Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Breast Cancer Awareness

Since 1985, October has been designated Breast Cancer Awareness Month.   It is an entire month dedicated to increasing awareness and educating the public of the causes and treatments of breast cancer.  While the organization continues the mission to educate year round, they take one month of the year to pour extra effort into the campaign.

If you pay close attention, you can find pink ribbons throughout the community.    My daughter picked up a car sticker from Dutch Bros with the caption of “Fight Like a Girl” to raise breast cancer awareness. If you watch football on Sundays, the NFL has joined the campaigned.  You will see different teams with some sort of pink accent, whether it be gloves, shoes, or towels. 

Cancer is when cells in the body become abnormal and begin to divide without control or order.  Breast cancer is when this process occurs in the breast tissue of both women and men.  Cells dividing without order can cause excess tissue which forms a mass called a tumor.  While most tumors are not cancerous, many are.  The invasion of these malignant tumors can cause additional damage to other tissue and organs.

In 2009, there was an approximate 192,370 cases of breast cancer diagnosed.  That number includes 1,910 men.  In the same year there were 40,610 deaths including 440 men.  There are approximately 2.5 million survivors.  It is the second most common type of cancer in women (skin cancer is first) and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths to women (lung cancer is first).  With such a wide spread disease, it is difficult to find anyone who has not been effected or experienced breast cancer in some way, either with a relative, spouse or friend.

Measuring the total impact of the campaign to support breast cancer awareness may be difficult.  But it is true that there has been a significant decrease is the number of incidents (2% decline) and death (2% decline) in the last ten to fifteen years.

What do you think about having a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness?  What companies or organizations have you seen supporting the campaign?  Are there other diseases which could benefit from starting similar campaigns?  If so, what disease and why?


  1. I think that having a month for Breast Cancer is cool! I think that this is very crucial because this month will get a lot of donations to the foundation. I have seen the NFL supporting it by wearing pink on game day. I have also seen colleges wearing pink. I saw Oregon's pink uniforms lat Thursday. I have also seen cool bumper stickers on cars. Yes there are other campaigns. There is awareness fro lung cancer because it is a major cancer.The ribbon for that cancer is white or pearl.

  2. Having a month for a wide spread disease with tons of people having it is really important. with the advertisement it is raising money to find the cure and save people. Nike and various sports have shown breast cancer awareness by wearing pink jersey or shoes and accessories. Their are tons of diseases that could could benefit from these kinds of campaign.. ALS had a better sort of campaign and the foundation earned alot of money with in a couple weeks.

  3. A month detected to support research for breast cancer is great. I think that it would also be great, if we just had a cancer awareness month, to raise support awareness about all of the types of cancer. The NFL, Chevrolet, ACE, Lowes, and more are all supporting Breast cancer awareness. Some great diseases we could raise more awareness for is Ebola, AID's, Arthritis, and Diabetes. All deadly and painful diseases. These are just some diseases, and there are plenty others that we need to be more aware of.

  4. I think that many people in America think that diseases like breast cancer or ALS won't come to them, but the reality is that it can affect anybody. I think that dedicating a month to breast cancer to raise awareness is a great idea that could save lives. I see lots of pink ribbons everywhere in sports, on cars, on billboards, and even on people. Other common diseases like melanoma and diabetes could also use some publication so that more lives are saved from these diseases.

  5. People in the America's. Sadly even Canada don't think they can get this. Thanks to people like the NFL we are way more aware of this. I see lots of pink ribbons everywhere in sports, on cars, on billboards, and even on people. Other common diseases like melanoma and diabetes could also use some publication so that more lives are saved from these diseases. All these little things bring awareness to the most argent people alive. This saves many lives

  6. I think having an entire month dedicated to breast cancer awareness is a great idea! I also love the dutch brothers stickers as well (I have one on my laptop) I have seen other companies get in on the awareness as well, especially at sports stores. Almost every disease would benefit from publicity like the stuff that's going on now, so it wouldn't be in my power to choose one. I think selling nice, trendy decals with the diseases awareness symbol on it could always be a helpful plan.

  7. I think that having October set aside for Brest Cancer Awareness is crucial in educating the public. Considering people used to whisper the word "cancer" if they even spoke it, I think we are taking major steps to make this deadly condition heard. I think we all have seen the NFL support Breast Cancer Awareness. But I always like to see the billboards or short advertisements with pictures with people running the "Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure." I definitely think the Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns are the most common, but almost as many Americans have recently been suffering from diabetes. While not as dangerous or deadly as cancer, I still believe that with the right campaigning we could further prevent diabetes from affecting more people.

  8. Having a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness is spectacular. It really helps people see what victims of this cancer are going through, and makes them want to help and support by either donating for research or spreading the awareness even more. It also shows how important it is to spread the awareness of breast cancer by giving it its own month. Not just a day, or a week, but a whole month. And there are only twelve of them. I've seen many organizations support the campaign, especially professional soccer teams by wearing pink jerseys and merchandise like Real Madrid and MLS teams. I think that diseases like Alzheimers, MS, Epilepsy, and other major cancers would benefit from starting campaigns like this one because although some people may know something about each of them, they don't know exactly the difficulties the victims are having to deal with. Plus, these aren't exactly the diseases that come to mind when people wonder what diseases they should donate to, if at all. Many people die from suffering from these diseases, and donating to research for finding a cure and spreading awareness of them would save so many lives.

  9. I like having a month dedicated to raise awareness to breast cancer. I think it's really important to raise awareness for diseases like this, which can effect almost anybody. This month, I have seen lots of sports team incorporating pink into their uniforms. Also, people run the "Race for the Cure" in May supporting breast cancer. This goes to show that we don't only raise awareness one month out of the year, October. Other diseases that could benefit from starting campaigns are MS and Autism. I think these diseases could benefit from campaigns because both diseases could start in young people and we need to find a way to tell people the suffering that comes with these diseases.

  10. I think it's great that their is a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness. It's 31 days where we are able to get even more involved and aware with breast cancer then before. My own taekwondo organization (ATA) is taking part with their "Pink Belt Revolution." I now own one of those pink belts. You take them and write the name of someone you know with breast cancer on it then you can wear it all during the month of October.
    Another disease that could use something like this could be ALS. Sure the Ice Bucket Challenge is doing AMAZING at raising money, but people still don't know what ALS is. They do the challenge, but don't know what they are doing it for. Even an ALS week could help make more people more knowledgeable about the disease.

  11. I think its a great idea to have a whole month dedicated to breast cancer awareness. At Scentsy, where my mom works, there is a large building size poster that says " Fight like a girl for the girls that keep fighting.". I think that every disease could benefit from having a month. The only problem is having only 12 months in a year.

  12. It is great that October is dedicated to breast cancer awareness. It is important to have special months dedicated to diseases to bring attention to them. It helps us know what they are. Also, during the special months dedicated to certain diseases, a lot of money can be raised during the month. During this October, I have seen sports teams incorporate pink into their uniforms. For example, the Oregon Ducks football team got breast cancer awareness uniforms. The Race for the Cure is another organization that helps raise money for finding a cure for breast cancer. Other diseases that could have certain months dedicated to them are other cancers, MS, and Down Syndrome. People should become more aware of these diseases. People need to learn more about these diseases and how they affect the victim. It is important to get the word out so more people can become more knowledgeable about certain diseases.

  13. I think that it is a great idea to have a month dedicated to breast cancer. I think that Breast Cancer Awareness month is such a good idea because then many people can realize how many lives this disease has taken and how we can help raise awareness to make the victims of breast cancer feel hopeful and loved by our society. The NFL is one organization that I have noticed that is raising awareness to breast cancer. This weekend in particular I have seen many signs and pink things that support Breast Cancer Awareness month. Bishop Kelly also took part in Breast Cancer Awareness month by having their home game last Friday a PINK out. I think that raising awareness for the diseases Ebola and ALS would be a great idea because some people know about them, but still many people don't, so by having a month dedicated to these diseases would help people realize how much these diseases are part of our world and how we can raise awareness for them. I think that Breast Cancer Awareness month is a good time for people to reflect how this cancer can change many lives and how the world can help.

  14. i think it is great people may add there interests in to breast cancer and other kinds of cancer. The only thing I have seen is NFL and bumper sticker companies. I really don't know

  15. I really love the idea of a one-month push towards fundraising for breast cancer. I know a few people whose lives have been totally changed by this disease. I just saw a bumper sticker today and I'm smiling as I remember : "When they say I fight like a girl - I say yes I do" and it had a breast cancer symbol on it. I also saw it today on TV during the NFL halftime show; the cheerleaders were wearing pink feather boas. I think that AIDS and diabetes and lung cancer could all use more awareness. I also think, however, that if every disease had a month then it would be less special. I wish everyone a happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month

  16. I think that having a month dedicated to breast cancer is very great because it helps raise more awareness and money for breast cancer. If we raise more money and awareness for breast cancer, we might find a cure. Some organizations I have seen supporting breast cancer are the NFL football players who wear pink sweatbands or gloves for breast cancer. Yes there are other diseases that could benefit from having awareness. One of the diseases that comes to mind is ALS. It raised a lot of awareness this past year, but if it could have the fundraisers and activities breast cancer has, it could raise a bunch of money and more awareness.

  17. I think that is great having a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness. It is important to raise awareness for breast cancer so that one day we may find a way to cure it. I have seen the NFL players wearing pink during games to raise awareness to the cause. There are many diseases that could benefit from campaigns like breast cancer such as Ebola or Diabetes.

  18. I think having a whole month dedicated to Breast Cancer is good but people shouldn't be just thinking about it for one month, they should always think about it. I know that the NFL plays a big part in the awareness. They have the teams wear stuff for it and they make it a big deal. Also I think that having an awareness for ALS would be great because most people know about it and actually starting something big would benefit.

  19. I think having a month dedicated to a disease is a great way to raise money and awareness. One of the many companies supporting this month is the NFL. They contribute a lot to raise awareness and money to the cause. Having a month contributed to a single disease can lead to almost everybody knowing about it. I think lots of diseases deserve to have there own month because they all need to be know and researched.

  20. I think that a month for breast cancer awareness is a great idea. But I also think that we as Americans need to be aware of other diseases such as Ebola. I know that Nike makes breast cancer awareness shoes, socks, etc. Nike even made breast cancer awareness uniforms for the Oregon Ducks football team. I have seen the NFL, the NCAA,and other shopping stores raise awareness. But since it is football season, the best way to spread awareness is through the NFL or the NCAA. I think that if our country raised awareness about any disease we could find a cure and terminate it if possible.

  21. I think that having a month being dedicated to breast cancer is a great idea. It kills a ton of people every year and it needs to be taken seriously. I think there couldn't be a better way to raise awareness than this. I have seen many companies raise awareness, but the main ones I have seen are the NFL, NCAA, Nike, Under Armor, and Adidas. I think ALS should be one of the main things we support and raise awareness about because ALS is one of the most brutal diseases that anyone can get. Honestly, raising awareness for any disease would be a great thing.

  22. I think that having a month dedicated to breast cancer is a great thing. It's good that we are raising awareness about this disease all month. The biggest company that I have seen supporting this is Nike. They have made a ton of products that support breast cancer by making their products all pink. Yes, I think that there should be a month to raise awareness for ALS. Because not many people know about it.

  23. I think having a month dedicated is great because it gets people aware of how bad this disease is. Some places that I've seen it campaigned is the hospital will have banner about the walk against cancer. Yes, and I think ALS can because people should be more aware of it.

  24. I think that having this month dedicated to Breast cancer is great. I think of it as a way of giving the people who have it hope, along with the people who know someone who has it. I have seen the NFL supporting Breast cancer, by wearing clothing that is pink. I really enjoy seeing more than one team do this, because it is really inspiring. I think that there are a few diseases that we should do this kind of a thing for. We should do it for ALS, Ebola, and I think that we should also do this for other cancers that are taking many peoples lives. I think that if we did this it would give hope to many people and also inspire them to give to the cause.

  25. I think it is really good that we have dedicated an entire month to breast cancer awareness. It is a great way to have long lasting effect of the awareness. I have noticed that the NFL plays a huge part in advertising for it. Lots of players wear pink gear in their games. I think a campaign for ALS would be a great thing. It has gotten more serious recently and I think we could improve the research for it by raising more awareness.

  26. Having a whole month dedicated to breast cancer is a great idea. It gets people aware of the disease and then they could possibly donate to the cause to help find a cure. I have noticed the NFL supporting breast cancer by them wearing pink clothing. I have also noticed Nike, they have been making a lot of their products pink to support the cause. I find it really nice and inspiring seeing how they care. I think having a month dedicated to ALS would be good because many more people are becoming aware of the disease. Having a month for this disease would help raise even more awareness for it.

  27. I think that a whole month dedicated to breast cancer is amazing. It definitely hits home because my grandmother had breast cancer. I have seen the NFL support breast cancer, Scentsy, and some other sport teams. Yes, I think that many diseases can benefit from this. For example it could support ALS because those people that have not seen the ice bucket challenges can see this in their regular day lives. Also before the ice bucket challenge so many people did not know about this horrible disease.

  28. I think having a month dedicated to breast cancer is amazing! It gives people a chance to think about donating. The NFL supports breast cancer and I think that is amazing. Also, Nike has been supporting people with breast cancer by selling a ton of things are pink or have the pink ribbon on it. I think diseases can definitely benefit from these things. I think maybe there should be a month dedicated to ALS to raise even more funds aside from the Ice Bucket Challenge.

  29. I think that having a mouth dedicated to breast cancer is great. Having a mouth dedicated to breast cancer helps make breast cancer known and adverisese it. When people donate to a breast cancer orginazation they acutually can know what they are giving their to. The NFL supports breast cancer and I think that it is great of them to do it. Football is watched all around the US so if a football team wears pink it will catch the eye of all they veiwers. I think that lung cancer should be advertised more. Most people dont think it is that important when it really is.

  30. I think that it is great that we are raising awareness for breast cancer. I think that is a better thing to have a whole month dedicated towards it. I think it is great that the NFL is getting involved. There are thousands of people that watch football on Sundays, for even some people it is their whole Sunday. Cancer is a big deal in today's society. Many people get this disease and most people who get it have a greater chance of dying.

  31. I think it is a very good idea to have a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness. It is important that we bring awareness to diseases like this because it is very common in today's society. I know multiple breast cancer survivors personally and October is a very special month to me and my family. I think it is kind of cool to know that almost everyone knows the pink ribbon and what it means.

  32. I think its great that were doing this for those in need of our help and support. I had a family member who had breast cancer and it was no fun journey and now I have a great grandma with pancreatic cancer and it has gotten so bad that its even days away till she can't fight anymore. One organization that really stands out to me is the Susan G. Komen's race for the cure. Yes this a great way to spread awareness and to get people noticing and helping. I think people should start noticing pancreatic cancer. I feel that it is not as noticed and his has touched my life this last year when my great grandma found out she had it. Its a great way to start having people realize that there are tons of cancers but only a few get noticed.

  33. I think that this is very great idea. It is a very good idea to raise awareness about this disease. I know a few breast cancer survivors and it makes me want to help even more. I have noticed that Nike has been supporting breast cancer and also the NFL. this is a great to way to become more aware and get people involved


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