Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Graduation is next Friday.  The school will miss you all.  Individually and collectively you bring a unique culture to the school.  Whenever there is a change in the classes, the school mourns.  Don’t get too choked up, when the new school year begins we move on, just as you will, and the school will adjust to the new classes and the new 8th graders.

But before we move on, we should reflect on the impact you have had on the school and the impact the school has had on you.  Our school is not static.  It changes with each new class and with each new student.  Each class develops its own identity and personality.  That personality may change over the years as students come and go.  The collection of classes makes up the identity and personality of the school.  Even though this school has been around for over a hundred years, it is the students, classes and teachers along with the families and church that determines the cultural personality of the school.

Each of you alone and all of you together have helped shape this school and your influence will be felt for years to come.  I believe in the idea that whenever you enter into something, you should have a goal to leave it better than it was when you started.  I believe you are leaving the school better today than when you started.  For that, we all owe you a thank you.

But just as you have had the opportunity to shape the school, I believe the school has helped to shape who you are.  While it may take years before you are able to fully appreciate the impact the school has had on your lives, I would expect you can look back over the years and find one or two lessons you will carry forward with you.  You may be able to identify one or
two teachers which may have helped you to understand yourself as a student.  You may look at the friendships you have developed over the years and realize what a blessing it was to have them in your life.  You may look at the impact of having your Catholic faith as a corner stone of your education and how that has shaped your understanding of all subjects, not just religion.

What impact do you believe you and your class had on the school?  How would you like your class to be remembered?  What are your fondest memories or greatest life lessons are you taking with you from St. Joe’s? What advice do you have for future 8th grade classes? 


  1. We definitely brought a lot of humor to this school. A lot if us had a lot of humor. We really brought a brother sister love for eachother to the school. I really am going to miss everyone, I care about everyone here and I cant imagine leaving this school. I really care about all the students, and teachers at this school. I will miss everyone so much. One of my greats memories here at saint Joes, is when I got my first kiss in kindergarten. That was not fun. I think I got a case of the cooties. A lot of really great memories have been made here, A lot of them was with my pal, andoni. Andoni and I have been friends since kindergarten. He has always been there for me and I really appreciate it. Unfortunately he is going to Boise High, and I am going to BK. I am really going to miss you bro. All of the life lessons here shaped me into who I am. You have to learn, but have a little fun along the way. Life is nothing without humor. That describes perfectly guys. My advice to your 8th grade class is something that it is only up to them. I want you guys to never change who you are. You are all amazing people and i have never met anyone so caring. I love all of you with all my heart. Never change guys. <3

  2. I believe we had a great impact on this school. We were a really good class, never really fighting, having cliques, or things like that. We are a good example of what people should be like around each other, always joking and having fun, and being serious when we really had to. We were also the first class to fully go through the new wing for three whole years, and our butts will have been one of the first to have sat at the new desks. I want our class to be remembered as the funny, easy-going people we really were, and I think we already are. We were just so relaxed with each other, we were family. My fondest memories are when we messed with the teachers, hung out together, and really just all the great times we've had together over the years. This class made everything so much fun, and could always have a laugh. My advice to the future 8th grade is to not stress about things too much, and to get as close to your peers during this last year as you can, because it will be a lot more fun. Don't start to worry until you hit high school. Oh, and the most important I want you guys to remember is that, although Mr. Grant may seem menacing with his death glares and breaking of rulers, he is really just a big teddy bear in need of a hug. Literally. (-;

    1. I don't know if anyone is still reading these, but I am going to miss all ya'll's and I hope that you all have a great successful future if I will not be seeing you at BK. You guys made this the best year ever!!
      And always remember:
      There ain't no party like the Federalist party!!

  3. I think that, as a class, we really showed the rest of the school that they don't have to be divisive, or not accepting of each other. We get along with each other just fine. I see so much strife in the grades below us, and if they just took a look at how we cooperate with each other so well, they could perhaps change how they view each other. I want our class to be remembered as the class that was peaceful. From St. Joe's, I will mainly be taking away newly-found Catholic values and an idea of how to work effectively. St. Joe's has changed my work ethic and my enthusiasm for religion, for the better. For future eighth graders: Don't trust the system. Mrs. G. is corrupt. Say literally in Mr. Grant's class. You will get extra points on your tests.

  4. I think that our class (or classes if you want to put it that way) that it's okay to be different. We all are really different in our own ways (no joke REALLY different from each other) but we can still make things work. We still have our problems, but we can still get along and we can still all be friends. I want pour class to be remembered for all the good things that we've done. For all the laughs that we've shared and the memories that we'll be leaving behind. I want us to leave our mark on the school so that people will think of our class and think "Oh yeah! That class was awesome!" One of the biggest life lessons I learned is to never EVER under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES NO MATTER WHAT make a joke about Alexander Hamilton or Thomas Jefferson in Mr. Grant's class. No, in all seriousness, it was to just be okay with being me. I'm not always confident in who I am, but that's okay because I know that the people around me will accept me. My future advice is to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't get involved in drama! It ruins EVERYTHING! You might have heard this thousands of times but I'll just say this to you all now. Don't gossip, it hurts no matter how bad she looks in that dress or how badly he screwed up or what they did at the movie, just don't do it. It's tempting, but just don't. I was gossiped about and it ruined me. As a victim, I'm asking, no, begging anyone who gossips or wants to gossip to stop or to not start. It's such a bad thing to do to a person. No matter what, try to accept each other. I don't care WHO she/he is or HOW they got to St. Joe's or WHAT they wear or ANYTHING, do the right thing and be their friend. They're eighth graders as much as you are, so treat them that way.

  5. Some more advice, say literally in Mr. Grant's class as much as you can. It's LITERALLY his favorite word!

  6. I think that our class has had a really big impact on the school. We are all accepting toward each other and we never are fighting or bullying. There may have been a few incidents, but in the end, we all love each other. I know that my sister when she was in 8th grade, her experience wasn't that great because of all the cliques and such. She basically only had 2 or 3 best friends that she could actually trust. Our class is like a family. We show the other grades how loving we are to another. I feel that we also set the standards. We are always pushing to be the best we can and we work hard. Lots of us get NJHS, medals in Science Olympiad, and other things. We are pretty nerdy! I want other people to remember us like this. I have been at this school for 9 years and I have had so many memories! I feel like this year I have had a lot more memories because this year, we all got together and hung out. All of us. We've had many Hallissey memories, after school memories, oh and you can't forget getting ready for the dances! For future 8th graders I would tell them to always be a unit and never exclude anybody! It all works out in the end and 8th grade will be the best year ever. And for the academics, don't procrastinate! Especially during finals week. Studying pays off.. Just work hard and do the best you can.

  7. I hope that our class has had a positive impact on St. Joes. I think it is hard not to positively impact something when you have stayed somewhere for a long time. And I think that our class has shown the rest of the school how to be. I would like our class to be remembered as one of the best classes to pass through St. Joes, but then again, what class wouldn't? I would also like to have our class to be remembered as somewhat intelligent. There are a lot of fond memories that I will be taking with me from St. Joes, but I think I will most remember wining medals at Science Olympiad. I would tell future eighth grade classes that eighth grade is hard, but enjoyable.

  8. I think that our class has had a great impact on St. Joe's. We had little hiccups along the way but I think we came through in the end. Our class has been hilariously funny over the past couple of years. I don't think there hasn't been at least 20 times where we make every teacher smile just in the last quarter. Our class as pretty close too. We have had a few hiccups over the years but I think in the end we still came together in the end. I also think that our class has been the most academically competitive class over the past couple of years. We have all worked really hard an it really payed off. I would like our class to be remembered for doing something different than all the other eight grades. We haven really done anything super spontaneous over the past year so hopefully we can make something up on the day of graduation. I think the greatest life lesson I have learned here is that education is not preparation for life but life itself. I know, cheesy quote, but it really is true. I have learned that we have to value our education like a trillion freaking dollars. It is what will help all of us become who we are going to be and it will absolutely help the people around us. I think one of my fondest memories was last years national competition or this years retreat. They were both very eye opening experiences an I really appreciated the opportunity to experience something like that. Eight grade has diffidently been my favorite year at St. Joe's even if it was alt of work. Some advice for the eight grade class next year would be to savor you time while you can. Graduation is really a bitter sweet day an I can't imagine leaving this place and all the friends I might never be able to see aging. Though they might want to get out of the school as fast as they can they should enjoy the time while they have the chance, it goes by really fast. It would also encourage them to say literally a lot in Mr. Grants class because then it makes you one of his favorite student ever. And never touch our asymptote. Yeah that about it.

  9. I think our class has participated in a lot of firsts and lasts. As Nikita said, we were the first class to go through the new wing for all three years of middle school. Claire was the first person to splash water on Mrs. Governale at the Fun Run. Brave soul. We were the first eighth grade to play the Turkey Bowl soccer game and Groundhog's Day basketball game. Reed was the first person to crack open his head on the day of Living Stations of the Cross; at least I'm assuming... We are the first class that had to take the tests that follow the Common Core standards and the first class with the chrome books. We're the last graduating class to have Mrs. Bicandi as a principal. We're also the last graduating class to have Father Henry as a priest. I want our class to be remembered as the class who won equal rights for science fair people. Well by class I mean Megan, Nikita, and me, but that's not going to happen. I think it'd be cool to be remembered as the class who started the Turkey Bowl and Groundhog's Day games. They were really fun and I think they would make a nice tradition for eighth graders. I have a lot of good memories here at St. Joe's. I always liked splashing people and getting splashed at the Fun Run. As nerve-racking as it was, I enjoyed launching our bottle rockets in science class. I was really honored when I got to make that check and give it to Gracie for our Catholic School's Week fundraiser. The list goes on... I thought it was hilarious when Megan was trying to take my pen from me in U.S. History and then Mr. Grant turned around. Megan and I tried to look like we were paying attention but her hand was on my pen and so was mine. It looked like we were holding hands. Mr. Grant just paused, looked at our hands, and said, "Oh that's sweet." Megan and I couldn't stop laughing. Just because you're eighth graders doesn't mean you can do whatever you want; you don't want to lose any privileges for classes in the future. Sit outside for lunch!!! It's an eighth grade privilege; you don't want it to be taken away because no one uses it. Just make sure you clean up after yourselves!

    1. Grace, I am laughing so hard right now! I will always remember that day with Mr. Grant. We were trying so hard not to look suspicious... but Mr. Grant always finds a way to catch us! :) I seriously had a hard time breathing after that since I has laughing so hard!

    2. Very deep man.

  10. I think that our class has had a great year. We were finally able to be the class that everyone looks up to. And to be honest I think we did a great job. We've shown that we aren't just classmates but family. We showed this through our consideration towards each other. I think this final year at St.Joe's brought us together. I want our class to remembered for how we took every school day and turned it into a better learning environment, with laughs and happiness. Well one for sure is S.L.A.N.T. Thank you Mr. Grant. But the life lessons I will be taking is to act like a christian. Meaning even though it's high school we should respect ourselves and all others. I will sure be taking many laughs as well. The advice I would like to give to the future eight graders is to not get caught up in their own "coolness" but to come together and make it a year to remember.

  11. I think (and hope) that our class really brought the importance of academics forward. But more than just academics. It is the ability to do well in school all while having fun. Our class is a very smart class, and also a rather humorous one. We are always laughing, whether it be Luke's love of Rick Astley or Tomas's sound effects. We are always working so well with each other, reinforcing the whole idea that your classmates are your brother's and sister's. We can act like ourselves around each other no matter how weird we are. I would also like to believe that our class played a large role in our leadership here in this school. We have always been a class to lead by example (most of the time good examples). I would like our class to be remembered as the closest class to pass through these halls. We have loved everybody, even if it meant sacrificing some love for ourselves. My fondest memory would probably have to be Camp Learn-A-Lot. I loved everything from the reading to the shirts that we got to dye. I loved getting the care package from my mom and acting like I was really away at camp. I loved the little tents we got to stay in while we were there, learning new things, making new memories, and just plain old having a good time.Seriously upcoming eighth graders, don't try to hard to be super cool. When you get caught up in trying to impress others, it takes away from the joy that you can experience. Not only that, but it is a lot more fun to be yourself! Don't care what other people say, as they are just critics. When you do something, stand behind your decision with confidence. But my main point is don't try to be so cool that you aren't yourself. That is just plain stupid.

  12. I believe that our class brought a lot of humor to this school. Our class has some of the funniest kids, like looking just making the weirdest noises in math or falling asleep in History. Mr. Grant probably doesn't think that's very funny. Or Luke pulling out his phone in class when the teachers leave and playing Never Gonna Give You Up. That's pretty legit. I would like our class to be remembered as the hard workers who always had a good time no matter what. Some of the fondest memories I will have of St. Joe's is my memories with Andoni. Me and him have only been together for four years but it seems like forever. We've been through so much together, especially when it comes to sports. We haven't been on a basketball team without each other since 5th grade school ball. We've gone through the most heartbreaking losses when it comes to two years of Pocatello, and then Hallissey this year. Those losses have brought us together more and strengthened us as players. Each year we came back ten times better than the last just trying to get that one championship. But it never happened. That's one of my biggest regrets at St. Joe's. I wish that I would have worked harder so that our team could have won a championship. One of my biggest life lessons at St. Joe's is losing Hallissey this year. After we lost I was depressed for over a month. I had played horrible and I placed most of the blame on myself. Every night before I went to bed I just thought about all of the mistakes I made in that game. It drove me crazy. I finally decided to turn that sadness into anger. It fueled me to go to the gym when I didn't feel like it and get in those extra shots before and after practice. I've decided that I'm going to work as hard as I can to win. Losing Hallissey did me more good than winning it would have. It gave me motivation to work harder and never give up no matter what. The only thing I have to say to the incoming 8th graders is that they should definitely enjoy their last year at St. Joe's because it goes by fast. I feel like it was just last week that I walked into St. Joe's for the first time as an 8th grader. I am definitely going to miss St. Joe's because of all the good things that the teachers taught us and all of the great kids that go here.

  13. I'm still not over that it's the end of the year. It's gone by so fast I can't believe it. I hope that even though I haven't been here that long I know that our class has some of the funniest nicest people I have ever met. I hope that we are remembered for our humor and generosity. Even though I don't really opening up to people or even really talking to new people I felt as if St. Joes was a safe place to speak my mind and talk to people I maybe wouldn't be so open with if I saw them on the street.
    I probably have the fondest memories with the Sirhalls because of the friendships I have made with all three of them. I don't really know what else to say, I'm really bad at sentimental letters (as most of you found out in my letters). But my advice for future 8th graders is not to be scared to ask questions and stay after-school for extra help. truth be told there has to be at least one other person in their class who needs to know the same question. Also enjoy yourself. If you focus to much on the target then you won't pay any attention to the action to get you there.

  14. I think our class has brought many things to this school including: humor, athletic ability, academic, and we're all very unique with different qualities. I think I've really opened more this year, and I have become really close with all of my friends. I think we've had many highlights to this year like the Halissee Tournament, the stations of the cross, may crowning, our retreat, common ground farm, and many more. This year has been by the far the best year, out of all my years here, I think it's nice to be the head of the school, because everybody looks up to you and it gives more confidence for everybody as an individual. I think all of us have gotten so much out of this school, and we've gotten pushed really hard, but I think that's a good thing, because it has prepared us for BK. I also think all of us have had worked really hard in middle school and we've all had our up's and down's but in the end we made it haha. I would like everybody to remember us as very hardworking people, that were kind to everybody and also that we're one of the closest classes and feel comfortable around everybody I think all of these things are the best way to remember us because we were like this. I've had great memories here, especially this year. My fondest memories came from the Halissee Tournament. It was one of the funnest weekends ever and I really enjoyed the pep rally in front of our school. We came so close to winning, but we couldn't pull it off at the end. I think we were definitely the under dogs, but we really fought in that game. I always think about that game and wonder what I could of done to make our team win, but I am glad we gave them a game with all of our effort. I also remember a really scary memory about Reed's accident. This scared me to death, and that was one of the longest day's of my life. We were all relived that Reed was alright and it was the scariest thing I've ever seen. I think I've many other memories, but it would take me for ever to write all of them. I am really sad that graduation is coming this quick, but at the same time I think we're all ready for the next step in high school. I hope I don't grow up to fast though. I hope we all stay the same in high school and we all remain close. I think this journey in middle school has been incredibly fun, and I am sad I have to say goodbye, I'll miss you the most Mr. Grant haha! But I'll still see you during basketball season. My advice to the future 8th graders is enjoy being the head of the school and don't act too cool, and enjoy being at St. Joe's while it last's.

  15. From the times I remember the 8th graders, they made their change to be being some of the most studious and most respectful class there is. Our class, in my perspective, felt like we took it more of as a chance to let our voices be heard. Whenever Mr. Yanci says we are the loudest, I take that as an appreciation saying we are our own set of uniqueness. Our class let our voices be heard, and I am extremely proud of that. That time when we were in the Fun Run and did the We Want Water chant I realized that we make the best of situations. Some of my fondest memories really weren't memories at all, they were little bits of memories that formed due to me being with my friends. If anything what life lesson that I took away was to let go. After reaching that dark place multiple times I realized it is easier to forgive and to smile then to be angry and frown. Because of St. Joes I received some of the greatest gifts I could possibly get. I received the ability to forget. I learned from multiple hardships to never hold a grudge, and always let go. I love that gift I got from St. Joe's and I want to cherish it for the rest of my life and never hold onto any more grudges. Then the next part would be the family and friends I have now. I met people I would of never have found anywhere else and people I hope I will always be friends with. If I could give any advice to the soon to be 8th grade all I can say is to never hold onto anger and let it ruin your life. Live the way you want to live and let nothing hold you back. Good luck to you future 8th graders!


  16. I think we made a big impact. I defiantly think we brought a lot of joy and laughter. And athletics was a big deal for us also. Especially hallisey. I hope we are remembered for the hard work we put into things and all the fun times we had.a nd how we always played four square at recess. I have been here for nine years so I think im going to be taking alot. I think i will take with me all the memoriesI have made and all the friends I have made. And to always work hard and never give up. And always remember good manners! Just work hard and turn everything in! And It is really easy and not as bad as you think. And to study for you tests. And if you pay attention it will help you in the long run. Just do your best and try not to get stressed out and overwhelm yourself. Its been a fun 9 years. It will; be bittersweet to go. I will never forget all the friends and memories I have made here at St.Joes!

  17. I, honestly, don't think that I have made that big of an impact on the school. I mean, I would like think I have; I could be all cocky and say that I brought musical diversity and some science input... but I really haven't. I look at guys like Luke Shirley and Whatshisface Parry, and I think that they are the ones who have brought music and scientific intelligence to the school, I haven't. I would like to be the remembered as the class that studied hard, maybe not have gotten the best grades, like some of the previous classes, but just the class that worked hard for what they wanted. I would have to say that the greatest memory I have had at St. Joes would be talking with my friends. We have had the best conversations. We have had completely inane conversations that base themselves within inside jokes, and we have also had intelligent philosophical and scientific conversations that have felt just as satisfying as those with humor. The life lesson I have learned from St. Joes would have to be a recent one: I haven't accomplished anything, arrogance has to be earned and I am a long way from that. And another one that has shown up is that my most inspirational person is no celebrity nor scientist, rather it is me in ten years. I want to be what I dream in ten years. So the advice I give to those entering 8th grade is: don't get cocky, you have achieved nothing, dream of what you will be when you have earned arrogance, and see where the next 10 years takes you.

    1. I can understand what you are writing, but I disagree with your premise. I do not believe in the insignificance of the individual. Every student has a profound impact on the school and its culture. It is a great place because we have great students and great families, such as yours. You, as a single individual, has had a major impact on the culture and the values of this school. Without you, Liam, the school would not be the same. You do not know which lives have been changed because you were daring enough to be yourself or openly share your ideas. You do not know which younger student has been inspired by you and your friendly attitude. You do not know who is looking at you with the same admiration you may have for prior students. Do not underestimate the significance of yourself or the influence you have on your surroundings. Those things matter and they do impact the school. Without each of you individually and collectively as a group, the school is not the same.

      You have accomplished something. Graduating from St. Joe's and passing on the school to the future classes is a major accomplishment. Is it the most significant thing you will do in your life? No. But it is a major coming of age. It is time to move on to the next chapter in your life, but before you do, take a moment. Reflect on how you and your classmates have changed the school and by extension changed the world. You should be able to take a moment and celebrate what you have done. It does not mean you are finished, but you have reached a certain milestone, enjoy it.

  18. I think and I hope that we have made an impact on this school. At this school I think we have made Science Olympiad a big thing! We have made others want to try it and make it to Nationals. Another thing we bring to this school is how close we have become. We came here as complete strangers in Kindergaden but now we are like a big family. A big huge happy family. We are also a very hard working class. We work hard for what we want or what we want to accomplish. Maybe not always succeeding but getting right back up and trying again. I don't really want to have our class be remembered for one certain thing. I think we have many different characteristics. To me, it doesn't matter what we are remembered for just that we are remembered at all. Thats what I really care about. My fondest memories at St. Joes are the memories I make with my class. There are too many for me to talk about. Our class just has great humour and memories we make every day. Whether it be Rubocki writing down all of our class quotes or Hayley and Keelie leading the Federalist Party. Some great life lessons I will take with me would be S.L.A.N.T. I will remember to take that with me to BK if I want to make a good impression. My advice to the incoming 8th grade is to be active and get involved. Take part in Hallissey and put yourself out ther. Go to the dances have a little fun!! Make new friends. Get out of your comfort zone! Don't just stay with that one group of friends. Take your one group of friends and make that 1 huge group with the whole class. Trust me if you don't get involved you will have one boring 8th grade year!!

    1. Ain't no party like the federalist party?

    2. There is definitely no party like the federalist party!!!!!
      Yoyoyoyoyoyyoyo its the Federalist partaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!

  19. Oh my! I think every eighth grade class that comes through St.Joe's leaves an impression nothing like the one before. Our class brought a sense of humor,a hard working ethic, and kindness. There is always something funny happening in our class. Never a dull moment with the eighth grade class this year. Not only is our class funny, but every single one of us works really hard for our grades or what we want. Kindness.....would be the word to describe our class. We all get along and don't have huge problems. I don't think that I personally made a huge impact on the school. I know that I contributed to our class, and our class all together definitely made an impression on St. Joe's. The fondest memory I have had would have to be just being with all my classmates and hanging out with all of them. There were a couple major events that happened this year that I won't forget; which would be Hallissey, the Fun Run, and the fundraiser for the little girl who had cancer. All these events were a blast and there were many more that I didn't mention! The advice I would like to give to the upcoming eighth graders would be to cherish the time you have as an eighth grader because it flies by. Sounds generic but it's the truth:)


  20. I believe our class has had a good impact on our school. At the beginning of the year, we weren’t really close and had separate groups but at the end we truly made up for all of those years of “groups” and now we are fully one big class and the best of friends  and that is a good message to send to our school. I would like our class to be remembered for our humor and for having always making the best of things. I have made so many great friends and memories here so it’s really hard to choose but this during Hallisey tournament the girls all went over to Lily’s and had party! And Wagon’s Ho was always one of my favorites. And it is really sad to be leaving; I’m going to miss everyone. My advice for all the new 8th graders is this: Enjoy the moment because it won’t last forever and start your homework right now so you’ll have just enough time to finish haha! Hard to believe it took 9 years to get here and only takes one to leave. And Mr. Grant, thank you for being a wonderful teacher for such a long time. I’m going to miss you and your rulers.

  21. I think our class impacted the school by making it a place where it wasn’t just school, but a place where you could actually have fun at too. We never fought with one another and didn’t bully each other. We were also welcoming to the other classes and didn’t exclude very much, and that’s how I would like our class to be remembered along with being just all around awesome. My greatest memories were probably in your class Mr. Grant. I always had fun in US History and I never had a lot of dull moments there as opposed to other classes. You also had a lot of helpful advice for us like SLANT and other things as well. My advice for future 8th grade classes is the same for everything. Stay organized. It helps with everything. Also, keep your priorities straight, there are a lot of distractions but put things that need to be first first. After that everything else falls into place.

  22. I believe our class set an example at this school by our welcoming personality. We tried our best to not be the obnoxious eighth grade class, but actually be nice to younger grades and be good role models. I hope this is how we are remembered by. I want people here at St. Joe's to remember how open we were to others and how fun we made school. My fondest memory made here was definitely my friendships. Before I came to this school, I felt like such a loner. Now I have the best friends anyone could as for, specifically Grace, Aubrie, Nikita, Claire, and Natalie. I also will forever remember our eighth grade retreat and all the amazing letters everyone wrote each other. My advice for the future eighth grade is to cherish every moment you have with your class at St. Joe's, because in reality you may never see these people again. Use your last year to study hard and learn lots, and Mrs. Bicandi always says, but also use this time for closure. Make sure you let your teachers and fellow classmates know just how much you care about them and appreciate how much they've done for you.

  23. I think our class impacted the school by making it a safe place to be yourself. Our class is made up of bunch of different personalities. Our class had never treated anyone different than another. We have embraced everyone differences and embraced them. We have made the school a place where it is more a community than school. Where people actually want to go and its not some chore. Some of us had been here since kindergarten yet we still embrace the new kids as if they had been there since the beginning. It doesn't matter when you came you will be treated the same as the other kids. We know the value of acceptance. I would want our class to be remembered as the kids who were nice to all. The kids who could who were more than just a class, they were a family. We have been a part of the program for peace all of our years at st joes. We also have had our troubles but have learned to prevent them and not judge. I am glad to know they are now helping others to not judge. Most of my favorite memories come from the moments our classes were together with everyone in it. I also think a lot of memories come from Mr grants class. The fun run, retreat, hallisey, and the dances will never be forgotten. We can't forget the water rebellion at the fun run or the retreat with Raquel's comment about "touching us all" haha. I would tell the next year 8th graders that they should use the responsibility as 8th graders right. They need to show leadership and understand that the whole school looks to them for leadership and compassion. I am gonna miss st joes and all the kids they are like my second family and st joes is like a second home. I will miss you all. The class of 2014 will never be forgotten.

  24. This is crazy to think that this is our last blog post. I could always count on these, ever Monday night.
    I hope that we have made a positive impact on this school. I hope that we have made this school better, each and every day we walked in. I think we set an example of hard work, fun, and family. We were a pretty close class and we all brought something different to the class. I think we showed this school that there is more than one way to do things. You can be yourself. You don't have to be a certain type of person to succeed or fit in at St.Joe's. I would have liked our class to be remembered as the team that beat St. Mark's in the Hallisey championship, but there is nothing I can do about that. I would like this class to be remembered as a class that was welcoming, athletic, and intelligent. I have had a ton of memories with kids from this school. I remember playing soccer with Patrick, Tomas, Thomas, and Nathaniel. I remember all the spring and Christmas Concerts. Some of the best memories I have had have been with some f my closest friends from the very beginning, Petie and Reed. WE have played sports for 7 years together. We have become really close and it is going to be really hard for me to say goodbye to them, and the rest of the class. There have also been several additions to this class dynamic. These people have all been welcomed and are just as much a part of this class as the people who came in kindergarten. If i could give any advice to next years class it would be to win Hallisey. I fouled out and was super depressed for a long time. I would almost start crying every time I thought about that game. I feel like I let my school and my teammates down to this day. I would also tell them to make the most of each day cause it goes by way to fast. Don't let any opportunities pass you by. Go out, be yourself, and make the most of each and every day next year, because before you know its all going to be over. I would like to thank all the teachers, especially you Mr. G, for making this school so special. I would also like to thank my classmates for making these past nine years unforgettable. Go Knights!!

  25. I think that this eighth grade class has made a big impact on St. Joe's in the way that we have set our example. I think that our class has had some ups and downs but we have always stuck together. Some of the past graduating classes have had cliques and social groups but this years eight grade class has not had that as a big problem. We have always stuck up for each other and has always been accepting of each other. I would like our class to be remembered as the positive and most enthusiastic eight grade. I think that my best memories that i have had from being at St. Joe's was when Grace, Megan, Nikita and I and sometimes Patrick would always sit out side. I really thought that it was cool that we made it all year. Thanks for sticking with me out there even thought it was really really cold out there some days. I also thought that it was funny when there was a cat ou the side of the church and we just watched it the whole time that we where eating lunch. I love sitting outside this year and I am sad to say that those days are almost over. :'( The advice that I have for the future eight grade classes it to make the most of the time because it will fly by almost as if it never happened. And have fun!!!!

    1. too! I'm going to miss eating outside with you!!!

  26. I'm really not sure how much of an affect we have brought on the school. Not yet, anyways. When i come back to St. Joe's one day I might have an answer. I guess I want this class to be known as a cool class with some funny people.

  27. I’m going to miss these blog posts. Even small things like that are going to be hard to leave behind. Thanks for making this blog Mr. Grant.
    I don’t know if I personally made a major impact on this school, but I know that as a class we have impacted the school. Our class has had a good balance of many different likeable qualities. We are funny, smart, and accepting of others. I know that we definitely raised the standard of this school. From my 1 million Khan energy points, to Liam and Nate’s 4th place in Science Olympiad. Our class has continuously raised the bar for the future St. Josephian’s. I want our class to be remembered for being the class that pushed themselves no matter what the task at hand was. Whether it was sports or academics, we always gave it our all.
    There have been many memories I’ve had at St. Joseph’s, and the ones I remember the most are those of my friends. Every single day we talk, have fun, and stress ourselves for every test. They are the people who have shaped me as a person, and I would have been a lot different if I didn’t have them. Science Olympiad has also been something that I will forever remember. Last year not going to Nationals was extremely painful, both mentally and physically. This year I had the chance to redeem myself, and I will never forget the experience. Hallissey was fun too. Although I’m not a great player, I still managed to make a basket, and get closer to my classmates. If that championship game played out again, I know that we would win.
    For future 8th graders, cherish every day that you have with your classmates. I think a lot of others have already said this, but the year goes by really fast. It wasn’t that long ago that we had been at the start of the year. If you want to do well in something, just try your hardest. This will always work out in the end. Don’t forget to have fun!

    1. I remember that shot, it was nothing but net Too!

  28. Before I answer these questions, I would like to say that I will miss St. Josephs and remember this school and the teachers. I thank you for these blog posts. THese posts gave me the ability to write down my opinion about certain subjects. I will remember my classmates dearly. I will remember Liam, THomas B., Nate, Nathan, Wes, Grace, Lily, Adriana, etc. I will also remember the teachers that taught me the wonderful education that most people don't have.
    I think that the class did many things to this school. We brought a second place Hallisey trophy (AURGH) and Nate and Liam brought a bronze from Orlando. I think that Mrs. McClure will remember us as the class that didn't get 50th but I think that we will be remembered as the class that pushed a huge block of impact to the community and school and that the new 8th grade class will continue to push that block. My memories will be all the jokes that me and my friends talked about at recess, to Four Square at Lunch, I also will remember playing Four Square with Lily and Adriana and T-Bone for a whole hour. That was really fun. THere are probably many other memories that I am forgetting to say, but this was a fun year. If I was to give advice for the future 8th graders it would be that they should not slack off for they will have many challenges. But still Have fun. GO BRAVES!


  29. This is keelie. I’m too lazy to log out of rylie’s account. I think our class impacted the school by being the class that knew how to have fun, but also be able and willing to work. I don’t think we will have a lasting impact though. I think we will be just a memory later on, if that. We’ll be just another class that graduated, like the rest. We will leave, and there will be more eighth graders to replace us. Thus is life. Also, our class didn’t have a lot of drama. Maybe that’s because we could care less about what others are doing, or maybe because we don’t like it, but honestly our class loves each other. Technology class was one of my favorite classes. I don’t know kids don’t take it. I learned so much from that class. Like how to present reports, talk in front of people (still scares me), manage time, self discipline, typing, the list goes on and on. My memory, even though I am young, is not the best. I don’t remember certain times or memories, but I know that I had a great time at Saint Joe’s. Maybe if I think really hard I can think of a certain memory. I do know that, even though it may not seem like it, I do pay attention in Social Studies. Without you as my teacher, I would most likely really really not like History. Probably because most of the people are dead. But History can be funny and interesting. I’ve learned that people really aren’t all that boring. I used to think everyone was the same, but lately I’ve seen no one is, or will be. Thank you for your patience with our class when we get too loud or disruptive. I have learned so many things at Saint Joe’s. I’d hope so, because I’ve spent most of my life here. I think that even after I leave, little Keelie germs will still hang around, chilling in my old classrooms. I don’t really want to give future eighth graders advice. I think they should learn for themselves, because no matter how much I tell them, they won’t believe me until they experience it themselves. Because of your class, I learned that all we know, we know from experience. Or something like that. Anyways, I think that the future eighth graders should get their own experience. I did, and I turned out fine!! Thank you for being a super cool teacher Mista G.

  30. I think that are class had a really good impact on the school for many reasons, one is that there were never any popular groups or lower groups. We showed that we are all one group and all friends especially when all of the girls sat together at one table. I really appreciate this because I can tell just by looking at the sixth and 7th graders that they have popular and unpopular groups. I want my class to be remembered as the class who were all friends and did a ton of things together and spent a ton of time together. Some life lessons I learned from St Joes come from my friends and my teachers. The two teachers that impacted me the most would have to be Mrs Russell and Mrs Violet. Mrs Violet impacted me in a lot of ways as being my first teacher at St Joes, but what I think impacted me the most from her is that learning can be fun. Mrs Russell impacted me because I could really tell that she was trying her best to teach us. She would stay after school and help us with Khan and home work that we didn't understand and in many other ways. From her I learned to treasure my education and want to do well. My advise for the future 8th graders is to hangout as much as you can because the time goes by fast, even though you may feel sick of being in the school for so long you will soon realize how much you are going to miss it.

  31. i think that our class made a difference because we had done so much to make this school a helping and safe environment. i also think that we have made a healthy example for the younger grade to see how we are not all separated but together as a class. i think that our class should be remembered by having fun and always being friends with each other as a family. i think that the funnest moments was when Brian threw a Gatorade cap at the wall and it came back and hit me in the face that was priceless. i also think that the time we had the hallace tournament even though we lost it was fun still. i think that the future 8th graders should remember to be careful with mr.grant and the ruler.


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