Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Jimmy Valvano

“Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” 
                                Jimmy Valvano, 1993 – announcing the Jimmy V Foundation

December 1-7 is Jimmy V week on ESPN.  You may not know who Jimmy Valvano was, but if you have had the misfortune of knowing someone afflicted with cancer, the odds are he and his life’s mission impacted your life. 

Jimmy Valvano was a successful basketball coach, commentator, and author.  He was a person of strong conviction and personal drive.  At an early age he pulled out white index cards and began to write down his personal goals for life.  He wanted to play high school and college basketball, he wanted to become an assistant coach, go on to become a head coach, cut down the nets in Madison Square Garden and win a National Championship.  At age 36, he was able to pull out those cards and cross off every item on the list.  Throughout his life he developed a personal philosophy which allowed an ordinary man to accomplish the extraordinary.  He was commented, “There are 86,400 seconds in a day.  It is up to you to decide what to do with them.”  Jimmy V chose to cherish and make the most of each one. 

After accomplishing his goals on the basketball court, he explored new directions from writing to commentating.  He was not interested in limiting himself to a single profession.  He embraced diversity in his life and his interests.

In 1993, Jimmy Valvano was given an obstacle that would prove to be his most difficult.  He was diagnosed with cancer.  The cancer proved to be too much for him to personally overcome, but through his vision and passion he has inspired and continues to inspire funding for education and research to cure cancer.  At the time of his diagnosis, cancer was an underfunded and devastating disease.  His charismatic and infectious attitude towards life and easy appeal to people made him an ideal person to raise the awareness of cancer and its impacts on our world and to raise arms to find a way to cure cancer.  While no cure has been found, through continued research many forms of treatment have been developed.  The Jimmy V Foundation has risen over $100 million in the past 20 years to fund cancer awareness and research. 

Jimmy V is an inspiring person.  His attitude towards life, even in the face of overwhelming obstacles is something to admire.   

Below is a video clip from the 1993 ESPY awards when he received the Arthur Ashe award for Courage.  During his speech he announces the Jimmy V Foundation.  This is a must see!!!

Below are the highlights from the 1983 National Championship.  It was one of the most exciting endings the tournament has ever seen.

What do you think of Jimmy Valvano, his life and his mission? If I gave you five index cards to write down your goals and dreams for your life, what would you write down?  


  1. I think it was amazing how he set a goal and finished them trough. They were specific and to would seem out reaching. He even dealed with cancer. It didn't effect him all that much, he was more focused on how he was going to spend his day. I also think that it was cool that he wasn't just focused and stuck to one thing, but did many different things. I thought the victory he pulled off was extraordinary and he never gave up, or took the criticism.

  2. I think it is fantastic how Jimmy knew what he wanted to be when he grew and he tried hard to get there. He had obstacles but still he made it to his end game. If I were to write down what I would be in the future I would say get a nice stable income and then do all of the fun things that life has to offer skydiving, BASE jumping , traveling, and paragliding.

  3. Wow. Jimmy Valvano is truly an inspiration to all of us. He was able to bring joy, hope, and leadership not only to to his team, but also to every person affected by his amazing foundation. His mission and determination pushed him to go above and beyond his goals. He is truly an admirable and inspirational icon for many people. I'm not very good at setting goals, but if I had to chose five expectations or dreams for my future, I think the list would go as followed: attend an amazing college, follow through with my dream of visiting southern France, to excel in any career I chose to follow, to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up, and to simply end my life by being the best version of myself, the way God would want me to be.

  4. Jimmy Valvano truly lived his life to the fullest. He was able to live out his life's dream and had fun doing it. He overcame the obstacle of cancer and death by creating a legacy that would change lives and remember him for decades. His mission was to help other people, and his goal was to do as much as he could in his life. Jimmy Valvano was a truly inspirational man.
    My five cards would be:become happy and have fun every day so that I feel I lived my life to the fullest, do something that will greatly and positively affect the course of someone's life, do something that I will be remembered for, live decently long, and eat all the best food in the world.

  5. Jimmy Valvano is a spectacular, inspiring man. It's truly incredible how he was determined to accomplish his life goals, how quickly he did, and throughout the journey always found ways to live his life to the fullest. Even though he had cancer, he didn't let the negativity affect him. He did what he could to help many others. He made a difference, made a mark on the world, in a situation where others have lost complete hope. That is amazing, and inspiring. My five index cards with my life goals and dreams would probably be: to do as many exotic, adventurous activities as I can (paragliding, scuba diving, bungee jumping, hot air balloon rides, parachuting, all kinds of roller coasters, etc.); travel to as many amazing, beautiful places as I can; become a successful neurosurgeon or oncologist and save many lives; marry my best friend, have beautiful children, and have an amazing life with my family and best friends; and die while saving someone else.

  6. Jimmy is an inspiration, he successfully accomplished everything he dreamed. To think that one man accomplished everything he set out to do is amazing, so many people give up their dreams because they don't seem possible; but if you truly know what you want everything you want can become reality. Even cancer tried to crush Valvano's spirit, but to no avail, he only used it to fuel his idea of a charity that has helped so many live the lives they want to and not what cancer decrees they live. If I had five note cards I know what I would write: I want to be a regular in a restaurant, I want to find someone that I can have an adventure with, I want to be bilingual, I want to be happy everyday of my life, and I want a best friend.

  7. Before I go on to answer your questions I just want to thank you for choosing this blog for this week, I find Jimmy V so inspiring. I love him, he just wants to be the best person that he can be despite what he is going through. Fighting against cancer, Jimmy still kept a wonderful mind set. He always would say" Don't give up never give up." If I was handed five index cards I would three of them to write," Be the best person that you can be," one of them," Work like it is the last day of your life," and the last one would be," DON'T GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP."

  8. I think jimmy V is an outstanding man and human. He did so much to help people and to give them hope. On the five index cards I would write: graduate college, win an olympic gold medal in volleyball, travel the whole world, get married to the love of my life, and die happy.

  9. Jimmy Valvano is a very inspiring person. He was so positive and always happy. He set priorities in his life and strived to meet his goals. Even though he had cancer, he was happy with the life he was given and helped everyone. He never gave up. If I was given five index cards to write down my goals, I would probably say: be a successful doctor and save many, many lives; live life to the fullest with no regrets; live an exotic lifestyle such as skydiving and traveling to amazing places; to marry someone who is adventurous and kind and have an amazing life; and to die in the presence of the people I love and while saving someone else.

  10. Jimmy Valvano is really inspiring and a great person. Even though he had cancer, he continued to live his life to the fullest. When he said "there are 86,400 seconds in a day, it's up to you how you use them" is really inspiring for the rest of us. Even though Jimmy was sick himself, he used his resources to try and help others inflicted with the disease. That's really inspiring. I think we should all try to help others like that too. If I were to write five goals down on index cards, I would write down: graduate college; travel the world (including doing exciting things like zip-lining in the trees, skydiving, scuba diving); become a successful doctor; get married and have a great life with my best friend; and die knowing I lived my life to the fullest.

  11. I think that Jimmy Valvano is a great role model. He is such a great role model because when he got cancer he didn't let that get him down he stood up to cancer! And with cancer he still lived life the way he wanted to. On my five index cards I would write: Be a good person throughout my life, live the way Jesus would want me to, graduate college and high school, be remembered for something good that I did not bad, and I would write don't let my fears lead my life I want to lead my life.

  12. I think it's amazing how Jimmy's life has affected people with cancer in such a positive way. How his struggle with cancer has led to so much money for finding a cure to cancer. That is amazing.
    On my five cards I would write these things:
    1) Go to college
    2) Get married
    3) Have/adopt children
    4) Travel the world (going specifically to Paris, France; London, England; Tokyo, Japan; Berlin, Germany; Florence, Italy; and New Prussia, Ontario, Canada)
    5) Have a positive impact on AT LEAST one person's life

  13. Debating he did in his life is amazing. Helping and affecting so many different people is truly extraordinary. I know what I would write down in my index cards. Family, friends, basketball, community, and health. I want to do things for my family and make them proud. I want to give my friends fun. I want to play basketball as a high level and most importantly I want to stay as healthy as I can throughout my life.

  14. I think that Jimmy's life was an amazing inspiration for thousands who have cancer. He lived his life to the fullest and that is an inspiration. He also didn't let cancer bring him down. He still was the same person, but stronger.If I had an index card I would want to graduate college, become a successful doctor, marry my best friend, travel the world together, and die knowing I have done good in my life.

  15. Jimmy Valvano was the type of person to embrace as life was, and see saw the bigger picture. He knew that cancer was something that he could not overcome, as much as he tried. In the serenity prayer it says,”to accept the things I cannot change.” Jimmy V had the serenity to accept the things he could no change. This allowed for him to move forward. He put his energy into helping others conquer cancer for years to come. This is something to be celebrated and commemorated. His drive, intuition, and goals of life are some to be admired. Some goals of mine are:

    To continue my education beyond high school in the career I want to pursue
    Continue to affect other people who are less fortunate than myself
    Enjoy and experience some of the most exocotic theme parks in the world
    Continue to participate in sports are be active
    Enjoy life to the fullest, and make sure that what I am doing is my passion

  16. Jimmy V was a great person, in his speech he wanted people to donate more money even though it wouldn't save his life, but it had a chance to save his kids lives or people after that. He was the kind of guy that was inspiring to everyone around him. He put everyone before himself, and was an amazing basketball coach.

    The five things that would be on my index card are:
    Continue working hard in school and get a degree.
    Give to the less fortunate.
    Enjoy my life and continue to live it to the fullest.
    Always work hard in everything I do.
    Play sports and be the best I can be in whatever I am playing.

  17. Jimmy V is the coach that everyone would wanna be. The perfect role model for little ones. In his interview above, he talks about how he has bumps all over his body but he still talks about other people. Not about how people need to help him.

    Five things:
    Be a good citizen
    Never quit
    keep working hard in school
    Do whatever it takes to compete as a pro athlete
    be a good Christian person

  18. He set goals for himself that were achievable. Every human must do that in order to be successful. He dealt with cancer which is simply astonishing. Cancer knocks down almost everyone but not him. Five things:
    Be successful in Basketball through college
    Get accepted to Ucla
    If not made into NBA then Doctor
    Keep imagining
    Watch the stars with a person I love

  19. Jimmy V is a great man and a great coach. Jimmy V is the coach that everyone would wanna be. The perfect role model for little ones. In his interview above, he talks about how he has bumps all over his body but he still talks about other people. Not about how people need I'm not very good at setting goals, but if I had to chose five expectations or dreams for my future, I think the list would go as followed: attend an amazing college, follow through with my dream of visiting Rio, to excel in any career I chose to follow, to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up, and to simply end my life by being the best version of myself, the way God would want me to be. to help himJimmy V was a great person, in his speech he wanted people to donate more money even though it wouldn't save his life, but it had a chance to save his kids lives or people after that. After I finish with my education I would love to have a life just like him. He will live in all our hearts for years to come.I want to play basketball as a high level and most importantly I want to stay as healthy as I can throughout my life. I want my life to be very affecting to others! Jimmy V is an inspiring person. His attitude towards life, even in the face of overwhelming obstacles is something to admire. thanks Mr. Grant

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I think that he is a very inspirational man. He shows everyone that we should never give up and that we should always keep going. We sometimes want to give up because of the most ridiculous things. But what he does is he says he will not only not give up but he will try to help others with cancer. And he will try to get the word around about cancer. If I had five note cards I would say. I want to win hallissey, I want to play varsity under Mr. Grants coaching, I want to play basketball in college, I want to be successful as a student, and I want to keep a happy and kind heart while doing all of these things. Thank you Mr. Grant

  22. His speech was great. It had everything in it. A little humor, a little sadness, and a little encouragement. He made me feel motivated and i wasn't even there. He talks about how we can help and how ESPN sponsored him and donated to research.

    Travel the world
    Make my mark
    Work at Google
    Invent something
    Have a family

  23. I think that Jimmy Valvano is a very inspiring and amazing person. Even though he was fighting cancer he still went on with his life and lived every moment to the fullest while he could.He never gave up on his goals in life even when times were hard. Five things that i would write on the flashcards would be: I want to go to a good college, be a successful soccer player, have a loving family, travel the world, and at the end of my life know that what I did in life mattered.

  24. I think that Jimmy Valvano is an exceptional person. He lived his life and never gave up on his dreams even though he faced one of the biggest delemas of his life (cancer) He never gave up and always lived life to the fullest. The five things I would write on a flash card would be
    1. Go to a good college
    2. Have a loving and caring family
    3. Be an NBA player
    4. See different places
    5. Invent an amazing invention

  25. I think that Jimmy Valvano is an inspiration to all. It is clear that from his speech, he is a humble and honorable man, never letting cancer defeat him. As he said in the video, cancer can take away his physical well being, but it can never take away his "heart, mind, and soul". I think that Jimmy Valvano's words should lead every one in their daily lives. Though he is fighting cancer, he always remains hopeful and never lets anything get him down. If I were given five index cards to write down my hopes and dreams for this life, I would write down:
    -Go to a great college and earn my medical degree and pursue something I love
    -Raise a loving family
    -Travel the world
    -Do things in life that matter, even if it changes something small
    -Die surrounded by people I love and know that I lived my life the very best God could ask for

  26. Jimmy V is a true inspiration and I hope that when I get older I can be as humble, inspirational, and caring as he is. On my 5 flashcards I would write:
    -graduate college at a great college
    -marry someone that is a truly great person
    -have a family
    -aspire in my career that I take on
    -die happy and surrounded by loved ones.
    -sorry, one more- go to Heaven and be with my loved ones and God.

  27. What an awesome challenge. Jimmy is such an inspirational person. His drive for life and to make the most out of life is encouraging and uplifting. It's hard to nail down exactly what my goals are at this time in my life. I want to graduate from high school with honors, I want to go onto college and study to become a Pediatric Doctor or in the field of child medicine. I want to get a job working with children who are ill and need special care, and I want to be in a place where I can surf every weekend and be surrounded by my family and friends always. I'm impressed that Jimmy V knew exactly what he wanted and was able to follow through with his dreams before he was 40, but I also believe it's good to keep traveling through life to see where God takes you. Learning is something I do everyday which helps us take different paths through life.

  28. Jimmy Valvano is a great and inspirational man. He managed to live his life to the fullest despite the fact that he had cancer. It was like he made it a point to not live his life uselessly and make the most out of it while being an inspiration to many. The five things I would write on my flash cards would be:
    -go to college and become what I wish to be
    -visit places I sincerely want to go to
    -achieve my dream career and make a good amount of money
    -get married to a great, hardworking person
    -live my life to the fullest, leaving no room for regrets

  29. Jimmy Valvano, A man that had life stacked aginst him, yet he made the best of it. Jimmy has an amazing story, and he had three things that kept him moving, Hope, Destiny, and Willpower all got him through this terrible time for him, which was also a great time for him. He participated in everything that he could. When I think of my life, I don't think it's that inspring, Playing tennis, and building legos. The five things I would put on my flashcards would be
    ~Get married, adn have kids (Who doesn't)
    ~Be a valedictorian at BK
    ~Go to collage
    ~Work alongside my brother Nick as an engineer
    ~Get a small house in the Hills
    Thoes are all of things that I would strive for.

  30. Mr. Valvano was such a great man. He was really the begining of cancer awareness. He really knows what he wants to accomplish in life. I think that if everyone one in the world could know Jimmy Valvano's work, and tried to live a little more like him, then the world would be a much happier place. I'm not sure what my life goals are, but here it goes:
    - complete my college education
    - find a career that makes me happy
    - and a person that makes me happy
    - build a family
    - die in my sleep, surrounded by loved ones

  31. Jimmy was a great person that didn't just achieve his own goals but went above and beyond and achieved goals he hadn't even listed. By doing this he has changed the lives of so many people and many to come.
    -Obtain a good education before becoming married
    -Gain Loyal friends
    -Get married
    -Create a successful family
    -Be remembered long after my death

  32. I think Jimmy Valavano was an inspiring man. He set goals for himself and then went up and beyond them. In his speech, he talked about raising awareness for cancer, even though he knew it wouldn't save himself, he wanted to save everyone else who was fighting against it. He put everyone before himself and it just shows how genuine of a man he really was. The five things on my index card would be:
    -go to college and graduate
    -travel the world
    -obtain my dream goal
    -get married to the love of my life
    -be truly, truly happy with no regrets

  33. Jimmy Valavano was an inspiring man. He was an amazing inspiration for everyone with cancer. He lived his life and never gave up on his dreams.He really lived his life to the fullest. I will try to live more like him.on my five flash I would write

    Graduate from college
    continue to strive for and athlete
    get married
    have a family
    live my life to the fullest

  34. I think people like him are inspiring but it is sad that he has died. He will probably help the people make the right decisions in life because of his story. My goals are to graduate collage, Graduate from U.S.A.F, live in a house on the lake in mccll, by the end of my life know what my purpose is, and have a family.

  35. Jimmy Valvano is an inspiration to all. No one should have to go through what he did, and if someone does, how can they have the courage to do and accomplish what he did.

    My five note cards:

    -get a good education
    -answer Jesus' calling
    -get married and have a family
    -have a great life with them and charish every moment I have with them
    -die happy with no regrets and meet my loved ones and God in Heaven


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