Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Each year people all over the world start the new year by making themselves promises.  They promise to lose weight, get to the gym more often, stop yelling, be kinder, learn something new, or a host of other things.  The new year represents a new beginning and to many there is no better time to allow yourself a chance to start over. 

I came across a blog post from the Rappler (link below) which has gone through the actions and words from Pope Francis and developed a list of 10 resolutions.  They are:

Don’t gossip
Finish your meals
Make time for others
Choose the ‘more humble’ purchases
Meet the poor ‘in the flesh’
Stop judging others
Befriend those who disagree
Make commitments, such as marriage
Make it a habit to ‘ask the Lord’
Be happy

The link below will bring you to the article which explains in greater detail. 

Do you have any New Year’s resolutions?  If so, do you mind sharing?  What do you think of the idea of having New Year’s resolutions?  After looking at the list and reading the article about Pope Francis what are your ideas about the resolutions from the Pope’s quotes?


  1. I do have a New Year's Resolutions. I want to start working out more after this basketball season so that I can become better at sports. I think the idea of New Year's Resolutions are kind of dumb, because most people never do them. I plan on doing mine though. I think the Pope's resolutions are very good and society should take to mind to follow these outstanding resolutions.

    1. FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Didn't you hear Mr. Grant say that the last person who posts is going to get full credit?

    3. You say that resolutions are dumb, but still you have one.

    4. I agree with Keelie. If you think they're dumb, then why to you even bother with them?

    5. HAHAHA! Justin just got owned!!

  2. I do have some New Years Resolutions: get straight A's, don't be distracted, and work to be more humble. I think that having a New Year's Resolution is OK, but since so many people are inconsistent with their commitments, I feel to some extent that making a commitment at any time of the year should be carried through, regardless of other commitments or human weakness. I think that the Pope's resolutions are very real, and work amend the many wrongs that we as a society commit, but tend to overlook when it comes to producing our own New Year's Resolutions. I think that we can all learn from the Pope's recommendations to abide by in the new year, and I think that once a New Year's resolution is made, one should abide to it with all of their will and to not "relapse" back to older ways.

  3. I do have New Years resolutions. Two of them are to get straight A's and to stay in shape. New Years resolutions are great as long as you stick to them, not just to forget about them. The Pope's ideas are a lot more about our faith, which a lot of people would not think of when making their New Years resolution. I think it is great that we are reminded of the more important things also.

  4. Yes, I have many New Years resolutions. One of them is to make my bed in the morning; it actually makes your room feel cleaner and I like coming home from school and finding a clean room. I like New Years resolutions. I like to start a new year by trying to be a better person. However, I think it's an important thing for everyone with resolutions to remember that "it is never too late to be what you might have been." (George Elliot) In this case, it means even if you break your resolution once, that doesn't mean you should just forget about it completely. I like the Pope's resolutions for the most part. It is great if you visit the poor in person, but I think as long as you help in some way that that is good enough.

  5. Some of my resolutions include eating more protein and veggies, getting more sleep, studying harder for tests, and managing my time more efficiently. I think having New Year's resolutions is a good thought, you know, "I'm going to become a better person and start this new year off right!!" and all of that stuff. But what really happens is people make their goals too big and then there is no more resolution because they've succumb to temptation by the beginning of February. Just look at the YMCA parking lot. It's filled to the brim during the breaks of the day because people want to exercise and lose weight, but by the end of the month that parking lot will be dwindling in space and there will be plenty of parking again. I think the Pope has the right idea. His resolutions aren't that big or grand and it's something we should be working on anyways. I really like the ones that say "Finish your meals" and "Be Happy." The first one is so simple. We are always buying more food than we need and wasting it, when we could be donating the money we waste on that food to the poor. The other one, "be happy," is also very simple, but something we constantly overlook. When you think the world is gray, all you have to do is remember the things you already have and be happy to have them and be alive and well. I think by having these simpler, and in a way, more beneficial resolutions, we will be able to follow through with them and be better people because of it.

  6. To me, a new year just means a new year. Like really, it's just a date no need to get all excited. All over the internet people were posting: New Year, new me. No, not new you. You are the same person you were a day ago. It takes a while to change. I guess it might be for motivation, but I wouldn't really say anything until that year is up and I can reflect and go: I really DID change!!! This year I'm not gonna have a resolution I know I can't accomplish, like work out or eat healthy or be kinder and more patient. What I am going to do is really simple. It's going to be doing one small, or big thing, for another person once a day. If I can remember. I don't want my New Year's resolution to be all about me, I want it to be about others. Besides, you always gain when you give. I'll be getting joy by helping others, or just being nice and friendly. The Pope's resolutions are good. We can always learn something from that guy, and I really admire him. I look forward to this year, and I know there will be a lot of change in it for me. BRING IT ON 2014!!!

  7. I have a long list of New Years Resolutions it is long because I know I will give up on most oaf them so I can just narrow them own to the one that feel most important to me. I guess that sounds like I know I'm going to be lazy by third quarter so I'm just going to make myself feel better by having a long list down to a regular list. My New Years resolutions include things that are simple daily tasks like watching one ted talk a day, as well as one thing of lumonisty, read a news article, and practice my Spanish, I am cautiously optimistic that I can achieve these goal but I still have a long time to go. I do think that New Years Resolutions are good ideas but they have to be reasonable enough to accomplish. A bunch of people are out walking every morning by my house which is great but the number is diminish by the second, everyone just gives up by week two and says, I'll wait till next year... They are only good If you keep up with them. I like the popes resolutions because they were all about becoming better people which all of us need to work on, no I am not implying that all of us are bad people in any way. I just think that that is what gets us closer to God. Another thing about resolutions are that they end at the end of a year, so you do something awesome for a year of your life and then give up? They only work if you stick to them.

  8. I have a few New Years resolutions, but I am also kind of continuing with some commitments I made last year (which was a long list at the beginning, not so much at the end). This year, I plan of working harder to get my grades higher. This includes more study time, going to bed earlier, more reading, and less video games. I also would like to start working out, as I have never worked out before. I know I sound like every other person that makes a New Year's resolution, but I am committed. I also plan to make a habit to talk less. I am trying as I hard as I can, but it is tough (Mr. Grant probably just laughed). I think that New Year's resolutions are actually good, because it really does help the person who keeps it to be more disciplined. Therefore, being disciplined is always on their list. I personally think that Pope's resolutions are great. This is because they aren't ones that we usually think of, such as spend time with the poor. This has caused a lot of us to rethink what we are doing. He is giving us a fantastic example on how to really be a new spiritual person. We really needed a leader like that to keep us on ground level and to remind us that there actually can be other people's resolutions. These resolutions are really great which leads me to my last resolution: others first! This is because I feel like I can sometime be kind of selfish and not think of how this could affect other people.
    Hello 2014!

  9. I do have a couple of New Years resolutions. One is to stop slut shaming as I have been guilty of it in the past and two is to get out there more. I think that the Pope's resolutions are great. As a Christian symbol people follow him and if they hear him making these resolutions it may inspire them to change. My favorite resolution of his is don't judge others as it is one of mine as well. I feel like if a big person in the Catholic church says it, people will open their eyes and see that what they think of people can be wrong.

  10. Nate- Personally, I don't have any New Year's resolutions. My aim this year, however, is to get a 4.0 GPA, and generally be as friendly as is possible for me. My goal for the 4.0 is currently threatened by only one class: P.E. After hearing the popes quotes. I think that they are inspiring. His resolutions are simple, but inspiring nonetheless. I like the one about being humble. That is something I need to work on when around my friends.

  11. My New Year's resolution would have to be not fighting with my sister as much as I used to and to not procrastinate as much. I am trying to get on National Jr. Honor Society this year. I think the idea of having a New Year's resolution is great. Its a new year, so find some way to make your life better or someone elses. The pope's quotes are what everyone really works hard to do. It is very hard to do all those things he lists. He listed them because he knows that what he said is what every single person has done. He knows that we don't pay attention to these things very much because we do them every day.

  12. I haven't thought of any new years resolutions yet, but I think that it is a great idea to have resolutions because they can help you become a better person. Even though most people don't follow their resolutions it is still good to set goals for yourself and try to reach them. I think that the popes resolutions are great and that they also help others.

  13. One of my New Years resolution is to practice juggling (soccer) everyday. I like the idea of resolutions. I don't like how most people quit their resolutions after a couple of weeks. I like the Pope's resolutions because they are things that majority of society needs to work on. The one on the Pope's list that I really need to work on is not judging and finishing all of my meals. I have a bad habit of throwing away food and no thinking twice about it.

  14. I do have resolutions this year, they are to stop judging, stop cursing, and not yell. The resolutions are a great way to challenge yourself in order to be better in life and to be more like Jesus. I believe that the Popes resolutions are inspiring and are all resolutions that we all must follow.

  15. I actually have a new years resolutions. To stop yelling at my siblings, stop popping my knuckles, and to keep my room clean. I think new years resolutions are a great way to challenge yourself for the year, like Tomas said. It's like a goal, and in order to acheive that goal you have to work for it. It's also a great way to become responsible. For example my resolution is to keep my room clean well to achieve that im going to have to be responsible and put my shoes and clothes away, pick up any garbage, and make my bed every morning. I think Pope Francis makes a good point for this years resolutions. But we should be doing those things every year, not just in 2014 but in 2015, 2016, 2017 and so on. But everyone should really set a new years resolution and work hard to achieve it.

  16. My new years resolution is to increase my max bench press by 50 pounds, increase my speed on the forty, and make the Boise High freshman team. I think new years resolutions are a good thing. Even if you don't follow them you tried, and for that time you are trying to better yourself. Pope Francis's New years resolutions are a good guideline on how to live our lives. They should be part of the way we live, and we should live with these thoughts in our minds.

  17. My resolutions this year include eating better, being nicer to others, stop talking back to my parents, and stop procrastinating. After looking at what Pope Francis's resolutions, I am inspired to be a better person and help create a better world. I think everyone should strive to live as he does.

  18. I also like the idea of having New Year's resolutions because it gives you a purpose and goals for the upcoming year. They help you become a better person.

  19. I do have some new years resolutions. They would be to help out more around the house, get into better shape by lacrosse season, help out more in my community, and to stop procrastinating. I find myself doing things in my community that don't really help out. I am going to make an effort this year to reach out more and do things that I normally wouldn't do to help my community. A new years resolution is sometimes just a thought in someone's head, but if you actually achieve your goal it will be way more beneficiary and I think people around you will notice. Procrastinating also ties into this because a lot of people including me sometimes try and wait to achieve their goal but in the end nothing gets done. I tried this year to make better resolutions that I know I can achieve but yet won't be t easy. Having a new years resolution can be good and bad, it just depends on how people want to focus on their yearly goals. Our Pope's goals are a really good example of how to be like a catholic. He made simple but very effective resolutions. Pope Francis made really good resolutions or goals for this new year. Like Adriana said, the things Pope Francis said should be applied to our everyday life for years to come. I do think everybody should have new years resolutions and work hard to prove to yourself that you can achieve your resolutions.

  20. Yeah I do have some new years resolutions. They include talking good to all my surroundings and peers and not talking behind other people's backs because I know its not right and I don't want to be that kind of person who talks smack about people and then people talk smack about me, They also include being nicer to my siblings and more respectful to my parents, also trying my hardest in school, to try to get a good GPA, also trying my hardest in every practice and game in sports, so I will be in the game and not on the bench, I also want to go to church more, because I don't go that much, but I do go with my family when I get a chance to. I like the idea of new year resolutions because they give you a chance to start over and be a better person in all kinds of ways, and I also like the fact that you could share about the things you could do to become a better person. My ideas from the popes quotes is that all he is saying is that we all need to try to be the best person we can be and that can include a lot of things, but we don't want to the way beyond that could possibly tire us out or make other bad outcomes, we just need to try and be the best person we can possibly be, and that is all that matters.

  21. I unfortunately do not have a New Year's resolution. If I'm going to change then I'll change, but I'm not going to force myself to do something that I'll end up not fulfilling anyways. I'll try to be a better person, but I should be trying to do that anyways not because it's a new year. I think that New Year's resolutions are just setting yourself up for disappointment. That doesn't mean people shouldn't have them. In fact, I also think that they are great things to have if you're that sort of person. That just isn't me. The pope had great ideas for New Year's resolutions, he is a very wise man and I think I'll try to follow the things on his list. He has done so much in the short amount of time he has been in the position of pope and it is truly amazing.

  22. My New Year resolution is to be true to myself. I won't let other people push me around and be someone I'm not. I have to stand up for myself and do what is right. I had more on this but I accidentally deleted it so this is the condensed version. Pope Francis mostly centers on gossip. That is very common among our age group and that is also something I need to work on. I think his quotes are very powerful even though they are only a few words, he knows what needs to be done and he doesn't take short cuts to explain the issue.

  23. I don't have any New Years Resolutions. The idea of New Years Resolutions is good, I think, because it gives people a reason to aspire to do something beneficial (at least for the first few months of the new year). Don't judge others is a pretty hard one. I can't help but judge people, even if I know that I shouldn't. Don't gossip is something that I should try to work on. It's something that everyone ends up doing at some time, whether they mean to or not. I think that his list would be very hard to stay true to, but if you could manage, it would be really spectacular.

  24. I do have New Year’s resolutions, the main one to have a 4.0 GPA by the end of this school year. I think New Year’s resolutions are good because they help you set a goal, and something to strive for in the following year. If you do not follow up with your New Year’s resolution, then it is your fault. A way to help keep your resolution is by setting up small goals along the rest of the year. Each month (or so) you could check to see if you have kept up with your goal so far or not. I think the Pope makes many good points with his resolutions. I really like the one about “Finishing your meals”. I have seen poor people before and know the starvation in some places around the world.

  25. I actually don't have any resolutions but I wish I had made one. The idea of New Year's resolutions are really great if you actually follow through with them but in some cases people just say but they don't do them. The resolutions are really amazing because it's true we all do those horrible things and we need to do something about it before we can't tell the difference between wrong and right. Therefore I agree with all the resolutions listed above.

  26. My thoughts on a New Year's Resolution are just something that people should already be doing, not having a specific date to give you the energy to push yourself. I believe in that you should push yourself on any day and to be honest that is something I need real improvement on. I guess on quote I would have a New Year's Resolution in around the same time as I've told myself to try harder in life in general and keep up with the tempo around me. The way in my eyes the Pope sounded to me was to be an overall better person and to what he said live truly humble. In this generation now we make a great deal of "Oh this person gave such and such to a waiter" or "This person did such and such for someone else" as if it is a big deal in life, while in reality these acts of kindness to other people should be something that is seen in everyday life. Now I feel like the world is becoming more in the helping of their selves instead of others and that makes me disappointed. I enjoy life really by trying to make myself feel happier and by making someone else happier I can accomplish that goal. I guess a true "resolution" I should be attempting is make someone I don't know smile every day. The pope we have now is making me always think of him as a role model in his kindness towards others. That is something I strive for and his resolution shows me that a little clearer.

  27. Yes, I have many new years’ resolutions. Some of my include being more patient with my siblings, thing to get a head instead of protracting and put others first. I think that the resolutions of the Pope are very good examples that the rest of the world should try to follow. I think that every person should read the popes resolutions and try to live by them as well. I think that making New Year’s resolutions is a good year to good way to make long term goals.

  28. I do have some resolutions. One of them is to be more respectful towards my parents. I believe that I don't give them enough respect for what they do for me every day. I think the overall idea of it promotes good standards, but you should look to improve yourself every day. From what I have read, it seems that he wants resolutions to be things we can work on to be more like Jesus.

  29. I personally don't have any New Years Resolutions this year, but the idea of them is good. It gives people a chance to make something happen different in their life. Weather it is losing some pounds or giving up something up, they are all worth the while. the pope has some good resolutions this year and i think he is making good choices and trying to be more like Jesus. From what I read the popes resolutions are to influence us all to be more like Jesus. I think the overall idea of New Years Resolutions is good.

  30. Yes I do, I hope to become better at studding for test and to keep my room clean. I think it is good to have a new year’s resolution because we all need a reminder once and a while. Maybe at the beginning of the year it’s a good time to think about how we should spend the new days we have coming. I think Pope Francis resolutions are very good to have because they are more then just think

  31. Yes, I have one resolution. Become stronger. I'm tired of being that scared little girls that I am. So I'm trying to be as strong as I can physically and emotionally. I like the idea of resolutions, but I don't really keep up with them until now. I'm just not a very consistent person. On the other hand, if you want to change yourself, just do it. Don't wait for an excuse, if you want yourself to change then take the initiative.I think that the Pope did a really good job at choosing resolutions this year, it embodies what a lot of people want done, but won't do.


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