Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nigerian Kidnapping

On April 15, 2014 more than 300 teenage girls were abducted from the secondary boarding school Chibok in Lagos, Nigeria.  Boko Haram, and Islamic terrorist group has claimed responsibility and is threatening to sell the girls in the market. 

This is just another in a series of heinous acts committed by Boko Haram.  The organization has been classified as a terrorist organization by the United States and there is a $7 million bounty on the group’s leader, Abubakar Shekau. 

While Boko Haram is responsible for countless murders and kidnapping, the size and atrocity of this act has captured the interest of international groups and governments, including the United States and China.  As recently as Tuesday, the U.S. State Department has pledged assistance with technical experts in intelligence, investigation and hostage negotiations.   China has offered to assist with satellite imaging and other technical assistance.  Unfortunately, the Nigerian’s initial reluctance to accepting help has given the terrorist organization a three week head start.

Boko Haram’s name is translated “Western education is sinful”. They believe in pure translation of Sharia law which considers everything Western as evil.  The leader, Abubakar Shekau recently released a video in which he says, “I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah. There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell.  He commands me to sell. I will sell the women. I sell women.”

The Nigerian leaders, including President Jonathan Goodluck, have not demonstrated the ability to effectively handled Boko Haram or recover the abducted girls.  What should be done to recover these girls?  What role should the United States play in the recovery?  How do you think the international community should deal with groups like Boko Haram?  Lastly, please say a prayer for the safe return and recovery of the girls and their families.  


  1. I believe that a widespread search throughout the country is in order to locate these terrorists. I believe that the united states should be in charge of surveillance and protection, meaning that they need to look into these abductions as well as protecting the people who might be their next target. When It comes to the international community, the greatest weapon they have is voice. We need to let the world know of these terrorists, and more people will want to take action against them.

  2. People need to be more aware of this in order to get the girls back. Violence should be avoided, but with a terrorist group stealing people, it might be necessary. The U.S. should offer help, but should back off as needed, and unless something really critical happens, like they attack us, we should honestly stay out of it. We already meddle too much in other's affairs. The international community should stay on the lookout for this group and offer help as needed, but unless Nigeria willingly lets us in and help, we should back off, since they didn't sound too thrilled for outside help. We should let them figure this out on their own first, then come in as needed.

  3. I think that we should find the their stronghold as soon as possible and attack them. There is no way that a terrorist group like that would ever agree to surrender, so our only option is to bust in there and rescue those girls. I think that the U.S. government should support them in the finding of their stronghold, but not in the actual recovery. Honestly, I think we should get out of there as soon as possible because it's not our business to be snooping around in someone else's country, but frankly, I think their government could use a push to start actually doing something about this terrorist group. Nigeria's government needs to get their act together and prove that they actually govern this country. They should at least try to protect their citizens. I think that the international community is already doing what they can. It's on our national news, and it's probably made headlines in other countries as well. They have a million different social media pages and campaigns for it. They just need to keep spreading the word about it, and making sure that everyone knows about it, and that people start to rally against it.

  4. I think that the Nigerian government should do a search of the whole country in order to find the girls. I think that the United States should assist in giving Nigeria money in order to help find the girls. The United States should not send troops over in my opinion though, because we already get in other country's business too much. The International community should be aware of these groups and spread the word about them, but they should go into other country's to get rid of them unless they attack us first, because it isn't our business.

  5. I think that the nigerian government should start the search and just don't stop until they find them. They need to search high and low, near and far. I think that they should also be more open about this matter, as the people are already mad at what they are doing. They should be telling the people about their search efforts, making them start and successfully finish them. I think that the U.S. should take a medium role in this matter. This is because the U.S. already has so many things on their plate. I know that the citizens here would get mad, but we can't risk more lives and money trying to save them. Not only that, but we are so powerful and well trained, we don't need to have a large search party overseas to catch them. The international community needs to bring the hammer down on these terrorist parties. Alls they are doing is causing mayhem, deaths, and destruction. I personally think (if this already doesn't exist) that we should create a national anti9terrorism response team. This would make it so that all countries could pitch in and get support from others.

  6. What I think should be done to recover the girls is first of all Nigeria needs to take part since this is their problem in their country. To take part they need to start a search. The United States can take part by supporting Nigeria and do a little to help find the girls. The U.S. should not be working harder than Nigeria to deal with this. Also the U.S. can't get to involved because that can create a bigger issue.

  7. I can only imagine how scared these young girls are. Abducted and being held captive. I think that we should get involved. If they can't show the ability o rescue these young girls are we just going to watch them fade into nothing when we could have done something? If a girl in the US was abducted there would be search parties all over for her it would be all over them news, so why can we do that with one American life but not 300 Nigerian girls? The US needs to help these girls and their families. I think that international community needs to hammer down on these terrorist parties. They need to be stopped all they do is cause destruction to themselves and others painting a stereotype of their religion of people. They need to be stopped.

  8. I think that they need to order an attack on the terrorist group. They should do whatever they can to try and find these girls. This will make the country feel that they are being protected and the military will do anything to help the country. I definitely think that the U.S. should try and help, but try not to get too involved unless the terrorists come to America. I think that the international community needs to find away to shut down all these terrorist groups. They need to let people know about them and how dangerous and how much of a threat they are to us. Even though there is quite a bit of talk about it, they need to make it even bigger!

  9. I think they need to search for the missing girls until we can find them. Right now if I was living there I would not feel safe until all the girls were found and the people who did this in custody. I think the U.S should supply whatever the government needs to find the girls. Offer our help in search, weapons to protect themselves, food and supplies for the residents and troops. I think they should arrest the people in these groups dong bad things. They should also proved the people being terrorized by them with stuff to protect themselves. Take the weapons away from the terrorist groups.

  10. I think that the Nigerian Government should publicly announce what they are doing to try to find the girls. It will make the people happy and it will also force them to work harder to solve the case because they have told their citizens. i don't think that the U.S. should get involved, not now at least. This is a Nigerian problem and we don't want o interfere with international affairs. If we did get involved it would probably be viewed as the U.S. questioning their governments legitimacy. We should not get involved until they ask for international help. I think that internationally we should try to encourage the Nigerian government to take a bold stance on this major issue.

  11. These girls need to be saved, and right now, the only thing to do would be to comb through the country to find the group. This will be a slow process of course. The Nigerian government could threaten Boko Haram, and lessen the penalty if they let the girls go, but this won’t be that effective either. The United States should not be getting involved directly, but should only help to locate the group. It’s a bit hard, but no U.S. citizens were involved in this affair at all. The U.S. tends to help in every situation though, so it may be inevitable for the U.S. to get involved in a greater degree. The rest of the world should do the same; help to locate the terrorist group but let the attacked country deal with the terrorizers. This unites all the countries, as well as doesn’t have citizens from other countries running into harms way.

  12. Whenever I hear this type of stuff done in the news it really is disheartening, but it shows that these are real life situations. What I think should be done to recover these girls is to absolutely take major initiative and search everywhere until they end up finding them, no matter how long it will take. I believe the United States should do everything that they can do. Help with costs or whatever needs to be done. Honestly I have no mercy towards these types of groups so I personally think that international communities should put these members in jail and show a major discipline, because there shouldn't be any horrible stuff like this happening in the world.

    1. I will be keeping these girls in my heart and prayers.

  13. The government in Nigeria should continue to search for the missing people. I do not think the U.S. should get involved that much. We should probably help survey land or something, but not send in troops or anything like that. The international community should not show the terrorist groups any leeway and strike down hard on them.

  14. These girls they dragged out of the houses by their hair. Wow. I cant imagine what it would feel like to be kidnapped away from your home. I imagine it would be terrifying. To recover these girls from the terrorists I think we should make more education In the western more undeveloped states. Even though it would make the terrorists even more angry, it shows that we can not be ran over as easily. Next time they come to kidnap we will be ready. The united states should be involved as much as we can. I think we should send troops and investigators over to find the kidnappers. I think the villages around Boko should be aware that he is around. But still be ready to fight back. I think they should have military stationed there to protect the young girls around there. Yes I will pray later tonight.

  15. I honestly have no idea of how to get the girls back. I guess you could search the entire country, but even then you're not guaranteed to find them. Maybe they fled the country. Even if they did search the country, by then the group would've moved or found someway to attack. They'd always be way ahead. I think the U.S. should definitely get involved. I'm not sure what they would do, but anything seems helpful at this point. It doesn't seem like the Nigerian government is going to or can do much. I think multiple governments need to ban together to try to get the girls back. However, I don't think it's possible to end terrorist groups. Even if we assassinate their leader, it doesn't mean the terrorist group will end; they might even get stronger because they have more of a cause. Even though Osama Bin Laden was killed, Al Qaeda still exists, for example.

  16. I think that our government needs to stop these ignorant criminals and what they are doing. 300 women were taken from their homes and kidnapped. that's just cruel. And to sell them too is also very very mean and just not right. The U.S.A. needs to get in there and rescue these innocent young women. We need to send our troops to Nigeria and save these girls. I feel that the International community should put an end to these groups and all that they do. The groups have no point in what they do. I will pray for these girls.

  17. The best decision that Nigeria could make would be to create a massive search party headed by Nigerian officials. If Nigeria would be able to proceed with this action, then the help from the United States would not be necessary. Unfortunately, due to the malfunction of the Nigerian government, not only will America be forced into helping find the kidnapped girls but will also have to help reform the Nigerian government. I think that America should help the effort to find the missing girls but should not spend time and money in reforming a government. The best international response to people like Boko Haram is to reinforce international law; so that when people like this are caught, capitol punishment may be the custom and that the message to terrorists may be heard. In closing I pray for the safety of the girls and that they may be discovered.

  18. I don't really know the situation that well, I guess they should make a big research party and accept assistance from other countries. But the government doesn't know much. Maybe the terrorists could be in another country, who knows. I actually think that the United States should help with the search. Wether it requires force, someone has to find out where they are located, then the United States or China can blockade the terrorists escape while the Nigerians can attack from the other side. This might sound like a stupid solution, but like I said, I really don't know much about the situation. I think that the International Community must convince their government to accept assistance and search for the terrorists. I mean, the people can't really do anything about the terrorism except protest.

  19. I think people in Nigeria need to start looking for these innocent young girls, and maybe form a group to search for them. I think it would also really help if we helped them look for the girls with our technology and other kind of devices that will be useful. I think its bad that the government in Nigeria isn't doing to much about this situation and they're just letting it slide past them , and that's why I am thankful to live in a country where the government cares. I think we should also provide more western education, so the terrorist group will get annoyed and then if we keep on doing it, then they will get used to it. This terrible terrorist group needs to be eliminated and I hope maybe we can educate the people in this group, so they can understand why terrorism is so bad, and then the society would live in more peace. I am praying that all of these girls will return to their homes safely and that they don't have to deal with these crazy and insane people who aren't educated. I hope they can get back to their homes eventually and I pray they stay safe.

  20. I think they should keep searching for the missing girls until they are found. Once found I think a plan should be put in place instead of just storming the place. THey need to have a plan in hopes that no girls will be shot.I think the U.S shouldn't do much except for sending troops if needed and help negotiate in getting the girls back. The International Community needs to deal with this by educating the people and like that one woman said they need to know the truth. No one can help if they don't know the truth. They also need to oput in place more security in hopes that this will not happen again. SO have people staitioned outside of schools so that we will not have 600 more greeving parents wanting to know where there daughter is and if she is even alive or not. Although I am obviously not a parent I can not imagine the hardships the parents are facing right now. I just told my parents about this blog and they said that if it were me, or my sister in their situation they wouldn't be able to eat, sleep, even live without thinking about us or where we are and if we are ever coming home.

  21. I think Nigeria needs to begin to looking for those girls and don't turn back. Nigeria's government is just laying back and not taking the opportunity and seizing the moment. People should form support groups and all form something stronger than Boko Haram. Nigeria needs to make Boko Haram really well known so that help can be assisted from everywhere. I think the U.S. should help by sending money or giving them our advanced technological devices fro them to use.....and find these young women. I think that is the best way for the U.S. to help out and if further assistance is needed then we should be there to step in. Lastly, I will be praying for all these girls to come back safely and have no more worries about having insane people harm their lives.

  22. I think that the girls need to be recovered at any cost. Boko Haram is the real evil. The United States should stand up against this terrorism, and so should other nations. These girls need to be found. It is not acceptable to capture and sell them just because they are seeking an education. I think that the international community should put an end to Boko Haram because of all the evil it contains in itself. Education opens doors and preventing it will do nothing but cause harm and destruction. I think that we all will be keeping these kidnapped girls in our prayers, and hopefully they are found soon.

  23. I think that the global community should band together to send in troops to Nigerian in order to do a intensive search for the missing girls. I believe it is crucial that they are returned; their free will and lives are on the line. I believe the United States should be one of the main role models to the universal community by being the nation that steps forward to actively show that they are willing to do anything to help rescue the missing girls. I think the international community should deal with terrorist groups with direct force. They should be instantly crushed, whether with negotiation or actual fighting.

  24. I think that the Nigerian government and our own government should combine forces, and look for these girls and not stop until they are found. I think that the United States should stay out of it until we are asked to join. We can't just force ourselves into their business. People need to speak out against terrorist such as these. THe international community needs to not let these kinds of people come into power.

  25. First off I think that the only thing that the whole world can join together and do as one is to have faith and pray for these girls. But I think that the Nigerian Government should create a search party to go look for the girls. I also think that the United States should send money to the families so that they can buy there girls back or the US should just pay for them all to come back at ounce and then they can just go home. I think that the internal community should deal with this by using direct force and just dealing with it them selves but also have the government there to assist them. I will keep these girls and there family's in my prayers.

  26. I think any country available should be be called into action to find the girls and to decimate, if not annihilate Boko Haram's power and control.Take task force 121, 2nd Spetsnaz Brigade, and of corse, the Nigerian 72nd special forces battalion, send them in after intelligence agencies get good intel, tell them it is a total war protocol (reference), and just decimate everything, confiscate every vehicle, every weapon, every building, and every grain of dirt affiliated with Boko Haram. Detain every person remotely affiliated with the organization and have Gordon Ramsey shout at them for 8 hours each, track down and save every girl who may have been kidnapped anytime in the past, give them 500 dollars, and a pet walrus. Obama and Putin high five, do a little world leaders secret handshake, then the both of them give Jonathan Goodman a 16 hour lecture on why you shouldn't procrastinate when 300 girls/ citizens are missing. I guarantee you that terrorism will see at least a 60% decrease.
    Any financial issues? $7,000,000 and police auctions go a long way.

  27. I just can't believe this is happening. This is just.....astonishing. I'm baffled, honestly. As a be seen as property, cattle even, that could be sold off at any moment terrifies me. I'm scared for those girls, to be sold like that just seems terrible. I know I can never know what they're going through, but that is just awful and if by some chance, anyone involved with this kidnapping or anyone affected will see this, but I have to say it. I'm sorry. I don't know, and I never will know, what it's like to go through that. But I feel it is the job of everyone at this point to save those girls. We are not property. We are not cattle. I'm sorry to whomever has been affected by this. I feel that even though the Nigerian government has said that they were searching, I don't think that they are searching very hard. The fact that about 300 girls were taken is just awful. Any country should be ready to help them. I feel like this because what if that happened in America? American's would ask for help, so I feel like anyone should help and find them. Try and put themselves in the girl's shoes. Being scared every day, being sold to someone you don't know. You could be forced into marriage or even prostitution and no one saves you. I can't imaging that. I think that the US should offer help. If this happened in the US, we'd be doing everything we could. We should do the same for anyone else. It may not be out "duty" to help, but we should do whatever we can to find those girls and help Nigeria find them.

  28. Rylie:
    These girls need to be recovered. The United States should help out along with other countries. This is something that cannot be tolerated any longer. If we don’t put an end to stuff like this, then it will only get worse. America should put our foot down and get rid of this disgusting behavior. Times have changed. The international community should end Boko Haram and anything that has something to do with them. I pray for their safe recovery and for their families that have to spend all this time worrying about their safety. I pray to God that they make it home safely and will recover from this horrific event.

  29. I believe this is an outrage towards the community in Nigeria and worldwide and should be ended immediately. The goal I assume that could be the best course of action is to call in for outside help to be able to deal with this major issue. That outside help could be the United States, and they should at least offer up some services to Nigeria to attempt to reclaim the abducted girls. It is at times like these when I wonder on humanity on some of the things we have done wrong. This is one such case, as saying that this man is looked upon as an enemy internationally, which is a good thing. I pray that there will be something that will cause the girls to be found and that man to be put to justice.


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