Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nelson Mandela

On December 5, 2013 the world lost one of its great leaders.  Nelson Mandela passed away at the age of 95.  While all of us impact the world, very few can claim to have a widespread and substantial influence on the world that will be felt by endless generations.  Mandela’s commitment, perseverance, and loyalty to the vision of what South Africa could be is remarkable to say the least. 

During his lifetime he actively and non-violently protested against the legalized segregation of South Africa, spent 27 years in prison, was elected President of South Africa, and put the country on the path to economic, social and political reform. 

Below is a link to an article which biographies his life.  Please read. 

What is something you learned about Mr. Mandela you did not know before reading the article?  What part of his life do you find most fascinating?  How do you think Nelson Mandela has influenced the world beyond South Africa? 


  1. I learned that many referred to him as Madiba and others called him Tata. I found it interesting that he and his wife got a divorce. Nelson Mandela changed South Africa without using violence and only words; it seems like by using words he should have been able to work it out with his wife. I don't know about the situation they had though, I just found it interesting. I think that Nelson Mandela has shown people that you can change something that isn't right with just words and nonviolent protests; you don't have to be violent. Whether you're changing something as big as government or just something small, you don't have to do it violently.

  2. I never knew that he was held in prison for 27 years. For a whole 27 years he was inside a jail cell every day. But he still did not stop fighting for his rights. It's amazing that someone could even last 1 year let alone 27. I can't pin point one part of his life that I find the most interesting. I feel he, as a human being, was interesting. Having the patience to fight apartheid and stay in prison for 27 AND still fight peacefully. I have no idea how to pull something like that off. I, this is just my nature, would at some point fight back with violence. But he didn't even try violence. He just took it and tried to be peaceful about everything. I think that he has affected the world like Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. has. He spread a message of love and peace to the world. He didn't want the world to resort to violence when something bad happened, he just wanted peace. He has told the world "Here I am. I'm standing right here. But you can't move me no matter how hard you try. No matter how many punches you throw, no matter how many rounds you fire, I'll be standing right here. Not trying to hurt anyone, just standing."

  3. I didn't know that he belonged to the Xhosa clan and that his name there was Rolihlahla, which means "troublemaker." I think the most interesting part of his life was 27 years in prison. That's almost 3 decades doing backbreaking work and practically living off of nothing but porridge. I wouldn't have been able to sit their that long, then be released at an older age and still become president. What Mandela did during those 27 years was amazing. I mean, wow, 27 years in prison, it's such a looooooong time. Mandela had influenced the world just by being so awesome. He showed the world that peace and non-violence works just as well as war and death, and the end result can be even better. He showed us that any country can be brought out of poverty and oppression, even is you only use words. Nelson Mandela was truly a great and redoubtable leader, and we can all learn something from him.

  4. From reading the article I learned that was known to by other names like Madiba and was known as a terroist in the U.S and Great Britain. I also learned that he helped fight diseases like AIDS and HPV that we common in his country. The part about his life that I find most fascinating was that he came from being in jail to being the president
    South Africa. That is quiet a change within such a short period of time.He is the new poster child for human rights and against segregation. He has impacted all of us by his words and we have all become less racist as a country. Though we don't have apartheid we still have racism and Nelson Mandela helped with that.

  5. I learned that he was called different names, came from the Xhosa clan, and that he fought HIV/AIDS. I found it most interesting that even after 27 years in prison, he still was willing to fight for what he believed in. I think Nelson Mandela has showed people that you can use nonviolent protests to change things for the better. He also was able to get rid of apartheid in South America, which helped the world better rid legalized segregation.

  6. I learned that Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. That's kind of shocking. I found his political career most interesting. He wasn't just a "politician". He was a fighter, and he was punished multiple times for his beliefs as a politician. Nelson Mandela showed the world that even in the darkest, most oppressing times, democracy can still prevail.

  7. I learned that the U.S. government dubbed him a terrorist. I find that so stupid that we would do something that could even be considered racist because they were trying to stop someone that was trying to help the blacks. I found that Nelson's time in jail was his most important time because not only did the people really want it now, he also wrote letters and made a big impact on South Africa.Nelson showed the world that old trends can be overcome. Just because you have been doing something for a long tie doesn't mean it has to stay.

  8. I learned that he was called Madiba and Tata by many people. I found the part where he was in jail for 27 years the most fascinating part. It was inspiring that he went through all that to gain freedom for his people. Nelson Mandela has had a major impact on people around the globe. He won the Nobel Peace Prize after all, which should say something about how many people he affected. His memorial was attended by dozens of world leaders, some of whom were sworn enemies. He really had a huge impact on the world, and we will miss him.

  9. I was unaware that Nelson Mandela was a recipient of the Noble Peace Prize along with F.W. de Klerk; I had understood that outstanding deeds that both men had put forth, but I was unaware of their immense impact upon the Noble Peace prize. I find it most fascinating that Nelson Mandela was brave enough to not seek spite to those who condemned him after serving a myriad amount of time in prison; I find this admirable in the way that no matter how many times people trespass upon my life, there can never be enough to seek spite. To many it seems that Nelson Mandela was a greatly influential person, both to the Afrikaans of South America who were given hope to always seek their goal of overcoming their fears of apartheid, but Nelson Mandela also gave influence to people around the world to always no matter what people condemn you to: never to seek wrath upon them, and to never take a violent approach to mend the flaws in life. Nelson Mandela told us to always move on from the past, and make the best decisions for ourselves, and to love and respect others, even those who have wronged us.

  10. What I never knew is that whole thing about the epidemic of AIDS. I also didn't know about the names that were given to him. Like Tata and Madiba. Another thing is that he was called a terrorist. Possibly I misread the text. But I would not understand why. He did peaceful protests. He did not cause "terror". What I find most interesting about his life is when South Africa hosted the 1995 Rugby World Cup. People hated the Springboks but Mandela said for them to support them. He even presented the trophy when they won the Cup. He was an influence to all of us. I would say that he was like Martin Luther King Jr. Martin loved both whites and blacks, same with Mandela. He has taught us to love each other and to not seek revenge. Simply forgive them.


  11. I never knew about the death of his son from AIDs. It must have been hard for him to announce the death of his child from an epidemic that he could have helped if he had been informed. I find it most interesting the time he spent in prison. Even when he was in the worst of times he still had his big smile and the want for a nonviolent world. Today we see his work being done in nonviolent protests. He has impacted the world in so many ways and I hope that he knew that when he died.

  12. What I learned from reading this was the Nelson Mandela won the Noble Peace Prize. I can totally see that happening, though. I think Nelson Mandala was a very interesting man. If I was put in prison for sticking up for my beliefs that were obviously right, I would be so angry. He wasn't though. He was very peaceful and kind, probably why he was so influencual. I find that very inspiring because I am very passionate with my beliefs, and I could easily get VERY angry if someone is trying to tell me I am wrong when I don't feel it. I think that him becoming president was very influential and empowering. It showed the world that change is possible through peaceful motivation. I'm glad he lived a long life that inspired thousands of people.

  13. I learned about the different names he was called, how his son died of AIDS, and how America dubbed him a terrorist. I think that is really stupid because he fought for everyone's rights and was being the opposite of a terrorist. The part of his life that I find the most fascinating is the fact that he went to jail for 27 years and still had the will to fight and never give up. I also think it is amazing that his son died of AIDS, and he divorced with his wife, but he still fought on. Nelson Mandela had a huge impact on the whole world. He taught people to always fight for there rights and to never give up in what they believe in.

  14. I learned that Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. I think that the most fascinating part of his life was the time he spent in jail because after that 27 years he still fought for his beliefs. I think that he influenced the world beyond South Africa by showing people that you can still fight for your beliefs in a peaceful way.

  15. I learned that Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa and that his son dies of AIDS. The most intresting thing about his life to me was when him and his wife got a divorce, and that he was in prison for almost 30 years! But STILL had the courage to keep protesting. He has influenced the world beacsue he gave blacks a say. He stood up for what was right and didn't let anyone tell him differently. But he did this with non-violent protests. It goes to show what a man he was. HE was being the bigger man by not using violence to get what he wanted but by using supporters to help him excise apartheid. In conclusion Nelson Mandela was a great man and although he had some ups and downs in his ife he was still willing to help.

  16. I learned that Nelson Mandela's son died of AIDS. I cant imagine how hard it was for him, and his family. Even though Nelson Mandela's life was already very interesting, the most interesting part of his life was how he made it through prison for 30 years, and right when he got out he kept doing what he thought was right for his country. Nelson Mandela influenced not only South Africa, but the whole World. His form of leadership and commitment was a thing that made many other people do what they can to help out. Nelson was a great leader,president, father, and just a good over all person. He did what he could to make the world a better place. Rest in Peace Nelson.

  17. I learned from reading this article that Nelson Mandela had a child with AIDS and was part of the Xhosa clan and was called Madiba from the clan members. I found it most fascinating that Nelson Mandela fought to overcome South Africa's problems with apartheid. He wasn't going to give up even if it meant 27 years of his life in prison. All his struggle payed off when he became the first African American president in South Africa and won the Noble Peace Prize. Nelson impacted many people all around the world. He showed that everyone of different races can have a say. He also showed that there is a peaceful way to protest and that violence is not the way to solve the issues. If Nelson Mandela never did the things he did, the world wouldn't have been the same. Many around the world recognize the great things he did for the world and honor him for that.

  18. I have learned a lot about Nelson Mandela by just reading this article that I have never known before. I learned that Nelson was a great leader that had a lot of ups and downs in his life, the ups were becoming South Africans president, fighting off segregation in his country, making his country come together in a form of one with no segregation, and just leading his country to greatness. The downs were his sons death from aids, living in prison for almost half of his life just because he was protesting the bad things about segregation, and the bad people in his life. I didn't know much about Nelson before reading this article, but one thing I did know is that he was a strong leader that lead his country to greatness. I think the most fascinating part of his life was probably his struggles and overcoming those struggles. The struggles include a lot of things like fighting in segregation, and living in prison, and also living with sons death that really made him depressed and sad, I think Nelson overcame these by just not listening to the bad things in life, but mostly thinking about the positive things that would later lead him to accomplish all sorts of things, he was a positive man and that's how he achieved lots of things in his lifetime. I think he influenced the world on his leadership that is known as one of the best leaders today, his passion to do what is right for not only his country, but everybody, his focused mind on everyone becoming one and becoming all equal, that way no one will favor the other one, which is mostly segregation. In conclusion Nelson was a strong man that had great ideas for our nation and lead his country to greatness by becoming one community that is very bright, even though he had some tough times in life he always overcame them and looked at the positive things, he is a great man that was cherished by many people and he will be missed. Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela.

  19. I did not know that Nelson Mandela's son died of AIDS or about how it took Mandela a while to react to the epidemic. What I thought was the most interesting was how South Africa's new constitution was the first in the world to have the protection of gay rights because I never really gave much thought to that subject and I just thought it was interesting how the author decided to stick that in the article. Overall, I think that Mandela influenced more than South Africa in ways that I don't even have words for. He showed how peaceful protests are more effective than violent ones even if they might take longer. He was a man who accomplished extraordinary things, and he taught the world patience and understanding. It is a sad thing that he has left this world, but that is what we all must do eventually.

  20. I am actually surprised that I did know most of the things mentioned in the article, but half of them I’ve heard in the past few weeks. One thing which I did not know about Nelson Mandela was that he was called Madiba and Tata. I also didn’t know that his tribal name Rolihlahla meant “troublemaker”. His 27 years spent in prison are very interesting. I find it shocking that after all that time in prison; he didn’t get angry at the people who imprisoned him. Another question that I wonder often is, “What else did he do in prison?” His ability to maintain a cool head at all times was certainly an admirable quality. Nelson Mandela has influenced the whole world greatly. Through his peaceful talks and methods of conveying his message, people across the world know about him. He is following the same methods of peacemakers of long ago such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. People in other countries are able to see that any issue between race or religion is possible, even in today’s era. I feel this is important for countries that are going through struggles with other countries. Even if two countries are the most dreaded of enemies, there may be a way for them to compromise and work together.

  21. I learned that Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison. I was surprised to learn that he got a divorce with his wife. It was sad to learn that his son died of AIDS. The part of his life I found the most fascinating was his time as president and his time advocating for peace. He has influenced the world by showing and proving that peace is ALWAYS the answer and violence is NEVER the answer.

  22. I learned that Nelson Mandela had three wives and that his son died of AIDS. I was fascinated and awed at the fact that after being put in 27 years in prison, Mr. Mandela still forgave the white leaders who had put him their. I think Mandela has inspired the world to think of the positive changes that people can make without the need of violence and hate. He shows that change is a long journey, but with the right attitude, anyone can help accomplish it.

  23. What is something you learned about Mr. Mandela you did not know before reading the article? What part of his life do you find most fascinating? How do you think Nelson Mandela has influenced the world beyond South Africa?

    I learned that he was in prison for awile. how he had 3 wives I thought that was kinda funny. I think he was a great man that changed peoples lif and was an inspiration to all people and really knew how to talk!

  24. I learned that he was the first president post apartheid. He also continued to do good for society after his presidency and to his death. He broke boundaries that no man before him did. He made a huge impact on South Africa and the world during his lifetime. I think the most fascinating thing about Nelson Mandela was his change from prisoner to president. He was locked up for speaking out. This was an awful prison and he was forced to work. He has made an immense impact on the world out side South Africa. People realized that segregation was wrong. He taught mankind that all people deserve a chance. A chance to make something of their time. He taught us that the giving of ourselves for what we believe can change the world.

  25. Something that I learned about Nelson Mendela is that he launched a Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He let murderers who confessed be free of charges. Now, Mr. Mandela was a very brave and intelligent man, I do not think that was right. People being set free after killing another human being just because they said they did it? That makes it seem killing someone isn't that bad because you're not going to jail for it. But he knew what he was doing and so I guess it did ensure that the seeds of hatred were not planted. What was fascinating about him was he never let anything get him down. He never quit on himself or society. He knew what had to be done and did it. He influenced not just South Africa but pretty much the entire world. His story says that with hard work and determination, equality is soon to come. Yes, we still have a long road ahead of us on both racism and sexism, but Nelson Mandela did help out quite a lot.

  26. I learned many of Nelson Mandela's ups and downs throughout his life that I didn't know before. One thing that I didn't know before was that he was in prison for 27 years just for sticking to what he believed was right. Many people look up to him because even when he was in prison he still was trying to make an impact on the world. One thing I also didn't know about him was that his son died from AIDS. He was always advocating for peace and even when in tough circumstances. One of the most interesting part of his life was when he became president and all he did to fill his duty. He took on a major role and showed the world that violence is never the answer. He worked through some of the biggest problems in the world today through speaking and standing up for what he believed in and many others. The world has definitely lost a major leader but his legacy will always last. He showed the entire world how ALL people should be treated the same way no matter what. Not only has South Africa been influenced I think the whole world has by what he has showed us all.

  27. I think Nelson Mandela was a great leader. One thing that I learned was that he died at the age of 95. The most fascinating thing about the r reading was that he was put into prison for 27 years because he truly believed in what he thought was right. I think that Nelson Mandela is a great leader and role model for all people to look up to because he has shown people how you can be passionate about something and still succeed even though it may be really hard and take a long time. Another reason he is great leader is that he has shown people how to be courageous and to stand up for what you think is right no matter the cost. In conclusion, I think that Nelson Mandela lived a good life and made a huge impact on many peoples lives.

  28. I looked up to Nelson Mandela when I learned about him as a way of helping others, just helping those in need. And knowing now that he spent 27 years in prison AND stayed peacefully gives me a bit of amazing respect for him. I mean prison is able to confuzzle your brain for such a long time. Plus he ended up being a role model to those in South Africa and outside. What he was was hope, he showed everyone hope, and that is really how I will remember this guy.

  29. I learned that the US Government believed he was a terrorist, which all in all doesn't surprise me much since the US has for the most part been quite skeptical of various revolutionaries and politicians. Also I can't really define what was the most fascinating, more or less the skepticism and punishment he was given during his early time protesting, yet the determination and dedication still amazes me, I feel the whole world has learned that if you are fully dedicated with a passion for something, especially the right thing you can change the world for the better no matter what seems right or normal to others.

  30. Before reading this article I did not know that Mandela was at one point the president of South Africa. I also did not know about this amazing man, was that he was in prison for many years for fighting for what he thought was right. I find that even when he was in prison for some part of his life he was still able to be president of South Africa; he must have been a very influential person. I think he has influenced the world by showing if you put your mind to it you can do anything.

  31. What I learned about Mr. Mandela that I didn't know was that his tribal name was Rolihlahla which meant "troublemaker." Although this detail isn't very big I find it very interesting and actually pretty important because I believe that you get to see how this person came to be threw their family and early beginnings.The part of his life where I found it very interesting was his time in prison. He has influenced the world beyond South Africa through all his work he put through to make a stand for what he believed in. Mandela showed to Americans that if you put so much effort into your work then it pays off. He will always be remembered by all.

  32. I learned that in a way Nelson Mandela is like Ghandi or Martin Luther King because of his ways of bringing peace between two races. The one thing I find most facinating is that he dedicated his life to helping others. Because of his efforts, he has set an example for many people who wish to change the world. He shows that it only takes one person to accomplish something big.

  33. I learned, from this article, that Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison just because he was protesting. That whole time he could have been influencing the world ,but he was just sitting in a cell. the thing i found most astonishing was that he was the president of South Africa. (I never knew that about him) He was such a kind person and he devoted his life to helping the world. He influenced the not just South Africa but the whole world by donating a lot of money to the poor and to children, helping others in many ways, and being a great leader. He was an amazing man... R.I.P Nelson :)


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