Thursday, September 19, 2013

Inside the Actor's Studio

Last night I was watching the finals of America’s Got Talent.  One of the segments included a man by the name of James Lipton.  James Lipton is the host of a show called Inside the Actor’s Studio.  It has been airing on Bravo since 1994.

The show is an interview between Mr. Lipton and celebrities ranging from Paul Newman to the Cast of Glee.  He ends each show with a series of questions which provide the audience insight into the personality of the celebrity.  This week you are going to answer these questions. 

For your comment please respond to the following:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What inspires creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
5. What sound or noise do you love?
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
7. What is your favorite curse word? ***KEEP IT CLEAN
8. What profession would you like to attempt?
9. What profession would you not like to do?
10. When you get to Heaven, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?


  1. My favorite word is extravagant, I guess. I don't really have a favorite word. My least favorite word is got. Nature and traveling inspires me. Anything broken, like shattered glass, turns off my creativity. I love the sound of birds tweeting on Sunday mornings after sleeping in late. I hate the sound of ocean waves that comes from Mrs. Governale's sound machine. My favorite curse word is sh**. I want to become an author but not full-time. I'll have a real job too. I'm not sure what it will be yet, but I know for sure I never want to have to work in a grey cubicle or a bland office. I want God to say to me, "You made a positive change in the world. Well done, Grace."

  2. 1) My favorite word is fire.
    2) My least favorite word is hate.
    3) Wildlife inspires me.
    4) Country music turns me off creatively.
    5) I love the sound of thunder.
    6) I don't like the sound chalkboards.
    7) My favorite curse word is poop.
    8) I would like to be a vet.
    9) I would not like to be an astronaut because I don't want to be lost in space.
    10) When I get to heaven I would like God to say that I can come in.

    1. Whoops I meant I don't like the sound chalkboards make.

  3. 1. My favorite word is serendipitous.
    2. My least favorite word would have to epic.
    3. Music inspires me, as long as it's music I like.
    4. Any kind of pop music dulls and numbs my mind completely.
    5. Anything quiet and soft.
    6. Loud, crying babies, especially in church.
    7. Shizzle.
    8. I will probably end up working in a cube farm. (Sorry Grace)
    9. I would not like to be a fast-food worker. Ever seen the Chicken McNuggets rampage video?

  4. 1.)Favorite word is pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (acually a real word)
    2.) Least favorite word is legit
    3.) Music and wildlife
    4.) people talking too much
    5.) Rain and storms
    6.) People scraping their feet on concrete
    7.) Poop
    8.) A professional dancer of photographer
    9.) I wouldn't like to work at any sort of factory
    10.) I would love it if God told me that I have affected the world positively and I am definitely welcomed into Heaven

  5. 1.I don't really have a favorite word, but I guess it would be exuberant.
    2. My least favorite word is radical.
    3.I am inspired by my role models and people I know.
    4.Anything that is dull and boring.
    5.I like the sound of crickets, I guess.
    6. I hate the sound of certain scratching noises that make you cringe.
    7.My favorite curse word is sh**.
    8. I would like to attempt to be a doctor.
    9. I would not want to work in cubicles or be a teacher.
    10. "You have done well"

  6. 1. My favorite word is Watanabe. I know that is a last name, but it is so much fun to say.
    2. My least favorite word is bro or any word that people use in Text terms
    3.Music and Technology inspire me
    4. I would agree with Grace that Mrs. G's sound thing and Heavy Metal
    5. I love little puppies growl and bark
    6. I hate the sound of knifes and forks grinding against glass or porcelain plates.
    7. Gnards
    8. I would like to be a cyber security guy for the Navy or work at Apple
    9. I would hate to be a physicist
    10. "We've been expecting you."

  7. 1) My favorite word (phrase) is awesome as de possum.
    2) My least favorite word is swagger
    3) People who have succeeded in life inspire me, make me want to be like them.
    4) Definitely without a doubt Mrs. G's white noise machine.
    5) When people speak a different language and you just sit there like whaaaa
    6) I hate the sound of marker on paper and chalk on a chalk board.
    7)My favorite curse work is sh**
    8) I have absolutely no idea what profession I would like to be when i grow up maybe a orthopedic surgeon?
    9)I wouldn't like to be anyone who works with snakes, i hate snakes.
    10)You did a good job.

    1. I was writing this while watching the "Interview"

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1. Pineapples (It's true)
    2. Swagger
    3. Musicalness
    4. Every song out right now
    5. Rain during a storm
    6. Scraping of chalkboards and cars (When your to close in a car or the sidewalk and it makes that SCRRRREEEECHHHH)
    7. Sh**
    8. Astronomer
    9. Plumber (Except not as bad of a pay raise as I thought)
    10. Please come in

  10. 1. Xoloitzcuintli (it's a type of dog)
    2. Swag or mainstream
    3. Listening to wise people talk, reading, and drawing
    4. Watching stupid, addictive shows like Here Comes Honey Boo Boo
    5. My grandma's angelic singing voice
    6. Teeth scraping against styrofoam
    7. Oh sh**
    8. Architect, Marine Biologist, or professional cyclist
    9. Any job that requires me to deal with needles
    10. I always imaged God to have a little resime for each person, and when it's my turn for him to look at it. I want him to study it, give it a "good to go" stamp, and let me in.

  11. Sorry for 10. I mean that I always imaged God to have a little summary of each person's life, and when it's my turn for Him to look at it, I want Him to give it a "good to go" stamp and let me in.

  12. 1. My favorite word would have to be aripiprazole (It's a medicine that they show on a commercial. I think it sounds funny)or yoga tohawk.
    2. My least favorite word is cracra. So stupid.
    3. Probably nature or someone doing something successful. Also pictures.
    4. I like the sound of my puppy or the beach.
    5. I hate the sound that you make when you rub against the mat type stuff and it's scratchy and kind of like chalk on a board.
    5. butternuts or shizzles.
    6. I would like to be a photographer or a dog trainer/agility trainer.
    7. I don't really know, but I wouldn't want to be a garbage truck person or maid.
    8. I would like God to say, "You were awesome down there, especially in handling Mr. Grant and Social Studies." (Just kidding) I would actually like Him to say, "You were awesome down there, come on in to Heaven." Then He would give me a high-five or fist-bump, and we would walk through the Pearly Gates and into Heaven.

    1. 4. I also like the sound of my wind chimes when it's windy.

    2. Wait, I missed a question:
      4. What turns me off would be something that has been repeated.

  13. 1. Success
    3. Cats
    4. Closed minds
    5. I like the sound of alternative music.
    6. Rap
    7. Swi**ity Sw**ty (Kind of a bad word, but it just sounds funny)
    8. I would like to be a surgeon, pediatrics or plastics
    9. I wouldn't like to be a lawyer. I get to scared to even stand up for myself.
    10. "I love you, I have and will always love you."

    1. Hey I have a joke for you Mr. Grant.
      Why was six afraid of seven?
      Because seven has cold dead eyes.
      (I don't know why I find that funny...)

    2. Heh I got one.
      Where does George Washington keeps his armies?
      In his sleevies!

    3. I got one for Halloween

      Why couldn't Dracula's wife go to sleep?

      Because of his coffin!

    4. Why can't the fox and the hound be friends?
      Because the hound is antisocial.

  14. My favorite word is "Yes"
    Least favorite - Shut up
    What inspires me - open mindedness
    What turns me off - arguing
    What noise I love - Children laughing
    What noise I hate - slamming doors or pouring liquid in a glass
    Favorite curse word - Son of a Nutcracker
    Profession to try - Professional Soccer player
    Profession I would not want to do - Veterinarian or Zoo Keeper
    What is God going to say - Welcome, you made the most of the gifts you were given, it will be nice to have you here.

  15. 1. Awesome
    2. Stellar (sorry Mrs. Gamboa)
    3. I think Nature inspires me or any other things that look cool.
    4. Children crying or screaming
    5. Real Ocean Waves or the sound of birds chirping
    6. Nails on chalkboard, wood scraping wood, squeaking sneakers
    7. Crap or sh**
    8. A vet or a soccer player
    9. Garbage man or a fry cook
    10. We have been accepting you or don't just stand there come in.

  16. 1. Legit
    2. No
    3. Music inspires me.
    4. Country music turns me off. It's not very creative.
    5. Swish (like a basketball)
    6. Crying babies.
    7. Damn
    8. I would like to be in the NBA when I get older.
    9. I would hate to work like a desk job because I hate sitting. McDonalds isn't a great job either.
    10. "I'm proud of you."

  17. 1. Minillion
    2. moist
    3. my role models, family, nature, music
    4.babies crying
    5. people laughing
    6. when you scrach a fork againt a plate
    7. fart
    8. vet or a teacher
    9. a job were you sit at a cubicle the whole day
    10. how proud he is of me

  18. 1.whomping
    2.can't role models and people that inspire me
    4.obnoxious laughing
    5.the sound of a golf club chipping the grass
    6.when you write on a chalk board
    8.I would like to be an owner of a great hotel
    9.I would hate to work at taco bell proud he is of me

  19. 1.yes
    2.can't and good music
    4.people trying to be something that they're not
    5.horses hooves on the grounds
    6.the sound of a fork scratching on a plate or chalk on a chalkboard.
    7.gnard or a world qualifying barrel racer
    9.I would not want to work in a factory
    10.Welcome, you have made a positive change in the world. We are very happy to have you here.

  20. 1) Cow puncher or tedious.
    2) Your mom is my most hated sentence.
    3) When I look at the moon, and realize that I am very insignificant, but continue to live anyway.
    4) When people ignore me.
    5) The sound of kitty paws.
    6) When people scratch their arms and they’re really dry. I hate that sound and I just want to run away.
    7) Por dios or poop loop.
    8) I would like to dabble in ancient astronaut theory, become an ancient astronaut, or professional card dealer in Las Vegas.
    9) Mortician.
    10) I wasn’t expecting you… soon!

    1. I want God to say to me "Here, have a cheese burger in paradise."

  21. 1) razzleberry
    2) SWAG
    3) nature and music
    4) screaming little kids
    5)"down set hut"or "here goes the pitch"
    6) nails on a chalkboard
    7) piece of s***
    8) I would love to be a pro football or baseball player
    9) work at McDonalds or a garbage man
    10) "come in and join the party"

  22. !.) My favorite word is Why.
    2.) My least favorite word is No.
    3.) When I listen to music.
    4.) People interrupting my thoughts.
    5.) I love the sound of an electric guitar.
    6.) I dislike the sound of people whining.
    7.) I don’t have a favorite curse word because I don’t curse.
    8.) I would like to attempt to be an architect.
    9.) I would not like to be a surgeon.
    10.) I would like for God to say, "I have been expecting you."

  23. 1.) Fancy (as in "I fancy that")
    2.) Squat
    3.) Poetry
    4.) Over-stimulation
    5.) The popping of a record when you put the stylus on the vinyl
    6.) Over-done chord progressions in songs
    7.) God-dangit/d*mnit
    8.) Something in medical, whether it be in emergency medicine or epidemiology
    9.) Anything to do with the music industry
    10.) God would just give me a slight smile... and then hopefully let me in...

  24. 1) My favorite word is rebel
    4)the word no
    5)pages flipping in a book
    6)someone licking and smacking their lips like they've never seen a meal in their lives.
    7)oh sh** that wasn't supposed to happen
    8)being a surgeon
    9)printing copies of books that I wasn't allowed to read
    10) I just hope that He says that he's proud of me and that He loves me and that He's so happy that I'm finally home with him. and then let me in to see everyone that I'd lost.

  25. 1.)Beastmode
    3.)music, sports
    4.)loud noises/talking
    5.)basketballs bouncing and baseball on leather,
    6.) writing or nails on a chalkboard
    8.)baseball,football, or basketball player, or an engineer
    !0.)"Andoni is here. It's about to go down."

  26. 1.) onomatopoeia
    2.) swag or yolo
    3.) books
    4.) country music
    5.) I like the sound of rain on the window
    6.) I hate sounds like chalk makes on a chalkboard
    7.) I'm going to have to go with sh**
    8.) I want to be a veterinarian
    9.) I would not like to work in a factory
    10.) `"Well done."

  27. 1) dubitably
    2) yolo
    3) nature
    4) people
    5) of people praising me
    6) one that is often confronted at school daily
    7) "I sh** you not."
    8) a pediatrician
    9) a secretary
    10) "It has arrived."


  28. 1)hope
    3)music, or a life event
    4)when it was a sad event or jst some dome thing that happened
    5)laughter but not the creepy laughter happy laughter!!
    6)a screeching noise or people crying or screaming
    8)a nurce that works with kids with cancer!
    9)working at mocdonalds
    10)we have been waiting!! the god of awesome is here !

  29. 1. Yolo
    2. Loser
    3. Music
    4. Jazz Music
    5. laughter
    6. Screeching noise like a bad brake
    7. Kurwa mach no
    8. Physicist
    9. flipping burgers
    10. You have been accepted hooray!

  30. 1. Hope
    2. I can't
    3. Nature
    4. Homework
    5. Laughter
    6. Pencils Squeaking
    7. Poop
    8. Violinist and Professional Dancer
    9. An Accountant
    10. Welcome to paradise

  31. 1. Invincible.
    2. Puke sounds weird, and its meaning is even worse.
    3. Nature, music, and the Bible.
    4. Certain types of music and violence.
    5. Rain, most bird calls (some birds are annoying…), babies laughing.
    6. Babies crying and any repetitive type of sound.
    7. Shnikes'
    8. Not sure, astrophysicist, doctor?
    9. I’d hate working in a mental asylum. You’d end up insane as well.
    10. “Good job Nathaniel. You truly made the world a better place.”

    1. Actually, my fav. curse "phrase" is- "Billions of Blue Blistering Barnacles!!!"
      -Captain Haddock (Tintin series)

  32. 1.) Awesome
    2.) Yolo
    3.) Wild life and cool views
    4.) Bad things and sadness
    5.) The sound of rain and bird singing
    6.) People screaming and yelling
    7.) sh**
    8.) A professional trap shooter or a wild life and game officer
    9.) A deck job or a janitor
    10.) “It’s about time!!!”

  33. 1. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
    2. no
    3. music inspires me
    4. people talking about educational stuff
    5. I like the sound of the waves at the organ coast
    6. screeching sounds
    7. sh** or damit
    8. I don't really know yet ,but traveling sounds cool
    9. I'd hate to have the job of a plumber
    10. I would like God to say that I did everything I needed to to be the best person I can be

  34. 1.) Banana
    2.) Screech
    3.) Nature
    4.) Loud Noises
    5.) Bee's Buzzing
    6.) Knives hitting each other
    7.) f*ck/ or basterd
    8.) A comedian (it pays the bills)
    9.) Plumber
    10.) Come on in child.

  35. 1Schmuck
    3The Wrath of Nature
    4People annoying me
    6People talking
    9Garbage Man
    10We welcome you with open arms


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