Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Rio Olympics

Sunday was the closing ceremonies of the 2016 Rio Olympics games. While there was significant controversy leading up to the games, it is fair to say that the games brought some very memorable moments to the Olympics and the United States.

During the 16 days of competition, over 11,000 athletes from 207 Olympics committees competed in 42 different sporting disciplines with 306 medal groups up for grabs. This year was the first time athletes from the South Sudan, Kosovo as well as a Refugee team competed. The United States had 554 athletes representing our country. Of the 554 athletes, 292 or 53% were women, the most of any delegation. The women of the United States captured 27 of the 42 gold medals and 61 of the 121 total medals for the United States.

We were able to witness some remarkable performances by athletes.

Simone Biles - US Gymnast was the first person ever to capture 4 gold medals in the sport. She took gold as part of the US gymnastic team as well as individual gold medals in the overall competition, the floor exercise, and the vault. In addition she received a bronze medal for her beam performance.

Michael Phelps - Wrapping up his career as perhaps the greatest
Olympic swimmer ever. Phelps captured 5 gold medals and one silver. This brings his total to 23 gold and 28 total medals. This is the most of any athlete ever. The next closest is at 18 medals.

Kristin Armstrong - Kristin Armstrong took her third gold medal in the women's individual time trials. She captured her gold medal in Rio the day before her birthday. She received a cake from the Today show the morning after her victory. Not to mention, she is a Boise native.

Abbey D'Agostino and Nikki Hamblin - You may not know their names, but you may no their actions. D'Agostino (US) and Hamblin (New Zealand) were running in the women's 5000m race when they tripped over another runner. After returning to her feet, D'Agostino find Hamblin, helps her to her feet, and encourages her to finish the race. D'Agostino was injured in the fall, but with the encouragement of Hamblin, finished the race. The moment captured to true spirit of the Olympics and the spirit of competition. Even though they were out of the competition, they were both awarded the Pierre de Coubertin Medal, which has only been awarded 17 times in the history of the Olympics, for demonstrating the true spirit of the Olympics.

These are only a few moments of greatness. I could have easily referenced a number of others including Katie Ledecky, Usain Bolt, Brazil's men's soccer team and countless others. The Olympics can bring out the best in all of us.

Did you watch the Olympics? Why or why not? What was your favorite moment? This year they added rugby sevens and golf to the games. What sports would you like to see added for the 2020 Tokyo Games?


  1. I did watch the Olympics because I think it is really important to participate in something that represents our country. I also really like watching everyone compete. My favorite moment was when Simone Biles won the overall gymnastics medal. I want to see indoor soccer added to the Olympics in 2020.

  2. I watched bits and pieces of the Olympics whenever I could. I was busy at times but I tried to watch as much as possible. My favorite moment was when Gwen Jorgensen won the gold in the woman's triathlon. She was so happy but made sure to go talk to her competitors and congratulate them. I was very impressed by this because if I had won, my first thought would not be to go talk to my competition. She was very selfless and I admired that a lot. I would like to see mixed martial arts and cricket added to the Olympics. I believe that they would introduce more diverse aspects of athletics and allow more variety of sports.

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  5. Yes, I did watch the Olympics,and as people may know, this summer was known as the "summer of soccer" meaning that two of the biggest tournaments were played between June and August. And while that was wonderful to watch, neither of those was my favorite event of the summer. That title went to the Olympics. For some reason, all the events held so much more appeal this year then they had in London. All of a sudden, I found myself switching from the high-stakes soccer game, to watching Lily King beat out Yulia Efimova in the classic Cold War matchup where the underdog American beats the cheating Russian(she was caught several times for substance abuse.) I think what I would like to see added would be Ultimate Frisbee, it's so fun to watch and would not be something the U.S. dominated.

  6. Yes I did watch the Olympics and it was the first time that I have really been able to appreciate them because all the other years I was still young.I really like watching the because it ,makes me really proud to be an american and it makes me want to work even harder at the sports I play.I thought it was super cool when Katie ledecky was ahead of the world record and that when they took a picture you couldn't see any other swimmers in the pool because she was so far ahead of everyone else. I also really enjoyed watching the gymnasts especially Simone Biles because she was didn't think that she had what it took but when she put her heart into it she became the bast female gymnast in the world. I really want surfing to be a part of the Olympics is surfing because it is so hard and people should be ackknowledged for how good they are but I understand that it would be hard because you have to have an ocean and you can't count on the surf to be up but I think it should at least be considered.

  7. Yes, I do watch the Olympics. But, this year I only watched two events, beach volleyball and gymnastics. I watch them because I like the support the US when they are competing. My favorite moment was when Simone Biles landed her flip getting her the fourth gold medal she was awarded. For the 2020 Tokyo games it would be awesome to see surfing added as a sport. It is very fun to watch and I think we could have really good teams put together for the event. The Olympics are a great time to show how hard the athletes have worked to get to be a part of such a cool event.

  8. Yes, I did watch the Olympics. I watched the Olympics because I wanted to see how many medals we would win and to support the US. I would like to see added to the Tokyo Olympics ultimate frisbee added.

  9. I did watch the Olympics because I love watching the Olympics. My favorite moment was watching how happy the competitors are when they win a medal. I also thought that D'Agostino and Hamblin helped out one another. I thought that what they both did was Christian like behavior. I thought it was great that they added some new sports. For the 2020 Tokyo games I would like to see Football, Floor hockey, and Cross Country. I love watching the games and hope that they will continue for many years. I love watching them and hope that some people like doing the same. I also think that everyone has great skills in everything.

  10. This year I loved watching the 2016 Brazil Olympics whenever I could. I always love when it comes time for summer Olympics because my favorite events are beach volleyball and gymnastics. My favorite moment was when Simone Biles won her first gold. I love watching gymnastics and imagining if I could do what they do, because I never could. In the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games, I think it would be cool to have surfing as one of the sports to compete in. I have never surfed, but I love watching other people surf. The 2016 Brazil Olympics games were very fun to watch and I look forward to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games as well.

  11. I did watch the Olympics and the where really fun to watch. I watched them because I wanted to I mainly wanted to watch Basketball because that is my favorite sport and it had a lot of my favorite players on the team. I really liked the games that where close and the games that where blow outs where fun too. My favorite moment was when Katie Ladecky beat the other swimmers by 11 seconds in the 800m race. I think they should add baseball to the Olympics.

  12. I didn't really watch the Olympics. One reason is because I didn't care all that much even though it is very cool. The main reason is because I forgot and I was doing active things myself. I don't park my but on a chair during my summer. Although I didn't watch very much I saw one competition and it was the american gymnast girl. I guess that would have to be my favorite. I think they should add skateboarding.

  13. I did watch the olympics over the past few weeks. I watched it because I like to watch sports and people come together from all over the would. My favorite moment in the olympics was when kristian Armstrong won her third gold medal. I would like to add baseball to the olympics because it is very popular through out the world and I think that it would be sucessful.

  14. I do not usually watch the Olympics unless they are randomly on and I occasionally watch the U.S. women's soccer team. The reason I do not watch the Olympics is because I do not find watching sports the interesting thing in the world especially if it is not the U.S. I feel that they are always the same and just sort of dull so I personally don't watch the Olympics. My favorite moment from the Olympics that I did watch would have to be when I was just browsing the channels and saw the U.S. playing another country in sand Volleyball. The U.S. was down by a lot but they came back after loosing by quite a few points. I didn't see the end but it was pretty cool. If I could have a sport added to the Olympics, I think I would have them add something like kayaking or surfing because it is challenging and sort of cool to watch.

  15. Yes, I watch the Olympic games. I watched them because I like to see the worlds best athletes and its a fun thing to do in the evenings. I think my favorite moment was seeing USA athletes win gold and break the world record. I would like to see ultimate frizbey.

  16. I watched quite a bit of the Olympics for the first few weeks then I kinds got bored for some reason. I really enjoyed watching gymnastics, swimming, running, basketball, volleyball and some of the diving. I really enjoy watching them because they are very entertaining and I just love them. It's so cool to see people so happy after getting a medal or for just being there and having that amazing experience. I just think the Olympics are so cool and has got to be so so amazing to even be able to be there. I think there should definitely be some sports added to the 2020 Tokyo Games. There are so many sports that deserve to be played there. I think that they should have surfing, and football.

  17. I watched the Olypics because i wanted to watch how the people that represented USA did and what place they took.My favorite moment was when Kristen Armstrong won a gold metal for the women's individual bike racing. I would like to see football added to the Olympics for the 2020 Tokyo games.

  18. Yes I did watch the Olympics. My favorite part is just to watch the target shooting. it is really cool to see how close they can get to the right on the target even if they are a little off it is still so impressive. I think that they should add lacrosse to the Olympics. I know that their is a world cup and that they should add the sport. The us would most likely dominate but still just adding more would make it more fun for everyone to watch and enjoy. that is the sport that I think they should add to the Olympics. Also I think people would really enjoy like base ball. I think most countries probably would enjoy it.

  19. I watched the Olympics this year, but only when I had time. I don't really enjoy watching some of the Olympic sports like Golf and Synchronized swimming. I like to watch the Olympics because they give me an idea of what America is good at, and what the rest of the world is good at. My favorite moment was when the Brazil Men's team won the Soccer final. I would like to see surfing added to the 2020 Olympic Games. Thanks.

  20. I did watch the Olympics. The Olympics were very entertaining. I loved watching the Olympics because the are very entertaining. I believe that watching the Olympics is also a great way to support our country. We should take pride in having the ability to watch the Olympics should be taken as a privilege. MY favorite moment of the Olympics was honestly when Sweden and there US women's soccer were playing. If you are a fan you would be thinking your crazy because the US lost. Whether or not the US lost that was a great game. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. The game ended up going into Penalty kicks with the US losing. The games like that are fun to watch! When you are a player they are the most stress full thing but those types of games are what you live for. This year golf and rugby sevens were added in my opinion that is really cool it gives the people that play those sports the opportunity to show off their skills. If I could be the one to make the decision of adding any other sport it would take me a long time to come up with one. Although if surfing was added to the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo i wouldn't object. I think that if surfing was added it would give a cool opportunity to the surfers in this world.

  21. Did I watch the Olympics, yes I watched the news and also some of the games. From the part of Rio being dirty and the hotels aren't even finished. I have always loved watching the summer Olympics with my mom. My mom also loves gymnastics, as well the rest of my family. So we especially watched the gymnastics with Simone, Laurie, Madison, Gabby and Ally. I watched when Simone got all four medals and how the team won the gold as well. I loved watching the Olympics but I also watched the USA team in the Olympics. But they get boring after a while because of them winning all the time. I am still amazed how the USA barely beat France without Tony Parker. I also watched a little bit of swimming and the 100 meter dash with Usain Bolt. I have always thought the Olympics are fun and heart thumping. But all in all my favorite moment was the gymnastics watching the USA look so happy. I also felt happy for the Men's Olympic Swimming team. I don't really think the Olympics needs more games than that. They have all of the sports I like to watch. So I really have no input in adding new games. I think we have more then enough sports in the Olympics. When we add Quidditch to the Olympics, then I know we have ran out of ideas. But I am exited to watch the 2020 Tokyo Games!!!

  22. I watched the Olympics this year and it was one my my favorite Olympics by far-winter and summer. I watched them every single day and enjoyed every moment. The Olympics are probably one of my favorite things ever, especially the summer version. I watched the Olympics because I love sports and I love watching competition and I wanted to see how my country did. I look forward to the Olympics every 2 years and it was super exciting this year. It was awesome. My favorite moment overall was watching Michael Phelps swim. It was amazing to see him go out with a bang with getting a gold in his final swim ever. But for some reason, I feel like he will be back in Tokyo. He's that good. Rugby sevens and golf was a really good addition I feel, but if they had to some others, I would definitely want to see football, baseball, surfing, and some other water sports. I feel like this year not only was there more sportsmanship, but there was also a lot more competition and some people who were somewhat mad at each other. I thought it was really cool when the American swimmer Lily King got a Russian's swimmer's finger wagged at her because Russia shouldn't have been able to compete but they were able to. So Lily King took this as motivation and beat her in the 100m breaststroke. It was a really cool moment. I can't wait to watch the winter olympics in 2 years.

  23. I did watch the Olympics because I wanted to watch all the swimming and all of the athletes compete in there big moment. I look forward to every Olympics because of the competition and the athletes. My favorite moment of the Olympics is when Michael Phelps and 2 other swimmers tied for the silver medal in the 100 fly. This was my favorite moment because it is so hard to tie in swimming but 3 people tied. Also because these 3 swimmers somewhat have a rivalry. I think that one sport that should be added to the Olympics is dodge ball.

  24. Yes I did watch the Olympics and it was really fun to watch! I didn't watch every event but I watched most! My favorite moment of the Olympics was when Micheal Philips won his last race with his team for 28 medals and 23 gold! I would like to see baseball or football in the games even though we would probably crush I would still watch it for sure!

  25. I did watch parts of the Olympics. I watched mostly the running and swimming as I think that is the coolest to watch. My favourite moment is when Usain Bolt grabs the baton during the rely and is even with the others and then easily pulls far ahead. Like the opponents had no chance. Also I liked when Michel Phelps was underwater so he pulled ahead and won for the US. I am happy that they added golf and rugby sevens as they are more sports to get more athletes involved. I would like to see lacrosse in the Olympics. I think that would be a cool sport to watch with different countries competing in it. Overall I thought this years Olympics was awesome.

  26. I watched a few events of the Olympics. Mostly swimming and diving. It was really was a good Olympics from Michael Phelps winning five gold medals to Simone Biles wining four golds. In the next Olympics I am exited to see baseball in it also karate.

  27. I watched the Olympics and it was probably my favorite Olympics because I am actually old enough to watch it and be competitive. I love playing and watching sports so it is perfect for whoever likes that. My favorite moment was when Katie Ledecky smoked everyone in the distance swim. I like watching swimming because I do swim team but it was just cool to see our country destroy and take home gold in many events. I hope that they add skateboarding and competitive underwater basket weave.

  28. I watched a lot of the olympics because the summer games only come ever four years and I love watching and supporting our country. This year I really liked watching the gymnastics and I liked the fact that they 'named' the team as a honor to their retiring coach. I also liked when Michael Phelps won his last gold medal. I would like to see baseball or football because I would like to see more team events. I can't wait for 2020

  29. I did watch the Olympics and this year has been my favorite so far. I watched a lot of swimming, volleyball, diving, and track. I dont know why I watched because I didn't watch for a specific reason, but I tried to see every event that I could for as long as I could. This year I really enjoyed swimming because(fair weather fan), Michael Phelps got his all time 28 medals. In Tokyo I wanted skateboarding but they already added that so I want lacrosse to be added back for no real reason at all.

  30. This year I did watch the Olympics, I didn't watch a ton of it, but I watched it. I watched the Olympics because, well its the Olympics, its a very unique global event that only happens every 2 years, and its kinda a big deal. My favorite moment in the Olympics was when Micheal Phillips finished his last race with a gold. He was so happy and proud and so was every one in the USA. Everyone in my house was cheering when he won. A sport i would like to see in the 2020 Olympics is bowling. I really like bowling and i think it would be great to but it in the Olympics.

  31. Yes, I did watch the Olympics. I love to watch the Olympics because it's the worlds best swimmers or whatever sport it is competing against each other. I also like it because we are all united as one and it's about good sportsmanship. My favorite part of the Olympics was the swimming. My favorite swimmer is Michael Phelps. He is not only the best swimmer in the world but he is also a father. I liked watching him and his teammates win the relay. I also liked watching the Olympic Volleyball which USA took third in. I actually don't want them to add anything to the Olympics I think it's perfect the way it is.

  32. I did watch the Olympics this year! I always do! I love watching the Oylmpics. My favorites are swimming, gymnastics, diving, water polo, synchronized swimming, and many more. I loved watching Simone, Gabby, Aly, Madison, Laurie. I was so happy when they won!

  33. I watched most of the Olympics this year but I wasn't able to watch all of most of events just bits and pieces. I watched the Olympics because I like to see the world come together to compete. I also like to see the US kick all the other countries and come home with a ton of gold. My favorite moment was when the girls tripped running and helped each other to out. I also liked watching Simone Biles do great in gymnastics. I would like to see baseball added to the Olympics or underwater basketball.

  34. I did watch this years Olympics because I think it is an important part of history. My favorite part was watching gymnastics. I also liked when Simone Biles won gold. I would like to see baseball added.

  35. Did you watch the Olympics? Why or why not? What was your favorite moment? This year they added rugby sevens and golf to the games. What sports would you like to see added for the 2020 Tokyo Games?
    I did watch the Olympics, They were great! My favorite moment was when during the biking, the american almost won but didnt, it was intense till the last second. I would like jousting and group battles to the Olympics. It would be amazing.

  36. I did watch the Olympics and I loved it!!! I watched the Olympics because I love to see everyone come together and I like to cheer on our athletes. Some of my favorite moments were when both the indoor US volleyball women and the beach volleyball women won bronze. I loved watching Katie Ledecky swim and see her win and break the world record. I also loved watching Simone Manuel win in the 100 meters because she was the first African American man or women to win an individual gold in swimming. I really liked watching the womens' gymnastics and Allison Felix in track because she was so humble. There were so many great moments that truly showed what the games are truly about. I was so proud of everyone who competed. I would like to see cross country added in the 2020 games.

  37. I watch the Olympics for the trill of it there are so many rivalries between two people and especially when the US is in it you just get pumped. Me and my mom have non stop for the past to weeks watching it all the time. I was so fun and exciting and it brought our family together. Michel Phelps when he was playing his rival and he was just ready wasn't angry, but prepared. Then he wins and he puts his hand up and put up number 1 and rubs his fingers to gather and basically says money. I think they should add gun shooting

  38. I watched the Olympics because I love watching all the amazing athletes. One of my favorite moments was when Usain Bolt won the 100m, 200m and 4x100 relay. These were some one of my favorite moments,because they proved that he was the best, and never second!! It was also cool to see Micheal Phelps and Katie Ledecky!! And of course Simone Biles. I thought that it was great for Brazil to win Soccer and for Neymar to score and win it for them, because people often say rude stuff about his lack of effort( like when they tied with some teams that everyone expected them to win.) I like the sports that are already there, and we dont need to add any.

  39. This year I watched the Summer Olympics because it is a family tradition and it is really interesting to watch all the athletes compete. In addition, I enjoy watching the summer Olympics than the winter Olympics. Now that I am older I am able to appreciate the games better compared to when I was younger as well. My favorite moment was watching Michael Phelps swim and win gold. My dad gets super into it and its funny to watch. I also really like watching the gymnastics because I can see that Simone Biles is really passionate about being an athlete and that her hard work really pays off in competition. These are characteristics that I really value in a person. In the summer Olympics of 2020 in Tokyo I would like to see surfing. I think that it would give the surfers a great chance to show off their professional skill in competition and I think people would really enjoy watching it.

  40. I watched the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic this year because I believe there are many things to learn from the athletes who compete and it is also very entertaining. My favorite moment from the Olympics this year was when Katie Ledecky beat the world record in the 800m freestyle. I would like baseball to be added to the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics. I think many Americans would enjoy baseball being added too.

  41. Yes I watched the 2016 summer Olympics. I watched the Olympics because i enjoy watching the different sports and my favorite athletes. My favorite moment was probably when Katie Ledecky destroyed everybody in the 800m swim. I think baseball should be added to the 2020 Tokyo olympics.

  42. Yes, I did watch the Olympics this year. I love watching the Olympics because you get to watch the best athletes from America perform in some of your favorite sports. My favorite moment was when Michael Phelps won his last gold medal in the Olympics because he has worked so hard in the past to earn all that he has accomplished. I would like them to add lacrosse in the 2020 Tokyo Games. I would like them to add that because it is my favorite sport, and because the game of lacrosse is not very popular. It is only popular on the East coast in the U.S. and it would be great if it became known all around the world.

  43. I would like to see skateboarding, scootering, and surfing n the olympics.

  44. I sometimes watched the Olympics during the summer. Sometimes I'd watch them during dinner, at other times I'd just watch t.v. or play video games. My favorite moment or moments, were the parts where the competetors would help other competitors on different teams instead of leaving them behind. I'd like to see water skiing in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics because I think it would be cool to see it as an actual sport.

  45. I love watching the olympics, I think that it is very important to participate in these events for the country. My favorite event or part in the olympics was when Michele phelps won his last gold medal he worked so hard and so many people looked up to him and he topped it off with his last olympics. I would really like to see skateboarding and trick scootering.


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