my best memorie at St joes would have to probally be the weekend of Hallissey. I would probally leave behind to steal Mr. Grants chair and hide it where the backpacks are.

  28. Raphie- Even thought I have only gone to St. Joe's for one year I had such a great time. This year has to rank as one of the best years in my whole lifetime. There is so much that I will miss it's hard to pick one single moment. I had so much fun with Science Olympiad and Hallissey. Some of the best times I have ever had were with the kids at St. Joe's and I had so much fun learning from all of the teachers at St. Joe's I learned a ton and also had fun while doing so. If I had any words of wisdom to leave to the classes below us it would probably be. "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
    Thomas A. Edison
    So to add to Mr. Edison's quote you have to never ever give up no matter how hard it is to fail you always have to keep pushing on and staying strong.

  29. ~Alli~ one of my best memories will always be going to Ohio for Science Olympiad, and playing in Hallissey. I'm gonna miss how close our class is, and all of my lifelong friends in it. My advice to the younger grades is to never stop working and to never give up, because all of that work will pay off in the long run.


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