Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Inside the Actor's Studio

There are so many TV channels and shows on these days it is hard to keep track of them all. On occasion I find an interesting show. I have been known to get caught up in watching "Inside the Actor's Studio" hosted by James Lipton. He has actors on his show in front of a group of acting students to review their career's ups and downs. Depending on the actor it can be a trip down memory lane.

One of the most interesting segments comes at the end when Mr. Lipton asks them a series of questions which require them to give the audience a glimpse of their true selves. I like the questions so much, I thought I would ask you some of them to share with everyone. 

For your comment please respond to the following:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What inspires creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
5. What sound or noise do you love?
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
7. What profession would you like to attempt?
8. What profession would you not like to do?
9. When you get to Heaven, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?


  1. My favorite word is etherial. My least favorite word is either gurgle or most; I can't decide, they're both disgusting. Nature inspires me creatively, spiritually, and emotionally. I find it really peaceful and serene and quiet. Noisy, crowded places turn off my creativity, spirituality, and emotions. I love the sound of the ocean; I think it is one of the most calming sounds over. I hate the sound of car alarms and often get annoyed by them. I would like to try to become a surgeon. I don't know if I can, but I find it really interesting. I would not like to become a worker at an office, I don't find that kind of work appealing at all. When I get to Heaven, I would like God to say, "Welcome home," and lead me to Heaven.

  2. My favorite word is peachy. It's my favorite word because when ever someone asks how I'm doing I say peachy, and if they don't know me, they give me an odd look. My least favorite word is phlegm, it just sounds gross. I like listening to music, it inspires me emotionally. I hate being rushed, it turns me off creatively. I hate the sound of fire alarms, because when I was younger, my whole neighbor hood almost burned down. I love the sound of Christmas Music. I would like to be a doctor, but definitely not a surgeon like Riley. I would not want to be a window cleaner, because I am afraid of heights. I hope he says " Come this way" and leads me to all my friends and family.

  3. My favorite word is incompetent. My least favorite words are either moist, crunchy, or nuke; even typing them makes me shutter. Listening to piano solos or guitar rifts inspires me creativity, spirituality, and emotionally. Being told what to do or being corrected by peers turns me off creatively, spiritually, and emotionally. I love the sound of rain on the beach. I hate any loud and sudden noise. I am an extremely jumpy person and loud, unexpected noises make me scream and/or jump. I would like to try and be an archaeologist and write articles for the National Geographic magazines. Even though being an archeologist involves sometimes looking at human remains, I could not under any circumstances be a doctor. Everything that has to do with the body freaks and grosses me out; so there is absolutely no way I could ever be a doctor or even a dentist. When I get to Heaven, I would like God to say, "Your pets and family are this way," and let me in.

  4. My favorite word is probably inconceivable. I like it so much because in the movie The Princess Bride Vizzini says the word inconceivable and I love it! It makes me laugh every time. My least favorite word is probably gurgle, moist, or chunky. They all sound gross and they give me the chills. Listening to music turns me on emotionaly and wakes me up. Nature inspires me creatively. It is so beautiful and I love it. The Bible inspires me spiritually. I read it when I have the time and it really turns me on at lets me think. I cannot stand the sound of nails on a chalkboard and I hate it when pencils/pens squeak they both give me the chills. Their are lots of other things that drive me crazy like when peoples tags are sticking out, I hate that. Also snoring drives me crazy, cold feet drive me crazy especially when my sister lays on the couch and puts her cold feet on me, and cold pizza it drives me crazy, I won't eat it! I love the sound of music. I would love to be a Marine Biologist because I love animals and would love to study them. I would not like to be any type of doctor because I hate blood and wouldn't be able to handle it. When I get to Heaven, I would like God to say, "Welcome to your new life, come on in and reconnect with your family and friends."

  5. My favorite word is Friday because is means it is the end of the week. My least favorite word is Monday because it means 5 more days of school. Probably my parents they like me to do well in school and be able to express my religion. I love the sound of the bell on Friday for my last period. I hate the sound of the first bell on Monday. I want to be a physiologist. Work at McDonald. How did you did you hit all those home runs

  6. My favorite word is mystery. It gives the sound that something is ominous and makes me want to know what it is. My least favorite word is awesome. A lot of people say this and it isn't always for the right meaning. For me a memory turns on inspiration for creativity. What turns off my creativity is when I am put down. When people say that is so bad it makes me not what to try. I love the sound of the wind. It sounds like it is whistling. I also like the sound when something exciting happens.I hate the sound of nails on a chalk board and Styrofoam. being rubbed together creating a high pitched sound.
    I think I would like to be a sport commentator. It would be really fun because you get to travel to many different places to watch games. I don't really want to be a doctor because whenever I see blood I want to faint or throw up. When I get to heaven i want God to say welcome I have been waiting for you.

  7. My favorite word is sleep. My least favorite word favorite word is brustlesprout. I get a lot of creative motivation from my various social media platforms. Crazy Youtube videos or something cool that someone posts on Instagram, that is mostly where a lot of creativity in my mind comes from. I think that mostly my procrastination of things is what kills most of my creativity. Waiting till the last minute usually ends up in a panicked frame of mind for me and my end product is bad. My favorite sound is swishing a basketball but that doesn't happen to me that much because I am basketbally challenged. I hate the noise of my lawnmower because it has a dull whine that makes me super freaky and frazzled. I would like to become either a mechanical engineer or an aeronautical engineer. I think that it would be really fun to build stuff and make huge discoveries about the world of design. I wouldn't like to be a garbage man or a security guard because I would get bored as a security guard and I hate germs. I would like to hear God say hello and Im God and this is Heaven and the buffet is open permanently.

  8. My favorite word is brilliant. I’m not sure I have a least favorite word. None really bother me except maybe the word stupid. A lot of people throw the word around even though there’s always a better word to use. I always get inspired when I travel or when I am out in nature. Travel because I like having new experiences and trying something new. Nature because it is quiet. I am not inspired when there is a lot of noise, because I can’t hear myself think. I think because there is too much going on that it becomes hard to focus. I love the sound of a basketball going through the net (swoosh) and I dislike the sound of nails on a chalkboard. I would like to try either being a doctor (maybe more like a psychologist; It would be cool to help people by talking) or an architect. I would not like to be an archeologist. When I arrive in in heaven I would like to hear God say, “Welcome Alex. We have been waiting for you.”

  9. My favorite word is "Thank you" . It makes me feel appreciative when I say it and grateful when I hear it. I also like "God Bless You" when someone sneezes. My least favorite word is "Hate". It is a nasty, distasteful word. What inspires me is a good talk with a class or with a friend. I am also inspire by stories of great human spirit from ordinary people. What takes away my inspiration is irrational fighting and disrespectful actions. We are all here together, working together, it is not that difficult to treat each other with dignity. The sound that I love is laughter. It is contagious. The sound that I hate is arguing. I also do not like the sound of liquid being poured into a glass... I don't know why, but I do.. I would like to be a teacher when I grow up.. I want to be the best teacher possible. I want to inspire students and have students inspire me. I cannot see myself doing anything else the rest of my life. But I am open to new possibilities. You never can tell what may be presented to you.. I do not ever want to be in a job requiring sales. I tried that and disliked it greatly. I do not like asking people for money. In all honesty I do not like the whole idea of money. I want to have enough to take care of my family and enjoy simple things. That's all.... When I get to heaven, I do not want God to say anything, I just want him to look at me and laugh about all the crazy things that have happened during my life. Everyone needs to be able to laugh at themselves. In addition I think it would be great to bring God to laughter.

  10. My favorite word is possibilities. It can lead to anything and it is always positive. My least favorite word is end. The end means something great has ended. I think of people in movies saying, "Off with his head!"
    Helping others inspires me creatively. I like to bake cakes for others who have a celebrations and that inspires me. Not fun work turns me off creatively because I would like to imagine anything that you love to do would be fun and you would enjoy it. I love the noise when you are racing down the ski hill. It fell like nothing can touch you. I can only here the swish of my skies. I hate the noise when alarms go off in the morning because it is really annoying and its like, "GET UP!!" I would always like to try the profession of being an architect. I would like to never be an accountant profession because it sound boring just punching in numbers. When I get to Heaven I would like God to say," Thank you for all your awesome work on Earth and here is your family and your new pet unicorn!"

  11. My favorite word is wackadoodle. My least favorite word would have to be "like". It does not have to be there and it kind of destroys English. Creatively, art inspires me. When I see art I just want to draw or try to recreate that thing. Both emotionally and spiritually I get inspired when I do something good or help someone. When I fail I am turned off in all of the three categories. The sound that I like is when you land a trick on the spike in kendama. It is so satisfying and you feel accomplished. The sound that I dislike the most is the fire alarm at our school. It is ear piercing and unnecessarily loud. A profession I would like to try would probably have to be teaching. Probably being a construction worker. When I get to Heaven I would like God to say,"Welcome, this is the way to your family and friends,"

  12. My favorite word is love, because when I think of love, I think of family, Jesus, and His never-ending love for us. My least favorite word is like. It is the most incorrectly used word and it drives me insane when all people say is ,"Like yeah. It was like awesome!" Watching musicians play their instruments in concerts and listening to music inspires me creatively, spiritually and emotionally. When I see or hear music, it reminds me and gives me confidence that I can be a professional musician one day. Also giving to others inspires me and makes me happy, especially when I see the smile on their face. Seeing people mistreated or made fun of really turns me off, because it makes me angry with the people doing it. My favorite sound is church bells ringing, because it gives me a warm, comforting feeling, knowing God is always with me. I also love the sound of rain hitting the roof and the ground, because it reminds me of home in Oregon. My least favorite sound is nails on a chalkboard. I can't even type it without getting shivers. I would love to attempt being a professional music for a living. I would never ever want to be an exterminator, because I can't handle most bugs and have a terrible fear of spiders. When I get to Heaven, I would like to thank God for all He has done for me and for loving me unconditionally and never giving up on me.

  13. My favorite word is adventure because I think of so many things that I have done that were an adventure and so many things that I can do that will be an adventure. My least favorite word is "Fine." Especially when someone says "I'm fine." I don't like it because how can you really tell if someone is actually okay or not? If they say that you can't share in someone's joy or help them get through their pain. I am inspired creatively, spiritually, and emotionally when I go exercise. Especially when I run because I feel that everything is either better than before or not as bad as I thought it was. I also get inspired spiritually when I go to mass. When I start to plan ahead and think about all of the things that I have to do then I am turned off spiritually, emotionally, and creatively. I love the sound of waves crashing and rain. I dislike the sound of metal forks scraping against glass plates. I would like to attempt to become a psychiatrist. I would not like to be a dentist or orthodontist because that would gross me out. When I get to Heaven I would like God to give me a big hug and smile and say,"You are home."

  14. My favorite word has to be "yeet" which might even be something that I made up. Least favorite word is squelchy, because it's a little too descriptive. What inspires me creatively is good music, music that fits my mood and seems to give off good vibes. What turns me off emotionally has to be boredom. If I can't concentrate and my thoughts wander(usually to stressful things I haven't done) then that usually doesn't end well. I really love the noise that you hear standing in the middle of a pine forest in Oregon, on a damp morning, just listening to nature doing its thing. I hate the St. Joe's fire alarms, for obvious reasons. I really, really REEEEAAALY want to be a professional soccer player. I think that having something you love as your profession is one of the best things ever. I don't want to have anything to do with a cubicle. I want God to greet me and just say "I love you"

  15. My favorite word is probably wonderful. I love the sound of it and it's so fun to say. My least favorite word is either plump or gurgle. I just hate the sound of both of them; they are just disgusting. Music inspires me emotionally and creatively. Being in church inspires me spiritually. Also nature inspires me emotionally, spiritually and creatively. A lot of noise turns me off because I can't concentrate. Also people bothering like when I'm trying to concentrate. I get emotionally turned off a lot if I am stressed. I love the sound of music because it can be so beautiful and makes me feel alive and makes me happy. My least favorite sound/noise.... thats hard for me because there are a lot of sounds/noises that I hate. I hate the noise of kids crying, nails on a chalkboard, arguing, people chewing their food with their mouth open and smacking, and many more. There is a lot for me, I get annoyed easily. I think I'd like to attempt being a sports medicine docter. I find it interesting and it sounds really fun to me for some reason. I wouldn't want to be any other doctor though. I konw that makes no sense considering I just said I want to be a sports medicine doctor. I just don't really like the sight of a lot of blood or like intestines or anything like that. I wouldn't want an office job because that sounds sooooo boring, I'd hate it. When i get to heaven I want God to say," Welcome home, your friends and family are this way."

  16. My favorite would have to be exercise, it is good for all of us and we should do it all the time. Exercise is good for us as a whole. My least favorite word is stupid, stupid is a word to say something rude. Stupid can hurt someone's feelings and if used the wrong way, could lower someone's self-esteem. Basketball is my inner way to feel better emotionally and makes me happy. Music and nature makes me more creative and spiritual. Things like being sick, being mad, or tiredness limits my creativity, spiritual and makes me emotional. There are so many sounds in this world, so it is hard to choose my favorite. But I do know what my least favorite sound is, construction. Construction is so loud with clinging and banging. It also slows down traffic. I want to be a children's doctor, I think I would be good with the kids and I would work really hard with them. I don't want to be a veterinarian or a mail office person or a cook. None of those jobs even fancy me, even though there are a ton more jobs I wouldn't want to do. When I arrive to Heaven in front of the Pearly Gates I want him to say, "You are free". So I can know, or understand that I am free from sin and all distress.

  17. My favorite word is free because who does not like free stuff? My least favorite word is probably no because that means I can't do something if its have friends over or buy shoes. I get turned off emotionally when i struggle on homework, I just stop trying and ask for help. My favorite sound is when a basketball goes straight in the net and makes the swish sound. My least favorite sound is when silverware scrapes on a plate and makes a screeching noise. I would really like to be a professional lacrosse player. If that doesn't happen I would want to be a high school teacher and coach their lacrosse team. I would not want to be a sanitation worker and have to pick up trash and hall it to the dump. When I get to Heaven, I would want God to say, "I am so glad you made it here!"

  18. My favorite word would probably be sports because it means i get to go something. My least favorite word would probably be Monday because it means we have school. My friends inspire me because they can teach me new things. Loud noises turn me off because i just cant really focus on what i am supposed to be doing. I love the sound of nature because it just relaxes me. I hate the sound of of screeching noises. I would like to be a professional basketball player. I do not want to be a doctor. When i get to Heaven i would like God to say to me that i have done great things.

  19. My favorite word is saucy because it just sounds really cool. My least favorite word is what because you have to repeat what you just said. What inspires me emotionally is watching videos of a really talented person youtube doing something that I wanna get to in my lifetime. Something that turns me off emotionally is when people distract me from what I'm trying to do. A sound that I love is people typing on their phone and when it makes the noise. I don't know why I like it but I just do. A sound that I dislike is someone using the end of their pencil to erase when there is not really an eraser anymore. It makes a really annoying screeching sound. When I'm older, I wanna play pretty much any sport professionally but most likely either a professional at tennis, football, or basketball. When I'm older I don't wanna be a surgeon because I can barely handle looking at blood but maybe I will become better with that type of stuff as I get older. When I get to Heaven, the words I will want to here are "Do not worry, you are with me now."

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  21. My favorite word is happiness because I enjoy being happy and seeing other people be happy as well. My least favorite word is impossible because I am a very competitive person that is persistent and I absolutely can’t stand it when someone tells me I can’t do something. My family and friends inspire me creatively, spiritually, and emotionally in my everyday life because of their great influence and ability to always make me laugh and smile. They are always there for me and we continue to make more memories as each hour goes by. My weakness of procrastination turns me off creatively and emotionally because it lowers my ability of what I could do if I had more time and stresses me out causing panic in my life. I love the peaceful sound of the ocean waves crashing up on the shore. I hate the sound of car and fire alarms but most of all my alarm to get up in the morning. I would either like to become a neurosurgeon like my dad or someone in business, but I’m not exactly sure yet and am keeping my options open. I would not like to become a mailman because I just think it would be so boring and that I would not be making much of a difference. When I get to Heaven I would like to hear God say, “Welcome home, your loved ones are over here.”

  22. My favorite word is yes. The reason I like the word yes is because it usually means something good. The word that is most commonly used by my parenst and also my least favorite word is no. The word usually doesn't mean anything good. For me what inspires creativity is when I see something else or someone else being creative. Honestly what turns off my creativity is boredom and blandness. My favorite noise is laughter. Some peoples laugh really annoys me but others make me laugh. Like I love the noise of hearing ava laugh. I hate the noise of nails on a chalk board it kills me. The profession that I hope to achieve is becoming a doctor. I know that it will take a lot of hard work and schooling but I would absolutely love to be a sports medicine doctor that maybe has their own practice or works for a college team or professional. The profession I would definetly not want is to be a vet. I could not handle it because I don't like animals. When I hopefully get to the pearly gates of heaven I want to hear god say "thank goodness you made it, it was a little but touch and go there for a little bit" I know this sounds mean but in my mind god has a great sense of humor.

  23. My favorite word is kindness, I like to see when other people do kind acts for each other it make me happy and brings me joy. My least favorite word is slurp just don't like that word.Nature and friends inspire me creatively, spiritually or emotionally. What sound I love the most is laughter it just makes me happy. I hate noises that scare me. I would like to be a professional soccer player and what job I don't want is to be working as an lifeguard at the Olympics. i would like to hear God say is "Sara you have done such good things for the world now go see your loved ones"

  24. My favorite word is happy. Happy has such a positive connotation to it. It just makes me smile thinking of it. My least favorite word is moist. It just seems so gross to me. What inspires me is when someone has a really good attitude and positive take on life. It makes me want to do the same. My friends and family also make me really happy. I dislike when people have a bad attitude and bring others down. It makes me feel sad. My favorite noise is the sound of laughter,. When I hear it, I can't help but laugh too, and I love to laugh. I don't like screeching noises. They make me cringe. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. I don't want to work at McDonalds or a gas station or anything like that. When I get to Heaven, I want to here God say, "Welcome Home."


  25. My favorite word is probably cool because I say it a lot and it is a compliment and also fun to say. Words cannot express how much I dislike the word bulbous. It just sounds super gross and makes me cringe. My teachers, parents, and priests or nuns inspire me to become more spiritual. They have taught me everything I know about my faith which is important when everything ends. I think so called "holy" wars turn me off because it was never meant to be to kill each other over different faiths or beliefs. We should accept others differences instead of killing one another. I like the sounds of the ocean. I really like to go to the ocean so that always puts me at peace and I can picture my favorite beach in my mind. I don't like the sound of fighting like when my parents fight or when people are fighting over beliefs. It makes me uncomfortable. I would like to attempt would be a doctor. It would make you feel super good if you could go home and say to yourself, "I just might have saved someone's own life today." I wouldn't want to be a teacher because I couldn't handle all the kids in one day. When I get to Heaven, I don't need anything special, just a simple Welcome to my realm or something like that, or something chill like step into the crib bro.

  26. My favorite word is cute because it is said a lot especially on social media, and it refers to things such as cute dogs and stuff. My least favorite word is most definitely moist. It sounds really weird to say it and it should not be a word. What inspires me is social media and nature. They are kind of opposites but both have creativity in their own ways. What turns me off creatively is negativity. There is not really a reason for it. I like the noise of music playing. I strongly dislike the noise of someone writing on a chalkboard. When I grow up I want to be a plastic surgeon preferibly in California somewhere. I would not want to be a construction worker. When I get to Heaven, I would want God to simply say he was proud of me.

  27. I don't really have a favorite word but I am gonna say fresh because it rolls nicely of the tongue. I also don't have a least favorite word so I'm gonna say wart because it sounds pretty nasty. I am not really sure what inspires me, sometimes it is looking at something, sometimes its music, sometimes something just clicks in my mind. I again don't have a favorite sound but I like the sound of meat sizzling. I once again don't have a least favorite sound but I hate people scraping forks and knives against plates. I have no ideal profession I would like to go into. I would hate being a dermatologist because I don't like working with that kind of stuff. When I arrive to heaven I would like go to say " Welcome to paradise my friend"

  28. My favorite word is Flibbertigibbet. My least favorite word is like, even though I use it a lot. I especially dislike it when people say "it was like awesome, like you know what I, like, mean. Music, art, written language, and all sorts of other art forms inspire me. Places that are noisy and places that are sad turn me off. I love the sound of the voices from the people I love. I hate the sound of fingernails on a chalk board. The job I want to try is robotics engineering. I would never be a surgeon, because certain sites make me want to throw up. When I get to heaven I want God to say to me "Welcome to the kingdom of god"

  29. My favorite word is "invincible". My least favorite word is relinquish because it means give up and if you really strive for something you should never give up. Books inspire me especially fantasy books because they teach you that anything is possible. What turns me off is when I don't do well on something that I've worked very hard on, because it's like all my hard work isn't good enough. I love the noise of either feet walking or ocean waves because they are just so calming. My least favorite sound is when pencils make that screeching noise when you write. I would like to be an actress or a professional at karate. I would not like to be a police officer, even though they keep us safe it's a really tough and dangerous job. When I get to heaven I want God to say 'You've done it" which means that on earth I did everything I was supposed to do as a human being.

  30. My favorite word is fabulous, my least favorite word is the b word,Delete repeated word inspires me on anything is when my peers or people around me are doing something amazing. It really inspires me to do that thing. What turns me off on every level is when bad things happen as a result of something being done, that is a huge turnoff. I like the sound of birds chirping. It shows the beauty off nature. I hate the noise of knives screeching together. It makes me cringe. I don't know what profession I want to be in and honestly its way to early to start making decisions like that. Whatever makes me happy I guess. I do know what I don't want to do though and that is not make a lot of money in my opinion money is the key to happiness. When I die and hypothetically go to heaven at the gates I would like to hear god say to me," Good job son, you have really made it."

  31. My favorite word is different because it shows how your own unique personality that God gave you. My least favorite word(s) are smart and dumb because they are labels that are NOT REAL! Playing my cello or guitar inspires my emotionally creatively and spiritually because I feel like a good person when I play them. What turns me off is to know how there are many people who think they are "smart." I love the sound of music because I feel motivated, relaxed or calm when I listen to it. My least favorite sound of animals being abused because I feel disgusted with people killing the creatures that God has made. I would like to become a super advanced cello and guitar player in my teen and adolescent years growing up because I'd like to still have a beautiful talent. I do not want to accomplish being a soldier because I never want to be set away from my family. When I go to Heaven, I want God to say, "Are you ready to go to go see your family my son?" because I would love to see my family along with God himself.

  32. My favorite word is go because it means that you are always on the move. You are never board and have something to do. My least favorite word is hate beuase it shows no love. If you hate something you dislike it and don't want to see it or be around it. Nature inspires me emotionally, spiritualy, and creatively becausewhen you are out in nature you are thinking creatively and I feel connected with God and emotionally I feel good. Stress and when I am busy turns me off emotionally. Spiritualy, and creatively because you always have some kind of work to do and have not time to sit and relax. I love the sound of birds chirping, I love the sounds of birds because they are happy. I hate the sound of cars honking at each other. I hate this sound because it is like hatred between the people. The profession that I would like to attempt is to run my dads business. I would like to run his business because I have very little knowledge about he has to do every day. The profession I would not like to attempt is to be become an actor. When I go to heaven I would lie God to say something about what I have done that was good and how in. Good way I have affected people's lives without knowing it.

  33. My favorite word is awkward. My least favorite word is same. I don't really understand the next two questions. I love the sound of car motors. I hate the sound of chalkboards. If I could choose a profession, or a dream job, I would travel the world and get it all on video. After that I would probably post it on Youtube. I would hate to be a plumber. It seems weird and they have a bunch of jokes about them. Welcome.

  34. My favorite word would have to be adventure because my family and I have really started to travel to many different places in this past year or two. I really enjoy seeing all the different types of people and different types of cultures. My least favorite word would have to be literally because a whole bunch of people say it when they aren't being serious about a topic. I think that many sports activities inspire me to do better and whether I'm in a basketball or football game, I can give my attention for an hour and not worry about anything else. All I have to worry about is helping my team. What doesn't inspire me emotionally, spiritually, or creatively would have to be when I'm busy. When I'm busy and I can't focus on one thing and I have 10 other things going on, I can't focus and it is very difficult for me to learn when I'm really busy. I love the sound of my grandpa's airplanes running because I see all of his hard work paying off. My least favorite sound would have to be the screechy noise that hinges make because it makes my ears hurt. I'm very interested in running my grandparents' WWII museum. I have seen all the work it takes to run a business. The profession that I wouldn't do would have to be a surgeon because I feel like I would mess up a lot. When I get to the Pearly Gates, I want God to say, "All your family and your pets are waiting for you over there."

  35. I think my favorite word would have Robb's tintinnabulation because I learned it in the third grade and I was so proud because it was such a long word and I still remember it to this day. For my least favorite word, I've never really had one because other than that one I've never really had any other experiences with words. The thing that mainly inspires me creatively would have to be art and just getting to relax and listen to music. It really calms me down to know I don't have to rush and I can draw what I want. Something. That bores me and makes my creativity diminish would most likely be being forced to do things especially when it comes to cleaning. I feel bound and not to mention it is already really boring. My favorite sound is the sound of a violin. I don't know why, but I find it pretty calming. My least favorite sound is easily the sound of styrofoam because it makes and ear splitting screech. For my profession I want to peruse something artistic like graphic design or animation. I have also been looking at architecture. A job I would not want would be something like being a lawyer because I find the concept boring especially since both my parents are lawyers and talk about how it can be boring. When I go to the pearly gates of heaven I want to finally meet God in person and overall feel accepted.

  36. My favorite word is probably travel. I like the word and I can relate to many things that our family does as we travel a lot. My least favorite word is normal. I just don't like it simply because nobody in the world is normal. Everyone is unique and when someone says their normal it just isn't right because nobody is. I get inspired by the world and what it has for us. I especially like hikes and mountain bike rides because it gives you hours to think and take in the best parts of nature. I am less inspired when people are mean or rude, especially when you see the recent things on the news and what is happening to innocent people. I love the sound of flowing water for some reason it makes me feel relaxed and in a peaceful place. I don't like yelling, as it disrupts whatever you're doing and it can oftentimes be mean. I would like to be an engineer or an architect because I like the designs of buildings and of how they are made. I would also consider being a veterinarian as I love animals very much. I would not like to be someone who does things with ancient artifacts or fossil stuff. It just doesn't interest me. I would like to hear God say I did good during my life and Earth and that he thanks me for helping contribute to society.

  37. My least favorite word is moist because it sounds gross. My favorite word is contemplate because it sounds nice. I get inspired in nature where its peaceful. I and the least inspired when people are yelling or being mean. My favorite sound is waves hitting the sand, my least favorite sound is peoples shoes sliding in the hallway. I would not like to work and a fast food restaurant.

  38. My favorite word would probably be "knowledge" or "choice". My least favorite world would probably "fear". What inspires me creativly, spiritually, and emotionally is when I see people suffering because life has been unfair to them. It inspires me to help others get out of what ever bad situation they are in. I love the sound of laughter and I hate the sound of gunshots because that means that there is violence occurring. I definitely want to be a lawyer of sorts. I don't want to be in the military. When I get to Heaven, I want God to say to me, "Here is your room key, you will be staying in suite 238. The pool is on the 3rd floor."

  39. one word I like is free because we are free and who doesn't like free things. One word it hate is moist because it just sounds gross. what inspires me is if there is something I can't do I push myself so i can do that task. What doesn't inspire me are the people that dive up if something is to hard for them. I love the noise off rain hitting at window, it is just really calming to me. One sound I hate is a metal fork scratch a ceramic plate. A profession I would like to is anything that helps people, and a profession I don't want to attempt is anything that could harm me or others. One thing I want God to say to me in heaven is at the gates is welcome my son.

  40. My favorite word is different because we are all different. my least favorite word is same because nothing is the same or simple. People inspire to be creative when they say I can't. I think that this just drives me to do better and prove them wrong. I am most cretive when I have something to prove or something to fight for. I get turned off of things when they are easy and I don't have to try because then I think it's not worth it and do a bad job. I love the noise of the waves crashing on the shore at the beach and the sound of rain hitting the water. I hate the noise of packing peanuts. I don't know what I want to be but I know that I don't want to do is someone that has a job that makes them cold and hollow inside I want to be a person that loves what I do and what I do makes me a better person. I want to hear God say to me, "what took you so long we've been waitning."

  41. My Favorite word is Funny because we are funny in our different ways. My least favorite word is Like. So many people say it because they are too lazy themselves to use correct english. What inspirse me is that if someone says "oh,your too little and you most likely not make it" This makes me do it and make it and show them I am more capoble of things. What turns my Creative off is when people are noisy and not being respectful. A noise I love is a soft breeze that there is in the summer. I hate the fire alarm in the school. It makes me jump and be socked. I would like to become a nurse that works in the cancer department. I know that it will take lots of time and work. I want to put a smile on the person who has cancer everyday. I don't want to work at Mcdonold. When I go to heavan I want God to say "Welcome Home, Take my hand and walk with me."

  42. My favorite word is probably unique. This word sound super cool and also has a good meaning. My least favorite word is moist because it sounds really weird. Good music usually inspires me but I also really don't like slow or sad music because it just mades everyone really sad. I love the sound of beaches or rain. I don't like any high pitched noise. I do not know really what i do or don't want to do when I am older. When I get to Heaven all I want to hear is God, it doesn't matter what he says as long as he is speaking.


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