Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, January 19 we are remembering the life and teaching of Martin Luther King, Jr. throughout the United States.  While we each may enjoy a day off of school, we do not want to lose the purpose of commemorating his life and his impact on the United States and the world by taking the day for granted.

Martin Luther was born in Atlanta, Georgia.  He was the son, grandson, and great grandson of Baptist ministers.  While he initially was reluctant to accept his inherited occupation, during his time at Morehouse College, Dr. King began to learn how to use his devout Christian beliefs and his natural ability to gather people to promote the ideas of social change.

As his life continued, he actively engaged in the promoting the civil rights of African Americans and the social changes so long overdue.  While the civil war ended nearly 100 years prior to Dr. King, it was not until the 1960’s that America began to recognize the equality of African Americans. 

The teachings of Martin Luther King are as relevant today as they were 40 years ago.  Even though we have taken great strides as a country, we still hear and see acts of prejudice and bigotry in our society.  While we strive for equality and tolerance, we know there is still hate in the world.  Dr. King would encourage us to seek out acts of hate and intolerance in the world and find peaceful solutions to promote the human spirit.

In addition to Monday being a day for remembrance, it should also be a day of action.  A day dedicated to doing something to promote humanity and discourage intolerance.

The following is a link to the King Center.  The website includes many interesting and thought provoking ideas, including a biography of Dr. King and the history of the holiday.

What do you think Dr. King would think of our world today and the changes the country has undergone?  Can you think of situations in our world today where intolerance and prejudice exist?  What actions are you willing to take to promote the human spirit and the ideas of tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness?


  1. I think that he would have thought that we had made progress but not enough progress for the time. Well like in Ferguson stuff like that. I am not sure how to awenser that

  2. I believe that Dr. King would be immensely pleased. I say this because back then, there were separate restaurants and separate water fountains and separate schools, but none of that exists anymore. Most people accept everyone that they meet and it doesn't matter what race your friends are, they are your friends because of character. Even the head of our nation, the President, is black, and that would be something hard for people to imagine back then.
    However, there is still prejudice in the world, and I think about Ferguson and how people are making such a big deal out of a crime because of the race of the victim. Crimes worse than that happen every day, but the prejudice has made this problem bigger in the world. I myself am not an activist or an exponent on the vanguard of promoting such ideas, but I won't oppose them and would try to encourage a small amount of people not to either.

  3. Dr.King would be very happy, our country has gone so far and I think that it has been an amazing change. Yes, there are still people that are racist, prejudiced, and intollerant. For example the incident where the owner of the Clippers was being very racist towards African-Americans. If I ever see someone that is being racist I will tell them to stop then and there and to remember how God wants us to treat one another.

  4. Martin Luther King Jr. would be pleased to see the anti-racism progress our country has accomplished so far. Though overall we aren't as racist as in the older days, there are still people out there who are racist, or who are a bit sensitive and contentious about racism, like the events that had occurred in Ferguson. These are the things that Dr. King would say we need to improve on. I will say though that I see my generation having much tolerance for African Americans, or we just don't see a difference. Even though I am limited with that experience (going to a Catholic school with a higher level of tolerance for different races), I know that our generation overall just naturally accepts these minor differences in others. I'm not afraid to speak up for what I think is morally right in front of others or one on one, whether that has to do with racism or bullying or anything of the sort. It is a very hard task to do, but I think about what God would want me to, and that gives me the courage to do it.

  5. I think that Dr. King would be pleased with the changes our world has
    undergone, but we still encourage us to strive for better. Though our world has
    gone from much segregation and separation of African-Americans and whites, I think that it has improved and we have come to realize how all people were created but God and we shouldn't judge, God will at the end of our lives. One of the situations that I can think of is the Ferguson, MO incident and people questioning the jurors skin color and the judge's decision and if it was fair or not. Some actions I am willing to take is to always think before I do and remember not to judge people who I have just met. Another thing I am willing to do is to go out of my comfort zone and include the people who are lost and sad. I think that Dr. King wanted us to all treat each other with dignity, and for me, I can't do that until I have reached out to everyone I can help. Lastly, I will try to forgive those who have hurt me. I have no doubt in my mind that Dr. King forgave all those who persecuted him and wanted them to know that God loves them no matter what. From this, I think that, though forgiveness is hard to do and even harder to ask for, we should all move toward the love God wants us to show one another. I think that Dr. King is a great role model and is one of the best examples showing us that prejudice can be conquered.

  6. I do think that Martin Luther King Jr. would like what he sees in our world today. He was only able to see so little of his brilliant reformation be put into action. I can only imagine the joy he would feel seeing such great achievements like Obama leading our country as President. I definitely think there are times when racial tension and even intolerance exist, but we're getting better. In situations like Ferguson, we just need to be more careful about how we treat others. People always try to show how they accept others by saying how they don't see "color" but I think they're missing the point. It's okay to see "color" but it isn't okay to judge, classify, or label a person because of their skin color. When you think about segregation and slavery being accepted for so long because of skin pigmentation, it sounds even more ridiculous! I think people just need to start treating otherpeople with respect. I know that is a blanket answer, but really; Most problems in our world would be resolved if we would just start treating people respectfully.

  7. I think Mr. King would be impressed by the changes we have made to how we see racial differences. we have come a long way from when he was around. The media defenanatly plays a part in how racial stereotypes are shown. I have friends of many differant backgrounds and I stand up for them when I hear people saying racist of hurtful thing about their culture.

  8. I think he would be proud at how far we've come. There are so many fewer racial tensions now compared to back then. Our current president is black for crying out loud! That would be unthinkable back then! However, prejudices do still exist. I heard of a situation where a white woman refused to sit down in a plane because her seat was next to a black man. A flight attendant moved the MAN to first class, though. That part was pretty awesome.
    I mostly just do simple things, such as defending someone I know whose race, religion, sexuality, etc. is being insulted. I am completely willing to do more to spread equality, though.

  9. Progress. Dr. King would think that progress has been made throughout the world a, and not much more. We have not reached the mountaintop, and it is hard to say that we ever will. Race for some people is still a major dividing factor of society. It is tough to say where we are when you see great acts on TV of acceptance, then in another broadcast we see outright racism. It is hard to see the progress we have made with the many conflicting events in the media. Recently in the news we have seen extreme prejudice though the Charlie Hebdo shooting. Although it is not acceptable to kill of slay others because of their views, Charlie Hebdo illustrations depict the prophet Muhammad, the founder of Muslim faith, in a humiliating and negative aspect. Yes, there is such thing as a right to free speech, but does this cross the line? In a Ifop poll published in France’s Journal du Dimanche (Sunday Journal), it said that forty two percent of French citizens oppose the idea of cartoons depicting Muhammad. Nearly half of the people polled said that cartoons depicting Muhammad were not OK. Today, I am willing to state my opinion on a topic that I think seriously offends a group of people. I believe by just stating one’s opinion on an offensive topic can change our world for the better. If you publish a cartoon or news article to offend a group of people, or do so knowing that you will cause some controversy, then it would be best not to publish that piece of media.

  10. I think that Dr.King would have mixed feelings about our country. I say that because people make blacks out to be the "thugs" of our country. When that isn't necessarily the case. Yes, there isn't many racial conflicts in our present day country, but conflicts like Ferguson and police brutality cannot happen if our country wants to eliminate racism entirely. And I believe that won't be achieved for a long time. I think that what I can do to help is defend anybody who is being insulted. Because nobody deserves to be heckled for being gay, black, mentally impaired, etc..

  11. I think that Martin would be proud, but not as proud as he could be. I think this because we have come a very long was, but there is still conflicts with blacks and whites. Like Ferguson and other examples. Also not including blacks and whites, other conflicts come up like with gays not just black and whites. Martin wanted everyone to be treated equal and we are not yet at that point. If I witness anyone being rude about ethnicity or anything, I would tell them that that is not nice.

  12. I believe a man such as Dr. King would be one to look at all the ground we've covered since his time and the world today has certainly improved, but there is no denying that something in society is wrong to have situations such as Ferguson and many more incidences of men of the law shooting young black men. Being tolerant is something I struggle with, but I would make sure to judge no one until I know what they're like on the inside and if someone has hurt me I wouldn't hold it against them if they ask for forgiveness also I will try to not be the person asking for forgiveness.

  13. I believe that Dr. King would be greatly pleased. Yes, we still have work to do, but a lot has changed. I think he would be happy to see how we don't have separate restaurants or separate schools. I think he would also be very proud that we have had and still now have an African-American president. The Ferguson situation is an example of intolerance and prejudice in our world today. I feel like if it was a white officer shooting a white man, there wouldn't have been so much of an uproar. To help promote human spirit, I will defend anyone who is being insulted. No one should be made fun of because of their sexuality, race, religion, etc.

  14. There is no question that Martin Luther King Jr. would be astonished, by the progress that we have made. I think he would be stupefied to see how much he influenced our present world. There are places in the world, where prejudice, and intolerance exist, and as much as we would like to change that, we can't because people are very stubborn, and wouldn’t accept that we can live in co existence. I think the solution, would be to select the people who are ignorant in the world, about race. These people would then be sent to have a psycological assesment, on what their problem is with other people. After people have been asseced. They would have a psyciatrist mentor them, until fully back in order.

  15. I know that Dr. King would be very proud of our country. Back then, there were different schools, restaurants, bathrooms, drinking fountains, etc. Now, we do not separate people because of their race. One problem... Dr. King wanted everyone to be treated with respect and dignity. America is not quite there yet. People in our country still judge people because of their race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc. One example of prejudice in our country is the Ferguson incident. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness. To promote human sprit, I can stand up for everyone who are insulted for things they cannot change. Everyone is different, people need to accept that.

  16. Dr. King would look at the country today and say we had made it to the promise land that he saw many years ago. We are not quit at the promise land yet because we are still judge and have stereotypes for different races, sexes, religions. The one example that comes to my mind right away is ferguson. If I saw anything that implied some kind of attack on someone because of race, sex, religion I would, with no hesitation, step up and stop it.

  17. Today was a very tough day for me. It was a holiday and a very important holiday but it's also the day we laid my Great Grandmother to rest. She was from the time when Dr. King was alive and spoke his great words of wisdom to the world. She was always stressing the importance of loving everyone and getting to know someone before you judge them. I believe Dr. King would be impressed with our advancements. We have an African American President, some of our best actors and actresses are African American. America is the melting pot of the world. Dr. King would be proud of what we have done.
    Today I believe Dr. King would find that it really isn’t as much race that’s the hot topic but homesexual marriage and tolerance for those with different beliefs about homesexuality. It is a topic that is always in debate and I believe Dr. King would step up and take a stand to support tolerance. Dr. King understood that people had different views but stressed that we should try to accept the things we cannot change or do not have control over, to have the courage to stand up for those who need us and let wisdom guide us to a path of forgiveness and understanding.

  18. I think Dr. King would be proud of the changes we've made so far to this country, concerning separation of blacks and whites. I think he would be happy that we don't separate schools based on color, in restaurants, and that we elected a black person as our President. In our world today, what happened in Ferguson makes me think of prejudice and intolerance. I think there would have been a different take on the Ferguson story if it was a white man shooting a white man or even a black man shooting a black man. But when we combine those two together and death occurs, I feel like as a country we get really uncomfortable with the situation. It reminds me of what happened in the 1960s where that was an ordinary thing to see happen, but now it's not. Maybe some people feel guilty of what happened in Ferguson because it reminds them of that time and how killing people based on race and ethnicity was horribly wrong. Some actions I am willing to take to promote human spirit is to not let people be made fun of for their race, ethnicity, religion, etc.

  19. I that Dr king would be proud of the progress we have made as one united nation. I think that he would also be a little disappointed. Even though we have made great progress there is still so much racism in our world to day. I mean look at Ferguson. He would be disappointed at stuff like that. We make out assumtions about black people that they are thugs or that they are scary people. People think that even when they dont know them. I think problems still and always will still exist, but overall we have made substantial progress.

  20. I think that Dr.King would be proud of how far we have come but I think there is still a lot of work to be done with racism in our world today. One example that comes to my mind is the situation in Ferguson. I am willing to do whatever needs to be done to stand up for people who are bullied or discriminated because of their skin color or anything else.

  21. Doctor King would never have been able to imagine that 50 years later America would elect a black president. We have no more 'black schools' or 'white restrooms' or 'colored people bus sections', however, we are far from finished. Racism, sexism, and religious discrimination all still exist in our society today. I know the Ferguson shooting is an overused example, but it's true! The situation is much different than it would have been if there were no prejudices involved. I feel frustrated because it has been ingrained in our society using 'slang terms' and racist comments is something to be taken lightly among young people. I like to think that if I ever heard someone I know speak in such a way, I would say something about it, and hope that my comment would influence that person in a way to change their actions.

  22. Dr. King would be happy with our world today because we have come so far from where we started. An example of intolerance is when the owner of the Clippers was being racist towards African-Americans. If I was to see or hear someone being racist, I would tell them to stop. They might not listen but I know that I said something and maybe others will understand how rude it is and not do it.

  23. I think Dr. king would be happy with our world today but still say there is more to do. I do see acts of injustice still today. One of which is that women are treated differently then men. We are considered weaker then the men and we don't have the same privileges as them. Some things I will do to help this is I will speak up for all the women. I will also have more forgiveness so there is more peace in the world.

  24. I think that Dr king would be very very pleased to see how for that we have come since what he had seen. Many many things have changed so much and for the best. but I do think that there is still racism today. even though we have come for we still have more to overcome. Ways that I could help would be when someone is making a racism joke or others, I can say something to make the stop and think

  25. It really wasn't that long ago that Dr. King went on his protest for peace. For the time that has passed I think he would be very pleased to see the remarkable improvement. We now even have a black president. I have recognized some racial unrest in Ferguson MO. I hope that that is straightened out now. I also see in some of the the slang terms we use as young people, there is some words that are dis respective towards race. I have and will continue to try and call people out for using racial comments and I will continue to try to see God in everyone.

  26. I think that Dr. King would be super happy with the progress that we have made I don't think he would be totally satisfied, but I think he would be happy. I think we are seeing some prejudice in Ferguson, Missouri I think we are making Ferguson such a bigger deal because of race and how a lot of people think that black people are automatically thugs. I will always try to see the good in everybody, and to accept everybody no matter their look.

  27. I think that Dr. King would be extremely happy with the outcome of his influence. This country has been shaped a lot by his wisdom and words. He will be remembered for a very long time and he should be. Myself and many others have so much respect for him. He is one of the greatest men to have ever lived. This blog was very informational and I learned a lot about Dr. King.

  28. I thin he would be happy to see the progress that we have made, I also think that being the man he was he would say that we could still get better. Yes, the situation in Ferguson Missouri is an example. It just goes to show that we are far from perfect and though we are better than we were in the 1900s there is still a lot of room for improvement. The situation in Ferguson just shows that there are still rifts in relationships between white and black people. I am willing to show people what is right in my actions. I need to promote kindness, and non-racism by being kind and not racist to everyone I know. I can also speak out against racism. If one person is open about what they think it opens many doors for others to speak their mind as well.

  29. I do think that Martin Luther King Jr. would like what he sees in our world today. He was only able to see so little of his brilliant reformation be put into action. I can only imagine the joy he would feel seeing such great achievements like Obama leading our country as President. I definitely think there are times when racial tension and even intolerance exist, but we're getting better. In situations like Ferguson, we just need to be more careful about how we treat others. People always try to show how they accept others by saying how they don't see "color" but I think they're missing the point. It's okay to see "color" but it isn't okay to judge, classify, or label a person because of their skin color. He was a great man and should be remembered.

  30. I think that Dr. King would be happy with the changes that have been made but I think he is not as happy as he could be. We have come a long way since Martin Luther King Jr. but there is still progress to be made. We get along much better now but there is still plenty of racism in our world. Take Ferguson for example. I think that he would be disapointed about this. There is also some racism between woman and men. Woman are typically considered weaker and unable to do the same job as men. While things have gotten lots better there is always room for improvement.

  31. I think that he would think that we have come along way from where we were before his did all of his stuff. I think that most of the prejudice things are happening over seas in forgein countries because of people's religion and things

  32. I think that Mr King would be pleased with the progress we have made, but I also think he would still be fighting against racism. I think if he was still alive, he would be fighting against things like the Ferguson shooting and I think he would try to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. There is also racism of gay marriage, and stuff like domestic violence. I will always stand up for people and always say that everyone deserves to be considered as equal as everyone else in this world. I will never judge someone by their looks or opinions because they could actually be someone that I could become friends with.

  33. Dr. King would be very happy with the changes that have been made today, but there still are some things he would fight for. There are still people who are prejudice and racist in this world. For example, what happened in Ferguson not long ago would be something he would find wrong. Not only the color of skin, but the sex of a person matters. People tend to classify men as strong individuals and women as weak and prim people. To change this, we have to accept people as they are and to stop using racist names and slurs towards others.

  34. I think Dr. King would be fairly happy with the changes the United States has undergone. We have done a lot to promote equality throughout the years, but racism has not been fully eliminated. If we want to end racism or any other equality problems, then things like Ferguson, police brutality, gay marriage laws, etc. cannot happen. I think it is possible for America to be free of all racist acts for the most part, but its going to be a long time before then.


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