Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Power of Social Media

On August 27, the middle school is completing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  While I hope this provides us with some fun and laughs as well as increase knowledge about the disease and its effects, I want to spend some additional time discussing the immense power of social media. 

Too often we only focus on the negative impacts of social media.  Things that go viral are often negative or pointless.  This is neither.  With imagination and simplicity this campaign may have changed forever how we raise awareness and funding to special causes that more often than not go unnoticed. 

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge started with the story of one man, Pete Frates.  Using his story as an inspiration, a simple and direct fundraising idea was born.  It success has shocked everyone.  According to Wikipedia between the dates of July 29th and August 21st, $41.8 million dollars have been donated to aid ALS research and education compared to $1.8 million a year ago.  Between June 1st and August 13th 1.2 million videos have been posted to Facebook.  Lastly, between July 29 and August 17 there have been 2.2 million tweets. 

Why do you think the Ice Bucket Challenge has been so successful?  What did you learn about ALS this week?  


  1. The ice bucket challenge has been so successful because it is something so simple to raise awareness for a very rare disease. I learned all about it how it affects you what the symptoms are much more.

    1. The ice bucket challenge was so successful because they were really hard to miss when you are scrolling down your social media webpage. The reason why it was so interesting was because it had all three things emotion and a touching story behind it, it has a challenge in it too and everyone has to accept a challenge or unless your considered a wussy, it also has social currency that makes people watch them more so it spreads to other people more and faster. The reason why ALS happens is because there is a hiatus imbetween the cells in the neurons. The disease spreads out from your spinal cord until you are completely paralyzed.

  2. I think it is awesome and it has been successful so far and it will be a success it has made a big impart and will continue to. ALS is small but its a big problem . ALS Lou Gehrigs disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis it takes over the nervous system and slowly kills your nervous system.

  3. The ice bucket challenge was successful because it is fun and each time someone does the challenge they nominate three more people then that person nominates three more people and so on, and sooner or later that adds up to millions of people. I learned that everyone can make a difference in the world and that ALS is a very bad disease that is fatal to anyone that gets it. I hope that the world can find a cure or some medicines that slows the disease down. Watching some of these videos really makes me think about how important family and friends are.

  4. I think the ice bucket challenge has been successful for more than one reason. First it was started by athletes for an amazing cause and also because no one can resist a challenge! It also represented people who care about a friend and would dump a gallon of ice water on their heads just to prove it.I learned so much about ALS this week, I know now that ALS makes you completely immobile by the time of death and i also know it has something to do with muscle scarring and that there is no known cure. I also know that the people normally diagnosed with it are between 45 and 55, though there are some exceptions. I learned that drug companies don't pay it much heed because of the low diagnosis numbers, i personally think that's horrid. Finally i learned that with the right push, everyone is willing to help a cause.

  5. I think that it has become so popular due to the fact that it is fun and a great supporter or A.L.S by donations and just raising awareness. It also was done by people that are in the public eye making them think since that famous person did it, I will too. I learned that this disease causes paralysis or the body and will eventually kill you by stopping all functions of body and making it impossible to breath,eat,move, and speak.

  6. This man is striving for a great cause. This thing will help thousands of people around the country. The people that have this disease suffer so much. To be sitting in a chair. I am sad that I will be gone for the ice bucket challenge today for the football game. I want to help work towards a cause. The thought of every day you loose feeling in a place slowly. I hope this man will stay alive long enough to do this and that he gets the best care possible. Its sad that such a young person can get it while he is in the prime. I would think im having a stroke if my legs just started to collapse. The thought of your speech just going away in an instant. In health class. We learned about lou garig.

  7. The ALS ice bucket challenge has been so successful because not only is it a lot of fun, it is in honor of victims of the terrible disease. No one deserves to live like that. Anyone who knows about ALS is going to want to contribute to research and have some laughs by taking accepting the ice bucket challenge. It was only this week that I learned what ALS was. It is just horrifying to think that someone would have to live with no movement in your body and your mind still working. I think that the people are doing a good thing by raising awareness and taking part in the research contributions. I hope that everybody keeps the these people in their prayers and that we can soon come up with a solution.

  8. I think the Ice Bucket Challenge has been so successful because it started with a man who wanted to raise awareness for ALS and then it went viral, with celebrities to pop-stars to athletes pouring ice water over their head. I think that people saw famous people doing it and wanted to do it to contribute to raising awareness for ALS. I think this challenge is set apart from other things on the internet because it's personal and it makes people want to give to people who die in the middle of their life from the ALS disease. What I learned about ALS this week is that it starts with little things not working, like a muscle spasm or a change in speech and then after someone gets diagnosed it gets worse and then usually about two to five years after their diagnosis, they pass away. I also learned that before someone with ALS passes away, they can't move anything expect their eyes to blink and move from side to side and up and down and have to sit still in a chair all day, and then eventually their body shuts down. I think that Pete Frates story is inspiring and that it's great that he did the challenge too along with all the other people who did it before and after he did it. I think that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge will be remembered for a long time.

  9. I think this challenge has been so successful because it is so fun to do, yet it raises so much attention and awareness. The videos of people dumping ice on their heads came up in my feed so many times... I think because of how many people were doing it, it was easier to know about the disease and actually do the challenge. I have learned so many thing about ALS this week. I have learned about how it affects the body and how it affects the life of the person with the disease. I have learned that the person living with ALS goes into a complete paralysis and sooner or later, their breathing and heart with become paralyzed. I learned what the symptoms were and how hard things became for the people struggling with it. I learned that they would not be able to talk and say things that they wanted so say. To me, that would be so hard because they would know and think about certain things but they would not be able to say them. I never knew how horrible this disease is and what it did to the people struggling with it.

  10. I feel that the ice bucket challenge has became such a hit is because it really hits you as human right in the heart. now most people dont know what als is but they are doing it because a lot of celeberties are doing it and their friends are doing it. Als is a amytrophic laterel sclerosis disease that pretty much scares tissues and leads to comlete and total paralysis. some early symptoms are musscle weakness and and having trouble talking.the avarege person is 45-50 years of age but you can be dignoised at any time. pete frates was diagnoised in his late twentys and is now completley paralised he did the ice bucket challenege at Fenway park his dream place to play baseball.

  11. The ice bucket challenge has been so successful because celebrities, sports stars, ex-presidents, and so many famous people are doing it and their fans who almost STALK them via social media are finding out about it, telling their friends, and doing it themselves. For example, Justin Timberlake did it, his fans saw, they did it, told their friends who did it as well and told other people, and it is just spreading like wildfire now.
    I learned what ALS was (I had never heard of it previously) and I found out what it did, and how horrible it was. I learned that there are not a lot of people that have the disease, and a lot of others don't even know that it exists. It is absolutely HEARTBREAKING how ALS affects people like Pete Frates and so many others. How horrible it is that the people with the disease eventually become like a doll that can't do anything on their own, and yet they still have their minds, intelligent, beautiful, working minds totally intact. And eventually, they all die, paralyzed, unable to speak, unable to even blink, and soon, they can't even breath. Yet they can still feel, still think, still hope and pray that at least anyone else who gets this disease will be able to be cured, and that they helped make even more people aware of the disease.

  12. I think that the ice bucket challenge has been so successful because people started to pass it on and then other people thought that it was cool to dump the water on their heads so everyone started to do it. I learned that ALS is a disease that lots of people all over the world had no idea about before the ice bucket challenge. ALS attacks the nervous system and causes complete paralysis and then leads to death. It is so sad to think about the people like Pete Frates with ALS that cant communicate with their family and the kids who can't go play with their friends. I think it was a great idea to start the ice bucket challenge because it raises awareness for this horrible disease. I am excited to do the ice bucket challenge today as a middle school now that we have learned about ALS and what it does to the body.

  13. O think that the ice bucket challenge is great, it is number one a great way two raise awareness, and number two a great way to get money so that people may be a able to look a little more into the cure. I think that the ice bucket challenge was very successful, because people see what the disease does to others , and they want to find ways to help. People look at the people who actually have the disease and they think that could be one of the people I love, and that causes them to want to help the people who actually have the disease. When I figured out about what ALS was I immediately wanted to find a way to help. I think that the ice bucket challenge is a great way to do this, number one it raises awareness and number two it raises money for the cure. I learned a lot about ALS because of my teachers, friends, and family. I learned a lot about about the actual disease as well as the ice bucket challenge. I learned that the person goes into complete paralysis, and after a while the stop breathing and die. I also learned the reason why this happens. I also learned about the ice bucket challenge and how it started. i also learned about what it is supposed to do, which is raise awareness and money. I hope that after a while the disease will have a cure. Thanks

  14. I think the ALS ice bucket challenge has been so successful because of social media. Instagram, twitter, Facebook, etc. It has also been successful by the people excepting the challenge by dumping a bucket of ice water on their head. I learned many things about ALS. I learned that it attacks the nervous system and after a while of having it, the person goes in complete paralysis. When in complete paralysis the person can't move anything except for his/her eyes. Their brain is also completely functioning, but they have no control. I also learned about Pete Frates, the man who got ALS and started the ice bucket challenge. I recently did the ice bucket challenge and I did it to raise more awareness about ALS.

  15. I think the ice bucket challenge has been successful for two different reasons.
    One: To raise awareness for ALS.
    Two: People's reactions to getting ice water dumped on there head can be fairly funny, so that can get more people to do it and donate money as well.
    I think the ice bucket challenge was a great way to raise awareness for ALS. I have learned that ALS is a disease that attacks your nervous system and eventually puts your body in complete paralysis. It has some pretty serious side effects, such as change of speech, muscle weakness, paralysis, and loss of taste and smell. What I remember from the all the ALS ice bucket challenges is all the reactions to the ice water. That is why I think the whole thing has blown up on social media. It started off with Pete Frate's ( a man that is dying from ALS ) friends dumping ice on there head, and now it has blown up.

  16. I think that ALS has been so successful because now people are so aware of it and they want to help donate and raise awareness for this terrible disease. The number this year have skyrocketed from last year. Last year ALS raised over 1 million dollars total. This year we have all raised over 40 million dollars for ALS. I have learned a lot this week about ALS and how it literally takes over your body into total paralysis. This disease takes away your speech, smell, and eventually your breathing .

  17. The Ice Bucket Challenge became an social media phenomenon for many reasons. It all started to raise awareness for people with ALS and the disease itself. As more and more people did it, more and more were nominated. Even those that didn't know what ALS is took the challenge and uploaded it to a social media. Since they didn't know anything about it, they most likely did it just to be part of something huge. But, I learned about ALS this week. It stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, caused by the failure of nerves and resulting in total paralysis. When most people get it, they stop walking, being transported by wheelchair. Our teacher also had us do some exercises that showed us what it was like to have ALS; to speak with ALS, to eat with ALS, and the daily life in a victim with ALS. This gave me more awareness to how hard the life of someone with this disease is and how greatly needed research for the cause is.

  18. I think the ice bucket challenge became big because once some celebrities did it it became more popular. If one of my friends did it they have to nominate other people. If I was to be chosen I had to do it. Then as more and more people started to do it, it became HUGE. I learned a lot this week from Mrs. G and from the video we just watched. In that video I learned that it looks bad at the start but it does get worse as it goes on. Also I learned that they have gotten so many donations from people doing the Ice bucket challenge. When you do it and donate its a fun process you do and that's also one of the ways it became a big event. When you watch the videos about ALS or people with ALS it is sad to see what they are living through and you know by doing the ice bucket challenge you are raising awareness.

  19. I think that it has been so successful because it is a fun challenge. I did it and I though that it was a very fun and exciting challenge. It was also very successful because it was fun to wait to get nominated and than do it when you get nominated. What I have learned about ALS this week is that it is a very tough disease to live with. There is no cure and you slowly get paralysis. I also learned about how tough it is to live with it because you cant move anything but your eyes and it is hard for you to talk and even swallow when it gets really severe. I also leaned that it's sometimes called the Lou Gehrig's disease because he was the one of the first people that were recognized to have it. ALS doesn't get much founding because not a lot of people have it a year. One of the first stages of ALS is muscle weakness it would be so hard because Mrs. G said that lifting a fork is like lifting eight pounds.

  20. I think that the ice bucket challenge has been so successful because so many famous icons have done the challenge. Even though the challenge started for Pete Frates and all of the other ALS diagnostics, it has become more of a social media trend. People keep donating money as well as dumping the buckets on their heads. I really think that this challenge wouldn't have been such a big success if famous icons hadn't been doing the challenges. regardless, I feel that what we healthy people are doing for those in need shows just how united these United States ( and Canada) really are. Seeing the great things we have accomplished in these few weeks compared to last year, I feel that researchers should be able to come up with a cure very soon. I learned that ALS is no disease to mess around with. This disease is one of the more brutal ones I have heard about. Just doing the short simulations in Mrs. Governale's class made it feel like a lifetime so I couldn't imagine what it would be like for my whole life day in and day out. I really found out how hard the lives of these innocent victims really are.

  21. The ALS Ice bucket challenge was a fun activity that teens took to raise awareness and money for ALS. I think that the combination of Pete Frates' sad story and a fun thing to do made this challenge go viral. I learned almost everything about ALS in health class, and now I realize that even more needs to be done to help people that the disease has affected. The effects it has on people,paralysis, is terrible and we have not discovered a cure or long term blocker to combat it. If I had ALS, I would want this to happen to help eliminate this disease and make it a thing of the past.

  22. I think The ALS ice bucket challenge was successful because people on social media keep doing it and spreading the word of ALS. People also want to raise money to stop ALS. I learned that the ice bucket challenge started from one person. I also learned how hard life with ALS is. I learned that ALS is a progressive disease that attacks the nervous system and slowly paralyzes you until you can no longer breathe. The video we watched was interesting because we got to go into the life of someone with ALS for a short time. We also got to learn about the person who started the ice bucket challenge. I can't believe that one person who has ALS and nominated friends to do a silly ice bucket challenge. Then it caught on in social media and the whole world started doing it.

  23. The ice bucket challenge has been so successful because when you get nominated you have to do it or being considered a wimp but even if you don't do it your still helping the cause because your supposed to donate to the foundation. If you do get nominated its almost impossible to not know it because if you get tagged it send a notification to your account and you know to do it then you nominate another person and they then do the same thing and it acts like a domino effect. The story of the ice bucket challenge also has a sad story behind it and when ever there is a terrible tragedy to a good person people feel like they need to help them with their cause.

  24. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge become such a big phenomenon because of the fun in it. It was just fun to get wet and have people pour water on you. A second reason is because when your friends do it, it seems like a cool thing to do also. It also did not require a lot of materials or knowledge to do it. All you needed was a phone, a bucket and water. ALS is a disease of the nerves that stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. It causes the degeneration of nerves making them unable to send a signal to the muscles. It can affect anyone at anytime and race and gender play no role in when or who the disease will strike. When a person is diagnosed with ALS they often only live for 2-5 years later before they are no longer able to breath.

  25. The ice bucket challenge is so popular because it is a fun and trendy way to gain awareness for a deadly disease. Watching this video really moved me because I finally realized that ALS is really happening. It's affecting all sorts of people. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a way for people to support those families affected and to make a friendly competition out of it. When others watch these videos or hear similar stories, they are really moved and feel an obligation to help. This week, I learned that ALS is a disease that effects the nervous system. It scars the nerves and prevents the affected person from moving their muscles. This gradually turns into total body paralysis and the person stops breathing. We completed many interactive activities to help us grasp what ALS symptoms are like. I hope that with the funds they've raised, ALS will have a cure in the next few years.

  26. The ALS ice bucket challenge has helped the cause in many ways. ALS is an extremely sad desease and I didnt know much about the desease until this week. (thank you Mrs. G) I believe why this is popular is because its just a challenge to some people. A way to get your friends to dump cold water on their heads. Many people do the challenge without knowing what its for. I dont want to admit this but i was that person. I now know what its for and im glad I have donated money to ALS. This brilliant tactic to bring attention to ALS has worked great. Its just a fact, people in our generation like challenges and to show that they can do it. I believe that is why this has worked so well.

  27. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is so successful because of social media. Once one video was posted, soon a million were posted. It got around really fast and that is why there are lots and lots of videos and money now.

    Mrs. G has been teaching us a lot about ALS, so now I can proudly say that I know way more than I did before. ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. It affects the nervous system, which results in being completely paralyzed. You also end up not being able to talk, eat, and, again, move. There is no cure-yet. Because of all of the money and awareness that has been raised, there are hopes for one soon. ALS is not very common compared to other diseases such as heart disease and cancer. But that doesn't mean that it isn't bad. The symptoms- speech change and weakness- are terrible, so I really hope that all of the money and awareness will help bring a cure to this terrible disease.

  28. The ALS ice bucket challenge is the perfect example of how powerful social media is. I think that the reason why the challenge was a huge hit was because its fun, you get to dump water on people, and you get to make your friends do it as well. I've done the ice bucket challenge twice and today will be my third. Every time I have dont it has been for my grandma. My grandma Elaine passed away when my step-dad was 19, therefore I did not get to meet her. She fought ALS for over 2 years before she lost her fight. I am so proud to know that she died trying and she was strong and supported her family through it all. Before this week, I only had a small idea of what ALS was. Now I know almost all the basic information about it (which is only a small fraction of all the information.) ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), otherwise known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, is a disease of the nervous system that is characterized by weakness and loss of speech, which will eventually lead to paralysis. The survival time after diagnosis is 2-3 years and for the majority of those 2-3 years the victim will be immobile and be transported with a wheelchair with the help of a full-time nurse. The ice bucket challenge showed me the power of social media and allowed me to learn what ALS is-and I am really thankful for that opportunity.

  29. The ALS ice bucket challenge is new, exciting, and something that people have never done before. It's fun to pour a bucket of ice water on top of your head and to post it on a social media website like facebook or instagram. These factors are the reasons why this challenge has been so successful. Before learning all about the challenge at school I didn't know a thing about ALS and why people had been posting videos of themselves doing the challenge online. But I learned that the disease is known as Lou Gehrig's disease, it can affect anyone but typically middle aged people, it starts off as muscle weakness then progresses into full body paralysis, and that a man named Pete Frates is the origin of the challenge. I had no idea how physically and emotionally painful and frustrating ALS was to its victims, but now I have a good idea about what it's like. I feel for the people diagnosed with ALS but I also feel for the loved ones of the victims. It is truly difficult having to watch the one you love suffer ALS knowing you or the doctor can't do anything about it. The most we can do is to raise awareness and donate money, which I am more than happy to do, for all the ones affected by this disease.

  30. The ice bucket challenge was successful because it is a fun, friendly, and its viral. The challenge was fun because you got to see your friends and family pouring cold water in their heads. Its was friendly because it involved no harmful effects. It went viral by challenging popular people to do it and then it spread from one person selecting 3 people and then those 3 people select 9 people and it spreads like a wild fire, or a virus. I learned that ALS is a noncommunicable disease. 41 million dollars have been put into raising awareness and funding research in just 3 weeks. 2.2 million people posted videos of them doing it on twitter. ALS is also a disease that deteriorates the bones in your body and they you eventually get paralyzed. There is no cure for ALS, and there are no ways to make the person live longer with ALS. The disease got awareness raised by Lou Gerigs. I hope further research helps to stop this terrible disease from taking anymore lives.

  31. The ice bucket challenge is so successful because people are realizing how bad this disease is and willing to raise awareness for it. This challenge has gone through every social media site I know. every time one person does it, they have to nominate 3 or more other people and so on. A lot of people don't know why they are doing or why they have to raise money, but i know that its for ALS or also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. It stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. This disease effects the nervous system. There is no cure only good care with lots of help. First you start to loose your ability to speak then you have to be transported to a wheelchair because you can't walk. You become paralyzed everywhere in your body. Everyone I know knows about ALS and have been raising awareness so other people know about it. This week i found all about the disease and what happens during that short period of their life. It can happen to any ethnicity or gender. It can be any age, but it mostly effects 45-55 years of age. My teacher had us do all these exercises to show us how hard it is for these people with the disease. It was so different and hard to do that I would not be able to cop with this disease. Thats why I am doing this challenge so I can raise awareness for this disease called ALS.

  32. I think the Ice Bucket Challenge has been so successful because it raises awareness for ALS, which hasn't had much thought before. It's a fun thing to do and people did the challenge to be part of something. It's a success because as more people nominated others through social media, the more it spread. I learned a lot about ALS this week. ALS is caused by nerves failing to work and it causes complete paralysis as it progresses. As I learned more about ALS, I became more aware about the disease and how it affects people. I learned that people loose the ability to talk, which would be really hard because they can never share what they want to say. Through these past weeks, I have learned a lot about the disease and how a cure needs to be found.

  33. The Ice Bucket Challenge has been so successful because so many celebrities have posted their challenge on the internet. When people see celebrities doing something that is for a good cause, they feel the need to immediately do whatever it is going towards a worthy cause. I think another reason its so successful is because of the 'pass it on rule,' people have fun challenging friends to dump water on their heads. This has raised so much money that it is unbelievable! I learned so much about ALS this week. How unbearably hard it must be to have to sit still all day long - and I was only doing it for 15 minutes!! I also know that it must be unbearably hard to not be able to communicate for the rest of your life. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) means you become paralyzed after your muscles and nerves lose connection and can no longer function. It can happen to anyone at any time in their life (although the average age of contracting the disease is 45). There is no cure and ALS is fatal. For some people the process of dying is slower than others, but for Pete Frates I wish him all the time in the world.

  34. I think that the ice bucket challenge was so successful because it is a fun challenge that has gone viral on social media and is for a good cause. The challenge started to raise awareness and money for people with ALS and the disease. I think that because he was playing a sport professionally that it was a bigger deal because people pay lots of attention to celebrities. Once more and more famous people started doing the challenge people were just waiting to be nominated. It also is effective because most people have a social media account were they can watch, comment, and get nominated. Even of people had no idea what ALS was or what they were really they were really raising awareness for but they did it anyway. This week I have learned so much about ALS. ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis but is more commonly knows as Lou Gerig's disease. ALS is a disease of the nervous system that results in permite palatalization. Before a few days ago I never really understood what being paralyzed or have speaking impairments until we had to sit still for 15 minutes an d talk with mouths full of marshmallows. While doing the marshmallow part was fun and tasty it was a learning tool. I cant imagine what it would be lie to have ALS and I feel terrible for those who have it.

  35. I think the ALS ice bucket challenge has been so successful because most our friends, family, and celebrities have done it and posted it on the internet. Also, no one has really ever heard of ALS or thought that much about it. But after you get to know about, you realize how bad this disease is and you want to try to raise awareness. I think we like doing the challenge because its new and fun and we want to raise as much awareness as we can. This week I have learned a lot about ALS. I learned that ALS means Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis but its mostly known for being called Lou Gehrig's disease. It was named that after the Hall of Fame baseball player, Lou Gehrig was diagnosed with it. ALS is a disease of the nervous system. Your muscles and nerves slowly start to lose their connection to the brain which leads to paralysis. I feel terrible for those who have it and I never could imagine having ALS.

  36. I think the Ice Bucket Challenge has been so successful because in today's society once something gets out there it trends really fast. This past week I learned what the disease actually was and how it feels to have it.


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