Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dr. Seuss

March 2nd marks the anniversary of Dr. Seuss’s birthday.  While it may seem trivial to celebrate an author of children’s books, it is hard to imagine what life would be like without the influence of The Cat in the Hat or Green Eggs and Ham.

Now that you are older I can imagine you may have lost an appreciation for the genius of Dr. Seuss and his work.  But as you watch the number of first graders and kindergarteners walking around looking like Thing 1 and Thing 2, it is difficult to deny the cultural and educational impact his work has had on society.

A couple of years ago, in addition to celebrating his birthday, a movie based on one of his books, “The Lorax” was released.  While it seems like a simple, enjoyable children’s story, it is also a political and social statement by Dr. Seuss concerning the over industrialization of our world and the fear of losing our natural resources.  Dr. Seuss often used his stories to not only entertain and engage children in reading, but provide insight into the world for the parents reading the books.  One of the most gifted books at high school graduation is “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”  It’s not so subtle message about how to live your life, through the good times and the bad is extremely relevant to people entering into new phases of their lives.

Did you read or were you read Dr. Seuss stories when you were a child?  If so, what is your favorite and why?  What life lessons did you learn by reading Dr. Seuss or by any other children’s book?  What do you think about the younger kids at school celebrating his birthday


  1. Yes, I read Dr. Seuss when I was younger. Who didn't?! My favorite book was either the Lorax or Green Eggs and Ham. I like the Lorax because, like you said, had a deeper meaning to it. I saw that from an early age, and I knew from then that I should try to protect our environment. I love Green Eggs and Ham because of its lesson it talk me of trying new things. My parents when I was little had me always take a "thank you bite" even if I didn't like the food, and I am reminded of this simple Seuss story. I am glad younger kids celebrate his birthday since Seuss is their real first author that they grow to love. Its important to encourage reading from an early age.

  2. Yes I read some Dr. Seuss books. I like the book Are You My Mother? I guess I just think it's cute. I also like Green Eggs and Ham because my brother's name is Sam so we used to make jokes about it. I suppose I've learned that you won't know if you like something unless you try it. I think it's funny when the little kids run around with their striped hats on. At my old school I remember we celebrated his birthday in first grade. We actually made green scrambled eggs. They were not appetizing...

  3. When I was little I read Dr. Seuss stories, but I don't remember them being read to me. This is probably because we were more of the Bernstein Bears fans. My favorite book by him though, is probably they Star Bellied Sneetches. It taught me to be proud of who I am and to not compare myself to others. I think that younger kids at school celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday is a great thing because it is nice for someone to at least acknowledge this man's great work and the meanings they have behind them.

  4. Yes, my favorite would have to be Go Dog Go. A story about dogs in traffic and what they do, I don't know why I liked it, but somehow it entertained me every time.

    To be who you are, leaned that creativity is essential to life, to be optimistic, what life will be like, and that many strange and amazing things happen to everyday people. In a way he taught me how to grow up in a sort of proper way, and I am glad the younger kids are celebrating his birthday, maybe they will learn what I learned as well and help make a better and wonderful world.

  5. I loved Dr. Seuss Stories when I was younger. My favorite story was Cat in the Hat. I honestly have no idea why this was mt favorite book of his but it just was. I guess I like the thought of children rebelling against there parents. I don't think I really learned anything besides the " A person is a Person no matter how small", or at least something like that, huh, wonder why that one stuck with me. I liked the idea of all play no work I guess. I think it's cool that the younger kids celebrate his birthday... I've never really thought about it. It lets the little kids where funny hats so thats a fun part.

  6. I remember being read to and reading dr seuss when I was little. A lot of times it was read to us in kindergarden. My favorite book of his would have to be cat in the hat or how the grinch stole christmas. I guess that they are my favorites because I remember reading them the most. Some life lessons I learned are that a person is a person no matter how big or small. Also I learned that we should try new things. I think its great that kids are celebrating his birthday! It gives them a chance to read about dr seuss.

  7. When I was a child I loved reading his books. My favorite book would have to be Green Eggs and Ham. The life lesson that I clearly remember from his books is "a persons a person no matter how small." I believe that quote comes from the book/movie Horton Hears a Who. Whenever I see the kids with their hats and stuff I always wish I was a little kid again. Therefore I always get really jealous whenever I see them walking around but I think it is really great that they celebrate his works and his birthday.

  8. Dr. Seuss used to be my most favorite authors when i was younger. I read a ton of his books. I used to love the book 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and The Cat In The Hat. I loved these books and how he used poetry in his writings. These books that he wrote were filled with lessons such as Green Eggs and Ham. It talks about how you can try anything and you actually might like it if you do. other books are also filled with many other lessons but i'm not going into all the books and all the lessons. I used to love celebrating Dr. Seuss Day when i was young so I consider them lucky... They should celebrate this holiday with knowledge behind it. The End

  9. I loved reading Dr. Seuss books when I was little. I think that my favorite was probably The Cat in the Hat. I liked it because it had Thing 1 and Thing 2 in it, and I liked the simple rhymes and poetry. I think that this book was probably telling kids to be careful when their parents are away. I think that seeing the younger kids celebrate his birthday is hilarious and very entertaining. They are dressed up in big striped hats like the Cat in the Hat, or in blue wigs like Thing 1 and Thing 2. I also think that it is important to celebrate his birthday, because it encourages them to read his books.


  10. I did read Dr. Seuss when I was younger. My favorite was probably The Cat In The Hat as I really like cats. Like so much I think I may have stolen my neighbors cat because he looked like the cat in the cat. I have to say my favorite books when I was younger were the Magic Tree House series. It taught me adventure could be just around the corner and that corner was your bookshelf. I don't really think kids should be celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday because it's in the same month as black history month. The reason I say this is that some of his works were very racist. Even though it was the time period I feel like kids, if they are going to learn, they should include that Dr. Seuss , even though a kind man, was racist especially in black history moth where they are learning about black history.

  11. I really enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss books when I was little. I also read to them to my younger sister Kate as a "Night Time Story." My favorite book of his would have to be Green Eggs and Ham. The simplicity of his writing was so easy to read that it was appealing to almost any age group. My life lesson that I learned from Dr. Seuss was to never over complicate things. His writing was so simple but had so much passion and creativity. I really liked his books. When the younger kids dress up i want to jump right in with them and put on my Dr. Seuss hat. I really like watching the kids have so much fun when it is Dr. Seuss day. Dr. Seuss is on person that I still look up to as a role model. Even though he is gone his ideas, and writing still inspire everyone who reads them.

  12. I loved reading Dr. Seuss as a child. I really liked the book Oh the Places You Will Go! because it was a truly thoughtfully written and inspirational book (just kidding). I actually really liked this book because of all the swirly pictures and that it was a fun book to read. But now that I think of this I really like this book because it is true. It tells you that you can't really think about where you will go in life. I learn that you can truly go anywhere in life no matter what. You know, you can't really set low expectations because there are so many things you can do. I think that it is really good that the younger kids are celebrating his birthday because he was a truly influential children's book writer. He set the bar super high for all the other people because he really knew how to connect to kids.

  13. Definitely. Green Eggs and Ham and Oh, the Places You'll Go were two of my favorites. Green Eggs and Ham taught me to try new things and OTPYG taught my to remember to live life to the fullest. Of course, listening to them as a child, I just liked looking at the pictures, but now reflecting on it, I see the lessons. I think celebrating his birthday is good for the younger kids, because Dr. Seuss was a really important person in history, and what better way for a little kid to remember him than by connecting it with cat and parties??

  14. Not so much that I myself read the books of Dr. Seuss, rather my parents did, but in retrospect I find it even better to experience those books through my parents. I would say that the one we read most frequently was Green Eggs and Ham, while my favorite would have to be There's a Wocket in My Pocket! I would say that the life lessons I learned from Dr. Seuss would be to always think of things eccentrically rather than look upon the world as a bland and boring world. I think that is only customary to dedicate such a genius man who spoke to children in fun and creative writing rather than conventional stories like Little Red Riding hood and such. Therefore children should celebrate his birthday, for children appreciate his work and should have an allotted time for which they can celebrate their appreciation.

  15. Nate- I did read a couple of Dr. Seuss books. My personal favorite was the Lorax, because in addition to the already-intriguing story there was a card game for it that my family and I played quite a lot. Brings back memories... Honestly, I don't think I learned anything by reading Dr. Seuss, or any other books. When I read something, I read it because its interesting. not because I'm trying to learn some corny life lesson. Its good to celebrate his birthday I guess. Kids love Dr. Seuss, so its fun for them to have a day devoted to his stories, which had a big impact on children's literature.

  16. I did read some Dr. Seuss books. I do not remember a lot of them but I do remember Hop on Pop and Oh, the Places You'll Go were very entertaining to me at the time. I am sure I learned something, but I am not sure it was a very important life lesson and I have forgotten most of the book's lessons. I think it is good that they celebrate his birthday because his books are very entertaining for little kids and sometimes have a moral to the story.

  17. I read any book I could get my hands on as a child, and Dr. Seuss was among that selection of books. My favorite one is Wacky Wednesday, since I have it at my house, and you have to find the things that are wrong in each of the pictures. I would laugh when I found the things that were wrong, as some parts were so bizarre, I literally couldn’t help myself. Then, as my brother and sister grew up, I was able to introduce them to the book. They loved the book as well, and would laugh just as I had done as a child. Although all these books are for children, they tend to have a very deep meaning you don’t think about until you are older. The Lorax teaches not to litter, to keep the environment safe, and what the consequences could be. The Cat in the Hat tells to behave even if you are not supervised by parents. I don’t know if kids should celebrate his birthday, but it gives a reason to read his books once again and go over the reasons why he wrote them.

  18. Yes I was read many Dr. Suess stories as a child. I remember Mrs. Phillips reading us some when we were in 1st grade or kindergarten during library. My favorite Dr. Suess story was yes, Green Eggs and Ham. I liked it because in pre-K when I lived in Tennessee, we had a day were we ate green eggs and ham. It was also easy for me to understand. By reading this book, you learn to try new things even if they look weird. It also says to not judge something by what it looks like on the outside. In the end of the book, the thing learns that the green eggs and ham really aren't bad at all, they are good! I think it is such a fun idea to have younger kids celebrate Dr. Suess' birthday. He changed peoples thought of books. No books were like his with all the illustrations and tongue twisters!

  19. yes, I was read Dr.Seuss since I could remember. My favorite is “Green eggs and ham”, I learned that life is a gift so enjoy it.i that they are luck i wish we could celebrate as well but i think that it is important to keep reading his book, and keep his story going because it is a great one.

  20. Yeah I did read a lot of Dr. Seuss stories when I was younger. My favorite would have to be the cat in the hat. I like the cat and the hat because it's a very funny book that has a funny cat in it and I like everything about the story: the setting, the characters, the jokes, and just all the funny things. The movie the cat and the hat is also very good and funny, it was one my favorite movies growing up. I have learned a lot about reading Dr. Seuss books, they teach you a lot of good life lessons, like in the Lorax how to be careful with natural resources, like you said, and how to keep them and in green eggs and ham, and how you should never judge a food by its looks because it could be good. All of his stories had meaning s to them and I think that's a great thing for children stories. I think it's a great thing that kids in school celebrate this day because he was a genius who made great children books, and 1this can be a way of saying thanks. His books will continue to be read by many children throughout the world and happy birthday Dr.

  21. Yeah I read some dr. suess books when I was a kid. My favorite was the cat in the hat because I thought it was the funniest. The movie really creeped me out though. I didn't really learn any life lessons from any of his books I just thought that they were funny and entertaining. I think it is good that they are celebrating his birthday because I remember when we did it and we read a lot of his books and we understood the deeper meaning of a lot his books.

  22. I read Dr seuss. I liked the books because of the creativity in the books. My favorite one was How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I like it because it has a lot of rhyme and I hear a lot of the references of the book in the real world. I also like watching it every christmas so that it is something to look forward to. What I learned from his books was that not to be negative. In almost every one of his books, there was always a negative character. So I didn't want to be like those characters.I think that the younger kids celebrating his birthday is good because his books teach the younger kids important lessons in life.

  23. I definitely read Dr. Seuss as a child. I still do occasionally read them. My favorite would have been One Fish Two Fish or the books with Thing 1 and Thing 2. I liked his stories because of the rhymes, funny pictures, and very random stories. I think from his stories I learned about how when you write a story you are in control. I also learned if you dream it you can believe it. I wish we as older kids would get to celebrate his birthday. I think it would be fun to make the cat in the hat hats and read our favorite Dr. Seuss books.

  24. I never actually read a Dr.Suess book myself, but I was read a lot of them. My favorite ones were the Lorax, Green Eggs and Ham, and Yertle the Turtle. Ther was also one about a zoo that I remembered liking. These were the ones that stick out in my mind the most. I liked Yurtle the Turtle the most because in class we got to do a mock turtle tower. I didn't really get any deep meaning from these books. I think that it is good that we are celebrating this man's birthday in our school. Especially for the younger kids, Dr.Suess is almost heroic to them.

  25. I used to and still do read Dr. Sues books to my sister all the time. My favorite is probably Green Eggs and Ham. This is my favorite book because I like trying to read all of the places where he tried green eggs and ham without messing up. I also like the book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. I like this book because of the rhyme. Some life lessons I've learned from his books is to try new things. And if you don't like it then you don't like it, but you will never know that if you never try it. I think it is a good idea for kids to celebrate his birthday because it is a good way for kids to start enjoying reading when they are younger. It is also a good way for Dr. Sues to be remembered and his books to live on.

  26. Yes, I read and was read to a lot of Dr. Seuss books when I was younger. My favorite Dr. Suess's books would be a tie between two. Fox and Socks and Green Eggs and Ham. Focks and Socks was one of my favorites because when my dad would read it to me he would always get tong twisted and then he would say words funny. And Green Eggs and Ham because I like how it ended. The life lesson that I learned because of reading these books was that it is okay to try new things. I think that it is a great idea because a lot of children read his books and s they should have fun learning how to read. I think that it is important to make reading fun when kid as little so that when they are older they enjoy reading.

  27. Mr. Grant, something is rong ith our computer, and e cannot type the ord double u. I’m sorry.
    I think almost everyone had read a Dr. Seuss book as a kid. That’s the cool thing ith him, is that he as so talented most American’s have read his books. My favorite is either The Cat in the Hat (for obvious reasons) and Yurtle the Turtle. I liked that book because it shoed that you should rebel against hat you think is rong. Even though it is somehat deep for a little kid, it is understandable for people my age and older. Rebellion is sometimes a good thing, if someone has good intentions hen they rebel. I like that the younger kids celebrate it, he as a good man ith good teachings he got through to kids that ill hopefully lead a better life living these teachings.

  28. I have read a lot of his books but my favorite is How the Grinch Stole Christmas because I grew up always reading it and loving the wonderful pictures and story. Another book I like is Horton Hears a Who! Life lessons I have learned from these books are that "a person is a person no matter how small." This is something everyone should be mindful of. No matter what, we should treat people as people. It shouldn't matter where they came from or what race they are, we should treat everyone with justice. I think that it is awesome that the kids at our school celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday because he is our/their childhood, and it makes sense to celebrate something that has made such amazing memories.

  29. When I was little I loved to read. In fact, Dr. Seuss was some of the first books I ever read by myself. He was kind of what led me into my passion for reading and writing. My favorite story (or should I say stories) was were that Cat in the Hat books. I loved the silly cat that made everything fun and interesting. I loved his big red hat and I loved the little girl, Sally, that the cat helped. It really taught me that everything really can be fun if you look at it from different angles. Everything is actually fun no matter how boring and sad things really seemed to be. I really like that the younger kids will celebrate his birthday. He worked really hard to get where he got and I think that he deserves it. To have so many books out all at once and become so famous and have so many kids look up to you is so amazing and I think that it's so great. He did so many good things and celebrating his birthday is a great way to see that.


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