Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Black History Month

Since 1976, the United States and Canada have recognized February as Black History Month.  The idea to dedicate time to the contributions of African Americans was originated in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson.   His vision was to increase the awareness of people and communities to the significant additions African Americans have made to the overall history of the United States. 

His vision has grown since 1926 to include an entire month where elementary, junior high and high school students take time to learn about notable figures and accomplishments of African Americans.

Black History Month’s annual celebration has come with its fair share of criticism.  From questioning the need to dedicate an entire month to a single race to complaints about the month chosen being the shortest month of the year, the opinions are as varied as they can be outlandish. 
Regardless, the idea to educate ourselves about the historical influence countless African Americans have had on our country and communities is with merit.  It is a time to dig past the dates and names to attempt to put yourself in the shoes of a race of people who have struggled to gain an equal footing in the United States. 

Without Black History Month we may be familiar but not as cognizant of the incredible feats of
Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, or Maya Angelou.  The contributions African Americans have made to the fabric of the United States are without question.

Please research and report back on the accomplishments of one of the following people:

Condoleezza Rice
George Washington Carver
Frederick Douglass
Booker T Washington
Louis Armstrong

What did you learn and why did you choose that person? 


  1. I picked Louis armstrong. I picked louis arm strong because his name sounded like Neal arm strong so I thought ya. Here are some of the accomplishments of louis armstrong: He is an accomplished Trumpeter, singer, jazz artist, pop artist, and more. He has written around 31 songs and here are some of the names are after you are gone, black and blue, wonderful world, and a lot more. One thing I learned about him is that I really like some of Jazz

  2. I chose Booker because I had prior knowledge about him. Booker was born into slavery and released when he was in his teen years. When he was a young boy,he would carry his owner's kid's books to the schoolhouse for them. That is what made him want an education. When Booker was released from slavery,he was determined to get educated.Schools were made in Booker's town, but his family could not afford to go there.So he worked at the local mine with his father. He taught himself to read and use the alphabet by reading the box labels and the signs in the mine. Booker gained knowledge of a university for blacks and was determined to go there. He traveled on his own, and finally made it after a long journey.He paid his way through the university by working as custodian and attended until he graduated. I chose Booker because I think he is a role model to all people whatever race they are.That everyone can make it out of tough situations.

    I also know that Nike has a special line of shoes called Black History Month or "bhm" that are sold to remind everyone that everyone is equal

  3. I would either chose Armstrong or Booker because I had prior knowledge about him. Booker was born into slavery and released when he was in his teen years. When he was a young boy,he would carry his owner's kid's books to the schoolhouse for them. That is what made him want an education. These people changed the way that the whole world functions in america. We have a black president. Tupac and Biggy changed rapping describing on how they WANTED THE WORLD TO FUNCTION. Now because these people we are able to have racial discrimination be wiped out.

  4. I chose Louis Armstrong because he was such a huge influence in the jazz community. Especially in a time of extreme prejudice, his color was just an afterthought after people of all races heard his lively style of music and his infatuating stage presence. Being raised in New Orleans he heard music all around him, but his childhood would be considered tragic in most eyes. His mother went into prostitution and Armstrong got into trouble in his teenage years, but when Louis took a look back at his past he saw inspiration. I guess that's why I like him so much, even with his past and a present full of discrimination, Louis loved his music and his life right then and because of it people all around the world have heard of Satchmo, king of modern jazz.

  5. In reading class, we did an assignment on Booker T Washington and his story is inspiring. Born a slave in bad conditions, he persevered and was able to become an influential person. He became education through his dedication of self teaching himself, then working hard and going to an academy. Booker T Washington was able to show every single African american person in America, most who were former slaves, that they could work hard and become a great person in their lives. His work would go on to inspire so many more people throughout the course of history to do great things.

  6. The person I picked to do research on was Condoleezza Rice. I picked her because she seems like an interesting person, and I figured she has to have made many important contributions to our country because she is the only woman on the list. Condoleezza Rice was born in Birmingham, Alabama and grew up in segregated schools. She went on to Stanford University as a political science professor, where she taught for many years. In 2004 she served as the 66th U.S. Secretary of State and was the second person in that job under President George W. Bush. She was the first African- American woman, the second African- American position, and the second woman to hold the position of secretary of state. She also held the position of Bush's National Security Adviser during his first term, making her the first woman to hold that job. She took on many jobs during her political career including serving different positions that dealt with foreign relationships around the world. In 2010 she went back to Stanford University to teach and became a faculty member and director on campus, taking a break from her political career. Condoleezza Rice was an important person that helped our country and government. It would have taken guts to campaign for jobs little or no African- Americans, or African- American women for that matter, had ever held positions like that before. She kept strong to herself and never gave up, accomplishing many great things along the way. Condoleezza Rice is a very important woman in our world today.

  7. I chose to research Louis Armstrong because seeing him as an influential African American in music really stood out to me instead of the usual politics, philosophy, and what not. He was an inspiration to many generations of multiple races through the art of jazz music. It's special because though he was discriminated for being African American, he was praised for his unique style in jazz music. He was one of the most influential figures in jazz history, being a trumpeter, bandleader, singer, soloist, film star, and comedian all with such finesse that no other quite obtained like him. He was special because he could take any song and make it his own and had a special and unseen talent for jazz music. I learned that despite physical discrimination you can inspire and touch the hearts of those with what you have on the inside, which matters much more.

  8. Booker T. Washington was a man of integrity and drive. He was from Virginia, and like many black americans, he was born into slavery. His mother, no how matter she loved him, she could not control what work he did, what he ate, and how he was treated. One day when Booker was carrying the books of his master’s daughters, he saw the inside of the school house, he was enthralled and mesmerized. But, he dare not set foot inside, for black slaves were prohibited from going to school. Then when he was just five years old, the civil war broke out, and after the fighting stopped, Booker T. Washington and his family were free. But were they? Washington and his family struggled to make ends meet, and eventually he and his father began to work in a salt mine, which was hard work. He heard about the Hampton Institute, and even getting there would be a challenge, nothing could stop him. After two years of saving his money he departed his family and headed toward the Hampton Institute. The journey was tough, but finally he made it. He began to speak for an “industrial education,” which helped many people to get the factory jobs that required training that they needed. Booker T. Washington was the man who helped the slaves get on their feet after the civil war

    Source: Tarshis, Lauren. "Up From Slavery." Scope Feb. 2015: 4-9.

    1. I choose this person because of his drive and dedication to get and education. Many students around the country take their education for granted, but it gives you the ability to have a much larger impact on the world. He was born a slave, and died a free man. Starting with nothing and ending up with a major impact on America.

  9. I chose Condoleezza Rice as my person to research because her first name caught my attention and I wanted to learn more about her. She was a political scientist and a diplomat who was a US Secretary of State. She went to Stanford University and was the first African-American woman to be Secretary of State. She was also President George W Bush's National Security Advisor, the first woman to hold that position. She was born in Birmingham, Alabama during the time when the South was segregated. She held many political positions during her career and was an influence on our government. Condoleezza Rice was a very important person who had a lot of courage to run for political jobs even though she is African-American and a women, and she had a lot of accomplishments. She is a great person who did amazing things for our country.

  10. I picked Frederick Douglass as my person because I knew the least about him. I learned that he was born into slavery on a Maryland plantation. He was illegally taught to read by the plantain owner's wife. His talent as a speaker and writer would gain him a lot of national attention later on. I figured out that he escaped from slavery when he was 20 years old and began telling his story at meetings. Many people were moved by his speaking and he soon became the face of the abolitionist movement. He was remembered for being an exceptional speaker and advisor to President Lincoln. Frederick Douglass was a man of great integrity, bravery, and persistence

  11. I chose Frederick Douglass because I knew and recognized his NAME, but I didn't know much about HIM.
    I learned that he was born a slave but was able to escape from his "master." During the Civil War, he spoke with President Abraham Lincoln and helped with the Emancipation Proclamation. After Lincoln died, he was nominated for vice president at the next election.

  12. Fredrick Douglas is a man of many talents, and abilities. He is one of the most, if not the most accomplished man of time. He starts out as a slave, as a slave he was taught how to read, and write. He was one of America’s first great African American speakers. Douglas was one of the leaders of the abolitionist movements. Served as an advisor to Honest Abe. This is just the begging of his achievements, this man has done so much for America, and it’s movement towards a world free of slavery. I choose Fredrick Douglas, because I have this book about Fredrick Douglas, and it was always interesting to me, because he was such a great man in such a terrible time.

  13. I chose Fredrick Douglass because I have prior knowledge of him. I learned that he was born a slave and was taught how to read and write. He then escaped . I learned that he spoke with Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. I also learned that he achieved many great things like getting elected for vice president after Lincoln died. He accomplished so many great things in a time when there wasn't a lot for slaves to accomplish.

  14. I chose Louis Armstrong because I had a coin toss tournament and he won. He is a musician. He sung and played the trumpet in jazz songs. He is has so many awards that it would take me too long to say all of them, but one of his songs inducted to the Rock and Roll hall of fame. He also had many songs that got awarded a Grammy. Also the post office has a stamp that he is on.

  15. I learned that fredrick douglass escaped slavery and started to help end slavery. I picked him because I already knew a little bit about him and I wanted to know more about him.

  16. In chose George Washington Carver because a) he has an interesting name and b) I knew the least about him. George Carver was an inventor and a botanist. He researched alternative cash crops that could replace cotton during the Reconstruction Era of the South.He wanted the poor farmers to be able to sustain their family while farming instead of depending on the quality of that year's cotton. He especially like to find household uses for the crop 'peanuts'. He developed cosmetics, dyes, paints, and gasoline. He rose to fame in 1992 and toured the white southern colleges, met three presidents, and continued research to improve the lives of others.

  17. I chose Louis Armstrong because I have heard of him before and I wanted to learn more about what he did. Louis was an American jazz trumpeter, singer, and he was very influential in jazz music. Armstrong was born into a very poor family and was the grandson of slaves. He grew up in poverty and his father left the family when Armstrong was only a baby. He attended a school for boys where he had the exposure of music. He eventually dropped out of school at 11 and sang on the streets for money and that is where his music career began.

  18. I chose Fredrick Douglas because I have heard his name before and wanted to get more knowledge on him. He was a social reformer, orator, writer, and statesman. After escaping from slavery he became a leader of the movement against slavery. He became very famous because he was an amazing writer, and formed a lot of arguments against slavery. He wrote many autobiographies, a couple becoming best selling books. He was the first black vice president. A famous quote by him was "I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."

  19. I chose Fredrich Douglas because i had a little bit of knowledge on him. I have heard his name multiple times in my life and i wanted to learn more about him. He became very famous and he was a fantastic writer. He wrote a couple of hit books in his time. He was a huge inspiration.

  20. Booker T Washington. I choose him because I wanted to build on my schema that I learned in reading. He preserved through slavery and finally got his freedom. He had to work hard everyday to get enough money to survive. While he worked in mines and other brutal places he taught himself the alphabet and other basic things. He finally saved enough money to get to school and finally got the education he dreamed of. He ended up building schools and encouraging black people to attend.

  21. I chose to research Condoleezza Rice because I had never heard of her before and I wanted to learn something new and I wanted to learn more about other people of African decent. I learned tat Condoleezza Rice was the 66th Secretary of State under George W. Bush. She was the second African American Secretary of State and was the second female secretary of state as well, That's a huge accomplishment. This means that women are now getting more say in politics, and not just any women black women as well which is outstanding.

  22. I chose Louis Armstrong because actually already knew a little bit about him. He sings one of my Mom's favorite songs, "What A Wonderful World." I researched him and found out that he was a really great jazz musician and an amazing singer. He played many instruments like the trumpet and cornet. He was and still is today one of the best jazz musicians and singers of all time.

  23. (I learned that Booker T Washington was a very brave man, He escaped slavery. I chose him because I had some prior knowledge about him. He was obviously a very courageous man. Back then no one dared to think about escaping slavery. He was also a courageous man because of what he sacrificed to make a living. By working in deadly conditions.

  24. I chose Louis Armstrong, because i knew the name but i didn't know who he was or what he did. He was a trumpet player, a comedian, and was very influential in jazz music. he had some favorite songs called what a wonderful world, so i went on you tube and watched and i thought that it was amazing because he lived in such a hard time for black people and he looked at the world as wonderful.

  25. I picked Booker T Washington, because I have heard his name often when Black History month is mentioned. He was born in Virginia, was a slave, he worked hard for African Americans rights, became a teacher. That is a pretty crazy resume, he is so brave so courageous and is someone that loves more than hates. Many people look up to him as a role model.

  26. I chose Booker T. Washington because in Reading class, we had done an assignment on him and I remember a couple of things. Washington was born a slave in horrible conditions with no education. He wanted an education so badly that he started to say the alphabet while he was working to memorize it and was saving up money to go to a college. When he had saved enough money, he left and started a long trek to a school for blacks he wanted to attend. After he got his education, he built even more schools for blacks and helped many get an education.

  27. I chose Condoleezza Rice because she has a cool name and must be pretty important considering shes the only woman on the list. She was born in Birmingham, AL where she was surrounded by segregation and racism. She went on to get her Ph.D in political science and even taught as a political science professor at Stanford. She was the director of Soviet and East European foreign affairs with the National Security Council and a special assistant to George H.W. Bush. She also served on the Federal Advisory Committee on gender-Integrated training in the military. A few years later in 2001, Rice was appointed national security advisor by George H.W. Bush, becoming the first black woman (and second woman) to hold the post. She also went on to serve as the first black woman to be the U.S. Secretary of State. Rice has also written 4 books and has become a successful pianist and golfer.

  28. I chose Fredrick Douglas because I have heard a few things about him before but i wanted to learn more about him. I learned that he was a social reformer, statesman, nut ,most important one of the leaders of they embellishment movements

  29. I chose Fredrick Douglas due to us learning about him currently. Mr. Douglas was born junto slavery and lived that way for the majority of his life until he successfully escaped on the railroad to freedom. During his life he had two wifes and five children. I enjoyed learning about Fredrick Douglas a little more

  30. I chose Fredrick Douglas because of his intelligence to teach him self how to read or write. That is how he was able to escape from slavery. Fredrick Douglas was born and raised in slavery until he worked his way out. He was a very brave man with a goal set in his mind to achieve. He was persistent and was on the right path to his freedom. Fredrick Douglass was a very interesting man to learn about and very fascinating!


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