Monday, February 7, 2011

Black History Month

Since 1976, the United States and Canada have recognized February as Black History Month.  The idea to dedicate time to the contributions of African Americans was originated in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson.   His vision was to increase the awareness of people and communities to the significant additions African Americans have made to the overall history of the United States. 

His vision has grown since 1926 to include an entire month where elementary, junior high and high school students take time to learn about notable figures and accomplishments of African Americans.
Black History Month’s annual celebration has come with its fair share of criticism.  From questioning the need to dedicate an entire month to a single race to complaints about the month chosen being the shortest month of the year, the opinions are as varied as they can be outlandish.

Regardless, the idea to educate ourselves about the historical influence countless African Americans have had on our country and communities is with merit.  It is a time to dig past the dates and names to attempt to put you in the shoes of race of people who have struggled to gain an equal footing in the United States. 

Without Black History Month we may be familiar but not as cognizant of the incredible feats of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglas, or Maya Angelou.  The contributions African Americans have made to the fabric of the United States are without question. 

Throughout the history of the United States which African Americans have inspired you and why?  The person you choose can be as recent as Tiger Woods or as old as Frederick Douglas.  They person can be real or fictional.  Which stories resonate with you?  For example, Rosa Parks or Ruby Bridges.


  1. Noah R- I think Martin Luther King, Jr. Has impacted me the most out of all famous African Americans. The fact the he stood out-that he put his life on the line every day-makes him a true hero. Martin Luther King did everything in one man's power to help the segregated African Americans, and it turns out one man has a lot of power. The effect MLK has on our society today is gargantuan. He might as well have been able to move mountains with the force he commanded! And that he did all he did peacefully is unheard of back then as it is today. His words inspired many other people, such as Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges. Thanks, Mr. Grant, for stealing my idea, but I Thought those two stories stood out. It was an act of pure defiance, Rosa Parks sitting in the "white" section of the bus. The consequence could have been beatings and possibly death, but Rosa knew the risks and continued to fight-peacefully-for what was right. Ruby Bridges faced the same quandary, but she was even younger! She was one of the first African American girls to go to an all-white school, and many times it could have taken her life. However, she was determined to learn, and at all costs. Soon, the cheery little girl made a few friends, including the kind and understanding teacher she came to love.
    My thought is this: Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges did not do the things they did with hopes that they would be treated fairly. They aspired to create that positive precedent that would be bequeathed to the future generations. Ladies and gentlemen, they did this not for themselves, but they selflessly gave up their safety (and in a case, his life) for the sake of their children and other African Americans everywhere. And that is what Black History Month is about. It is not just celebrating the freedom we have now, but a reminder to improve the world for our future generations. Mr. Grant, my name is Noah Rudin, and God bless this fine, free country, AMERICA!

  2. Kristen :)
    I think that one of the most inspiring African American is Ruby Bridges. It would take a lot of courage to go to a school where everyone else was white and didn't like black people. The main stories i remember about her are mainly the movie. Another inspiring African American is Martin Luther King. He would always fight in a way that was peaceful. He also has a lot of courage because he stayed strong even when people were making fun of him. The story that sticks out to me about him is his speech.

  3. Patrick Oster is awesome- The African American that most inspired me is First Lietutenant Vernon J. Baker. He received a Medal Of Honor for his heroism for a hill near Viareggio, Italy during WWII. He destroyed numerous machine gun positions. He destroyed German personal and supplies. During the battle Vernon and his men were pinned down by heavy machine gun positions. He crawled up the hill destoying men and supplies. Without this hill he wouldn't have been able to take the rest of the mountain range. If he also didn,t destroy those positions hundreds more U.S. lives would had been lost.
    Another very inspiring person was Colin Powell. He was a four star genral in the army and was the 65th Seccratery of State. He was the main general in the Gulf War. He was one of the main persons for winning the Gulf War.
    The End.

  4. Ben R.
    Harriet Tubman is one person who has inspired me very much. She has inspired me because she risked her life for slaves who were being mistreated and abused. She was a very brave person who thought of others and tried her best to help them in whatever way. Martin Luther King JR. also has inspired me by trying his best to get more rights for the black people and to get them to be treated more fairly. Rosa Parks's story is especially inspiring.

  5. Jilly- Throughout history there have been many African Americans that have done things to change our lives today. Some of those people that have inspired me are Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges. All of these people had a lot of courage. Martin Luther King Jr. is a good leader because he did not use violence. MLK still accomplished a lot like the buss boycott and other non-violent actions. One thing that people remember the most about MLK is his "I Have a Dream" speech. A characteristic that Martin Luther King's speech had in it was that he was not being selfish he was speaking about his kids future and the future of americans. He wanted them to be able to go to the same places and hold hands and have blacks and whites do things together without thinking about the fact that they are a different race. It was incredible what MLK accomplished just through speech and non-violence. Another person who has influenced me is Rosa Parks I admire her because she stood up for a law that was not right even though the consequences for not giving her seat to a white man were severe. The police could have killed her or beaten her. Rosa also did not resist when they took her to jail because she knew what she did should not be considered illegal and she was also non-violent like MLK. This is what started the buss boycott, MLK convinced blacks to walk instead of riding the buss to boycott blacks unfair treatment on busses. It took awhile to get this to work but eventually no blacks rode the buss in Montgomery, Alabama. After a while this started to effect buss companies because they were not getting enough money to keep running so they decided to remove the law that blacks had to sit in the back, stand, and give up their seat if a white person wanted it. Because of the removal of this law blacks rode the busses again more comfortably. This is one of the many ways non-violence has done great things. Another person who has inspired me is a young girl with the name Ruby Bridges. This girl was affected by segregation at a young age, when she was only in elementary school. It took a lot of courage to be a black girl to go to an all white school. Ruby had such good grades that she was offered to get a better education at a white school there were other girls who were offered this but their parents didn't want them to go there. When she went to school there were people who yelled at her but she forgave them and even prayed for them. Some took their kids out of the school for awhile. There was only one teacher who would teacher and she had no friends even the principle didn't like her. By the end of the year the other kids in her grade were in the same classroom as her and she became friends with her classmate. The kids in her class did not care about Ruby's race only some of their parent cared. Ruby showed me that even if you have no friends and no one likes you or your choice you can still accomplish your goal and in the end people will respect you for what you did and you will probably end up with friends who don't care about things that are not important like the color of your skin or something like that. These are the stories that I remembered when asked this question. These are the things that had an impact on me and the people who had an impact on me.

  6. Jacob- One person that I think has inpacted me the most out of all African Amreicans is Jackie Robinson because he was one of those people that will do what is right, even if it didn't always favor him. I think that Jackie probably kenw that his playing baseball was more then just his career, he knew that it would inspire many others African Americans to follow in his footsteps.
    Jackie Robinson was also very strong willed because he was so disrespected and such a terrible victim of all the wights making fun of the black people.It was said that he was jeered by the crouds as he walked into the stadium and even his own teamates objected to a black person playing on "their" team. I don't know if I would be able to put up with all the hate and rudeness towards me if i were in his shoes but he did and he definatly came out on top!

  7. Lil Richard- The African Americans that inspire me the most are Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King Jr, and Tiger Woods. Jackie Robinson inspires me because he was the first African American to play proffesional baseball. It is amazing how he was booes at nearly every game he played in and he was constantly getting death threats to himself and his family. It is amazing that he could still outplay everyone on the field while he had so many distreactions. He was so good and important to the MLB that they retired his jersey so nobody else can ever wear his number 42 jersey again. Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me because he shows me that if I have a dream I need to follow it, no matter how many times I don't succed I always need to try and try again. Marin Luther King Jr. is sort of like Jackie Robinson in a way. They both fought for what they believed in, but in Martin Luther King Jr's case he fought for African Americans rights. Martin Luther Jing Jr was also deeply hated by a lot of people, just like Jackie Robinson, but Marin Luther King Jr. was sent to prison and threatened all the time. Tiger Woods also inspires me because he dominates the game of golf. I know Tiger has made lots of mistakes, but I am willing to forgive him for that. There has been nobody in the past decade who could compete with Tiger. I also love watching him play and it is encouraging that he respects the game so well. I know he is in a slump right now, but when he gets all of his mistakes behind him, he will return to the old Tiger and start dominating the sport ogf golf again. Some other African Americans that inspire me are: Barack Obama, Ladainlian Tomlinson, Deron Williams, Kevin Durant, Jesse Owens, Condelliza Rice, Reggie Bush, and Cam Newton. This is Rich Sabala and that's how the cookie crumbles.

  8. Noah R-Jilly, you have the most ridiculously long comment ever. 1st Place

  9. Gonzo-I would probably have to say that Martin Luther King Jr. has to be the most inspirational african american for a few reasons. First off, he was able to change the course of American history and the ideas of americans without doing anything violent. He was just peaceful and boycotted segregated things like the bus. Also, he gave a very inspiration speech that really swayed the american word "equality". He really showed everyone that all people deserve to have the same privilages, no matter what you look like. Man or woman, white or black, you deserve to be with eachother and not be prohibited by law to do things that other people can do just because you are black or a woman. I would have to say that one of the stories that resonates me is that of Marthin Luther King Jr. I would say that he died to try and bring peace amoung all diversities and all skin colors was really inspiring. I would say that what Martin Luther King Jr. died for was inspiring because it was to make the world a better place for his children. He was very humble and knew that he would probably not get all of the privilages of the whites so he accepted that and instead tried to make his kids life better. I think that if you are willing to die for something that probably won't benefit you that much, then you are a true hero. He also showed stupendous courage by standing up to the abusive police and people who were racist. All in all, black people have greatly influenced the course that America has taken, and they will continue to influence America until the end of time.

  10. Bella-
    I think Martin Luther Kind Jr. has to be one of the most inspiring african americans for a few reasons. I think he is inspirational because he stood up for what he believed in. Also he was very inspirational because he spoke his mind with words no violence and that is really hard to do. Another thing that Martin Luther King Jr. did was he never backed down when people threatened him. He showed a lot of courage. A story that really stands out though is the story of Ruby Bridges. I would have never did what Ruby had done. She is very brave.

  11. Francesca=I think Ruby Bridges is one of the most inspiring African Americans. It would be really hard to go in a school for white people at the time where most people were racest against blacks. She was probably really scared but she had a lot of courage. The only story i remember about her is the movie. Another inspiring person is Martin Luther King Jr. He stood up for what he believed in which was probably really hard and scary to do at the time.

  12. Karina- I think that Nelson Mandela is one of the most inspiring African Americans. He stood up for what he belived in and never gave up. Mandela gave a speech to a huge crowd of people both black and white, and he said all his beliefs and said whatever he had to say. For doing this, he was sent to jail for 27 years. Nelson was upset but he didn't show it. He was proud of what he did and knew it was the right thing. Nelson Mandela's story is similar to Marin Luther King Jr. He was another very inspirational African American who changed many lives. They both stood up for what they belived in and there were consequences but they had enough courage to do it.

  13. I think that Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges are very inspiring because they had the courage to stand up and make couragous speaches and stay seated in the bus seat even though it was against the law and being able to go to school when everyone hates you is also an act of bravery. But I think that Ruby Bridges story is the most inspiring because it just shows how mean people can be yet she still pushed throught the good times and the bad. She should be an inspiration to all kids to never give up at any thing.

  14. Jake€= I think that probably Rosa Parks, Mlk, and any African american athlete. They all had the courage to stand up for their rights and other people. For example Rosa Parks did not move to the back of the bus.mShe stood up for what she believed in and changed the future.

  15. Patrick O'N$:There are many African Americans in the past that have inspired me.Though i can not pick one, i would say that the ones who have inspired me most are the ones that worked for equality. It would take a lot of courage to stand up for what is right, especially when there can be violent consequences. The story that resonates the most with me would have to be Ruby Bridges. Even though she was young, it was just as big as anything else. Even though that everday she was threatned, harrased, and frightened, she never stoped going to that school. I dont think that any child her age today would have the courage to do that.

  16. SQUIRREL(Will) Harriet Tubman has inspired me the most because She was probably one of the bravest people I have ever learned about. She let hundreds of Slaved African Americans out of the south and to Freedom. She was a great leader, very loving, caring, and thought about others. Harriet Tubman has inspired me a LOT. Other African Americans have also inspired me like Ed Reed, Oprah, Whoopi Goldberg, Kobe Bryant, MLK, and Maya Moore. -Will

  17. Scott- Frederick Douglas has inspired me the most because of his involvement in the abolitionist movement. What amazes me the most about him is that he learned how to read and write as a slave, (even though that was illegal in the South,) and then used those skills to, when he was freed, help abolition. I have read a biography about him and it was one of the most amazing stories ever. Other African Americans that I hold in high esteem are MLK Jr., Jesse Owen, Harriet Tubman, and Jackie Robinson.

  18. I thought Nelson Mandela was South African, not American.

  19. Timbo Slice... Tim: I think Martin Luther King Jr. has inspired me the most because he changed many lives, fought without violence, and stood up for what is right. Personally, I think that Martin Luther King Jr. story is the best because even when people burned his house to the ground he never took violent actions against them. Also, he gave a speech in front of thousands which has to take a lot of guts to do. All in all his story is the best because he did what Jesus would do and followed his heart into doing what is right.

  20. Nelson Mandela is South African not African American. Sorry Karina but you have to redo the blog post.

  21. KOBE: The African american that has most inspired me would have to be Michael Jordan. When MJ was little he knew what he wanted to do, and that was to go to UNC and play in the NBA. With tons of hard work and determination. Michael achieved his goal, and Michael didn't just achieve it. You can pretty much say he owned it because he is one, if not the best player(s) to play in the NBA. One great example of Michael's hard work happened on June 11th, 1997. When Michael Jordan led his team to victory despite having the flu. he didn't just have a good game, he had a great game putting up 38 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists, and 3 steals! I don't know about you but i would not feel like playing basketball with the flu. But this shows how hard working michael was, and I look up to him for that. MICHAEL IS DA BOMB! -23-

  22. David- I think the most inspiring person would have to be Michael Jordan. He was an amazing basketball player. I haven't really ever heard stories about him besides that he was amazing at b-ball and fun to watch. He really changed the game.

  23. -corrine
    “There are plenty of teams in every sport that have great players and
    never win titles. Most of the time, those players aren't willing to
    sacrifice for the greater good of the team. The funny thing is, in
    the end, their unwillingness to sacrifice only makes individual
    goals more difficult to achieve. One thing I believe to the fullest
    is that if you think and achieve as a team, the individual accolades
    will take care of themselves. Talent wins games, but teamwork and
    intelligence win championships.”
    -michael jordan
    this is one of my favorite quotes with many more.
    Someone that has inspired me is michael jordan. He is an amazing basketball player. Michael Jordan was born in February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, NYC. He attended high school at Emsley A. Laney High School. He tried out for the varsity basketball team during his sophomore year, but at 5'11", he was deemed too short to play at that level. His taller friend, Harvest Leroy Smith, was the only sophomore to make the team. Motivated to prove his worth, Jordan became the star of Laney's junior varsity squad, and tallied several 40 point games. The following summer, he grew four inches and trained rigorously. Upon earning a spot on the varsity roster, Jordan averaged about 20 points per game over his final two seasons of high school play. As a senior, he was selected to the McDonald's All-American Team after averaging a triple-double: 29.2 points, 11.6 rebounds, and 10.1 assists. He then attended University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for college on a basketball scholarship in 1981. After that he was drafted into the NBA, he was picked 3rd overall in the 1st round.
    or this quote: To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don't isolate.
    -michael jordan

  24. jared=tiger woods has inspired me except what he has done recentally. he has inpired me because he has always been a good player and competetor and i love watching him play in PGA.

  25. Parker Toney- The Black person who has inspired me is Rosa Parks. She inspired me by standing up for what she belives in. I think that is very important.

  26. Sam Mallane//////blacky........Martin Luther king Jr because he got blacks there rights. I dont really know wat u mean by witch story resonate to you. but i like it wen martin luther king gave the i have a dream speech. It was inspirational and impressive.

  27. jenna: i think that my top two inspirational african americans are Martin Luther King Jr. and Michael Jordan. i liked how MLK stood up for what he believed in with no fear or violence and he was not afraid to speak his mind even when he was being like threatened and whatever else. his bravery was outstanding and inspiring to me. Michael Jordan is inspiring because he is a brilliant basketball player and i love basketball. whenever i see people who are good play really helps to inspire me to want to become better. i know i am and wont ever be the tallest basketball or any sport player out there but it is not always the height that matters... what matters most is the skill level and seeing those better players really pushes me to want to become a lot better.

  28. the connomater A.K.A. chocolate thunda A.K.A. Conner - i think that black history month has brought awareness to many people that African Americans have just as big of an impact as whites and any other race does. just some of the African Americans that have made an impact on my life and also many others are people like Tiger Woods, Rosa Parks, M.L.K. Jr., Micheal Jordan,and many others. tiger woods has always been a role model of mine ever since i started watching him in golf tournarments. before his incident was exposed... i literally thought that he was the perfect man (i don't care if that sounds wierd). he won virtually every single golf tournament that he has participated in, and unlike most other golf players he plays with such passion and enthusiasm on the greens. he is not afriad to share his emotions with everyone watching and he expects so much of himself. i am somewhat like the same way in my work ethic and i have inspired most of my work after his work ethic. after most of the world found out about his secret, people started to give up on him and started to even strongly dislike him. i on the other hand have experienced what he has gone through first hand with my family and i started to believe in him even more and i hoped that he would get better soon. i still do believe that he will come out of his slump and be dominant again. i also beleive that he is trying very hard to break his habits and is striving to be a better person and amend his owm life. rosa parks is inspiring to me because she was one of the first people to stand up for herself during her time when segragation was happening with everybody all around the nation. i do not know much asbout her but i do know that she is a very brave person that will be remembered in history forever for her bravery, strong willed personality, and revolutionary individuality. Martin Luther King Junior is probably an inspiration to most everybody because he was one of the main reasons if not the reason for segragation to be stopped and equality to be given to all races.he is most remembered for his "i have a dream" speech that he gave nationally and to everybody that was willing to listen. it changed most people's minds about one race being better than another. Micheal Jordan is an inspiration to me becasue he is upon the greatest athletes ever to play a sport. i think that any person wanting to make it in a professional sport should just watch Micheal Jordan and they will be inspired by the way he plays... nough' said. any person who has changed the world of even changed the views or ethics of a couple people is inspiring to me becasue they worked hard to change something bad to good. that is what my mind-set is and so when i see someone else to that, i get inspired to do the same thing.

  29. ok the African American person who inspires me is Martan Luther King Jr... why because he was the person person who came to my head and also from all that he has done from all of those speechs and to how he out of hundreds of thousands of blacks who did nothing and he standed up and gave tons of speecks talking about freedom and One of his most famous speecyh I Have A Dream... ALso Rosa Parks for not giving up her seat to a white man knowing that if she didnt that she would go to jail for it. so those are the two African Americans that in spired me even though it only asked for one ...

  30. sorry the one above this is Braedy

  31. Grant-There are many inspiring African Americans that I can think of, but the top two in my mind are definitely Michael Jordan and Martin Luther King Jr. I think its amazing that Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. Most people would have quit right after that, but he kept trying, made the team, won a National Championship with North Carolina, won 6 NBA titles with the Bulls and is remembered as the best basketball player ever. He really inspires me to be a better basketball player. I can't really think of anything about MLK that isn't inspiring. The way he was able to get his message across and never turned to violence when it would have been so easy to. The amount of people that showed up to his I Have A Dream speech proves how many people he inspired.

  32. Stud AKA Bailey
    The greatest african americans were Jackie Robinson and Michael Jordan. Jackie played in the white leages while everyone hated him. He had lots of courage. MJ had a dream ever since he was a sophmore in High School. He never gave up. He was cut from his High School Varsty team. Came back the next year and made varsity. He was determined to make that team.I think Parks Story and Bridges stories are both really inspiring to me.

  33. Anna m- There are many inspiring things that have happened throughout history. one that sticks out to me is if 100 years ago you told someone that in 100 years they would have a black president they would all laugh. Out of all they races they inspire many people to pick goals and strive beyond them. If i had to pick the most inspiring African American in history i would pick Ruby Bridges. If it weren't for ruby i doubt that Barack Obama would be our president because he wouldn't have a proper education.

  34. Aaron- I was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. and by Spud Webb. Those two men have inspired with their faith, belief, and heart. I can relate to Spud Webb with my disease of being vertically challeged. He did what no body thought he would ever make it in the NBA or dunk.

  35. Anna K:
    There are a lot of inspiring black people in our history. And I am glad there is a Black histiry month. Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me because he not only had the courage to stand up for his rights, but he had the courage to lead people. Ruby Bridges is also an ispiring character. She was only a child and yet she was faced with name-calling and probably death threats. Her story is one I will always remember. Black History month is a time to remember not only the black races struggle in the past but the struggle of America as a whole.

  36. Ben S.- The person that inspires me the most is Ruby Bridges because even though she was a scared little girl going to school with a crowd of people throwing stuff ate her and thretening her she faced her fears and never gave up. And look what it did for her at the end, she made white kids like her and not be afraid to play with her. The story that relates to this is.... Ruby Bridges the movie. I really dont know if there is a book but im pretty sure that there is. This inspiring story has taught a lot of people different things and who knows, it might of even changed their lives.

  37. Alice :)
    First off, there has been many great African Americans leaders,players,coaches and just your average ordinary;superhero.Many Africans Americans have made a great impact in our world. Now I'm not just saying only black people have made a difference. No many people have, from different race, culture, beliefs and religion. Yet they have help us a lot.Now see everyone gets a little day of appreciation or month in this case. So to me I don't only have one person but... at least more than one.The first that I think should be very appreciated is Martin Luther King Jr. See he has made a huge impact on our world. I mean he has inspired me in many ways. Like about how everyone should be treated equally. See I know how it feels to judge by your skin color and race, and even sometimes religion. And its very hurtful sometimes but the way I react on what they do is even harder. See Martin Luther helped me in this way. He fought and stood up without any violence. And to me thats shocking. Another thing is he didn't judge other people too, even though they did it to him. See if I ever come up in those situations, I think to myself do whats right, make a joke out of it, or anything that doesn't create any drama. Another thing that MLK taught me was there are good people out there in the world. It might seem like if the world gone bad especially if you're always being judge. You just got to keep going.But you will find friends that will judge you for you no one else but the REAL INNER you. And I'm very happy and lucky to have friends like that to support me. Oh and another person i Ruby Bridges. I mean for just small young little girl to go to a school every day. While a crowd is there ready to attack her, but she still goes takes a lot of courage.I mean she really must have wanted that education. And you know she went even if it cost her of almost getting hurt. And that really helped me in life of getting a great education. Going to a Catholic School is very awarding, probably not a lot of people realize that. And it taught that if you want something so bad do not give up on it with out even a try, cause everything is not going to be easy and people will try to get you away. But no matter how hard it gets you just got to keep pushing them away. Because its really only you that can STOP you from achieving your dreams. This is just how two people really made a difference in my life. And I know there will be many more that will come and soon make a difference.So really I will like to give a big thanks to black history month and all the people who have helped me become a better and stronger person than ever. Remember everyone should deserve to be appreciated once in a while.

  38. ~Emily~
    I think one of the most inspiring African Americans is Martin Luther king, he stood up for what he believed in and he stuck to it to. He did this because he knew it was right even If others did not agree with him. He also accomplished this with non-violence, witch must have been very hard. Along with Martin Luther King their have been many other inspiring African Americans like Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, and many others. They created a path for future Africans to do the things that they want to do without being judged by the color of their skin. These people who did these things new that they could not do it all but they could get things started and that people would fallow, and that's exactly what happened.

  39. The Freelance Pianist - Sweet mother of mercy you people write such LONG comments. The most famous African American in my opinion is definitely and without a doubt Martin Luther King Jr. Because of him, people like Barack Obama were given a chance to pursue life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and apparently presidency. His story of a non-violent struggle against African American persecution affected me deeply not just because it was a non-violent solution but because he showed that one person can really make a difference. See? My comment isn't gratuitously long. 'Nuff said.

  40. Abhi-
    Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired me because he stood out-that he put his life on the line and stood up for the things he believed in. He accomplished his gold with non-violence.

  41. Karina- wow i feel so stupid for doing nelson mandela....ok well here's my redo haha...I think the most inspiring African American is Rosa Parks. She didn't listen to what other people told her to do and she stood up for herself. She ended up going to jail for doing something as simple as sitting in the back of a bus, not the front. But she did what was right.

  42. jared- once again tiger woods is so inserational is that hes not a showy and flashy player he just plays the game.(sorry my other blog post was to short)micheal jodan is another black person who i think has changed the game of basketball and is very insperational. hes been out of the game for so many years but still is being admired by many fans

  43. Abby- i can not chose one black person as someone who i admire simply because there are to many that i admire, so many of them have gone through many things. they fough tin the revolutoinary war for the usa and they put up with us for many years after that. i thing tha the usa wou;d be very different with out the black people, and not for the better part of it, w would be devistaters if they werent here. we would be super rasicst and have no tolerance for other cultuers and cults. i am so hapy that they have a whole month just so we can honor them!

  44. Megan~
    there are many amazing african american leaders, players, and much more that are inspirations to all of us. One of these people are Martin Luther King Junior. He has impacted me the most. He stood up in front of all sorts of people and talked about what he believed.This makes him an incredible hero to all of us. because of the impact martin luther king has created many people such as Obama was given the chance to make a difference and have the chance to become president or do what they wanted to. He wanted to have freedom but he did it in a nonviolent way. I am happy we have a month to dedicate to all these amazing people

  45. peyton- i think tiger woods, even though the past years events have tarnished his image, is a good inspiration. he inspires me because hes an example of someone whos faced hardship and has come back and still continued to do what he loves. he is an example of someone who never gives up and i admire him for it. he is a hardworker and he doesnt give up when the going gets tough. i think tiger woods should be an inspiration to all.

  46. Emma-
    I think Beyonce Knowles is a great inspiration for all young artists. She had the courage as a black women to bulid her career as a young teen. I guess she relates to me because I dont to ever give up on what i really want to be when im older. Beyonce has shown the strength to never give up and follow what you love.

  47. John-
    I think Rosa Parks inspired me because she proves that even the most seemingly simple actions can make a tremendous difference.She is obviously real, not a fictional character. The fact that she has done so much in her life other than refusing to give up her seat is so amazing. She proves that you don't have to be a super hero to stand up for what you believe in, you just have to have the will to do it. Also, I can definitely relate to that.

  48. LAUREN-I personally think that there are a lot of African Americans who have done courageous and inspiring things for us, but the one who stands out to me is Martin Luther King Jr. If it wasn't for him, we would probably still be drinking from different water fountains than black people and we would probably still be eating at different restaurants than them as well. He has changed our lives and I don't know how the world would be today if he hadn't stood up for the African American rights at the time they needed it most. He was so courageous to do that. I don't think I would've been able to do that. I would be too scared that I would be put in jail, or even worse, get killed. It wasn't fair how some white people had treated the black people back then. In this month, we should especially think about the African Americans that have helped in this society and honor what they have done for us. :)

  49. Garren - The African American who has inpired me is Martin Luther King Jr. He taught me to perservere in everything I do and to not use violance. Martin Luther's speach was very corageous of him to get infront of all of those people and speak for his rights even though he knew it was dangerous.

  50. ~Emily T~
    Alot of African American have done many great things and have helped change the history of the United States, but there is one that really sticks out to me.I think that Ruby Bridges is one of the most inspiring African American people.First of all she was a child when she started going to the new school, I don't know if I could have done what she endured. She was afraid, but knew that even though that she was scared, she should and did go to her new school, which paved a way for many other African American children. She went through alot of ridicule and harassment, but she stood strong and still continued to make advances at school and life. Her courage continually inspires children and adults and and many other people,including me.
    ~Emily T~

  51. Mary-
    There have been a lot of African Americans in U. S. history that have done tremendous things for our country. However I think one of the most important person is Martin Luther Kind Jr. He wasn't afraid of white men telling him he and other African Americans didn't have the same freedoms as other citizens. He stood up for what he believed in and fought for it too. Now because of it we have equal freedom in our country, no matter what race.

  52. Nora- Ida B. Wells-Barnett was a rights activist for both African Americans and women. She lived shortly after the civil war, when lynching was publicized as a sort of fair-like event; there were even post cards from them. Ida B. Wells-Barnett worked against this, especially unfair assumptions and false accusations. For instance, Black men were often accused of abusing white women, but actually the statistics were the same as white as black.

  53. Joseph- I think that has most inspired me is what they have done and how they never give up. Rosa Parks- not giving up her seat and standing up for herself even when it ment (sorry) punishment. Martin Luther King Jr- also standing up for what he loved and believed in. THose people have inspired me and many more.


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