Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Jimmy V Week

“Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” 
                                Jimmy Valvano, 1993 – announcing the Jimmy V Foundation
November 30 - December 9 is Jimmy V week on ESPN.  You may not know who Jimmy Valvano was, but if you have had the misfortune of knowing someone afflicted with cancer, the odds are he and his life’s mission impacted your life. 

Jimmy Valvano was a successful basketball coach, commentator, and author.  He was a person of strong conviction and personal drive.  At an early age he pulled out white index cards and began to write down his personal goals for life.  He wanted to play high school and college basketball, he wanted to become an assistant coach, go on to become a head coach, cut down the nets in Madison Square Garden and win a National Championship.  At age 36, he was able to pull out those cards and cross off every item on the list.  Throughout his life he developed a personal philosophy which allowed an ordinary man to accomplish the extraordinary.  He was commented, “There are 86,400 seconds in a day.  It is up to you to decide what to do with them.”  Jimmy V chose to cherish and make the most of each one. 

After accomplishing his goals on the basketball court, he explored new directions from writing to commentating.  He was not interested in limiting himself to a single profession.  He embraced diversity in his life and his interests.

In 1993, Jimmy Valvano was given an obstacle that would prove to be his most difficult.  He was diagnosed with cancer.  The cancer proved to be too much for him to personally overcome, but through his vision and passion he has inspired and continues to inspire funding for education and research to cure cancer.  At the time of his diagnosis, cancer was an underfunded and devastating disease.  His charismatic and infectious attitude towards life and easy appeal to people made him an ideal person to raise the awareness of cancer and its impacts on our world and to raise arms to find a way to cure cancer.  While no cure has been found, through continued research many forms of treatment have been developed.  The Jimmy V Foundation has risen over $100 million in the past 20 years to fund cancer awareness and research. 

Jimmy V is an inspiring person.  His attitude towards life, even in the face of overwhelming obstacles is something to admire.   

Below is a video clip from the 1993 ESPY awards when he received the Arthur Ashe award for Courage.  During his speech he announces the Jimmy V Foundation.  This is a must see!!!

Below are the highlights from the 1983 National Championship.  It was one of the most exciting endings the tournament has ever seen.

What do you think of Jimmy Valvano, his life and his mission? If I gave you five index cards to write down your goals and dreams for your life, what would you write down?  


  1. Jimmy Valvano was a lighthearted, charismatic, courageous man. He inspired many people with his dedication and drive to achieve his goals. His life was an example to all about how to live life to the fullest and not waste a single second. He was also very selfless and started a mission to help raise awareness and research money for cancer. He was a natural leader and guided people to help the cause. Jimmy's inspiring actions and words will forever ring in our hearts and minds. If I had five index cards to write my goals on, I would say:
    Go to med school, become a cardio-thoracic surgeon, join Doctors Without Borders, have a family, and pay for and build a chain of shelters for the poor.

  2. Jimmy Valvano was a kind hearted and tenacious man. His mission was very noble and has impacted our world's cancer research and awareness greatly. Valvano is an inspiration and he touched the lives of those around him-- especially his players lives. His speech teaches us to never, ever give up, and I believe this was also part of his mission. If I had the five index cards to write down my goals and dreams for my life I would write down: get a master's in history, visit Egypt on an archeologist mission funded by National Geographic Magazines, write and publish articles for the National Geographic Magazines, renovate my family's farm in Louisiana, have a talk with the American government as a whole, and spend the rest of my life in retirement on my renovated farm surrounded by cats and dogs.

  3. Jimmy Valvano was a courageous, inspiring person. That is amazing that he accomplished his life goals by the time he was 36. I think it is great when famous people use their fame for something worthwhile, and this is such a great cause!! If I had to write down my hopes and dreams, I would say: go to medical school, travel all over Europe, have a family, watch the Lakers win at least 2 more Championships(it will happen!!) and live to see the first female president.

  4. Jimmy Valvano is incredible. His whole motto to live not just a great life, but more a full life. He is inspiration and it not just talk he shows his motto through his actions. His speech was unbelievable and he had cancer and he made it on stage. When he was on stage he didn't bring attention to his own self, but tried to help others.
    I want to be an architect. I think my index cards would say architecture a good college. I would also like to make a beautiful building. I would always like to help other more.

  5. Jimmy Valvano is an extremely inspiring person, I've heard of him but not for his coaching but for his incredible determination and thoughtfulness. When I watched his ESPY speech, it really showed me that he knew he had cancer and he knew it might take his life. It also shows that he cares so much about every second of everyday and he wanted to make each day a great one. He was a determined and very driven person. Jimmy Valvano wanted the best for not only himself, but for others.
    If I had to write down my hopes and dreams they would be...
    Become a pilot,join the Air Force, run a family museum, have a family, live a long and happy life full of laughter and joy.

  6. I think that Jimmy Valvano was truly a man that loved to inspire. He was a forward thinker with how he always wanted to improve future events, for himself, or others. He showed that he cared about everything and was so courageous that he received an award. He made it count with everything which was all anyone should ever want to do. It is a way to ensure the best days that then transfer to the best weeks and years. Mr. Grant even has a tie that he wears that is a sign that jimmy lives on. He valued the important stuff like getting his message out. In his EPSY speech, he waves off the time limit and the people telling him to hurry just so he could make his point that he knew was important. He knew what to value and how to do so. If i had to write my goals on a notecard they would probably be to play high school, then college lacrosse, be able to support my family in the future, to be sound of mind, and to have a life full of laughs.

  7. I think that Jimmy Valvano was a truly inspiring person. I truly aspire to become a person with such a positive attitude and a love for life. Watching his speech taught me to cherish everyday like it will be my last. This is a very important aspect of what Jimmy Valvano believed. If I were given 5 cards to write down my five goals in life, they would say: get into Stanford 's medical program, have a family, play high school soccer, life life to the fullest, and to smile and laugh a lot everyday.


  8. I think Jimmy Valvano was and still is an inspiration to people. His speech at the ESPY Awards is as important today as when he first gave it. Even though he had cancer, his cancer did not define him. For me that is the most important lesson he taught us. I have known a few people with cancer and I remember their most common compliant was that others did not see them as a person they became the cancer instead of a person with cancer. His life reminds us that if we work hard and stay focused we can achieve our goals but just as important is that it does not matter what happens in life (illness, failure, success) life is meant to be lived to its fullest and with joy. If I were to write down my goals my long term goal would be to become a doctor and help people. Ultimately, I want to have a profession that makes me excited to go to work every day and allows me to give back to my community. While working towards that goal I would want to travel, go to a super bowl (even better would be if the Denver Broncos were in it), and play football with Odell Beckham Jr.

  9. I think that Jimmy Valvano was an inspiration to everybody that has been lucky enough to here or see what he was able to do during his life. When some people think of Jimmy V they thin oh the sports guy that had cancer, but when I here Jimmy V I think of a man who gave his life to his passion and I will always think that if I can live my life like that then their is a meaning to trying your best and following your dreams. If I had 5 note card I would put: Get a college scholarship, swim at a division I college, make Olympic Trials, get a job that I will enjoy, make the best of my life.

  10. Jimmy Valvano is a real inspiration because he was able to turn an obstacle in his life into such a passion and make people insired by his life story. If you gave me five index cards my goals would be to go on a service trip, get into my first choice of colleges with some sort of scholorship in academics, then to graduate and get a good job,travel,and have a family

  11. I personally think Jimmy Valvano was a great inspiration for all people and still is to this day. H was able to reach his goals in life and make every second count. He was even able to more than what eh had wanted in life. He demonstrates that no matter what your dream or how far away it seems it can be accomplished with dedication and hard work. If I were given five index cards to write my goals on they would be: Get onto a high school soccer team and stick with the sport, improve my drawing skills to a professional level, get accepted into a graphic design or architecture school, graduate college, and to let my name be known in graphic design or design buildings.

  12. I just now heard of this man named Jimmy Valvano, so I don't remember him. I have seen that tournament game but never him. He sounds like a truly inspirational person. We are so lucky to have so many influential people, the pope, Martin Luther King Jr., Jimmy Valvano etc. He obviously was a very important and a very memorable coach. He is so unique and kind, starting and giving to the Jimmy V foundation for cancer. He is always thinking of others and so for my "five index cards" I would choose many things. I would like to help the poor, help the sick, hard worker, athletic and inspirational. If I could do these things I would be happy with myself and I hope I would make the world a better place. R.I.P. Jimmy V.

  13. Jimmy Valvano sounds like a very great man with a great purpose of for his life. We competed his life goals by the time he was 36 and later diagnosed with cancer and because of his diagnosis started a foundation called the Jimmy V foundation. It gave money to help with cancer research. Jimmy V is a inspiration for all of us and has done many great things. If I got five index cards and had to worse down the five things that I would want to do in my life is to got to college for business and take over my dads business, I would like to play high school and college basketball, I would like to have a family and be able to support one, and I would like to be able to make a lot of money and be able to live in my dream place.

  14. Jimmy Valvano was a courageous person with a heart full of gold. His dedication to his goals and work ethic to pursue them is inspiring. His life is a great example of the phrase, "Life is to short, so we should live everyday as if its our last". He was a leader that was caring and loved to help others through the foundations that he created and his actions. If I had five index cards to write my goals on I would say:
    Get into a good college and work in business or go to medical school, travel around the world, have a family, be happy, and live life to the fullest.

  15. Jimmy Valvano was an amazing person. He was so inspiring and was so very brave. He fought through his battle, telling himself that no matter how much time he had left, to live his life to the fullest. Live it as if every day is your last. He said don't give up, don't ever give up. He cared about others and had a great heart. He was such a kind and loving person. My five goals would be: live life to the fullest; have a family; do what I love; be happy; don't give up. I know that was five but I'd also say to not be afraid to let new people into my life. I think that is something that all of us should know.

  16. Jimmy Valvano was an inspiring person. He completed his life goals by 36, thats amazing. He put in all the effort in the world to reach those goals, and reached them. He reached these goals then found out he had cancer, that would be devastating to find out. He never quit, he fought through the cancer showing others he could do anything. If i had five index cards, and had to write goals on them, those goals would be: go and play high school lacrosse, go to Duke and play lacrosse, get a teaching degree, be a high school lacrosse coach, support my own family.

  17. Jimmy Valvano was not just an inspiring person, but an example to us all that you can find the positive in everything and you can achieve anything you put your mind to. He truly had perseverance and made the most out of life. If I were given five index cards to write my goals on, those goals would be: 1)get accepted to the Boise Philharmonic Youth Orchestra in high school, 2)go to Julliard on a scholarship for flute and cello, 3)get a degree in music education, 4)be a professional musician, and live on a ranch with my family.

  18. I feel like if I were to sum up Jimmy Valvano's life in a phrase, it would be, "You only live once". You can take away a lot of things from that saying and act on how you feel about that phrase, but I think that Jimmy V is a role model when it comes to living life to the fullest. 5 index cards: Travel and Use that experience to understand the world better, Help people either by leading, teaching, or in law, Use the gifts I was born with and into to help people, and make people laugh a lot on a daily basis. I think Jimmy V brought inspiration into a world that really needs it.

  19. I think that Jimmy Valvano's life and mission is amazing and inspirational. this man spent his entire life doing what he wanted and helping other people be happy. his story is very inspirational and his life should be a prime example of what we should be like. If a where to write down 5 things I would want to accomplish in my life it would be, Get married, write and release a music album, have a nice car, do one of those insane wing challenges with the super spicy wings, and be fluent in a foreign language.

  20. Jimmy Valvanos is very inspiring and a very motivational speaker. His goals in life are amazing and how got their. If I had and Index card my five goals in life are to go somewhere for college basketball,play as a freshman, become an engineer, raise a family, and to succeed in life.

  21. Jimmy Valvano is a true inspiration to everybody. His goals in life were incredible and did amazing things for people like the Jimmy V foundation. His mission in life was just to live life to the fullest and help people. If I had 5 index cards, my goals would be to get married, travel around the world, be an architect when I grow up, to help people out and make some kind of foundation, and to live in a nice house.

  22. Jimmy Valvano is a great example for everyone. He is an inspiring and incredible person. If I had five index cards and had to write down my goals I would write, go to a good college, get good grades, become a pediatric oncologist or work in pediatric oncology, have a family, and live in southern california.

  23. Jimmy Valvano is courageous. He had an amazing, fulfilling life, affected so many people's lives in a positive way, and overall made the world a better place for 90% of his life. That last 10%, was met with fatal cancer, and the fact that he had the courage to go on with his life as normal and to even work hard and establish the V Foundation, is remarkable at the least. Given a life-ending disease, most people would bail from normal life and sink into hopelesness. If I had 5 note cards I would write down the following: Receive a Master's degree in college in something that I greatly enjoy, Become a professional soccer player and be able to play at the top level, be a philantrophist and start my own foundation for feeding America's hungry, make every person I meet's life better in some way, and be able to have a family and pass on the things I will have learned about life to the next generation.

  24. Jimmy Valvano a person with a beautiful outlook on life did something many other people don't get to do, reach gaols. He had he inspiration in his life to do what he loved so that he could finish what he wanted to do in his life. No matter what he set his mind he could do because of his strong work ethic. I think that we should all strive to life our lives like he does. Although we may not accomplish quite the things he did but we should at least do what we love in an amazing way, we may not be remembered but its our own minds that count. If you have me 5 note cards the following would goals woud be on them:
    1. That my parents are proud of what I do
    2. That I get to raise my children in the atmostshepere that I am so blessed to be raised in
    3. To make it to Nationals next year
    4. That I keep the most important people in my life close to me throughout the years
    5. That I grow up to be as motivated, fun-loving and inspiring as my sister. That I can touch somebody even a fraction of theway she has touched me.

  25. Jimmy Valvano is, in my opinion, the most dedicated, caring, and loving ever. He has inspired millions upon millions of people and is still inspiring people after his death. He was so dedicated by a very young age he could check everything he wanted to do in his life. One thing I find amazing was that he, while on his death bed, started a foundation and made a speech. To me, that is pure determination. If I was given five index cards and I was told to write down my life goals on each of them, I would write down; become a well known robotics engineer, go to a collage with the best engineering program, have a family, and live life to its fullest.

  26. I think Jimmy Valvano is a truly inspiring person. He reached his goals by the age of 36. That is truly amazing! If I had five index cards I would put down become a marine biologist, start a family, live to see the first female president, go to college, and travel around the world.

  27. He was an incredible person and if he didn't get cancer he would have done many more amazing things. he never gave up and never stopped believing. If I had 5 note cards I would write down: I would like to get a job that I enjoy and be able to find myself doing for the rest of my life. I want to Run the New York Marathon with my mom. I want to become successful and be able to have a family. I want to be an all around good person to everyone.

  28. Jimmy Valvano was a great person with a great humor. He was amazing. He has shown us that if you right down things on a note card and try to do every thing that is listed is possible to finish. He worked hard to be able to cross the items off of his list. When he was diagnosed with cancer he didn't feel sorry for himself. He didn't give up on life. But he fought it. He fought every day of his life to win. But his cancer got the better of him. If I had five note cards I would write down the fallowing: Get a lacrosse scholar ship, get a degree in nursing, Be on the USA team for Lacrosse women's, Found a way to get rid of Invasive species in Idaho, and find a cure to Cancer.

  29. I think Jimmy Valvano is a person to look up to and respect. He was a man of great respect when he was still alive and he showed that in his speech at the espys in 1993. He did somethong that very few people get to do in their life is acheive all of his goals. He was well respected by others because even when he had cancer he brought to everyone's that cancer was going to kill many people that year and he wanted people to make it one of their to priorities.
    1. That my family and peers to be proud of what accomplish
    2. Be able to raise a family in a better evironment then I live in know.
    3. To do something helpful in my life
    4. that i notice and help those people in need.
    5. To motivate others like Jimmy V did.

  30. Jimmy Valvano was an amazing role model and someone that I will now look up to everyday. He will help me to remember that we never know what will be thrown at us in our paths and that our whole life may change in the blink of an eye so we need to live life to the fullest. I am very supportive of his mission and think that it will help many in the future and even today. When he explained his mission, it was very heartfelt and made me want to donate to his cause and maybe help shift someone's entire life. If I were given five index card and asked to write down what I would like to accomplish in my life I would write down that I want to run cross country or track in high school and college, have a degree in psychology, go on a mission, have a family, and live every moment of my life to the fullest and with laughter.

  31. Jimmy Valvano is an inspiration for all of us. He has showed the whole world that cancer can't stop him and that nothing ever can. He taught us to always take time each day to enjoy every moment because you never know what will happen next in your life. He is such a great role model to all of us and he is definitely what the world needs today. We all need to be thankful for all of the great opportunities we get in life and for all that we get to do. We get to spend time with our friends and family and we all get the chance to fully live a great life. Cancer can slow anyone down physically, but cancer can't slow anyone down mentally if you believe. If I had five index cards for goals, I would write: 1. Live life to the fullest with my friends and family. 2. Never have regrets on what I could've done better and to think about what I did that was good. 3. Make the world a better place. 4. Be someone that others look up to by being a role model who always tried to lift others up. 5. Enjoy every second of every day because you don't know what the future holds.

  32. Jimmy Valvano was a true inspiration. He fought through cancer and never gave up. He teaches us to never give up even in the toughest of times. If I had to write down my five goals they would be.
    1. Raise a wonderful family
    2. Go to Notre Dame
    3. To inspire others
    4. To make good decisions
    5. To be successful with whatever job I have

  33. Jimmy Valvano was really inspiring especially the quotes he said I try to live up to these quotes today. How he made that foundation for cancer, and he is trying to fight for cancer is truly amazing. How far the foundation has went to being $100 million that is also amazing. He is a role model to me and makes me want to live life to the fullest. If I were to put goals or dreams on a index card it would be to be college soccer play, go to a good college, after college get a good job, help out the poor as much as I can, and live life to be happy and joyful (:

  34. Jimmy Valvano is a role model and and inspiration. His quotes and all that he accomplished in his life make me realize that there are many things I want to do in my life. He also changed so many other peoples lives by his mission of spreading the awareness of cancer and raising money. He had a struggle in his life and instead of making it keep him down he turned it into something that would live on past him. On my five index cards I would put have positive impact on someones life every day, change a life, learn and become closer to God, have a family and teach them what I know so they can be smarter than me, and to love every minute of my life and all my experiences and be able to see how they have changed me.

  35. I think that Jimmy Valvano was an inspiration and kind man who had quotes. He was a role model for everyone and had great words from his mouth. If I was given 5 index cards, I'd put down:
    1. Fix my missing work problem.
    2. Go to Boise State University.
    3. Become an engineer.
    4. Become and advanced cello and guitar player.
    5. Have a happy and kind family.

  36. Jummy Valvano was inspiring,a role model, and a kindhearted man. A man that I truly look up to he went through the excruciating process of cancer and as a result became enlightened, wanting to help others in a similar condition.
    My goals are as follows;
    1. make a lot of money
    2. raise good kids
    3. marry a cool wife
    4. put out something people will remember me by into the world
    5. provide love and support to those I love

  37. I think that Jimmy V is an amazing man and should be someone we look to be like. I really like him and it isn't just because he was an outstanding basketball couch. People like Jimmy V should be the ones that are "worshipped" not the kardashians. When we talk about a role model it should be some like Jimmy V. The first time that I had ever heard anything about him was when my dad forced me to watch the 30 for 30 on him. At first I was very closed minded in that I didn't want to listen to what the true message was of his life. After I watched the 30 for 30 I went more in depth researching him and his team.
    1. Never give up and work hard
    2. Make an impact on every person I meet
    3. Always value morals
    4. Have good relationships with my friends and family
    5. Raise a family who will have their own hopes and dreams

  38. I think Jimmy Valvano was a very brave and inspiring man that always looked on the positive outlooks of life. I think he was a glass half full kind of person that kept things light hearted. All of the money he put into cancer research while he was going through it himself shows a lot of selflessness. Everything he has done is still an inspiration.
    1. Plastic Surgeon
    2. Living somewhere in Southern California
    3. Continued on to be on volleyball teams past high school
    4. Has traveled to exotic and wonderful places around the world
    5. Had a successful family with children

  39. Wow that was inspiring. He sounded like brave man with big dreams to be a good person.He seemed to always see the good in people not the bad. player in orofino
    3.have a family
    4.go to college
    5. be a good christan

  40. I think his life and mission was amazing. The way he wrote down his goals on cards and was able to do all of them was amazing. That just shows how he was dedicated to his his life and how he really strived toward reaching his goals. If i had five note cards to write down my five big goals in life I would choose to write…
    Play tennis is college and high school
    Be able to support my parents when they are retired
    Have a relaxing life, while still working very hard
    Always have a little laugh in each day
    Stay positive no matter what


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