Sunday, January 9, 2011

2010 - Year in Review

As the New Year begins, I like to take a look back at the past year to recall the triumphs and tragedies that shaped our live and dominated our media.


We began the year with one of the greatest and most tragic natural disasters in recent memory.  The small and poor country of Haiti was struck with a 7.0 earthquake.  The Haiti government stated the quake killed 230,000, injured 300,000 and left close to 1,000,000 homeless.  Relief efforts came from all across the world.

The 2010 Olympics provided the world with the chance to learn about the personal triumphs and stories of athletes from around the globe.  When all was said and done, the United States won the most medals with 37.  Additionally we were given the privilege of becoming familiar, either again or for the first time, with now the household names of Shaun White, Lindsey Vonn, Bode Miller, and Apolo Anton Ohno.

February witnessed its second natural disaster in as many months.  Chile suffered from a major earthquake and minor aftershocks spread throughout the country.  While its devastation was not as great as Haiti, it would wreak havoc on the country which will develop into a story later in the year.


The I-pad and the next generation I-phone were introduced in April.  The world anxiously awaits the yearly announcement from Apple to find out what is next in the way of technological gadgets that will revolutionize the way we interact with music and other media.


May introduced the gulf oil spill.  We became aware of the potential disastrous consequences of drilling for oil in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.  The oil wrecked the fishing, tourism and shrimping industries in the Gulf States.  Clean up efforts continue.  Believe it or not,it is very difficult to get oil out of water.


World Cup fever captured the nation.  Many Americans were forced to watch the games with the volume off due to the vuvuzelas.  The traditional South African horn deafened those in attendance and wore down the patience of audiences.  The United States made it past the preliminary round, but continued to disappoint fans by not reaching their potential.


LeBron James dominated the media with his free agency decision.  After allowing himself to be courted by a number of NBA teams, during his prime time decision is chose to leave Cleveland and join Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami. 


The tenth month provided inspiration and astonishment as we watched 33 men be reunited with the world after spending more than two months trapped in a Chilean mine.  The personal and collective stories of their survival provided countless hours of enjoyable news.


Mid-term elections were great for the Republican and bad for the Democrats.  After more than a year of a lackluster economy and other questionable political decisions, the country chose to revamp the House of Representatives with new Republican congressmen.

What do remember most from 2010?  How do you think 2010 will be remembered in history?  How do you think 2011 will be?  What would need to happen for you to consider 2011 a huge success?


  1. The thing I remember most about 2010 was the miners coming up. I think 2010 will be remembered in history as when tensions in the middle east rose and the republicans took over senate. I think 2011 will be a good year, altough we already had a bad start with the shooting in Arizona. And in order to make 2011 a success would be to end the Iraq war.

  2. Jenna: what i remember the most from 2010 was the oil spill. i think that 2010 will be remembered in history as one of the most destructive years as far as i know..... i think 2011 will be pretty good. i say that things start bad and then gradually get better (i hope) in order to make 2011 a success for me would be by hopefully telling us that 2012 is NOT the end!!!!

  3. The thing I think i will remember the best from 2010 was Butler upsetting the whole country and going to the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! They should have one that game, but thats how it goes, the little guys never win, they have no luck. I mean jeez u couldnt have drawn that final play up any better for Butler, get the ball to Gordon Heyward[the best college bball player last ur and let him take it. Great shot just didnt fall happened to be one of his only misses that game. NOW THATS BAD LUCK!!! I will also always remeber that loss in Reno.... Heartbreaking.It will be known as the very dramatic year for a lot of reasons The whole Chilan miners deal, The New Orleans Saints rebounding from Katrina and winning the SUPER BOWL with the onside kick to open the second half. Oh also the whole Micheal Jackson thing. Terrible.For 2011 to be a success for me Boise State has to win the National Title and the Baltimore Ravens need to be SUPER BOWL CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anna M - The things i will remember most in 2010 from sports would be the Tiger Woods scandal. Also Jeret "Speedy" Peterson from Boise, getting silver as an aerialist. In the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. In world history the earth quake in Haiti. I think 2010 will be remembered by another year of a bad economy. With unemployment rate of almost 10%. In 2011 i think the economy will get either worse or a lot better. Something that would be very significant for me in 2011 would be flying cars. Or the economy getting a lot better.

  5. Bella-
    Something I will remember in 2010 is the earthquake in Haiti, also I will remember the 33 Chilean minners getting stuck in the mine.One thing that will stick with me for forever is when Boise State's kicker, Brotzeman missed the field goal to Reno that cost us the Rose Bowl.That was super depressing. 2010 will be remembered as a very crazy year, with all that has happened. Hopefully, 2011 will be a fantastic year. It didn't start well with the shootings in Arizona. This year it would be pretty awesome to see the economy turn around, see the United States get out of war in Iraq, and also Boise State winning the National Title with Kellen Moore winning the Heisman Trophey.

  6. LAURENNNNNNNNNNNN-The thing I most remember from 2010 is the oil spill and how it affected our lives. It killed many fish. Fishermen ORRRRR fisherwomen lost their jobs so they weren't able to support their family for some time. The other thing i remember from 2010 is when the Chilean miners got stuck underground while working. That was hard for their families to go through. They didn't know if they would ever see their husband or father again. It was really cool how countries got together to help get the miners out safely. I was really happy when I figured out they were rescued. That was a heroic moment for the people who saved them. 2010 will always be remembered as a tragic year. Some things that happened weren't good for our country and some things were good. I think 2011 will be a good year. I think many things will contribute to 2011 being a good year or not. I hope the economy gets better and hopefully it won't be another recession.

  7. Aaron- I remember, when butler was so close to winning the national championship. I remember the celtics getting bad calls in game 7 of the NBA finals. I remember watching the World Cup and yelling after Landen Donovan scored that goal. Being a mixed emotion year. For all my Boston teams to do wetland we win Hallissey and Penelton. Go Braves and Knights! Asaro out!

  8. Jilly- I think what I will remember most from 2010 would be the soccer world cup because I watched a lot of it. I will also remember the olympics because they interested me and I was amazed at what so many incredible athletes can accomplish when they have a goal. I think 2010 will be remembered as a great year because of many reasons one of the main reasons is when the Chilian miners were rescued this will be remembered because of how incredible the fact that they survived for so long and then that they were able to be pulled out of such a small tunnel/hole. I think 2011 will be a good year and we will accomplish many things from personal level things to accomplishing things in the national government. For 2011 to be a huge success would be that the economy improves and the jobless and homeless rate decreases. I think it would also make a great year if we could end the war and make peace with more countries that we might currently disagree with so they do not attack or try to harm us (USA).

  9. Noah R- The event in 2010 I will remember most is my family disaster. I feel 2010 will be remembered as a time of violence and uncertainty with many left homeless and unemployed. 2011 should be great though. If the forces of good and evil balance out, I'll Win the $150 million lottery.

  10. jared- i remember the oil spill in 2010.i think 2010 will be remembered in the future because there has been some things that went down in history in 2010.i think 2011 will be a really good year for some odd reason but like some people said the shooting in Arizonan wasn't a good start to the year. to make 2011 a huge year we need to end the war

  11. Grant- I remember a lot of things from 2010. The oil spill, Haiti earthquake, Olympics, Chilean miners and World Cup were all very memorable events. I think that if people in the future look back at 2010 they will find that it was a pretty interesting year. I think that 2011 will be a good year even though it got off to a bad note with the shootings in Arizona. 2011 will be a good year if the economy and unemployment gets better, the Packers win the Super Bowl and there aren't as many huge natural disasters as in 2010

  12. Bailey aka Stud- i remember the two OT thrillers for hockey. The first when Crosby scoed on Ryan Miller to win the Olympics and when Patrick Kane scored on Leighton to win the Stanley Cup. I think for sports fans it will be James going to the Heat. For others it will be the miners and the oil spill. I think 2011 will have its shockers again and another great year for most people. For 2011 to be a success for me I must continue to get better at hockey and keep improving my grades. The Red wings must win the Stanley Cup to.

  13. Karina- In 2010, the things i remember were the oil spill,the Chilean miners,and the world cup soccer. I got pretty into the world cup soccer, and i remember in science class we would watch the Chilean miners get untrapped from the mine and be freed to their families. I think 2010 will be remembered as a year where lots of interesting events happened! Hopefully 2011 will be a great year with lots of memories. It hasn't started out too great with the Arizona shootings but hopefully things will get better. For 2011 to be a huge success, the economy needs to improve and the war needs to end.

  14. Kristen- In 2010, I remember the oil spill, the Olympics, world cup, the Chilean miners getting stuck, and the earthquake in Haiti. I think 2010 will be remembered as disastrous because of the oil spill and the earthquake in Haiti. I think 2011 will be a great year, but it started out on a bad note with the shooting in Arizona. For 2011 to be a great year, the economy needs to improve and I need to win my races in cross country and track.

  15. david- What i remember most from 2010 is summer break because of all of its fun and relaxation. I think 2010 will be remebered as a year of sadness for boise, state fans and for the contry when all of those major accidents happened but also as a time of happiness because it showed we could all come together to make a difference. so far 2011 kind of took a turn for the worse when there was a shooting in Arizona. But it should become a better year. I think for it to be a sucess we should try to help rebuild haiti more.

  16. this is caucasian, or blackey... pretty much anything but whitey A.K.A. Conner - the things that stick out the most to me in the year of 2010 are the things like the terrible earthquake in Haiti that left many hopeless and alone, the Chilean miners getting stuck... having to savor every luxery until they're released back into the real world, and yet another oil spill killing many innocent animals who yet again have to pay for our mistakes. after just some of these horrible happenings i also can't count out the incredible and awe inspiring events that re-shaped our sporting world/work world as we know it. from the world cup to the recent bowl games (BCS excluded of coarse) it was a memorable year. 2010 will be remembered as the year of the ups and downs... because there were both great achievments and tragic accidents. 2011 of course has not started out as planned, but i think more records will be challenged and broken and great/bad happenings in it. for me at least 1 or 2 of my most liked sports teams will have to do good, because last year wasn't didn't go so well with the acception of the San Francisco Giants. chocolate thunda is over and out for the semester.

  17. Parker Toney- The thing I remember most is the winter olympics. I think thats what 2010 will be remembered for.

  18. Francesca- what i remember most from 2010 is the big earthquak in Haidi! I think that 2010 will be remembered because so many tragic things happend and it was a tough year. I hope that 2011 will be better...for it to be a better year i think that the economy is one of the main things that need to get better, even though 2011 didnt start out so great with the shooting, i think everybody hopes that it will get better.

  19. Mary!!

    What I remember most from 2010 is the Haiti earthquake, the Winter Olympics, and the World Cup. I think what history will rememeber about 2010 is the Haiti Earthquake. It shocked the world and devestated millions. I hope 2011 will be a better year with less disasters. Hopefully in 2011 the economy problems will be mostly over, that would be a huge success.

  20. Patrick Oster: I remeber when North Korea attacked a South Korean island and hundreds of people were killed. Theres another reason why North Korea is STUPID!! 2010 will be remembered because it was a horrible year for the economy. I hope that 2011 will be better for the economy. If we reapel the Obamacare and that we reduce our spending. Also if China became non- comminuism.

  21. ~Emily T~
    The things that I remember most from 2010, was the BP oil spill, and the Olympics, and of course the devastating Haiti earthquake. 2010 held good memories and some bad ones(The earthquake)I think that 2010 will be remembered for the Chilian miners coming up and the Earthquake and the Winter Olympics! 2011 would be a good year if we could end the war in Iraq and also if we could get our economy back and running.But over all, I think that 2011 will be a very fun year!!!
    ~Emily T.~

  22. The things that I most remembered in 2010 was 33 men getting resuced and Ipad and Iphone 4 coming out. I think 2010 wont be remembered as the best year becuase of all the unemployment.For 2011 to be better the economy needs to improve.

  23. Scott- The biggest thing for me in 2010 was obviously the World Cup. The big things that happened to me weren't good. I left East where I as bullied and arrived at a school where it isn't much better. For 2011 to be an improvement will require a miracle because right now my life is not fun at all.

  24. Ben R.
    I remember the World Cup the most from 2010.I think that this year will be remembered as the year full of earthquakes and destruction as well as joy because the Chilean miners were saved and the World Cup was very exciting.I think that 2011 will be awesome and for it to be a huge success we need to
    have people successfully live on Mars for a year or two.

  25. the italian stallion A.K.A. Sam - 2010 was a fantastic year, the miners in Chilly and the oolympics..... 2011 is going to be awesome because i am going to get out of stjoes. for me to become the 2nd black pres

  26. Gonzo- The thing that I remember most about 2010 is the Gulf Spill and the World Cup. I vividly remember all of the penalties in the world cup final that the Netherlands committed against Spain. The karate kick, and all of the rest were quite gruesome. I think that 2010 will be remembered for the awesome display of soccer that was shown in the world cup and for the great tragidies that happened, like the earthquake in Haiti and the mining disaster. I think that 2011 will be extraordinary. I think for it to be a huge success the time machine that was recently created has to be successful. It is like a giant telescope that is sent into space and then looks out farther into space to watch the waves from the big bang theory and everything afterwards as it travels farther out into space. If this works. We will be ablo to see everything that happened in the past and the world of science will be absolutely incredible. All in all, I am looking forward to another astounding year.

  27. Joseph- I really like the Chilian miners would be remembered in history, and the soccer World cup! the olympics and school stuff. I hope that 2011 will be awesome because it just started. i dont know what would make it a great success maybe getting out of middle school. or some space amazing thing or new weapon in war something around those lines

  28. Taylor-
    I will remember all the good memories that I made during the summer including going to Jamaica which was a highlight of my summer. Although I broke my foot 2DAYS before going I still had a fun time playing in the pool, riding horses in the ocean and getting wheeled around in a wheel chair all against doctors orders... I still had to get stopped at every security check point but it was ok. 2010 could be remembered as the year of many natural disasters or of some accomplishes we have made.2011 should be 10 times better than any year so far but the future is the future and we don't know what will happen.Something that would happen that would be a success would not to break any bones this year. That would be good for me.

  29. Madeline- In 2010, as we all know, a HUGE oil spill happened off the Louisiana coast. It hurt the environment there horribly. I vividly remember hearing about it for the first time on the morning news, and wondering if it would be a big problem. Also, there was the miners in Chile. That was an amazing story, as it went from being a seemingly hopeless case to an outstanding rescue. 2010 was a year that could have been better, but we must remember that it could have been worse too. I think it will be remembered as a year that brought about both horrible disasters and wonderful accomplishments. 2011 is so far looking bright, but I cannot see the future and so 2011 can be whatever we make it. If we want it to be a good one, I would recommend the economy getting better, along with the war ending.

  30. Tim: In 2010 I think I remember the dramatic rescue of the Chilean miners. This was amazing because usually the miners would have died. Overall I think only a couple of events from 2010 will be remembered( rescue of miners, oil spill, and the i pad/I phone 4) but all in all 2010 will be remembered very well. I think 2011 will be an exciting year because I graduate from St Joes... and well I just feel that something great is going to happen this year!!!!!!!!! What would need to happen for 2011 to be a huge success is pulling the troops out of Afghanistan a little early and the time machine thing that Sam G mentioned being a success and actually working.

  31. Peyton- The thing i most remember about 2010 is the LeBron James. I remember this because my favorite bball team's the Cavaliers. I think that it will be remembered as a tragic year because of all the tragadies that happened this year. i think 2011 will be a lot better year for us. I need to have my driver's training almost completed to think of 2011 to be a success.

  32. ~ MeGaN~
    The thing I remembered most about 2010 is the miners coming up. I think that 2010 will be remembered as a tragic year because of all the horrible events that happened throughout the year. I think that 2011 will end up being a lot better year. I think for 2011 to end up being a success is for me is pretty much anything. For the economy to get better would definitely be a high light if it happened over the year

  33. Rich-What I remember the most was the Word Cup. Before the World Cup I was not a big soccer fan, but when the United States started playing I loved watching it. I watched every game and went crazy when Landon Donovan made the goal in the last minute to advance them. What made 2010 memorable was all the disasters such as the eartquake in Haiti, the oil spill, and the Chilean miners. I think 2011 will be very exciting in sporting events with the Jazz winning the NBA Finals and Seahawks winning the Super Bowl. We will have to make 2011 a huge sucsess by Boise State winning the BCS National Championship.

  34. The Freelance Pianist - For me, what I will miss the most in this year will definitely be summertime. During said summer I began to discover God in my life and actively involved Him everyday. Because of that I began to change my life for the better and I believe that I have become a better person as a result. I'm not saying the Haiti and Chile incident weren't impactful in my life, I was very moved by those events. However I felt like being original, so yeah. History will probably remember the oil spill, Haiti disaster, and the Chilean miners incident the most because they show the impact humanity can have when we work together. Even though 2011 started out bad, something bad always happens, and it's not really a matter of telling when or where they happen, it's more of a matter of deciding to react appropriately. So for 2011 to be a success for me, I would greatly enjoy being able to take every situation, good or bad, and react in an exemplary fashion, learn all that I can from it, and walk away a better person. Oh, and doing awesome in all of my studies would be great too.

    P.S. Haha I have a cat for my profile pic. I wonder who put THAT there......

  35. Ben S.- The one thing that i will remember most about 2010 is the Chilean minors that had the mine collaps on them. Fortunatly, there was a safety shaft that protected them all from being crushed. The trgedy with the Cilean minors showed me the grace of God and how the chance of surviving on your own is a lot less than surviving in a group. God was with all of them. 2010 will be remembered in history because of its tragedys, some of its happy endings, its success, but because of all the tragedys we learn about how we can come together and make the world a great place and let people know that we are there for them. 2011 will be a great year because we are comming out with new technology and we are learning from our mistakes we have done in the past. to make 2011 be a great success we need to help out the people in need for instance haiti. And we need to start comming up with new inventions that will help us out with everything that is going on in the world.

  36. Nora- 2010 was a pretty turbulent year. There were plenty of ups and downs to it, especially, it seems, downs. Like many people, I will remember the Haiti earthquake, and how it tore apart many lives, and how much help was offered. It goes to show that people are truly caring and compassionate at heart. I believe that 2011 will bring more of the same ups and downs, and hopefully process on the cures and preventions of so far considered incurable diseases. Not a lot would have to happen for me to consider 2011 a huge success, maybe improving my Math skills, ending the epoch of attending St. Joe's well, and beginning the new school year at either North or BK well.

  37. Anna K- I remember when the miners came up in Chile. It was really exciting to see all of them alive and with their families again. I also remember the oil spill and what a tragedy it was. I'm not sure what 2010 will be remembered for- perhaps the new health care plan. I am hoping 2011 will be an awesome year and I am so looking forward to it. To be a really good year I hope we can end the war in Iraq, I ran and Pakistan and I hope our troops come home:)

  38. Abby- i posted on this blog but dont see it. you were there when i posted on it to.....:(


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