Thursday, October 16, 2014

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai is the youngest winner ever of the Noble Peace Prize

Malala is a young woman who decided to speak out in her native country of Pakistan.  She wanted the world to know education is important .  She wanted to the world to know women in her country are being denied their basic right to education by fanatical groups.  Her outspokenness and commitment to pursuing her education inspired many and resulted in assassination attempt by the Taliban.

In 2012, at age 14, the Taliban issued a bounty on her life.  Aboard a bus with her friends, a man entered the bus with a Colt 45 and shot Malala in the head.  Miraculously she survived.  She has been through multiple surgeries to repair the damage, but suffered no major brain damage.  She was healthy enough to return to school in 2013.

She has not allowed the acts of violence against her and her message deter her.  She continues to speak out about the power of education and the rights of women to secure those rights.  In 2013 her autobiography, I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban, was published.  She has been asked to speak in front of the United Nations and, most recently, was awarded the Noble Peace Prize.

Malala is a strong, committed young women.  What are your thoughts on her story?  Why is education so important?  Why do you think there are groups of people in the world trying to deny children and education?  What are your thoughts about your education? 


  1. My thoughts on her story are I feel like we have been needed someone like her so speak out against injustices like these. I feel like education is really important because without t there would be no new inventions or technology. I think there are trying to deny the education because without education it is easier to control people. i think education is very important.

  2. Her story is truly inspiring. I am fascinated by how brave she is, putting her life on the line for something she strongly believes in, and not backing down. Education is crucial, because to live a sustainable life you need to get a job, an in order to do that you need to be educated. Plus education allows you to have thoughts of your own and fill your life with meaning. There are hateful people out there who want power and for people to follow them without question; education would prevent that from happening. When I was younger I didn't really like going to school, as a lot of younger kids feel, but as I grew older and heard many stories about places around the world where they don't allow certain people to be educated, I started to appreciate the fact that I can go to school every day safely. I am grateful for my education and happy to work hard every day, knowing how lucky I am.

  3. I love her story. I am fascinated by her courage.When I was younger I hated going to school, as everyone felt, but as I grew older and heard many stories about places around the world where they don't allow certain people to be educated, I started to appreciate the fact that I can go to school every day safely, even thought I might not like it. Education would help the world over there by a lot and I think it would change the world substantially.

  4. I think her story stands out because she had no power, but has made a huge impact on the world. She was the change that she wanted, and she had the courage to do it. Education is important because it allows you opportunities when you grow up. I think that some people don't want children and women educated so that they can have power and so the women and children can't escape. My education is something I have to do so that for the rest of my life will be awesome, which is ore time than time in school.

  5. I think it shows that even people with very little can make huge differences in life. Education lets you see the world from different angles and let you have more of a say and be more educated in situations that need it. The groups that try to shield their children from the world want to keep them believing what they tell them. If a child went to school they might begin to question why their parents do things like this. I am glad that we have an education to help guid us on the right path in life.

  6. Her story is an inspiration to myself and, I'm sure, many others. I can't even imagine how much bravery is required to risk your life for something that others take for granted every day. Education is important because it is the tool to unlock all the luxuries in life. Knowledge obtained in school gives an individual power to change their own world. Terrorists groups like the Taliban try to take away education to prevent others from having any power to defend their rights. They believe that when learning stops, people will become easier to manipulate, because they will not know anything. It is a cruel and evil way to dictate a nation. My thoughts on education have certainly adapted as time has gone on. I used to just think of school as a mandatory, everyday action. Now, I am proud to enjoy the privilege of my education in America. I hope that other people will hear Malala's inspiring story and become more appreciative of the many gifts they have been given.

  7. I think Malala was rightfully nominated for that noble prize, her story was truly incredible. I mean fighting so hard for a cause you believe in is how heroes are born. I think it's also fantastic that she was so young yet so wise that a terrorist group felt threatened by her message, they probably said", this is just a girl, her voice makes no difference to us", and then this "girl" is a leader for a fight for rights. She believed that education is important, and frankly so do I, education is the roots of trees that grow miles high. It leads us through the darkness of our world, providing us with opportunity and fulfills our endless quest for knowledge. I think terrorists and other groups of that manner wish to deny children an education so that they can stay in the dark and the only light to guide them would be the honey sweet words of the leaders beckoning them to a "brighter tomorrow" and the children would go because they never learned another way. I think I am luckier than a large mass of people throughout the world, because, even though I may grumble about it, I get up for school five days a week and receive an uncensored education where both boys and girls have a chance at succeeding and being great.

  8. I think her story is truly incredible, a lot of people especially guys don't have the guts to speak out like this. I am honestly really surprised she is still speaking out after what happened. Education is really important, it is the one thing that keeps this world up and running. If we lose education, we would get no where in life. We would be useless. I think people are denying education because they are afraid of what to much knowledge could do to them, but knowledge is everything, so there is no point in denying it. I just hope that those people realize it. My education is great. My whole life I have had great teachers that know what they are teaching and how they need to teach it. I would be no where in my life without my education. No one would be anywhere without there education as well.

  9. I think Malala is absolutely incredible. Not many people would be brave enough to do what she did.
    Education is so important because without it, a person will never be able to really live, wether it's education from a school, a church, or anywhere.
    There are people that don't want children to learn because they can't control people when they have and education, like with the slaves Americans used to have a long time ago. If they don't learn, they can be controlled.
    I love my education, really I do. Sure I don't like waking up, but I love school. Not just because of friends (though I do like that too ;)) but because I like to learn. Without my education, I wouldn't be reading or writing as much as I do now. I wouldn't be doing much of anything, to be honest.

  10. I think Malala is amazing. She was extremely brave and courageous to do what she did. In my opinion, Education is the most important aspect of life. Education is important because it helps you truly enjoy life and really live life to the fullest. Some people in the U.S. abuse the rights of education and I think that is sad. I love the fact that we have education as a right. It is fun to learn and it is interesting to know stuff. Education is so important and Malala is extremely brave for doing what she did.

  11. I think her story is really crazy. She advocated education even after being shot. She is truly incredible. Education is the most valuable thing in the universe. The one with knowledge is the one with power. I think people try to deny education to children because they want to keep their power and if people are educated they can loose the power. They could try to earn there respect, but they try to suppress the people instead of embracing them. I am really lucky to the education I have right now because I know a lot of people throughout the world would love to take my education away.

  12. I think her story is really inspiring, she shows that anyone can change the world. Intelligence is power and that is what the people who are trying to stop women being educated because they want to keep the power. School is really important because that is where we learn our social skills and how we learn what to do and what not do.

  13. I think that people like Malala are feared,people like the Taliban are scared of how powerful Malala really is. She is probably not physically strong, but she has the mental toughness of a person in the army. And that is what is on her side. I think education is important because we wouldn't be able to react to certain situations without it. I think that people are trying to deny education because that is what terrorist groups have that citizens don't. And they would want to keep it that way. I think that I have a great education and I think that it is great that I don't have to go to school and worry about being kidnapped or shot. Its great that we don't have to keep education a secret for people to not know. I realize that people take education for granted and that just makes me sad for the people that want it and can't get it. I think that we have and get great education and have great teachers.

  14. I think that Malala's story is amazing. It is so unlikely and brave for a girl like Malala to stand up for her believes and speak what is right for every women and girl. I think that her story is very powerful and many people agree in what she believes. I think that education is so important because it teaches people to think differently and make are own ideas about things.I think that there are groups of people in the world who don't want children to be educated because the terrorists don't have education and they don't want it for others. I think that education is one of the most important things in the world. I think this because it gives you more understanding of everything. I don't know why someone would want to take that away from others even if they themselves don't have it.

  15. Malala's is absolutely incredible. Even after being shot, she still stood up for the rights she believed in and she still publicly spoke. I agree with Dan, people like her are feared because they have the power to change how we think in a good way; and I think thats why the Taliban wanted to get rid of her, they were scared of what she could do. Education is so important because if you are educated, there is no telling what you could do. Education is so powerful. And I think thats why some people try to deny children and education, they are scared of what educated people can do. They won't be able to control them and they want to have that power over them. My education is amazing and I should be a lot more thankful about it. I get to go to school and get educated without having to worry about getting hurt or kidnapped. I shouldn't take my education for granted. I love my education and I have great teachers that help me learn.

  16. I think that Malala's story is very sickening but touching. Education is so important because without it you can not read or write, and without these things you are trapped under a rock really. Some people do not approve of education because they do not want those kids to take over their group and protest against it. When the kids do not have education their mind is locked and when your mind is locked you can't think and protest. I think that education and school is important, but it can be boring sometimes and it can be very stressful and tough.

  17. I think Malala's story is amazing. She is so brave to stand up for something she believes in, knowing that it is dangerous. I think education is very important because if we don't have education we can't have inventions or technology that make life easier. Groups around the world don't want education because they are afraid that if the people are educated, the people will be harder to control. I think education is so important in society, especially today, and needs to stay in other countries, for both girls and boys.

  18. I think that Malala is an extremely strong girl who is willing to so anything to stand up for what she believes. Her story is very inspiring because it shows the true strength of someone who never gives up on what they believe in. The people who do not want education because with education comes a sense of strength. People feel stronger when they are educated. The people who do not want this believe that if the people get education the chances of a rebellion would become stronger, in other words the people would be much harder to control. I think that education is very important. It causes us to be more open to the world, and also allows us to understand things that we would not understand without education

  19. I think that Malala's story is truly amazing. I think that it is crazy that she has that amount of courage towards a group that could easily end her life. I think that there are groups of people trying to avoid this because they are afraid that they are learning to much and that they could be overtaken. I am very blessed to have a catholic education. The education here is spectacular and I couldn't imagine having a different one.

  20. I think that Malala is very and brave to have done what she did. She is an inspiration to all of us that we should stick to what we believe in. Her story is amazing and will be remembered for a long time. Education is very important because if you are educated you can do great things and articulate your own ideas in life. There are groups in the world that do horrible things to try to prevent people from being educated because if they are educated they know more and people aren't easily controlled and told what to do. I am very grateful for my education and that I don't have to worry about someone killing me when I go to school everyday.

  21. malala is amazing. she believed that all people should be able to go to school. she didn't give up. she was a true hero. risking her life she will be remembered for ever.

  22. Malala is courageous. I think that she was very brave to do what she did. I think that we should all do what she did stand up for what we think is right. I think that education is so important because people need to be educated to get jobs. I think that people are trying to deny children education because it is part of their religion. I like my schooling g because we can't get into trouble fro going to school.

  23. I love her story; it's like very American movie, where the underdog wins. The love she has for education will go on for centuries, and with assassination attempts, it just makes it that much more of a great story (I'm not saying that the assignation attempts are good, but just that she is still wiling to fight for what see believes). Education is the most important thing in the world next to faith. It means getting a job, helping the world out with new discoveries, or inventions. We wouldn't have anything we have not, heck I wouldn't be typing this of it wasn't for people being educated. The reason that some people don't want others to have an education is because they want to stay in power, or they don't want other people knowing what they are doing. It's something that week people do, when they can't be good leaders. Personally I love school/education it's something you get to do that makes you so much more intelligent, and seriously were going to have a major problem in this world if people don't get educated, so enjoy the education that you get, because other people can’t enjoy the luxury of it.

  24. I think that her story and what she did to stand up for what she thought was right, was something that I wouldn't have the courage to do. I think that her story is inspiring and tells of someone who never gave up her dream. I know that many people were moved by her story, and I think that inside of her story tells of many morals and important lessons that we should always strive to live by. I think that education is so important because it gives someone the possibility of learning things that have never crossed their mind. I think that education should be valued by all people, and I respect Malala for standing up for the right of girls' education. I think that people, or groups of people, want to deny the right of children and girls to have education because they don't want knowledge becoming more powerful than weapons. I think that these people worry about people who are educated being more powerful than them, who aren't as educated. I value my education and believe that it is a gift that all the St. Joseph's students should appreciate. I think that Malala is one of the best examples on how we should value education and not take it for granted.

  25. Malala's story is amazing. It is crazy how she had so much courage to speak out about girls education and how important it is. Even after she was threatened by the Taliban, she still spoke publicly; not letting weapons scare her. Her story is incredible. She is so courageous. Her story is powerful and an inspiration for other girls and women not getting adequate education. Education is so important because it is the key to success. When you are educated, there is no telling what you can do and how far you can go to reach something. I think the reason some people are scared of giving children education is because education has no limits. When you are educated, there are no boundaries. I like my education. I've learned it's key to everything, and I shouldn't take it for granted. I am very thankful for my education and I have great teachers who help me understand what I'm learning.

  26. Malala's story is incredible. I am so amazed how brave she is. She is such an inspiration to all women AND men all around the world. She is so courageous to stand up to the Taliban and not be afraid. It is so amazing how calm she is even after her near death experience. She never let the Taliban scare her with their horrible threats. She never denied that she WAS Malala even when she knew the Taliban were after her. Malala's story is so powerful. She really opens everyone's eyes on how important education is. She is so brave because she knows that the Taliban still could try to kill her again; yet Malala is not afraid of them. She is an inspiration to me as well as many other people in the world because of her courage. Honestly, I would probably not have the courage to not be afraid of the Taliban and stand up to them. It is very important to be educated to be successful in life. It allows people to learn about life outside of their own. The more people know, the more someone can use their resources to become successful. I think that people are so scared to allow children to learn because they know that once someone knows something, they can't necessarily "un-know" it. Education truly has no limits. I value my education at St. Joseph's. We all should appreciate our chance to be able to learn. Malala is a wonderful example of how we should be grateful for our education and not take it for granted.

  27. Malala's story is so inspiring. I know that most kids dread going to school but Malala showed us that we should take advantage of our many privlages we get. He story proves that she deserved the Nobel Peace Prize. Her dedication and bravery to support women's right to education is amazing. Even when she was in a very dark spot she always saw the best in every situation and made a bad experience somthing we can learn something from. I don't think that I know how lucky I am to go to St. joes. They have given me a great education and a great background. Everyone is super nice and always willing to help. People in other counties are scared that if they educate the people they will rise up against them and destroy the government.

  28. I think that Malala's story is very inspiring. She wanted to learn and she wanted girls to be able to learn without being afraid to go to school. Education is very important because you need to be educated to become a doctor or a surgeon. I think that around the world and in other places the rulers of the country don't want women or girls to become a big inspiration. I disagree with that! My education is really good because other places around the world of just in Idaho, children don't get educated like we do and I am thankful for my education.

  29. I've heard Malala's story many times, and each time I hear it it gets more inspiring. She stood up for her right to have an education and that people should not be afraid to go to school. She called out the Taliban to protect others even though she could have gotten even more hurt than she already was. I think we need more people like Malala to make people realize-especially in the U.S.- that we are so lucky to have a good education and the gift of being able to go to school without the risk of getting hurt.

  30. Malala's story is amazing. What she did was actually scare those who were afraid of knowledge. Knowledge is power and by Malala getting educated and requesting that she and other young women be allowed the oprotunity to get an education upset those in power that she was attempting to upset the balance and gain knowledge. I believe all no matter what your race or gender should be given the chance to get an education. Education is knowledge and knowledge is power.

  31. Malala's story is really inspiring. It really makes me appreciate my education. She really changed the world with her ideas. Everybody seemed to start caring more and being thankful for education. Education is so important because...I mean...without it where would we be today.. Without education we would all be cavemen. Some people oppose education because they fear that with more knowledge comes more power. My education really means a lot to me. I cherish the fact that I am being surrounded by nice people and getting a good education.

  32. I think the her story was amazing and she living after a bullet hit her in the head and there was no hope but God there and he answered. I think education is important because we need to think and you if you don't think you don't live. I think they are denying education for women because they want men to work not women and I also think that girls are genrally more dangerous than men. I think every one needs a chance to be smart and show the world what they got and there will power to learn and there self confidence.

  33. Malalas story is amazing and very inspiring. It makes me appreciate my education alot. She stood up for her right to education even when she knew how much danger could happen to her.I think that was need more people like her who will risk so much for there education


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