Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer 2014

Welcome back to school.  I can only imagine many of you feel as through the summer went by way too quickly and are stunned to think we are back in school for another 9 months.  While it may have seemed to go by at the speed of light, this has been an incredible summer for world news.  Here are some highlights:

The Ongoing Issues in Ukraine

Not a week can go by without another incident concerning the ongoing border dispute between the Russian sand the Ukraine. This dispute has not only resulted in the constant threat of military actions, but on July 17th 283 passengers tragically lost their lives when flight MH17 was shot out of the sky.  The United States and European countries have issued numerous sanctions against Russia, but with little effect to date.

The World Cup

Brazil hosted the world’s largest sporting event.  The FIFA World Cup was held between June 12th and July 13th.  The attendance and viewers from all over the world was phenomenal.  In the end the men from Germany defeated the Argentineans to host the cup for the fourth time in the history of the tournament.

Trouble in Israel

Beginning July 8th, the Israeli military and the Hamas have been engaged in an ongoing conflict.  The conflict
continues to escalate and the casualties continue to rise as neither side is able to find a reasonable resolution.  One of the great tragedies of the conflict is the loss of the lives of civilians caught in the middle of this war zone.  The Egyptian government has been working diligently with both sides to enact ceasefires to provide civilian aid, but with limited success.  The latest ceasefire is set to expire at midnight August 18, 2014.

Iraqi ISIS

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been working to create a militant Islamic state at the expense of religious minority groups in the region.  ISIS has been working to rid the area of Sunni Muslims and Yazidi.  The acts committed against these minority groups have prompted the United States to attempt to provide humanitarian aid. 

Racial Tension in Missouri
On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, MO.  Michael
Brown was unarmed, but according to reports Brown assaulted the officer.  The candlelight vigil held the next evening turned into a riot claiming 30 injuries.  As more information and action is taken, the community continues to struggle with the relationship between law enforcement and the people they are to protect. 

These are just a sample of the many news stories from the summer of 2014.  In your opinion what was the biggest news story from the summer and why?  You can choose from one of the items above or whatever other news stories captured your attention.  What types of news stories are you more likely to pay attention to?  What about these stories interests you? 


  1. My favorite news story this summer and in my opinion the biggest was the World Cup. I say this because everywhere I went during the tournament, I heard people talking about it, saw it on TV's, and saw it on Yahoo. I think people pay attention to the world cup because all the countries participating are cheering their team on and there is no reason not to participate in this cheerful, suspenseful event. It's also fun to just watch a pro soccer game and keep track of the bracket. When it comes to news stories, I only remember stories that are worldwide and told all the time. The problems in Ukraine and ISIS are two that I can think of. I also think that if the US is going to get involved in these conflicts, it could lead to a war and that would make people feel unsafe. I want to know whether to be worried of attacks on the US. Although it probably won't happen, I'd like to be up to date on things like this.

  2. The biggest news story in my opinion was the Michael Brown shooting. I think this because a police man pulled up and started a struggle with the young man then shot him in side his car once. I found this crazy. I like news stories about deaths. I don't know what interests me in them but I'm really entertained by them.

  3. The biggest news story I think was when robin Williams died. I have watched may T.V shows with him in them ad I really lied him as an actor. When I heard that he had died I was really sad. I new that he had some illnesses but I did not think that they would cause him to kill himself. I usually give most o my attention to sports stories but I also pay attention to stories about Celebrities. Such as this one

  4. For me, hearing that Robin Williams died was the biggest news story. He was one of my favorite actors and I love his movies like Jumanji, Aladdin, and Mrs. Doubtfire. It was horrible that he was so depressed he committed suicide.
    There aren't many news stories that catch my attention, but that's just because they are usually so depressing. This specific one caught my attention because I loved Robin Williams. He was a great guy.

  5. I think the biggest news story of the summer was Mo'ne Davis playing on an all boys team in the Little League World Series. She and one other girl, Kayla Roncin, were the only two girls to play in the series this year. Mo'ne Davis's team lost to Chicago 6-5, and would have gone onto the championship game if they had won. To me this is the biggest story of the summer because a girl playing as pitcher on an all boys team for the Little League World Series and almost making it to the championship game is HUGE! I think it's great that Mo'ne Davis wasn't afraid of being the only girl on the team and always played her hardest. I think that Mo'ne Davis is a great example of always trying and knowing that you can accomplish any goal you have, as long as you try. To me, this is the biggest news story for many reasons.

  6. I think the biggest news story this summer was the Michael Brown shooting. The shooting I thought was the biggest news story because of the segregation we still have in this country and this is just another example of it. This shows how people treat each other just because of their skin color or ethnicity. On the news I pay more attention to shootings because it interests me. It interests me because I like to know about crime and crime interests me.

  7. The biggest story this summer was most likely the FIFA World Cup. Although it wasn't as troubling as others may have been, it was still a worldwide topic. Global audiences were attracted to this event, and numerous amounts of people attended the live games held in Brazil. It was fantastic to see the world come together and root for their country, waiting in anticipation to see who wins it all. As for all news stories, I don't particularly take interest in them. The most I ever do when I see the daily news is give it a glance, not pondering about it and continuing my day. But, what does catch my attention are news stories that usually include my interests, for example, the FIFA World Cup. Since I am a soccer player myself, it was a good event for me to take a particular interest in.

  8. FIFA!!!!! I think that it is the biggest news story because everybody watched it and they loved it. People all over the world watched some of the games. Sports stories grab my attention because I love sports.

  9. The biggest news story and my favorite one was the World Cup. I had so much fun watching it, especially with my soccer team while at Regionals, even though Germany won when I was rooting for Argentina. I would pay more attention to news stories that involve my interests like the World Cup and to stories that are very sad and tragic, like civil war or murders. I am attracted to these tragic and terrible stories because they show me what some people can be like out there in the world and they teach me to be more careful in life, like if I'm home alone or out in public around many strangers.

  10. I believe that the biggest news story was the one about Michael Brown because it has gotten the most air time and has stirred up many a riot for the young man. However the news story I most paid attention to was Trouble in Israel, simply because I hadn't heard much of that particular story over the summer (with the Syria and Iranian disputes) and I am concerned that there is yet another battle in that general region. In conclusion while I thought Michael's story was most important, Trouble in Israel was the one that grabbed my attention because the news, for me personally, should be something new

  11. This summer we had a lot of things happen in our country. While many were quite tragic and others very entertaining, when I think 'news stories of summer' I think ice bucket challenge. In my opinion, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was the most popular news story of the summer. While some people find it annoying, I think that it is a very creative and trendy way to raise awareness about a very serious illness. I'm glad to hope that in a few years, they could be able to create some sort of medication to treat Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis with the funds they've raised. I know what it's like to have someone help your dying relative, and I can only imagine the immense joy that the affected families feel.

  12. This summer the biggest news story to me was the Michael Brown story, becuase of the tension between blacks and whites now. But, i also have heard about the news about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I think it's amazing that a family decided to raise awareness for the disease and it has really come a long way. I like hearing about inspirational stories on the news, such as the Ice Bucket Challenge. I like them because they show the goodness in the world, and kind of balance out all of the evil.

  13. I think one of the reasons this challenge was so successful because its not like any another challenge. Its was really fun and really spread fast. It really gets people to involve and be aware. Another reason is social media. I didn't know what als was before the ice bucket challenge. I saw and heard of it on the social media.When I did the als ice bucket challenge I didn't really know much about the disease. I learned alot this I learned that, they lose the ability, to move, taste, movment and brain function I think that this was a great challenge


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