Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 11th - 15 Years Later

This Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of one of the most tragic days in modern American history.  While the day began as any other day, it would end with images and stories of unfathomable death and destruction.  It was a day no one saw coming and no one will ever forget.

While truly tragic, it was also a day which demonstrated the incredible will and strength of the human spirit.  There were as many stories of heroism as there was destruction.  We witnessed countless acts of bravery and selflessness.  And these are only the stories we know.  Many of the incredible stories forever died with the victims.

The following is a brief timeline of the day’s events.

At 8:45 am, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  The crash instantly killed hundreds of innocent people and trapped hundreds more above the 110th floor.  While emergency crews sprang into action, a mere 18 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower.  It was evident to all, this was not a coincidence, the United States was under attack. 

At 9:45 am, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon.  The jet fuel caused a devastating fire causing a small structural collapse. 

15 minutes after the Pentagon crash, the South Tower collapsed.  It was less than one hour from the time the plane crashed into the building to when it fell to the ground.

 At 10:10, the country became aware of a fourth plane wreck.  United Flight 93 had left the Newark airport late.  40 minutes after departure, terrorists took control of the plane.  The passengers on the plane, aware of the events of New York and Washington, decided to take action.  They overtook the terrorist and in the process crashed the plane into a Pennsylvanian field.  All aboard were killed instantly.

At 10:30, the inevitable occurred.  The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.  While the nation watched in awe, the brave firefighters, police officers and other city officials continued to respond to their call to duty.  Due to the devastation created when the Twin Towers collapsed, four other building would fall to the ground during the day. 

As the day concluded we began to hear the devastating carnage from the day.  In New York City approximately 3,000 people were killed, including 343 firefighter and paramedics, 23 police officers and 37 Port Authority officers.  In Washington, DC, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed at the Pentagon in addition to the 64 people on board the flight.  An additional 45 people were killed in the Pennsylvanian field from Flight 93.

What do you know about the events of September 11th?   Do you think this is a day of tragedy or triumph for the United States?  After the events of the day, the country promised to "Never Forget". Do you think the country does enough to make sure the victims and sacrifices of 9/11 are not ever forgotten? What else could be done? 


  1. September 11th was a sad day. Terrorists hijacked 4 US planes and drove 2 of them into the Twin Towers, 1 into the Pentagon, and one was hijacked, but stopped by the people who heroically crashed in a field to protect everyone else. Although it was a tragic day for us, it brought us closer as a nation and made us stronger. The number of people who went to church greatly increased and we hear the stories and see the images of true heroes who helped so many people. The bad times seem to bring out the best in us and that's a good quality to have. I don't think we do enough to remember all the victims of 9/11. I think that we should all get a few names of the people who died and pray for them and pray that this never happens again. This way, we remember all those who passed away and the sacrifices people made for our country.

  2. 9/11 is one of the saddest days as Americans. I know about the terrorist hijacking the planes, and piloting them into the Twin Towers, and attempting to bring down other buildings. I think that the people who stopped the terrorists by crashing the plane into the field, were incredibly brave. Also, the firefighters, police, paramedics and all the people that died should be remembered, like Riley said, I don't think we do enough to remember them. I think that we only think about them during September when we see 9/11 on our calendars. Since I have been following the upcoming election, I watched the Deocratic and Republican Conventions. During the Democratic Convention, they had a few people speak about Hillary Clinton's impact, but also they had a survivor of 9/11. What she described was so horrible, and it helped me think about it, and not forget. I think that it was a triumph for the US as a country, because everyone was united. I think we should learn more about it, and research some of the survivors stories, so we can help make sure that we "never forget".

  3. 9/11 was a day that was marked in U.S. history as a sad day and as a day of us coming together as a country to honor the people who sacrificed and lost their lives. I know that 4 U.S. planes were hijacked by terrorists One went into each of the Twin Towers bringing them both to the ground. One crashed into the Pentagon, and the last planes was stopped by the people on the plane sacrificing themselves for everyone else. This crashed into a field. Many of New York firefighters tried to help the people stuck in the building and the paramedics on the ground helping the injured. All of these people should be remembered too. I think that we have done some to remember the ones who died with building remembrance wall built in New York. I think that more can be done to remember these people. We can also remember these people by praying for them as Riley said and so they never slip out of our memory.

  4. Of course I wasn't born during 9/11 but I was never really taught what had actually happened until I was in 3rd grade. I can't imagine listening to the news or seeing the destruction of what happened that day. I would be in awe and in sadness for all of the innocent people who died that day. I mean how sick in the head are these terrorists! What I knew before reading this was about how the planes were hijacked by terrorists. I knew that two planes took down the two twin towers. One of the planes hit the pentagon, and the other in a field. But I should know more than that, which is one of the things we need to do to "never forget". We need to have more knowledge about the terrifying attack on 9/11. Which is one of the ways we could remember 9/11. In schools we need to have like a certain few days to remember 9/11. But in all of this mess, I think that 9/11 was a tragedy because of how many innocent people died. But since we as Americans can back from this devastation, we could also consider this horrific event to be triumphant. We could consider how we can back from the losses and we continued moving forward. To make sure we never forget what happened to these innocent people. We must make sure to show our support by remembering them on the day. Also to have a part of the school day, where we share our opinions and remember those in the event. But in all trueness, this is a huge historical event for us, and we will always remember the event. Sorry for the innocent people who lost there lives that day, I am sorry you couldn't live your live longer. For that reason, and for many more reasons, I will never forget September 11,2001.

  5. There are many things taught about 9/11 to children about the tragedy of the event that struck the U.S. There were four planes hijacked by terrorists. Two hit the twin towers, one hit the Pentagon, and the other landed in a field thanks to many brave passengers. Many people lost their lives that day from civilians to parametics trying to help save lives. I think this was a very tragic day we should never forget and build upon. We should show that even after such a horrific even like that, we can stand back up and build our nation. We should never forget the many lives lost that day. Many people only thing about the twin towers, but they also need to remember the people who tried to save so many lives. Even the people who stopped the fourth plane from any more extreme tragities. This is a major event for the U.S. and that we should never forget.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 9/11 is something that teachers always say that they will acknowledge the day but never do a full lesson about it. It never goes that way because once the day hits, the thoughts about the event are to great. I think that this day was meant to be a terribly tragic day and one that would cripple America for years to come. That happened but it ended up being a rising point for many Americans so I think that it is a positive that we made it a positive and chose to think about the memory more than the horror. I think that the country does a great job remembering the event and paying it respect. The freedom tower is a building that was built in tribute just for the event. I think that this is a great way to pay tribute to the event and make sure that people will always know the day./.

  8. On September 11th their was a terrorist attack on the twin towers, Pentagon, and World Trade Center caused by airplanes under terrorism. This killed many people having a huge impact on our country and a day that we will never forget. I do think this improved our security and how we deal with terrorists. i do think this was day of tradegy but made our country a stronger place! I do think we do a lot to "never forget" this event. By making the memorial for all the people whop died. then having that museum of all the events and stuff that was left behind by other people to remember this day. They are also remaking the twin towers where the museum is in. Then we talk about the events in school every single year of that one day it happened. I've heard a lot about and I think I know a lot! i really do think this is a real heart-breaking story and would wanna know more stuff about it. What else could be done is in my opinion I don't think anything else they've done a lot of stuff to "never forget" this day. I've seen stuff on TV that was a nice memorial of all the people who died and what the tradegy was about. But it really doesn't feel like all the kids of America know as much about 9/11.

  9. On 9/11 there were 4 plane crashes in total. On Flight 93, terrorists hijacked the plane and passengers took the plane back. The Twin Towers collapsed after two planes crashed into them, first the North Tower, then the South Tower. They both collapsed afterwards. Then a third plane crashed into the Pentagon. The 4th plane was Flight 93. I think that that day was both a tragedy and a triumph. It is really amazing how many Americans risked their life and died to save other people. But, at the same time, it is so sad how many people died. I think we should get a day off from work/school to really reflect on and honor those people who died. I think it is cool how many videos and movies and books there are to tell the stories of those who risked their lives. I think the country does a lot to honor those people

  10. On September 11, 2001 an attack on New York City's World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, destroyed the 110-story twin towers and severely damaged a wing of the military head quarters. This was a day of great tradegy, but from it America gained much. America promised to fight back against terrorism and to be strong in the face of oppression. America proved to terrorists, other nations, and itself that it was strong and it could rise up from such a tradegy. In Washington D.C there is a large outdoor memorial to the victims of the plane crashes. When I was ten years old I visited this memorial, at the time I had not realized just how many people had sacrificed their lives for everybody else until I saw all the names on the plaques. I remember standing next to a little girl's memorial plaque, there were children's books and toys on the plaque. The child died on one of the planes, and to this day I think about how this child would probably be around the age of my older sister by now if she were still alive. I do think there should be more memorials to the victims of 9/11, but the ones we do have are unforgettable and really stick with you as you grow up. I think kids should be taught about 9/11 in school, but not just on the day it happened. I believe it is an important part of America and it has helped shape our nation, so it should be taught to the youth of America.

  11. September 11 2001, is one of the most tragic and sad days in recent American history. Many people lost their lives. Three of the form planes that were hijacked by terroists hit a standing structure and killed many people. two of the Three planes that had hit a building hit the twin towers. The last plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania thanks to a brave group of people who had made that plane crash. I think that we do enough but as a country we could do more. We could have more cleebrations and all schools should take a a little bit of their class time and show the ids a video and teach them about what happened also maybe take a field trip to a memorial site

  12. September 11,2001 two planes crashed into the twin towers,and one plane was crashed into the pentagon causing a small fire. The famous saying always comes to my mind "It meant to tear us down but it brought us closer together." Teachers teach about what happened on that day every year but I think every time 9/11 is brought up alls that you can think about what happened and how truly terrible that day was. The words Never Forget always come up when talking about 9/11 but I don't know if those words are completely true. For example When I talk to kids from other schools and I ask what they learned about 9/11 this year they say the didn't talk about what happened and I think that as time gos along that the memory of that terrible day where we say we will never forget we may forget one day and I think schools need to teach about what truly happened on that day and why.

  13. On September 11th, was undeniably one of the worst days in American history. It is so sad to believe there could be so much controversy between ethnicities that we would take the lives of innocent people and scar a country for life. It definitely caused serious damage in an effort to bring us down and destroy us, but I think their plan failed. It did in fact shock and hurt us, but it also made us braver and even stronger therefor bringing us up. This is something we will never forget. Not only because it scared us and hurt us, but also it is a reminder to stay strong. I think in our school systems around the US we should make a bigger effort to educate the kids in an appropriate manor about this day. It is history with the US and everyone deserves to know what happened that day.

  14. I know that 9/11 was one of the saddest days in history. I know that the Twin Towers were hit and collapsed, the Pentagon was hit, and United Flight 93 crashed into the Pennsylvania field. I know that thousands died. I know that because lots people were trapped in the towers so instead of waiting for death to come they jumped out of the building. Many people with boats helped people out of the city and President Bush helped everyone remain calm. Many gave up their lives so that they could help others. Many innocent lives were lost that day. This day can be viewed as a tragedy because so many died, were injured, and everyone felt lost. But this day can also be viewed as a triumph as it should be. This event brought out the true American spirit which is helping each other out. This was showed in many ways such as people getting others evacuated. I think that even thought we remember that day not enough is being done for the victims. I think that we should devote more than one day to what happened on 9/11. Everyone should be educated abut it. We should one day have each kid at St. Joe's get a name of a person who had a family member get hurt,die, or miraculously survive in 9/11 and give them a letter, telling them that we are praying for them and that we WILL remember forever.

  15. For many September 11th has become one of the most painful days in American history. I learned a lot about what happened on 9/11 when my parents took me to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City 3 years ago. The museum helped me see that September 11th is a day of triumph. It’s inspiring to see what people (civilians, police officers, firefighters, doctors) can do when things like this happen. That was the day when Americans united and turned to each other for help. I don’t think the country has done enough to make sure the victims and sacrifices of 9/11 are not forgotten. One thing that can be done is making 9/11 a federal holiday. A day where we can all take a moment to remember not only the victims and sacrifices made on that day but also the lessons that we all have learned. We are stronger as a nation when we stand together and support each other. That day has shown how people united, shown courage, and quick-thinking in a time of peril.

  16. Never Forget September 11th. September 11th was a day that changed our country forever. The twin towers were hit by planes as a terrorist attack against the United States. On this day our country was faced with a challenge and we has to banded together to support each other. The twin towers unfortunately weren't the only buildings hit. The pentagon was also crashed into b a plane. Another plane was headed for either the white house or the capital but crashed in a field. I think that 9/11 can be thought of as both a tragic event and triumph. It is tragic because of all the heartbreak of live being lost and of people getting hurt. I believe that it is tragic that someone that has the awful thought of crashing into a building nd wanting to kill someone is awful. It is a triumph because our whole country banded together to morn this loss and to over come it. I do think that our country will never forget and hasn't forgotten. We could do more around the country by honoring the victims. One idea that I have on brining more awaness and honor to this event is maybe putting a small or large museum in each of the states capitals to commemorate this day.

  17. 9/11 is one of the most devastating days and days after that Americas has faced. I know that there were four planes. One plane crashed into each of the world trade centers. One crashed into a field in Pittsburgh that was taken hostage. The people inside were aware of their situation. They decide they could not let anyone else parish, but themselves. The passengers rushed the cabin filled with adrenaline and crashed the plane. The only fatalities were the inosinate people on the plane. One plane crashed into the Pentagon. There were many fatalities. There was one man that was burned head to toe because the pentagon plane crashed right in front of his face. Over the next days it was as if there was a gloom over the whole United States. Sad, devastating, destructive, and wrong is how the injured, dead, and impacted people felt. I believe 9/11 is a tragedy and a triumph. Many died and many were saved. It was a triumph because of all the people that were saved. We triumphed Because of boats that came to save people who needed saving. We triumphed because of the firefighters that went up the stairs as they saw the building fall putting others lives before theirs. We triumphed because of the passion of the president. We triumphed because of how he held himself and how he held us on his shoulders. People acted because when people are in need people. People that can will do. I believe 9/11 will never be forgotten because the people that died that day will never be forgotten. I believe the stories should be told of 9/11 because that will spread the awareness of the tragic triumph.

  18. On September 11, 2001 tragedy and terror struck the United States as we lost many loved ones. It not only was a sad day but also brought our country closer together. To this day it has changed our country and we will make sure never to forget those who sacrificed their lives to save others. My knowledge of this day includes that one plane hit the Twin Towers, another hit the Pentagon, and a hijacked plane, flight 93 crashed into a Pennsylvania field thanks to
    brave passengers. We predict that the plane was headed for the White House or Capital. I believe that 9/11 can be thought of both a tragic event and triumph because of all the innocent people that were lost including police officers, firefighters, civilians, doctors, and others. It was a triumph because our whole country was able to come together to support each other and overcome it. Today, I do think that we have not forgotten this event but could do more to honor the victims and become more informed on what happened. An idea I have to make this happen would be to make a week of school for all students to learn about this event in addition to the day it actually happens.

  19. I have learned a lot about the events of September 11, 2001 over the years. I have learned about the significance of the attacks and how it impacted our country. I think this was a day of tragedy and triumph for the United States. It was a tragedy because many lives were lost on this day, and many people lost someone who was important to them. Although this was a day of fear, confusion, and loss, I have learned that the nation came together during and after these horrific events. We all stayed together as a country and these attacks could have even made the country stronger and more united. I think that we have done a great job of educating people about these attacks. I also think we have created a lot of great memorials for the event and the lost lives. I think we have done so much to remember the events and the people of 9/11, but, I think we could be working on education not just America, but everyone in the world about these attacks. That way everybody knows about the tragedy and triumph of this day.

  20. I really only know about the events of nine eleven from Mr.Grant and his lessons each year. I think that nine eleven was a day of tragedy but the days after were more of triumph.It brought our country together and everyone who lost a loved one delt with it very well. I was watching 9/11 interviews and some of the kids saud that when they travel to where the towers fell and look at the memorial wall for everyone who died that day and they find the name of their loved ones and one girl said that most people have a grave when they die sand the families can visit the grave and feel closer to their loved ones but some peoples bodies werent found and so all the families have for a grave kis this one wall for a grave and the ghirl explained how important it is to feel close with your loved one again.So yes I think we do enough to remember the victms but we have alwaysbeen the country that goes abnove and beyond with everything so why not put this into action here and I think that if we had a moment of silence one minute during this day where everyone in the world is silent for just one minute to remember those people even though that is really far fetched I think it would be really cool.

  21. 9/11 is a very important day for the United States. People all over the country watched the news and didn't know what to do or think. I have heard tons of stories about what people were doing at the time and where they were. Everybody remembers exactly what was going on for them when the South Tower was first hit, this is because this was such a tragic day and people knew that we were under attack once the second plane hit. It is a day in americans lives that they will always remember. I didn't know a ton about 9/11 before I got to middle school. But I did know that lots of people died not only because they couldn't do anything to save themselves, but tons of people were putting others lives before theirs. Now that I'm in eight grade, my knowledge on September 11 has increased dramatically and I don't just think of it as a day where the United States was shocked and heartbroken, I also think of it as a day where we all became closer and as a day where we as a country made sure nobody would put us into a panic. This day also helped us to make our airport security much better so that this stuff doesn't happen anymore. So because of this, I feel like this is a day of both tragedy and triumph for the United States. Overall, I feel like we do a ton to praise the lives of those who died. Just go to New York City and you will see a museum and placks of those who died to remember them. At sports events, there is a moment of silence for all of those who died which is a really touching moment. I feel like we do a lot to make sure that we "Never Forget" this day. If you have the opportunity, we should all go to New York and see all of the reminders of 9/11. We as a country made sure that this day would not tear us apart and we used it to our advantage to become better overall.

  22. 9/11 is one of the saddest days for Americans because of a terrorist attack. Nobody saw it coming. Two hijacked planes crashing into the twin towers, one into the pentagon, and the other crashing into an open field luckily harming nobody. I think it was a tragedy for the US because so many people lost their lives. We could recognize the people that helped out in 9/11 by just naming some of the names of people that helped save others on the news. We could learn more about it in classes by hearing stories about all the people that risked their lives for the greater good of the people in New York.

  23. September 11th, 2001 is a day that no one should or will ever forget. Though I was not there to experience the tragic event, I have heard the endless stories of heroism and devastation. Every year, as we look back on what happened that day, I always wonder in awe of what it was like to be a firefighter or paramedic helping that day. On the morning of the attack, my grandparents were in Italy visiting our family. The way Grams explains it is they were going to go on a wine tour in Paris scheduled for 9/11. While on the train to Paris with our cousin Fabio, they were told that there was an attack in America at the Twin Towers. Grams was in disbelief, so a man who spoke English in their compartment called his office to confirm what really happened. It was true. After arriving in Paris at the train station, they could tell that nobody knew what had happened. Grams said you could see the news quickly spreading throughout the station. After the wine tour later that evening, the group decided to go to dinner. In the restaurant, when the French people heard them speaking English, they instantly went up to them and hugged them as they wept apologizing for the tragedy. Everywhere they traveled throughout Europe people would stop and embrace them. On 9/13 they spent the day in Paris and stopped at the Chartres Cathedral in a town about an hour from Paris when suddenly, all of Europe had five minutes of silence with every church bell ringing in town as they sat in the gorgeous church. She said it was the most beautiful thing she had ever experienced. I do think our country does a lot to commemorate the lives that were sacrificed for others on that terrible day, but there can always be more done for them and their family.

  24. September 11th, is a day that no one will forget. September 11th,2001was the day that twin towers were hit by two airplanes. When the first plane hit the tower everyone thought that it was just an accident and the plane broke down, but when the second plane hit they knew that the twin towers were under attack. We should never forget this day because of how many people died that day and also all the people that risked there lives to save others. Even though this was one of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. History I feel that it brought us closer together and it has helped our airports be more prepared, so it wont happen again.

  25. 9/11 is one of the saddest and worst days in United States history. I have heard so many different stories about this day. On this day four planes were hijacked. One of them crashed into the South Tower and instantly killed hundreds of people and trapped others. When the first plane hit people just thought that it was a malfunction. But about fifteen minutes later the second plane hit the North Tower and people instantly knew that the United States was being attacked. About an hour after the South Tower was hit the third plane crashed into the Pentagon. It caused a huge devastating fire. The fourth plane was taken over by terrorists, soon after the Flight 93 was taken over passengers took over and forced the plane to crash into a Pennsylvanian field. Instantly all that were aboard died. People all around the world were watching the news and didn't know what to think. They were in shock. Some people who lived close to the attacks immediately stood up and drove their boats to pick people up. Those boats saved thousands of peoples lives. At the end of the day more then 3,000 people died. I think of this day as a tragedy and a triumph. I think it's a tragedy because so many people died and many got hurt. All because of some stupid terrorists. I think it's a triumph because we can learn from this mistake. Airports have improved so much since this. We have high tech security. I personally feel like the United States does a lot to make sure we "Never Forget" this day. We built the 9/11 memorial. As a country we make sure that this day doesn't tear us apart. Instead it brought us closer together.


  26. I believe that 9/11 was both a tragic and triumphant event in US. History. Nearly 3,ooo people were massacred that day, tragic but the events that happened post 9/11 is what made this event somewhat triumphant. Instead of mass chaos, rioting, and even more death. We as a country came together over this event. Like you said in class on Friday, there is a silver lining to 9/11 and that silver lining is how our country reacted and changed as a result of this attack. The country has actually made it so nobody can ever forget. 9/11 is a historical event so it of course will be taught and written about generations and even centuries to come. Also we have commemorated this event in our monuments. Plus social media will NEVER let us forget about 9/11. So to finish that thought I believe we have already done enough to make sure nobody forgets this event.

  27. I know that 9/11 is when many planes were hijacked and used as weapons to attack America. 2 planes hit the world trade center in new York city and 1 crashed into the pentagon. I think that 9/11 was both a tragic and triumphant for the states. The tragedy came when the planes first hit. People were in misery, despair, pain, and that is tragic. But the triumph came after the attack. America was much more unified after the attack, making us triumphant. I Believe that we do remember 9/11 and we do a good job of remembering our fallen heroes.

  28. September 11, 2001 the United States had the worst attack in U.S. history. 4 U.S. planes were hijacked, 2 hit the World Trade Center, 1 hit the Pentagon, and the other was crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Even though this was one of the worst days in American history, it made the airports more secure, and also brought our country closer together. I think that the U.S. does a great job remembering the people that died during 9/11. We discuss it in school, talk about it on the news, and have a memorial at the buildings. I

  29. I new quite a bit about 9/11. The scariest part that was that my dad was on 42 street, only 20 streets away. He came home that day white with ash covering head to toe. The 4 planes were on their why out and were taken over less then a n hour in 2 were going for Los Angeles and San Francisco. The reason that they were targeted is because they were big and had almost 10,000 gallons of fuel with they could be more destructive then a small plane. Going through security all of them were screened for random searches over again after that had been through al ready. When the first plane hit they had thought that it was an accident, then when the second one had hit they realized that this was not a horrible accident that it was an act of terror. the biggest one one american soil and hope that it will be the last as big as 9/11. I think that it was tragedy all over the world. Also it was Triumph to learn were our country was week at some point in security and now we learn that knives should not be let on the plane. I think that their is enough done see ing that they sent pieces of the buildings all over the country. They spent 700 million dollars on a nice memorial witch I was lucky to go see. it is build in the exact place as tower to stood the other tower is build in the same place as tower 1 was. The base is basically a waterfall with every name of every one who died engraved along the stone railing. I think that they they have done enough to remember and so no one forgets. They have helped every one with the problem and to make that it is always on your mind.

  30. The morning of 9/11 no one would know what would happen. When the first plane was crashed into the north tower everyone though it was an accident. But it the second plane came and crashed into the south tower than we knew ok we are under attack. 4 planes were high jacked. The saying for "never forget" it reminds us that this was something we can't forget and we should. All those people who lost their lives were hero's. They helped people survive and gave up their lives for others to live. This tragic made us come closer together as a Country and this is something we can't forget. I think that day was both a tragic and a triumph. We could do better by not letting our guard down. Just because we are the powerful Country doesn't mean that we shouldn't let our guard down. There can always be an attack that we have to be prepared for.

  31. 9/11 was the worst act of terrorism in the US. There were 4 planes that were hijacked on 9/11, 2 of which flew one in to the north tower and one into the south tower of the twin towers in New York city. Another plane flew into the pentagon in Washington DC, and a the forth plane was hijacked but then taken back by the passengers and crash landed into a field in Pennsylvania. Nobody was injured other than the passengers on the the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. 9/11 was both a tragedy and a triumph. It was a tragedy because of all of the deaths that happened and everybody that was hurt physically but also emotionally. 9/11 was a triumph because we learned and improved so much from it with are security and other basic things. The US changed a lot after 9/11. I think the US has done a tremendous job with commemorating the victims and hero's on 9/11. There is not much more we could do that I know of. There are races, and fundraisers. There is so much that we, as a country, has done to recognize those who id great things and passed o 9/11.

  32. I know quite a bit about September 11th. Most of it I have learned from school and a little from my parents. The main parts of 9/11 that I know are that 4 planes were hijacked by 19 terrorists from Al Qaeda. The first plane, which was hijacked about 40 minutes after takeoff was crashed into the North Tower of the WTC. 18 minutes later a second plane hit the South Tower. At this point the country knew that we were under attack. A little while later, a third plane crashed in the US Pentagon building and later a fourth plane was taken back by the passengers. In the end thousands of people were killed and many injured. I think that this day was as tragic as it was triumph. We rescued dozens of people and many people sacrificed their lives to save others. It was a day that showed how great Americans are and how we help each other. In my opinion, I think the 9/11 attacks failed. Yes, it killed thousands, but in the end our country just became stronger and certainly much safer. We now have almost over-the-top airport security and other security in places such as D.C. and New York. When I went to New York many building had the equivalent to Airport Security. Even today we still sorrow on the day of September 11, but in the end it made us stronger. We were very upset with the people who committed the attacks (Al Qaeda) we went and killed their leader. To this day we still stand proud of our country even through hard days such as 9/11. I think that we will never forget the attacks of 9/11 even hundreds of years from now. Almost every city has a 9/11 memorial and New York has a huge area for the memorial. I went there this summer and it was very sad, but also made sure we would never forget the attacks. It had enormous fountains where each building stood and a huge museum dedicated to the attacks and all the people involved in them. On the side of the fountains were all the names of people killed in the attacks. Overall I think that 9/11 won't be forgotten after all our country has done to make sure that we will "Never Forget".

  33. I know quite a bit about the 9/11 attacks- mostley from Mr.Grant and a few other teachers, but also a bit from my parents. First a plane hit the North tower of the WTC, then 18 minutes later a second plane hit the South tower, by now, we knew that we were under attack. Then about an hour later yet another plane crashed into the Pentagon. Later, a fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, contral taken by the passengers. At th end of the day over 3000 people were killed, includng many firefighters and police officers, emergency workers and people helping others and being selfless. Yes, this was a huge tragedy, many losing family and friends, our country struck by a horrible tragedy. But, In the end it was most definatley more of a triuph. We all came together as a community, as a country, as a FAMILY of people who didn't give up, people who believed that we could get through it TOGETHER. WE helped each other, many being heros- saving many, being selfless, dying for their country.We comforted each other, prayed for each other, helped each other greatly. I pretty sure that every state has a memorial in memory of those who died on that day, but the memorial where the WTC used to be is definatley the most amazing and honorable. I absolutley want to go there one day because that would absoluley be an amazing experience. No one will ever forget this tragic day when we all came together as a country, community, and most of all a family. We absolutley do enough to remember the victims, but every day we can be praying for the victims, their family and friends- anyone affected by that day. Really everyone was affected by that day, so pray for the whole country- your neighbors, friends and family- because that day will never be forgotten, and we truly will "Never Forget".

  34. I know about 9/11 thanks to the annual lessons of Mr. Grant and it being talked about in my home. I know that a total of 4 American planes were hijacked by radical Islamic terrorists of the Jihad belief. 2 planes crashed into the WTC, 1 in the Pentagon, and 1 in a Pennsylvania field. I know we can go on and on about the facts of what happened but, what matters in the end is how we individually and as a country reacted to it. This was a triumph for the US if you ask someone about 9/11 and they are proud of the US and it brings out unity in them and love in them, then it was a triumph. But if you ask someone about 9/11 and it brings out hate and discrimination and vengeance (and there are those people out there), then it was a tragedy for the U.S.

  35. 9/11 was probably one of the saddest days here in the US. I know that 4 planes were hijacked, 2 hit the Twin Towers, 1 hit the Pentagon, and 1 was re-hijacked and crashed into a Pennsylvanian field. It was suspected to have hit the white house. I believe that although it was one of the saddest days in our history, it was a day of triumph. The attacks brought our country closer and forced us to better our security. Personally, I think that we do enough for those who died in 9/11. We have a day devoted to them, we have memorials dedicated to them all around the US. I think that we could better remember the people who died if we all prayed for the people who died in 9/11 and that we prayed the this will never happen again.

  36. 9/11 was a terrible tragedy in the US. I first learned about the attack when I was little from my parents. That this is what the world has come to. September 11, 2001 the most terrible attack in the US. On that day two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. Not that long later both of the towers fell. On the planes there were people calling their families saying that they love them and not knowing what was gonna happen. When the first plane crashed into one of the towers people were in shock and they didn't know what was going on until the second plane crashed into the other tower. Not that much longer after another hijacked plane crashed into the pentagon. That's when President Bush announced that we were under attack. They shut down all airports and all roads. There was another hijacked plane that was heard of going to crash into the capitol but the people on the plane fought the person that hijacked it and it crashed into the ground in Pennsylvania. About 3,000 people were killed and over 6,000 were injured. Since then America has grown so much stronger and closer. There is now a memorial for the people that died in the 9/11 tragedy. I went there last year and it was a really cool sight to see how everyone comes together around the fountain everyday to pray for those who have died. Over all we are a really strong country and we can fight through anything. We will never forget September 11, 2001.

  37. I believe, despite all the horrible things that so many people had to go through that day, that 9/11, truly was a triumph. Mr. Grant points out every year in class that terrorism never really works. It always ends up only unifying an entire nation, and in this case, America became strong because of it. For the most part, if you ask around, people are proud. Proud that their fellow normal, bystander citizens sacrificed their life for others. Proud that our nation rose above and became greater. We promised to never forget, and yearly, we all come together to keep that promise. The fact I know about these events to me means that we haven't yet forgotten, and I hope we never do.

  38. I believe that 9/11 was a triumph because instead of making us all live in fear it brought us closer as a nation. I know that there were 4 planes that day the two that hit the twin towers, the one that hit the pentagon, and the one that the passengers crashed after fighting with the terrorist flying it. I think that we remember this day well and that as we learn about it that we are taught it in a way that says we should not fear this day but take from it the way that our nation rallied and helped one another. I do think that we will never forget this day.

  39. I think 9/11 was a tragedy, But with every tragedy comes a triumph. On September eleventh 2001 when two planes hit the world came together through prayer, work or donations. This sad event had helped America grow bigger and better. This showed even in the worst times America will stay together and will help. Thousands of people died that day but many of the people that died were saving people. So this should not be a day we should dwell on but be a day where America comes together. We won't ever forget this day but we will remember it by how America cam together and was one nation.

  40. 9/11 will never be forgotten. No one could believe a terrorist attack that bad had happened to our country, the United States of America. We had just come out of the Cold War strong and were not expecting anything like this. We didn't even have are fighter jets loaded with ammunition. Our country was to confident at the time. We should of at least been prepared for something rather than nothing. The first plane hit the North Tower and everyone was shocked at the accident. Around an hour later the second plane hit the south tower and the minds of Americans went from accident to our country is under attack. Later a third plane hit the Pentagon and every plane in the in the US was ordered to be landed. One of the planes, Flight 93, did not respond and was later nosedived into a Pennsylvania field.
    The victims of 9/11 are definitely kept in our hearts and will never ever be forgotten. Our country does the best it can to keep the people inside safe. The only thing I would suggest to our country is to be even more aware.


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