Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Some look at the start of the New Year as a chance to wipe the slate clean and start new.  Many attempt this by identifying New Year’s resolutions.  January 1st is a day to try to break old habits or to start new habits to live a better life.  Below is a list of the top 10 resolutions compiled by newspaper across the country.

  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Exercise regularly
  • Lose weight
  • Enjoy life more and stress less
  • Manage money better
  • Take a trip
  • Learn something new
  • Help other
  • Get organized
  • Attend church 

What do you think about the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions? Why do you think so many people have difficulty keeping their resolutions?  Are you the kind of person that sets New Year’s Resolutions?  Why or why not?  If you did set any New Year’s Resolutions, would you mind sharing?  


  1. I think the idea of New Years Resolutions are great, because it allows us to work at our flaws, or just to achieve a better you. People have a hard time keeping their resolution, fro a couple reasons. The first reason is that there is no punishment, or draw back if you fail your resolution, the only thing that keeps you back, is your free will. Second, They developed their problem by habit, and they don't know how to break that habit, with just will. Third, and final is people's everyday activities can get in the way of your goal, by taking up time, and thoughts. I do like to set Resolutions for the new year, but I do have some difficulty starting out, because when I'm doing something, I realize that I’m in the middle of breaking my habit, by the time I remember not to do it. I did set some new years resolutions, and they are 30 minutes of exorcize each day, a 4.0 GPA by the end of my eight grade year. Win one of the teacher awards at the end of they year, and the outstanding student award, and get ten minutes of quiet time each day, to relax and thing about things, with out distractions.

  2. I think Resolutions work for some, but for others it is really just a pat on the back for something they didn't do. I think it is so hard because most resolutions are vague, like "Workout more"; instead of setting a certain time. However even after all the cons I still enjoy setting a New Year's Resolution because, hey, it might work this year. Plus it is a constant nag at your head. This year I set the resolution to not let academics control my life.

  3. I think New Year's resolutions are so hard to keep because people have to break old habits and start new ones. I like the idea of resolutions,however,I didn't make any this year. I just forgot about them. Sometimes I will make resolutions, other than that I don't mostly because I can't really stay on top of them with everything else going on in my life. And some people don't really make a resolution because if it's hard to achieve they won't keep at it. Like if an overweight person wants to get in shape maybe they'll go to the gym a few times then quit. Or if a person with academic issues wants to get their grades up they might work hard then give up after a while because they're exhausted. The point is is that you have to work hard to get in shape, maintain good grades, etc. but some people would rather be lazy which is why they are so hard to maintain.

  4. I think that New Year's Resolutions are a great way to start off the year. Many people think that the new year and making a commitment to something will help them live their life better and be a better person. I think that this can happen, but I think that most people make resolutions to help them get through the year better than they did the last year. I think that, though many people make resolutions, many also fail to keep them until the first day of the next year. And we all have to admit.. It is hard keeping a goal in mind to the whole year. Many people start to sag in the summer months with the hot weather and lose their mindset. Yet others I know, have stayed strong until the end and will strive to fulfill their goal no matter what. I think that it is so hard to keep resolutions because people can't imagine doing it for the whole year. I think that more people would be able to keep their goals if they looked at it in small amounts, such as week by week, instead of month by month. I do like to set goals for the New Year. Some of my resolutions for this year are to achieve highest honors(4.0 GPA) at the end of my eighth grade year, try to be more patient towards family members, and always try to do what God would do. I think the New Year is a great time for new resolutions.

  5. I think that the idea of New Years Resolutions are great. They encourage people to set goals because a new year is a new start. The rewards for maintaining goals are great. For people who are really good at keeping goals, New Years Resolutions are great. But most people have a hard time at maintaining a goal for a whole entire year. It is so hard to keep a goal because almost every time, the things we try to avoid seem to nag at us even more than they would if we didn't try to avoid them. Like Emile said, there really is not a huge punishment for breaking a goal. Although I often have a hard time with carrying out my goals, I do still set them at the beginning of the year. I normally do not share my goals with others but one of mine is to actually strive to carry out my goals.

  6. I think that New Year Resolutions are awesome and inspirational, but not a lot of people actually follow threw with their Resolutions because they forget or something like that. I, personally am one of those people that quits by the end of January then picks it back up in March. Many people have trouble with keeping their Resolutions because they are trying to break bad habits or set good habits and it takes a long time to create good habits and get rid of bad habits, by the time that they are close to getting to creating/breaking a habit you might have already quit at it. I am the kind of person that creates their Resolutions the last minute of the year. I create resolutions because it is a good way to improve your self control while also benefitting in multiple other ways. My resolutions are: eat healthier, be a nicer person in general, try not to laugh as much in class, work harder to finish homework, try not to use technology AS much as I do, and to go the extra mile with everything that I do.

  7. New Year's Resolutions are a good opportunity for people to reflect on their wrongs of the previous year and set new goals for the new year at hand. They encourage people to change their lifestyles for the better, which is just dandy. Usually people are constantly aware of their Resolutions at the beginning of the year while the idea is still fresh on their minds, but as the year goes on more events and things occupy them and they start to become too busy to keep practicing their New Year's Resolutions that by then would've been set awhile ago. Life goes on, and it's rare to think about goals you set in the beginning of the year when you get so preoccupied. I don't usually set New Year's Resolutions, mainly because I know I'll probably forget about them in a week or so.

  8. I honestly don't ever set New Years resolutions because I can never keep them. I think that New Years resolutions are great if we could actually keeps them. Mainly, life gets in the way. We plan to do these amazing thing but instead must help someone or do something we had already committed to. I will defiantly not be setting any resolutions, ever.

  9. I think Resolutions work for some, but for others it is really just a pat on the back for something they didn't do. I know I put out new years resolutions and never did. But I think the idea of New Years Resolutions are great, because it allows us to work at our flaws, or just to achieve a better you. Say a person wants to loose 20 pounds. Well they can. This will drive them to correct their flaws.

  10. I'm not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions. I mean they're practically famous for being broken. Why say you're going to do something when you're not? People struggle with keeping their promise because they try to tackle too much too soon. People try to ditch bad habits cold turkey. That's unreasonable. People get discouraged when they see little results. I think people should focus more on setting little goals. You can make changes any time of the year. So no, I will not be setting New Year's goals because I know that fixing my personal flaws will take a lifetime, not a year.

  11. I think New Year's resolutions are a good thing for everybody, But some people think they can achieve more than they really can in a year. Society makes it okay to drop out of your resolution, but if you ever want to achieve them than you got to stick with them. I didn't really have any planned for actual new year, but at the time I am trying to do something. I am preparing myself for high school by taking as many extracurricular as I can for the rest of the year.

  12. I think that setting New Years resolutions are good. It is giving yourself a goal to accomplish. It's also giving yourself a challenge. I think that a lot of people have this difficulty because they are setting to broad of goals. No, but this year I would like to pick up many pairs of rare shoes.

  13. I am personally too lazy to set New Years Resolutions. I think people don't follow through with things because 1. its nearly impossible to remember resolutions for 365 days, 2. People arne't ready to commit to big goals that they set, and 3. New Years is just another day, and it usually doesn't make a difference (at least for me) in the goal. I don't set resolutions because I never follow through and I always forget within a week.

  14. I think that setting new years resolutions is great. It is a great concept, but they are also very hard. I think that is so hard to keep a goal is because we set ourselves up for failure. Some people make goals that are so far out of their reach that they just give up. the list above i think was great. I would like to be in better condition for skiing and sports, work harder at school and stuff like that.

  15. I think that it is a great idea to set New Years resolutions. It helps wipe your slate clean and get ready for a new year. I think that people have trouble keeping them because they are so used to there old habits, and they like their old habits better. I do make New Year's resolutions because we do it as a family just sitting at a table and we can't leave until we make 10. Some of my resolutions are go to Church more, study for tests, do my best in school, and be kind no matter what.

  16. New Year's Resolutions are things that look better on paper then in practice. It is great to set goals for yourself, but to expect change overnight is unreasonable. The one key problem with this mentality is that change is expected instantly,and usually, for humans, this is not possible. The expectation should be to change over the course of the year. By the end of the next year, then you can look back and say, "Wow I stopped this bad habit this year” or “I Iost this many pounds" This way instead of looking back at the year in a negative aspect, you can look forward to tackling the year ahead. Personally, I never have set New Year's resolutions for myself, as I have never found them to benefit me in any way. The beginning of a new year does not dictate anything about my life other than that I am a day older.

  17. I think it is a great thing to do if you excel in setting goals and achieving them. If you are not good at keeping goals then it is not the right thing for you, though goal creating and achieving is a big thing in life. I think a lot of people have trouble keeping them because it is hard to discipline yourself. It often is very helpful to have someone doing the same thing with you and help you through it. No I usually do not make New Year's revolution usually because I have no one my age group to go and say work out with me

  18. I think New Year's Resolutions are great. I think that some people like to set goals for themselves while some don't. I think that when someone wants to accomplish a goal for the year, it might be not the number one priority. They set it aside thinking: "Oh I'll start doing this in June." When June comes around, they will push it off until November. I think people procrastinate when it comes to these Resolutions. I have set Resolutions before, but haven't ever really gone through with them. They aren't much of a priority to me, even though they should be. I think people who set these goals are already really busy and don't have time to add another thing to their life. They might be used to the way they are living and don't want to chance that. A goal I set for this year is to learn and speak Spanish. I have made this same goal for myself for the past 2 or 3 years and have never gone through with it, so hopefully this year I will. (:

  19. New years resolutions are good if they are achievable and not over the top and ridiculous. I think that people have a trouble keeping them because in order to change your habits you need to submerge yourselves in that habit and people just don't do that. Most go to the gym a couple of days in their free time but sometimes would rather stay home and that happens more and more then they don't want to do it anymore. I do make resolutions but they are minor, this year I did not however because I didn't really want to change anything but my grades.

  20. I think New Year's resolutions are okay. If they are reasonably, and you can actually keep them, then that's great! Really! Personally, I never make any, or if I do I don't keep them, mostly because I forget all about them. I usually try to make resolutions, but this year I didn't even try....

    1. Besides, I usually am trying to improve in the first place, so it doesn't really matter if I make resolutions or not because I'll most likely work on them anyways.

  21. I think the idea of New Years resolutions are good because it gives people a goal that they can aspire to. Also thought there is really no reason to set goals if you aren't going to complete them in the first place(a lot of people do that). I think that so many people have a hard time completing their resolutions is because they have so much to complete. If people put like 20 things to complete they probably won't finish them all, that is why I usually don't have a resolution and if I do, it is short. I don't really set goals for the New Years because I have goal that I set everyday like finishing my homework early. This year I did set one goal for New Years and it is to be less stressed.

  22. I think that the general idea of New Year's resolutions is great, but they aren't very realistic. I mean, I still set New Year's resolutions, - like eating healthier and helping out more - but even I have forgotten them after a few weeks. It's nice to know where you are at know what your personal goals are, and New Years forces you to reflect on this. You know what direction you want to focus, but because they are put under the infamous title of "New Year's resolutions" they don't really 'count' and so people don't try as hard to actually commit because this title gives them an excuse if they don't succeed within a month or so.

  23. I think that New Year's resolutions are great because they give you something to strive for and try to achieve during the year. I think that many people have trouble keeping their resolutions because they get so caught up in their lives and forget about their resolutions that they set for themselves. I usually make a New Year's resolution but I haven't thought about it much this year. One of the goals that I set this year is getting my homework done when I get home from school and to not procrastinate.

  24. I think New Year's resolutions can be a good way to begin the year, but they are honestly pointless. Why should everyone wait until the new year to change something about themselves? I think that if there is something you would like to change, don't wait and just do it. A reason that people may stop keeping their resolutions is that they set far fetched or difficult goals and they become unmotivated. I usually do not set New Year's resolutions, but this year I tried to. It was to try and work harder or have more motivation, but I'm not exactly sure how it is going so far.

  25. I think that setting new years resolutions is a great thing to do. It helps people set goals and gives them courage to achieve those goals. Some people just forget them after they have set them. Other people make the goals not thinking of how hard they will actually be to achieve them. I used to set them every year and to write them down, now I just sometimes think about what I want kind of goal I want to set for myself and I do my best to reach it. I think I would say that I wanted to become a better basketball player, guitar player, and that I also want to try to always be positive ad nice to everyone.

  26. I think the are great! I think people have a hard time with there resolutions because they set them to high at first. It should be a process. Yes I do set resolutions sorta. I like to have goals more then resolutions because I feel better when I achieved them. This year I have a lot like run more and read more books.

  27. I think the idea of New Year's Resolutions are good but dont always work. People love to say "OH, I'm going to work out 4 times a week." but in reality they only go once or not at all. When people make their resolutions I dont think they really think about it because when they make them they are on vacation so they dont think about their busy life. I think people should make goals but they shouldn't be unatailable. My resolutions for this year are to stretch more, read more, dont let the little things get to me as much and some others.

  28. If you did set any New Year’s Resolutions, would you mind sharing? I think New Years Resolutions are good if you set them at a reasonable level to reach. People have such a hard accomplishing their goals because of how difficult they set their standards at. Most people say that they want to lose weight and eat better, well that's good but don't put yourself at the position where u say that you want to lose 20 pounds and that your gonna change you whole diet. Now those are totally unreachable for most people. I never really have set a resolution and when I do it's not like I ever keep it or stick with it. A resolution that I would set is to keep up my reading and to keep up with all my homework.

  29. I think New Years Resolutions are great. They help people achieve goals that they've always wanted to do. But, also sometimes people set resolutions that are unlikely and then they become unmotivated. I usually don't set New Years Resolutions, but this year I somewhat did. I would call them more of goals. My goals for this year is build my stamina, read a lot more books, and to be genuinely, intensely, and consistently happy.

  30. I think they are great but they are annoying when you tell your friends and they nag you about it. Because you are changing what you usually do and you think about which makes it harder. NO I don't because I just don't want to

  31. I think New Years Resolutions are are a great thing. It is a great way for people to set goals for themselves to be better. I think some people have trouble living up to them because they set goals that are sometimes a little out of their reach. I do set resolutions but they are not always starting at the new year. I set goals for myself throughout the year. This year, I am going to try and get 4.0, get in really good shape, and try to form a better connection with God.

  32. I think New Year's resolutions are kind of stupid. I see no point, if people want to set goals for themselves, then they should do it. Not just it is a new year. People have a hard time completing these tasks because some people's resloutions are ridiculous and it is something they have never done before, so the odds of them keeping it are pretty slim. I am not the person that sets New Year's resolutions for myself because, again, I like to set my goals for my self all the time, if someone really wants to accomplish something, they would do it when the idea popped into their heads, not just cause the new year has come.

  33. I think that new years resolutions are great. I love looking back on my previous goals and seeing what I have overcome and what I could have done better. Its also a great way to reflect on the year. I think its so hard because sometimes we set goals they may be to hard to achieve but also because people don't stay at them. I love setting new goals and do every year


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