Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Character Matters

Last week a seemingly small story gained national notoriety when a high school football coach suspended his entire team for failing to behave in a way that reflected the values of the school and the team.  In a world where it seems that character is often not as important as your ability to throw, catch or run, the coach’s actions were atypical.  But to many it was a courageous and necessary step to helping these young men become outstanding contributors to the community and model citizens for others to emulate. 

Coach Matt Labrum of Union High School in Roosevelt, Utah made the decision to suspend his entire team after a week where players were being disciplined for skipping classes, disrespecting teachers, and cyberbullying fellow classmates.  This was enough for him.  After a loss to Judge Memorial High School, the coach declared that this is no longer a team.  The players and their actions were not in line with his expectations for students given the privilege to play and represent their high school.  All 80 players were asked to turn in their jerseys and given the option to earn them back if they wanted to be a part of the team. 

Beginning the next morning at 7:00 am, players were given the ability to earn a spot on the team by participating in a, now required, community service work project.  In place of practice, players were to attend character development classes.  They have been encouraged to monitor one another and hold each other accountable for their actions.

This was a risky decision by the coach.  It very easily could have sparked a revolt by the players, their families, and the community.  To the coach the risk was worth the reward.  The chance the coach took paid off and the players accepted the challenge.  Many have recognized their actions and the actions of their teammates were in desperate need of adjustment.

What do you think about the coach’s decision?  Should students participating in extracurricular activities be held to a higher standard?  How do you hold others accountable for their actions in and out of school?


  1. I think that the coach made a good decision to suspend his team. Academics should always come before sports. I do think that students playing sports and things like that should be held to a higher standard because if you are a part of a team then you can not let your team down. I judge people by how many times they do a certain thing multiple times they should be punished.

  2. I think that the coach did the right thing. It was a good call, and one that not many coaches make. I don't think that students participating in extracurricular activities should be held to a higher standard than regular students, necessarily. I think that all students should have to do something like that. But I'm not opposing what the coach did at all. I hold others accountable for words that are mean, or hurtful to others, and when people are too lazy to do something that everybody else has to do. Especially when it means that someone else has to cover for them and do it for them. My opinion of the person that does the thing that the lazy person hasn't bothered to do goes up, however.

  3. I think the coach's decision was smart and good for the team. They needed to be taught about character because not only does it matter in sports, it will matter for the rest of their lives. All students should have to participate in community service and try to be a better person regardless if they belong to a team. I hold the girls on my soccer team accountable when they goof off by telling them to pay attention and play soccer. I'm not afraid to tell people to pay attention and listen in or out of school.

  4. I think this coaches decision was very very wise. He did what he needed to do to get his players to their A game both on and off the field. He did what he needed to do to be the good coach that he probably is and pay more attention to the things that matter, such as education, attitude, and behavior. I think that students in extracurricular activities should be held to a higher standard only because they are still students and should be studying as well as playing sports. They also are looked up to because they are on the sport team that a lot of people would like to play, so some people look up to them. If somebody isn't acting right in or out of school (depending on their size) I will usually tell them to stop because all they are doing is making themselves look bad. I think that you should be able to look back on your whole life and not be able to regret anything (which I do regret a few things). People should feel wholly responsible for all of their actions because it was only themselves who put them into it.

  5. I think the coach made a great decision in suspending all the players. These days, everybody thinks that people in the media who drink, smoke, do bad things,etc. are the examples we should be following. Your supposed to punish bad behavior, not reward it. This coach took a step out of bounds and suspended the kids for doing these things. And it paid off. Now those football players are nicer, more respectful, and more of a team. That's what this world should really be like. I don't think it's just students in an extracurricular activity that should be held to a higher standard, but people in general. Just because you don't play football doesn't mean that you have the right to act immoral in class (for example). Everybody needs to be respectful and not act like a jack wagon. I hold others accountable by telling them that whatever they are doing is not nice or respectful. When you get into higher levels of whatever, school, sport, etc., then that behavior will not be tolerated. I also remind them that they probably don't want to get into trouble. Depending on the situation, I'll leave it at that and let a teacher or an adult handle it. But if they say something else or change the blame to other people, I would tell an adult. People need to pay for their behavior and accept the consequences. Otherwise they might have trouble as they grow up. But I am definitely not afraid to remind someone of their place and how they should be behaving.

  6. I too, agree that the coach made the right decision. Maybe a little bit extreme, but it achieved what it was supposed to. Those guys are significantly more respectful then they used to be. Sometimes the unpopular decision is the one that needs to be chosen. A good life lesson to those guys.

  7. I think that the coach's decision to have the players do community service and character development classes and such is a great idea. Yes it should be held to a higher standard because many kids are not taking it as seriously as they should be, but on the other hand many kids are taking it way too seriously and need to be working on their academics as well. I choose to judge people based on their actions. I hold them accountable for what they do or not do, not always on what they say. Because actions speak louder than words.

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  9. The coach's decision was good for the team. He sent a good message to the football players and the future ones. He made it clear that the stuff they did was not exceptable under any circumstances. They were taught a great lesson. I believe that all students who play sports or extra activities should be held to a higher standard because they are role models to the school and need to be the ones on their best behavior and focusing a lot on their studies and education too. If people are not paying attention, not listening, or being rude to someone in or out of school, I will hold then accountable for their actions by telling them to listen because others are trying to listen or to stop being mean to others. I will always stick up for other people when they need it.

  10. I actually heard about this story a couple days after it occurred. I agree 100% with the coach. Football is an EXTRAcurricular activity. School is not extra and many kids around the world don’t get the opportunity to even go to school. Kids in extracurricular activities should definitely be held to a higher standard. If a football player for a school is out in public, the way he acts reflects on the school. If they do something bad, other people may not send their kids to that school. Now the whole world knows that cyber bullying occurred in that school and parents may be a little more reluctant to send their kids there. They would be held accountable through not letting them play during the game. They could also be forced to do community service like in this scenario.

  11. I think the decision of the coach was right on, because these players needed to learn to behave in a right manner towards others and the community, this decision was also good because it could help this team come together. Yeah I think that the players should participate in the other activities because it would help them come together as a team and know what it's like to help others and it would also boost up their leadership and the way they acted. I judge people on the way they act to their peers, teachers, community and so on, but the main thing is you don't want to make decisions that you will regret. I also think that if you don't want to regret something then you have to work as hard as you can in school especially, but also sports and other activities.

  12. I thought that what that coach did for his team was very admirable. I know a lot of people wouldn't have the guts to do what he did. They would just say, "Hey, they're just kids! It doesn't matter as long as they can play!" Of course students should do other activities outside of school! The world needs well-rounded citizens to live in it. Without pushing yourself outside of school, you will go no where in life! If I see someone I know can do better, I let them know. I want everyone to be the best they can be. Also if I see any sort of bullying or harmful behavior, I stop it. I know harming others is a horrible thing to do!

  13. I think the coach's decision to suspend his team was spot on.We live in a society where athletes are put onto pedestal. These kids help but let it get to their heads. Athletes believe that they don't have to follow the rules. That somehow the rules don't apply to them. Students who participate in extracurricular activities should be held to a much higher standard. they represent more than just themselves. They represent their team and their school.I call people out on things when they are doing something dumb or mean. I don't put up with that stuff.

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  15. I think the coach made a good decision by suspending the team. I also think that kids who participate in extracurricular activities should be held to a higher standard. This is because other students look up to them, and if they abuse that power by bullying others and skipping classes they should get suspended from their activities. If I see someone disrespecting another person I'll tell them to knock it off because I know they would not want to be treated like that, so they shouldn't treat others that way.

  16. I think that the coach had a valid point for suspending the team. If you do something wrong you must be punished. Yes, I think people should do extracurricular activities to keep there minds of doing something bad, or something that might get you in trouble. I think if you d something wrong you need to be punished. Crime and Punishment is one of my favorite rules. I think if you do something like bullying, drinking illegally, or other things like that you have to be punished.

  17. I think that the coach did make a wise decision in suspending the team for the unjust behavior, no matter where you are, in school or outside you need to treat everyone/everything as if you were standing in front of your teacher. People outside of school need to represent themselves as well as their school properly. Students doing extra curricular activities do need to be held to a higher standard in the sense that they behave well in and outside school so that they earn the privilege of those outside of school activities. I really don't hold others to a standard outside of school. Frankly I think that whatever my friends do outside of school is fine by me, unless they really need help and then I will lend them a hand, like drinking, bullying, or other harmful things to themselves as well as others. Not to say that the school won't judge them for decisions, but I don't tend to judge people for what they do outside of school. I feel that it is their decision, then it is their own consequence, but I won't be the one to bring the judgement upon them.


  18. I think it was a wonderful decision. He is telling and showing the kids on the team that it's not okay to bully someone. We live in a world where it's normal to be abusive to your peers and when you are looked up to as a leader of the school it spreads throughout the classes as the norm. I think people should get more credit from doing extracurricular activities, but not just the normal ones like football and other sports, more like ones that help the community. For me personally tell them what they are doing is not okay. It's not okay to make someone hate themselves or beat them up.

  19. I think the coach's decision was awesome. It's not everyday you here something like this happens. I believe that students who participate in any extra curricular activities should be held to a higher standard because if they truly love their sport/activity then they should know that it is a privilege for them to represent their school in the activity they take part in and work hard for it. I usually speak up if I see something done that is wrong and I make sure it is corrected. I believe that peoples actions shape the type of people they are so if someone does something bad then I tend to look down on them, for whatever they did.

  20. I think the coach's actions were very wise. Suspending the team and have them do community service helps them grow to be better young men and to clean up their acts. I think kids doing an extra-curricular activity should be held at a higher standard because on top of all of the studying and homework they do they spend hours a day on their activity. If I see someone being lazy and are not working to their potential, I would put shame on them. In certain situations, like in a football game, I would tell someone what they are doing wrong if they are because they're performance affects the whole team. If it has to do with academics, I wouldn't say because it it up to them to get their grades up and It is none of my buisness.

  21. I think coach Matt Larbrum made a good decision. If it were me I
    would've done the same. The players need to act appropriately and respectful. If somthing like that goes on I think every coach should do the same. They needed to do some community service ot put them back in line. disrespecting , bulling and skipping classes aren't a part of being a good athlete and I think coach was right.

  22. In my opinion, it is sort of, for the players, like a learn how this will benefit later kind of thing. Maybe some of the kids could think that it is stupid that the coach has suspended them for bad behavior, but later on in life, they may realize by doing work, that they will in turn now have been a better person. Plus, this is called Extracurricular for a reason. It is suppose to be considered extra and that they should be able to be responsible for their actions if something goes wrong. When ever someone does something not considered nice I always try to forgive but will still hold them responsible for this.

  23. I think that it was good that he suspended the team, not only that they were not doing well in school and not caring about it, but they are disrespecting teachers and other students. It was also a good alternative that they are doing community service and taking character development classes. When students do other activities like that, they are not helping themselves, but they are helping their community. They should be taken to higher standard. When someone does something like this I tell them that they need to fix themselves and tell them about what lies ahead when you don't care about school.

  24. I think that the coach made the wright decision in not letting the team play an instead letting them take responsibility for there actions. I also think that it is important to know that it is wrong to show disrespect. Also that you should try to make it up your community that you hurt. I do won't think that students whith exteracoracular activities should be held to a higher standard because almost everyone does something other than school and school work. It is important to get your exercise in and play sports. I hold others accountable for there actions by when they do something wrong I let them learn from there mistakes. I also let them clean up after them selves unless they ask for help. This is how I help them in this way.

  25. I think the coach definitely made the right decision to suspend the team. Just because they may be good at football doesn't give them the right to be rude to elders and peers. I think the extra community service was a good idea. The team that plays and wins together helps the community become better together. In school or out we are responsible for the decisions we make as a student, player, or just as a person. If you are going to do something and regret it later why would you do it in the first place. As a person we have the free will to make our own decisions, we still need to be responsible for the outcome of these decisions.

  26. I think the couch made the right decision in suspending the whole team. They may have an amazing talent but if are being rude to teachers, friends, or parents I sure wouldn't have wanted them on my team. What he did was a very brave, and risky thing to do, but the students need to learn how to discipline themselves. I dont think any one should be held to a higher standing just because he or she is doing extracurricular activities. Some people may be very smart, but all they do is school. Or someone could be very involved in other things like sports, but not do very well in school. Well if a student constantly forgets to do a homework assignment i wont feel bad for them. They need to be responsible enough to know whats going on and what we have to get done. No matter what though the decisions we make will always have and outcome, and its your choice if whether you want it to be good or bad.

  27. I think it was a good call by the coach. In my family, academics and school always come before sports. Also a team should probably be respectful to everyone. I think they should be held to a higher standard because they need to be able to exceed in the sport and in school, not just one. I usually just tell them to do otherwise if they are doing something stupid or doing something that will result in a consequence.

  28. The decision that the coach made was very wise. Sometimes athletes are only known for their amazing skills, but they need to be respectful and supportive towards others. Some coaches are scared to stand out and act on things that shouldn't be put up with. Some of the best coaches are those who are leaders and will act out on a problem that shouldn't be tolerated. The coach not only benefited the team, but also people world wide because character is really all that matters. Character is what makes a person successful and well known for their conduct. Character will ALWAYS be revealed in an athlete. If an athlete or anyone is going to regret an action that they made then they should not be representing a school or an athletic team. Students should always be held to a high standard to do extracurricular activities. All of the top athletes right now have amazing character and they are always out helping to make a change in the world. I think everyone should have the outlook to strive to help the world. It doesn't have to be a huge change it could just be stopping a bullying situation. Life is full of opportunities so take them, and it's full of second and even third chances, but some things shouldn't be put up with. I hold others accountable towards how they act towards peers, teachers, family, and even strangers. Doing an action and regretting it is a problem, but those who have the courage to go back to the person they hurt and apologize is sometimes what makes them a better person. People should have consequences when it some to doing the crime.

  29. I think the coaches actions were brilliant. Team sports need to have teams that can work together and have trust in eachother. Charecter is a very importsnt part of a person and if you lack charecter it is hard to get anywhere in life. Though his choices were risky they paid of and it was the right moral choice. I absolutely believe that after school activities should be held to a higher standard becasue they are preperation for life just like school, just depends how you look at it. After school activites are also a chance to make friends and socalize. If you lack charecter then you will never be able to do that. I hold others to a standard based on who they are. If they are efficent people who get the job done i hold them to a very high standard. If the person very rarely gets the job done iI don't expect much from them considering they usualy,well, fail at the task at hand.

  30. I don’t think that the athletes should be held to a higher standard. I do think that they should be a good representative for the school or team they are playing for. I play sports and feel that every player in the sport should set a good example for younger and fellow class mates. We should treat everyone in or out of school the same and not ever bully anyone ever.

  31. I think that the coach did the right thing. If you want a good athlete, they have to balanced both physically and mentally. I do think that students in extracurricular activities should be held at a higher standard. If they are trying to represent the school, they need to do it in a good way. I try to hold people accountable by trying to point it out to them. Like if they were telling story that made them look better and it didn't actually happen, I'd try to say something like "Are you sure that really happened?" Saying stuff like that will point out to the person that you know that they're lying and that they should stop. Otherwise it'll make them look really, really bad.

  32. I think that the coach's decision was a wise one and that people who do participate in extracurricular activities should be held at a higher respect, yet frankly I do not mind what people do outside of school, due to the fact School is a place to learn and Life is a place to do what you love.

  33. I think that the coach made a great decision. Students who participate in extracurricular activities should be held at higher standard because they are representing their school. Kids spend most of their life at school, so your school makes a big impact on you and how you act and when kids act like these ones did it makes their school look bad because it shows that the school isn't keeping them in line and that they are not teaching kids to act like responsible, hard-working, citizens. This coach did exactly what he be doing. I hold others accountable for their actions in and out of school by pointing them out when they say something rude or are about to make a bad decision. Also others hold them selves accountable because people can see how they act and represent themselves.


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