Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Women's History Month 2014

March has been designated as Women’s History Month.  The Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Institution, the National Archives and Records Administration, the National Park Service and other government agencies have partnered in paying tribute to the past and present women who have done so much to shape and progress our world. 

This year’s theme is “Women’s Education – Courage, Character and Commitment”.  As we have talked in class, education is the key to all future success.  Whether it is developing a nation, building a community or empowering a group of people, with education anything is possible.  Without education life is not only difficult, but obstacles can be immoveable.  Education is the key to freedom from whatever holds you back.  This insight was not always so obvious. 

While women have always made significant contributions to our country, it is not surprising to me that as more women are entering and completing college that we are seeing more and more women in high profile positions.  This is the first generation with more women enrolled in college than men.  This is truly incredible when you consider social bias against higher education for women was dominant until the 1970’s.  Up through the 1970’s college majors and degrees were often limited to your gender, whether that be through actual college requirements or societal pressure.   Today, women are afforded the same opportunities as men. 

Much of the progress can be attributed to Title IX legislation.  Title IX prohibits gender discrimination by any institute receiving federal funds.  Title IX provides equal access to education, facilities, and scholarships to women.  In addition to academics, women’s participation in athletics has increase by 900% in high school and 450% in collegiate activities.  The impact has been incredible. 

What women stand out to you as making significant contributions to our country and why?  What do you think of Title IX and its impact?  In your lifetime, what “firsts” do you think you will see from women?


  1. I personally think that the most impactful woman in our country is probably Sandra Day O'Connor. This is because she has really blazed a new path for women in their helping of the government. She is the first women to be in the supreme court, and that is kind of saying that women have a larger say in the government than most people think. This is saying that now both sexes can decide on everything from whether a bill should pass to what clothes their mate should wear. I think that Title IX is fantabulous. This is because there really should be a written document saying that both genders are equal. I think that something that may have been holding our country back from having both genders succeed is something tangible that gives women the right to all federal funds, just as men do. I am guessing that one big thing that will be a first in our country is the first female president. This is because we are on the verge of already having this happen, so in time it will more than likely happen.

  2. I think that Susan B. Anthony is a very important woman. She, along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, fought for women's right to vote. She was also involved in the fight against slavery. I think that Title IX is a huge step forward for women's rights. It still doesn't take care of private businesses, but we have come a long way from what it used to be. As Peter said, I think that we will have our first female president soon. We have already had our first African-American President, so I'm sure that a female president will be soon to follow.

  3. Obviously I think that all the first ladies have had a major impact on our country helping problems like obesity and other big problems. They have impacted a lot of people with there campaigns. I think the Title IX is stupid. I know it helps women get into college and such but if you really want to end discrimination you should help the weaker side if we are all "equal". I'm not saying that girls are weaker but that if you want to make things equal you don't make laws to help a certain group while not the other. I think some of the firsts I may see from women would, even though it kind of a long shot, a women priest, a women president, and some women in some other major roles.

  4. Mia Hamm stands out to me. She is considered the best female soccer player in history. I guess you could say that she gained a lot of popularity for the U.S. because she was named FIFA's "World Player of the Year" twice, was the youngest member on the U.S. women's national team, and was the youngest team member in history to win the World Cup. I think that Title IX has changed the country for the better in that women have equal opportunities. I think like most things it's important to hear a different side of the story, and I think women can bring a different outlook than men. However, it doesn't solve the problem about men getting paid more than women for the same job. I think that possibly in my lifetime there will be women deacons in the Catholic Church; I think women priests is a step too far and that they will start with baby steps. I agree with everone else so far that there will also be a woman president (or many) in the near future. I think also women will be available to do more things regarding the military and combat because there are still things that only men can do.

  5. I think a really important woman, at least in freestyle skiing, is Sarah Burke. She greatly helped along the movement of freestyle skiing in the Olympics, especially for women. Sadly, she died before she got to go in a half pipe accident, but without her it wouldn't have been in the Olympics, and definitely not for women. I think Title IX is a great thing, because, come on guys, we all know that women are as good as men, and passing a law to help that just improves thing. As the quote goes, "Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not hard to do." -Charlotte Whitton. It's time that changed. Like a lot of people, I think we will have a female President, and that they above will happen fully. Because as we all know, women can do everything men can do, but we can do it in high heels. (-;

  6. Rosa Parks and other women that fought for rights have made huge contributions to America because the rights they fought for benefited the U.S. Title IX was definitely a needed law because without it there may not have been much equality. Its impacts also seem to benefit America a lot. Like everyone else, I do believe that we will see a women president. We may also see women in other positions of power.

  7. Susan B. Anthony was quite a significant contributor to women in America. She moved many people, and sparked a nationwide suffrage movement for women. She worked for women's right to vote, and changed the U.S. for the better. Title IX was great. It allowed women to succeed to their maximum potential in many ares. It has impacted America greatly, as we can from the statistics mentioned above. I don't know exactly what we'll see from women in the future, but I think it will be in the field of religion. Perhaps female preachers in Catholicism.

  8. One lady that really has been inspiring from all the work she has done is our First Lady Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama has greatly advocated for the education of girls. Not only has she contributed to the importance of education but she has made it clear through her program Let's Move that it is very important to stay active and eat healthy. Honestly I think the Title IX has made a huge difference and has opened up doors for women. The "firsts" I think I will be able to see is to have a female president leading our country. I really don't think it will be so far away until we do have a first female U.S president.

  9. I think that Michelle Obama has made a great impact on our country, for she has sought to help childhood obesity around the nation, which our nation was in dire need of help for the epidemic. I feel the same as Patrick when it comes to the XI plan, I feel that if a woman wants to get into college, they should have the same or better than the credentials of her fellow male applicant. Now, sometimes their credentials are better than their fellow applicants, so why is this Title XI need to be set in the first place? The only way to lessen the discrimination factor in college or any application process is to normalize the applicants and not put one gender above another; if the credentials are better they get in, simple as that. I can imagine seeing First Female President, but to be frank I really just don't know that women haven't accomplished that men have yet.

  10. I think Michelle Obama has been a a great woman leader in our country. She has pushed to make kids more active and gotten involved in the community a lot. I think what title IX us doing is great because it is helping to get women more fair opportunities in the world and being treated the same as men. I think that we could see the first women to play well on a professional males sports team, because Brittany Griner was thinking about playing in the NBA. I think that we could also see the first woman president, but it would be tough to do.

  11. Annie Oakley is one of my favorite women in history. She taught women how to shoot, and thought women should be self-reliant. Although she is seen as a feminist (I thought she was one), she stayed out of the whole Women’s Suffrage movement, and I think that was too prevent anyone from not buying her tickets. I think she broke the normal by being one of the best sharp shooters in America. She inspired, and still inspires women today. I think that Title IX is important and gives women the same opportunity and resources as men. It made colleges give women opportunities that would have been shut out for them. In the past, it was definitely needed as a jumpstart for women. As we progress, Title IX will not be needed as much, because there will be hardly any gender barriers anymore. Its impact has produced powerful and intelligent women who contribute to society. There definitely will be a woman president in my life time.

  12. I think my favorite women has been either Mia Hamm who created Washington Freedom. I also like Abby Wambach. I like these two women because they are really good role models. They also played soccer for the women national team. This two are major role models for women and kids. I like the idea of Title IX. I like it because it makes sure that their is diversity in scholarships and college. I agree that more people are becoming more understanding with culture and women diversity. I do think programs like Title IX will not be needed for much longer. This is good because it show diversity is happening on its own. I think I will see the first women president in my life. I hope it happens sooner than later so I will be able to see more than one women president in my lifetime.

  13. I would have to say that the earlier women in our country would have the most impact because along with the Founding Fathers tey helped shape the U.S.A. Women such as Dolly Madison and Martha Washington shaped our country soo much and hepled our country grow. Title IX is good because it allows the women in our country to have jobs and be able to help, and it creates differences in our Universities and Colleges. I feel that we will never see a women president, but i feel that we will see many other firsts for women such as many high governmental jobs, female preachers, and mant more. In my eyes though women haven't overcame men and never will!!!


  14. I think that there are many outstanding women today, and one you might not know of is Amy Purdy. Amy is currently competing in the 2014 Sochi Paralympic. She is Ranked No. 2 in the world and the only double amputee. Amy is not just an amazing snowboarder, but she is an inspiration to anyone who has any type of handicap. I feel very strong and support her, and also feel lucky enough to say that she is our neighbor. I think that the IX is not a very smart thing to pass, because it can discriminate people from each other. I feel that women have come a long way and we see so many strong and powerful women in this country. I can see that we could have a women president coming fast then most people think. You never know it could even be your neighbor?

  15. I think that Michelle Obama has made a great impact on our country. She is appart of programs that teach kids to be healthy and active. I think that Title IX is great because its giving woman new opportunities and its treating them equal. I think that someday in our generation we will have our first woman president.


  16. I think that Michelle Obama has made a big impact on our nation because of her efforts to lower childhood obesity. She has had exercise days, and I think one time she even went out and exercised with some kids. I think that is Title IX has had a great impact. It opened up new opportunities for women and allowed them more jobs among other things. In my lifetime I hope to see the first woman president of the United States because it will truly prove how far our equality has gone.

  17. don't know many famous women, but I guess that Michele Obama is doing a great job trying to lower child obesity. Obesity is A humongous problem in the United States and Mrs. Obama has a great purpose to try to improve the US and protect it from Obesity. I think that Title IX is good, it has a great impact, and it gives women more opportunities that men can do. I think that there should be soon a first female President because that shows where women can go, and women will be thought of differently.

  18. A woman who has impacted our country quite a lot is probably Oprah Winfrey. She believes that people can always improve their lives (doesn't matter the gender) She has also donated and created many organizations helping the people in our world. She has made hundreds of grants to help education too. I like the Title lX because women are still not being paid equally to men and our still being discriminated, women are given even more opportunities that men have. One of the 1sts for women I'll see is most likely President because more and more woman are getting into politics also I hope to see woman priests in the Catholic Church.

  19. Women run the country. They make the world today a world that can be possible to live in. My favorite famous women leaders today is our mothers. A example would be my mother, my family does not appreciate all of the things my mother does for me. She cooks the most delicious meals for me, she buys me things, and she help keep the house clean. I like the title 1X because women are still not being appreciated as much as they should be. I really hope a women president is coming soon because i thing it would really improve the respect for women today.

  20. Women leaders are in my eyes people who can be just as heroic and courageous as male leaders, but they also have mother-like traits that allow them to show deep care and compassion. I really have never thought of my favorite women leader. I know there are many of them out there, but a favorite just doesn't come to me. Title 1X just makes things the way they should be. Equal. Women make up a little less than half of the human population, so they shouldn't have less rights than men. I'm not sure there will be a female president any time soon,even though everyone else says so, but I think we might see a women priest somehow.

  21. I know there are many women leaders, but at the moment I'm coming up blank. Hilary Clinton, though, does stand out to me since she has made a huge impact of what we think about women with high social status. It'll be very interesting if she decides to run for president in the upcoming years. It would be even more thrilling if she became our first female president. I think Title IX is vital to improving our country since we must get over gender, much like how we must get over skin color. Title IX offers an amazing opportunity for women to get out off their comfort zones and pursue something they might otherwise not. In my lifetime, I think we will have our first women president, first (this is a long shot) women priests, and more mayor, senator, and governor positions filled by women.

  22. In the present day, I feel that Melinda Gates has contributed to the world in many ways, having a positive effect in many different areas. She has helped her husband in his efforts to end many terminable illnesses, and speaks on his behalf in many interviews. Title IX seems to have helped women a lot more, so I would assume it will continue in society. I think it was a good idea, and I hope it doesn’t get twisted in a way like how Black History Month has been. In the past few elections, we have seen women running for different government positions, and I think this is possible. For a woman to become president, it may take a lot longer, but other positions are probable to occur very soon.

  23. There are many woman that I think have made significant contributions to history; Editha Kroupa,Kathrine Switzer,Lucy E. González, Helen Kemp Archbold Porter to name a few. They are not necessarily the most famous, but they have been the first to do a lot of things and do groundbreaking research. The only thing I don't like about the Title IX is why is it needed to tell people? Do we really still need to be told that you should discriminate against people because of their gender? And even with the Tile IX woman still get lower pay then men. They are treated differently in the work area, Pantene showed this well in their Philippine commercial.
    I hope that in my life time that we will see less discrimination against woman. Men are fighting to pass laws on women's bodies. So in my life time I hope to see woman have control over their own choices and bodies. Meaning more woman in government.

  24. Some woman that I think have made the most significant contributions our country would be Sojourner Truth or Rosa Parks. I know it seems like that is what everyone is saying, but I truly believe they have affected America in a good way. I think that Rosa Parks really made a statement that black people should not be treated more poorly than white people. People had started to realize these issues because of her refusing to get off the bus/train seat. Sojourner Truth spoke out both against slavery and women's rights, which is a great accomplishment. I think the Title IX is nice! It gives women the same opportunities as men, which is very necessary I think. We shouldn't be treated differently because we are a different gender. I think in my lifetime we may see a first female president, or a woman in some high ranked government control.

  25. Their are a lot of women that have made strong impacts to our country, but I think Rosa Parks did something really cool that showed a sign of her true bravery, heart, and free will. One day Rosa Parks was entering the bus and sat in the front, there weren't a lot of white people on board, so she thought it was fine. The bus driver asked if she would move, but Rosa said no and that she was tired and didn't want to move. After she said this she was arrested, and then eventually got out. This little comment "no I am tired" made an impact on a lot of people in the world, that everyone should be treated the same, and that's what Rosa Parks was trying to attain there, equality. This also made another viewpoint on racism. I think this title is great because it's giving women more rights and new opportunities to do something great, I know I am a guy, but I agree that women are as capable as men and they shouldn't be treated any lower then men based on gender. It would be cool to see a women president because we could see how she can lead our country and that can give a big sign of the leadership of women.

  26. Many women have contributed to our country and made equal rights between men and women balanced in some aspects. One significant women that comes to my mind would be Barbara Morgan. Barbara was raised in McCall and became an astronaut. She is currently working at Boise State as a teacher and leaves her legacy for many women to follow. She showed so many attributes to women's rights. Not only did she prove any dream can come true no matter how small of a place you live in, but also she was a women who made a big impact on our country. Barbara, after working hard for many years was ready to go to space. Barb was in space for 12 days. She came back to earth with an incredible experience, and learned so much about women's rights and how to compete with guys who are just as equal as her. An astronaut is mainly a mans job but Barbara defied that title. She has done incredible things for NASA and all women trying to get into a mainly male job. The truth is all women are just as capable as men to get anything done. The title IX is vital part of our society because we need to get over gender. I think in our day and age we will definitely see the first female president, it just will take time for the right opportunity to come into hand. There are many more "firsts" to come of women, defying the jobs and opportunities of what mainly a man gets.

  27. I think the woman that has made the most contributions to society would be Pat Summit. This is because she is one of the most successful basketball coaches in history. I don't entirely agree with this amendment for one main reason. This amendment requires for all schools to have equal opportunity for athletics for both men and women. This prevents some schools from having baseball teams. Other than that issue, title 9 has given women an equal opportunity in life. I would like to see the first women president. I would also like to see a women competing in the NBA or MLB.

  28. There have been many significant women in our time, but the person who stands out most to me the most is Susan B. Anthony. She fought for the womens right to vote. I think Title XI is crucial to our society today. It is a great way for us to get over gender as we got over race or skin color (thank you Megan).We need to realize that women are just as capable as men and can do anything they set their heart to. As everybody before me has said I think we will soon have a female president. We just recently had an African American president so a female president is soon to follow.

  29. I think that a lot of women through out the history of the United States have made an impact on or world today. The person that I think that has had the most courage and bravery n american history is Ruby Bridges. I think this because she could have gotten mad at the people that were mad at her or reacted in a different way than she did but no she did not she decided to pray for them and forgive them. I think that the XI movement has been a great way to get many women to become motivated and excited about going to college and is a great way for women to get the education needed to get a good job.I think that in my lifetime I will see the first female governor of Idaho. I think that having a female president will be a lot harder to get therefor take longer so I do not think that it will happen in my life time but maybe in a few generations to come after me.

  30. I (as I'm sure that a good deal of you know) am a feminist. I think women should be treated the same way as men do and that men have no right to treat women as lesser beings. I'd just like to point out that if it wasn't for women, men wouldn't be here! so men shouldn't treat women with disrespect. Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to say that one girl has really stood out to me and has become a role model in my life. Malala. This girl fought for her right to learn even when other shoved her down and told her to act like the others. She didn't care. She stood up, she fought, and even after taking a bullet to the head, she survived and is still fighting for her rights. She is such an inspiration to me and I adore her fighting spirit and her courage. Malala has done a great deal to fight for a girl's right to go to school and learn. I think it is disgusting that people won't give girls that right to learn just because they want them to sit at home and act like little maids just with the title of "wife". It disgusts me beyond words. Women can choose, women aren't stupid, we know what people do! It's not like when two men speak about this kind of thing, women don't understand! Women are just as smart as men and deserve to be treated as such. I think Title IX is very important. Without it, girls would probably still be in the cheer leading squad and not out on the court. There are so many people set in their ways that without the government telling them what to do about girls, they would still be sticking them in the kitchen (I'm not saying all men are like that. In fact, a good deal of men accept women as equals, it's a small deal of men that I'm ranting about). I really hope that I get to see the first woman president. I hope that a woman will take charge and lead our country. I hope that it'll be wonderful.

    1. I'd like to say that without men, women wouldn't be here either. Sorry about that.


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