Thursday, April 30, 2015

Week of Tragedy and Triumph

This past weekend has been filled with terrible and remarkable stories.  Baltimore, Maryland and Nepal have both been the point of tremendous suffering and incredible demonstrations of the human spirit since this past weekend.


It has been a trying week in the City of Baltimore.  Monday night resulted in 235 arrests, 20 police officers injured, 6 seriously, 144 vehicle fires and 19 structural fires.  The peaceful riots turned to violent acts of vandalism and destruction of property.  

The incident began with the arrest of 25 year old, Freddie Gray.  About a week after his arrest, Freddie died of a spinal injury.  Many in the Baltimore community have been protesting over the treatment of Freddie by the police.  Up until Monday, the protests were non-violent.  That all changed Monday, the day of Freddie’s funeral, when groups decided not to protest non-violently, but to create chaos and crime throughout the city.  

The residence of Baltimore, the family of Freddie Gary, and many Americans were horrified by the actions taken by these lawless thugs.  The Mayor and Governor of Baltimore have responded with additional protection for the residence and the police.  

If Monday was utter chaos, Tuesday was a sign that peace can overcome.  While protests continued, many of the people of the city spent the day cleaning the streets.  A group of committed and considerate citizens spent the day standing between the police and angry demonstrators in an effort to maintain civility.  Tuesday had 10 arrests and countless acts of concern and care for the community and law enforcement. While the underlying issue remains, hopefully the members of the community can continue to look for solutions in productive and non-violent actions.


The country of Nepal was rocked with a 7.8 magnitude earthquake over the weekend.  Most recent reports estimate the death toll at 6,100.  Cities and communities were turned to rubble.  Approximately 450,000 people will be displaced, having to find a new home.  Additionally the earthquake triggered a landslide on Mount Everest, killing 19 climbers.  The death toll is expected to continue to increase as the debris is cleared.  

Nepal is one of Asia’s poorest nations.  Recent estimates believe the cost to rebuild Nepal will exceed $5 billion. This is about 25% of the entire Gross Domestic Product.  The international community is expected to assist Nepal in their recovery efforts.

With all the tragedy, there have been miraculous stories.  For example, after 22 hours of being buried beneath the debris, rescuers recovered a 4 month old boy.  The efforts of the first responders and the strength of the human spirit are never short of amazing.

What are your reactions to the events in Baltimore and Nepal?  What actions can we take to assist the people of Baltimore and Nepal?  


  1. Baltimore I think is ridiculous I mean what happened on Monday. I know one person died from a spinal injury but it doesn't mean you go ahead and hurt 26 police officers. Does it make any feel better I mean these men who are out there protecting others have families too. You can devastate a family with a death. With Nepal I mean mother nature is unpredictable. I mean I feel bad but stuff happens also the baby serving is amazing. Mira-calls like that keep people going. Baltimore we can only learn from their actions. We should not follow the path of revenge and anger but take the path of a polite and forgiving people. Nepal the only thing we can do is provide donations and support them in some ways.

  2. The complete chaos that went down in Baltimore this past Monday is unspeakable. It seems like people are looking for reasons to be destructive these days. Even Freddie Gray's family was appalled at how the supposed "protestors" were acting. I can't understand how people justify such harmful, criminal acts. Not only that, but I feel like Freddie Gray's family must feel utterly disrespected. Some crazy teens' savage actions are going to remembered as Gray's legacy. Thankfully, not all of the protestors were as violent and brutal as the ones on Monday. The peaceful acts on Tuesday just go to show that tomorrow can always be better. Their kind acts are healing the deep wounds of the city. Hopefully, this non-violent reform will bring peace to this case. In the meantime, we can send our prayers for Baltimore, fix Monday, and focus on the good works of Tuesday.

    As for Nepal, the tragedy there was not man-made. Natural disasters seem to wreak havoc on poor countries with insecure building structures the most. This leads to tons of rubble and many lost lives. It's nice to hear inspiring stories like the on of the 4-month old baby boy, but there's still so much work to be done. Hopefully, these stories will inspire us to work eve harder to help out the less fortunate. We can help out the victims of Nepal by our prayers and support of charities.

  3. Both Baltimore and Nepal feature terrible, tragic events. Baltimore was a riot by some unruly gangs where many police were hurt, and Nepal had a natural accident, a devastating earthquake, that killed thousands. Through the bad events, humans were able to recover, and have show spirit and courage in the face of difficulty. The good people of Baltimore stood between the lines of mob and police insisting peace. Rescue and aid workers rushed to help those whose lives were destroyed, literally.
    We can help by donating money and praying. But we can also help in the long run by not allowing what happened in Baltimore to happen where we live. That would prevent world anarchy. Donating money, and for extreme people traveling to help rebuild, would be appreciated by the Nepalese.

  4. I think that the Baltimore ad Nepal incidents were both unbelievable, but both events that showed the strength of humans and what they can do. In Baltimore, the events that happened were incredible. The violence that happened was something that everyone was surprised about. Because of one death, it spiraled into something that was uncontrollable until a few days ago. The protesting was a big part of the issues. The "peaceful" protests changed into violence on Monday, and the situation became life threatening. I was very surprised about everything that happened and how destructive people were being. Every time I saw the news, it flashed headlines of the Baltimore riots and scenes from the streets of people looting and destroying property from Monday. Then on Tuesday and the days following, the city regained some control. I think that this shows that peace can triumph over tragedy always. There were so many acts of peace that showed that things can always get better. In Nepal, I think that the earth quake was terrible, but it gave so much strength to the people of Nepal. They are dedicated to fixing the damage created by the earthquake and willing to make things better. The whole world is helping out with the recovery- we came together as one to help a cause. I think this shows though there are a lot of countries in the world, we can all come together to fix a problem. I think that we can help by praying for the people in Baltimore and Nepal. We can make sure that the same thing that happened in Baltimore doesn't happen in other cities, and solve any problems with peace, not violence. For Nepal, we can send donations and organizations can help rebuild the country. We can take many actions to help both Baltimore and Nepal.

  5. Tragic events happen in the world, like at Baltimore and Nepal, and their effects are discouraging. Civility in Baltimore seems to be wavering and almost everything in Nepal is gone. But what is truly amazing and spectacular about these events are the miracles that occur; civilians in Baltimore standing between the police and violent protesters in efforts to maintain civility, and strong, miraculous survivors and those who care to help alleviate the destruction and loss in Nepal. Stories like those give hope to people who need it most in times like those. I give all my sympathy and prayers to those affected by these unfortunate events, and I'm thankful for the hopeful miracles that come out of them. We can do much to help the people of Baltimore and Nepal. For Baltimore we could offer our prayers and support to maintaining order and peace, and for Nepal we could offer our prayers and donations for the people and reconstruction. People around the world could take many actions to help those in Baltimore and Nepal, in hope and determination to bring peace and stability to those who need it most now.

  6. I think that the city of Baltimore reacted badly to the situation. This whole thing reminds me of Martin Luther King and his protests for equal rights. Many people wanted to use violence, but Dr. King refused to let them and in the end,the violence of other people turned out to help them. Yesterday, my mom showed me a video of a mother who caught her son trying to sneak into Baltimore to go looting. She proceeds to chew out her son about doing this and drag him home. It shows that even if you feel that something is wrong, it doesn't give you the right to take measures into your own hands in the means of violence. In Nepal, it is amazing that those people have been able to stick together and that they are being assisted from nations around that world. I think that we need to send groups to help rebuild Nepal for the people who live there and can't do it for themselves. In Baltimore,vie must show them that violence isn't the answer and will only make things worse.

  7. While it is possible that the police might have had a hand in Freddie Gray's death, the citizens of Baltimore did not have to react so violently! The peaceful protests are understandable, but what these others ended up doing was kind of an overreaction. I am, however, very proud of the people who are helping keep peace and clean up the streets instead of causing the mess.
    What happened in Nepal is horrible. I am so sorry for the family members of the 6100 dead, as well as the people who are injured so badly. And I think that it's amazing that the workers were able to rescue that 4 month old baby. That's incredible.
    To help the people in Baltimore, I think we are going in the right direction in sending the protection we have been giving.
    In Nepal, yes. We need to help them rebuild their decimated cities. What happened to them was a tragedy.

  8. I am really shocked with the events that occurred in Nepal and Baltimore, but I think that these types of things bring us closer together when we help others. I know that right now there are a bunch of people helping the innocent people that have been caught in the cross fire and hatred. I think as an individual one of the only things that I can do is to pray for the people of these places.

  9. Tragic events happen in the world, like at Baltimore and Nepal, and their effects are discouraging. Civility in Baltimore seems to be wavering and almost everything in Nepal is gone. But what is truly amazing and spectacular about these events are the miracles that occur; civilians in Baltimore standing between the police and violent protesters in efforts to maintain civility, and strong, miraculous survivors and those who care to help alleviate the destruction and loss in Nepal. Stories like those give hope to people who need it most in times like thoseWhat happened in Nepal is horrible. I am so sorry for the family members of the 6100 dead, as well as the people who are injured so badly. And I think that it's amazing that the workers were able to rescue that 4 month old baby. That's incredible.To help the people in Baltimore, I think we are going in the right direction in sending the protection we have been giving.In Nepal, yes. We need to help them rebuild their decimated cities. What happened to them was a tragedy.

  10. Both of these events that happened recently, shows what type of problems we have in our world today. In Baltimore, Freddie Gray died sitting in the back of a police officers car as the police officer was driving recklessly. That police officer who was driving, was arrested and charged with the murder of Gray. Even though that many racial problems have happened, violence is never he answer. Even if you are fighting for what you believe in. On the other hand, I think that what happened in Nepal, was a tragic event. I think that it is amazing that an earthquake can Change the way people live and also take away people's lives. This destruction, physically and emotionally destroyed the Nepal community. One thing that I think could help Baltimore, is to educate them on working together as a community and hold the police more accountable for their behavior. One thing that could help Nepal, is to make groups in the U.S. and go to Nepal and help build buildings and also help search for the many who are missing.

  11. My reaction of the tragedy in Nepal is devastating! It is sad to see a poor country have that happen to them! And what happened with Baltimore is ridiculous. I mean the stuff that happened on Monday is horrible. But what happened on Tuesday is amazing. The group that sat right in the middle of the rioters and the police changed the whole situation. Things you can do to help would be definitely donating to Nepal. Anything would help them with clean up and rescue missions. Also we can make sure what happen in Baltimore doesn't happen in other places.

  12. the reaction that the people of Baltimore was pretty extreme. what ever happened to peaceful protesting. I think that Baltimore could have handled it better and I way I think they could have done one It better is trough legal ways instead of violently boring down their city. But some people of Baltimore aren't bad and the day after helped clean up the city. Nepal suffered a really bad earthquake, destroyed most of several villages and multiple people died on mt.rushmore. I think that obviously nature was angry because this is pretty sever/ I think the best way to helps is by donating money and maybe helping with Nepal's infustructure.

  13. My reaction is that it must be awful for them and I don't know what that feels like. I also feel like i should do something to help all of them. One thing we can do to help them is send them care boxes with stuff they need to stay healthy. Another way to help is to spread awareness of what is happening and how people can help.

  14. In Baltimore the people who were protesting violently had no right to. If you are to protest you can do it peacefully. Using violence doesn't help spread awareness of your ideas instead people learn to disagree with you.
    For the people in Nepal I feel like there is so much danger in just visiting, but I couldn't imagine living there. The earthquake devastated tons of homes and building while injuring and killing thousands.
    We can help in Baltimore by just showing that peace is the right way to protest. We can help in Nepal by sending in relief efforts and by raising awareness.

  15. After seeing the disaster that struck both points of the globe (both by the power of nature or by human nature) I am awestruck, this year seemed to be going fine. However these horrific events have proven that wrong.
    Though these were completely different kinds of disasters, it was so great to see the people of these so different places, helping the very best they could. I think we can do many different things to help these places, for instance, sending care packages for both would never be a bad idea and also I am sure we can keep them in our prayers

  16. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” - Japanese proverb I believe that this quote speaks the truths about mankind. With any hard time, mankind gets up again. Some of the greatest examples of this are 9/11, 2012 tsunami that hit Japan, WW2, WW1, these are some of the examples of man kind getting through tough times, and still kicking at the end of them. We cannot change or ways when it comes to Nepal, and the riots in Baltimore. Mankind will make it through these tragedies like we always have. I believe while these things happen, we need to keep moving forward. The day that we stop moving forward is the day that we die. As for my opinion on Baltimore and Nepal. I think that the Baltimore thing will end like the Ferguson riots, people will riot for a while, then the police officer will be prosecuted, then he will be innocent, or maybe not, if he is innocent, there will be riots, if he isn’t innocent, this man will be punished for something he hopefully didn’t do, although we cannot develop any ideas yet about this dispute, as we don’t have all of the evidence at hand. With Nepal, I think it is so sad that they suffered from an earthquake, I think it is interesting that a third world country would be hit with a 7.8 earthquake, although, you must acknowledge all of the good that comes from these tragedies, people step in and help out, in our hard ships, we truly se the greatest in humanity. In Baltimore, we can’t really do anything, we have to stand back and see what happens, but when the final verdict is made with the case, we will have to support the decision made, as if we made it ourselves. With Nepal, we need to send supplies to them, and support their economy in this time of need also; we need to send the Red Cross, or some medical group over to help out. Although these are hard times, we need to work hard to keep the world together and running.

  17. First of all I think a lot of the Baltimore tragedy has to do with the media. No one even heard about the peaceful protests, but EVERYONE heard about the violent protests. The media focuses on the tragedies because it is a "juicier" topic. People can pick out the negative easily but not the positive. A lot of it also has to do with the peaceful protesting. What if Freddie Gray was white? People wouldn't care NEARLY as much. There is this whole thing where its really easy to notice the difference between black and white. And once the former ill-treated blacks are harmed it makes people think "Oh no, segregation is coming back." Another big part of it is how many gangs and kids there are in the city. What do kids LOVE to do? RIOT! "Hey, did you hear that text that they are going to riot at the mall? I'm going to go see what it's about." Then there becomes a pack mentality. If everyone is doing it how am I going to be the one that gets caught? But those are just my problems with this whole thing. Oh, and did I mention burning down your whole town? As for Nepal, I have not done my research and do not have nearly as strong of a reaction to it. One way I found out is a good way to help with Nepal and disasters such as it are YouTubers. Many of the higher end people often donate to the Red Cross and pay a flat amount plus extra per like on that video. Just a neat little thing you can do by indirectly donating.

  18. I think that the Baltimore tragedy was more about the media than everything. Notice how the first day of the rioting was the worst and so much violence happened that day. The media only covered that day... they didn't tell the people about the next day when they were peacefully protesting. Thats media and news for you though. They only cover and tell you what gets your attention. And as for the Nepal earthquake, the tragedy was horrible... but there was nothing we could do about it. Civilization has always come back and rebuilt. its ins our nature to come back on top and rebuild. Its horrible that it happened but maybe, just maybe it will give the citizens hope when they start to rebuild and get their lives back together.

  19. The Baltimore protest was ridiculous. The violent protests were embarrassing to Gray's family, and now, whenever people hear the name 'Freddie Gray', they will associate it with the violent protests that occurred. But after the violent Monday came a peaceful Tuesday; even after extremely disrespectful and violent actions happen, there are peaceful actions that will follow. And in Nepal, things are devastating there as well. I first found out about it from the YouTube homepage. I had not known what happened, but once I saw it, I knew it was a tragedy. People should join together and try to help those who were affected by not only the earthquake in Nepal, but in Baltimore as well. Humanity in Baltimore is becoming more uncivilized while human lives were taken in Nepal. I am not familiar with ways to help people who have just experienced something devastating, but I know that donating to charities that will help the cause is the way to go. As for Baltimore, there isn't anything we can do to stop the protesters. Fighting violence with violence would solve nothing, so doing it by peaceful means would be better.

  20. I think that the riot that happened in Baltimore could have been avoided and that the people did not have to react that way. The people could have avoided the harm of many people. I think the way we can help the people of Baltimore is to just be aware of the situation. What happened in Nepal was devastating. It is already poor and doesn't have the best conditions. I feel bad for the people that had so little and lost all of it. I think that donating to charity foundations will help and to keep them in our prayers.

  21. I have many different feelings about these things that happened. I am very sad because there are a lot of innocent people getting hurt even though they should not be getting hurt. I am also a little disappointed because I feel like there are a lot of small arguments that are getting nigger even though they should not be. I feel terrible for the people getting effected by the earthquake and also by the riots. I think that we can first of all just encourage them we could encourage the people of Nepal by telling them that they will be okay and that help will come. We could also help the people of Baltimore by encouraging them to stop rioting because it is really getting them nowhere. We could also send some sort of support group to Nepal to help them, as well as supplies.

  22. The total chaos in Baltimore was crazy. When I heard about what was happening, I was in shock. The violent protests were uncalled for and should've been stopped abruptly to avoid as much damage as possible. When I heard about Nepal and the climbers, I felt really sorry for them. The stories that were linked with both Nepal and Baltimore show that human spirit can come from huge tragedies. We can't really stop the protesters in Baltimore because we don't know what they will do. For Nepal, we can donate money to organizations or charities to help rebuild Nepal. We can send basic supplies for the people and send people down to help rebuild buildings and homes, search for the people missing, and clear rubble from the streets.

  23. I think that what is happening in Boston is sad and scary, but I'm glad that there are always those good people there to help. I wish that people would understand that the violence only create more chaos - and then, more violence. I feel like we can't do too much to help the people of Baltimore because the situation is so unpredictable. If we - the rest of America - came to help, we have no idea how the people would react. In Nepal, That's an entirely different matter. Although we can't do anything to fix the wreckage in the immediate future, we can provide support, medical care, and rescue groups. the people of Nepal will also be helped by as many prayers as possible. I know I will keep them in mine.

    1. sorry - mistake on line one - **Baltimore**

  24. I think that what is happening in both places is quite terrifying and tragic. More terrifying because Baltimore, a big city, was ruled by gangs and thugs for a day.... Which led to events like the Baltimore Orioles baseball game when no one was allowed to go to due unrest in the city. And really all we can do for the people of Baltimore is pray and hope that nothing goes downhill.
    As for Nepal, there is so much to be done there. We can help lead searches, send in food, refugee camps, etc.. I feel like our country can do a lot to help people in times of hardship like this. We cannot fix damage caused, but we can most certainly help pick up the broken pieces to their cities, roads, farms, etc..

  25. A series of tragic events have happened both in the United States and Nepal. First in Nepal, a massive earthquake hit them and destroyed a lot of the things that they owned. It totally ruined the lives of people there, not to mention that it killed people too. This was a very bad thing that could happen to Nepal. I think that we can send people from the Red Cross and things over there to help with the clean up. Then in Baltimore there are major protests going on and it is destroying the city. It all started when a man died under police control or something like that. I think that the riots are out of control and their city is a mess right now and they need to get back to normal ASAP. It think what we can do is let them figure out what to do and have them settle it themselves. Because there isn't really anything that we could to do to make it better.

  26. i think the tragic events that had happened are terrible but i think that as humans we always seem to get into a problems like boltimore but we always will end up rising because we have never had a problems that cant be resoved we can send people there to help

  27. i think the tragic events that had happened are terrible but i think that as humans we always seem to get into a problems like boltimore but we always will end up rising because we have never had a problems that cant be resoved we can send people there to help


  28. For me, Baltimore has been a topic of deep thought, when seeing such violence and anarchy in the United States, and first world country, it persuades me to deny the outcome and consequences of the event. Something this big and widespread in The United States, THE United States. It almost throws me into a state of disbelief and discontent. To me, and to many others outside of Baltimore, it seems like something so radical and chaotic. However, as I have never witnessed violence firsthand, nor have I even been involved in or witnessed illegal activity. Therefore, I am forced to recognize my own incompetence in my ability to address this fully and completely. Therefore, to some other people, the events in Baltimore might seem like a more pronounced and exaggerated version of their daily lives

    Nepal, sadly, is a large scale tragedy done to those who have enough to deal with already. Adding an earthquake to their woes is a tragic accident.

    What we can do to help those in Nepal and Baltimore is to offer our ideas and consolations to those in those countries. We can send financial aid through associations like the red cross to Nepal, and we can try to be as sensitive as possible to violence in our communities.

  29. I I am very surprised at how many riots that are going on in Baltimore. From my viewpoint, which is very small considering my knowledge of what it is like for the people in Baltimore, it seems very violent and chaotic. I feel awful for them. For the people in Nepal, I feel awful as well, that earthquake has devastated them and it must be horrible.

    I think we can help by offering solutions to solve their problems and maybe help them out financially. I feel very bad for the people in Baltimore and in Nepal and I hope their problems come to an end soon.

  30. The chaos that was hapening in Baltimore is crazy, devistating, and almost unspeakable. I am so supprized how people can do such things. Even Gray's family is unhappy with all of these riots. I do wish that the news would have gotten more about Tuesday when we were trying to fix what had happened.

    What happened in Nepal is devistating. It shows how strong we are. It shows how we can be knocked down but with the help and support of others we can come back. One thing we can do to help is sending them care packages full of things they need. Along with sending them care packages we can pray for them.

  31. The riots in Baltimore were crazy. It was crazy to hear and know what was happening. But I'm so glad to hear of all the amazing people that stood out and helped. And in Nepal although there is different kind of helping. From the wreckage, there is still help. We can help with baltimore by staying up with the news and help to defend the people getting hurt. And in Nepal That we can send supplies from the wreckage. And both by sending prayers

  32. My first reaction when I heard about these stories was how unbelievable and brave people are. It terrifies me to learn about what has happened in Baltimore and Nepal. They are both scary events but the one that distresses me the most is Baltimore because of cruel and decisive it is and how a community can just turn their backs like that and fight against their own neighbors and friends and family. Also Nepal is sad and frustrating, but at least it was a natural cause that was going to happen no matter what. It is more understanding to me than Baltimore is. The actions we can take to help are very limited, but also very reassuring to the people who live in these places. Our help is much appreciated I am sure of it. Some things we can or have done is to send medical professionals to these areas assisting the injured and building back a community.

  33. My first reaction when I heard about what had happened in Baltimore and Nepal was how devastating it must be for all of those people. It's terrible to hear about the riots going on in Baltimore and all of the fighting and people that have died. It is also very sad to hear about the people in Nepal who lost everything they had and now they have nothing.I think that we can help by sending the people in Nepal care packages and praying for the people in both places.

  34. I was really surprised when I heard about the things that were happening in Baltimore and Nepal. I think it has to be so hard for all the innocent people that don't want to destroy their own city in Baltimore, and it has to be just as hard for the people who lost everything in Nepal. I don't know if there is a lot that we can do at this point except maybe help the citizens clean up the carnage, but we can always keep them in our prayers.

  35. I was really surprised when I heard about the things that were happening in Baltimore and Nepal. I think it has to be so hard for all the innocent people that don't want to destroy their own city in Baltimore, and it has to be just as hard for the people who lost everything in Nepal. I don't know if there is a lot that we can do at this point except maybe help the citizens clean up the carnage, but we can always keep them in our prayers.

  36. I was shocked and struck with sadness to here these horrible things happening. The violence in Baltimore and the earthquakes in Nepal are definitely an example of those things you wonder why God allowed them to happen. The best we can do is help these people through their hardships with love and care.


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