Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egyptian Protests

Over the past few days life in Egypt has been anything but normal.  The people have joined together throughout the major cities to protest the countries oppressive government.  They have chosen to organize and rise up against the 30 year ruler which has limited their democratic privileges and done little to prevent or assist an ever growing poverty stricken population.

The young population initially utilized social networking sites to coordinate protest in Cairo, Suez, and Alexandria.  The government dictatorial regime opted to interrupt the signal to stop cell service, including text messaging, and internet, including social networking sites like facebook. 

Most of the public fighting which has left many dead and many more injured was between the protesters and the police.  The police are taking their orders directly from President Hosni Mubarak.  While the police have been the people’s nemesis the army has shown tremendous restraint.  All attempts to stop the protests have been in vain.  Curfews, police harassment, and suppressed access to communication tools have done little to dissuade the people.  They want the president’s resignation.  

As the protests continue, the United States in is in delicate position.  Politically speaking, the United States has had a good relationship with President Mubarak.  Egypt has been our closest Arab ally and has proven to be a valuable friend to the U.S. as we try to protect Israel.  On the other hand the United States will always stand against oppressive government when the civil liberties of people anywhere are being challenged.  Messages from the State Department and the President are urging the people to protest peacefully and for the government to show restraint.  The U.S. has indicated they are encouraging Egypt to recognize the value of the democratic process. 

The outside fear of the United States is if President Mubarak is forced to resign, who is the next leader to be?  The emergence of an extremist could be far worse than the oppressive dictator of today.

What are your thoughts about what is happening in Egypt?  What are your thoughts about the government’s suppression of cell service and internet access?  What, if anything, should the United States government do?


  1. Gonzo- I think that what is happening in Egypt is a tricky predicament. I think that the U.S. has quite a few things that we could do. First of, we could just let everything be, but that would end poorly. Also, we could bribe the dictator of Egypt to give the people rights. Furthermore, we could have the dictator forced out of power and place a new person incharge who will be good to the U.S. and to the country's citzens. Lastly, and probalby the worst idea, we could go to war with Egypt. I think that the opression of communications is harsh. Everyone should be able to talk to friends and say wat they want. I do know that civil liberties in Egypt are different then that of the U.S. but still, if you have a phone or computer you have the right to talk about school, life, or politics so everyone should be able to text to friends about what they want to talk about. I think that that the U.S. should somehow get the current dictator out and elect someone who will help the U.S. and set up some kind of democracy in Egypt. Also, I think that the U.S should fund the person that qe are trying to get elected so that he can get elected and permantly change EgyptIs government.

  2. Patrrick O'N: My thoughts are that the people of egypt are trying to make their country a better place. I thin that they do have a right and a good point on why they are protesting. The supression of cell and internet service is a violation of rights. Those who are not protesting are being affected. There should be a better way than that t stop protests. People need that cell service if they need to call for help. I think the U.S should come n if the protestss turn negative and could start war agasint our country, but for now i say we should lie low beacause their government did the actions that brought the protests upon them, so it is their fault and they should deal with the consequences of their actions.

  3. Aaron- I don't know what to think, on one hand people are fighting for their indepense, but on a another hand a leader and a friend of the United State is getting protested and asked to resign. I agree with Patrick it is a violation of their rights and liberties. The United States should not do anything and let things take their coarse.

  4. Anna M- it is sort of a spit situation because they are fighting for what they believe in and at the same time they are trying to over throw their ruler. By cutting off their cell and internet access it created more chaos for the country. At this point our government should make sure all of the United States citizens get out safely.

  5. Garren- I think that people should not use violance in a situation like this. Violance will just make the ruler angrier and he will take away more privelages. I think that taking away those privelages was wrong. I think we should stay neautral unless a crazy dictator is appointed.

  6. Jacob Schoenherr- I think that all of the fighting in Egypt is very bad but nessisary to show the Egyption government that its citizens hav had it and will not take it anymore. I also think that by using violence and by taking away almost all communication will not help the government because all that will do is make the Egyption citizens more frustrated with the people that run their country. People want and deserve to be free so when governments and other people of high power or rank don't give them that then the people will get angry and eventually rebel. I think that the U.S. should ask the Egyption government to stop taking away peoples' democratic rights because if thats what we stand for, then why shouldn't we encourage others to do the same.

  7. The Freelance Pianist - All the stuff happening in Egypt, in my opinion, is not far off from what happened in early America. Sort of like us, they are being oppressed and are fighting for their 'freedom and rights'. Like most conflict, I believe that this violence is necessary. Just like a phoenix it needs to 'burn away it's old self and be rebirthed in the ashes'....figuratively that is. However, I'm sure you catch my drift. The government's suppression of cell and internet devices is a very smart and clever one. Because of it they partially negate any negative coordination between those who would take advantage of the chaos. However, it also serves to piss people off. Now, they are not only oppressed, but they can't go on facebook and text their friends. It might not seem like much, but all that pent up rage finds strange ways to come out, even if in the form of anger over facebook blockage. And finally, I think that the U.S. should only help if one side appeals to us with reasonable and humane reasons, with some benefits of course. But all the same we should keep an eye on important points while the conflict rages on. For example: which side wins or loses, and if that side is gonna go for America or one of our allies next, who the next president will be and what are his plans, and of course the actions on both sides. No conflict is pretty, and violence is always a regrettable thing. But, as the human race, until we can find some semblance of global unity, violence will be our primary way of solving our problems, albeit an inefficient, clumsy, and unclear way of solving our problems. Because, in the words of a very smart man, "War doesn't decide who is RIGHT, it only dictates who is LEFT"

  8. Noah R-I think the conflict in Egypt is a horrible, but(sorry) sometimes necessary thing to bring justice, as it is a natural but gruesome process. I personally do not appreciate the government disabling cell service and internet, because this would just rile people up even more. I feel the U.S. government should remain neutral for as long as they can,and when (or if) it comes to civil war, they should intervene. I think Foreign interactions would just ruin the alliance we have with Egypt, and would cause bad feelings. Also, I think if bad comes to worse and a lack of a ruler results, the American government should support the candidate they think is best for leading Egypt.

  9. SQUIRREL- I think it's a really bad deal going on in Egypt right now. IT is horrible in a lot of ways but the biggest issue is that a good majority of the population is starving and thirsty which is very bad. Also, I think the whole internet deal is very bad because it makes it harder for people to communicate. What I think the United States sould do is just stay out of it for a while, but if the country and government gets control over themselfs I think we should go in to the major city like the capital Cairo and help them out and give them more supplies to help them out.

  10. Lil Richard- My thoughts about what is happening in Egypt are that let's hope that Murback doesn't resign because if he does there is a chance that the next president elected totally hates the United States and wants to conquer us and destroy us. I just hope that he doesn't crack under the pressure and resigns because it could be a problem for us. I know I am thinking worst case senari, but it could easily happen because the people want a president that is the exact opposite of Murback. I do not think it is very fair and it gives the people another reason to hate Murback.I do not think it is fair because I think everyone should be able to communicate when they want to. We built these things to use them, not to ban people from using them, but I understand that in Egypt they might not have the same rights that we have here in America. I also think this gives the people another reason to protest against Murback because if I was them and already mad at him, it would make me even more furious if I would not be able to communicate with people even though everybody should have the right to do so. I think we should do nothing because I think there is no need for us to go over to Egypt and fight a ton of protesters. I think this there will be a greater chance of the United States being put in danger because if we do go over there and fight the protesters it will make the protesters hate America even more causing them to elect a president who totally hates America and wants to start war with us. If we do not do anything there is a lot better chance of us not getting into war with Egypt because they won't have a reason to fight against us. This is Rich signing off and that's the way the cookie crumbles (Thats from the movie Bruce Almighty if you were wondering)

  11. Tim: My thoughts on what is happening in egypt are: the dictator isn't treating his people fairly because everyone is starving and thirsty right now but I don't want him to resign because then some anti american lunatic may come into power. I think the suppression of communication is not a good idea because if a family gets separated in the riot it would be hard to find each other. Also it makes the people even angrier because they feel as if the government is completely controlling them. I think the United States should stay neutral because this is not our problem and we might be risking american lives but we should still try to keep them as allies.

  12. Madeline- I think the situation in Egypt is a very difficult one. On one hand, Mubarak has been in control a long time, and it may be time to get some fresh blood into office. On the other, if he does step down, a new ruler could come along and really mess everything up. However, I think this violence may be the only way to get something to happen. I hope there is another way, but if all else fails...
    As for the stopping of the internet access and cell phones, I don't think that is a very brilliant idea. Although it may be an attempt to stop the protests, there are other ways of communication.
    The U.S., I think, may want to wait a bit longer before acting. It would be good to stay neutral, but there is the fact that these people are being oppressed. Personall, I think remaining neutral is the best option.

  13. Kristen :)
    I think that the situation is both bad and good. It is good because the are fighting for what they believe in and and supporting the revolution. It is bad because the Mubarak has been president a long time and has been a good president. By cutting off the cell serves they has just made the people more mad and is unjust. I think the US government should try to get the president out of the country and help them elect a different one.

  14. Megan~ My thoughts on the issue going on Egypt are simply that the dictator of president is treating his people unfairly so i think it is totally right for the people to be protesting. I think the suppression of communication is unfair and stupid. I think this because it will only make the people angrier at the government! I think as a government they should just stay out of it until something big happens because if the intervene to soon bad things may happen if they choose side to early

  15. Ben S.- I think that the people in egypt have a right to do what they are doing over there because they can stand up for themselves and for whats right. Because if the people didnt act, nothing would have happened and they would still be miserable. I think stopping cell phone and internet access is an OK way of dealing with this problem. It could slow down the protesting and the fighting but it surely wont stop it. but one flaw in this plan is that they can use different ways of communication other than the internet and the cell phone. I think the U.S. should wait this problem out a little longer and see if andything gets better or worse. and if things get too violent then i think the U.S. should deffinatly act. but untill then, i think we should just sit and watch and keep an eye on things.

  16. Anna K
    I support the Egyptian people as I do all oppresses nations. Before this I never knew about the dictator in Egypt so this has interested me quite a bit. I am glad the people of that nation has decided to finally act. Like when our own country rebelled against Britain there was conflict and war. I do not beleive war is going to be an issue in Egypt but there will be more bloodshed. The government taking suppressing cell service and internet is very unfair. It leaves the people isolated, for example, from looking online to see what other countries think of their protest and from calling family members. No wonder the people of Egypt are angry. I would definitely be. Young kids and teenagers I'm sure would like to communicate with each other espacially if they live far away from each other and want to talk. I think our government should remain neutral. War is not one the of options and is a ridiculous notion since we are in debt, already involved in war, and our economy is bad. Even though that country's people is being suppressed and it is wrong we have to think about our country and the state that it is in. Some might say that it is selfish but we have to think about the 300 million people living in the United States. I think we should do as we have been doing which is to support peaceful protests and indicate the value of democracy. If we don't support it then we are going against partly of what this nation stands for. However we must watch and see if Mubarak resigns because then there will be a new election for a leader. We have to be sure that the next leader will not be like Mubarak or worse. While Mubarak has been our ally, that does not give him the right to be a dictator. Leaders need to be good role models and well he isn't. So we need to wait and watch Egypt and hopefully this will be resolved soon.

  17. Karina- My thoughts about everything going on in Egypt is pretty bad but sorta good. It's good because they are fighting for what they believe in but its bad because the president is treating his people very badly!!! On the other hand, I don't think using violence is the solution becaue it can make the egyptians more mad and frustrated. I think the goverment's supression of cell phones and internet would be kinda stupid because then that would just make more people mad and cause more problems. I think that the United States government should just stay neutral for awhile because we shouldn't risk anything.

  18. Ben R.-

    I think that the people uprising in Egypt need to find a better way to protest other than violence. They can still protest for what they want but should do it peacefully. I also think that the government should show a little restraint in how they treat their citizens. I think that the government in Egypt should not take away the cell service and web access. The people living in Egypt should be allowed to have these because it is what a government should provide for the people. I think that the U.S. government should provide help and advise to both sides in order to keep the peace between it and the other government and it and the Egyptian citizens.

  19. Taylor Barda-
    I think it is crazy that the goverment would take away things such as cell service and the internet. People in thier everyday lives use these things for personal puposes and to just find out what and where things are happening if you take away the internet some people who dont have a T.V. to watch the news would not be able to know what is going on in thier country. The United States is in a tough position and probably doesnt want to be hipocritical to either side of the situation. If they sided with the protesters then they would probably lose the trust with the eygpt president. But if they sided with the president then they would be going against the rights of the people. I think the U.S. should remain nuetral in this situation.

  20. -David What i think about whats going in Egypt is its kind of awkward because they voted for him to be there ruler or what ever you call it so its kind of weird that they should turn on their own thoughts. I think that the fact that the gov. is taking away these things is weird because they can't control what the person does and the fact that they took this away is also weird because they shoud be able to talk to who ever they want. Well unless this gets out of hand i think the U.S. should just stay out of it unless something threatening happens.

  21. hey how you doin, this is chocolate thunda A.K.A. Conner and that is it, i have critisized and made fun of every other nickname so that is it... for now - what i think about the events that going on in Egypt is very unfortunate. with every big problem like this, there are a lot of mistakes that take place from both sides of the dispute. in this case the first problem that occured in electing and letting Hosni Mubarak be in charge of their country for thirty some odd years. by that much time, the government is no longer a democracy but a dictatorship. there should be a limit of time or a limit of terms that a candidate should be able to serve his/her country. the second obvious problem is what the government did in by shutting down basically all communications and internet acess. if they would have just adressed and confronted their people about the problems they have. this would of probably solved many more problems a lot easier and without as much violence, dissapointment, and agression from the citizens of the nation. by that sudden and rash descision to shut everything down, it suprised and upset many people and they reacted accordingly. the third major problem is the way the people reacted. they should of been mad about what happened to them, but by planning various amounts of riots in a numorious amount of cities. these three main problems is the result of the unfortunate happenings that are going on in Egypt. i think that it is rediculous how the government has shut down communications, this has and will put the citizens of the country at risk as they cannot call for help if they're in a difficult or dangerous situations because simply of their governments greed and stubbornness. i do not think that the U.S. should get involved quite yet. it is good that we are suggesting that Egypt's actions that they're taking are unneccessary and just plain DUMB but i think for at this moment at least, to just get that much involved... suggesting better ideas. Egypt is important to America and in general we do like the president Hosni Mubaraks because he supports and has good relations with America unlike the other countries in that area. so... i guess what i mean is if this escalades into anything more, then and only then should we get involved. this is Conner signing off for the week... you stay classy people reading this comment.

  22. Alice :)
    Well what I think about Egypt is that its great how the people are standing up on what they believe in but... its not the best because there fighting in violence. Yet the president did kinda of deserve it of how he treated his people, but I guess that he doesn't even deserve it too. Well first I don't think that it wasn't a very smart choice that they took away the people media practically. I mean the technology is there for a reason. I say the people are allowed to used, access this because it also help people to be in touch with the local news. And really it also help by many other ways. I say that first that we shouldn't take any sides or that actually make it worse. Yet if we were to help I would say to provide help and advise equally to BOTH sides. So it won't make anything worse but actually keep some peace. And that is all I need to say.

  23. emily t
    i think that its getting pretty crazy, but I think that they also have a right to stand up for what they believe in, and I think that the issue should be approached peacefully and the electricity shouldn't be cut off, and I personally think we should stay out of it

  24. Scott- I think that what is going on is Egypt is dangerous to the US and her interests. I think that the leader is being harsh but he is our only friend in the Arab Nations so I think we can't support people against him. I also think that we can't turn our backs on civil rights issues. I think it is justified that the government imposed a curfew and cut electricity. At this time their are extreme radicalists over there that could cause even more trouble if they had communication. I think the US needs to back the government. Then after this is over we push for civil rights. I think this because there is a large group of radicals over there called the Muslim Brotherhood, and if they come in to power they have said they will declare war on Israel and they also hate all Americans. I think it would be to dangerous of a situation for us and our allies if we just sat back and let a radical group take place.

  25. No Ah. __I think that what is happening in egypt is well, its a kind of a pickle. In other words they have a problem. I think it was lame of the government to take away all of the internet. I mean really, you kind of need internet. And our government shoud take the steps to assist Egypt and its people any way that we see fit. short sweet and to the point~

  26. jared- i think whats happening in eygpt is akward.....a problem. i think the government taking away the internet is just need iinternet.i think our government should stay out of it becayse it shouldnt become our problem.

  27. Emma-
    My thoughts about whats happening in eygpt is I dont think it was not right for President Murbarak to take away their cell service. i dont really get the point of that and I think its good that the protesters are taking a stand mabye not in the best way because there have been deaths but I do think their point is getting acrossed. I dont think the U.S should do anything because we have our own problems to worry about.

  28. Patrick Oster- I think that the President should stand down and let a vote for a new President. And I also think that the people are overreacting by attacking instead of peacfully protesting. It was very sad today to see the people of Egypt attack each other based on who they supported. They need to sit down and work it out between themselves. The government is trying to control and sensor the people of Egypt which is a dictatorship. This is a wrong approach and caused the young people, of which is a majority of the population, to rebel. The best way to resolve is issues is through communication and openness to new ideas. The United States should encourage the President to step down right away and advise them to make a democracy for the people.

  29. Jilly- I think what is going on in Egypt is not good. The government is not being fair to the people because the leader has been there for a long time even though they voted him in doesn't mean they still want him there and he should listen to his people and do what they want to keep them happy. It really was not fair to take away access to the internet and cell service. One reason this was not fair is because they did it mostly so that people could not communicate or get in contact with each other which didn't really help because it caused the people to come out into the streets. Although they did this some people still have access to the radio and other thing. I don't know what the right of the people in Egypt are but this seems like it should not be allowed. When the people went into the streets to protest they did that because they knew what was happening was not right and that it needed to stop. The reaction to this by the government was over exaggerated because you should not sent people out to shoot at a large crowd when all they were doing is protesting. The ruler probably thought this was okay because he thought what they were doing was wrong. I think it is had to know what the US government should do because I don't think they should ignore it because that wont help anything. I think the US should side with the people because the government is wrong but when the next ruler gets in office he might know the current president which would cause him to probably not like us. This would be bad because Egypt is our only Arabic country ally ant it is good that we are ally's with them. It is hard to know what the US government should or shouldn't do.

  30. Grant-I think that its good that they are fighting to stop an oppressive leader but in doing so they should do it peacefully. Since our country started as a revolution I feel that they have the right to stand up against oppression. I think it is pretty harsh that they are cutting off all technology, but it doesn't seem like it is stopping the protesting. I think that cutting off all the technology just threw fuel on the fire. I don't know a whole lot about politics so I don't really know what the United Staes should do.

  31. -Emily B -
    In the protest of their oppressive leader they are meaning to do a good thing but with all the violence it turning out to be not so good. They are right to protest their leader but should do it in different means than they are doing now. The way they have cut people off from their technology has not seemed to do much int the person who did this favor. The only thing it has accomplished is to make the protestors angrier. At this stage of the fight it is hard to tell if anything the US should do, but for now they should just stay out of it until their becomes a definite reason to interfere.

  32. jenna
    i think it is good that they are fighting for what they believe in. they should be protesting because they are being treated unfairly. i dont think that their electricity should be cut off that is just not even really related to the problem. i think that we should just stay out of this whole situation.

  33. Abhi-
    I think that people should not use violance in a situation like this, because they will just get more mad.I think it is bad because you need the internet.I dont think the U.S should not do anything because we have our own problems to worry about.

  34. Sammy Mallane./>,?>... my thoughts on wat is happening in egypt are that we should try to not get involved. i really dont know i just think its kinda i was saying we should not get involved.

  35. Bella-
    I think it is good that they are standing up for themselves. But, I don't think they should fight with violence. I think it is cruel how they are shuting down all of the cell service, it is not fair for the

  36. Bella-
    people, to be treated like this. I think we should stay out of it, it is not our fight to be fighting.

  37. Abby- i thinkhat what is going on in Egypt is very bad and in a way good. i say good because when we broke away from the british we stood up for what we believe in, and that is what the Egyptions are doing, thy dont liket they are being treated so they are standing up for them selves. but bad because i dont thing that people have to lose there lives over what is happening. they should be protesting becuse of what they believe in that is what i think. it could be a good or bad thing about taking away internet and phones, a good thing would be if a group was planning to bomb the capital and had to use a cell phone then it wpuld make it harder and possible spare a few lives, but bad because i they need medical help they cant call for it. and because for the people not involved in the protest they have to suffer and will get mad and revolt with everybody else, i honestly think that we shouldnt get involed with these tyes of theing because then we become an enenmy to the opposing side that we helped which could start a war.... and we dont need that. we get involoved in to many thing. its there problem so we should let them fix it. it sounds harsh but its true.!

  38. John- I think it must be awful for the President, not to forget the people who aren't revolting. The particular people who aren't in rebellion must in a very terrible possition, and may be falsely accused as a rebel and receive the rebel's punishment, which in this case is pretty much zero cyber space, and freedom to basically be a human being. Also, before you judge how the rebels are revolting think about how long WE knew about this. This scenerio could've been going on for years. It isn't even our fight in the first place so how do we have the right to speak for any side, we can only say what we would think if we were in their shoes. I think it makes sense that the government is suppressing social network and internet access, how else would they stop this way of plotting rebellion without doing corporal and inhumane punishment? You could argue however,if they could shut down all that stuff, wouldn't they be able to spy and examine the plotting and possibly find a way to evade their plans and end the rebellion all together? I really don't think we should get involved since like I said prior, it's THEIR FIGHT we can't say we know who to root for so we don't get involved. If however, one of those sides becomes completely unreasonable and corrupted or even turn on us; then it would be our turn to step in and tell them what's up.

  39. Braedy- sorry that it is late for got to log on when i did it last. so here it is for the second time. i think that what is going on in Egypt is terrable and exteremly dangerous. The president there seems to be okey but the people there are insane. they hate the US. also in my opoin i think that is there president resigns that if they get some one who dislikes the US that there is a good posability that there may be WAR !!! for the cell and internet service i dont care to much about and i think that if the President resigns that we should see if the new president is an American hater and if he is that we should go to WAR with Egypt... but that is just my opoin but if i was the new president of Egypt the United States of America is the last country i would want to go to Was with.

    that spells HELLO if you did not know OUt

  41. Francesca- I think the people are fighting for there country and i think they do have a good point and a right to protest. I also think that taking away cell phones and internet is wrong because the people who aren't protesting are being punished which isnt fair and then life would be really hard without cell phones and internet cause they wouldnt be able to communicate with family who dont live in Egypt. I dont the the US should do anything...I think we just need to not get involved.

  42. Kobe: I think the United States should just stay out of it. We have enough problems on our hands. These people need to figure out away to resolve the conflict themselves. Not let the US come in and bail them out like we've done for countries in the past. I know it would be the right thing to do, but looking at our economy right now, we just cant afford to get involved.

  43. Peyton- I think that the things that are happening in Egypt are very bad.

  44. Parker Toney- I belive this whole thing is being blown out of porportion. I don't think the goverment should be able to do what they did. If our goverment did that I would be pist. I don't think we should get involved.

  45. Peyton- i think that the things happening in egypt are prety bad. the leader of egypt needs to step down for his country so that this can be resolved. i would be extremely mad if our government suppressed our phones and internet they dont have a right to do somethinmg like that. even though things are bad i dont think that our government should get involved. we need to let their country do this for themselves.

  46. LAUREN-I think that it is crazy how all of those people want one person to resign, but they are just fighting for their independence and that is one thing people should fight for. I feel really bad for the president though, because they are starting a big riot because of him. On the other hand, he probably did do a bad job as the president. If our country suppressed our phones and internet, everyone would be really mad. They wouldn't have any chances to connect with people far away. Phone and internet are two things that you can't take out of our society today. If they took it out of our society 20 years ago, it wouldn't such of a problem. I don't think the United States should do anything about it. They just shouldn't make the matter worse.

  47. Jake- I think the people should get what they want. If no wants you why stay and cause kaos. The us shouldn't get involved unless there is too much violence and riots. Its. Their problem. I don't know it is going to end.

  48. Mary-
    I think whats happening in Egypt is good on the peoples part, but the violence is bad. Its good that they are standing up for themselves. The U. S. shouldnt get involved right now, if riots and the violence increase then maybe we should but for now i think the best thing to do is remain neutral.

  49. Nora- I think of what's happening as a revolution, and a much needed one. Cutting off communications is barbarian and childish. All that the US shopuold do is prevent as much violence as possible; otherwise, we should let the people take care of themselves.

  50. Bailey - I dont really know anything about egypt. If there leader is bad they should result but if not hey shouldnt. I think thats a bad idea because theres no reason for it. If the people want you out. You should leave its the peoples right to choose there president. We shouldnt do anything its not our problem.

  51. Joseph- Eygpt is kinda crazy with all the protests and its getting kind of bad like really bad. We as the US should probably try to stop all the fighting and that stuff. The leader/President/ everything else should also be decided by the people and not just a lucky son wins the jack pot to be the next leader/ President for doing nothing but having a dad as a leader/President.


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