Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trouble In Libya

Throughout the week, we have become aware of further political unrest in the African continent.  It seems like the dust has just begun to settle in Egypt when new protests are appearing in Libya.  Unfortunately, the Libyan reaction has been considerably different than the Egyptian response. 

The reaction from the Libyan leader has been defiant and threatening.  Moammar Gadhafi, the Libya leader, has been in charge of Libya for the past 41 years.  He has been linked to terrorist activities along with violations of civil rights of his people amongst other charges of corruption throughout his reign. 

The Libyan people, inspired by the events of Egypt and Tunisia, have decided they want a new leader.  They are no longer going to stand by and accept the cruel and corrupt actions of the government.  Somewhat predictable, Gadhafi has publically admonished the protestors, indirectly encouraged violence against them and has hired mercenaries to help restore his order.  Fighter planes have fired upon civilian protesters while paid military personnel have threatened violence and death to anyone choosing the side against Gadhafi.

Gadhafi has claimed he had not given any orders to fire shots, but when he does he will burn the country to the ground.  He will fill the streets with the blood of the protesters.  He claims to be a fighter, a revolutionary and a willingness to be a martyr before he will give up his control.

The loyal military and mercenaries continue to harass protesters and the United Nations have issued warning to the government about the unwarranted killings of civilians.  At the same time, gas prices have soared to new levels as the speculation of a drawn out civil war and restricted access to Middle Eastern oil reserves heightens.

What is your reaction to the revolutions taking place in Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia?  What is the job of the United Nations?  How should the United Nations respond?   Should the United States do anything to assist the region? Or should we wait for the direction of the United Nations?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Presidents' Day

Monday is President’s Day.  You all will be enjoying an extra day off, possibly recovering from the Hallissey weekend.  Often with our holidays, we take the day but have little knowledge of the history or the significance of the celebration.

The federal holiday is actual called “Washington’s Birthday” and was first celebrated in 1880 in the District of Columbia.   In 1885 in was spread to all federal offices to commemorate our first president.  In 1971 the holiday was moved from Washington’s actual birthday to the third Monday in February as part of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.  Ironically, with the decision to move to day’s recognition to the third Monday, we will never again celebrate Washington’s Birthday on his birthday of February 22.

In the 1970’s and 1980’s there have been proposals to rename the holiday President’s Day to include the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, as part of the recognition.  Although never passed at the federal level, as many as a dozen states have revised the holiday to commemorate Abe Lincoln as well as the contributions of all our presidents.

It is important to spend time to recognize those individuals who have sacrificed so much to serve our country as president.  While many have done a mediocre job at best, many more have demonstrated leadership beyond compare, astounding courage, incredible foresight, and a loyalty to our nation and its value which should be respected and emulated. 

Throughout your life, you have had three presidents, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barrack Obama.  In addition, during school you have heard or learned about many more, whether that be George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, or Ronald Reagan. 

Who is your favorite president and why?  Which presidential story inspires you the most?  As a nation should we do more to commemorate the office of the president and the men (and someday women) who have served?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Black History Month

Since 1976, the United States and Canada have recognized February as Black History Month.  The idea to dedicate time to the contributions of African Americans was originated in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson.   His vision was to increase the awareness of people and communities to the significant additions African Americans have made to the overall history of the United States. 

His vision has grown since 1926 to include an entire month where elementary, junior high and high school students take time to learn about notable figures and accomplishments of African Americans.
Black History Month’s annual celebration has come with its fair share of criticism.  From questioning the need to dedicate an entire month to a single race to complaints about the month chosen being the shortest month of the year, the opinions are as varied as they can be outlandish.

Regardless, the idea to educate ourselves about the historical influence countless African Americans have had on our country and communities is with merit.  It is a time to dig past the dates and names to attempt to put you in the shoes of race of people who have struggled to gain an equal footing in the United States. 

Without Black History Month we may be familiar but not as cognizant of the incredible feats of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglas, or Maya Angelou.  The contributions African Americans have made to the fabric of the United States are without question. 

Throughout the history of the United States which African Americans have inspired you and why?  The person you choose can be as recent as Tiger Woods or as old as Frederick Douglas.  They person can be real or fictional.  Which stories resonate with you?  For example, Rosa Parks or Ruby Bridges.