Sunday, January 23, 2011

State of the Union

On Tuesday, January 25, 2011, President Barrack Obama will deliver the annual State of the Union address to a joint congressional session and millions of viewers across the country.  The State of the Union has evolved since the dawn of our nation.   Although the address is required by the Constitution, the frequency and format has evolved with each president and the advancement of media technology.

The address is to reflect the condition of the nation and establish the president’s legislative agenda for the coming year.  The use of television has transcended the significance and impact of the speech.  Prior to the 20th century, the address was primarily written and read to the congressional members by a clerk.  Woodrow Wilson re-initiated the process of personally delivering the address to congress.  Calvin Coolidge’s 1923 speech was the first to be broadcast over the radio, Harry S. Truman’s was the first television broadcast, Lyndon B. Johnson was the first to deliver the address in the evening, and Bill Clinton’s 1997 was the first to be made available through the World Wide Web. 

The audience includes all members of congress, Supreme Court Justices and most members of the president’s cabinet.  Traditionally at least one member of the cabinet is ask not to attend in order to secure the line of succession. 

The address of 2011 should be an interesting and insightful event.  The continuing struggles of the nation’s and world’s economy, the ongoing warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the recent Republican take-over of the House of Representatives should provide the President Obama with ample issues to address and dicey political terrain to navigate.

What do you hope to hear from the president during the address?  How will the opposition party counter the address?  Do you think we place too much emphasis on the State of the Union?  Has the address taken on greater importance or just greater exposure? 


  1. Ben R.

    I hope that the president does something about the warfare going on in Iraq and will eventually bring our troops back home safely.I think they will talk about the need for more jobs. Yes I think we emphasize it too much. It has only gotten more exposure due to television and newspapers and radios.

  2. The Freelance Pianist - I hope to hear more about the state of our economy. Politics have never been my strong point, so as a result I have no idea how the opposing party will counter the address. I feel that we correctly emphasize on the State of the Union because it is important for those who run our country to analyze the problems we have as a whole as many times as deemed necessary. I feel that the exposure of the address has increased exponentially because of the addition of more modern technology such as television and radio. The End.

  3. Aaron- That he we stumbled the economy, improve health care, and protect our borders. They will say that we need tax cuts, to repeal health care, and that we need tobfocus on afganistan. Maybe a little, the president is stating what he wants to accomplice over the year. I think it is an importance because the president is stating what we need as a country to improve and get out of debt.

  4. Braedy- i hope that the president deals with the troops in Iraq to bring them home saftly. Also i think he needs to adress and help the public fine jobs for those in need. Go Republicans

  5. Abby-I hope that the president does something about the war going on in Iraq and try to do anything to bring our troops back home safely.I think they will talk about the need for more jobs and the economy about how its possition and how to improve it. Yes I believe we focus on it too has only gotten more exposure due to all of the ways that we broad cast it. if we stoped doing that to much it would make it easier

  6. Jake- There are many things I hope that the president will address including our economy, and war in Iraq. Hopefully we will receive more job opportunities so that our economy will rep are itself. my feelings are split on the amount of publicity the state of union gets; yes because every time you listen to a radio station you hear something about it, No because we need to learn and understand about it.GREATER EXPOSURE

  7. Taylor-
    Hopefully we will hear something about the current state of our economy. They will. also talk about the need for more jobs. I don't know how the opposing side will counter it. I think we do put to much enphasis on the State of the Union it is not about what people say it is what they do. I think it has taken greater exposer due to T.V., radio, and news outlets.

  8. Gonzo- I hope to hear many things in the presidents speech. First off, I want him to talk about the continuing conflict that is going on in the middle east. Also, I hope that Obama decides to talk about our economy that is always seeming to go downhill. Lastly, I want him to talk about what we will do with the U.N. to help make other poor third world countries more profitable and advanced technologically. I am not very deep in politics, but I think that the opposing party will probably have some speech about how what Obama is doing is bad and how what he is doing will negatively affect our country. I think that we do not over emphasieze the sttate of the union. I think that it is extremely important for all of the country to know what the president plans to do. Also, people in other countries might see what he is trying to do and use that idea to help improve their country. I think that the state of the union adress had gotten greater importance because more people can say something to the president because of technology. All in all, a lot is expected from Obama and his speech.

  9. Bella-
    I would like to hear many things from the State of the Union speech. Some issues I would like to hear President Obama talk about are the war in Iraq, the economy and how we will fix this ongoing problem, also I would like for him to creat job oppurtunites. I thing the Republican party will be split, not everyone agrees on everything. No because it is important for everyone to know what the goals are for our country in this new year. I think it has taken on both but mostly greater exposure because know we have more electronical devices that we can see the State of Union on. Overall, we should all be excited to see what the new goals are for the United States this year.

  10. I hope that Obama will address the war in Afghanistan and what new ideas he poses to end the war. I also hope he is going to talk about the economy. I think the Republicans are going to counter act the economy problem with the Obamacare problem. I think we place enough emphisis is placed on the address. For the final question you pose I belive that it is mixed. I think that it is of great importance that we have it. Yet it also has too much exposure because of the instant technology we have today.

  11. Patrick O'N: I hope the president will adress the war in Iraq as well as our nations lack of jobs and the poor ecenomy. I think the opposition party with retaliate by claiming that Obama will nt have the resources to do the things heh says he is going to do. I do think we put to much emphasis on the sate of the union because there is a lot of talk about it, but it is jsut talk, i would rather see some more emphasis on action that words. I think it has taken more exposure as i said before, there is just a lot of talking not much action

  12. Madeline- I hope Obama will address the war. In addition, the lack of jobs and state of the economy should be talked about. As I am not really very involved in politics, I'm not really sure how the opposing party will respond, but I am quite certian their speech will have something to do with both the war and the economy. I really don't think too much emphasis is placed on the State of the Union address. It is, after all, important to know what the country's plans for the future are. The amount of exposure for the address we have today can be startling. With Internet, TV and such, people can watch it wherever and whenever they want.

  13. LAUREN-I hope Obama will address the war, I also hope he will address the lack of jobs and how he could help people without jobs so that they may be able to find work so they can support their family or their self. Yes, I think we place too much emphasis on the State of the Union, it has taken on greater exposure other than greater importance, because people have been talking too much about it on the news.They should try to focus on other things :)

  14. Karina- I hope Obama does something about the war. I also think that he should do something about jobs because many people are unemployed right now and that can effect many things. I do think we place too much emphasis on the State of the Union because thats what is mainly talked about. It has gotten more exposure due to radios, tv, newspaers, all that stuff.

  15. Kristen- I hope Obama talks about unemployment, the war in Iraq, and economy. There are many unemployed people, so that needs to be addressed. The opposing party will probably disagree with most things and say that he is doing a bad job, but somethings they might agree with. I think they place too much emphasis on it because it is a main topic of discussion. It has taken a greater exposure because we have more technology, so it is broadcasted on TV, the radio, and even on the internet.

  16. Noah R- I am hoping Obama will speak about the Iraq War, the downhill economy, and the trouble with North Korea. I think the conservatives will fire back saying nothing can be done and that we need a new president. I don't think they place too much emphasis on the address, because it is important to hear what the president has to say. I agree with Taylor, Madeline and others in that it has gained exposure through TV, radio,internet, and news, giving more opporitunities to see it.

  17. Jilly-There are many things I hope President Obama addresses in his state of the Union address. One thing is I hope he talks about is what he is going to do about the economy and hopefully how to improve it. I also hope that he mentions what we are going to do about the troops and when they will be able to come home, hopefully Obama will talk about how to help more people to get a good education and help people be better able to afford health care. I don't really know how the apposing part will respond because I don't really know that much about politics except what we have learned in class. I think we put too much emphasis because of all the new technology we have it is easier to see, the state of the union address is just like another one of the president other speeches. There is not much difference in my opinion from any other speech, it only seems more important because it is much more publicized than any other speech. I don't think the State of the Union Address is any more important than it was the first time it was given because we have more technology it is easier for the public to see it but that does not make it more important.

  18. Anna M.-There are many things that need to be addressed but i think we need to focus mostly on the loss of jobs in the US. I honestly have no idea how the opposing party will respond. Yes i think that we put too much emphasis. i also think that it just gets to much exposure with tv and the internet.

  19. Tim: Personally I hope to hear the eventual withdraw of troops from Afghanistan and stimulate the economy by creating jobs and putting people back to work. Some will probably support Obama but most republicans will not. No because everyone needs to know whats going on and creates interest on where the country is going. Both because I think greater exposure due to internet and T.V. access and greater interest because the country is struggling.

  20. I hope to hear what we are going to do to fix joblessness and the economy and that we are going to bring back the troops from Iraq. I'm really not sure how the other party will react. I think we probably place a little too much emphasis on the State of the Union. I think that it has taken on both because with more exposure and attention it becomes more important.

  21. I want to hear Obama talk about the lack of jobs and I don't really know how. The opposing party will react. Yes I think that gets too much emphasis and most of. The exposure comes from the newspapers and tv and magazines when we should be focusing on other important things that are going on around us.

  22. Rich- I hope to hear that he will bring back the troops from Iraq and that he will try to create more jobs, which would make our economy better. I think we should bring the troops back because I don't think we are doing much by being over there and that we shouldn't even be in war with them. If we do bring the troops back though the Alcadia might do something such as 9/11. I think we should create more jobs because it would boost up the economy, it would take more people off the street, and it shrink our national debt. If we make the economy better everyone might be able to afford a place to live. It will shrink the nationaldebt which will help us because nobody would be able to overrun us because we owe them so much. The opposing party might counter the address by saying we shouldn't take the troops out of Iraq and we shouldn't give more jobs to people. They won't want to take the troops out of Iraq because they are afraid if we don't do something that they will attack us just like they did on 9/11. They don't want to give jobs to people because they will be afraid that the companies will not be able to make enough money to pay everyone so they will either go bankrupt or make huge cutbacks. No I do not think we put to much emphasis on the State of Union because I think we should know what the president is going to try to do throughout the year and I think we should know what he is doing so we are not totally shocked when he does something that we do or do not agree with. I think it has taken on more exposure because it has always been very important, but now it is showed to everyone in the United States and after it political talk shows debate about it for quite a while. It has also become more exposed because almost everyone in the United States has exposure to a Tv which people didn't have 20 to 30 years ago. This is Richard signing off.

  23. Well first off i hope that he will talk about the war thats going on in Iraq. I also hope he makes some comments about the un-employment issuses that have been going on,lately. Lastly i hope he talks about the trouble with korea. Some of people will support his ideas, but I have this feeling that the republicans wont. And i dont think we put to much emphasis on the state of union. And for the last question i think that it now does have a greater importance, it is somewhat about the expousure though. Also i would have to agree with sam gonzales and Tim skinner that take me back to the first question again. I really hope he will start taking some of the trooops out of afganistan. And again this has alot more exposure because of the media and the TV and junk.
    Without this i doubt anyone would know what he talked about til' the sunday newspaper came. And again i want him to help the jobless more. But we must understand that one man cannot "fix" the over million that dont have jobs. I mean we put to much on this guy and we expect him to do it all when the problem lies within you not the president. I think most of america just chills out ond hates on the poor guy. But you know thats what were here for. Going way back to the subjest of the war i strongly think that we should just end it. Im not sure how we are going to do that but it kinda needs to happen.
    The war has been going on for what, six or seven years now. Ah and one more thing here i think that he will adress something about imagration andd maybe speak a little bit on how we should deal with the illeagle immagrants. But going back again to the war there is a reason why were there too. Terrorists attacked us on nine eleven. It was only appropriate that we did something. If we didnt the terrorists may have taken advantage of that and used it to their advantage. They may have done something like nine eleven again down the road. I now think that if we do pull out all of the troops the terrorists may use this and attack us again. So we really do need to win the war and not just back out of the thang. Because i play my share of COD and i know that would be not so killer.
    SO in conclusion i think that this adress is important and its important that we have things like the media and the internet. It is important to expose this speech but it really is still important to have. Im not even going to talk about the heath care reform because honestly i really dont know too much about it. Mostly becasue im 14 and thats not my problem YET. And really i think we expect too much of Obama and hes doing the best he can...maybe. But there must be a way to create new jobs. That would help better stable the econmey. Again for that im not sure how we could accomplish that.
    That is now Obama's problem.
    Today we have the TV which will expose the address much greater than it would have 200 years ago when the radio had two channels, on and off.....
    Oh and the opposing party will react, how will be decided then. This is now. I also agree with all of what noah rudin said he made some great points about the war and about everything else that he said about.

  24. Oh yeah ^^^^^^^^^that was noah G up there.

  25. ~Emily T.~

    I hope to hear about our struggles in Iraq and of course our economy, and iI'm actually not quite sure how the opposing party will counter it.No, I think it's important to know what's happened and what the president plans to do, and I think it has just gotten more exposure and importance.But, over all I'm expecting it to be a very interesting speech.
    ~Emily t.~

  26. Ben S.- In the state of the union adress i hope that obama will talk about the wars going on throughout the world but mostly about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan where so many of our U.S. troops have lost their lives for us. I also hope he talks about Haiti and unemployment. The opposition party will probobly talk about the need for more jobs and that we need to create more jobs for them. Yes i think we emphasize it too much. In some ways the State of The Union has somewhat of a greater importance because of all the economy and all of the tragedies going on in the world. But today its mostly about the greater exposure because now we have TV in all different shapes and sizes, we have computers and laptops, and we have cell phones that we can watch TV on and get all the latest news and updates!

  27. Ben S- wow Noah G..... wooooow. you pretty much wrote a whole essay!

  28. Alice :)
    What I hope to hear out Obama is that he will try to do something about the warfare. Another-thing is some of the struggles that is going on; and to kind of see if we can work stuff out. And I say yes to we emphasis the State of Union a little bit too much. And really the only reason why it has great exposure is because of the latest technology and the media. Example like the Internet, Radio and newspaper etc.

  29. Corrine:
    Because of the election results, I would like to see the President talk about things that he hasn't focused on yet during his time as President. I would like to hear a plan on how to end the War in Iraq. I would like to hear him talk about a plan to lower taxes to allow people to pay their bills. I would like to hear a plan to address the homeless people in the US. Finally, I would like to hear the President talk about a plan to address the pollution in the US, particularly in the larger cities. Reducing the number of people living on the street, cleaning our air, lowering our taxes and ending the War are items I would like to see before I would want to support this President in the next election.

  30. Stud - For the State of the Union I hope they talk about our economy the most and the unemployment and we need to stop fighting other peoples wars and get are people out of iraq. The parties are always disagreeing so i think they'll find a way to disagree and argue. We emphasis way to much. I think its just getting greater exposure.

  31. -David i hope to here the president adress how he plans to fix the economy and bring the soldiers back. I also hope he adresses the border contro land what he plans to do about that. I also would like to hear him talk about California and how what he plans to do about there debt and alo about the people just getting up and leaving their homes. Also what he plans to do in Korea or what he plans not to do... unless thats over i dont know. Well think having the republicans control the house could change what he wants to do because they might not necesarrily want what he wants and he needs so many votes to pass. No not really because its nice to know what he plans to do in the future so we can have an idea. Well it has taken great exposure because people allways talk about it when its coming up and you eventually here the media talk about it to so it gets a little annoying but also it but it also has great importance for the reasons i gave before like what he plans to do and how.

  32. [SQUIRREL]I am intersted to hear what Presidnet Obama has to say about alot of things, but what i really hope that he focus' on is creating more jobs to get are country back on track, more help with ilegal imigrants because they are not in any way helping our country because Americans have to pay for them through taxs and they dont even have to pay taxs. Also, we need to lower taxs so people can efford to go out and higher people and create more jobs! No, because just like David said its good to know what the leader of our country is hoping on doing. but ya it does get a little to much exposure.

  33. this is the improsined saxaphone player A.K.A. chocolate thunda A.K.A. Conner - i would just like to point out that i blogged last night and it was easily longer than Noah's but for some reason i was unable to post it, i am just going to try and act like i'm posting before the State of Union Adress so just bare with me here.
    growing up, i have never really payed attention to political and social problems as i probably should have so i don't exactly know a whole lot of what i'm talking about here but here are my thoughts. some of the things that i hope to hear from President Obama are ongoing problems like: the high cost of healthcare, one of the highest if not the highest percent of of unemployed people in America, the recession that we are in with the struggling evonomy, and the men that we are losing in the war in Iraq. as the president does, i will try and suggest explanations that can potentially fix these problems. for the high healthcare problem, maybe in the most simple form, the american population needs to have lower expectations for everyday luxeries that other countries don't have, the insurance companies need less greed and let the doctors be in charge of the people's lives, and the government maybe should try and get less involved by not making everybody who can't pay for healthcare have healthcare. maybe by doing that not as much insurance premuims will have to be payed so people spend more and so the economy goes up therefore letting the people who can't pay for healthcare get opportunities for healthcare... two in one deal right there. (thats what i understand of it but i'm sure its flawed) a solution to raise the number of unemployed people could be doing for city and state projects like building and rebuilding roads/highways. by doing projects like this, that forces more people to become employed and that will get them on their feet for a least a little amount of time. a solution for the men in the Iraq war would simply be to pull the troops out of Iraq. this has many problems though and many people may disagree with this because the fighting could be transferred onto amercian soil, leaving innocent citizens dying. so maybe the military could cary our more missions by robotic machines. i have seen a couple of machines that have already been put into action and they work very well, this would definatly lower the number of dead American troops. for the economy problem, i can't even suffest anything because i do not understand it well enough. for the problems that i have stated the opposing problem being the republicans might suggest or say these things: everybody deserves an equal opportunity to have their lives saved by the bright doctors and surgeons and America should not discriminate, we should not pull the troops out of Iraq because that will bring more terrorist attacks upon the country similat to 9/11 and that a human being can trump a robots descision making in a difficult situiation any time of teh day, it would increase the deficit or America to pay for the wages out for government projects like that unless you raised the taxes which is illegal, and i don't know about the economy. i think that the State of the Union Adress is a very important event for all of America to get on the same page for what the ajenda for the year is, but i do think that it is a tiny bit overrated because there is a big differnece between saying what you are going to do and accomplishing that desire or goal. i would much rather witness the goals of the country be done other than hear what we will TRY and get done. i think that the State of the Union Adress has definatly taken on much more exposure than before in the 1900's thanks to our advancement in technology. but by taking more exposure, it has grown in importance becasue a much bigger audience is there to witness the event and judge the event. this is chocolate thunda over and out for the week... peace

  34. ~Megan~
    First of all I wanna say GEEZ to conner and noah!!! You shouldn't write that much, your gonna make the rest of us look bad!!!
    Anyways......I did watch the state of the union and i heard a lot of things that i of course wanted to hear while watching it. Before watching this i wanted to hear mainly about the struggling economy, and Iraq. This to i wanted to hear about because one, the economy is struggling and i know quite a few people who have lost things because of it. Iraq is the other one because i fins the war interesting and i really just wanted to learn more about it. As for the oppposing party, i think the will react strongly against the state of union. i am sure they will come out and talk about how the speech was bad and the evething he said was just horrible!!!!! i think at times we may put to much emphasis on the state of union but at other times I think its appropriate to make a fuss because the state of the union is a very important thing. it addresses all the very important things that our country has to deal with. I think it has taken a greater importance because with the television everyone can see it. It is also broadcasted and reported all around the country.

  35. Abhi- I want him to talk about the continuing conflicts that are going on in the middle east and the economy by creating jobs and putting people back to work. Yes, I think emphasis on the State of the Union. Greater exposure due to internet and t.v. access.

  36. jared- sorry i had trouble logging know the problem. i wanted him to talk about warfare in iraq and to get our troops back safley. like some said i think they would talk about the need for more jobs. yes they will emphisize it alot. yes greater exposer in like television and radio.

  37. Francesca- I wanted to hear mainly about the economy and Iraq. A lot of people suffer from the economy so i wanted to hear about it. For the opposing party i think they will react strongly against the state of union. I think the state of union is really important so i dont think we put to much emphasis on it.

  38. oh jenna's is the one above richs

  39. Garren- The things i hope to hear from him about is the state our economy is in. We all know we are in a recession but still i would like to become more informed. I do not know how the opposing party will react. I think the state of the union is very important because it informes its viewers on the hidden problems we face in america. I think that the state of the union needs more exposure. They could put it on more radio stations incase one is staticy or something.

  40. Anna K.
    I hope to hear about the war in/around iraq and I would like to hear about our economy and about the unemployment rate being so high. Well each side has different ideas and views on things and everyone believes they are right. So ya I think there always will be people who disagree. I don't think we place too much emphasis on it, well at least I don't. Some people believe everything that Obama and the government says is true, like creating jobs and improving the economy. But the truth is that we are in debt and our economy has drifted a little too far downstream. Some people want immediate action and want everything to be fixed within a year. But the truth is that our situation may not be better for another 10 years. I think the war in iraq was a big mistake and now we have a big debt because of it. The State of the Union has taken on bothe greater exposure and importance because of television and the internet. People can watch the President actually give his speech even if they are a thouasand miles away. In effect this has made the State of Union a little more important because more people watch it. Those people also can be critical and they evaluate everything the president said. So yes it has taken on a greater importance.

  41. Peyton- i think the main thing the president should address is how we are going to make the economy better and take us out of the rut we are in. i unfortunately do not have any clue about how the opposing party will counter it because i dont pay to much attention to politics. i dont pay much attention to them because i think as a country our parties should work together instead of always tearing each other down. i think that the state of the union is important because its the president telling the people hows he is going to make the country better. i think that it is important but it has also gotten more exposure to make it seem even more important then it is.

  42. Emma-
    I hope Obama does something about the war in Iraq and to fix this terible economy. I think the opposite party will talk about the lack of jobs right now. I think it is terrible how many people are jobless and i feel really bad for them. Yes I do think that the state of the union emphisizes a little to much through tv,radios,and computers. What we should be trying or emphisizeing more is what we are going to do to fix it and FIX IT!

  43. Grant- the no name comment from January 25th was me

  44. -Emily-
    I hope that Obama will adress the Iraqu war and the demand for jobs. The opposing party might agree with what they say but they might think their point of view on the different situations is better. I do not think that they emphasize The State of The Union to much to much,it is important to hear what your president has to say and what he will do about our problems. I think it has only taken on a greatr exposed, because what the president had to say twenty years ago is no less important than what he has to say today.

  45. John- I hope to hear about the economy and specific ways he is planning to fix it rather than just hear it's bad and he wants to fix it. Obviously both parties would want the same goal, but in a different perspective and procedure. I think we absolutely 100% take way too much emphasis in the speech. The address just adds more exposure. I think in general it's a bunch of balderdash. I think it takes a true president to actually do something with his/her time rather than kiss our feet and tell us how they want to do something that's so blatenly obvious. I really don't care about the address. It flaunts repulsive and disgusting politics where they sit there looking pretty telling our country what we want to hear and then guess what? They don't do a single thing they have ever stated. It's an atrocity and an abomination, I think a person can talk all they want, but it's the president that pulls us together and acts out which sadly hasn't happened in FAR to long of a time.

  46. Mary-
    I hope President Obama will address many important topics. One of them is the war in Iraq. I hope the U. S. can find a way to bring home our troops back home to safety and to their families. I also hope to hear about the state of the economy and what he's doing to make it better. what i think the opposite party will talk about is the lack of jobs. There are so many jobless and it hurting them and their families.

  47. Nora- like many people, I wish Obama to address the economy, and close up, not just a vague, maybe we might perhaps do this; I wish him to address the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal. After all, wasn't America founded for the rights of EVERYONE? We are acting like a bunch of Kindergartners: we won't let them play with us because they're different. It's absolute ridiculousness! One argument is God is against homosexuals. Who made them that way, I should like to ask? No one but the Holy Father. Many people we remember were homosexual; whether openly or not. Alice Hamilton, for instance, was lesbian; that doesn't take away from the fact that she saved thousands of lives; the fact that such an influential person wouldn't be allowed to serve her country in the army today horrifies me. Imagine if we were the minority, not gays and lesbians, seen as the "weirdos," not allowed the job we were made for because of it. The argument? It would make those already serving uncomfortable. News flash: THEY'RE ALREADY SERVING WITH YOU. Anyway, if they care that much, the can leave; at least they'd be doing so willingly instead of being forced out of the military. I think that we might place a bit too much emphasis on this speech; while yes, Noah, it might be important, we have been able to hear what the president thinks for the entirety of the what, three years he's been here? I think it has grown a touch in importance, and does sop in every time of trouble or anxiety.

  48. Scott- I had hoped for Obama to address the economy issue, the fall of the dollar, our wars in the Middle East, and the "don't ask, don't tell" law that was just repealed. I am also interested to hear about the situation of the Medicare Bill, and what is happening there. I think too much emphasis has been placed on the State of the Union. I think the Address has just taken greater exposure.

  49. .Parker Toney- I hope to hear the President will stop spending money he doesn't have. The opposite party will try to stop the President from spending money. Yes basically it is a pep rally and nothing more. A greater exposure as I stated before.


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