Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Veteran's Day 2016

November 11 is Veteran’s Day in the United States.  It is a day to remember the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting the American way of life.  Through the years these individuals have put their safety and well-being in jeopardy in the name of freedom, liberty, and justice.  We owe all former and current members of our armed services a great deal of gratitude.

Whether or not you agree with the involvement of our military around the world, the support of our troops is necessary.  It is not the soldier who decides where to go, they take orders.  They go where they are needed and where they are asked to go.  It is a difficult life.  In addition to risking their life, they are often separated from their families for months on end.  They give up the comforts of Saturday afternoon football games, microwave popcorn, and a nice fireplace in exchange for tents in the middle of the desert.

It is fitting we dedicate a day during the year to remember those brave men and women who truly understand what it means to be called to duty.

What are your thoughts on Veteran’s Day?  What ways can you personally honor our veterans and current military members?  What do you think life would be like in the armed services today?


  1. I think veteran's day is a day that is to remember all those who have served. I think that it is very important, but I think it should be more like Veteran's Week. I think that I can pray for all those who are serving and all those who have served. I also think we can visit the veterans more because after war I think it would be a lot to take in just by your self. I think being in war would forever take away you innocents. I think that you would see things you don't ever want to see and experience the most dire life or death situations. I think that your life will pull you to your knees, but with freedom resting quietly on your back you will have to rise. They know that they have no fight or flight decision. They have to get up, get out, and try to push them selves where no one should ever be pushed. They have to strive for protection and reason with death.

  2. I think Veteran's Day is a great way to honor those who have served, are serving, and those who lost their lives while serving. I believe, though, that we should honor our veterans everyday. Many times I habe seen signs that say, "The land of the free because of the brave," and this is very true. We are a free nation because of those in service. I think I could personally take the time to visit and thank retired and current veterans. I could also pray for those who have died in service to our nation, but I think Americans should do this all the time anyway. I think life in our armed forces today is very difficult, but today we have strong ways of communication and programs set in place to create a home away from home. Today our nation faces new threats everyday and I think that we try and better our troops, but this could create fear and anxiety in our troops. I also think coming to terms with the possibity of never seeing your loved ones again can be diffucult.

  3. I believe that Veteran's Day is a very crucial day, yet it is often under appreciated. To those people who know veterans it is important and holds a special, deeper meaning. However, to some others, it is overlooked and not always taken to be such a core holiday. The most we can do for our troops are to pray for their safety and show them the gratitude they deserve and just help out when you can. Even a kind word can make a huge impact. We need to keep them in our memories and in our hearts. Life in the military is hard. Yes, there are some people who are maintenance guys and they may not exactly be putting their life on the line, but they are still away from their families and are doing their part to protect us. Others are putting their lives on the line and their sacrifice is the ultimate one. They go through hardship every day and they are the type of people we should aspire to be: willing to do anything for the protection of others.

  4. Veterans day is a day that is very important to my family, I grew up around airplanes from WWII and i grew up around story's of men and women who have fought so bravely in our past wars and in our wars today. Veterans day (in my opinion) shouldn't be just one day out of the year i actually think that it should be every day. I think we need to pray for the men and women that fight so bravly for us every day. We can honor our vets and our men and women who are still in service by spreading the word about how much they do for us and learning the history and knowing why those people fight for us everyday. My Grandparents have taught me to be honored when meet men and women in the military. I've meet a lot of very amazing and veterans in my life including dick Cole who was part of the biggest turns in the war. So my advice would be if you ever see a active duty military person or vet , even if you don't know them go say thank you because if it wasn't for them i don't know where we would be today.

  5. Veterans day is a day that is very important to my family, I grew up around airplanes from WWII and i grew up around story's of men and women who have fought so bravely in our past wars and in our wars today. Veterans day (in my opinion) shouldn't be just one day out of the year i actually think that it should be every day. I think we need to pray for the men and women that fight so bravly for us every day. We can honor our vets and our men and women who are still in service by spreading the word about how much they do for us and learning the history and knowing why those people fight for us everyday. My Grandparents have taught me to be honored when meet men and women in the military. I've meet a lot of very amazing and veterans in my life including dick Cole who was part of the biggest turns in the war. So my advice would be if you ever see a active duty military person or vet , even if you don't know them go say thank you because if it wasn't for them i don't know where we would be today.

  6. In my opinion Veteran’s Day is a day that is dedicated to the many people who have served, are currently serving, and the ones who have died for our country. There are some people that are appreciative but then their are some who do not look at it as a holiday and ignore it. They do not pay much attention in giving back to the veterans and their families. We have to remember that even the little things can make a person’s day especially veterans and people currently in the military. It is important that we pray for our troops and make sure to tell them how thankful we are. We should try to visit the veterans more because they get lonely and always look forward to visitors even if you have never even met. I think that life would be very hard in the armed services today. Having to put your own life and safety at risk while knowing you may never get to see your loved ones again is difficult. We underestimate how tough it is to live away from our families for months at a time while never getting the opportunity to enjoy the things people normally get to do. These actions show true sacrifice for the good of the whole which is something we should all admire and look up to.

  7. I believe that veterans day is very important. It lets all the troops who go out and risk their lives for us know how much we appricaite them. I've hears people say that freedom isn't free which is very ture. All of the people who serve in the military pay our price for freedom. For our troops we can pray for them and their families and thank them for their service. It must be really hard for them to leave their families for long periods of time so when they have someone telling them thank you for their service it can make their day. Also visiting veterans can make their time a lot better. Life in the military must be really hard. They have to put their lives on the line every day in service to protect a country where many people don't even realize how much they do for us. They also have to abandone their families which is hard on them and their families. The people who serve in the military are willing to do anything for our country and for freedom for all of us. Life in the military would be full of hardship and pain.

  8. I believe that Veteran's Day is very important. It is crucial to honor the men and women that fought hard for our country. To honor the people that have served, I can visit veterans at the veteran's home by St. Joe's. Thanking veterans and greeting them with a simple smile can also be a couple of ways to honor them. Life in the armed services would be very hard. I would miss my family and friends a lot. But in the end, the common goal is to fight for our country, and that is what matters.

  9. Veterans day is a really great way to celebrate those who honored our country and without them we wouldn't be the people we are today. People in the military go through a lot and so do there friends and family. They sacrifice everything just to keep us safe which is just amazing. I can honor our veterans for praying for them and just saying thank you which can go a long way. We should always thank those who have sacrificed themselves for us and their families. Life in the armed forces would be really hard I think and it would take a lot of guts to do what they do in the military. But it would be worth it in the end to know that you are protecting our country.

  10. I believe that Veterans day is one of the least remembered and thought of holidays and that we as a whole should make it so much more than it is. My grandpa is a Veteran so I grew up around his stories and think that we should give our Veterans a lot more respect and honor than we do. It is these men and women that make the ultimate sacerfice to protect our nation. I think that if I was in the military fighting for our Nation I would be scared to die. These men and women are not scared and that is proved in our history. If I was in the military I would be not at all as brave that are in the military willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

  11. I think that Vetran's Day is a very important holiday, that we often forget about. I think we should celebrate more Holidays like this, so we don't forget. We can honor them by visiting the Vetrans home, and making sure that we thank them when we see them. Even the smallest smile can make a difference in their day. We also should remember them in our prayers. I think that life in the armed forces would be really rough, especially being away from your family. I think they are super brave, and every day we need to remember them.

  12. Veterans day has always been a very special holiday in America. It represents all of the veterans that have ever served and continue to serve. America would not be the same without our brave veterans. This holiday is very honorable and we should pay more attention to it. Serving today is a very honorable and courageous thing to do.

  13. My thought's on veterans day is this is a very special day honoring people who served for our country and fought for their lives. Not a lot of people care about this day though because they forget. What ways I can honor our veterans and current military people is by praying for them or going to a veterans's home! I think the life today in the military is very complicated and takes a lot of hardwork. those people who serve are very fearless and are doing their best for our us!

  14. I think veteran day is a day that we give a big thanks to all our veterans. It really makes me mad when stores make veterans day into a shopping spree in stead of giving thanks to our veterans. My grandpa served 35 years in the air force and I really appreciate that. I also would like to give a thanks to all the veterans family for making that big sacrifice.

  15. My thoughts on Veterans Day is that it is a day to honor those who have served us in our military protecting us from outside threats. Sometimes it is overlooked and can be forgotten but I think that this shouldn't be the case because of all that they have done for us. To honor our veterans we can write cards personally thanking them for what they do or what they did to help our country. We can also go to the veterans home and talk to them like the seventh graders did the other day. This can let them tell their experiences to people and all that they have gone through. People that serve today are very brave and should be honored and looked up to and everyone should respect them.

  16. Veterans day is a special day for me but also for everyone. We are honoring those who served our country, so WE could be free. You can say Thank You when you see a military official. By you saying thank you, you are telling them that they are important and they mean something. I think it would be hard for kids in our generation to go into the military,because of all the things that we have like cell phones and social media. friends going to sport events, as Mr. Grant said Saturday and Sunday football games.

    1. im pretty sure that soldiers are actually allowed to bring their phones and other stuff for entertainment, but it would still be hard

  17. I think Veterans day is a good way to honor the people who have or are serving our country. I think we should honor the Veterans and current military members by praying for them. We can also make cards for them or visit a veterans home. I think life in the military would be very hard. It is very hard work and it is a long time away from family.

  18. I think veterans day is a great day because it honors those that serve and protect us. These Men fight out in other places to protect us. These people have given their lives to us at the risk of poverty, death, PTSD, and other terrible things that can happen after doing a tour. The best ways to honor them i think is to go to a veteran´s home, pray for them, or donate to them. If i was deployed in a middle eastern country for military service, as far as I know about the military i would probably be staying at a FOB most of the time cleaning and moving stuff. the other part of the tour would probably just be recon and watching certain areas for hostile contact or suspicious people. But other people in the military do risk their lives during raids and working checkpoint, and that is why we should be thankful for them.

  19. Veterans day is a really special day because it's a day where we get to honor people that serve us. They deserve to be honored because they are willing to die for our country. These men and women sacrifice their lives for ours. To be in the forces today would be very hard because we have so much to live for and we have some people that want to kill our country. So I think that would be very hard.

  20. Having just watched Lone Survivor, I have huge respect for Veterans. They make these sacrifices for people that they never have met and probably never will meet. I think that these soldiers give greater sacrifices than any other government members. Most days, I pay tribute to the veterans and current members of the military by thanking them for their service as well as volunteering at veterans homes. I believe that these heroes should be given the best treatment possible. I think that life in the armed forces would be interesting and really brutal. I think that actual combat member life would be very trying both physically and mentally. I think that I would really enjoy being a programer or intelligence engineer because I wouldn't need to die, but would still be serving the country in a big way.

  21. Veterans Day is a very important day in our country and I am thankful for our veterans. Veterans are amazing and do so much for our country. Even if they don't get much out of it, they help our country become what it is today. They are very important and true idols. They definitely deserve every bit of Veteran's Day, and they deserve a day to themselves. To honor our veteran's is very important, so to me I would do anything to help. I am going to go see some Veterans and give them my time and energy and have fun with them. Say thank you to any veteran you see, or when the veterans set out a stand by a building, go thank them. I would mostly go to a veterans home though. Imagine a world without out our soldiers now known as our veterans. The United States wouldn't even be a thing. We would not have a very free and peaceful life. We would have different lives and have no freedom of speech. They are so important for our lives and for our country. I am thankful for our veterans.

  22. Veteran's Day to me means remembering all of those who served and all of those who are serving. It is a day of gratitude and remembering their sacrifice. It is remembering all military members who put our safety in front of their own. Veteran's Day means a lot to me because my Uncle Tim and my grandpa were both in the Navy. To personally honor military members I can pray for them. In addition, if I see a military member I will go up to them and say, "Thank you for your service." If we didn't have armed services we would live in fear and be afraid that something like September 11th, 2001 would happen again. We wouldn't have any protection. Can you imagine that? I can't. I am truly thankful for all military members and will try to live like them each day-bravely and selflessly. These men and women are true heroes.

  23. Veteran's Day, though sometimes forgotten and unacknowledged, is one of the most important holidays we can celebrate. There are so many ways you can support and thank our veterans. My Aunt Hiya plays the drums in a band called "Brave Hearts" which is a fundraiser for veterans. Every time she sees a veteran, she shakes their hand and says "Thank you." When she does this, their faces just light up and they smile. It makes them feel appreciated and loved. I wish everyone would do this to our sometimes forgotten heroes. My Papa is a Korean War veteran and I need to remember that more often and thank him more for all he sacrificed. People in armed services give up so much for our freedom and safety. I can't even imagine living like that every day and putting your life on the line to save others. Everything our fighters do is so selfless and we should be more aware of what they do and thank them more.

  24. I think the meaning of Veterans day has been lost. It should be a day to remember those who served in the military and put their lives at risk to protect and defend our country. Instead, many view it simply as an extra day off or a good day to take advantage of all the Veterans day sales. I think a great way to honor our veterans and current military members is to thank them for their service. Whether it is attending a local parade to show support or thanking people you know who have served. It is also a good time to fly the American flag. It is sad to think a lot of the veterans who served are not remembered and their stories go untold. I think it would be great to visit with veterans especially those in the hospital or nursing home and talk to them about their experiences. So many of them don’t have people to talk to or visit them. This would be a great way to thank them and to learn more about the events that helped to shape our nation. I would imagine it would be hard to serve in the military today. ISIS has changed the way we fight wars. My uncle served in the military and does not talk about the fighting but about the friendships he formed, the training he received and the educational opportunities because of his service. I did not think of this. I thought about fighting and being away from family.

  25. I think that it was great to have the government pass a law too help remember all of those that died fighting wars to keep us safe. I m very grateful for all of those that had signed up to be in the military to help fight problems that we come across. I think that the military tactics have changed so much science the Vietnam war. not just using but making a plan to save more lives. Not only that but being away from your loved ones for half a year or sometimes more would be hard. Only getting to see their face through a camera. I think that they make the biggest sacrifice in America and we should always stand up for them.

  26. I think Veterans day is amazing. But, i agree with Alex that it has been lost. Like he said, many see it as an extra day off from school/work, or take advantage of the sales. But there is so much that is wonderful about veterans day. We can honor those who are and were in the military. If we see someone that has their uniform on, at say the mall, go up to them and say thank you even if you have never seen them in your life. I don't think many of us anymore realize what sacrifices they make for their family, themselves, and our country. Many of the military memebers and veterans need to know how much they are appreciated and how much they mean too us. But not many of us think about that very often or at all. Riley M's dad recently came home from being gone for like 7 months. I find it so amazing that he would want to give up so much. Riley and her three sisters and their mom did not see him for 7 MONTHS. I mean, I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have your dad around for 7 MONTHS. Like, WHAT?! That would be so hard and I'd probably cry every night because I missed him so much and praying he wouldn't die or get injured. When I was going home from school one day, Riley's dad and mom were there. My dad went up to him and told him welcome home, although he had never met me nor my dad, but we had seen him at church before. He gave my dad a weird look, but I could tell he apprieciated it. Actions like this help them know how apprieciated they are and how much we need them. My late grandpa was a WWII veteran and I am very proud to say that he was. He also gave up so much and although my mom wasn't alive when he was at war she understands the sacrifices he had to make. We all do. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be in the military. I could never do that because I have this extreme fear of dying and am afraid of just about anything. EXAMPLE: if I see a spider- I will scream. So I'd ABSOLUTLEY NEVER be able to do that. But i imagine that it is extremly difficult for all of them. Hoping they get through the day without dying or geting injured. Hoping they'll get to see their family soon or again. I imagine they are all scared every single day, wondering what will happen. Will anyone in my tent die, will I die? They have got to have so many questions, fears, and possibilities running through their heads. I can't even imagine what it would be like, and honestly I'm not sure I ever want to know.

  27. Veterans day is a day that is truly important unlike many days we take in America to honor things this one is important. For Veterans day this year my grandpa (who is a vet) will be here with us. I think no matter is we have people in our family or not who have served we ae all touched by someone who has. We should take the time to reach out to the important people in our lives who mean a lot top us and our country. Without these brave men and woman we wouldn't have the amazing country we live in today. WE should be so thankful for people who sacrifice themselves, their families, and their safety to service for us. Their while lives can be changed, even when they come back. I could never do something like that and I am so thankful for those who can.

  28. What are your thoughts on Veteran’s Day? What ways can you personally honor our veterans and current military members? What do you think life would be like in the armed services today?

    Veterans day is definitely one of the most important days in our country. Not all countries are free like we are. People think that you can just say your free and then you are, but it comes with big sacrifice and hardship. We should always thank a veteran if we see one. You don't have to make it a scene, but just genuinely say thank you and that will go a long way. A lot of people in my family were and are in the armed forces. My cousin is usually always away and this year we get to see him for Christmas. That shows how hard it is to see someone go away for a long time and how amazing it is to see them when they come back for the short time. I go with Brand to the Warhawk Air Museum and we volunteer. I didn't get to do the veterans day breakfast this year because I got sick but I still give respect to our veterans. Life as a member of the armed forces is not easy. They have to travel big distances and be away from loved ones, and at the same time, sometimes have their life put on the line. Some people work as engineers or service men, but they deserve the same amount of respect because it is them who put the pilots in the air or the captains on the ocean so everyone deserves great respect. We can all do this by saying a simple thank you to a veteran or an active member of the military.

  29. I think Veterans Day is very important. It tells the people who served or are serving are country that we appreciate it. I think that when we see people dressed in their battle uniforms that we should say thanks. We should also pray for them. I also think it would be fun to visit a Veterans home. We definitely underestimate how tough it is to be away from loved ones for months while never getting the opportunity to enjoy the things people normally get to do. This shows how true sacrifice is for these people. We need to admire them.

  30. I think Veteran's Day is great to honor those who have served America, are serving America, and those who died while serving. I think it is important to honor them but it is equally important to understand that the reason we honor them is because of war, violence, hate, and death. We should focus on their service, but also why there is a need for service in the first place. I think we could honor them by just listening to them. Most veterans, I think, are pretty proud of their service for America, so I think it would be great to just listen to their many stories of service. I think war today, and being in the military today, would be more complicated than it used to be because of all the technology. I also think that that makes war safer but also more deadly.

  31. I think Veterans Day is an amazing day that we are able to celebrate. I think going and spending time with the people who have served us is a great way to celebrate Veterans Day and then praying for the people who are still serving us and those who have died while serving. I think serving in the war today would be easier because there are more tools and better technology that would help you stay safer.

  32. I agree with Riley I think that Veterans day isoften overlooked. I think that a great way to honor those who serve for our country is prayer becuase even though we can't ensure that the people stay safe but having God on your side just makes you that much of a stronger fighter well the armed services have changed a lot and I think but I think that no matter what, the soldiers will always be some of the strongest people our world has.

  33. Veterans Day is a great holiday to remember people who have served out country. They risked their lives for us to keep us safe and it is only right we thank them for it. I feel like veterans day isn't taken as serious as it should. Veterans are why our country is safe and why it is the country it is today. We could do a little more to thank them. Whenever we see a veteran it would be appreciated by them if we say thank you and shake their hand.
    I think it would be scary and hard. Military members go through a lot of training before they go into battle. The military is also very formal and for me personally I like to joke around.

  34. Veterans Day is a great day to honor those who have fallen and those who still fight today. When we honor those who serve our country I feel like some of us are serious and some are not. The day of Veterans day is to be thankful that we have people who are willing to risk their lives for us. The little we can do is when we see someone in uniform is just say thank you. I think we need to do a better job saying thank you. The training's are intense because we must prepare for the worse. We must learn what to do when there is a situation. As the trainers are yelling at you, you might be thinking why are they so hurswh on us? They are hursh because they know you are capable on becoming a solider. It is like tough love. Being in the military means going to war, helping people out in disasters. Seeing your fella mate fall. Most of all being respectful to our country. There will be times when it is tough and hard. But we want all those who serve to know that we appreciate you, very much. There is one think I have to say to those who serve. Thank You very much for your courage.

  35. I think that Veteran's Day is a holiday that should be respected since it honors those who have served in a war. My Dad, Uncle Sean, Uncle Keith, Grandpa, and Great Grandfather are all veterans who fought in a war. My Dad was in the Iraq War, my Uncle Keith and Uncle Sean were in the First Gulf War, my Grandpa was in the Vietnam War, and My Great Grandfather was in World War I. I honor them by praying for them and reflect on how they fought for our country. Life today in the Military would be hard, stressful and scary because members are away from their family and work hard to serve our country.

  36. I think Veterans day is a great way to say thank you to those who have lost there lives or havev served. A good way to honor veterans is to say thank you when you see when and maybe visit them. I think that most people care about veterans day but not all people do. Living in armed services today would be very difficult. Being in armed services is hard on families because they can be gone for long periodes of time.

  37. I think Veterans day is an amazing day to recognize all the people who fight for our country and that it is sad it isn't all to recognized. It is so nice to see families reunited with fathers, mothers, sons, daughter, and so on. I have seen this through Riley and her Family. Her dad has recently come back and it was nice to see how happy the whole family was. I could never imagine what kind of hardships families go through waiting for the one they love to come back in one piece. I truly admire that.

  38. I think that veterans day is such a cool and amazing thing! I also think that it is very under thought about and appreciated for what it should be. Most people don't take the time to actually think about how lucky we are to be safe. Many people just think of it as a day off from school or work. In my life this Friday I think the best way I can honor a current military member is to honor riley. She has had to sacrifice a lot to have her father in the military. I will thank riley and give her a huge hug for everything that she has had to sacrifice. I think no matter what life in the armed forces today would be very difficult. I would miss my family very much and I would very nervous all the time. I honestly think that I would be selfish which is bad but I am speaking honestly.

  39. I have a few main thoughts on veterans day. Some of those main thoughts include that first off, we should honor everyone who has served or is currently serving in our military. I mean think about it, they are putting their life on the line for the protection of our country. The ones who serve, are missing their families in order to protect our country. When they get deployed, there is a chance they will never see their family again. It is a risk to be in the armed forces and we should always thank anyone who has served. I think that we need to honor our members of the armed forces more. I think that most people just enjoy the day off and I think that is sad. They should at least go and honor someone and thank them for their work. I think the meaning has just been going down hill after people are taking advantage of no work or school and I hope that one day that changes. We can honor people by simply saying a thank you or going to a veterans home and doing stuff with them to simply make their day better and so they feel appreciated. I think life would be very tough in the armed forces. First off, training is immensely hard for most people. After that, when you are deployed you are gone from your family and most other people you know. Yes, you can still communicate with them but you don't get to see them in the flesh until you come back which could be for many months to over a year. That would be very hard just to be in some strange place for that long. And you always have the risk of losing your life. I think it is a great thing to do, much harder and requiring much more work then something like community service. It helps our country and you will be honored. I hope that someday, all veterans will be honored and thanked more than what's going on today.

  40. Veterans Day is a day where we reflect and think about the people that have served our country that have gone before us. we also think about all the people that have served for our country that are still living today. Its a day to give back and say thanks. We cold visit where they stay and just talk to them because they don't get many visitors. I would never like to go into the military. I think the people that do this deserve more than what they get. Some of them sacrifice their life everyday which is amazing to hear. Those people that do that are great people that should be recognized more.

  41. To me, veterans day is a day to honor those people who have served in our military and those who are currently deployed. Personally I can pray for those who are currently deployed, and I can visit veterans and I can pray for their well being. Life in the military would be horrible on loved ones and friends, because you lose contact with them while your gone. Take Riley for example her dad was gone for 7 months, that's over half a year. That must have been really hard on her entire family.

  42. To me veterans day is a time to honor, respect and reflect on the sacrifices that the men and women in the armed forces have given for our country. Personally I can visit and show respect to veterans whenever I come across one I will express my thankfulness for their sacrifice. Life in the military today would definitely be tough, the military is a hard and strict place to live and survive in.


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